Hana TNG2005VerIE System


Part – I (Version 1.0)

e-factoring System

General Information

December, 2004


1 Summary of e-factoring System

1.1 Specification

1.2 System Services (Version 1.0)

1.3 Help Desk

2 System configurations

2.1 Client PC Basic Requirements

2.2 Connect to e-factoring System

2.3 Register to Internet Home Page

2.4 Add a Shortcut

2.5 Add to Favorite

2.6 Internet Explorer View Option

2.7 Allow Pop-up and Download

2.8 Change Page Setup for Print

3 e-factoring System Setup

3.1 Initial Password Change

3.2 System Limitation and Recommendation

4 Access e-factoring System

4.1 General Items

4.2 Menu

4.3 User Administration

1. Summary of e-factoring System

1. Specification

■ The real-time account information essential in making timely and accurate financial decisions.

■ e-factoring System is the B2B System not only to share information through Internet between Client and HANA, therefor to make the business transaction and decision making possible.

■ e-factoring System is developed with an idea of convergence for Internet to be able to use the System based on a common knowledge of general Internet usage.

■ e-factoring System does not need any other equipments or connections other than Internet connection.

■ No need to download any programs & versions for using e-factoring System.

■ e-factoring System provide Clients with the ability to access account information from any place at any time (24 hours 7 days service).

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2. System Services (Version 1.0)

|No. |Name |Description |User Interface|

|1 |Login |User Login |Screen |

|2 |Logout |User Logout |Pop-up |

|3 |PO Approval Request |Add, change, and delete PO Request |Screen |

|4 |PO Approval Request |Inquiry of PO Request List |Screen |

|5 |Credit Decision List |Inquiry of Credit Decision List for PO Request |Screen |

|6 |Approved Back Order List |Inquiry of Back Order List |Screen |

|7 |Invoice List |Inquiry of Invoice List |Screen |

|8 |Invoice List by Customer |Inquiry of Invoice List for specific Customer |Screen |

|9 |Purchase Schedule List |Inquiry of assigned Schedule Summary List for specific period |Screen |

|10 |Purchase Invoice List |Inquiry of purchased Invoice List for specific period |Screen |

|11 |Purchase Report |Inquiry and print of purchased Invoice Report for specific period |Report |

|12 |Collection List |Inquiry of Collection List for specific period |Screen |

|13 |Collection Report |Inquiry and print of Collection Report for specific period |Report |

|14 |Dilution List |Inquiry of Dilution List by Approval Type for specific period |Screen |

|15 |Payment History by Invoice |Inquiry of specific Invoice information |Screen |

|16 |Unapplied cash List |Inquiry of Unapplied Cash List |Screen |

|17 |Collection Summary by type |Inquiry of Collection Summary by type for specific period |Pop-up |

|18 |Customer Payment Experience |Inquiry of Payment information for specific Customer |Screen |

|19 |Client Statement Report |Print of Client Statement Report for specific period |Report |

|20 |Interest & Charge List |Inquiry of Interest and Charge for specific period |Screen |

|21 |Interest & Charge Report |Print of Interest and Charge Report for specific period |Report |

|22 |Disbursement Statement |Inquiry of Disbursement Statement for specific period |Screen |

|23 |Invoice Aging Summary |Inquiry of Invoice Aging by Approval Type for inquiry time |Screen |

|24 |Invoice Aging Report |Print of Invoice Aging Report by specific Past Due Day condition |Report |

| | |for specific date | |

|25 |Client Customer Accounts Payable List |Inquiry of Client Customer Accounts Payable List by Vendor |Screen |

|26 |Client Customer Accounts Payable Detail List |Inquiry of Client Customer Accounts Payable Detail List by specific|Screen |

| | |Vendor | |

|27 |Fund Availability |Inquiry of Fund Availability |Screen |

|28 |Ineligible Calculation Basis |Inquiry of Ineligible Calculation by Approval Type |Pop-up |

|29 |Customer List |Inquiry of assigned Customer List |Screen |

|30 |Customer Information |Inquiry of Customer’s Basic Information |Pop-up |

|31 |Customer Search |Inquiry of specific Customer |Pop-up |

|32 |PO Customer Search |Inquiry of specific Customer or add a New Customer for PO Approval |Pop-up |

| | |Request | |

|33 |Vendor Search |Inquiry of specific Vendor of Client Customer |Pop-up |

|34 |User List |Inquiry of User List |Screen |

|35 |User |Inquiry of specific User information to change and delete or |Screen |

| | |register a new User | |

|36 |Password Change |Change Password for Login User |Pop-up |

|37 |Password Initialization |Initialize Password for specific User |Screen |

|38 |Locked Password Release |Change Password Count setting with 0 (zero) for release Locked |Screen |

| | |Password that used invalid Password more than 5 times | |

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3. Help Desk

■ For e-factoring System setup and login: IT Specialist Desk 213-977-7248

■ For all other inquiries: contact your Account Executive listed underneath of menu on left side e-factoring System screen.

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2. System Configuration

1. Client PC Basic Requirements

■ Requirement

• Minimum: Pentium 3, 256 RAM

• Recommended: Pentium 4, 512 RAM

■ O/S: Windows 2000 or Windows XP

■ Graphic resolution: 1024 X 768

■ Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later

■ An Internet connection

• Recommended: DSL or faster connection

■ Microsoft Excel (for transfer of a file to Excel

■ Basic printer driver installed (to print screens and reports)

■ Allow Pop-up to Internet Explorer

■ Permit URL () to your Firewall

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2. Connect to e-factoring System

There are two ways to connect to the e-factoring System Login site for User’s convenience and both sites will have the same result.

1. Direct connect to e-factoring System ()

1. Start Internet Explorer.

2. Type at Address bar – click Go or press Enter.


3. Try again, if the screen does not change to Login screen or check Internet connection.


4. Type User ID and Password then click Log In Icon or press Enter.


2. Connect through HANAs Home Page ()

1. Start Internet Explorer.

2. Type at Address bar – click Go or press Enter.


3. Click e-factoring System Click to Login box.

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3. Register to Internet Home Page

To set the e-factoring System Login Page as default your Internet Explorer Home Page, follow the instructions below. This will open the Login page every time User starts Internet Explorer.

1. Open site (reference 2.2 Connect to e-factoring System).

2. Select Internet Options… in Tools on Menu bar.


3. Type on Address field, in Internet Options window, then click OK.


4. Verify by clicking your Home Page Icon on Menu, and System should take you to the e-factoring Login page.


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4. Add a Shortcut

Double-click to open e-factoring Login page from Desktop screen.

1. Open site (reference 2.2 Connect to e-factoring System).

2. Right click any position on screen and select Create Shortcut.



3. Click OK and verify that the Shortcut Icon is in your Desktop screen.

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5. Add to Favorite

To open e-factoring Login page from Favorites on the Menu bar.

1. Open site (reference 2.2 Connect to e-factoring System)

2. Right click any position on screen and select Add to Favorites….


3. Click OK.


4. Verify that the e-factoring System is in the Favorites list on your Menu bar.


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6. Internet Explorer Option

User can setup Internet Explorer ‘view option’, for User’s convenience to access e-factoring System as follow.

1. Open Internet Explorer.

2. Click Views on Menu bar, then select Toolbars:.

✓ Make sure there is a check mark (() on Standard Buttons, Address Bar, and Links.

✓ Un-check any item to view large display.


3. Click Views on Menu bar.

✓ Check to see if there is a check mark (() on Status Bar.

✓ This option will notify your system with Status Messages, which will be indicated at the bottom bar of your Internet Explorer.


4. Confirm that the preferences have been made by checking to see that the Standard Buttons, Address Bar and Status Bar are located like the sample below.


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7. Allow Pop-up and Download

It is essential to allow Pop-up from and add to trust site zone at Internet Explorer for the e-factoring System. This option allows Pop-up to open several windows such as Password Change and Customer Search screens and allows Download to open and save an Excel file to your PC.

2 Allow from Pop-up Blocking

If you have any tool bar that contains Pop-up Blocking such as MSN or Google, you should make Allow Pop-up for .

Also, Windows XP with Service Pack 2 Users should add to Allow Pop-up site as follows.

1. Click Tools on Menu bar, and select Internet Options… .


2. Select Privacy tab (on top), then click Settings… .


3. Type at Address of Web Site to allow, then click Add.


4. Verify that has been added in Allowed sites: in Pop-up Blocker Settings, then click Close and click OK in Internet Options to exit.


2 Add to Trust Site for Download

1. Click Tools on Menu bar, and select Internet Options…. Select Security tap (op top), then click Sites….


2. Click to un-mark of Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone.


3. Type at Add this web site to the zone:, then click Add.


4. Verify has been added to web sites:, then click OK.


5. Click OK in Internet Options to exit.


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8. Change Page Setup for Print

For better viewing of the e-factoring System Reports, User may change Internet Explorer’s Page Setup option as follow.

1. Click File on Menu bar, then select Page Setup…..


2. Change page specifications as follows.

■ Paper: Letter

■ Headers and Footers: empty

■ Orientation: select by Report type each time

■ Margins (inches): 0.75 for Left:, Right:, Top:, and Botton:.


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3. e-factoring System Setup

1. Initial Password Change

At the first Login to the e-factoring System, use the Password that was given by an administrator after registration. After initial Login, the Password Change screen will appear and the User must then change their Password.

1. Change Password for the Master User

✓ Master User assigned by HANA after submitting your On-line Factoring Agreement.

✓ The Master User will have full access to the e-factoring System which, includes User management, such as add , change, and delete.

✓ In case of forgetting, the Password to the Master User, an authorized person of your company should contact HANA for the new Password.

1. Type Master User ID and Password, then click Log In or press Enter.


2. The Password Change screen will appear as below.


3. Type HANA assigned Password as Current Password.

4. Select a New Password and type in the New Password field and Re-Enter New Password, then click Change.

5. After your Password has been successfully changed, the Accounts Summary screen of the e-factoring System should appear.

2. Password Change for User

✓ Master User and Adminstrator should create all new Users and give initial Passwords.

✓ In case of fogetting Password, User should contact Master User or Administrator and receive new Initial Password as new User.

✓ User must change Initial Password to new Password

1. Type User ID and initial Password then click Log In or press Enter.


2. The Password Change screen will appear as below.


3. Type Initial Password given by Master User or Administrator to Current Password.

4. Type new Password at New Password and re-type same Password at Re-Enter New Password then click Change.

5. After Password change the Accounts Summry screen of the e-factoring System will appear.

3. Recommendation for Password change

✓ Use a combination of A-z and 0-9, with at least 4 to 8 characters. The Password will be case sensitive.

✓ Where possible, use a combination of letters and numbers in your password. Those types of passwords are harder to guess. A good rule is not to use any word found in a dictionary. Also, don’t use repeated or easily guessed numeric values (e.g., 1111 or 1234).

✓ Change Password before expiration.

1. The Password will be expired within 60 days from changed date.

2. Before 10 days of expiration, the Password Change window will appear each Login until changed.

3. After expiration of Password, user cannot access the e-factoring System without changing the Password.

✓ Cannot use Client ID as a Password.

✓ Cannot use Client name as the User ID.

✓ Cannot use reserved ID by HANA such as “hana”, “financial”, “hanafinancial”, “financial”, “factor”, “system”, “Password”, etc.

✓ User ID can be used capital letters and numbers only.

✓ Cannot change Password to the existing Password.

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2. System Limitation and Recommendation

1. Internet Usage

■ Delete temporary Internet files.

✓ Temporary Internet files are for better performance of your Internet, such as opening visited sites without re-downloading.

✓ If too many files are stored in your temporary Internet file, it will reduce your PCs performance.

✓ It is recommended to delete temporary Internet files frequently (at least once a week) for faster performance.

1. Click Tools on Menu bar, and select Internet Options… .


2. Click Delete Files...


3. Click to mark Delete all offline content, and click OK (this may take a few minutes).


■ Delete Cookies

✓ Cookie is a message given to Internet Explorer by a Web server. The Internet Explorer stores the message in a text file. The message is then sent back to the server each time the Internet Explorer requests a page from the server.

✓ e-factoring System does not use this method for security purpose and does not save any record to Users PC.

✓ However, User may delete Cookies for faster performance.

✓ Click Delete Cookies.. at Internet Options windows for delete.

2. Security

■ Protect Client information

✓ Client’s account can only be accessed by the Master User for Client and the registered Users, authorized by the Client’s Master User.

■ Security

✓ User may be logged-off automatically after more than 30 minutes of no activity

✓ No one can access any screen directly by book-marking without initial Login screen.

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4. Access e-factoring System

1. General Information

1. User Interface Standard


■ e-factoring System contains 4 different sections.

■ Section A: displays general information such as Login User ID and Client name, as well as the links for changing Password and logging out.

■ Section B: displays the Menu List, where selections can be made (much like Windows Explorer) and your Account Executive’s information.

■ Section C: displays actual processing screen where single information screen or multiple information screen is presented. Reference 4.1.2 Section C Detail (Single information screen) and 4.1.3 Section C Detail (Multiple information screen).

■ Section D: displays System Messages for activity.

■ Section E: displays Account Executive’s Name and Phone Number

1. Section A

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■ A-1: Login User name

■ A-2: Client name

■ A-3: Change Password (click to open Password Change screen).

■ A-4: Logout (click to Logout).

■ A-5: System Management (click to open User Management Menu for Administrator).

■ A-6: Client Service (click to open e-factoring Menu).

■ A-7: Summary (click to open Accounts Summary).

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2. Section B

■ Below Menu List can be displayed by clicking A-5 or A-6 on Section A above.

■ Menu List works similar to Windows Explorer.

■ System displays Menu according to Login Users accessibility.

■ Click + or text to display detailed List (as Customer Credit below).

■ Click Menu list to display relevant screen on Section C.

■ Account Executive’s information is under the Menu and user may click Envelope Icon to send an E-Mail to A/E.

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3. Section C

■ Display the screen chosen on Section B.

■ Perform practical operation on Section C after selecting Menu on Section B.

4. Section D

■ Display Message during practical operation or after performing through Section C.


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2. Section C Detail (Single Information Screen)


■ Single Information Screen is to inquire data with condition, add data, or change and delete inquired data.

■ S-1: Screen title

■ S-2: Click Inquire or press Enter after inputting inquiry condition (Reference No. for PO Approval Request above) to Inquiry.

■ S-3: Displays data related to inquiry conditions.

■ S-4: Places button(s) for processing inquired data (Add, Change, and Delete).

■ S-5: Displays Server date and time of e-factoring System at HANA.

■ S-6: Places button(s) for commonly used screen such as Close and Clear

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3. Section C Detail (Multiple Information Screen)


■ Displays Multiple Information for inquired data with conditions.

■ M-1: Screen title: displays screen title.

■ M-2: Click Inquire or press Enter after inputting inquiry condition (Request Date, Request Status and Customer for PO Request List above) to inquiry.

■ M-3: Displays multiple data as multi line pattern related with inquiry condition.

■ M-4: Places links to move page.

■ M-5: Displays server date and time of e-factoring System at HANA.

■ M-6: Places button(s) for commonly used screens such as Close and Clear.

■ M-7: Places button(s) for open related page after selection of inquired data such as PO Request above screen.

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4. Report Print-Out

■ Report screen is for printing data results from requested conditions.


■ Click Print to preview Report screen from inquiry condition as below.


■ P-1: Place buttons for control Print Preview screen and this section will not be printed for actual print-out.

✓ [pic] go back to first page

✓ [pic] go back to previous page

✓ [pic] go to next page

✓ [pic] go to last page

✓ [pic] current page of total pages

■ P-2: Place Print or Close buttons.

✓ [pic] to open Print Setup page.

- Confirm Printer.

- Select Print range to print selected range.

- Click OK to print.


✓ [pic] to close print preview screen.

■ P-3: e-factoring System logo and User name

■ P-4: Report title

■ P-5: print-out data

■ Reference 2.8 Print Page Setup.

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5. Code Help

■ Code Help is a Pop-up window to Search a proper result such as a Customer Search.


■ Click Magnifier Icon (above window) to open PO Customer Search below.


■ W-1: Click specific item from inquired data to select and transfer data to previous screen as below.

■ W-2: Click Close to just close window without selecting specific data.


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6. User Interface operations

1. Default

■ Pressing Enter will have the same result as clicking Inquire on most screens.

2. Basic buttons

■ [pic] Display added data from System by inquire condition.

■ [pic] Add new data to System as typed on screen and inquiry same data.

■ [pic] Change edited data to System from inquired data.

■ [pic] Permanently delete inquired data from System.

■ [pic] Close screen.

■ [pic] Print Report from Report preview screen.

■ [pic] Clean inquiry condition’s data on screen.

■ [pic] Transfer inquired data to an Excel file.

3. Next/Previous Data Inquiry

■ Click page number or Prev/Next to move pages back and forth.

■ Underlined page number is current open page of inquired data.


4. Required Item Indicate

■ Fields marked with an asterisk * are required for adding or changing data.


5. Pop-up Message to Change or Delete

■ These Pop-up messages are to confirm the process of Change or Delete of data. Simply OK to process change or delete data or click Cancel to cancel processing.

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6. Screen Change

■ Open the related screen for selected data from inquired screen called the Screen Change button. This option transfers selected data to an open screen and displays inquired information with the transferred data condition.

■ Select specific data from inquired screen by clicking the selection box on the left side of the inquired data.


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7. Customer Information Inquiry (Hyperlink)

■ Click Customer ID or Customer highlighted color to open Customer Information window after selection of Customer.

1. Type a Customer ID or select a Customer from the Customer Search by clicking the Magnifier Icon.

2. Click Customer ID highlighted color.

3. Customer Information screen will Pop-up for selected Customer.



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8. Calendar

■ Select a specific date from the Calendar screen, by clicking the Calendar Icon.




9. Normal text data

■ User can enter alpha and numeric when inputting data. Any lowercase letter will automatically be changed to Caps by System, except for the Comments.


10. Currency

■ Numbers entered as an amount will automatically be converted ‘,’ as US currency form.

■ For negative amount, type’–‘before entering amount.


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11. Date

■ When User inputs month and date without year, System will automatically display current year’s date (on Server).



12. Message

■ System will display Messages at the bottom bar of the Internet Explorer.

■ Pop-up messages will appear when an error occurs. If problem persists, contact help desk or A/E for further assistance.

■ Message Number: screen number + _A00 Format

■ Basic Messages

|Message ID |Messages |

|IAB010QF_A10? |The inquiry was successful! |

|IAB010QF_A11? |There were no data found under the given conditions! |

|IAB010QF_A12? |The addition was successful! |

|IAB010QF_A13? |The data with the given conditions already exists in the System! |

|IAB010QF_A14? |The deletion was successful! |

|IAB010QF_A15? |There were no data found under the given conditions to delete! |

|IAB010QF_A16? |The change was successful! |

|IAB010QF_A17? |There were no data found under the given conditions to change! |

|IAB010QF_A19? |(System Error) |

| |Invalid date format! |

| |The “Essential Item” is required! |

| |The “Starting Date” cannot be later than the ending of that! |

| |The “Assigned Date” cannot be later than today! |

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13. Excel Change

■ Click Excel at upper right corner to open or save an Excel file that contains inquired information.


■ Click Open to open, or Save to save an Excel File.



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2. Menu

1. Client Service



1. Customer Credit


2. Assignment


3. Collection


4. Report and Statement


5. Fund Availability


6. Customer Information


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4.3 User Administration

1. Login


Type User ID and Password, and then click Log In (image on right side).

1. In case of typing incorrect User ID


2. In case of typing invalid Password


3. In case of typing invalid Password more than 5 times


4. The main screen after successful Login


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2. Logout


Click Logout at right-top corner on screen for logout.


Click OK to logout form e-factoring System.

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4.3.3 User List


A. Overview

■ Inquiry User List by User Group, Status, and Name.

B. Description

■ User Group: define User Access Authority to specific screen.

1) Master registered by HANA and only one Master User for Client. Master User has full access of e-factoring System.

2) Administrator also has full access of e-factoring System as Master User.

3) Power User has access to Client Service Menu only.

4) PO + Report has access to all Client Service Menu, except for Fund Availability screen.

5) PO Only has access to Customer Credit Menu on Client Service Menu.

6) Report Only has access to Client Service Menu except Customer Credit Menu and Fund Availability screen.

■ User Status: Active, Inactive, and Terminate.

C. How to use

■ Type User Name to inquire specific User’s information or leave blank for all Users’ information.

■ Select User Status to inquire specific status condition.

■ Click Inquire or press Enter to display User List.

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4.3.4 User


A. Overview

■ Register new User or inquire, change, and delete specific User information.

■ Only can manage for the same company’s User authority.

B. Description

■ User ID: must be 6 to 8 characters with A-z and 0-9 only.

■ User Group: select for User authority.

■ Password: must be 4 to 8 characters.

■ Expires in: 60 days for Password to expire, by System default.

■ Added By/At: display initial added User.

■ Modified By/At: display last changed User.

C. How to use

■ Type User name, and then click Inquire to view User’s information.

■ Edit any information, then click Change to save changed data.

■ For registering a new User, clear information by clicking Clear and inputting all information, then click Add.

■ Fields marked with an asterisk * are required for Add and Change of data.

D. Messages

■ < User ID > should be 6~8 characters long!

■ < Password > should be 4~8 alphanumeric long!

■ Please Change User Group, Select Other

■ Invalid < Client ID >

■ The inquiry was successful:

■ There was no data found under the given conditions!

■ The addition was successful!

■ The data with the given conditions already exist in the System

■ The deletion was successful!

■ The change was successful!

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4.3.5 Password Change


A. Overview

■ Change Password for Login User.

B. How to use

■ Click Change after entering all data correctly.

■ Cannot change without the correct existing Password. In this case, contact administrator for Password initialization.

C. Messages

■ < Password > is required!

■ Re-added < New Password > did not match with the < New Password >

■ Invalid < Current Password >

■ < Password > is changed successfully

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4.3.6 Password Initialization


A. Overview

■ Initialize Password for specific User by administrator and this does not require original Password of User.

B. How to use

■ Click Initialization after entering all data correctly.

C. Messages

■ < Password > is required!

■ < Password > should be 4~8 alphanumeric long!

■ Invalid < User ID >

■ Password is initialized now

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4.3.7 Locked Password Release


A. Overview

■ Release locked Password by clearing Password Error Count.

■ System will lock Password if entered invalid Password more than 5 times.

B. How to use

■ Select User ID, and then click Release.

C. Messages

■ Invalid < User ID >

■ The Inquiry was successful

■ There was no data found under the given conditions!

■ Password is released successfully

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Client name

User Name









Status Bar

Address Bar

Standard Buttons


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