Addendum Two (2)

RFP SS-1400Addendum 2June 14, 2013Questions and AnswersRequests for InformationIt appears UWEC will entertain a scenario in which the Contractor provides SHS from its existing facility which is technically off-campus, but within a 1 mile radius.? Please confirm.A: Yes, there is a strong desire for on campus location, but understand potential for close proximity.The RFP indicates the contractor will be responsible for the design costs.? Who will select the design professional??? Who from UWEC will have input on design??A: Contractor can select the designer. Design will be a collaborative effort, including UW-Eau Claire Director of Facilities Management, Administration and SHS leadership.? Does Contractor have to be compliant with TJC or is compliance with AAAHC adequate?A: AAAHCDoes UWEC have a contractual obligation on the lab services it refers out? If so, will it be extinguished prior to execution of a contract for SHS?A: Yes, with annual renewal date of July 1. Expires June 30, 2015For students who do not have adequate insurance to cover their medical needs, how does UWEC’s fund the services required?A: Insurance is not required to obtain services from Student Health Services. Segregated fees and nominal user fees cover basic health care needs. Coverage for outside referrals is the responsibility of the student or their family.Does SHS currently do any 3rd party payer billing for services provided to students?? If so can you provide a payer break down?A: SHS bills for Family Planning Services only (FPSO) through Wisconsin MedicaidWho provides the insurance product under the University sponsored program?A. Currently The Southard Insurance Agency, Inc. underwritten by Columbia Life. The underwriter will change to Nationwide in August 2013.Can you provide more information on the plan provided by Rust International?? A: separate attached addendum 2 app 4What rates does SHS charge for low income students for access to family planning and contraceptive management services?A: See fee schedule in RFP document, ? In the data presented, it is difficult to determine how many evaluation and management visits were performed during each of the past 3 years.? Do you have information regarding the number of evaluation and management services (99201-99205, 99211-99215) and preventive medicine services (99385, 99395, 99401-99409) provided to the student population during each of the past 3 years?A: See separate attached addendum 2 app 1It appears by the Board of Regents policy document that we need to maintain a pharmacy at the UW-EC Student Health Services location.? Could you confirm that this is the case? A: An on-site pharmacy is not a mandate, but highly desired. In the RFP you indicate that you will be maintaining your current Mental Health and counseling services does this include psychiatric services? A: The inclusion of psychiatric services is negotiable.If you are providing psychiatric services is the contractor expected to provide space for this service?A: If contractor provides service, it is assumed they will provide the space.You indicate the need for the contractor to purchase supplies from the University at “market cost” prior to the contract initiation. How will “market” be determined? A: Most recent invoiceDo you have the number of radiology referrals you have done in the last three years? If so could you provide both the referrals for plain films and cross sectional films?A: This information is not availableSection 5.4, Access, fourth paragraph (begins “Another concern of students and parents…)? “negotiate pricing with…and also with the variety of other represented insurance plans, to ensure…priced at the lowest possible levels.”? Is this a requirement that the contractor will negotiate prices with each health insurance carrier encountered across the student body each year?? Is this a requirement that the contractor accept the lowest payment the carrier pays for each service?A: Our goal is to keep segregated fees and out-of-pocket costs as low as possible and continue to comply with UW System’s Policy Document 23-1 Health Module. We are looking for the contractor to suggest and create a process that accomplishes this goal through collaboration with the University.Section 5.4, Access, fifth paragraph (begins, “Describe how your organization will accomplish…)?the last dot point is “Provide transportation to ill or injured on-campus residents.”? Is this a requirement that the contractor operate an emergency medical service on campus?? Is this a requirement that the contractor operate a non-emergency medical transport service on campus?A: We are looking for your suggestions and creativity in solving a challenge that faces students when needing to travel to Student Health Services, when not a 911 emergency situation.Section 5.4, Access, seventh paragraph (begins “Please describe how your organization will…)?the first dot point is “Work with the university to relocate to another location preferably on-campus.”? Is this referring to the description in the paragraph above about the need to move the Student Health Service?? Is it referring to the Brewer Hall location or alternate determined by the University and the contractor together?? Is it referring to a second site of operation in addition to the Brewer Hall location?A: Our current SHS location will be repurposed in 3-5 years, requiring a move. This move will be planned and designed in collaboration with the contractor. We are looking for your creativity in solving this challenge. Brewer Hall would be a possible satellite lower campus location, but not a viable option for the main SHS site. Section 5.5 requires: Respectful and proactive assimilation of current qualified SHS staff. What are your expectations:Contractor employs staff?Contractor determines number and roles of staff?Contractor engages in application process and background check process with staff and makes hiring all decisions?A: We are looking to the contractor to present a staffing model(s) that allows for assimilation of qualified staff. A sole contractor would make all hiring decisions; a partial contract would involve collaboration. Is there an option to contract with SHS for staff on a long term basis?A: Yes, each provider has the opportunity to present a staffing model(s) in the response.If contracting is an option, will the overall cost of salary and benefits be provided in advance of the RFP submission?A: NoAre current job descriptions available at this time? If so would you please share.A: Yes, see appendix 3 included at the end of the questions sectionIs specific information on staff available at this time, i.e. anniversary dates with SHS; vesting in retirement plan; benefit summary; etc.?A: Yes, See separate attached addendum 2 app 2Is it anticipated that current SHS providers and staff would become employees of the contractor only for the duration of the contract or shall we assume that they would continue our employment if the contract was terminated?A: Once staff is employed by the contractor, they would not revert back to University/State employees upon any termination.Is it possible to get AutoCAD plans for Crest Wellness Center and Brewer Hall?A: Yes, Sent as Addendum 3CAD pdf sent in two e-mail messages to proposers on June 13, 2013Is it possible to get a copy of UWEC master plan in an electronic format and an indication of where the replacement for Crest Wellness Center may be located?A: Yes, see location has yet to be determined, pending collaboration with a contractor if a contract is established. See answer number 30Regarding the Request for Proposal, what constitutes Specifications as noted on page 1? Specifications only appear to be identified under Standard Terms and Conditions, Paragraph 1.0.A: Specification for this RFP are contained in Section 7.0 and Section 8.0Regarding the Request for Proposal, what constitutes Criteria/Performance Requirements as noted on page 1? Is it only Sections 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0?A: YesRegarding the Request for Proposal what constitutes Special Conditions as noted on page 1? Is it Section 7.0, Special Terms and Conditions of the proposal only?A: YesWhen Crest Wellness Center is relocated, is the intent to move it into a new building or an existing building?A: Either may be an option as long as it allows the students to be served. New construction is not expected.Facility construction/renovation and depreciation:Does this section apply to the existing or proposed facility or potentially all three? (Crest, new, Brewer Hall)A: All threeStates that the contractor’s capital investment in renovations will be depreciated straight-line for ten years. Does contractor have sole right and privilege to select the design professionals and others contracted to deliver this project? Will the contractor be encumbered by the State or University procurement processes?A: Yes, contractor may select the design professional and others contracted to deliver this project, with approval of University’s Director of Facilities Management.States procurement process would not be required if construction/renovation is funded by the SHS contractor. Review, approval and oversight by the Director of Facilities Management and/or the state’s Division of Facilities Development (DFD) will be required.Will the University provide University and Wisconsin Division of Development standards in an electronic format?A: State building standards can be found at Links: Master Specifications/Design Guidelines and AE News & Policy and Procedure ManualSection 1.3.2 states the University will reimburse the contractor for any un-depreciated portion of capital investment with the possible exception of terminating the contract for poor performance. Will the contractor be at risk for the capital investment should the contract terminate as a result of poor performance?A: YesCan we capitalize design fees with any construction contribution and anticipate reimbursement?A: Following GAAP, as long as it is part of the overall construction project.How would finance costs be treated?A: Your normal accounting methodsThe section states reimbursement for all facility improvements and fixtures shall become the property of the university. Please define fixtures (i.e. furniture, movable equipment, fixed medical equipment).A: Fixtures would be attached building components and infrastructure of the buildingWhat is the daily / annual phlebotomy volume?A: Not AvailableWho provides the accreditation for the lab?? Joint Commission, COLA, State of WI, other?A: State of Wisconsin CLIAWhat are the current staff mix and their background?? MT, MLT, Phlebotomist?A: Medical Technologist (79.5%)Bac. & Master’s Degree, ASCP certified with hospital & public health background +7 years at UW-Eau Claire SHSTypical week: 3-4 days/week AY: 2-3 days/weeks in summerHelp room patients as neededMedical Lab Technician (50%)Assoc. Degree, ASCP certified with hospital background + 7 years at UW-Eau Claire SHSTypical week: 2.5-3 days/week AY; 2 days/ week in summerHelp room patients as neededLPN (85%)Assoc. Nursing Degree, MA in college health background +7.5 at UW-Eau Claire SHS as MA, then Nurse; trained under CLIA requirements in labTypical week in lab: ? day AY & summer; and as neededCross-trained in front office, rooming, lab, nursingSection 5.6 IT InterfaceArchitecture & Development * Is there a web application/cms platform currently being considered or already selected? * Does Student Health Services need to live under the /shs folder of the domain? * Does the e-fill system and any other logins need to flow through the UWEC central authentication service ()? * Does all data, applications, pages, etc. need to reside under the domain? * Does the site need to remain on a Microsoft IIS server? * Are there dev. and staging environments available or will these need to be set up?Go Live * Is it the expectation that old SHS records be placed on the EMR system of the vendor selected if this component is included? If so can the migration of all manual health records to the EMR system be phased in post go live if necessary OR be managed as a separate project? *How many manual health records to date need to be migrated? *Will there be resources available from UWEC to help manage the records migration project for the duration if desiredUsability & FunctionalityWill the site require mobile friendliness or a separate mobile site altogether (assuming yes to mobile given the audience but helpful to understand the scope)? * Does the online appointment feature require any secure messaging features that allow for: * Email Reminders * Communication with providers * Receive lab/x-ray results and other info following a clinic visit * SMS texting capabilities for alerts/appointment reminders and schedulingA: All of question 37 is negotiableIs UW Eau Claire providing internet service for the clinic? A: YesIf yes what is the speed?A: 10 gig Details on bandwidth?A: Our ISP allows bursting and we are currently NOT constrainedAny SLA’s with the departments to keep them up?A: NoPhone systemDo you need internal dialing for university or can you dial 10 digits?A: You can dial 9 and 10 digit number but we prefer internally dialing (6 digits) Do you want the phone numbers to look like the university phone number or external numbers?A: University numbersWill you provide part of your DID block for the clinic to use? A: This would require purchasing AT&T lines at $75.00 installation and $17.60 per month per lineWhere is the DMARK located?A: Telephone system is VOIP, the network closet is within 200 feet.If the vendor needs to wire back to the communication closet who runs the cables? Or can we have our own vendor do this?A: University’s Learning and Technology would run cables, contractor’s vendor could not.Can we mount a communication closet rack with in your communication closet so we can lock it?A: Yes How far away from the space is the communication closet from the Health Services area?A: Within 30 feetDoes the University have Sync Fiber; are you currently involved with Sync?A: If you mean CINC (Chippewa Valley Internetworking Consortium) Yes, we were one of the original charter members that created CINCWeb Development Technical/Hosting:Is there any specific web hosting platform requirements required (e.g., SharePoint vs. sitecore vs. adobe)?A: SharePoint for Internet digital workplace, Common Spot for Inter/intranetsWould the servers be hosted on UW-Eau Claire premises and within their data center or is that up to the technical evaluation of the Marshfield Clinic?A: Hosted at Regional Data Center in Eau ClaireDoes the website need to only be accessible to students from the internet or does UW-Eau Claire require access from a university intranet?A: From university intranetAre there any known capacity issues or requirements based on past usage of the website?A: NoAre there availability requirements for the platform (e.g., uptime versus maintenance)?A: We have scheduled maintenance windows Friday 4:00AM-7:00AM as neededWill UW-Eau Claire want web analytics from the platform (e.g., unique visitors, page counts, most popular pages, etc…)?A: YesWeb Operations:Will staff from UW-Eau Claire update or manage content on the website (e.g., update/add/modify content or articles)?A: YesWill any current content migrate to the new system; if so approximately how many pages will need to migrate?A: This would need discussion. We have a web site but not sure it would be useful with a different operator key interactive features of the website will need to be supported (e.g., pay bill online, insurance information etc…)?A: eFill Web Content:Will UW-Eau Claire require a “health library” of content specifically for student health issues?Are there on-going wellness and education currently in place that the website would support, if so will you provide some details of those current programs (e.g., nutrition or mental health)?Will the platform need to support presentation of video or other multi-media content?Are the audiences for the website only students or also include the parents of students? Should the website focus on specific content for new students?Are there known topics that must be covered by the content in the website (e.g., mental health, alcohol & drug use) or other known topics?Is there an online or offline newsletter for the UW-Eau Claire health services that will need to be available on-line?A: Yes to all, the goal of web contact would be to meet the University’s mission and values. See the Student Health Services web site Web User Experience/Usability:Does UW-Eau Claire have a website branding guideline or web style guide, if so can we review that documentation?A: Yes, Would Student Senate expect that their current practice of covering the cost of HIV, Chlamydia, and/or GC testing not paid by insurance ($0 student payment) be continued?A: Yes, one free test annuallyWould the contractor be able to see patients other than students at this location (faculty, staff, public)?A: This is open for discussion; priority needs to remain providing service for students IS UW-SHS able to apply charges to the student’s university account?? Was there currently any bad debt?A: No, SHS is not able to apply charges to the student’s university account. Outstanding balances are turned over to the Bursar Office and go through a collection process. There appears to be large volumes of supplies such as condoms dispensed. Has SHS been receiving free condoms for dispensation or have SHS been purchasing them and selling them at the $3/10pk listed fee??Are there other supplies that may follow this process of receiving and providing them to the students at no cost?A: SHS does not receive free condoms. They are purchased and sold. No other supplies are received at no cost and dispensed to students at no cost.How would space rental agreement be determined?A: Collaborative discussion with campus administration Who will be involved in decisions on choosing architect, and design firms?A: Contractor? Would there be a requirement to use the UW system; i.e., does the contractor have flexibility on vendor decisions, purchasing process, etc.A: States procurement process would not be required if construction/renovation is funded by the SHS contractor. Review, approval and oversight by the University’s Director of Facilities Management and/or the state’s Division of Facilities Development (DFD) will be required.Please more fully explain the expectation to negotiate pricing with variety of other represented insurance plans.? Understand this is related to the large out of network students, but what degree of negotiations is the University expecting?A: We are looking for solutions that the contractor may be able to offerWhat were the staffing levels during 2009/2010, by positionA: 3 Family Practice Physicians1 Psychiatrist3 Nurse Practitioners2 RN’s (1 also served as Clinic Nurse Manager)1 LPN5 Medical Assistants2 Lab Staff (1 Med Technologist & 1 Lab Technician)1 Front Office Manager1 Medical Transcriptionist1 Health Educator1 Director10 Student workers (Front office & SWATeam-peer educators)Could we receive a copy of the last audit/review performed by OSHA, Joint Commission and any other accreditation bodies that the UWEC SHS may participate in for the last three yearsA: CLIA review already sent separatelyHow do staffing levels and hours during summer differ from remainder of year? Is this flexible year by year?A: Academic YearHours: 7:45-4:30 pm, M-F, Wednesdays open until 7:00 pm, when classes are in sessionStaffing: 3-4 clinicians/day; Wednesday evening hours 2 clinicians (plus support staff) work late shift. Clinicians are not available when classes are not in session.3-week Summer and WinterimHours: 11:00 am-3:00 pm Monday through Friday for clinician appointments. Front Office and nurse available 7:45 am-3:00 pmStaffing: 2 clinicians available 2 day/week, with 1 clinician available other 3 days (usually MD if lone provider)8-week Summer SessionHours: 7:45 am-4:30 pm M-FStaffing: 1 clinician (usually MD) available each dayInsurance Requirements:? Item D.? Professional Liability Insurance.? Is a program of self-insurance approved by the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance acceptable in lieu of commercial professional liability insurance?A: YesInsurance Requirements:? Item D.? Professional Liability Insurance.? Insurance laws and regulations prohibit adding other entities as an insured under a program of self-insurance.? Can a contractor propose an alternative means to protect the UW – Eau Claire from claims arising out of its vicarious liability under the professional liability exposure such as indemnification agreements?A: YesPerformance – Payment Bond:? Contract Security.? A contractor shall furnish a Performance Bond or “other security satisfactory to UW – Eau Claire….” ?In an effort to control costs, are there examples of other types of security that might be acceptable to UW – Eau Claire in lieu of a performance bond?A: Performance bond or irrevocable letter of credit any other security offered in the proposal would need to be approved by UW System Legal and Risk Management Will the renovations of this space be the responsibility of the UWEC or the Vendor?A: The contractor with approval and oversight of the University’s Facilities Management DirectorThe RFP references space on lower campus in Brewer Hall and gives a foot print of this space. If renovations are the responsibility of the vendor, can the proposers see the facility prior to the RFP dateSpecifically, we would like to access infrastructure needs such as water, electrical and HVAC?A: Inspection of Brewer Hall is not possible before the proposal due date. There are no firm plans to locate a satellite clinic on lower campus at this time. Drawings of Crest Wellness and Brewer Hall were sent as Addendum 3CAD pdf sent in two e-mail messages to proposers on June 13, 2013Requesting expanded information on Physician, Nurse Practitioner(s) and Physician Assistant(s) contracts, with Student Health Services/UWEC, to include any rolling horizon type agreements, benefits/fringe, length of current agreements?A: See separate attached shs addendum 2 appendix 2Since we are part of the same UW System is it necessary for UW Health Eau Claire Family Medicine to submit information regarding items 4.2 sections b, c, d, e and f and item 4.7?A: Responses should be appropriate for your type of organizationWe would also like to know whether it is necessary to submit the “contract security” requested in section 7.0 Special Terms and Conditions of the RFP?A: Performance bond or irrevocable letter of credit any other security offered in the proposal would need to be approved by UW System Legal and Risk Management Do you require any further documentation that we would be in compliance with Regent Policy 23-1 Basic Health Module?A: No, just a statement indicating that the organization would be compliant.Are responders to this RFP required to make an annual contribution through this contract for “construction/renovation cost related to the on campus relocation of the Student Health Center”?A: NoAppendix 3 Position DescriptionsSHS Psychiatrist Duties and ResponsibilitiesProvision of direct mental health care to UWEC students 8 hours per month during academic year.Collaborating with Student Health Service/Counseling Staff on coordinating mental health care of UWEC students. Scope of care may include, evaluation, management and treatment of anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, bipolar illness, attention deficit disorder, eating disorders and other mental health conditions seen in the general student population. Report to the Student Health Service DirectorParticipate in the development of appropriate protocols, peer review and quality assurance in the work setting, and in planning and implementing the goals of the Student Health ServiceParticipate in the educational instruction of health professions students that use the Student Health Service for a clinical learning opportunity Participate in health service planning and in programs of health education for students and for staff.Maintain and continue to enhance professional knowledge and development through attendance at continuing education programs, involvement in professional organizations, and community service.The above description indicates the type of responsibilities for this job. It is not meant to define all specific duties and responsibilities for this position. TITLE: Sr. Physician (Medical Supervisor)OFFICE: UW-Eau Claire Student Health ServiceIMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR: Director of Student Health ServiceThe Medical Supervisor at UW-Eau Claire Student Health Service is a physician who provides direct ambulatory health care to students and is the “chief medical officer” providing consult and oversight for clinical issues.Principle Functions and Duties:Provide direct ambulatory health care to students according to the standards defined by the medical profession and act as a consultant to the nurse practitioners, nursing staff and lab staff.Participate in Student Health Service strategic planning and implementation of goals and objectives.Maintain and continue to enhance professional knowledge and development through continuing education programs/activities, involvement in professional organizations and community service.Provide leadership to clinical staff by distributing medical pearls, discussing current medical treatments regimes/services, and assisting in educational efforts.Assist in reviewing/revising clinical staff protocols and policies/procedures as needed.Participate in the performance (peer) reviews of clinical staff as needed.Function as liaison to community health care facilities and appropriate academic departments.Advise Director on clinical issues and services, such as policies, procedures, staffing, and equipment.Assist in activities of the Student Health Service as assigned by the Director of the SHS.Medical Transcriptionist SeniorStudent Health ServiceJuly 2010Position Summary: The Medical Transcriptionist transcribes all dictated clinician notes onto patient medical records, along with letters and correspondence as well. Miscellaneous duties are also included, such as mail distribution, immunization record collection, and back-up of other front office workers.Time (%)Goals and Worker Activities90%Goal A - Typing of medical records. A1 - Transcribe clinician notes from Wavpedal digital transcription or similar dictation system onto patient medical records. A2 - Recognize, interpret, and evaluate inconsistencies in medical dictation. Clarify these inconsistencies and revise as appropriate without altering the meaning. A3 - Clarify dictation that is unclear and incomplete. A4 - Update medical dictionary in word processing system as needed. A5 - Save dictated files to a CD. A6 - Type medical letters/correspondence. A7 - Verify patient information for accuracy and completeness.10%Goal B - Miscellaneous clerical duties:B1 - Sort and distribute mail on a daily basis.B2 - Collects immunization forms and collates onto patient records as necessary.B3 - Photocopy form letters.B4 - Provides backup support for front office staff as needed.B5 - Miscellaneous duties as assigned.Knowledge/Skills/AbilitiesAbility to orally communicate effectively with others using the English language with or without the use of auxiliary aids in order to convey information about job assignments and duties.Ability to write time sheets and vacation requests.Sufficient interpersonal skills to interact effectively with students, faculty and staff, as well as work with and cooperate with the supervising staff at all levels and to maintain a smoothly functioning work unit.Knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel, email, internet, and data entry on multiple data bases. The ability to demonstrate superb customer service and professionalism. Candidates for the position should be able to demonstrate effective customer service skills, strong interpersonal skills, as well as verbal and written communication abilities.Ability to take independent action under general supervision.? Ability to work independently and to?work under deadlines.?Exceptional skill in attending to detail and accuracy.?Ability to prioritize workload.Ability to handle time-sensitive and confidential information.Excellent professional written and oral communication skills.Ability to work effectively and collaboratively with diverse groups and individuals.Ability to perform detailed work with a high level of accuracy. Understanding of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and ability to maintain compliance in verbal and written matters.Knowledge of commonly used medical terminology and spelling.Appropriate education for a medical transcriptionist and transcription skills sufficient to provide transcription services on a timely basis for clinic needs.General office skills to be able to assist when needed with general office duties.TITLE:Nurse Practitioner/Physician AssistantOFFICE:Student Health Service, UW-Eau ClaireUNIT HEAD/SUPERVISOR:Director of Student Health ServiceMedical Supervisor (medical related duties)The Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant provides direct ambulatory health care to students at UW-Eau Claire and acts as a consultant to the nursing and lab staff. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:Provide direct ambulatory health care to students. Scope of practice includes all aspects of adult health such as minor trauma, acute and chronic illness, reproductive health care, mental health care, and health maintenance and health promotion for the student population.Participate in health service planning and implementing the goals of the Student Health Service. Participate in the development of protocols, peer review and quality assurance in the work setting, and programs of health education for students and for staff. Maintain and continue to enhance professional knowledge and skills through participating in continuing education programs (on-line, journals, conferences, meetings) and involvement in professional organizations and community service.Participate in the educational instruction of students in health professions that use the Student Health Service for a clinical learning opportunity. Participate in research studies appropriate to a Student Health Service population.Prepare and/or assist in preparation of grant proposals pertinent to a Student Health Service population.Assist in activities of the Student Health Service as assigned by the Student Health Service Director.The above description indicates the type of responsibilities for this job. It is not meant to define all specific duties and responsibilities for this position.TITLE:Student Health Nurse OFFICE:Student Health Service, UW-Eau ClaireUNIT HEAD/SUPERVISOR:Director of Student Health ServiceClinic Nurse Manager (Direct Supervisor)The Student Health Nurse provides direct nursing care to students at UW-Eau Claire according to the standards defined by the nursing profession. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:Provide direct nursing care as a registered nurse to students at UW-Eau Claire according to the standards defined by the nursing profession. Scope of practice will include all aspects of nursing process—independently assessing signs/symptoms and deciding upon an appropriate clinical course of action including education, treatment (self-care, first aid, etc.), clinical referrals, following established protocols &/or medical orders. Participate in health service planning and in programs of health education for students and for staff.Participate in the development of protocols, peer review and quality assurance in the work setting, and in planning and implementing the goals of the Student Health Service.Maintain and continue to enhance professional knowledge and development through attendance at continuing education programs, involvement in professional organizations, and community service.Learn and apply emerging technologies and advances as necessary to perform duties in an efficient, organized, and timely manner.Participate in the educational instruction of health profession students that use the Student Health Service for a clinical learning opportunity. Participate in research studies appropriate to a Student Health Service population.Prepare and/or assist in preparation of grant proposals pertinent to a Student Health Service population.Assist in activities of the Student Health Service as assigned by the Student Health Service Director.MEDICAL PROGRAM ASSISTANT-ASSOCIATESTUDENT HEALTH SERVICETime (%)Goals and Worker Activities65%Goal A –Oversee SHS department and patient account systemOpen the office in the morning and update the appointment schedule for the day. This includes starting the medical records portion of the PyraMed computer program and pulling charts for all patients who are added to the schedule. It also includes doing the daily deposit.Working knowledge of college health service computer software program (PyraMed) to perform coding and cashiering for patient visits.Update clinical dictionaries in software program as needed.Collaborate with Media Highway and LTS regarding troubleshooting problems with PyraMed.Knowledge of ICD9 and CPT coding for software, billing and insurance purposes.Oversee WI Family Planning Waiver program-program implementation, billing and reimbursement. Respond to billing/insurance inquiries from students, parents, and insurance companies.Consult with vendors on problems that arise with orders.Consult with Accounts Payable and Purchasing regarding orders and state contracts. Make purchases and maintain an accurate log of everything bought with the appropriate department procurement/purchasing card.Process inventory related records and/or reports on a monthly basis.Monitor inventory of medical supplies, office and educational supplies, merchandise resale and pharmaceuticals.Reconcile the bills from the purchasing card company with the log and send documentation to Purchasing twice monthly.Research prices, product availability and meet with Pharmaceutical Representatives to set up accounts. Research and process purchase requisitions.Maintain a log of all major purchases on an annual basis.Monitor purchase orders to insure that merchandise and/or services are received and priced accurately. Prepare and tally reimbursement forms for staff. Document reimbursements made for budget purposes.Provide information for the Director on budget estimates for services and supplies, merchandise resale, and work study.Check monthly accounting report and update budget summaries on spreadsheet. Summarize revenue/expenditures from this report and give to Director on a monthly basis.20. Coordinate any special projects or miscellaneous duties as requested. 25%Goal B – General Office Support for Student Health ServiceRecord time sheets, hours, vacation and sick leave balances for all classified staff and LTE’s.Accountable for staffing levels and workloads in front office. Supports all front office positions Participate in new employee interview, hire, train and supervise front office LTE’s.Provide written protocols and backup support in creating position descriptions for review. Interpret Health Service policies and procedures including privacy notice to students, faculty, staff and pose correspondence, memos, reports, minutes, and requisitions, as needed.Monitor checkout system for loaning or distributing above material to students or other University Departments.Process applications for licenses, registrations and renewals.Coordinate travel arrangements for Health Service staff by arranging mode of transportation, obtaining overnight accommodations, preparing appropriate travel authorizations, expense reports and using procurement card to pay for conference registrations.Act as secretary at alternate staff meetings.Attend staff meetings and take minutes.Create and distribute copies of minutes to staff members.Develop and maintain patient encounter forms to be utilized by Student Health Service staff. Instruct staff in usage of encounter forms.Update clinical staff on changes or concerns with PyraMed program or encounter forms.Attend programs/classes on computer usage.10%Goal C – Clinic receptionist dutiesMaintain main telephone line and screen calls, answer inquiries, and relay messages. Determine the nature and urgency of calls and respond appropriatelyNotify health care professionals of possible emergencies on telephone or in waiting room. Schedule appointments as needed utilizing established guidelines.Direct supervision of all administrative and technical functions of medical records.Provide for release and distribute copies of medical records to other professionals or patients, ensuring that statutes and regulations regarding confidentiality are adhered to. Invoice as necessary.Maintain confidentiality of health records and related correspondence and/or communication. Remain informed about current state and federal mandates regarding medical record confidentiality, reporting requirements and procedures for release of information.Directly manage the removal of inactive files from active files on a tri-annual basis. Oversee the storage and retrieval of medical records.Update and maintain filing system of all medical records. Ensure records are maintained in an orderly manner and spot check for misfiled material.Assist with patient check-in:Instruct patients to sign in for appointments.Patients who were not previously scheduled: pull chart, file out guide, and prepare any necessary forms needed.Create chart for new patients including various labeling, forms needed including privacy notice and checking immunization records.Have patient fill out health questionnaire if not in chart.Assemble check-in sheet, the encounter form, and any other necessary forms and route chart to nursing staffKnowledge/Skills/AbilitiesAbility to orally communicate effectively with others using the English language with or without the use of auxiliary aids in order to convey information about job assignments and duties.Ability to write time sheets and vacation requests.Sufficient interpersonal skills to interact effectively with students, faculty and staff, as well as work with and cooperate with the supervising staff at all levels and to maintain a smoothly functioning work unit.Knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel, email, internet, and data entry on multiple data bases. The ability to demonstrate superb customer service and professionalism. Candidates for the position should be able to demonstrate effective customer service skills, strong interpersonal skills, as well as verbal and written communication abilities.Ability to take independent action under general supervision.? Ability to work independently and to?work under deadlines.?Exceptional skill in attending to detail and accuracy.TITLE:Clinic Nurse ManagerOFFICE:Student Health ServiceUNIT HEAD/SUPERVISOR:Director of Student Health ServiceThe Clinic Nurse Manager, under the supervision of the Director, assists in coordinating daily operations of the Student Health Service. Direct supervision of nursing staff and front office staff, direct nursing care responsibilities, as well as budgeting assistance, and overseeing the purchase of medical/pharmaceutical supplies are included. Collaborates with the Medical Supervisor regarding medical issues. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:Management: Assists with overall coordination of the daily operations of the Student Health Service (SHS)Facilitates interdepartmental communication within the SHSAssumes primary responsibility for staff schedulesSupervises nursing and front office staffConducts annual performance evaluations on supervised staffAssumes leadership role for compliance with HIPPA standardsAdministration:Serves in an administrative capacity and assists in the activities of the SHS as assigned by and in the absence of the SHS Director.Participates in planning and implementing unit goals and objectivesResponsible for the development and maintenance of policies, protocols, and proceduresParticipates in recruiting and hiring of new staff and oversees the orientation process.Serves on University and SHS committees Represents SHS at University and community committees/functionsPatient Care:Provides direct and indirect nursing care to students according to standards defined by the nursing professionProvides current and appropriate health education to students one-to-one or in a group or classroom settingMaintains up-to-date knowledge and skills through professional growth and educationMEDICAL PROGRAM ASSISTANTSTUDENT HEALTH SERVICETime (%)Goals and Worker Activities40%Goal A – Clinic receptionist dutiesOpen the office in the morning and update the appointment schedule for the day. This includes starting the medical records portion of the electronic medical record (EMR) program. It also includes doing the daily deposit.Maintain main telephone line and screen calls, transfer calls, answer inquiries, and relay messages. Determine the nature and urgency of calls and respond appropriatelyNotify health care professionals of possible emergencies on telephone or in waiting room. Schedule appointments as needed utilizing established appointment guidelines.Maintain administrative and technical functions of medical records.Knowledge of release of medical records and distributes copies of medical records to other professionals or patients, ensuring that statutes and regulations regarding confidentiality are adhered to. Invoice as necessary.Maintain confidentiality of health records and related correspondence and/or communication. Remain informed about current state and federal mandates regarding medical record confidentiality, reporting requirements and procedures for release of information.Update and maintain filing system of all medical records during transition to EMR. Ensure records are maintained in an orderly manner and spot check for misfiled material. Participate in scanning charts into EMRCollaborate with software vendor and LTS regarding troubleshooting problems with EMR.Assist with patient check-in procedure. 40%Goal B –Assist in SHS department and patient account systemWorking knowledge of college health service EMR to perform billing, coding and cashiering for patient visits.Update clinical dictionaries in software program as needed.Knowledge of ICD9 and CPT coding for software, billing and insurance purposes.Utilize the WI Family Planning Waiver program-program implementation, billing and reimbursement. Respond to billing/insurance inquiries from students, parents, and insurance companies.Assist in processing inventory related records and/or reports on a monthly basis.Assist in monitoring inventory of medical supplies, office and educational supplies, merchandise resale and pharmaceuticals.Coordinate any special projects or miscellaneous duties as requested. 20%Goal C – General Office Support for Student Health ServiceInterpret Health Service policies and procedures including privacy notice to students, faculty, staff and pose correspondence, memos, reports, minutes, and requisitions, as needed.Act as secretary at alternate staff meetings.Attend staff meetings and take minutes.Create and distribute copies of minutes to staff members.Maintain patient encounter forms to be utilized by Student Health Service staff. Assist staff in usage of encounter forms.Update clinical staff on changes or concerns with EMR program or encounter pile lab work in chart and route to clinician during transition to EMR.Attend programs/classes on computer usage.Knowledge/Skills/AbilitiesAbility to communicate effectively with others, both orally and written, using the English language with or without the use of auxiliary aids in order to convey information about job assignments and duties.Ability to write time sheets and vacation requests.Sufficient interpersonal skills to interact effectively with students, faculty and staff, as well as work with and cooperate with the supervising staff at all levels and to maintain a smoothly functioning work unit.Knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel, email, internet, and data entry on multiple data bases. Ability to quickly learn and demonstrate proficiency in use of the phone system, medical record system, including coding and billing. The ability to demonstrate superb customer service and professionalism. Candidates for the position should be able to demonstrate effective customer service skills, strong interpersonal skills, as well as verbal and written communication abilities.Ability to take independent action under general supervision.? Ability to work independently and to?work under deadlines.?Exceptional skill in attending to detail and accuracy.?Ability to prioritize work and multi-task.Knowledge and ability in cash handling, use of credit card and Blugold card systems.Medical Technologist Senior LevelStudent Health ServicePosition Summary: This position manages and coordinates all aspects of a moderately complex laboratory as defined by the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) in the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act ’88 (CLIA 88). It must perform and be responsible for the duties of “technical consultant”, and “testing personnel” defined in CLIA ’88. This position communicates directly with the Laboratory Director and reports directly to the Student Health Service Director.Time (%)Goals and Worker Activities50%Goal A – Act as testing personnel for laboratory testing of in-house or referral laboratory service specimens. 1. Provide patient education through explanation of tests.Prepare patient, handle and process specimens, test, report, and maintain records on all lab tests according to lab policy and procedures.Verify test procedures and instrumentation through quality control and proficiency testing.Document all test procedures, QC, and instrument maintenance.Identify and document all problems related to test performance, test results, and instrument functioning, document corrective action taken and review for correction.Enter Laboratory test results data for statistical analysis25%Goal B – Provide technical expertise for all lab operations to the clinical staff and patients. Evaluate, select and verify test procedures and instrumentation appropriate for clinical use.Write and update the laboratory procedure and protocol manuals.Establish and review quality control and quality assurance programs, evaluating problems and taking corrective actions.Maintain inventory of all laboratory supplies.Instruct clinical staff on any laboratory changes or additions.Orient all nurse practitioner, practicum students and resident physicians in laboratory operations and expectations.25%Goal C – Act as Laboratory Manager of moderately complex lab as specified under CLIA ’88. Communicate with the Laboratory Director on a periodic basis regarding proficiency testing, quality control, quality assurance, and test selection. Comply with all CLIA regulations to maintain laboratory certification. Ensure enrollment in and acceptable performance in a qualified proficiency-testing program.Ensure all areas of laboratory functions are acceptable for biennial inspection.Assist in advertising, interviewing, scheduling and supervising qualified laboratory personnel to ensure laboratory coverage.Train and evaluate the competency of laboratory testing personnel.Assist Purchasing in contracting a referral laboratory. Evaluate and oversee all activities associated with the reference lab.Keep financial records on lab expenditures, including instrument, maintenance and reagent contracts and other reagent purchases.Keep laboratory statistics necessary for annual reports and CLIA certification.Serve as Director for Chemical, Blood borne, and Safety Plans mandated by OSHA. Provide plan updating, training clinical staff, and documentations.Evaluate and recommend Laboratory information systems.Evaluate and recommend Laboratory remodeling when necessary.Perform other duties as directed by the Laboratory Director or the Student Health Director.MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIANSTUDENT HEALTH SERVICEPosition Summary: This position performs all duties and responsibilities as defined for “testing personnel” under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act ’88 (CLIA 88). The position requires independent work and is solely responsible for the lab as needed in the absence of the Medical Technologist. This position reports directly to the Student Health Service Director.Time (%)Goals and Worker Activities80%Goal A – Responsible for laboratory testing of in-house and referral laboratory service specimens. In-house testing includes chemistry, urinalysis, hematology, immunology, and bacteriology.Verify that the patient has been properly prepared for the requested test, i.e. fasting, clean catch, etc.Collect and process appropriate specimens for in-house lab and for transport to referral lab, including HIV testing.Perform phlebotomy techniques.Test according to laboratory policies and procedures.Operate laboratory instruments, including microscope, CELL DYN Emerald, Hematology Analyzer, Accu-check glucometer, and computer.Report to ordering clinician alerting if abnormal results.Aid medical staff in the interpretation of results.Investigate and research questions pertaining to laboratory results, terminology or abnormal results.Provide patient education for specimen collection and through explanation of tests.Maintain computerized records of all in-house and referral lab testing and results for statistical purposes and municate with referral laboratory about specimens and results.10%Goal B – Verify test procedure and instrumentation accuracy through quality control and proficiency testing. Instrumentation includes microscope, CELL DYN Emerald, Hematology Analyzer, Accu-chek glucometer, and computer.Perform quality control procedures according to laboratory policy and CLIA mandates. Document results.Alternate proficiency sample testing to maintain CLIA license.Identify and solve problems related to test performance, test results and instrument functioning. Document corrective actions and communicate to Medical Technologist.Perform preventative maintenance on laboratory instruments.Document any problems or complaints from staff or patients for quality assurance, solve and report to Medical Technologist.10%Goal C – Responsible for other duties as instructed by Medical TechnologistAssist in inventory control of laboratory supplies for both in-house and referral lab.Remain updated by attending pertinent continuing education programs and networking with peers.Perform other duties as instructed by Medical Technologist or SHS director.Maintain patient ply with OSHA standards for chemical hygiene, bloodborne pathogens and safety.Knowledge/Skills/AbilitiesAbility to orally communicate effectively with others using the English language with or without the use of auxiliary aids in order to convey information about job assignments and duties.Ability to write time sheets and vacation requests.Sufficient interpersonal skills to interact effectively with students, faculty and staff, as well as work with and cooperate with the supervising staff at all levels and to maintain a smoothly functioning work unit.Knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel, email, internet, and data entry on multiple data bases. The ability to demonstrate superb customer service and professionalism. Candidates for the position should be able to demonstrate effective customer service skills, strong interpersonal skills, as well as verbal and written communication abilities.Ability to take independent action under general supervision.? Ability to work independently and to?work under deadlines.?Exceptional skill in attending to detail and accuracy.?Ability to prioritize workload.Ability to handle time-sensitive and confidential information.Excellent professional written and oral communication skills.Ability to work effectively and collaboratively with diverse groups and individuals.Ability to perform detailed work with a high level of accuracy. Understanding of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and ability to maintain compliance in verbal and written matters.Possesses skills to perform laboratory testing of in-house and referral laboratory service specimens. In-house testing includes chemistry, urinalysis, hematology, immunology, and bacteriology.Possesses skills to verify test procedure and instrumentation accuracy through quality control and proficiency testing. Instrumentation includes microscope, CELL DYN Emerald, Hematology Analyzer, Accu-chek glucometer, and computer.Possesses skills to assist in inventory control of laboratory supplies for both in-house and referral lab.Ability to maintain computerized records of all in-house and referral lab testing and results for statistical purposes and CLIA.Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) This position provides LPN clinical care, working collaboratively with colleagues as part of an effective health care team. An essential component is to maintain a professional atmosphere that ensures patient respect, individuality, and confidentiality.70%Key Responsibility- Coordination of patient care in an ambulatory setting as a member of the health care team.A1 Provide direct nursing care to patients including but not limited to, wound care, first aid, BPs, EKGs, nebulizer treatments, peak flows, ear lavage and suture removal.A2 Measure and administer injections for patients, assessing patient status and providing patient education.A3 Dispense prescribed medications to patients, assessing patient status and providing patient education. A4 Provide advanced patient education on topics including but not limited to, contraception, medications, healthy lifestyle choices, and travel.A5 Triage patients by gathering detailed subjective and objective data (via phone or in person) and make independent judgments indicated by the situation.A6 Provide technical assistance to clinicians as needed during examinations, treatments, or surgical procedures.A7 Perform other duties as directed by clinician (i.e. referrals, patient follow-up, medication refill, etc.)A8 Prepare patient for appointment with clinicians (escort patient to exam room, take vital signs, obtain information on general condition and medications used, and fill out appropriate forms prn.)A9 Perform basic laboratory procedures as needed. A10 Complete e-fill procedure for birth control methods.30%Key Responsibility- Provides indirect patient care in an ambulatory setting as a member of the health care team.B1 Document accurate medical information on appropriate forms/records.B2 Order and maintain inventory of laboratory and medical supplies. B3 Sterilize equipment and clean autoclave.B4 Comply with safety, health, and sanitation codes/regulations according to OSHA standards.B5 Perform receptionist/front office duties including but not limited to, answering phones, scheduling appointments, checking patients in/out, and pulling/filing charts.B6 Perform other duties as requested.Knowledge/Skills/AbilitiesAbility to orally communicate effectively with others using the English language with or without the use of auxiliary aids in order to convey information about job assignments and duties.Ability to write time sheets and vacation requests.Sufficient interpersonal skills to interact effectively with students, faculty and staff, as well as work with and cooperate with the supervising staff at all levels and to maintain a smoothly functioning work unit.Knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel, email, internet, and data entry on multiple data bases. The ability to demonstrate superb customer service and professionalism. Candidates for the position should be able to demonstrate effective customer service skills, strong interpersonal skills, as well as verbal and written communication abilities.Ability to take independent action under general supervision.? Ability to work independently and to?work under deadlines.?Exceptional skill in attending to detail and accuracy.?Ability to prioritize workload.Ability to handle time-sensitive and confidential information.Excellent professional written and oral communication skills.Ability to work effectively and collaboratively with diverse groups and individuals.Ability to perform detailed work with a high level of accuracy. Understanding of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and ability to maintain compliance in verbal and written matters.Ability to perform nursing procedures within scope of practice as a Licensed Practical Nurse. Ability to assist clinician with basic office procedures.Provide health education to patients in a clinic setting.Possess basic first aid skills and CPR training. Basic knowledge of charting in medical records.Basic knowledge of OSHA guidelines for health and safety.Perform front office duties including but not limited to answering phones, checking patients in and out and pulling/filing/maintaining charts. Learn and perform all essential job functions accurately and safely with minimal direct supervision within the six month probationary period.TITLE:Student Services Program Manager I (Health Educator)OFFICE:Student Health ServiceIMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR:Director of Student Health ServiceUNIT HEAD:Director of Student Health ServiceThe Health Educator works under the general supervision of the Director. She/he provides leadership to health promotion programs and wellness education activities offered to the university community.DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIESResearch, develop, implement and evaluate peer health educator programs and other outreach activities.Coordinate the marketing and advertising of the Student Health Service, peer health educator programs and other outreach activities.Recruit, hire, train, and supervise the peer health educators. This includes coordinating continuing education and weekly staff meetings and assisting student leaders in developing objectives and activities based on departmental goals and strategic planning.Coordinate programming and outreach education with other units. This involves networking and building collaborative relationships across the campus community, and then community at large.Act as a resource to the university community for health and wellness information related to healthy lifestyles.Serve as a member of the health education committee at Student Health Service and other departmental, university, and public committees as appropriate.Research and write grant proposals as needed for funding educational outreach activities/programs.Other duties as specified by the Director.MEDICAL ASSISTANT II60%Key Responsibility- Provision of direct patient care for students in an ambulatory setting.A1 Prepare patient for appointment with clinicians (escort patient to exam room, take vital signs, obtain information on presenting problem, current medications, drug allergies and immunizations.)A2 Provide technical assistance to clinicians as needed during examinations, treatments, or surgical procedures.A3 Measure, administer, and record selected injections.A4 Perform other duties as directed by clinician (i.e., ear irrigations, crutch fitting and instructions, etc.)A5 Recognize need for immediate aid and apply appropriate first aid measures.A6 Perform screening procedures such as EKG, vision and hearing tests and lung capacities.A7 Provides advanced patient education on such things as basic food groups, menu plans, and effects and side effects of common medications.A8 Orders and maintains inventory of laboratory, medical and office supplies.A9 Distributes prescribed medications to patients, assessing patient status and providing patient education on specific medications. Appropriately records prescribed medications.A10 Performs basic laboratory procedures, such as urinalysis, blood counts, urine pregnancy tests, sedimentation rate, hemoglobin and plating cultures.30%Key Responsibility- Receptionist/Front Office AssistantB1Greet and register students into the clinic. B2Answer main phone and schedule appointments according to clinic guidelines. Screen telephone calls, answer phone inquiries, and relay messages. Determine the nature and urgency of calls and respond appropriately. Utilize triage nurse appropriately.B3 Code and invoice SHS encounters as students check out of clinic. Use ICD9 and CPT coding for software, billing and insurance purposes. Bill Medicaid for FPW Program services and supplies through established Electronic system. Update clinical and payer dictionaries in software program, PyraMED, as needed. B4 Collect, deposit and record monies for specific health services rendered. Balance cash, check and charge payments daily.B5 Send overdue accounts to the business office for collection and collaborate with them regarding outstanding accounts.B6 Pull/retrieve, prepare, and file charts. Assist with storage and retrieval of medical records.B7Provide for release and distribute copies of medical records to other professionals or patients, ensuring that statutes and regulations regarding confidentiality are adhered to. Invoice as necessary.B8Maintain confidentiality of health records and related correspondence and/or communication. Remain informed about current state and federal mandates regarding medical record confidentiality, reporting requirements and procedures for release of information.B9Complete e-fill procedure for birth control methods.B10Other clerical duties as assigned.10%Key Responsibility- Provision of indirect patient care for students in an ambulatory setting.C1 Record accurate information on appropriate forms/records and maintain confidentiality of records.C2 Perform inventory of medications/supplies.C3 Sterilize equipment and clean autoclave.C4 Comply with safety, health, and sanitation codes/regulations according to OSHA standards.C5 Perform other duties as requested by supervisor.Knowledge/Skills/AbilitiesAbility to orally communicate effectively with others using the English language with or without the use of auxiliary aids in order to convey information about job assignments and duties.Ability to write time sheets and vacation requests.Sufficient interpersonal skills to interact effectively with students, faculty and staff, as well as work with and cooperate with the supervising staff at all levels and to maintain a smoothly functioning work unit.Knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel, email, internet, and data entry on multiple data bases. The ability to demonstrate superb customer service and professionalism. Candidates for the position should be able to demonstrate effective customer service skills, strong interpersonal skills, as well as verbal and written communication abilities.Ability to take independent action under general supervision.? Ability to work independently and to?work under deadlines.?Exceptional skill in attending to detail and accuracy.?Ability to prioritize workload.Ability to handle time-sensitive and confidential information.Excellent professional written and oral communication skills.Ability to work effectively and collaboratively with diverse groups and individuals.Ability to perform detailed work with a high level of accuracy. Understanding of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and ability to maintain compliance in verbal and written matters.Ability to greet patients and prepare them for appointment with clinician.Ability to accurately assess vital signs.Ability to perform cleaning and sterilization of equipment used in the clinic.Ability to perform basic health screening procedures, ie. vision screening.Ability to assist clinician with basic office procedures.Ability to perform basic CLIA-Waived lab tests.Possess basic first aid skills and CPR training. Ability to perform inventory of clinic supplies.Basic knowledge of charting in medical records.Basic knowledge of OSHA guidelines for health and safety.Open and close front office following procedure established.Possess telephone skills for basic appointment scheduling.Pull/file and maintain medical records.Greet and check patients in for appointments.Code/invoice patient encounters following appointments. Take payments and print receipts.Prepare daily bank statements.Basic knowledge of insurance billing and reimbursement.Knowledge of basic office procedures. Copy and send medical records per HIPAA guidelines. Learn and perform all essential job functions accurately and safely with minimal direct supervision within the six month probationary period. ................

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