
Planning and architecture, deployment, and operations for Office Forms Server 2007

Microsoft Corporation

Published: May 2009

Author: Microsoft Office System and Servers Team (o12ITdx@)


This book discusses how, by using InfoPath Forms Services, you can publish form templates that can be opened either in Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 or rendered in a Web browser. The audiences for this content are IT professionals who plan, deploy, and maintain InfoPath Forms Services in their organizations.

The content in this book is a copy of selected content in the Office Forms Server technical library () as of the publication date. For the most current content, see the technical library on the Web.



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Planning and architecture, deployment, and operations for Office Forms Server 2007 1

Copyright 1

I Planning and architecture for Office Forms Server 2007 1

Planning and architecture for Office Forms Server 2007 1

Overview: Plan InfoPath Forms Services (Office Forms Server) 1

InfoPath Forms Services planning articles 1

Scenario planning 1

Situation 1

Solution: Forms for internal use 1

Situation 1

Solution 1: Forms for internal use 1

Solution 2: Customer-facing forms 1

Situation 1

Solution 1: Customer-facing forms 1

Solution 2: Forms processing workflow 1

Plan what form templates are needed (Office Forms Server) 1

Create an inventory of current forms 1

Survey the advantages of online forms 1

Assess the need for new form templates 1

Determine form template complexity 1

Worksheet 1

Plan custom form templates (Office Forms Server) 1

Plan form template design infrastructure requirements (Office Forms Server) 1

Server requirements 1

Network requirements 1

Security requirements 1

Plan server-side data connections needed for form templates (Office Forms Server) 1

Scenarios for the use of data connections 1

Database data connection 1

HTTP post data connection 1

SharePoint library submit data connection 1

SharePoint list data connection 1

Web service data connection 1

XML file data connection 1

Plan deployment of form templates (Office Forms Server) 1

Browser-compatible form templates 1

Scenario: Insurance claims processing 1

Plan deployment of administrator-approved form templates (Office Forms Server) 1

Determine the impact of anonymously accessible form templates (Office Forms Server) 1

Identify the need for anonymously accessible form templates 1

Security and usage considerations for anonymously accessible form templates 1

Bandwidth and capacity considerations for anonymously accessible form templates 1

Plan for naming form templates (Office Forms Server) 1

Plan for upgrading form templates (Office Forms Server) 1

Plan for retiring form templates (Office Forms Server) 1

Plan version control for form templates (Office Forms Server) 1

Document Retention 1

Capacity Planning 1

Plan for mobile device access to form templates (Office Forms Server) 1

Plan for data protection and recovery (Office Forms Server) 1

Data protection and recovery features in Office Forms Server 1

Additional data protection and recovery tools 1

Service level agreements 1

Data protection and recovery strategy 1

Plan for versioning (Office Forms Server) 1

Content versioning 1

Site versioning 1

Plan for capturing and storing deleted objects (Office Forms Server) 1

Planning to use the Recycle Bin 1

Planning to capture and recover deleted sites 1

Plan for backup and recovery (Office Forms Server) 1

Disaster recovery 1

Migrating data 1

Choose what to protect (Office Forms Server) 1

Protecting content databases 1

Protecting content stored in external data sources 1

Protecting search 1

Protecting configuration settings 1

Protecting customizations 1

Protecting binary files 1

Choose backup and recovery tools (Office Forms Server) 1

Available tools 1

Built-in backup and recovery tools 1

Performance 1

External backup and recovery tools 1

Third-party solutions and custom tools 1

Protecting and recovering data stored in InfoPath form templates (Office Forms Server) 1

Versioning 1

Deletion protection 1

Backup and recovery 1

Recovering Office InfoPath Forms Server 1

II Deployment for Office Forms Server 2007 1

Deploy software updates for Office Forms Server 2007 1

Before you begin 1

Overview of installation sequence 1

Perform installation steps 1

Verify installation 1

Add new servers to a server farm 1

Update language template packs 1

Known issues 1

Create an installation source that includes software updates (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Use the updates folder 1

Language template packs 1

Deploy Office Forms Server 2007 on a stand-alone computer 1

Hardware and software requirements 1

Configure the server as a Web server 1

Install and configure Office SharePoint Server 2007 with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition 1

Post-installation steps 1

Deploy Office Forms Server 2007 in a server farm environment 1

Deployment overview 1

Phase 1: Deploy and configure the server infrastructure 1

Phase 2: Create and configure a Shared Services Provider 1

Phase 3: Create a site collection and a SharePoint site 1

Deploy and configure the server infrastructure 1

SQL Server and database collation 1

Required accounts 1

Install the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.0 1

Enable 2.0 1

Run Setup on the first server 1

Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard 1

Add servers to the farm 1

Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard on additional servers 1

Create and configure a Shared Services Provider 1

Create a site collection and a SharePoint site 1

Post-installation steps 1

III Operations for Office Forms Server 2007 1

Operations for Office Forms Server 2007 1

Administering Office Forms Server 2007 1

Deploy form templates (Office Forms Server) 1

Deployment process 1

Configure InfoPath Forms Services for a site collection 1

Deploy administrator-approved form templates (Office Forms Server) 1

Deploying administrator-approved form templates 1

Upgrading administrator-approved form templates 1

Quiescing administrator-approved form templates 1

Manage form templates (Office Forms Server) 1

Managing administrator-approved form templates 1

View existing administrator-approved form templates 1

Upload and upgrade new administrator-approved form templates 1

Activate administrator-approved form templates to a site collection 1

Deactivate administrator-approved form templates from a site collection 1

Quiesce administrator-approved form templates 1

Delete administrator-approved form templates 1

View properties of existing administrator-approved form templates 1

Managing user form templates 1

Manage session state (Office Forms Server) 1

Prerequisites for session state 1

Enable or disable session state 1

Office Forms Server best practices 1

Document limit of 2,000 in Windows SharePoint Services document libraries 1

Use Form View when configuring Forms Services session state 1

Running SQL Server on a front-end Web server not recommended 1

Best practices for anonymously accessible forms 1

Configure InfoPath Forms Services (Office Forms Server) 1

Configure Forms Services using Central Administration 1

Recover your farm after a configuration database problem (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Task requirements 1

Farm recovery overview 1

Move all databases (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Task Requirements 1

Procedure overview 1

Central Administration Help (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Getting started (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Basic concepts (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Return continuous improvement data to Microsoft (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Using Central Administration (Office Forms Server) 1

Learn what's on the Home page 1

Learn what's on the Operations page 1

Learn what's on the Application Management page 1

Troubleshoot issues (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Configuring your server or server farm (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Configuring global settings (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Dismiss the Server Farm Configuration not Complete warning (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help) 1

Manage alternate access mappings (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help) 1

Add an internal URL 1

Edit or delete an internal URL 1

Edit public URLs 1

Map to an external resource 1

Manage quota templates (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Specify new databases (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Adding and removing servers to the server farm (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Remove a server from the server farm (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Determine which services are hosted by a server (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

About server roles (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Configuring and managing services (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Manage a farm's Shared Services Providers (Office Forms Server) 1

Create a new SSP 1

Restore an SSP 1

Edit SSP settings 1

Delete an SSP 1

Change the default SSP 1

Change SSP associations 1

Manage SharePoint timer jobs (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Check the status of a timer service job 1

Edit a timer job definition 1

Manage shared services between farms (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Manage shared services (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Check which services are enabled in the farm (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Configuring and managing security (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Configuring authentication (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Configure authentication providers (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Configuring security settings (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Configure antivirus settings (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Manage blocked file types (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Configure security settings for Web Part pages (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Managing users and permissions (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Manage Central Administration site users (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Add users to the Central Administration site 1

Create a new group 1

Change group settings 1

View group permissions 1

Designate visitors, members, and owners for the Central Administration site 1

About anonymous access (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Take ownership of a site collection (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help) 1

Take ownership of a site collection 1

Restore ownership of a site collection 1

Manage site collection administrators (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Manage permissions for a Web application (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Manage permissions through policy (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Add users and define policy 1

Edit permissions for user policies 1

Delete user policies 1

Creating and managing Web applications and sites (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Creating and managing Web applications (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Create or extend a Web application (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Create a Web application 1

Extend a Web application 1

Change the application pool identity for a Web application (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Unextend a Web application (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Delete a Web application (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help) 1

Define managed paths (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help) 1

Configure self-service site creation (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help) 1

Configuring settings for a Web application (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Configure Web application general settings (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help) 1

Configure alert settings for a Web application (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help) 1

Configure Recycle Bin settings (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help) 1

Creating and managing sites (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Create sites and subsites (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help) 1

Create a site collection 1

Delete a site collection (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help) 1

Delete a site collection 1

Integrating e-mail with your sites (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Configure outgoing e-mail (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Configure default outgoing e-mail settings 1

Configure outgoing e-mail settings for a Web application 1

Configure incoming e-mail (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help) 1

Managing data (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Configuring data settings (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Configure content database settings (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Specify a default database server (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Manage content databases (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Add a content database to a Web application 1

Configure content database settings 1

Remove a content database from a Web application 1

Managing forms (Office Forms Server) 1

Manage form templates (Office Forms Server Central Administration Help) 1

View form templates 1

View form template properties 1

Upload or upgrade a form template 1

Remove a form template 1

Deploy a form template (Office Forms Server) 1

Activate form templates (Office Forms Server) 1

Quiesce a form template (Office Forms Server) 1

Quiesce a form template 1

Stop quiescing a form template 1

Deactivate form templates (Office Forms Server) 1

Managing documents and records (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Document conversions (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Configure the Document Conversions Launcher Service (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Workflows (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Configure workflow settings (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help) 1

Monitoring sites and servers (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Using quotas and managing unused Web sites (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Manage site quotas and locks (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Manage unused Web sites (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help) 1

Configure quotas for a second-stage Recycle Bin (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Server logging and reporting (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Configure diagnostic logging (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Analyzing site usage (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Enable usage analysis processing (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help) 1

Managing features, solutions, Web Parts, and templates (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Managing features (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Managing solutions and Web Parts (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Backing up and restoring (Office Forms Server 2007) 1

Technical reference for Office Forms Server 2007 1

I Planning and architecture for Office Forms Server 2007

Planning and architecture for Office Forms Server 2007

Topic Last Modified: 2008-06-20

In this section:

• Overview: Plan InfoPath Forms Services (Office Forms Server)

• Plan what form templates are needed (Office Forms Server)

• Plan custom form templates (Office Forms Server)

• Plan form template design infrastructure requirements (Office Forms Server)

• Plan server-side data connections needed for form templates (Office Forms Server)

• Plan deployment of form templates (Office Forms Server)

• Plan deployment of administrator-approved form templates (Office Forms Server)

• Determine the impact of anonymously accessible form templates (Office Forms Server)

• Plan for naming form templates (Office Forms Server)

• Plan for upgrading form templates (Office Forms Server)

• Plan for retiring form templates (Office Forms Server)

• Plan version control for form templates (Office Forms Server)

• Plan for mobile device access to form templates (Office Forms Server)

• Plan for data protection and recovery (Office Forms Server)

Overview: Plan InfoPath Forms Services (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

In this article:

• InfoPath Forms Services planning articles

• Scenario planning

Using InfoPath Forms Services, you can publish form templates that can be opened either in Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 or rendered in a Web browser.

[pic] Note:

InfoPath Forms Services is a component of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 and should not be confused with Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007, a separate product.

This technology requires specific server configuration, server resource and network bandwidth allocation, consideration of security and user management, and careful planning related to the deployment, accessibility, and management of form templates. You do not have to install InfoPath Forms Services separately, as it is installed with Windows SharePoint Services. In order to make the most effective use of InfoPath Forms Services, you need to do some planning. The planning tasks have been organized into articles to make it easier for you to find the planning information you need for each step.

[pic] Note:

"Forms" and "form templates" are separate entities. A form is an instance of a form template, invoked when the form is opened from a document library or when a Web page containing a form is opened. A form template is an .xsn file that resides on a server and contains the code that generates a form.

For example business scenarios for InfoPath Forms Services, see Scenario planning in this article.

InfoPath Forms Services planning articles

Before you begin designing form templates

Plan what form templates are needed (Office SharePoint Server)   This article helps you to plan what form templates you need to create. It also helps you understand which of your current forms can be imported and which must be recreated manually, and the factors that should be taken into account.

Plan for naming form templates (Office SharePoint Server)   This article helps you to establish a naming convention for form templates.

Planning form template design

Plan form template design infrastructure requirements (Office SharePoint Server)   Before you begin deploying form templates in an InfoPath Forms Services production environment, read this article to help you consider the server, security, and network requirements to support your deployment.

Plan custom form templates (Office SharePoint Server)   Read this article to help you develop custom form templates to address specific forms needs.

Plan server-side data connections needed for form templates (Office SharePoint Server)   This article describes how server-side data connections function when a form template is deployed, and it assists you with planning for the data connections you need.

Planning form template deployment

Plan deployment of form templates (Office SharePoint Server)   This article helps you to understand the deployment process for the two categories of browser-compatible form templates: user form templates and administrator-approved form templates.

Plan deployment of administrator-approved form templates (Office SharePoint Server)   Read this article to help you plan for the deployment of form templates that contain business logic such as a compiled, managed code DLL (form code); require full trust; or use a data connection that is managed by an administrator.

Planning server supportability and maintenance

Plan for upgrading form templates (Office SharePoint Server)   Read this article to help you plan for upgrading administrator-deployed form templates.

Plan for retiring form templates (Office SharePoint Server)   Read this article to help you plan for retiring form templates when they become obsolete.

Plan version control for form templates (Office SharePoint Server)   Read this article to help you plan for enabling version control, which causes document libraries to create a new version of the form template every time the template is edited and saved, preserving previous versions as defined by the administrator.

Plan for mobile device access to form templates (Office SharePoint Server)   Read this article to help you plan for providing access to browser-enabled forms from mobile devices such as handheld PDAs that support HTML, CHTML, or XHTML.

InfoPath Forms Services best practices   Read this article for best practices for InfoPath Forms Services.

Scenario planning

You need to carefully plan before you implement InfoPath Forms Services in your organization. You need to consider that InfoPath Forms Services can:

• Integrate with other applications in Office SharePoint Server 2007.

• Integrate with other systems such as e-mail.

• Retrieve data from or push data to databases.

Several factors can make this process complex and challenging. Your organization should decide what purpose forms will serve in the enterprise. Forms can be critical business artifacts in many organizations.

Many organizations use scenario planning to make strategic decisions about how forms are used. The basic method is for a team to generate a scenario that incorporates known facts about the future. For example, the scenario can include the following:

• System capacity

• Network topology

• Number of users

• Location of users

• Server configuration

• Legacy system integration

• Form complexity

• Session length

This section contains some sample scenarios for the use of InfoPath Forms Services.

Scenario 1: Expense-Report Submission

A. Datum Corporation, a national computer equipment and IT services provider, sells computers, networking hardware, and IT service contracts. A. Datum Corporation has 10,000 employees in North America. Many A. Datum Corporation teams — including marketing, sales, and support consultants — incur and report work-related expenses. These teams represent about one third of the A. Datum workforce.


A. Datum Corporation has adopted mySAP ERP for its business data and operations. It wants to add InfoPath Forms Services to its environment to take advantage of data connections to its back-end systems. By deploying InfoPath Forms Services, A. Datum intends to benefit in the following ways:

• Streamline the process of expense-report submission, review, approval, and reimbursement.

• Increase data accuracy through data validation and business logic built into the form.

• Enable expense reports to be completed online or offline.

• Enforce corporate expense policy rules at the time of expense-report submission.

• Provide immediate access to expense-report status and expense data.

In addition, A. Datum wants to leverage the advantages realized through Office SharePoint Server 2007 such as document management, team collaboration, and workflow features available with SharePoint sites. The corporation plans to connect the SharePoint sites to its SAP portal so that it can search and index the content along with its other business information.

Solution: Forms for internal use

The IT department in A. Datum Corporation is responsible for deploying and maintaining InfoPath Forms Services and connecting it to SAP. It is concerned with keeping its business-critical information available and secure. It is responsible for ensuring that the end-user experience is smooth and that response times are within acceptable limits. Time studies indicate that users take about 30 minutes to complete an expense report. To accommodate the new expense-reporting forms, the IT department is preparing to do the following:

• Provide intranet access for employees accessing the forms within the corporate network.

• Provide dial-up access to a remote access server for employees outside the corporate firewall.

• Provide the Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 client for those employees who require offline capability.

• Deploy this solution on a medium server farm.

Scenario 2: Insurance claims processing

A large organization introduces Office SharePoint Server 2007 into its environment to enable customers, insurance agents, and related businesses to use online forms for processing insurance claims. The organization has been using InfoPath 2003 internally but wants to make its forms browser-enabled.


Humongous Insurance is a large multinational company that sells insurance products for boat, automobile, and home owners. These products are sold to both consumers and corporate clients. Humongous Insurance has a large, mobile workforce of over 10,000 people that includes salespeople, claims adjusters, attorneys, IT staff, HR staff, and finance staff. Humongous Insurance is based in the United States, but has offices in Canada and several Latin American countries.

Solution 1: Forms for internal use

The insured customer contacts his Humongous Insurance agent by telephone to file a claim. The agent connects to the corporate claims Web site and completes the claim form for the customer. The agent forwards the claim by e-mail to the adjuster, who conducts an inspection. The adjuster approves repairs and costs. The adjuster completes the form that was sent in e-mail and returns it to the agent. The agent reviews the form for accuracy and then forwards it to the accounting department for payment processing. A representative from the accounting department approves a check and archives the claim form. The form is stored as an XML document in the Humongous Insurance claims database. The repairs are done and the customer is refunded the covered amount. Relevant account information is updated accordingly.

Solution 2: Customer-facing forms

Alternatively, a Humongous Insurance customer can file a claim over the Internet. The customer need not wait for regular business hours to file a claim. The customer can go to the Humongous Insurance Web site, establish her account, log on, and file the claim. In this case, the customer completes the form that is typically completed by the agent. After the customer submits the form, it is sent to the adjuster by e-mail and a copy of the e-mail is sent to the agent. The adjuster returns the form to the agent if additional information is needed. From this point, the claim form is handled in the same way as a claim initiated by a telephone call.

Scenario 3: Online government permits

A local government agency uses Office SharePoint Server 2007 and InfoPath Forms Services to provide permit application and approval to contractors over the Internet.


An electrical contractor successfully bids a job for electrical service updates to a home, and seeks a permit issued by the local government agency to complete this work. The electrical contractor goes to the Web site for the City Power and Light Department of Building Inspections to apply for a permit by using an online service. The contractor has previously registered to use this service. His company information, as well as a prior permit request, is already stored.

Solution 1: Customer-facing forms

Data entered into the permit application Web form is submitted to an XML database located on the network of the Department of Building Inspections. After the application data is submitted, a new permit request is automatically populated to a SharePoint workspace as a link to a multi-part InfoPath form. When the form is opened, the requesting contractor’s company data and permit application data are populated into fields in the first view of the form. This view is identical to the form that the contractor completed.

Solution 2: Forms processing workflow

As part of the process, City Power and Light Department of Building Inspections must formally acknowledge receipt of the application. The receiving agent checks the information for completeness and digitally signs the application form to confirm receipt. A precise image of the application form acknowledging receipt by the department is sent by e-mail to the contractor. InfoPath uses data adapters to access data relevant to qualifying a decision. InfoPath pulls this information from other internal agency data sources into the form in other views. The agency employee reviews this other data, adjudicates the request based upon this merged information, and approves or denies the permit request. If the request is approved, an electrical permit, populated with the requestor’s contact data and relevant information, is rendered in HTML. The permit is posted to the contractor’s home page on the Department of Building Inspections Permit SharePoint site, where the contractor can view and print the permit for posting on the job site.

Plan what form templates are needed (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

In this article:

• Create an inventory of current forms

• Survey the advantages of online forms

• Assess the need for new form templates

• Determine form template complexity

• Worksheet

It is important that you follow some planning steps when you are considering what form templates you will need. Most organizations already have forms in use, and while some of these forms can be imported, you will almost certainly want to create new form templates. This article helps you plan what form templates you need to create. It also helps you understand which of your current forms can be imported and which must be recreated manually, and the factors that should be taken into account.

At the end of this article, you should use the Inventory of existing forms worksheet () to list your current form inventory. In the article named Plan deployment of administrator-approved form templates (Office Forms Server), you will use the "Plan deployment of administrator-approved form templates" worksheet to record the form templates you will initially create, and the existing forms you will import.

Create an inventory of current forms

Before you deploy Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007, it is important to identify what forms are currently used in your organization. Forms exist in many different formats, including:

• Microsoft Word

• Paper

• Fax

• E-mail

• Web

• Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003

• Other software

Determine whether your existing forms are useful and effective. Some parts of forms or entire forms might not fulfill the purpose for which they were originally designed. Some forms might duplicate other forms. Identify the forms that you want to keep. Of the forms that you want to keep, determine which ones can be developed and deployed to Office Forms Server 2007. Determine if forms should be combined. Identify which forms can be eliminated, either by retiring them or by combining them with another form.

Survey the advantages of online forms

There are a number of reasons that an organization would decide to move forms from their legacy format to an online version. The key advantages for doing this with Office Forms Server 2007 are:

1. Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 provides a design-once model for both form templates that are viewed and edited in the Office InfoPath 2007 program, and browser-compatible form templates that are viewed and edited in a browser. All declarative rules in the form work identically when a form is filled out by using Office InfoPath 2007 or a Web browser. Similarly, all business logic written in a .NET Framework language to the new managed object model will run identically in both environments. This allows developers to design rich, complex forms once without having to worry about creating different versions.

2. The Office InfoPath 2007 design mode allows form template designers to define simple validation rules, calculations, and conditional formatting declaratively, without having to write any code. All of these declarative rules run as is on Office Forms Server 2007 without making any server-specific or browser-specific changes.

3. A simple deployment model and features for form template management are available. Office Forms Server 2007 provides a one-step deployment model through the InfoPath Designer and also integrates with the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 infrastructure to provide administration and manageability tools.

4. No download or custom installation is required on the client in order to fill out a form.

5. Office Forms Server 2007 can understand XML schemas inherently and can provide a rich, flexible, dynamic, and familiar user model for working with nested, repeating, and optional sections. Office Forms Server 2007 also has advanced capabilities for defining validation rules and applying them at run time to catch data integrity problems at the source. All of these capabilities are available when filling out InfoPath forms, whether in a Web browser or in Office InfoPath 2007.

6. Forms are commonly used as a front end for a more complex business process where the collected data needs to flow through predefined workflow and server processes. Form fields might be mapped to rows and fields in a database. Office Forms Server 2007 provides excellent connectivity to Web services with built-in functionality that can let you consume data from or submit data to a Web service without writing a single line of code.

7. Office InfoPath 2007 is built on the XML standard. InfoPath form templates are based on an underlying XML schema that defines the shape of the data captured by the form. The form is an XML file complying with this schema. Data can easily be retrieved from and submitted to external data sources. This is also true for forms running in a Web browser. Because of this standard data format, form template designers can directly manipulate the data captured through Office InfoPath 2007.

8. Office Forms Server 2007 supports a complete managed object model for forms that can take a dependency on the Microsoft .NET Framework. Business logic written in C# or Visual Basic that takes advantage of this object model runs directly without recompilation on Office Forms Server 2007.

9. Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 architecture allows administrators to take advantage of CPU and memory upgrades to both scale up and scale out the performance of Office Forms Server 2007 to meet demands.

10. Office Forms Server 2007 is natively compatible with the dominant browsers on all platforms.

Assess the need for new form templates

While creating the planning scenario and forms inventory, you might identify gaps where a new form template can fill a need. You might find that Office Forms Server 2007 technology offers new opportunities that were not previously practical or possible with current forms. For example, paper forms do not integrate with e-mail. A new form template that integrates with e-mail, if it is appropriate to your scenario, might be valuable. The worksheet in this article includes a section for assessing your need for new form templates.

Determine form template complexity

You have a wide range of options when designing a form template in Office InfoPath 2007. A form template can be simple and short-lived. For example, a workgroup might create a form to determine who will attend a meeting next week. A form template can also be very complex. For example, the form template might:

• Use form code.

• Contain multiple data connections.

• Require deployment by the administrator of the server farm. Understanding the complexity of your form template can help you determine the impact on system resources.

Questions you need to answer when you plan for Office Forms Server 2007 include the following:

• Will the form template be exposed to anonymous users?

• Will this be an administrator-approved form template? That is, is this a form template that can only by deployed by an administrator because it requires full trust, contains form code, or uses an administrator-managed data connection?

• Will this form template use data connections to submit or retrieve data from external sources? For more information about data connections, see Plan server-side data connections needed for form templates (Office Forms Server).

• How many people are expected to use this form template over its life span?

• What will the average number of concurrent users be for the form template?

• What is the expected number of concurrent users during peak usage?

• What is the expected session length for the form template?

• Will users access the form template offline?

• Will the form template require a digital signature?

• Will workflow be applied to this form template, or is the form template intended to be used in a workflow?


Use the Inventory of existing forms () to list your current form inventory.

See Also


Plan deployment of administrator-approved form templates (Office Forms Server)

Other Resources

Demo: Deploy an administrator-approved form template

Plan custom form templates (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

You can develop custom form templates to address specific forms needs. Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 provides several form templates that can be customized for your organization's needs and systems, but most organizations find that they need to design custom form templates to suit their specific needs.

For example, an insurance company may need to design a form template to gather accident claims information, with certain form fields being populated by existing database entries related to the customer. Because such a form template would contain specialized logic and data connections, it would need to be designed from the ground up.

InfoPath form templates can also be created by importing forms from Microsoft Office Word 2007 and Microsoft Office Excel 2007 documents. For more information, see Convert a Word document to an InfoPath form template () and Convert an Excel workbook to an InfoPath form template () on Office Online.

Custom form templates that contain form code, require full trust, or use a data connection managed by a server administrator must be approved and deployed by an administrator. Such form templates are called "administrator-approved form templates." For more information, see Plan deployment of administrator-approved form templates (Office Forms Server). If a form template does not contain form code, require full trust, or use a data connection managed by an administrator, you can configure Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 to permit users to deploy such form templates, called "user form templates," without administrator approval.

See Also


Plan what form templates are needed (Office Forms Server)

Plan deployment of form templates (Office Forms Server)

Plan deployment of administrator-approved form templates (Office Forms Server)

Plan form template design infrastructure requirements (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

In this article:

• Server requirements

• Network requirements

• Security requirements

Before you begin deploying form templates in an Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 production environment, it is important that you carefully consider the server, security, and network requirements to support your deployment. Office Forms Server 2007 can support many thousands of form templates of varying degrees of complexity, and it provides support for user-deployed form templates. As with any enterprise system, it is crucial to design your infrastructure to support the intended level of usage and to establish a clear strategy for scaling the system to meet increased capacity requirements.

[pic] Note:

Once you have established the expected usage and size of your deployment, you should always deploy to a staging system before you deploy to a production environment. This allows you to establish performance and capacity baselines and to ensure that your design functions as expected.

The factors you need to consider include:

• Expected number of users

• Expected number of form templates

• Expected life cycle of form templates (the length of time that a form template will be used before being retired or upgraded)

• Complexity of form templates (for example, how many form templates will use data connections or complex code, or instantiate a workflow)

• Security considerations

You should read the following Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 planning articles before you begin planning your InfoPath Forms Services infrastructure:

• Plan for performance and capacity (Office SharePoint Server)

• Book Excerpt: Design server farms and topologies (Office SharePoint Server)

• Design logical architecture

• Plan for performance and capacity (Windows SharePoint Services)

• Plan for and design security (Office SharePoint Server)

Server requirements

Because InfoPath Forms Services is only one component of an Office SharePoint Server 2007, you need to ensure that your overall Office SharePoint Server 2007 planning process takes into account the particular requirements of InfoPath Forms Services. You may need to increase server capacity to accommodate InfoPath Forms Services users and form templates, particularly if you plan to deploy anonymous form templates to the Internet or plan to deploy complex form templates that require considerable memory and processor time.

For more information on infrastructure and capacity planning for Office SharePoint Server 2007, see the Office SharePoint Server 2007 planning articles Book Excerpt: Design server farms and topologies (Office SharePoint Server) and Plan for performance and capacity (Office SharePoint Server).

Network requirements

In general, you should follow common networking best practices for enterprise systems, such as:

• Use a firewall between tiers, and between front-end Web servers and the Internet.

• Use a high-speed network backbone for intra-server communications.

• Monitor the network environment for peak bandwidth usage and DoS attacks.

• Perform regular network security audits.

For more information on network requirements, see the Office SharePoint Server 2007 planning article Book Excerpt: Design server farms and topologies (Office SharePoint Server).

Security requirements

InfoPath Forms Services security takes advantage of the Office SharePoint Server 2007 security framework, but InfoPath Forms Services has its own security considerations apart from Office SharePoint Server 2007 security, which include the following:

• Administrator-approved form templates may have privileges on corporate systems, including cross-domain access rights, and may contain code that runs under an administrator account. For this reason, it is important that all administrator-approved form templates be carefully reviewed by an administrator who is familiar with InfoPath Forms Services security prior to deployment.

• An administrator may grant certain farm-level privileges, such as allowing user form templates to use data connections that access data across domains. These settings should be carefully considered before changing the defaults, as they may have a broad impact on security across the entire farm.

• If you have enabled the Web service proxy, it should run under a unique application pool account. You should disable the Web service proxy if it is not used.

For more information on security requirements, see the Office SharePoint Server 2007 planning article Plan for and design security (Office SharePoint Server).

See Also

Other Resources

Determine the impact of anonymously accessible form templates (Office SharePoint Server)

Plan server-side data connections needed for form templates (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

In this article:

• Scenarios for the use of data connections

• Database data connection

• HTTP post data connection

• SharePoint library submit data connection

• SharePoint list data connection

• Web service data connection

• XML file data connection

A data connection is a dynamic link between a form template and a data source that stores or provides data for the form template. A form template must have one primary data connection, called the main data connection, and it can optionally have one or more secondary data connections. The main data connection defines the main data source of the form template, which is the XML schema that determines how data is stored. The one main data connection allowed on a form template is created automatically when you create the template. You can create as many secondary data connections as you like when you design a form template.

The Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 designer supports a number of different data connections, which can be used both in the Office InfoPath 2007 program and in Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007. Office InfoPath 2007 form template designers can develop a form template once and publish it both for the rich client and for the browser using Office Forms Server 2007. If data connections are used within a browser-enabled form template, the form template calls data connections that are resident in Office Forms Server 2007. This topic describes how server-side data connections function when a form template is deployed.

To plan what data connections you will need, gather the following information:

• What forms currently exist in your organization

• What application or systems you want to send the data to

Scenarios for the use of data connections

The following are scenarios that show how data connections can be used in conjunction with Office Forms Server 2007.

Scenario 1: Intranet: Authenticated user submitting data through e-mail

April logs onto her computer on the corporate intranet. She browses to her group's SharePoint site and opens an expense report form template from a document library. Because she does not have Office InfoPath 2007 installed, the form is instantiated in her browser. She fills out the form and clicks "Submit." The form is submitted by e-mail to her Accounts Payable department. The mail is delivered to A/P's e-mail box and the "Sender" field shows that the form was sent by "Office Forms Server." Because April is authenticated on the LAN by NTLM, the message's Subject line begins with "Submitted by April Meyer:" Meanwhile, April simply receives confirmation that her form has been submitted.

Scenario 2: Extranet: Basic authentication submitting data through e-mail

The next time April has an expense report to submit, she is traveling to a conference. Using the free wireless Internet at her hotel, she logs into her company's extranet. She is prompted to enter her user name and password. Once she is authenticated, she accesses her expense report form in her browser. When she submits the form, she receives confirmation that the form was submitted. Behind the scenes, mail is sent to A/P as described in the first scenario. Because April is authenticated on the LAN using Basic authentication, the message once again has her name on the Subject line.

Scenario 3: Intranet: HTTP post to application server

Tim works for the IT department at Linfield College. He sets up a BizTalk orchestration to handle admissions applications. He chooses to have the application forms, which are in XML format, submitted using BizTalk's ISAPI adapter. Melissa, who works at the Admissions desk at Linfield, enters the data from the applications that have been submitted by means of postal mail into the application form using InfoPath. When she submits the form, an HTTP post occurs, sending the data to the BizTalk queue.

Office Forms Server 2007 uses the E-mail data connection to submit e-mail messages in MIME format on behalf of the user, using mail functionality provided with Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. An e-mail message is sent using the credentials of the account under which the forms server is running. All configuration of this mail service is done by the server administrator. For information about configuring e-mail on Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, see the Windows SharePoint Services Administrator's Guide.

Database data connection

The Database data connection looks up information in a database to populate form fields. You can use this connection to look up data in Microsoft SQL Server, or in any ODBC-compliant database. The Database data connection is query-only and cannot be used to submit data to a database. If you want to use a form to submit data, you should use the Web service data connection.

The Database data connection can authenticate requests to the database in different ways, depending on the security level of the form template that is being used to render the form. Administrator-approved form templates can be designed to have full trust, which means that any business logic or code that runs in the form is authenticated as the Office Forms Server 2007 service account unless another authentication method is specified in the form template. Forms that are not running in full trust can only access a database that exists in the same domain as the server running Office Forms Server 2007, and database queries are authenticated either as the user or the account specified in the configuration database. In this case, if authentication fails, a prompt appears in which the user can specify a user name and password to connect to the database.

HTTP post data connection

The HTTP post data connection enables an InfoPath form to post data to an application server using an HTTP post function. The HTTP post originates from the Office Forms Server 2007 server.

If the HTTP post data connection is used in a form template running in full trust, then cross-domain HTTP posts can be made. If the form template does not have full trust, HTTP posts can only be made to servers in the same domain as the Office Forms Server 2007 server. Before performing an HTTP post, Office Forms Server 2007 calls an API method, passing the host name of the computer specified in the connection file to determine whether a connection can be made to that server within the current security context.

SharePoint library submit data connection

The SharePoint library submit data connection enables forms to be published directly to a SharePoint document library. The connection uses the current user identity to access the SharePoint site.

Before submitting a form to a document library, Office Forms Server 2007 calls an API method, passing the host name of the computer on which the data source resides to determine whether the form can connect to that server within the current security context.

SharePoint list data connection

The SharePoint list data connection is a query-only connection used to populate InfoPath form fields from an existing SharePoint list.

When this data connection is used, the server calls an API method, passing the host name of the server to determine whether the form can connect to that server within the current security context.

Web service data connection

The Web service data connection can submit data to a Web service and use the return data to update fields in the originating form. This connection collects form data as query parameters, wraps the data in a SOAP envelope, and submits it to a Web service. The connection then obtains the returned SOAP message containing return data or, in the case of failure, error-message data. A Web service connection can be created as a query connection or as a submit connection.

XML file data connection

The XML file data connection connects to an XML file specified when the form template is designed, and it uses the data from the XML file to populate form fields. Form template designers can also choose to include the XML file in the form template itself, which reduces resource-management issues associated with connecting to an external resource.

Plan deployment of form templates (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2015-03-09

In this article:

• Browser-compatible form templates

• Scenario: Insurance claims processing

Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 enables you to deploy rich forms that can be opened in Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007, Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, or in a Web browser. Browser-compatible form templates (.xsn files) created in the design mode of the InfoPath client can be published to a document library as browser-enabled form templates that run on Office Forms Server 2007.

You can also upload form templates to a document library that are not browser-compatible. These form templates can only be opened in Office InfoPath 2007.

|Worksheet action |

|Use the Inventory of existing forms worksheet () to list your current form inventory. |

Browser-compatible form templates

There are two categories of browser-compatible form templates: user form templates and administrator-approved form templates. Form templates that do not contain managed code, require full trust, or use a data connection managed by an administrator may be deployed by any user with the Add and customize pages permission. This permission is granted by default to the Design permission level and above on the site collection, but may be granted to any group or user by a site collection administrator.

[pic] Note:

For more information on customizing permissions for groups and users, see the Office SharePoint Server 2007 article, Define custom permission levels (Office SharePoint Server). Form templates that contain managed code (business logic that incorporates extended functionality such as database queries or integration with third-party application servers), require full trust, or use a data connection managed by an administrator can only be deployed by an administrator.

[pic] Important:

In addition to planning for the deployment of form templates, you should also plan a review and testing strategy for deployment of administrator-approved form templates. Because administrator-approved form templates contain code that could run under an administrative user account, it is important that they be subjected to thorough review and testing before they are deployed to a production environment. For more information, see Plan deployment of administrator-approved form templates (Office Forms Server).

Scenario: Insurance claims processing

This section describes a scenario for the deployment of browser-compatible form templates.

Humongous Insurance, a large insurance organization, introduces Office Forms Server 2007 into their environment to enable customers, insurance agents, and related businesses to use online forms for processing insurance claims. The organization has been using InfoPath 2003 internally but is now using InfoPath Forms Services to make forms available to their customers online.

Ted, the lead form template designer for Humongous Insurance, has just completed the design of a form template that allows customers to manage their policy online. Since the form contains business logic and data connections that are managed by the Office Forms Server 2007 administration group, he cannot publish the form directly to Office Forms Server 2007. Ted publishes the form template to a network location specified by the administrator, where it can be checked for compliance with design standards for form templates. He then notifies the administrator that the form template is ready for review.

Jorje, the Office Forms Server 2007 administrator in charge of validation of form templates, sees the new form template in the network folder. The policy for new form templates at Humongous Insurance is to first validate the template by reviewing the code for compliance with security regulations and design standards, and then to upload the form template to a staging environment for further testing. Jorje reviews the code by opening the form template in the InfoPath program. Then he checks to make sure that the form template code calls the correct data connection, the form template is signed with a digital certificate, and trust settings are configured correctly. When he is satisfied that the form template is compliant with design standards, Jorje uploads the template to the staging environment, which closely matches the production Office Forms Server 2007 architecture.

Once the form template has been uploaded to the staging environment, Jorje logs in as a test user and opens the Web page where the form resides. Following his template review checklist, he fills out the form by using every available field and submits it, following this process several times and changing specific data, check box selections, and menu command selections each time. He also verifies that form data is being correctly submitted to the database and that business logic is functioning properly. Once the testing process is complete, Jorje signs off on the review checklist and uploads the form template to the production environment.

See Also


Plan what form templates are needed (Office Forms Server)

Plan deployment of administrator-approved form templates (Office Forms Server)

Plan deployment of administrator-approved form templates (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2015-03-09

Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 provides functionality that enables both administrators and users to deploy browser-compatible form templates. Browser-compatible form templates (.xsn files) created in the design mode of Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 can be opened in a Web browser from servers running Office Forms Server 2007. InfoPath form templates (.xsn files) created in Office InfoPath 2007 design mode can be converted into browser-enabled form templates that run on Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. An administrator must deploy form templates that contain business logic such as a compiled, managed code DLL (form code); require full trust; or use a data connection that is managed by an administrator.

If your organization will deploy form templates that require administrator approval, you must consider several factors in your planning:

• Map out a review and testing strategy for the deployment of administrator-approved form templates. It is important that form templates that could potentially have a performance impact on the server or that contain business logic are thoroughly reviewed and tested prior to deployment to production systems. We recommend that as part of your planning process, you develop a design standard for form templates that defines best practices, guidelines, and mandatory requirements to be followed by designers of form templates. We recommend that you develop a review checklist for form templates that makes it easy for administrators to verify that new form templates comply with the standards you have established. Also note that any good testing process includes testing in a staging environment to verify that the form template works as expected and to measure the performance impact under load.

• You should make sure that administrators are available to approve forms in a timely fashion. This will help to reduce bottlenecks in the publishing cycle. Administrators who review and approve form templates should be familiar with the form template design process and have a good understanding of the networking environments to which the form template will be available once it has been deployed.

• You should carefully consider the approval workflow. If your organization will use form templates that perform sensitive operations, such as submitting data to databases or Web services, then you should ensure that your approval process allows for adequate technical review.

• You should have an accurate understanding of the difference between administrator-approved form templates and user form templates, and which form templates require deployment by an administrator.

• You should make sure your server configuration strategy enables the features you need to support the deployment of administrator-approved form templates.

• You should ensure that you understand how network and application security affect your organization's forms. For example, if a form will access databases in a different domain than the Office Forms Server 2007 server on which the form template resides, such a form template requires full domain trust. Therefore, it must be carefully reviewed by an administrator prior to deployment to confirm that the form template's code does not compromise your organization's security policies. Likewise, you should confirm that form template authentication and authorization have been properly configured.

• Determine whether new form templates that require administrator approval need to be created on a regular basis, and if so, ensure that the necessary procedures, personnel, and applications are in place to support the approval process.

|Worksheet action |

|Use the Plan deployment of administrator-approved form templates () worksheet to record the |

|administrator-approved form templates you plan to deploy. |

See Also


Plan what form templates are needed (Office Forms Server)

Plan deployment of form templates (Office Forms Server)

Determine the impact of anonymously accessible form templates (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

In this article:

• Identify the need for anonymously accessible form templates

• Security and usage considerations for anonymously accessible form templates

• Bandwidth and capacity considerations for anonymously accessible form templates

If your organization plans to deploy form templates that can be accessed by unauthenticated users, you need to consider a variety of factors in your planning. Without adequate planning, form templates that can be submitted without user authentication can present problems with security, improper usage, bandwidth, and database capacity. Before making form templates anonymously accessible either on a private network or on the Internet, carefully read this article and make sure that your strategy takes these considerations into account.

Identify the need for anonymously accessible form templates

Anonymously accessible form templates provide your end users simple and unobstructed access. Two likely scenarios for anonymously accessible form templates are over the Internet and within the corporate network.

Internet scenario

Anonymously accessible form templates are a reasonable choice on the Internet when there are no security concerns about the functionality or data associated with the form template. Providing anonymously accessible form templates on the Internet can reduce administrative effort because user authentication does not need to be managed or maintained.

Corporate scenario

The reasons for using anonymously accessible form templates within a corporation are similar to those for the Internet. The difference is that users are within a closed network, an Intranet, or are authenticating through a Virtual Private Network, a Remote Access Server, an extranet, Terminal Services or a password-protected Web site. Unlike the Internet scenario, users would typically be known on the network. Providing anonymously accessible form templates can enhance user experience in situations where unfettered and anonymous access is desirable. For example, a corporate survey of employees might produce more candid and useful responses if they are anonymous.

Another advantage to using anonymously accessible form templates is that performance can be improved when you implement anonymous scenarios. Performance advantages are realized because postbacks to request access control list (ACL) verifications are eliminated.

Security and usage considerations for anonymously accessible form templates

Before making a form template anonymously accessible, you must consider the possible consequences to security and the implications of attempts to improperly use the form template.

• You should ensure that form templates cannot be accessed by scripts or other automated or non-human processes. One way to achieve this is to force users submitting a form template to enter an identification code such as a short alphanumeric string displayed in an image, which cannot be "read" by a script or automated process.

• Form templates that contain sensitive information such as authentication information, server or database names, or proprietary code should not be exposed to anonymous users.

• Form templates that contain code or functionality that can invoke processes on a server should be carefully evaluated and tested to ensure that security cannot be compromised by making the form template accessible to anonymous users.

• In order to prevent users from submitting multiple copies of a form, you might consider including code that tracks the IP address of each user who submits a form and prevents duplicate submissions from the same IP address.

Bandwidth and capacity considerations for anonymously accessible form templates

Once you make a form template anonymously accessible to the Internet, you no longer have control over how many times that form is submitted. Therefore, before publishing an anonymously accessible form template to the Internet, carefully consider your expectations regarding the following factors:

• How many users will submit the form within a given time period

• How much data must be transferred and stored

• How much server processor time, memory and throughput will be utilized each time the form is submitted

You can then estimate how much bandwidth, server processor time and database capacity is required in order to support the form template. Using the IIS administration tool, you can throttle bandwidth and the number of concurrent connections for a Web site if you want to control usage.

See Also


Plan what form templates are needed (Office Forms Server)

Plan for naming form templates (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

You should establish a naming convention for form templates that avoids confusion about their origin and usage. Of course, you can name form templates any way you like, but it's useful in the long run to follow a logical naming convention. General best practices include:

• Make sure that form template designers are aware of the naming conventions you establish, and that they understand how to check for duplicate template names before saving a new template. Conversely, as the administrator, you can change template names to conform to naming conventions before uploading them to the system.

• Establish a naming convention that reflects relevant information about the templates.

• Avoid using dates in form template names, as date information may be confusing if a form template is upgraded at a later time.

• Make sure that you distribute form template naming conventions to InfoPath designers and administrators.

• Keep in mind that form templates may be reused throughout your enterprise, and that developers may use file names to organize form templates.

See Also

Other Resources

Plan version control for form templates (Office SharePoint Server)

Plan custom form templates (Office SharePoint Server)

Plan for upgrading form templates (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

You can upgrade administrator-deployed form templates in InfoPath Forms Services when you upload a new version of an existing form template. The upgrade process allows you to configure how the transition between the existing version and the upgraded version will take place.

There are three ways to upgrade a form template. Before you upgrade a form template, evaluate the circumstances and choose the most appropriate type of upgrade.

• Hard upgrade   If you want to remove the existing form template when the upgrade takes place, you can use a hard upgrade. Existing form-filling sessions are terminated and all user data is lost. The user must begin a new form-filling session with the upgraded form template to continue. This upgrade method should only be used when a serious problem with the form template has been identified and you need to remove it from the system immediately.

• Quiesce and upgrade   If you need to ensure that a form template will no longer be available for use after a given time and you want to allow existing form-filling sessions to complete, you can quiesce the existing form template and then upgrade to the new version. This upgrade method is useful when a form template contains content or code that will become obsolete or outdated at a given time.

• Gradual upgrade   If you want to allow the existing form template to remain available for an indefinite period, you can upload the new version as a new form template and remove the old version when it is no longer in use. This is the method that should be employed for most normal upgrades.

[pic] Note:

Before you upgrade a form template, make sure that you have adequately reviewed the new template and checked for problems that may affect security and proper operation of the form.

Plan for retiring form templates (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 administrators can retire form templates when they become obsolete. For example, you may want to retire a survey form template when the survey has been completed.

When a form template is no longer in use, you should generally retire the form template rather than deleting it. This preserves a record of form templates that have been used in your enterprise, and enables them to be reused later.

In the interest of keeping document libraries current and uncluttered, make sure that form templates that are no longer used are retired, and that you have a policy in place for auditing and upgrading existing form templates.

When you deploy a form template, consider the following:

• Will this form template eventually need to be retired, or will it need to be upgraded?

• How will you track the life cycle of form templates to be retired?

If you plan to retire a form template that is still in use, you should plan to use one of the following methods:

• Perform a gradual upgrade. In a gradual upgrade, you deploy the latest version of a form template alongside the current version and redirect users to the latest version. Once the older version of the form template is no longer being accessed, you can retire it safely.

• Quiesce the form template before upgrading. This prevents current sessions from being terminated, which can result in the loss of data and an abrupt interruption of user form-filling experiences.

For more information on how to quiesce form templates, see the "Quiesce form templates" section in Manage form templates (Office SharePoint Server).

See Also


Plan for retiring form templates (Office Forms Server)

Plan version control for form templates (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

In this article:

• Document Retention

• Capacity Planning

You can configure Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 to enable version control for form templates at the document-library level. Enabling version control causes the library to create a new version of the form template every time the template is edited and saved, preserving previous versions as defined by the administrator. If form templates will be regularly edited in a given document library, you should configure the library for version control. This prevents existing form templates from being overwritten when edits are made, and it provides a mechanism for rolling back to a prior version.

Note that version control does not apply to form template upgrades. When you upgrade a form template by uploading a new version of an existing form template, the prior version of the form template is no longer available, and there is no mechanism provided for rolling back from an upgrade.

[pic] Note:

You can only configure version control for a given document library. You cannot configure "global" version control for sites, site collections, or farms.

Document Retention

If version control is enabled for a document library, the library owner has the option of allowing unlimited previous versions to be retained. The library owner can also elect to only allow a certain number of versions to be retained, but there is no provision for automated deletion of documents past a certain age, also known as tombstoning. This means that documents could potentially be retained for years unless they are manually deleted. You may want to consider the following factors:

• Your organization's policy may require that documents past a certain age be destroyed. You should plan how to conform to such policies, and how to monitor the age of documents on the farm.

• If new versions of documents are uploaded without version control, there is a risk that obsolete documents may be accessed by users. You should ensure that document libraries are configured to prevent obsolete documents from remaining available on the system.

Capacity Planning

The farm administrator does not have any direct control over whether document library owners enable version control for their libraries. Therefore, you should consider the following when planning farm capacity:

• You should plan to use reporting to run regular reports on the size of document libraries in the farm.

• You should ensure that sufficient database capacity exists to provide overhead for a potentially large number of documents.

See Also


Plan deployment of form templates (Office Forms Server)

Plan for mobile device access to form templates (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 provides access to browser-enabled forms from mobile devices such as handheld PDAs that support HTML, CHTML, or XHTML. Because each mobile device renders Web pages differently, the behavior of forms will vary depending on the device used.

[pic] Note:

Office Forms Server 2007 does not support Wireless Access Protocol (WAP) browsers.

Because of the lack of standardization across mobile devices, the user experience may be significantly different depending on what type of device is being used. Different mobile devices will automatically break up the user interface into different views, in a device-specific way. Possible examples may include:

• Automatic pagination

• Automatic switching between list and detail views for lists

• Automatic switching to a separate edit view for each editable field

Furthermore, because mobile devices may or may not support script execution, and due to low memory and bandwidth capabilities for many of those devices, Office Forms Server 2007 cannot use a client-side architecture (CSA) for mobile devices as it does for standard Web browsers. Instead, Office Forms Server 2007 uses mobile controls. This means that a mobile device browser will not:

• Provide client-side actions using script. All such actions will post back to the server.

• Use out-of-band postback as is used by a standard Web browser. Instead, the mobile device browser will always perform a full-page postback.

Mobile device browsers will therefore need to post back much more frequently than a desktop browser accessing Office Forms Server 2007. You should carefully plan how to support your mobile infrastructure in order to maximize performance.

When an HTTP request is received by Office Forms Server 2007, the server detects whether the request is coming from a mobile device and redirects the request to the appropriate page. mobile controls also can detect the device making a connection and auto-change the protocol used for the connection. For more information about mobile controls, see Mobile Controls () on the Microsoft Web site.

When planning for mobile device access, you need to consider the following:

• How many mobile devices do you expect to be accessing your documents and form templates?

• How will these devices be connected to the network (Wireless access points throughout the organization, across the Internet)?

• Will there be a standard for the type of mobile device accessing the server? If so, it would be easier for form template designers to exercise control over the way mobile forms will be displayed.

See Also


Plan deployment of form templates (Office Forms Server)

Plan for data protection and recovery (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

In this article:

• Data protection and recovery features in Office Forms Server

• Additional data protection and recovery tools

• Service level agreements

• Data protection and recovery strategy

Data protection and data recovery processes support the following business needs:

• Keeping and being able to review more than one version of an item or site.

• Capturing and recovering deleted items or sites.

• Archiving data for legal, regulatory, or business reasons.

• Restoring systems in the event of unexpected hardware or software failure (that is, disaster recovery).

Data protection and recovery features in Office Forms Server

Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 includes the following features that provide data protection and recovery.

• Versioning   Users can lose data by overwriting a document. Versioning enables users to keep multiple copies of the same document in a document library. In the event of an unwanted change, an overwritten document, or a document corruption, the previous version can easily be restored by the end user. The versioning offered in SharePoint Products and Technologies is often referred to as content versioning.

Versioning does not support site versioning, although you can use other tools to capture and refer to previous versions of a site.

For more information, see Plan for versioning (Windows SharePoint Services).

• Recycle Bin   Office Forms Server 2007 includes a two-stage Recycle Bin. The first-stage Recycle Bin enables end users with appropriate permissions to recover accidentally deleted files, documents, list items, lists, and document libraries from a site. The second-stage Recycle Bin enables site collection administrators to recover items that have been deleted from Recycle Bins.

The Recycle Bin does not support recovering deleted sites, although you can use other tools to capture and recover deleted sites. For more information, see Plan for capturing and storing deleted objects (Windows SharePoint Services).

• Backup and recovery   You can use the Stsadm command-line tool or the SharePoint Central Administration Web site to back up and recover farms, databases, Web applications, and site collections. There are also many external and third-party tools that you can use to back up and recover data. For more information, see Plan for backup and recovery (Office Forms Server).

Additional data protection and recovery tools

In addition to using built-in features, enterprises often use the following tools to protect and recover data.

• Site versioning   Site versioning is using a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database snapshot to capture the current look and feel of a site. A database snapshot is not a backup. Moreover, a site that you have returned to a previous version by using a database snapshot is read-only and will not function without the current live database.

• Protecting sites from deletion   You can write code or use a tool to detect the Web Delete event that is generated when a site is deleted, and then, at that point, back up the site by using the Stsadm export option. Detecting Web Delete events essentially creates a site-level recycle bin.

• Other Microsoft backup and recovery tools   You can use SQL Server backup and recovery tools to protect and recover your databases. You can use Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager to protect farms, databases, Web applications, site collections, sites and documents. For more information, see Plan for backup and recovery (Office Forms Server).

• Third-party backup and recovery tools   Office Forms Server 2007 can be protected by many third-party backup and recovery tools built on technologies supported by Microsoft, such as the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS). To find third-party solutions built by Microsoft partners, visit Solution Finder () and search for the following parameters:

• Solution type = Software Offering

• Product category = Microsoft Office 2007 System

• Product = Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007

• Keywords: SharePoint, backup, restore, disaster recovery

Service level agreements

Data protection and recovery is a key area in which information technology (IT) groups offer service level agreements (SLAs) to set expectations with customer groups. Many IT organizations offer a variety of SLAs that are associated with different chargeback levels. SLAs often vary by type of site, size of site, dedicated or shared hardware, availability of server-side customizations, whether a site is centrally managed or self-managed, recovery time objective, and recovery point objective.

The following list describes common features of data protection and recovery SLAs.

• Versioning:

• Whether offered.

• Amount of space allotted.

• Level offered (content or site).

• Recycle Bins:

• Whether offered.

• Amount of space allotted for the first-stage Recycle Bin and second-stage Recycle Bin.

• Time items are held before permanent deletion in each Recycle Bin stage.

• Additional charges for recovering items that have been permanently deleted from the second-stage Recycle Bin.

• Protecting sites from deletion:

• Whether offered.

• Amount of time backups of deleted sites are held before they are deleted.

• Recovery time objective. Recovery time objective is the goal for how long a data recovery process will take, including the interval for search to become current again. Different recovery time objectives are often set for standard circumstances, local emergency, and regional emergency.

• Recovery point objective. Recovery point objective is the maximum amount of time between the last available backup and any potential failure point.

Data protection and recovery strategy

You should develop a data protection and recovery strategy for each site or type of site that you support. For each type of site, evaluate the following:

• Do you need to support content versioning?

• Do you need to support site versioning?

• Do you need to support Recycle Bins?

• Do you need to protect sites from deletion?

• What level of granularity do you need to provide for recovery (farm, database, site collection, site, item)?

• How large is your maintenance window?

• How large are your databases now —including your content databases and Search databases —and how much and how fast do you think they will grow?

• What is your fastest recovery time objective?

• What is your shortest recovery point objective? What is your average recovery point objective?

For information about recommended strategies for sites that host InfoPath form templates, see Protecting and recovering data stored in InfoPath form templates (Office Forms Server).

Plan for versioning (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

In this article:

• Content versioning

• Site versioning

Versioning is keeping and being able to review more than one version of an item or site. Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 supports content versioning and — through the use of database snapshots — site versioning.

Content versioning

Users can lose data by overwriting a document. The versioning feature in Office Forms Server 2007 provides a means of recovering that data. In the event of an unwanted change, an overwritten document, or a document corruption, a previous version can easily be restored by an end user. Working with document versions is a frequent and small-scale activity that is performed by end users.

Content versioning is managed by site owners (that is, members of the Owners SharePoint group), and is configured separately for each library or list. You cannot control versioning at the server-farm level except indirectly by setting quotas.

Therefore, when you plan for sites that use versioning, be sure to:

• Set size quotas on your sites.

• Train site owners to actively monitor their versioned sites.

Site versioning

You can store versions of sites by using the database snapshot feature in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database software. A SQL Server database snapshot is a read-only view of a database as the database existed at the time that the snapshot was created.

You can use snapshot technology to create a read-only, point-in-time copy of a content database in Office Forms Server 2007. You can associate a snapshot content database with a SharePoint site to enable users to view or retrieve content from a different point in time.

[pic] Note:

The snapshot version of the Web site does not have full functionality. For example, you cannot write to the snapshot version or upload a file to it.

For more information about using snapshots with Office Forms Server 2007, see How to use SQL Server to take a snapshot of a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 content database () in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.

We recommend that you support site versioning through database snapshots only for sites in which being able to quickly view or retrieve data from many prior versions of the site is important.

Plan for capturing and storing deleted objects (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

In this article:

• Planning to use the Recycle Bin

• Planning to capture and recover deleted sites

A common error in any system occurs when a user accidentally deletes a needed object. Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 provides a Recycle Bin that enables users to recover items they have deleted. To capture sites when they are deleted, you can detect the Web Delete event generated when a site is deleted and then act on the event to archive the site.

Planning to use the Recycle Bin

Office Forms Server 2007 includes a two-stage Recycle Bin. The first-stage Recycle Bin enables end users with appropriate permissions to recover accidentally deleted files, documents, list items, lists, and document libraries from a site. The second-stage Recycle Bin enables site collection administrators to recover items that have been deleted from Recycle Bins.

By default, items in both Recycle Bins are automatically deleted after a specified time period (the default setting is 30 days). If the second-stage Recycle Bin reaches its size limit, the oldest items are also automatically deleted.

[pic] Note:

Items move from the first stage Recycle Bin to the second-stage Recycle Bin only when the first-stage Recycle Bin is emptied. The time limit for the Recycle Bins applies to the total time after initial deletion—not the time spent in either Recycle Bin stage.

At any time, if the second-stage Recycle Bin reaches its size limit, the oldest items are also automatically deleted.

Recycle Bins are enabled and configured for all sites in a Web application by farm administrators. You can configure Recycle Bins in terms of the length of time that objects are retained, and the percentage of the live site quota that can be used for the second-stage Recycle Bin.

We recommend that you enable Recycle Bins for Web applications that contain collaboration sites.

Planning to capture and recover deleted sites

Capturing and recovering deleted sites requires that you detect and act on the Web Delete event that the system generates when a site is deleted. Acting on the event often involves using the Stsadm export option to back up the site. Microsoft IT (MSIT) has created Microsoft IT Site Delete Capture Feature 1.0 to detect and act on the Web Delete event. When a Web Delete event is detected, the feature archives the site to a file share before it is removed from the configuration and content databases.

The Microsoft IT Site Delete Capture Feature 1.0 must be installed by a farm administrator, and run by an account that is a member of the Administrators group on the local computer. Application configuration for the feature is hosted as a list in a site collection, so that site collection administrators can easily manage common feature parameters.

The Microsoft IT Site Delete Capture Feature 1.0 is available from CodePlex governance ().

[pic] Note:

This tool is not part of Office Forms Server 2007, and might not be updated. The tool is built on supported Microsoft technologies, but it is not supported by Microsoft.

We recommend that you use the Microsoft IT Site Delete Capture Feature 1.0 to protect sites that are smaller than 15 gigabytes (GB).

Plan for backup and recovery (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

In this article:

• Disaster recovery

• Migrating data

Backing up and recovering data supports many business scenarios. The most common business scenarios supported by data backup and recovery are:

• Recovering from an unexpected failure or disaster — that is, disaster recovery.

• Migrating data between installations as part of an upgrade or staging process.

Determine which scenarios your business requires that you address, and how you will address them.

Disaster recovery

Disaster recovery, which includes planning and preparing for how to restore your Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 implementation after a technical failure or disaster, is a key part of business continuance planning and risk management.

When you plan for how you will use backup and recovery for disaster recovery, consider common events, failures, and errors; local emergencies; and regional emergencies.

Common events, failures, and errors

Common events, failures, and errors that require you to back up or recover sites include:

• Accidental or inappropriate deletions.

• Software updates.

• Hardware failure.

Circumstances that take a SharePoint site offline are best dealt with by setting up a system with redundant components that fails over gracefully. Moreover, recovering from common failures often involves a combination of redundancy, availability, and backup and recovery techniques.

Local emergencies

Depending on your need for availability, you might want to have redundant farms within your region that your system can fail over to. If you do not have redundant farms, we recommend that you store recent backups offsite so that you can quickly acquire equipment, rebuild, and restore your farm in the event of a fire, flood, or other catastrophic event. A farm-level backup is often appropriate for this purpose.

Regional emergencies

To prepare contingencies for regional emergencies, you might want to have contracts in place for emergency server rentals in another region. We recommend that you store recent backups outside of your region so that you can quickly acquire equipment, rebuild, and restore your farm. As with local emergencies, a farm-level backup is appropriate for this purpose.

Migrating data

Backups are often used to migrate to a new version, or to move data to a different server.

Migrate data to a new version of Office Forms Server

One of the ways to upgrade is by way of a database migration. When you use this method, you back up and then restore your databases by using SQL Server tools. You back up the databases in the old farm, and then you restore them in the new farm. When you restore a database and add it to the farm, the upgrade process runs and upgrades the entire database. Planning for a data migration is part of the planning process for upgrading data.

Migrating data stored in Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 form templates requires planning beyond the backup and recovery functionality provided by Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 because some Office InfoPath 2007 form template data is stored in the configuration database, and because your form templates can store and retrieve data from external sources.

The steps in migrating a database for Office Forms Server 2007 include:

1. Before you begin, be sure that you have copies of the administrator-approved form templates and data connections to re-deploy, and that you have documented the farm-level settings, such as exempt user agents.

2. Set the previous version databases to be read-only.

3. Use SQL Server tools to perform a full backup of your content databases. You do not need to back up the configuration or component settings (search) databases because you will re-create these databases in the new server farm.

[pic] Note:

If you need to restore your data to another URL, you must run the downloadable Server Upgrade and Migration Tool for Microsoft Office InfoPath. For more information, see InfoPath 2007 Tool: Server Upgrade and Migration Tool for Microsoft Office InfoPath ().

4. Restore the backups to the new farm.

5. Add the databases to the Web applications.

Move data to a different server

Using backup and recovery to move data to a new server is a common process. When you plan to move content between servers, consider the following:

• Is this a one-time or frequent action? If it is a one-time action, use backup and recovery. If it is a frequent action, consider a different mechanism.

• Is this a temporary or permanent move? If you are moving your content permanently to a new server, review the planning information at Plan for performance and capacity (Office SharePoint Server).

Choose what to protect (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2015-03-09

In this article:

• Protecting content databases

• Protecting content stored in external data sources

• Protecting search

• Protecting configuration settings

• Protecting customizations

• Protecting binary files

Within a farm, there are many components that require protection:

• Content stored in SQL Server databases

• Content stored in external storage devices

• The search service database and index

• Configuration settings for Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 that are stored in Internet Information Services (IIS) and the configuration database.

• Customizations

• Binary files for both the operating system and Office Forms Server 2007

Protecting content databases

Office Forms Server 2007 content is stored in Microsoft SQL Server databases. We recommend that you back up all content databases by using any of the following tools:

• Office Forms Server 2007 built-in tools

• SQL Server tools

• Third-party tools that are built on supported Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and SharePoint Products and Technologies , such as the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS)

Your backup and recovery strategy should address each of these components on the servers in your system.

Protecting content stored in external data sources

An external storage API is available for Office Forms Server 2007. The external storage API lets you store documents or files on an external storage application other than Microsoft SQL Server. This API also lets you upgrade existing Office Forms Server 2007 sites to point to an external storage application. The API is available in hotfix 937901: An external storage API is available for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 on the Microsoft Help and Support Web site (). You cannot use the backup and recovery tools built in to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 to back up data stored in external data sources, but you can use the Stsadm import and export operations. For more information about export and import, see:

• Export: Stsadm operation (Office SharePoint Server)

• Import: Stsadm operation (Office SharePoint Server)

Protecting search

Search content for Office Forms Server 2007 is stored both in the search database and in the search index file. Because search data in the database and index must be synchronized, you should only back search up using backup and recovery tools built in to Office Forms Server 2007 such as the Stsadm command-line tool, or Central Administration backup and recovery or tools based on the SharePoint Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS), such as Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2007. These tools synchronize the database backup with the search index file backup, and both can be restored together. For more information about these tools, see Choose backup and recovery tools (Office Forms Server).

To back up search, you must perform a farm backup.

We do not recommend that you back up the search databases by using SQL Server. This is because the search indexes are not stored in SQL Server and cannot be synchronized with the search database after a database-only backup. If you must restore a search database backed up with SQL Server tools, Office Forms Server 2007 must re-create the index and perform a full crawl of the content.

[pic] Note:

Search databases can become very large. One way to manage the size of your search backup is to ensure that the database index is defragmented. You may want to use the defragmentation script provided in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article How to defragment Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 databases and SharePoint Server 2007 databases ().

Protecting configuration settings

Configurations include Internet Information Services (IIS) configuration settings and configuration settings for Office Forms Server 2007.

Protecting and recovering IIS configuration settings

You can set IIS configurations in IIS Manager or on the SharePoint Central Administration Web site. IIS configurations are stored in the IIS metabase on each front-end Web server in your system.

IIS configurations include the following:

• Application pool settings, including service accounts

• HTTP compression settings

• Time-out settings

• Custom Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) filters

• Computer domain membership

• Internet Protocol security (IPsec) settings

• Network Load Balancing settings

• Host header entries

• Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates

• Dedicated IP address settings

In previous versions of SharePoint Products and Technologies, we recommended that you back up the IIS metabase. Conversely, for this version of SharePoint Products and Technologies, we recommend that you document all IIS configurations for each front-end Web server, if possible, by using a tool that provides Desired Configuration Monitoring (DCM).

Protecting and recovering the configuration database and the Central Administration content database

Configurations in Office Forms Server 2007 are set in Central Administration and stored in the configuration database.

[pic] Important:

Although the configuration database and Central Administration content database can be backed up, restoring backups of the configuration database and Central Administration content database taken from a running farm by using the tools built in to SharePoint Products and Technologies or SQL Server is not supported.

This is because data in these databases may not be synchronized with data in other Office SharePoint Server 2007 or Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 databases. Therefore, the tools built in to SharePoint Products and Technologies do not recover these databases during a farm-level restore operation.

If this data is not synchronized, users might experience various random errors. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 948725: Restoration of the configuration database is not supported in SharePoint Server 2007 and in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 ().

You can recover a farm, including the configuration database and Central Administration content database, in the following ways:

• You can use farm-level backups of a running farm taken with System Center Data Protection Manager to recover an entire farm, including the configuration database and Central Administration content database. For more information, see How to Recover a Windows SharePoint Services Farm ().

• You can restore a backup of the configuration database and Central Administration content database taken from a fully stopped farm. For more information, see Move all databases (Office Forms Server 2007).

If the configuration and Central Administration content databases of a farm become unsynchronized, you must re-create both databases by using the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard or Psconfig command-line tool.

To protect the configuration database and Central Administration content database:

• Document all configuration settings and all your customizations so that you can correctly re-create the databases. For more information about recovering a farm, see Recover your farm after a configuration database problem (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Consider a redundancy solution, such as clustering or mirroring, for the computer running SQL Server that is hosting the configuration database. For more information about using mirroring, see Using Database Mirroring with Office SharePoint Server and Windows SharePoint Services ().

We strongly recommend that you document all configuration settings and all your customizations, so that you can correctly re-create the configuration and Central Administration content databases.

Configurations settings in Office Forms Server 2007 that you should document include the following:

• Application pool settings.

• Database names and locations.

• Web application names and databases. Be sure to document the content database names associated with each Web application.

• External service connection settings.

• Administrator-deployed forms templates.

• Activated features.

• Alternate access mapping settings.

You can easily document alternate access mapping settings. You can export your alternate access mapping settings to a text file by using the command stsadm -o enumalternatedomains, and then back up the text file by using the Windows Server 2003 Backup tool or another file backup system. For more information, see Enumalternatedomains: Stsadm operation (Office SharePoint Server).

Protecting customizations

Customizations to SharePoint sites can include:

• Master pages, page layouts and cascading style sheets. These objects are stored in the content database for a Web application.

• Web Parts, site or list definitions, custom columns, new content types, custom fields, custom actions, coded workflows, or workflow activities and conditions.

• Third-party solutions and their associated binary files and registry keys, such as IFilters.

• Changes to standard XML files.

• Custom site definitions (Webtemp.xml).

Protecting solution packages

We recommend that you use solution packages whenever possible to deploy site customizations. A solution is a container for one or more customizations. Solutions can contain features, Web Parts, security policy changes, and other files with a detailed guide to allow the automated deployment to the file system by the deployment mechanisms in SharePoint Products and Technologies. Solutions include IFilters. Features are portions of solutions that can be activated by the server administrator against the farm, a specific Web application, a specific site collection, or a specific Web site. For more information about solutions, see: Solutions Overview ().

You can use solution packages to simplify the backup and recovery process. Back up each solution package, both onsite and offsite, and then, in the event of a disaster, redeploy the solution to the appropriate servers.

Protecting customizations that are not packaged as solutions

For systems in which customizations are not or cannot be packaged as solutions, backing up and restoring customizations is a more complex process. The following table lists the locations where customizations are often stored on front-end Web servers.

|Location |Description |

|%COMMONPROGRAMFILES% \Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\12 |Commonly updated files, custom assemblies, custom templates, custom |

| |site definitions. In particular, the Web.config file is often |

| |modified. |

|Inetpub |Location of IIS virtual directories. |

|C:\WINNT\assembly |Global assembly cache (GAC). The GAC is a protected operating system |

| |location where .NET Framework code assemblies are installed to |

| |provide full system access. |

Consult with your development team or customization vendor to determine whether your customizations involve additional add-in software or files in other locations. We recommend that you back up these directories by using Windows Server 2003 Backup.

Protecting binary files

In the event that you need to restore a system, we recommend that you reinstall the operating system, Office Forms Server 2007, and software updates. Keep copies of all the operating system, software, and software update media both onsite and offsite.

See Also


Plan for backup and recovery (Office Forms Server)

Protecting and recovering data stored in InfoPath form templates (Office Forms Server)

Choose backup and recovery tools (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2015-03-09

In this article:

• Available tools

• Built-in backup and recovery tools

• External backup and recovery tools

• Third-party solutions and custom tools

The tools that you choose to use for backing up and recovering your system are based on your needs, constraints, and the service level agreements (SLAs) that you have in place with your customer groups.

Key factors to consider in determining which tools to use include:

• Backup type supported (full, differential, incremental).

• Completeness of recovery and types of objects that can be recovered.

• Complexity of managing solution.

• Ability of solution to adapt to your maintenance window and database size.

In some business situations, you may be able to use a high-availability solution, such as database clustering, log shipping, or mirroring to meet your data protection and recovery needs. For more information about planning for high availability, see Plan for availability (Office SharePoint Server) ().

Available tools

The following table lists Microsoft tools that you can use for disaster recovery.

|Tool |Source of tool |User Interface |

|Back up the server farm |Yes |Yes |

|Recover the server farm, except the |Yes |Yes |

|configuration and Central Administration | | |

|databases | | |

|Recover the configuration and Central |No |No |

|Administration databases | | |

|Back up Web applications |Yes |Yes |

|Back up site collections |No |Yes |

|Back up content databases |Yes |Yes |

|Back up customizations |No |No |

|Schedule backups |No |Yes, if used with Windows task scheduler |


Your hardware configuration and the size of the database, site collection, or Web application that you are working with can significantly affect the performance of the built-in backup and recovery tools.

[pic] Note:

Search databases can become very large. One way to manage the size of your search backup is to ensure that the database index is defragmented. You may want to use the defragmentation script provided in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article How to defragment Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 databases and SharePoint Server 2007 databases ().

If your system exceeds the following limits, or if backing up your system exceeds the maintenance window that you have available, we recommend that you consider using external backup and recovery tools, such as Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Back and Recovery or Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager.

• Content databases larger than 100 gigabytes (GB).

• Site collections that are larger than 15 GB that you want to back up by using the Stsadm command-line tool.

Recovering the configuration database and Central Administration content database

Configurations are set in Central Administration and stored in the configuration database.

[pic] Important:

Although the configuration database and Central Administration content database can be backed up, restoring backups of the configuration database and Central Administration content database taken from a running farm by using the tools built in to SharePoint Products and Technologies or SQL Server is not supported.

This is because data in these databases may not be synchronized with data in other Office SharePoint Server 2007 or Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 databases. Therefore, the tools built in to SharePoint Products and Technologies do not recover these databases during a farm-level restore operation.

If this data is not synchronized, users might experience various random errors. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 948725: Restoration of the configuration database is not supported in SharePoint Server 2007 and in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 ().

You can recover a farm, including the configuration database and Central Administration content database, in the following ways:

• You can use farm-level backups of a running farm taken with System Center Data Protection Manager to recover an entire farm, including the configuration database and Central Administration content database. For more information, see How to Recover a Windows SharePoint Services Farm ().

• You can restore a backup of the configuration database and Central Administration content database taken from a fully stopped farm. For more information, see Move all databases (Office Forms Server 2007).

If the configuration and Central Administration content databases of a farm become unsynchronized, you must re-create both databases by using the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard or Psconfig command-line tool.

To protect the configuration database and Central Administration content database:

• Document all configuration settings and all your customizations so that you can correctly re-create the databases. For more information about recovering a farm, see Recover your farm after a configuration database problem (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Consider a redundancy solution, such as clustering or mirroring, for the computer running SQL Server that is hosting the configuration database. For more information about using mirroring, see Using Database Mirroring with Office SharePoint Server and Windows SharePoint Services ().

Central Administration

Central Administration provides an easy way to back up your Office Forms Server 2007 system.

The processes that are running and the accounts that they are running as — that is, the Central Administration application pool and the account that the SQL Server services are running as — must be granted permissions to write to the directory that you are backing up to. To perform a backup, you must be a member of the Farm Administrators group. To run a recovery operation, you must be a farm administrator and a member of the Administrators group on each front-end Web server. For a detailed overview of preparing to back up, see Demo: Prepare to back up Office SharePoint Server 2007 ().

You can back up and recover at various levels, the highest being the entire farm and the lowest being a content database. Full and differential backups are also available. The backup and recovery jobs for Central Administration are run by the SPTimer service.

Using Central Administration to back up and recover your system provides the following benefits:

• Ability to back up and recover at the farm level or Web application level.

• Restorable backups for Search.

• For backups that initially run 17 hours, the system automatically restarts the backup and allots an appropriate amount of time for the process to perform (longer than 17 hours).

Using Central Administration to back up and recover your system has the following limitations:

• As part of a farm backup, backs up, but cannot be used to restore the configuration database or Central Administration content database. For more information, see Recovering the configuration database and Central Administration content database.

• Does not provide scheduling functionality.

• Cannot back up directly to tape. The backup location must be a UNC path.

• Does not provide automatic deletion of old backup files. You may want to use the backup file deletion script provided in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article: How to automate the deletion of backups in SharePoint Server 2007 and in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 by using a Visual Basic script ().

• Does not back up any configuration changes, including:

• Internet Information Services (IIS) settings including host headers, dedicated IP addresses, and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates.

• Alternate access mappings.

• The Inetpub directory.

• Does not back up any customizations, including:

• The %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\12 directory.

• Any customizations made to the Web.config file

• If a backup or recovery job is not successful, the unsuccessful job must be manually deleted from the Timer job list on the Backup and Restore Status page. If the failed job is not deleted manually, subsequent backup or recovery jobs fail.

For more information about using Central Administration, see Back up a farm by using Central Administration (Office SharePoint Server 2007).

Stsadm command-line tool

Office Forms Server 2007 includes the Stsadm command-line tool for administration of servers and sites. You can use the Stsadm backup and restore operations to protect and recover your data.

The account that you use to run the Stsadm command-line tool must be a member of the Administrators group on the local computer, as well as a member of the dbowner fixed database role in SQL Server.

The Stsadm command-line tool has the following benefits:

• Provides the ability to back up and restore at the farm level, Web application level, or site-collection level.

• Can be used to back up the configuration database or Central Administration content database.

[pic] Note:

The configuration database and Central Administration content database contain computer-specific information and can only be restored to an environment configured to be precisely the same including all software updates, server names, and numbers of servers.

• Provides restorable backups for Search.

• Can be used with Windows Task Scheduler to schedule backups.

• For backups that initially run 17 hours, the system automatically restarts the backup and allots an appropriate amount of time for the process to perform (longer than 17 hours).

The Stsadm command-line tool has the following limitations:

• As part of a farm backup, backs up, but cannot be used to restore the configuration database or Central Administration content database. For more information, see Recovering the configuration database and Central Administration content database.

• Site collection backups affect performance, and they can cause access errors. They should be used only when the site collection is locked. . Site collection backups can be slow when working with collections larger than 15 GB. We recommend that you use database backups if you are working with site collections larger than 15 GB.

[pic] Note:

If you want to individually back up a site collection that is larger than 15 GB, we recommend that you move it to its own database, and then use a database backup.

• Cannot back up directly to tape. The backup location must be a UNC path.

• Does not provide automatic deletion of old backup files. You may want to use the backup file deletion script provided in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article, How to automate the deletion of backups in SharePoint Server 2007 and in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 by using a Visual Basic script ().

• Does not back up any configuration changes, including:

• IIS settings including host headers, dedicated IP addresses, and SSL certificates.

• Alternate access mappings.

• The Inetpub directory.

• Does not back up any customizations, including:

• The %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\12 directory.

• Any customizations made to the Web.config file.

For more information, see the following resources:

• Backup: Stsadm operation (Office SharePoint Server)

• Restore: Stsadm operation (Office SharePoint Server)

External backup and recovery tools

External backup and recovery tools include:

• Microsoft SQL Server 2005

• Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager

• Windows Server Backup tool

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 backup and recovery

The SQL Server databases that Office Forms Server 2007 uses contain site content — they are a key component to protect. If your company has database administrators that back up other SQL Server databases, you may want to include the databases used by Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 in your standard processes. The following list describes the benefits and limitations of using SQL Server backups.


• Existing SQL Server data protection strategies can be re-used.

• Full and differential backups can be configured with added verification.

• Can be faster than Office Forms Server 2007 backups.

• Can back up directly to tape.


• Can back up running instances of the configuration database and Central Administration content database but restoring is not supported. For more information, see Recovering the configuration database and Central Administration content database.

• Should not be used to back up the search database, because the search indexes are not stored in SQL Server and cannot be synchronized with the search database after a database-only backup.

• Requires that you manually reattach your databases to Web applications after a recovery.

• Cannot be used to recover at any granularity smaller than a database. Recovering a single item using a restored database can be complex.

• Does not back up any configuration changes, including:

• IIS settings including host headers, dedicated IP addresses, and SSL certificates.

• Alternate access mappings.

• The Inetpub directory.

• Does not back up any customizations, including:

• The %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\12 directory.

• Any customizations made to the Web.config file

For more information about using SQL Server backup and recovery, see the following resources:

• Backing up and Restoring databases in SQL Server ()

• Optimizing Backup and Restore Performance in SQL Server ()

Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2007

System Center Data Protection Manager 2007 (DPM) enables disk-based and tape-based data protection and recovery for servers in and across Active Directory directory service domains. DPM performs replication, synchronization, and recovery point creation to provide reliable protection and rapid recovery of data both by system administrators and by end-users.

DPM can be used to protect Office Forms Server 2007 in addition to Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP4, SQL Server 2005 with Service Pack 1 (SP 1), or SQL Server 2005 with Service Pack 2 (SP2); Exchange Server 2003 with SP2 and Exchange Server 2007; Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2 with SP1 and its virtual machines; Windows Server 2008 operating system; files on workstations and laptops running Windows XP Professional with SP2 and all Windows Vista Editions except the Home Edition; files and application data on clustered servers; and the server system state.

The following list describes the benefits of this tool.


• Provides the ability to back up and restore at the farm, database, Web application, or content item level.

• Provides the ability to back up and restore directories that contain customizations.

• Can be used to back up and recover the server system state, including IIS configuration settings.

• Farm-level backups taken while the system is running can be used to recover a farm, including the configuration database and the Central Administration database. For more information, see Recovering the configuration database and Central Administration content database.

• Can back up to tape.

• Requires less processing on the server.


• If DPM has not already been purchased for your environment, you may require additional funding and equipment.

• Protecting search requires scripting. Consult the topics below for updated guidance.

For more information about installing, deploying, and configuring DPM, see System Center Data Protection Manager 2007 ().

DPM can be used to recover content items, sites, and farms. For more information, see the following resources:

• How to Recover a Windows SharePoint Services Item ()

• How to Recover a Windows SharePoint Services Site ()

• How to Recover a Windows SharePoint Services Farm ()

Windows Server Backup

You can use the Windows Server Backup tool to back up your home directories, Web.config file, custom assemblies, customizations, site definitions, and list definitions.

[pic] Note:

As of Office Forms Server 2007 SP1, you can now install Office Forms Server 2007 on Windows Server 2008. You must configure specific registry keys for Windows Server 2008 Backup to work with SharePoint Products and Technologies. For more information, see Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 does not appear in the list of the components that can be backed up when you use Windows Server Backup in Windows Server 2008 () in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.

The Windows Server Backup tool has the following benefits:

• Provides the ability to back up and restore directories that contain customizations. For more information, see Choose what to protect (Office Forms Server).

• Can back up to tape.

The Windows Server Backup tool has the following limitation:

• Cannot be used to back up databases, farms, Web applications, or Search.

Third-party solutions and custom tools

Based on the needs of your business, you may want to choose a third-party solution or build a custom tool to meet your needs.

Third-party solutions

To find third-party solutions built by Microsoft partners, built on technologies supported by Microsoft, visit Solution Finder () and search on the following parameters:

• Solution type = Software Offering

• Product category = Microsoft Office 2007 System

• Product = Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007

• Keywords: SharePoint Backup Restore Disaster Recovery

Solutions built on Volume Shadow Copy Service

The Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) was introduced in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. VSS is a framework that facilitates communication between applications, storage subsystems, and storage management applications (including backup applications). This framework enables you to define, persist, and use point-in-time copies of storage data. The Windows SharePoint Services VSS Writer is a new service in Office Forms Server 2007 and in the server products in the 2007 Office release. This writer service enables a requestor () to ask a front-end Web server to provide a VSS backup (full or differential), and Office Forms Server 2007 then points the requestor to the SQL databases and the search index to be backed up by using VSS. For more information about VSS, see the MSDN article Volume Shadow Copy Service (). You can download the Volume Shadow Copy Service SDK 7.2 () from the Microsoft Download Center.

Protecting and recovering data stored in InfoPath form templates (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2015-03-09

In this article:

• Versioning

• Deletion protection

• Backup and recovery

This topic provides recommendations for protecting and recovering data stored in InfoPath form templates.

A system-wide strategy for data protection and recovery should encompass the plans you have created for the sites and Web applications in your farm and address the specific scenarios you support.

Steps in the planning process include:

• Analyze and summarize the data protection and recovery needs of the sites that support your business scenarios.

• Select tools that enable you to simplify maintenance and administration.

• Decide whether you will perform farm-level backups. Many administrators will perform farm-level backups, but your farm might be too large to back up in your maintenance window. Moreover, there might be portions of the farm that aren't important to your business. Therefore, you might plan to reassemble your farm from lower-level backups.

• Determine whether your availability infrastructure provides enough protection to reduce the quantity of or the levels of backups. Some administrators choose to protect their data with only availability tools.


• Content versioning   Recommended. Be sure to provide site owners with a clear understanding of the amount of space available relative to the number of versions, and work with site owners to ensure that versioned sites are actively monitored and managed.

[pic] Note:

If you upgrade a form template, and then open a previously-created XML file in a library, the previous version can only be opened using Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007, rather than a Web browser.

• Database snapshot   Not recommended. Database snapshots are recommended only for environments in which you want to protect the look and feel of a site as versions change over time.

Deletion protection

• Recycle Bin   Recommended. Users can recover filled-in forms and user-deployed form templates from the recycle bin

• Site capture   Recommended. Protecting collaboration sites against accidental deletion is strongly recommended.

Backup and recovery

Protecting and recovering data stored in Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 form templates requires planning protections beyond those provided by the backup and recovery functionality provided by Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007, because some Office InfoPath 2007 form template data is stored in the configuration database, and because your form templates can store and retrieve data from external sources.

Protecting information stored in the configuration database

The configuration database and the Central Administration content database contain computer-specific information. Therefore, you can restore them only to an environment that you configure to be precisely the same, including all software updates, server names, and numbers of servers.

In many circumstances, you might be able to restore the configuration database and the Central Administration content database. However, we recommend that you always assume that you will not be able to restore the configuration database and the Central Administration content database. For more information about protecting the configuration database, see Choose what to protect (Office Forms Server).

Office InfoPath Forms Services stores the following information in the configuration database:

• Administrator-approved form templates, such as workflow templates.

• Administrator-approved data connections.

[pic] Note:

Form templates and data connections deployed by end-users are stored in the content database, and are backed up and recovered by using the built-in backup and recovery tools.

• Farm-level settings for Office InfoPath Forms Services, such as exempt user agents.

We recommend that administrators save a copy of every administrator-deployed form template and data connection file for backup and recovery purposes. We also recommend that you document the settings for Office InfoPath Forms Services.

Use the following Stsadm command-line operations to determine which Office InfoPath Forms Services content is stored in the configuration database.

|Object |Stsadm operation |

|Form templates |stsadm -o enumformtemplates. For more information, see |

| |Enumformtemplates: Stsadm operation (Office SharePoint Server). |

|Data connections |stsadm -o enumdataconnectionfiles. For more information, see |

| |Enumdataconnectionfiles: Stsadm operation (Office SharePoint Server).|

|Exempt user agents |stsadm -o enumexemptuseragents. For more information, see |

| |Enumexemptuseragents: Stsadm operation (Office SharePoint Server). |

Protecting external data

Any time you retrieve data that is stored externally to Office Forms Server 2007, or save InfoPath forms data to an external database, be sure to include that data in your backup and recovery planning. The built-in backup and recovery tools provided with Office Forms Server 2007 will not protect the data.

If you have created form templates that store data in a database, include the database in your backup and recovery strategy.

Recovering Office InfoPath Forms Server

To recover a server running Office InfoPath Forms Server, plan to perform the following process:

1. Reinstall Office Forms Server 2007 on the front-end Web server.

2. Restore the content database backups.

[pic] Note:

If you need to restore your data to another URL, you must run the downloadable Server Upgrade and Migration Tool for Microsoft Office InfoPath. For more information, see InfoPath 2007 Tool: Server Upgrade and Migration Tool for Microsoft Office InfoPath ().

3. Re-apply the farm-level settings for Office InfoPath Forms Services. For more information, see Configure InfoPath Forms Services (Office Forms Server).

4. Re-deploy your data connection files and your administrator-deployed form templates. For more information, see Deploy administrator-approved form templates (Office Forms Server).

See Also


Plan for versioning (Office Forms Server)

Plan for capturing and storing deleted objects (Office Forms Server)

Choose backup and recovery tools (Office Forms Server)

II Deployment for Office Forms Server 2007

Deploy software updates for Office Forms Server 2007

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

In this article:

• Before you begin

• Overview of installation sequence

• Perform installation steps

• Verify installation

• Add new servers to a server farm

• Update language template packs

• Known issues

We recommend that you follow the process and procedures in this topic for most deployment scenarios, from stand-alone server deployments to very large server farms. The typical process for installing software updates consists of copying the files to a computer and then running either the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard or the Psconfig command-line tool to upgrade the databases.

[pic] Note:

In this article, we use the term software update as a general term for all update types, including any service pack, update, update rollup, feature pack, critical update, security update, or hotfix used to improve or fix this software product.

If you chose Basic installation (single server with Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine) when you installed your Web server running Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007, you do not need to follow the process and procedures in this topic. In this case, if you have Automatic Updates enabled, your computers are updated automatically. If you do not have Automatic Updates enabled, you can use the Windows Update Web site to install the software updates. After the software update is installed, the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard runs automatically to update the databases for SharePoint Products and Technologies. In this scenario, the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard will not prompt for user input or display any notifications.

For any deployment other than single server, such as Web servers in a server farm, you must visit the Microsoft download center to download and then install the software update. The software update will not be installed automatically, even if Automatic Updates is enabled on your Web servers, and you cannot use the Windows Update Web site to initiate the software update installation.

The software update checks the registry and blocks automatic installation on any Web server that does not contain the value singleserver in the SERVERROLE key.

If you need to determine whether to manually download and install the software update, use a registry editor to verify the value in the following key:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web server extensions\12.0\WSS\SERVERROLE

In server farm deployments, you must update all the Web servers running Office Forms Server 2007 to the same software update version. If the software update versions are not the same on all of the Web servers running Office Forms Server 2007 in your server farm, when users request resources from a Web server that does not have the software update installed, they receive a Page cannot be found (404) error. If you attempt to install the software update and the installation fails, all user requests to the Web servers with a failed software update installation will return the error: Server error: . Once the software update installation is successful, the Web server displays content as expected.

Before you begin

This section provides an overview of what you must do before you install a software update.

You must remove the Web servers running Office Forms Server 2007 from service for the duration of the software update installation. We recommend that you schedule the installation of the software update for a time that causes the least amount of disruption for your users. You should communicate the proposed schedule to the users and the key people involved with the Web sites hosted on the Web servers running Office Forms Server 2007 and, if necessary, adjust the schedule.

If you are installing on Web servers running Office Forms Server 2007 in a server farm, after the software update is installed on the first Web server in the server farm, the file versions on that Web server and the databases in that server farm are different from the file versions on the other Web servers. This mismatch prevents the server farm from working correctly, and even valid requests result in errors. When the software update has been installed on all of the Web servers in the server farm, results are returned to users as expected.

When you first installed Office Forms Server 2007 on the Web servers in your server farm, if you used an upgrade method—either in-place or gradual—and upgrade jobs are still in progress, the software update installation might fail. To ensure that none of the upgrade processes are running, you must view the Timer Job Status page on the SharePoint Central Administration Web site. If you see any upgrade jobs listed, you must allow the upgrade to finish before you install the software update.

The upgrade jobs that appear on the Timer Job Status page result from the following operations:

• Sites that are in the process of being upgraded.

• You selected the in-place upgrade option in the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard.

After you have verified that no upgrade items are listed on the Timer Job Status page, you can continue installing the software update.

Pre-upgrade preparation

Before you install a software update, we recommend the following:

• If there are orphaned objects in the content databases—orphans are items that do not have any parent or child relationships—the software update installation will fail. To make sure that the installation can succeed, you must either fix the relationship or drop the orphans before you begin the software update installation. For more information about a resolution for when the content database contains one or more orphaned objects, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article titled Error message when you try to upgrade Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0: "Upgrade has encountered one or more lists that were not updated by Prescan.exe and must exit" ().

• If you customized a predefined site template by directly modifying the site template files—something we do not recommend doing—the software update installation may overwrite some of the files that you modified, and your customizations in those files will be lost. You must reapply any site-template customizations after you install the software update.

• Stop the World Wide Web publishing service (w3svc) on all front-end Web servers to disconnect all the users from the server farm. In server farms with multiple front-end Web servers, if you allow users to connect after the files and databases have been updated on one Web server, and the other Web servers have not been updated, users will not be able to browse the Web sites.

[pic] Note:

If you manually stop the World Wide Web Publishing service, you must manually start it at the end of the installation.

• Before you start the backup you should clean up your environment by performing the following steps.

• Defragment all of the SQL Server database indexes. For more information, see How to defragment Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 databases and SharePoint Server 2007 databases ().

• Make sure that there is adequate hard drive space in your database files volumes, tempdb volumes, and Windows temporary folder on the servers running SQL Server, front-end Web servers, and application servers. The upgrade operation writes the progress of various steps into an upgrade log that can take up disk space, but if you plan for extra storage you should not encounter issues due to space limitations.

• If any of your databases contain more than the number of site collections recommended in the Information Architecture Recommendations of the download Planning and Monitoring SQL Server Storage for Windows SharePoint Services: Performance Recommendations and Best Practices (white paper), you should load-balance your site collections across multiple databases.

• Follow the best practices for content database sizing before you perform any upgrade operations.

• Make sure that you follow the recommendations concerning SQL Server page fill factor and other storage planning best practices before you begin the upgrade. For more information about storage best practices, see Performance recommendations for storage planning and monitoring ()

• Back up the server farm before you start the software update installation. You should create a backup of search and all databases. We recommend that you follow these guidelines:

• Configuration database and Central Administration content database: Perform a full backup operation with either Stsadm or SQL Server. If you are using SQL Server, use the simple recovery model, so that your transaction log is truncated.

• Content databases: Perform a full backup operation with either Stsadm or SQL Server to back up all content databases. If you are using SQL Server, use the simple recovery model, so that your transaction log is truncated.

• Single sign-on (SSO) database: Perform a full backup operation with SQL Server to back up the SSO database. If you are using SQL Server, use the simple recovery model, so that your transaction log is truncated.

• Front-end Web server: If you have customized the front-end Web server, or are unsure of the extent of the customizations to your Web applications, we recommend that you make a backup image of your front-end Web server. Make sure you have a backup of any solution packages that you have deployed on your front-end Web servers.

[pic] Note:

Ideally, if you are customizing front-end Web computers, the customization should be managed using a robust build process or script that allows the customizations to be applied to a new computer.

If you experience an unrecoverable failure during upgrade, you may have to restore your server from the backup image you created. You would need to manually apply any customizations to your front-end Web server.

[pic] Note:

We recommend that you back up the server farm after you have verified that the software update installation succeeded.

After you have backed up all of your databases, use the SQL Server DBCC shrinkfile command to free unused log space, making the logs as empty as possible. For more information, see Shrinking the Transaction Log (). It is a best practice to verify that you can restore the databases.

For more information about how to perform backups, see Prepare to back up and restore a farm (Windows SharePoint Services 3.0).

• In server farms that have a large number of sites, you will find that installing a software update with the content databases attached is not practical in terms of downtime. In order to minimize the downtime, we recommend that you perform the additional step of detaching the content databases.

• To deploy software updates in a server farm you must be logged in to the Web server as a domain account that also has the following permissions:

• Member of the Administrators group on the Web server computer.

• Member of the Administrators group on the server running SQL Server or be granted the fixed database role db_owner to all SharePoint Products and Technologies databases.

• If you have previously installed a hotfix, and the problem that it addresses is not fixed in this widely available software update, you must obtain the updated version of that hotfix to address specific issues in your environment by contacting Microsoft Customer Support Services ().

For more information about the software updates in Office Forms Server 2007 with Service Pack 1, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 942388 ().

For more information about the software updates in Office Forms Server 2007 Post Service Pack 1 rollup, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 941422 ().

[pic] Note:

All Web servers running Office Forms Server 2007 in the server farm must be running Office Forms Server 2007.

• You must download the correct software update file for your hardware and language. The pattern for the software update naming convention is productnamerrr-kby-xnn-fullfile-lang.exe, where:

• productname is a short identifier for the name of the released product.

• rrr is a description of the release. For example, Service Pack 1 would be sp1.

• y is a number that corresponds to the Knowledge Base article about the software update.

• nn is a number indicating the hardware architecture, either x86 or x64.

• lang is the language of the software update. For example, U.S. English is en-us.

For example, the file name for the Office Forms Server 2007 Service Pack 1 (SP1) file, in U.S. English and for x86-based hardware, is wssv3sp1-kb936988-x86-fullfile-en-us.exe.

For more information, and to download the appropriate file, see Download details: Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Service Pack 1 (SP1) ().

Overview of installation sequence

The following approach updates the database from one server that hosts the Central Administration Web site, so that when you run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard on the subsequent front-end Web servers, the front-end servers can simply connect to the updated database, rather than attempt to upgrade the database.

[pic] Note:

This installation sequence ensures that you can avoid database locking issues.

You must update the Web servers in your server farm in the following order:

1. The files from the software update must be installed on all the Web servers in the server farm by running the software update installation on each Web server up to the point where the dialog box with the following message is displayed:

You must run Setup to install new binary files for every server in your server farm. If you have multiple servers in your server farm, run Setup and the configuration wizard on the other servers now, and then return to this server and click OK to continue.

[pic] Note:

If you started the installation in silent mode, using the /q switch, the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard does not automatically start. To continue the upgrade, you need to force the upgrade by either manually starting the wizard or running the psconfig command with arguments to force an in-place, build-to-build upgrade. For specific information, in the Perform installation steps section, follow the "To force a software update" procedure.

2. Complete the software update by clicking OK in the dialog box on one Web server that hosts the Central Administration Web site (front-end Web server) for the server farm.

3. Complete the software update, one Web server at a time, for the rest of the server farm.

Perform installation steps

[pic] Important:

Make sure you are aware of the prerequisites, as outlined earlier in this document, before you follow the procedures in this section.

You must install the software update on each Web server running Office Forms Server 2007 to the point that the files are copied to all Web servers in the server farm. You should return to one Web server to complete the installation. After the installation has been completed on the Web server that you selected, you can complete the installation on each of the other Web servers.

To ensure that you have the correct permissions to install the software update and run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard, we recommend that you add the account for the SharePoint Central Administration v3 application pool identity to the Administrators group on each of the local Web servers and application servers and then log on by using that account. These changes are only required for installing the update and then running the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard to complete the upgrade.

If you use a different account to install the software update, it must be a domain account with the following memberships, roles, and authorization:

• Member of the Administrators group on the Web server computer.

• Granted the fixed database role db_owner to all SharePoint Products and Technologies databases.

In many IT environments, database administrators (DBAs) create and manage databases. Security policies and other policies in your organization might require that DBAs create the databases needed by Office Forms Server 2007.

[pic] Note:

For information about how to deploy Office Forms Server 2007 in an environment in which DBAs create and manage databases, see Deploy using DBA-created databases (Windows SharePoint Services) ().

You can install the software update by logging on to the server directly or by connecting through a Terminal Services console session.

[pic] Note:

For information about how to use console sessions, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 278845: How to Connect to and Shadow the Console Session with Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services ().

Install the software update

This section includes all of the procedures required to install a software update successfully in any size server farm. If you are in a large server farm, you should read the "Large-farm optimization" section later in this document.

The following procedure provides the steps to:

• Make all software update files available on all servers in your server farm.

• Complete the update on one front-end Web server.

• Finish updating the remaining servers in the server farm.

[pic] Note:

You must perform steps 1 though 7 from the following procedure on every Web server in the server farm before you complete the installation on any one Web server.

To install a software update

1. Disconnect users from the server farm by stopping the World Wide Web Publishing service (w3svc) on all Web servers.

2. Download and install the appropriate Office Forms Server 2007 software update for all servers in your server farm.

3. At the end of the software update installation, the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard starts.

[pic] Note:

If the wizard does not start automatically, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard.

4. On the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard Welcome page, click Next.

5. In the dialog box that notifies you that some services might need to be restarted during configuration, click Yes.

6. On the Completing the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard page, click Next.

7. When the dialog box about installation in a server farm appears, do not click OK. Instead, leave each server with the following dialog box displayed:

You must run Setup to install new binary files for every server in your server farm. If you have multiple servers in your server farm, run Setup and the configuration wizard on the other servers now, and then return to this server and click OK to continue.

8. When the dialog box from the previous step is displayed on all Web servers in the server farm, use one Web server that hosts the Central Administration Web site to finalize the installation.

9. On the server you selected in the previous step, click OK.

10. On the Configuration Successful page, click Finish.

11. After you have finished updating one Web server that hosts the Central Administration Web site, you should follow the procedures in the "Verify installation" section on this one Web server to ensure that the software update installation was successful.

12. Continue updating the remaining computers in the server farm, one at a time, by clicking OK in the dialog box.

[pic] Note:

It is important that the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard perform the configuration procedures on only one computer at a time.

13. When the software update installation and configuration is complete on all the Web servers in the server farm, make the Web servers available to users by manually starting the World Wide Web Publishing service on each server on which you manually stopped the service.

If you completed the "To detach content databases" procedure, depending on if you configured additional computers to upgrade the content databases, you must use one of the following procedures to attach the content database after the software update installation is complete.

[pic] Note:

If you did not follow the "To detach content databases" procedure, you can skip the "To attach the content database" procedures.

If you did not configure additional computers specifically to upgrade the content databases, you will need to follow the "To attach the content database from the command line" procedure. This procedure attaches and initiates an upgrade of the content database.

To attach the content database from the command line

• To attach the database, enter the following command:

stsadm -o addcontentdb -url -databasename -databaseserver

If you did configure additional computers specifically to upgrade the content databases, you can use the following procedure to attach the content database to the updated computers.

To attach the content database

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.

2. On the Central Administration site, click Application Management.

3. On the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Web Application Management section, click Content databases.

4. On the Manage Content Databases page, click Add a content database.

5. Enter the information for the content database you detached earlier.

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for every content database you want to attach.

You must perform the following procedure on all indexers and query servers in your server farm if either of the following conditions is true:

• You are running in a least-privileges scenario.

• The account that you are using for the search service is either:

• Not an Administrator on the local computer.

• Not a member of the server farm administrator account.

To start the search service

1. Open a Command Prompt window.

2. To identify the computers that are running an instance of the online Office Forms Server 2007 search service, run the following command:

stsadm -o spsearch -action list

3. Log on to each computer, either locally or through a remote connection, that is returned in the list from the previous step and run the following command:

stsadm -o spsearch -action start

Large-farm optimization

In very large server farms, installing a software update with the content databases attached is not practical in terms of downtime. In the scenario where you have a large number of sites or many Web servers, to minimize the downtime required to upgrade, we recommend that you perform the additional step of detaching the content databases. For the best performance with the upgrade operations, you should use four or five front-end Web servers per database server.

[pic] Note:

Unless you are dealing with a very large server farm, you do not need to follow this procedure.

To detach content databases

1. To detach a content database using Stsadm, open a command prompt and change directories to %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\12\Bin.

2. Run the following operation from the command line:

stsadm -o deletecontentdb -url -databasename

In this operation, -url specifies the Web application from which the content databases will be detached and -databasename specifies the name of content database to be detached.

[pic] Note:

If your database server is on a separate server, you need to use the -databaseserver parameter to specify the database server name.

After you upgrade your server farm, you must attach the content databases back to the server farm. You can only attach one content database to the server farm at a time, because when you attach the databases to the upgraded server farm, the content database is upgraded automatically.

If you want to streamline the upgrade process even further, you can configure additional computers as Web servers running Office Forms Server 2007 with SP1 in a single-computer server farm; we recommend four to five Web servers. You must configure alternate access mappings on these temporary front-end Web servers to match the original servers. If the alternate access mappings are not identical, the content databases may be upgraded with the wrong URLs within their site content. This will result in certain pages not displaying correctly, and you must contact Microsoft Product Services to correct this problem. Then, to perform a parallel upgrade of the content databases, use these Web servers to upgrade the content databases while they are detached from the original server farm.

After you detach the upgraded content databases from the temporary Web server, and attach them back to the original server farm, the content databases are ready for service. At this point, you should remove any content databases from the previous version and then back up the server farm.

[pic] Note:

If you detach and reattach a content database, be aware that the next time the content within that content database is crawled a full crawl will occur, even if an incremental crawl has been requested. Because a full crawl recrawls all content, regardless of whether that content has been previously crawled, full crawls can take significantly more time to complete than incremental crawls.

If you are running the Infrastructure Update for Microsoft Office Servers, the identifier (ID) of each content database is retained when you restore or reattach the database by using built-in tools. Default change log retention behavior when using built-in tools is as follows:

• The change logs for all databases are retained when you restore a farm.

• The change log for a content database is retained when you reattach the database.

• The change log for a content database is NOT retained when you restore just the content database.

When a database ID and change log are retained, Search continues crawling based on the regular schedule defined by crawl rules. When a change log is not retained, Search performs a full crawl during the next scheduled crawl.

For more information, see Move all databases (Office SharePoint Server 2007) and Back up and restore an entire farm (Office SharePoint Server 2007).

The limiting factor for this method is that you cannot simultaneously update more than one content database for each Web application—even if you use multiple computers.

Verify installation

After you install a software update, you should verify that the installation was successful by reviewing the upgrade log file (Upgrade.log), as described in the following procedure.

To view the upgrade log file

1. In Windows Explorer, change to the following directory:

%COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\12\LOGS

2. Use a text editor to open the Upgrade.log file.

3. Scroll to the date on which you installed the software update.

4. Search, or visually scan, for the following entries:

Finished upgrading SPFarm Name=

In-place upgrade session finishes. Root object = SPFarm=, recursive = True. 0 errors and 0 warnings encountered.

If you find these entries, the installation was successful.

5. If you do not find the entries from the previous step, you can identify specific issues that may have contributed to the failure by searching, or visually scanning, through the Upgrade.log file for the following terms:

• fail

• error

After you identify and resolve the blocking issues, use the "To force a software update" procedure later in this section.

In some configurations, the SharePoint Timer Service (OWStimer) account—which, by default, is the same account used by the SharePoint Central Administration v3 application pool account—is configured with credentials that do not have permission to access the LOGS folder in %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\12\. If this is the case, part of the Upgrade.log is stored in the temporary storage folder of the account that is running the SharePoint Timer service.

To write all available logging information, including verbose output and detailed debugging information, to the log files for the software update installation, run the following command:

msiexec /p /l*vx %temp%\patch.log

Where PatchPackage is the path to the software update file.

You can find the log file in the temporary file location with the file name msi*.log.

[pic] Note:

You can enable Windows Installer logging before you start the software update installation again. To enable logging for Windows Installer, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 99206: How to enable Windows Installer logging ().

In addition to the previous procedure, verify that the update was successful by using the SharePoint Central Administration Web site to view the version number on the Servers in Farm page.

To view the Servers in Farm page

1. Use one of the following methods to open the Servers in Farm page:

• On the Central Administration home page, click Operations. Then, on the Operations page, in the Topology and Services section, click Servers in farm.

• From Internet Explorer, view the following Web page:

Where ServerName is the name of the server, and Port is the port that is configured for the Central Administration Web site.

2. On the Servers in Farm page, next to Version, verify the version number of each server in the farm to verify that each one has been updated to the new binary version.

The following Office Forms Server 2007 version numbers are correct:

• Release

• August 24, 2007 hotfix package

For more information about the software updates in the August hotfix, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 941422: Description of the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 hotfix package ().

• October public update

• Service Pack 1

• Post Service Pack 1 rollup

If the version number matches the version number for the software update, you have succeeded in updating the server. If the version number is not correct, the software update installation did not complete successfully. To identify and resolve the blocking issues, follow the "To view the upgrade log file" procedure earlier in this article.

If you need to investigate the success of the software update installation in more depth, use the following procedure to verify version numbers on certain files and verify certain keys in the registry.

To perform advanced installation verification

1. You can examine the version number of certain files in %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\12\ISAPI

The following Office Forms Server 2007 owssvr.dll version numbers are correct:

• Release 12.0.4518.1016

• October public update

• Service Pack 1

• Post Service Pack 1 rollup

2. Verify that the value is correct in the Version key in the following location:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\12.0

You can also verify that the software update installation was successful by using SQL Query Analyzer to examine the SQL Server schema. Although the version of the DLL files and the registry are updated during the first part of an upgrade—when the files are being copied—the SQL Server schema is only upgraded after the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard is run.

[pic] Note:

The SSP databases could have different version numbers and the SSO databases do not have a versions table.

You should use the following procedure to determine if the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard was run after the software update.

To verify through direct examination of the SQL schema

• This SQL Server query can be run on any SharePoint Products and Technologies database to track all the upgrades run on the database in the GUID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:

SELECT * FROM Versions

The highest value that maps to the GUID above should equal the current version of the product. For Service Pack 1 the version should include 6211.

If the installation did not succeed, you can run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard again, or you can use the following procedure to complete the configuration from the command line.

[pic] Note:

You can enable Windows Installer logging before you start the software update installation again. For information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 99206: How to enable Windows Installer logging ().

To force a software update

1. Open a Command Prompt window and change to the following directory:

%COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft shared\Web server extensions\12\Bin

2. Type the following command:

psconfig –cmd upgrade –inplace b2b –wait –force

Add new servers to a server farm

If you need to build a new server to join an existing server farm, we recommend that you use an installation source that has the software update files included. When you use this installation source to add new servers to your server farm, the software update is already applied to the new server and the version of the new server matches the rest of the servers in your server farm.

You can create an installation source location that already contains the software updates that match those installed on your server farm by using the updates folder. For more information, see the topic Create an installation source that includes software updates (Office Forms Server 2007).

If you need to build a new server to join an existing server farm, but you have not created an updated installation source, you must use the following procedure.

To build a server to join an existing farm

1. Install the product without any software updates and do not run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard.

[pic] Note:

By not running the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard you do not define the location for the configuration database by creating the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web server extensions\12.0\Secure\ConfigDB.

2. Install the software update.

3. Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard at the prompt.

If you do not follow this process and you do run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard after you install the released product, the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard reads the ConfigDB registry key and the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard displays: Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object. To address this problem, you must either modify the registry or use the command line to force the configuration to complete successfully.

Use registry editor to modify the contents of the ConfigDB registry key and then run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard.

To force an install after a failed configuration by modifying the registry

1. Install the software update and do not allow the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard to run.

2. Use a registry editor to modify the setup type to a clean install. Change the registry key to the following:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web server extensions\12.0\WSS\SETUPTYPE=CLEAN_INSTALL

3. Run SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard to perform a disconnect operation.

4. Run SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard to connect to your server farm.

Use the Psconfig command-line tool.

[pic] Note:

For more information about using Psconfig, see Command-line reference for the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard (Windows SharePoint Services).

To force an install after a failed configuration (command line)

1. Install the product without any software updates and do not run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard.

2. Install the software update and do not run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard.

3. Open a Command Prompt window and run the following command:

psconfig -cmd configdb -connect -server -database SharePoint_Config_ -user -password -cmd helpcollections -installall -cmd secureresources -cmd services -install -cmd installfeatures -cmd applicationcontent –install

Update language template packs

For each language template pack installed on a server that renders content, you must install updated language template packs. To install the language template packs, you can download updated language template packs through the Microsoft Download Center. However, we recommend that you browse to the Microsoft Update or Windows Update Web sites to detect the language template packs installed on your front-end Web server. An updated language template pack is installed for each language template pack that is currently installed.

You must run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard after updated language template packs have been installed for each currently installed language template pack.

To create an installation location that you can use to install the language template packs with software updates already applied, see the topic Create an installation source that includes software updates (Office Forms Server 2007).

Known issues

This section describes common errors you might encounter and what you need to do to fix them.

Error: Failed to upgrade SharePoint Products and Technologies

If you add a new Web server to an existing server farm that does not have any Web applications, and you update the Web server and then run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard, you might receive the following error message:

An exception of type Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.PostSetupConfigurationTaskException was thrown. Additional exception information: Failed to upgrade SharePoint Products and Technologies.

The Upgrade.log file found in %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\12\Logs contains the following error:

The access control list on %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\12\template\layouts\Web.config could not be modified because the path could not be located in the file system.

This error occurs when the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard cannot locate or modify the Web.config file.

To resolve the issue, you must manually copy the Web.config file from %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\12\Config to %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\12\Template\Layouts. After the Web.config file is in the Layouts folder, you can run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard again.

Error: Unknown SQL Exception 15363

The following error in the Event Viewer application log might appear after you install a software update:

Source: Windows SharePoint Services

Category: Database

Event ID: 5586

Type: Error

Description: Unknown SQL Exception 15363 occurred. Additional error information from SQL server is included below.

This error occurs when the role WSS_Content_Application_Pools already exists in the current database. This is a known issue and you can safely ignore this error message.

Foxit PDF IFilter must be reinstalled after installing software update

If you installed the Foxit PDF IFilter on your search server, the IFilter does not work after you install a software update. You must reinstall the IFilter.

Setup stops responding when you use an alternate location for the Updates folder

When you are using the updates folder and specify an alternate location for the updates folder by modifying the SUpdateLocation parameter in the Config.xml file Setup will stop responding and a error dialog box will appear.

This is a known limitation in the product. If you want to use the updates folder, you must use the default location for the SUpdateLocation parameter.

Error: The search request is unable to connect to the search service

After you install Service Pack 1 (SP1), more disk space is required for your query server or index server. If adequate disk space is not available, your query servers will slow down or stop. Queries that normally take less than 5 seconds will be very slow, return an error, or timeout, and you will see the service error The search request is unable to connect to the search service.

This issue occurs because the method used to merge indexes has been modified to significantly improve performance and reduce server downtime. However, this change increases the disk space required to perform a master merge. Previously, a maximum of 2 times the physical size of the index was required. The new maximum disk space requirement on a query server or index server is increased to 2.85 times the physical size of the index.

See Also

Other Resources

Office Forms Server TechCenter

Create an installation source that includes software updates (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

In server farm deployments, all your Web servers must have the same software update version applied. This means that, before you add a new Web server to an existing server farm, this new Web server must have the same software updates as the rest of the Web servers in your server farm. To accomplish this, we recommend that you follow the procedures in this topic to create an installation source that contains a copy of the released version of the software, along with software updates that match those installed on your server farm (also known as a slipstreamed installation source). When you run Setup from this updated installation source, the new Web server will have the same software update version as the rest of the Web servers in your server farm.

[pic] Note:

In this article, we use the term software update as a general term for all update types, including any service pack, update, update rollup, feature pack, critical update, security update, or hotfix used to improve or fix this software product.

Use the updates folder

To create an installation source, you must add software updates to the updates folder of the released version of the software.

To use the updates folder

1. Copy the files from the released version source media for the product to a folder that you can use as an installation point for the servers in your server farm.

2. Download the appropriate software update package.

3. Extract the software update files, by using this command:


The /extract switch prompts you to provide a folder name for the files, for example, for x86 systems:

wssv3sp1-kb936988-x86-fullfile-en-us.exe /extract:\Updates

is the location to which you copied the files that you extracted from the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 released version.

[pic] Note:

You must use the default location for the updates folder. If you use the SupdateLocation="path-list" property to specify a different location, Setup stops responding.

4. Copy the files that you extracted from the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 software update package to the updates folder you created in the previous step.

5. Extract the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 software update files, by using this command:

officeserver2007sp1-kb936984-x86-fullfile-en-us.exe /extract:\Updates

is the location to which you copied the files that you extracted from the Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 released version.

6. Copy the files that you extracted from the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 software update package to the updates folder containing the source for the released version. You must verify that the file Svrsetup.dll has been copied from the Office Forms Server 2007 software update package and you should delete the Wsssetup.dll file.

7. You can now use this location as an installation point, or you can create an image of this source that you can burn to a CD-ROM.

[pic] Note:

If you extracted the software update files to a location to which you had previously copied the source for a released version, the source is updated and is ready to use.

For more information about using enterprise deployment tools to deploy updates, see the topic Distribute product updates for the 2007 Office system.

Language template packs

Use the following procedure to create an installation location that you can use to install the language template packs with software updates already applied.

To use the updates folder with language template packs

1. Download the language template pack package for the released product.

2. Extract the files from the language template pack package.

3. Copy the extracted files to a folder that you can use as an installation point for the servers in your server farm.

4. Download the updated language template pack package for the released product.

5. Extract the files from the updated language template pack package.

6. Copy these extracted files to the updates folder, in the subfolder in which you stored the files for the released product in step 3.

You can now use this location as an installation point, or you can create an image of this source that you can burn to a CD-ROM.

7. To install the language template pack with the software update already applied, run Setup from this location, and then run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard to complete the configuration.

Deploy Office Forms Server 2007 on a stand-alone computer

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

In this article:

• Hardware and software requirements

• Configure the server as a Web server

• Install and configure Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

• Post-installation steps

[pic] Important:

This document discusses how to install Office Forms Server 2007 on a single computer as a stand-alone installation. It does not cover installing Office Forms Server 2007 in a farm environment. For information about how to do this, see the article Deploy Office Forms Server 2007 in a server farm environment.

You can quickly publish a SharePoint site by deploying Office Forms Server 2007 on a single server computer. A stand-alone configuration is useful if you want to evaluate Office Forms Server 2007 features and capabilities. A stand-alone configuration is also useful if you are deploying a small number of Web sites and you want to minimize administrative overhead. When you deploy Office Forms Server 2007 on a single server using the default settings, the Setup program automatically installs SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and uses it to create the configuration database and content database for your SharePoint sites. In addition, installs Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration, and creates your first SharePoint site collection and site.

[pic] Note:

There is no direct upgrade from a stand-alone installation to a farm installation.

Hardware and software requirements

Before you install and configure Office Forms Server 2007, be sure that your servers have the required hardware and software. For more information about these requirements, see Determine hardware and software requirements (Windows SharePoint Services).

Configure the server as a Web server

Before you install and configure Office Forms Server 2007, you must install and configure the required software. This includes installing and configuring Internet Information Services (IIS) so your computer acts as a Web server, installing the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.0, and enabling 2.0.

Install and configure IIS

Internet Information Services (IIS) is not installed or enabled by default in the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 operating system. To make your server a Web server, you must install and enable IIS, and you must ensure that IIS is running in IIS 6.0 worker process isolation mode.

Install and configure IIS

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Configure Your Server Wizard.

2. On the Welcome to the Configure Your Server Wizard page, click Next.

3. On the Preliminary Steps page, click Next.

4. On the Server Role page, click Application server (IIS, ), and then click Next.

5. On the Application Server Options page, click Next.

6. On the Summary of Selections page, click Next.

7. Click Finish.

8. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

9. In the IIS Manager tree, click the plus sign (+) next to the server name, right-click the Web Sites folder, and then click Properties.

10. In the Web Sites Properties dialog box, click the Service tab.

11. In the Isolation mode section, clear the Run WWW service in IIS 5.0 isolation mode check box, and then click OK.

[pic] Note:

The Run WWW in IIS 5.0 isolation mode check box is only selected if you have upgraded to IIS 6.0 on Windows Server 2003 from IIS 5.0 on Microsoft Windows 2000. New installations of IIS 6.0 use IIS 6.0 worker process isolation mode by default.

Install Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.0

Go to the Microsoft Download Center Web site (), and on the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 page, follow the instructions for downloading and installing the .NET Framework version 3.0. There are separate downloads for x86-based computers and x64-based computers. Be sure to download and install the appropriate version for your computer. The .NET Framework version 3.0 download contains the Windows Workflow Foundation technology, which is required by workflow features.

Enable 2.0

Enable 2.0

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

2. In the IIS Manager tree, click the plus sign (+) next to the server name, and then click the Web Service Extensions folder.

3. In the details pane, right-click v2.0.50727, and then click Allow.

Install and configure Office SharePoint Server 2007 with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

When you install Office Forms Server 2007 on a single server, run the Setup program using the Basic option. This option uses the Setup program's default parameters to install Office Forms Server 2007 and SQL Server 2005 Express Edition.

Run setup

1. From the product disc, run Setup.exe, or from the product download, run Officeserver.exe.

2. On the Enter your Product Key page, enter your product key, and then click Continue.

[pic] Note:

Setup will automatically check the product key and place a green check mark next to the textbox and enable the when Continue button it has validated the key. If the key is not valid, Setup will place a red circle next to the textbox and display a message that the key is incorrect.

1. On the Read the Microsoft Software License Terms page, review the terms, select the I accept the terms of this agreement check box, and then click Continue.

2. On the Choose the installation you want page, click Basic to install to the default location. To install to a different location, click Advanced and then on the File Location tab, enter the location you want to install to and finish the installation.

3. When Setup finishes, a dialog box prompts you to complete the configuration of your server. Be sure that the Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard now check box is selected.

4. Click Close to start the configuration wizard.

Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard

1. On the Welcome to SharePoint Products and Technologies page, click Next.

2. In the dialog box that notifies you that some services might need to be restarted or reset during configuration, click Yes.

3. On the Configuration Successful page, click Finish. Your new SharePoint site opens.

[pic] Note:

If you are prompted for your user name and password, you might need to add the SharePoint site to the list of trusted sites and configure user authentication settings in Internet Explorer. Instructions for configuring these settings are provided in the following procedure.

[pic] Note:

If you see a proxy server error message, you might need to configure your proxy server settings so that local addresses bypass the proxy server. Instructions for configuring proxy server settings are provided later in this section.

Add the SharePoint site to the list of trusted sites

1. In Internet Explorer, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options.

2. On the Security tab, in the Select a Web content zone to specify its security settings box, click Trusted Sites, and then click Sites.

3. Clear the Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone check box.

4. In the Add this Web site to the zone box, type the URL to your site, and then click Add.

5. Click Close to close the Trusted Sites dialog box.

6. Click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box.

If you are using a proxy server in your organization, use the following steps to configure Internet Explorer to bypass the proxy server for local addresses.

Configure proxy server settings to bypass the proxy server for local addresses

1. In Internet Explorer, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options.

2. On the Connections tab, in the Local Area Network (LAN) settings area, click LAN Settings.

3. In the Automatic configuration section, clear the Automatically detect settings check box.

4. In the Proxy Server section, select the Use a proxy server for your LAN check box.

5. Type the address of the proxy server in the Address box.

6. Type the port number of the proxy server in the Port box.

7. Select the Bypass proxy server for local addresses check box.

8. Click OK to close the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings dialog box.

9. Click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box.

Post-installation steps

After Setup finishes, your browser window opens to the home page of your new SharePoint site. Although you can start adding content to the site or you can start customizing the site, we recommend that you perform the following administrative tasks by using the SharePoint Central Administration Web site.

• Configure incoming e-mail settings   You can configure incoming e-mail settings so that SharePoint sites accept and archive incoming e-mail. You can also configure incoming e-mail settings so that SharePoint sites can archive e-mail discussions as they happen, save e-mailed documents, and show e-mailed meetings on site calendars. In addition, you can configure the SharePoint Directory Management Service to provide support for e-mail distribution list creation and management. For more information, see Configure incoming e-mail settings (Office SharePoint Server).

• Configure outgoing e-mail settings   You can configure outgoing e-mail settings so that your Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server sends e-mail alerts to site users and notifications to site administrators. You can configure both the "From" e-mail address and the "Reply" e-mail address that appears in outgoing alerts. For more information, see Configure outgoing e-mail settings (Office SharePoint Server).

• Configure diagnostic logging settings   You can configure several diagnostic logging settings to help with troubleshooting. This includes enabling and configuring trace logs, event messages, user-mode error messages, and Customer Experience Improvement Program events. For more information, see Configure diagnostic logging settings.

• Configure antivirus protection settings   You can configure several antivirus settings if you have an antivirus program that is designed for Office Forms Server 2007. Antivirus settings enable you to control whether documents are scanned on upload or download and whether users can download infected documents. You can also specify how long you want the antivirus program to run before it times out, and you can specify how many execution threads the antivirus program can use on the server. For more information, see Configure antivirus settings.

• Create SharePoint sites   When Setup finishes, you have a single Web application that contains a single SharePoint site collection that hosts a SharePoint site. You can create more SharePoint sites collections, sites, and Web applications if your site design requires multiple sites or multiple Web applications. For more information, see Deploy and configure SharePoint sites (Windows SharePoint Services).

Perform administrator tasks by using the Central Administration site

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Office Forms Server, and then click SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.

2. On the Central Administration home page, under Administrator Tasks, click the task you want to perform.

3. On the Administrator Tasks page, next to Action, click the task.

Deploy Office Forms Server 2007 in a server farm environment

Topic Last Modified: 2015-03-09

In this article:

• Deployment overview

• Deploy and configure the server infrastructure

• Create and configure a Shared Services Provider

• Create a site collection and a SharePoint Site

• Post-installation steps

Deployment overview

[pic] Important:

This article discusses how to perform a clean installation of Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 in a server farm environment.

[pic] Note:

This article does not cover installing Office Forms Server 2007 on a single computer as a stand-alone installation. For more information, see Deploy Office Forms Server 2007 on a stand-alone computer.

You can deploy Office Forms Server 2007 in a server farm environment if you are hosting a large number of sites, if you want the best possible performance, or if you want the scalability of a multi-tier topology. A server farm consists of one or more servers dedicated to running the Office Forms Server 2007 application.

[pic] Note:

There is no direct upgrade from a stand-alone installation to a farm installation.

Because a server farm deployment of Office Forms Server 2007 is more complex than a stand-alone deployment, we recommend that you plan your deployment. Planning your deployment can help you to gather the information you need and to make important decisions before beginning to deploy. For information about planning, see Overview: Plan InfoPath Forms Services (Office Forms Server).

Note   Office Forms Server 2007 is based on Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, and therefore, this article makes reference to several Office SharePoint Server 2007 planning and deployment topics.

Suggested topologies

Server farm environments can encompass a wide range of topologies and can include as few as two servers or many servers.

A server farm typically consists of a database server running either Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with SP3a or later, and one or more servers running Internet Information Services (IIS) and Office Forms Server 2007. In this configuration the front-end servers are configured as Web servers. The Web server role provides Web content and services such as search.

A large server farm typically consists of two or more clustered database servers, several load-balanced front-end Web servers running IIS and Office Forms Server 2007, and two or more servers providing search services.

Before you begin deployment

This section provides information about actions that you must perform before you begin deployment.

• To deploy Office Forms Server 2007 in a server farm environment, you must provide credentials for several different accounts. For information about these accounts, see Plan for authentication (Windows SharePoint Services).

• You must install Office Forms Server 2007 on the same drive on all load-balanced front-end Web server computers.

• All the instances of Office Forms Server 2007 in the farm must be in the same language. For example, you cannot have both an English version of Office Forms Server 2007 and a Japanese version of Office Forms Server 2007 in the same farm.

• You must install Office Forms Server 2007 on a clean installation of the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 operating system with Service Pack 1 (SP1) or later. If you uninstall a previous version of Office Forms Server 2007, and then install Office Forms Server 2007, Setup might fail to create the configuration database and the installation will fail.

[pic] Note:

We recommend that you read the Known Issues/Readme documentation before you install Office Forms Server 2007 on a domain controller. Installing Office Forms Server 2007 on a domain controller requires additional configuration steps that are not discussed in this article.

Overview of the deployment process

The deployment process consists of two phases: deploying and configuring the server infrastructure and deploying and configuring SharePoint site collections and sites.

Phase 1: Deploy and configure the server infrastructure

Deploying and configuring the server infrastructure consists of the following steps:

• Preparing the database server.

• Pre-installing databases [Optional].

• Verifying that the servers meet hardware and software requirements.

• Running Setup on all servers you want to be in the farm, including running the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard.

• Starting the Windows SharePoint Services Search service.

Phase 2: Create and configure a Shared Services Provider

Creating and configuring a Shared Services Provider (SSP) consists of the following steps:

• Creating a Web application and the SSP.

Phase 3: Create a site collection and a SharePoint site

Deploying and configuring SharePoint site collations and sites consists of the following steps:

• Creating a site collection.

• Creating a SharePoint site.

Deploy and configure the server infrastructure

Prepare the database server

The database server computer must be running Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with Service Pack 3a (SP3a) or later.

The Office Forms Server 2007 Setup program automatically creates the necessary databases when you install and configure Office Forms Server 2007. Optionally, you can preinstall the required databases if your IT environment or policies require this.

For more information about prerequisites, see Determine hardware and software requirements (Office SharePoint Server).

If you are using SQL Server 2005, you must also change the surface area settings.

Configure surface area settings in SQL Server 2005

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 2005, point to Configuration Tools, and then click SQL Server Surface Area Configuration.

2. In the SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configuration dialog box, click Surface Area Configuration for Services and Connections.

3. In the tree view, expand the node for your instance of SQL Server, expand the Database Engine node, and then click Remote Connections.

4. Select Local and Remote Connections, select Using both TCP/IP and named pipes, and then click OK.

SQL Server and database collation

The SQL Server collation must be configured for case-insensitive. The SQL Server database collation must be configured for case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, Kana-sensitive, and width-sensitive. This is used to ensure file name uniqueness consistent with the Windows operating system. For more information about collations, see "Selecting a SQL Collation" or "Collation Settings in Setup" in SQL Server Books Online.

Required accounts

The following table describes the accounts that are used to configure Microsoft SQL Server and to install Office Forms Server 2007. For more information about the required accounts, including specific privileges required for these accounts, see Plan for administrative and service accounts (Windows SharePoint Services).

|Login |Notes |

|Setup user account |The account that is used to run Setup on each server computer. |

|Farm search service account |The service account for the Windows SharePoint Services Search |

| |service. There is only one instance of this service in the server |

| |farm. |

|Application pool process account |Used to access content databases associated with the Web application.|

Preinstall databases [Optional]

In many IT environments, database creation and management is handled by the Database Administrator (DBA). Security and other policies might require that the DBA create the databases required by Office Forms Server 2007. For more information about preinstalling databases, including detailed procedures that describe how the DBA can create these databases, see Deploy using DBA-created databases (Windows SharePoint Services).

Verify that servers meet hardware and software requirements

Before you install and configure Office Forms Server 2007, be sure that your servers have the recommended hardware and software. To deploy a server farm, you need at least one server computer acting as a Web server and an application server, and one server computer acting as a database server. For more information about these requirements, see Determine hardware and software requirements (Office SharePoint Server).

Install the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.0

Go to the Microsoft Download Center Web site (), and on the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Redistributable Package page, follow the instructions for downloading and installing the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.0. There are separate downloads for x86-based computers and x64-based computers. Be sure to download and install the appropriate version for your computer. The Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.0 download contains the Windows Workflow Foundation technology, which is required by workflow features.

Enable 2.0

You must enable 2.0 on all servers

Enable 2.0

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

2. In the IIS Manager tree, click the plus sign (+) next to the server name, and then click the Web Service Extensions folder.

3. In the details pane, click v2.0.50727, and then click Allow.

Run Setup on all servers in the farm

Run Setup and then the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard on all your farm servers. Adding servers to the farm can be done at any time to add redundancy, such as additional load-balanced Web servers.

[pic] Note:

We recommend that you run Setup on all the servers that will be in the farm before you configure the farm.

When you install Office Forms Server 2007 on the first server, you establish the farm. Any additional servers that you add must be joined to this farm.

Setting up the first server involves two steps: installing the Office Forms Server 2007 components on the server and configuring the farm. After Setup finishes, you can use the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard to configure Office Forms Server 2007. The SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard automates several configuration tasks, including: installing and configuring the configuration database, installing Office Forms Server 2007 services, and creating the Central Administration Web site.

Run Setup on the first server

We recommend that you install and configure Office Forms Server 2007 on all of your farm servers before you configure Office Forms Server 2007 services and create sites. You must have SQL Server running on at least one back-end database server before you install Office Forms Server 2007 on your farm servers.

[pic] Note:

Setup installs the Central Administration Web site on the first server on which you run Setup. Therefore, we recommend that the first server on which you install Office Forms Server 2007 is a server from which you want to run the Central Administration Web site.

Run Setup on the first server

1. From the product disc, run Setup.exe, or from the product download, run Officeserver.exe, on one of your Web server computers.

2. On the Enter your Product Key page, enter your product key, and then click Continue.

[pic] Note:

Setup automatically verifies the product key, places a green check mark next to the text box, and enables the Continue button after it validates the key. If the key is not valid, Setup displays a red circle next to the text box and prompts you that the key is incorrect.

1. On the Read the Microsoft Software License Terms page, review the terms, select the I accept the terms of this agreement check box, and then click Continue.

2. On the Choose the installation you want page, click Advanced. The Basic option is for stand-alone installations.

3. On the Server Type tab, click Web Front End. The Stand-alone option is for stand-alone installations.

4. Optionally, to install Office Forms Server 2007 at a custom location, select the Data Location tab, and then type the location name or Browse to the location.

5. Optionally, to participate in the Customer Experience Improvement Program, select the Feedback tab and select the option you want. To learn more about the program, click the link. You must have an Internet connection to view the program information.

6. When you have chosen the correct options, click Install Now.

7. When Setup finishes, a dialog box appears that prompts you to complete the configuration of your server. Be sure that the Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard now check box is selected.

8. Click Close to start the configuration wizard. Instructions for completing the wizard are provided in the next set of steps.

Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard

After Setup finishes, you can use the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard to configure Office Forms Server 2007. The configuration wizard automates several configuration tasks, including: installing and configuring the configuration database, installing Office Forms Server 2007 services, and creating the Central Administration Web site. Use the following instructions to run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard.

Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard

1. On the Welcome to SharePoint Products and Technologies page, click Next.

2. Click Yes in the dialog box that notifies you that some services might need to be restarted during configuration.

3. On the Connect to a server farm page, click No, I want to create a new server farm, and then click Next.

4. In the Specify Configuration Database Settings dialog box, in the Database server box, type the name of the computer that is running SQL Server.

5. Type a name for your configuration database in the Database name box, or use the default database name. The default name is "SharePoint_Config".

6. In the User name box, type the user name of the Server farm account. (Be sure to type the user name in the format DOMAIN\username.)

[pic] Important:

This account is the Server farm account and is used to access your SharePoint configuration database. It also acts as the application pool identity for the SharePoint Central Administration application pool and it is the account under which the Windows SharePoint Services Timer service runs. The SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard adds this account to the SQL Server Logins, the SQL Server Database Creator server role, and the SQL Server Security Administrators server role. The user account that you specify as the service account must be a domain user account, but it does not need to be a member of any specific security group on your Web servers or your back-end database servers. We recommend that you follow the principle of least privilege and specify a user account that is not a member of the Administrators group on your Web servers or your back-end servers.

7. In the Password box, type the user's password, and then click Next.

8. On the Configure SharePoint Central Administration Web Application page, select the Specify port number check box and type a port number if you want the SharePoint Central Administration Web application to use a specific port, or leave the Specify port number check box cleared if you do not care which port number the SharePoint Central Administration Web application uses.

9. On the Configure SharePoint Central Administration Web Application dialog box, do one of the following:

• If you want to use NTLM authentication (the default), click Next.

• If you want to use Kerberos authentication, click Negotiate (Kerberos), and then click Next.

[pic] Note:

In most cases, you should use the default setting (NTLM). Use Negotiate (Kerberos) only if Kerberos authentication is supported in your environment. Using the Negotiate (Kerberos) option requires you to configure a service principal name (SPN) for the domain user account. To do this, you must be a member of the Domain Admins group. For more information, see How to configure a Windows SharePoint Services virtual server to use Kerberos authentication and how to switch from Kerberos authentication back to NTLM authentication ().

10. On the Completing the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard page, click Next.

11. On the Configuration Successful page, click Finish.

The SharePoint Central Administration Web site home page opens.

[pic] Note:

If you are prompted for your user name and password, you might need to add the SharePoint Central Administration site to the list of trusted sites and configure user authentication settings in Internet Explorer. Instructions for configuring these settings are provided in the next set of steps.

[pic] Note:

If you see a proxy server error message, you might need to configure your proxy server settings so that local addresses bypass the proxy server. Instructions for configuring this setting are provided later in this section.

Add the SharePoint Central Administration Web site to the list of trusted sites

1. In Internet Explorer, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options.

2. On the Security tab, in the Select a Web content zone to specify its security settings box, click Trusted sites, and then click Sites.

3. Clear the Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone check box.

4. In the Add this Web site to the zone box, type the URL for the SharePoint Central Administration Web site, and then click Add.

5. Click Close to close the Trusted sites dialog box.

6. Click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box.

Configure proxy server settings to bypass the proxy server for local addresses

1. In Internet Explorer, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options.

2. On the Connections tab, in the Local Area Network (LAN) settings area, click LAN Settings.

3. In the Automatic configuration section, clear the Automatically detect settings check box.

4. In the Proxy Server section, select the Use a proxy server for your LAN check box.

5. Type the address of the proxy server in the Address box.

6. Type the port number of the proxy server in the Port box.

7. Select the Bypass proxy server for local addresses check box.

8. Click OK to close the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings dialog box.

9. Click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box.

Add servers to the farm

We recommend that you install and configure Office Forms Server 2007 on all of your farm servers before you configure services and create sites. You must have SQL Server running on at least one back-end database server before you install Office Forms Server 2007 on your farm servers.

[pic] Important:

If you uninstall Office Forms Server 2007 from the first server on which you installed it, your farm might experience problems.

Run Setup on additional servers

1. From the product disc, run Setup.exe, or from the product download, run Officeserver.exe, on one of your Web server computers.

2. On the Enter your Product Key page, enter your product key, and then click Continue.

[pic] Note:

Setup automatically verifies the product key, places a green check mark next to the text box, and enables the Continue button after it validates the key. If the key is not valid, Setup displays a red circle next to the text box and prompts you that the key is incorrect.

1. On the Read the Microsoft Software License Terms page, review the terms, select the I accept the terms of this agreement check box, and then click Continue.

2. On the Choose the installation you want page, click Advanced. The Basic option is for stand-alone installations.

3. On the Server Type tab, click Web Front End. The Stand-alone option is for stand-alone installations.

4. Optionally, to install Office Forms Server 2007 at a custom location, select the Data Location tab, and then type the location name or Browse to the location.

5. Optionally, to participate in the Customer Experience Improvement Program, select the Feedback tab and select the option you want. To learn more about the program, click the link. You must have an Internet connection to view the program information.

6. When you have chosen the correct options, click Install Now.

7. When Setup finishes, a dialog box appears that prompts you to complete the configuration of your server. Be sure that the Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard now check box is selected.

8. Click Close to start the configuration wizard. Instructions for completing the wizard are provided in the next set of steps.

Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard on additional servers

After Setup finishes, use the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard to configure Office Forms Server 2007. The configuration wizard automates several configuration tasks, including: installing and configuring the configuration database, installing Office Forms Server 2007 services, and creating the Central Administration Web site. Use the following instructions to run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard.

Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard

1. On the Welcome to SharePoint Products and Technologies page, click Next.

2. Click Yes in the dialog box that notifies you that some services might need to be restarted during configuration.

3. On the Connect to a server farm page, click Yes, I want to connect to an existing server farm, and then click Next.

4. In the Specify Configuration Database Settings dialog box, in the Database server box, type the name of the computer that is running SQL Server.

5. Click Retrieve Database Names, and then from the Database name list, select the database name that you created when you configured the first server in your server farm.

6. In the User name box, type the user name of the account used to connect to the computer running SQL Server. (Be sure to type the user name in the format DOMAIN\username.) This must be the same user account you used when configuring the first server.

7. In the Password box, type the user's password, and then click Next.

8. On the Completing the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard page, click Next.

9. On the Configuration Successful page, click Finish.

Start the Windows SharePoint Services Search service

You must start the Windows SharePoint Services Search service on every computer that you want to search over content. You must start it on at least one of your servers.

Start the Windows SharePoint Services Search service

1. On the SharePoint Central Administration home page, click the Operations tab on the top link bar.

2. On the Operations page, in the Topology and Services section, click Servers in farm.

3. On the Servers in Farm page, click the server on which you want to start the Windows SharePoint Services Help Search service.

4. Next to Window SharePoint Services Search, click Start.

5. On the Configure Windows SharePoint Services Search Service Settings page, in the Service Account section, specify the user name and password for the user account under which the search service will run.

6. In the Content Access Account section, specify the user name and password for the user account that the search service will use to search over content. This account must have read access to all the content you want it to search over. If you do not enter credentials, the same account used for the search service will be used.

7. In the Search database section, either accept the default settings, or specify a database server name and database name. You can also choose between Windows authentication (selected by default) or SQL authentication. If you choose SQL authentication, you must provide a username and password with access rights to the SQL database.

8. In the Indexing Schedule section, either accept the default settings, or specify the schedule that you want to search service to use when searching over content.

9. After you have configured all the settings, click Start.

Stop the Central Administration service on all index servers

In farms with more than one index server, you should stop the Central Administration service on all index servers. This service is used for the Central Administration site and is not required on index servers. Stopping this service on index servers can help avoid URL resolution problems with indexing. On the other hand, you must be sure that this service is started on the server that hosts the Central Administration Web site, even if that server is also an index server. You do not need to stop this service for installations where the farm has only one index server.

Stop the Central Administration service on an index server

1. On the Services on Server page, select the index server from the Server drop-down list.

2. Under Select server role to display services you will need to start in the table below, select the Custom option.

3. In the table of services, next to Central Administration, in the Action column, click Stop.

Create and configure a Shared Services Provider

This topic covers how to create and configure a single Shared Services Provider (SSP). An SSP is a logical grouping of shared services and their supporting resources. In Office Forms Server 2007, the SSP enables sharing services across multiple server farms, Web applications, and site collections. For more information about configuring and using SSPs, see Chapter overview: Create and configure Shared Services Providers.

You create one or more SSPs in this phase and configure it to meet the needs of your farm. Each server farm can host one or more SSPs, or consume services provided by an SSP on another server farm. Each SSP runs in its own Web application which contains one or more site collections. Other Web applications on a server farm can be associated with any of the SSPs on the farm. Shared services cannot be enabled or disabled separately from other shared services. Web applications on a farm consume all of the services of an SSP, or none of them. For more information about SSPs, see Plan Shared Services Providers.

Create a Web application and SSP

Create a Web Application and SSP

1. On the SharePoint Central Administration home page, click the Application Management tab on the top link bar.

2. On the Application Management page, in the Office SharePoint Server Shared Services section, click Create or configure this farm's shared services.

3. On the Manage this Farm's Shared Services page, click New SSP.

4. On the New Shared Services Provider page, in the SSP Name section, click Create a new Web application.

[pic] Note:

If you see any items in the Web application drop-down list, a Web application has already been created. You can either use this Web application or create another.

1. On the Create New Web Application page, in the IIS Web Site section, click Create a new IIS web site , and do not modify the default settings in this section.

2. In the Security Configuration section, under Authentication provider, select the appropriate option for your environment, and do not modify the default settings in the remainder of this section.

[pic] Note:

By default, the authentication provider is set to NTLM. Use the Negotiate (Kerberos) setting only if Kerberos is supported in your environment. This option will require configuring a Service Principal Name for the domain user account, for which you must have Domain Administrator credentials. For more information about configuring Kerberos, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB 832769: HOW TO: Configure Windows SharePoint Services to Use Kerberos Authentication ().

3. In the Load Balanced URL section, do not modify the default settings.

4. In the Application Pool section, click Create new application pool.

5. In Application pool name, enter the name of your application pool or use the default name.

6. Click Configurable, and in User name and Password, type the user name and password for the user account that you want to act as the application pool identity for your SSP Web application.

The user account must be a domain user account, but the user account does not have to be a member of any particular security group. It is recommended that you use the principle of least privilege and select a unique user account that does not have administrative rights on your front-end servers or on your back-end database servers. You can use the user account that you specified as the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 service account; however, if that user account is a member of a security group that has administrative rights on your front-end servers or your back-end database servers, you will not be following the principle of least privilege. The user name must be in the format DOMAIN\username.

7. In the Reset Internet Information Services section, choose Restart IIS automatically to allow SharePoint to restart IIS on other farm servers, or Restart IIS manually to manually restart IIS on all farm servers.

8. In the Database Name and Authentication section, verify the database information and make sure that Windows Authentication (recommended) is selected.

9. In the Search Server section, select a search server. If this is the first server in the farm, and you have enabled Search services, this server will appear in the list.

10. Click OK. The Web application and the SSP are created. Upon completion, the Success page appears.

Create a site collection and a SharePoint site

This section guides you through the process of creating a single site collection containing a single SharePoint site. You can create many site collections and many sites under each site collection. For more information, see Deploy and configure SharePoint sites.

Create a site collection

1. On the SharePoint Central Administration home page, click the Application Management tab on the top link bar.

2. On the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Site Management section, click Create site collection.

3. On the Create Site Collection page, in the Web Application section, select a Web application to host the site collection from the Web Application drop-down list.

4. In the Title and Description section, type a title and description for the site collection.

5. In the Web Site Address section, select a URL type and specify a URL for the site collection.

6. In the Template Selection section, select a template from the tabbed template control.

7. In the Primary Site Collection Administrator section, type the user account name for the user that you want to be the primary administrator for the site collection. You can also browse for the user account by clicking the book icon to the right of the text box. You can verify the user account by clicking the Check Names icon to the right of the text box.

8. Optionally, in the Secondary Site Collection Administrator section, type the user account for the user you want to be the secondary administrator for the site collection. You can also browse for the user account by clicking the book icon to the right of the text box. You can verify the user account by clicking the Check Names icon to the right of the text box.

9. Click Create to create the site collection.

Create a SharePoint site

1. On the SharePoint Central Administration home page, click the Application Management tab on the top link bar.

2. On the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Site Management section, click Site collection list.

3. On the Site Collection List page, click the URL for the site collection to which you want to add a site.

4. On the Site Actions menu, click Create.

5. On the Create page, in the Web Pages section, click Sites and Workplaces.

6. On the New SharePoint Site page, in the Title and Description section, type a title and description for the site.

7. In the Web Site Address section, specify a URL for the site.

8. In the Template Selection section, select a template from the tabbed template control.

9. Either change other settings, or click Create to create the site.

10. The new site opens.

Post-installation steps

After Setup finishes, your browser window opens to the home page of your new SharePoint site. Although you can start adding content to the site or you can start customizing the site, we recommend that you perform the following administrative tasks by using the SharePoint Central Administration Web site.

• Configure incoming e-mail settings   You can configure incoming e-mail settings so that SharePoint sites accept and archive incoming e-mail. You can also configure incoming e-mail settings so that SharePoint sites can archive e-mail discussions as they happen, save e-mailed documents, and show e-mailed meetings on site calendars. In addition, you can configure the SharePoint Directory Management Service to provide support for e-mail distribution list creation and management. For more information, see Configure incoming e-mail settings (Office SharePoint Server).

• Configure outgoing e-mail settings   You can configure outgoing e-mail settings so that your Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server sends e-mail alerts to site users and notifications to site administrators. You can configure both the "From" e-mail address and the "Reply" e-mail address that appear in outgoing alerts. For more information, see Configure outgoing e-mail settings (Office SharePoint Server).

• Configure Workflow settings   Specify whether users can assemble new workflows and if participants without site access should be sent documents in email attachments so they can participate in document workflows. For more information, see Configure workflow settings.

• Configure diagnostic logging settings   You can configure several diagnostic logging settings to help with troubleshooting. This includes enabling and configuring trace logs, event messages, user-mode error messages, and Customer Experience Improvement Program events. For more information, see Configure diagnostic logging settings.

• Configure antivirus protection settings   You can configure several antivirus settings if you have an antivirus program that is designed for Office SharePoint Server 2007. Antivirus settings enable you to control whether documents are scanned on upload or download and whether users can download infected documents. You can also specify how long you want the antivirus program to run before it times out, and you can specify how many execution threads the antivirus program can use on the server. For more information, see Configure antivirus settings.

• Configure InfoPath Forms Services Before uploading form templates, you should ensure that InfoPath Forms Services has been correctly configured for your environment. For more information, see Configure InfoPath Forms Services for Office SharePoint Server.

• Configure search   Before search queries can be serviced, content must first be crawled. You can configure several search and index settings to customize how Office SharePoint Server 2007 crawls your site content or external content. For more information, see Configure the Office SharePoint Server Search service (Office SharePoint Server).

Perform administrator tasks by using the Central Administration site

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Office Server, and then click SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.

2. On the Central Administration home page, in the Administrator Tasks section, click the task you want to perform.

3. On the Administrator Tasks page, next to Action, click the task.

Configure the trace log

The trace log can be useful for analyzing problems that might occur. You can use events that are written to the trace log to determine what configuration changes were made in Office Forms Server 2007 before the problem occurred.

By default, Office Forms Server 2007 saves two days of events in the trace log files. This means that trace log files that contain events that are older than two days are deleted. When using the Windows SharePoint Services Search service, we recommend that you configure the trace log to save seven days of events.

You can use the Diagnostic Logging page in Central Administration to configure the maximum number of trace log files to maintain and how long (in minutes) to capture events to each log file. By default, 96 log files are kept, each one containing 30 minutes of events.

96 log files * 30 minutes of events per file = 2880 minutes or two days of events.

You can also specify the location where the log files are written or accept the default path.

Configure the trace log to save seven days of events

1. In Central Administration, on the Operations tab, in the Logging and Reporting section, click Diagnostic logging.

2. On the Diagnostic Logging page, in the Trace Log section, do the following:

• In the Number of log files box, type 336.

• In the Number of minutes to use a log file box, type 30.

[pic] Tip:

To save 10,080 minutes (seven days) of events, you can use any combination of number of log files and minutes to store in each log file.

3. Ensure that the path specified in the Path box has enough room to store the extra log files or change the path to another location.

[pic] Tip:

We recommend that you store log files on a hard drive partition that is used to store log files only.

4. Click OK.

Trace log files can help you to troubleshoot issues related to configuration changes of the Windows SharePoint Services Search service. Because problems related to configuration changes are not always immediately discovered, we recommend that you save all trace log files that the system creates on any day that you make any configuration changes related to either search service. Store these log files for an extended period of time in a safe location that will not be overwritten. See step 3 in the Configure the trace log to save seven days of events procedure to determine the location that the system stores trace log files for your system.

III Operations for Office Forms Server 2007

Operations for Office Forms Server 2007

Topic Last Modified: 2008-06-24

In this section:

• Administering Office Forms Server 2007

• Central Administration Help (Office Forms Server 2007)

Administering Office Forms Server 2007

Topic Last Modified: 2009-01-22

In this section:

• Deploy form templates (Office Forms Server)

• Deploy administrator-approved form templates (Office Forms Server)

• Manage form templates (Office Forms Server)

• Manage session state (Office Forms Server)

• Office Forms Server best practices

• Configure InfoPath Forms Services (Office Forms Server)

• Recover your farm after a configuration database problem (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Move all databases (Office Forms Server 2007)

Deploy form templates (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

In this article:

• Deployment process

• Configure InfoPath Forms Services for a site collection

Form template deployment is the process by which form templates are made accessible to users. You can deploy form templates onto a server running InfoPath Forms Services that can be opened either in a Web browser, by using the Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 program, or in the Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 program. You can also deploy form templates directly by saving them to a hard disk or network location and opening them by using the Office InfoPath 2007 program, or by e-mailing the form template for use in the Office Outlook 2007 program.

Form templates that do not contain business logic, do not require full trust, and do not use data connections that are managed by an administrator can be published directly to a document library by any site collection user having the appropriate privileges, without any action on the part of an administrator. For more information about deploying form templates that contain business logic, require full trust, or use administrator-managed data connections, see Deploy administrator-approved form templates (Office SharePoint Server).

Deployment process

The steps in the form template deployment process are:

1. Verify   This is an automatic step in the upload process that checks whether a form template is valid. You can also verify manually from the Add Form Template page if you want to check the validity of the template without attempting to upload it to the server.

2. Upload   This is the process of putting the form template on the server.

3. Activate   Place the form template in a site collection, and associate the form with a URL.

Before form templates can be viewed in a Web browser, InfoPath Forms Services functionality must be enabled.

Configure InfoPath Forms Services for a site collection

You can add a form template to a document library in a site collection whether InfoPath Forms Services has been enabled or not. However, if you want users to be able to open forms in a Web browser from a document library in a site collection, then you must enable InfoPath Forms Services for the site collection. To do so, activate the Content Management, Search and Business Information feature, which enables InfoPath Forms Services and workflow functionality for the site collection and all subsites. A form templates library, a document library to which form templates can be deployed, is then automatically created in the root of the site collection. Subsites within the site collection share this library. The owner of the site collection manages permissions for all subsites within the collection.

If you do not activate this feature for a site collection, you can still deploy form templates to document libraries, but they cannot be enabled for use in a Web browser on that site collection.

Activate the Content Management, Search, and Business Information feature for a site collection

1. In a Web browser, open the SharePoint site for which you want to enable InfoPath Forms Services.

2. Click Site Actions, and then click Site Settings.

3. In Site Collection Administration, click Site collection features. If you do not see the Site Collection Administration section, you do not have permissions to perform this task.

4. On the Site Collection Features page, find the Content Management, Search and Business Information feature, and then click the Activate button.

The Content Management, Search and Business Information feature now shows a status of Active.

Deploy administrator-approved form templates (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

In this article:

• Deploying administrator-approved form templates

• Upgrading administrator-approved form templates

• Quiescing administrator-approved form templates

InfoPath Forms Services provides functionality that enables both Office administrators and users to deploy browser-compatible form templates. InfoPath form templates (XSN files) created in the design mode of the InfoPath program can be published as browser-enabled form templates that can be opened and edited in a Web browser from servers running InfoPath Forms Services. This enables you to expose full-featured forms to users who do not have the InfoPath program, such as customers and partners.

Form templates that contain business logic (such as a compiled, managed code DLL), require full domain trust, or use a data connection that is managed by an administrator must be deployed by an administrator. Because of the potential for security, performance, and manageability issues, it is important that these form templates are thoroughly reviewed by an administrator prior to deployment. You can manage these form templates on the Manage Form Templates page on the Central Administration site.

[pic] Note:

For more information about managing form templates, see Manage form templates (Office SharePoint Server).

For more information about approving a form template, see How to: Evaluate and approve a form template.

Deploying administrator-approved form templates

To deploy an administrator-approved form template, you must complete three actions after the form template has been designed: verify, upload, and activate . These steps can either be performed through the command-line interface or through the Central Administration site. You can upload a form template by using the Publishing Wizard in the InfoPath program, using the command line on a server running InfoPath Forms Services in the farm to which the form template will be deployed, or by using the Central Administration interface. As the farm administrator, you typically receive from the form designer a form template that is already prepared for deployment. For more information on publishing a form to the server using the InfoPath program, see Introduction to publishing a form template.

Deploying administrator-approved form templates using the command line

You can deploy form templates and perform many other InfoPath Forms Services administrative tasks from the command line using the stsadm.exe tool. This can be useful if you want to write a script to automate repetitive administrative tasks. This tool is located on Office SharePoint Server 2007 servers in the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\12\BIN directory, and operations using the tool can be run from any server in a farm. You must be authenticated to the server as a farm administrator to use this tool. For more information about stsadm.exe, see the Command-line Forms Services management operations section of the topic Manage form templates (Office SharePoint Server).

[pic] Note:

Form template verification is an optional step in the deployment process that checks that the form template is acceptable to be uploaded to the server. This step should be performed by the administrator, either through the command-line interface or the Central Administration site, prior to deployment to verify that a solution is valid. If you do not verify the form template manually, then it will be automatically verified during the upload process. Manual verification returns both messages and errors, while automatic verification only returns errors.

[pic] Note:

Command-line verification must be performed on a server in the farm where the form template will be deployed.

To verify and upload a form template using the command line

1. Click Start, and then select Run.

2. Type cmd, and then click OK.

3. On the command line, type cd ":\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN" (include the quotation marks).

4. On the command line, type stsadm –o verifyformtemplate –filename .

5. Read the errors and messages to verify that this form template can be uploaded.

6. To upload the verified form template, type stsadm –o uploadformtemplate –filename .

Although the form template is uploaded, it is not yet available to users. It must be activated by the administrator of the site collection to which the form template will be activated. This can also be performed by a farm administrator who also has administration privileges to the site collection. For more information about activating form templates, see "Activating administrator-approved form templates" on this page.

Deploying administrator-approved form templates using the Central Administration site

You can deploy form templates from the Central Administration site. You must be a farm administrator to access this site.

[pic] Note:

Form template verification is an optional step in the deployment process that checks that the form template is acceptable to be uploaded to the server. This step should be performed by the administrator, either through the command-line interface or the Central Administration site, prior to deployment to verify that a solution is valid. If you do not verify the form template manually, then it will be automatically verified during the upload process. Manual verification will return both messages and errors, while automatic verification will only return errors, if any.

To verify and upload or upgrade a form template using the Central Administration site

1. On the taskbar, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.

2. In the top navigation bar, click the Application Management tab.

3. On the Application Management page, under InfoPath Forms Services, click Upload form template.

4. On the Upload Form Template page, in the Deploy Form Template section, click Browse.

5. In the Choose File window, select the template you want to verify, and then click Open.

6. Click Verify to check the form template for problems. If there are problems with the form template, then they will be displayed in the Report Details section of the Form Verification Report.

In the event that the verification process returns errors, have the form designer correct the errors and messages and then provide you with an updated form template. Then you can repeat the above steps. If there were no errors and no unacceptable messages, you may continue with the upload or upgrade.

[pic] Note:

If the system warns you that the template already exists, click Application Management, click Manage Forms Services form templates, point to the form template, click the arrow that appears, and then click Remove Form. On the Remove Form Template page, click Remove. You may then repeat this procedure to upload the form.

7. Click OK to return to the Upload Form Template page. When you return to the Upload Form Template page after verifying a form template, you will have to browse for the template again.

8. On the Upload Form Template page, in the Deploy Form Template section, click Browse.

9. In the Choose File window, select the template you want to upload, and then click Open.

10. In the Upgrade section, choose how you want InfoPath Forms Services to behave if another version of the form template already exists on the server.

• If a previous version of the form template does not exist on the server, or if you do not want to upgrade the existing version of the form template to the new version automatically, clear the Upgrade the form template if it already exists check box. This box is checked by default.

• After you upgrade the form template, new sessions will start using the upgraded version of the form template. Forms already open will continue to use the current version of the form template. If you want existing browser-based form-filling sessions to continue using the previous version of the form template, leave the Allow existing browser-based form filling sessions to complete using the current version of the form template button selected. Otherwise, select the Terminate existing browser-based form filling sessions button. Note that selecting this choice causes any data in existing sessions to be lost.

• If you wish to wait until all sessions of the form template have been completed before upgrading, navigate to Manage Form Templates, select the form template, and choose Quiesce settings. For more information on quiescing form templates, see "Quiescing Administrator-approved form templates" on this page.

11. Click Upload. The upload process may take a few minutes to finish, particularly in a farm with multiple Web front-end (WFE) servers. You can check the status of the upload on the Manage Form Templates page.

Although the form template has been uploaded to the central Forms Library, it is not yet available to users. It must be activated by the administrator of the site collection to which the form template will be activated. This can also be performed by a farm administrator who also has administration privileges to the site collection. For more information about activating form templates, see "Activating administrator-approved form templates" on this page.

Activating administrator-approved form templates

To make an administrator-approved form template available to users, the form must be activated to a site collection. Form templates may be activated to a site collection from the Site collection features page by a site collection administrator. A form template can also be activated to a site collection from the Central Administration site by a farm administrator who has administrator privileges to that site collection. A form template can be activated to more than one site collection; repeat the activation process for each site collection to which you want to activate the form.

[pic] Note:

Before activating a form template that uses data connections, ensure that the data connections are configured appropriately. For more information about data connections, see Introduction to data connections.

[pic] Note:

InfoPath Forms Services is not supported for site collections based on some site collection templates, such as the "Basic Meeting Workspace" template. If you activate a form template to a site collection that does not support InfoPath Forms Services through the Central Administration site, the activation will appear to succeed, but the form template will not be accessible from the site collection. Form templates that are available for activation by site collection administrators will appear in the site collection features list. However, if you attempt to activate a form template to the site collection or to activate the Office SharePoint Server Enterprise feature, which enables InfoPath Forms Services, you will see an error message that reads Required Feature: One or more features must be turned on before this feature can be activated.

To activate a form template to a site collection from the Central Administration site

1. On the taskbar, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.

2. In the top navigation bar, click the Application Management tab.

3. On the Application Management page, under InfoPath Forms Services, click Manage form templates.

4. On the Manage Form Templates page, point to the form template that you want to activate, click the arrow that appears, and then click Activate to a Site Collection.

5. To activate the form template to the current site collection, click the Activate button. The form template is now available to users.

• To choose a different site collection, in the Activation Location section, click the site collection box, and then click Change Site Collection. The Select Site Collection Web page dialog box appears.

• Click the URL of the site collection to which you want to activate the form template, and then click OK. If the site collection you want is on a different Web application, click the Web Application box, click Change Web Application, and click the name of the Web application. Then click the appropriate site collection and click OK.

The form template is now available for users to access.

To verify that the form template is available

1. In Internet Explorer, browse to the URL of the site collection to which you have activated the form template.

2. Click All Content.

3. On the All Content page, in the Document Libraries section, click the Form Templates document library. The template you made available should appear in the Form Templates list.

To activate a form template to a site collection from the Site collection features page

1. In a Web browser, open the site collection home page.

2. In the top navigation bar, click the Site Actions tab.

3. In the drop-down menu that appears, click Site Settings.

4. On the Site Settings page, under Site Collection Administration, click Site collection features.

5. Activate the form template to the current site collection by finding the form template in the features list and clicking the Activate button.

The form template is now available for site collection users to access.

To verify that the form template is available

1. In Internet Explorer, browse to the URL of the site collection to which you have activated the form template.

2. Click View All Site Content.

3. On the All Site Content page, in the Document Libraries section, click the Form Templates document library. The template you made available should appear in the Form Templates list.

Upgrading administrator-approved form templates

Each administrator-approved form template is identified by its embedded uniform resource name (URN). When a form template is being uploaded, the system verifies whether the URN is already registered. If the URN is not registered, then the form template is added as a new form template. If the URN is registered, the system behaves as follows:

• Earlier Version: If the incoming version is earlier than the existing version, then the following error is displayed: "There is already a more recent version of this form template on the server. Either remove the existing form template from the server or increase the version of the new form template and try again."

• Same Version: If the incoming version is the same version number as the existing version, then the following error is displayed: "A form template with the same version is already on the server. This may be the same form template, or you may need to increase the version of the form template and try again."

• New Version: If the incoming version is a newer version than the existing version and version upgrade has been requested by the user, there are three methods that an administrator can choose.

When you upgrade a form template, you have four options for how to handle existing sessions to the current form template:

• Allow existing browser-based form-filling sessions to finish using the current version of the form template.

• Terminate existing browser-based form filling sessions. This approach is useful in the event that a form template is found to contain a serious bug or security issue, and you want to make the form template unavailable immediately.

• Perform a gradual upgrade, in which you upload the new version as a separate form template, and eventually remove the old version when it is no longer being accessed by users. This is a useful approach when your form template is accessible as an embedded form or through a link on a Web page, and you are not concerned about the possibility of the old version being accessed during the upgrade process. With both form templates available on InfoPath Forms Services, you can modify the link to the form template on your Web page.

• Quiesce the form template before upgrading to the new version. When you quiesce a form template, you gradually transition a form template from an active to an inactive state. This upgrade method is useful when you want to ensure that a form template cannot be accessed after a given time. For more information on quiescing a form template, see Quiescing administrator-approved form templates on this page.

Quiescing administrator-approved form templates

In a production environment, upgrading a form template requires more than replacing the old template with the new one. It is possible that users will have active sessions of the form open. The administrator might want to control the upgrade process to allow active sessions to finish before making a form template unavailable, and to ensure that the form template will no longer be available to users after the quiesce process is complete. Using the Quiesce function, you can gracefully take a form template offline and manage the form template when it is inactive.

To quiesce a form template

1. On the taskbar, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.

2. In the top navigation bar, click the Application Management tab.

3. On the Application Management page, under InfoPath Forms Services, click Manage form templates.

[pic] Note:

In the Manage Form Templates page you will see a Status column. Form templates that are available to users will be designated as Ready.

4. Point to the file you want to upgrade, click the arrow that appears, and then from the menu select Quiesce Settings.

5. Type the number of minutes you want the quiescing process to take. On a production system, you should quiesce the form for at least as long as the session state is configured for the server. By default, session state is configured for 240 minutes.

6. Click Start Quiescing. In the Quiesce section, the status changes to Quiescing.

7. To see whether your form has successfully quiesced, in the top navigation bar, click the Application Management tab.

8. On the Application Management page, under InfoPath Forms Services, click Manage form templates.

[pic] Note:

On the Manage Form Templates page, in the Status column, form templates that you have quiesced will be designated as Quiesced.

9. After the form template is quiesced, you can deploy the upgraded new version of the form.

See Also

Other Resources

Deploy form templates (Office SharePoint Server)

Manage form templates (Office SharePoint Server)

Manage form templates (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

In this article:

• Managing administrator-approved form templates

• Managing user form templates

You may end up with thousands of form templates deployed to Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007, so it is important to be able to effectively manage their deployment, availability, security, and life cycle. Office Forms Server 2007 provides for administrator-approved form template management on the level of the farm, site collection, and individual form template. While certain management tasks are identical for both administrator-approved and user form templates, there are significant differences in how these two types of form templates are managed overall because of the differences in the deployment processes and security requirements. User form templates cannot be managed on a farm level.

A note on terminology: A form template is an .xsn file created in the InfoPath program in design mode. These form templates are deployed to SharePoint document libraries, network locations, or Outlook form mail. When a form template is opened in a form-filling session by InfoPath or Outlook, or rendered in a Web browser as an .xml file, that instance of the form template is referred to as a form. Form templates can be managed by an administrator, but forms, being instantiated in a client at the time of use, cannot be managed by an administrator.

Managing administrator-approved form templates

Form templates that contain business logic driven by managed code, require full trust in order to access data from external resources, or use data connections that are managed by an administrator are referred to as "administrator-approved form templates." Because these form templates contain code that enables the form to impersonate accounts by using administrator-level privileges, they must be kept secure. Office Forms Server 2007 helps to provide for this by maintaining administrator-approved forms in a special document library that is accessible only to Office administrators.

Administrator-approved form templates can be managed in a variety of ways: through the Forms Management page in the SharePoint Central Administration Web site for the entire farm or the server command prompt. Furthermore, instances of those form templates that have been activated to a site collection can be managed from the site collection settings page and the document libraries in which they are stored.

[pic] Note:

To avoid performance degradation, if a form template will be filled out and submitted more than 2,000 times in total, you should either program the form template to submit to a database through the use of a Web service, or create a custom submit function that places forms into multiple libraries. For more information, see the "Document Limit of 2,000 in Windows SharePoint Services Document Libraries" section of Office Forms Server best practices.

In this section:

• Manage Form Templates page in Central Administration

• Forms Services management operations at the command prompt

• Category property for form templates

Manage Form Templates page in Central Administration

The Manage Form Templates page provides a central location where an administrator can manage administrator-approved form templates for the entire farm by performing the following functions:

• View existing administrator-approved form templates

• Upload and upgrade new administrator-approved form templates

• Activate administrator-approved form templates to a site collection

• Deactivate administrator-approved form templates from a site collection

• Quiesce administrator-approved form templates

• Delete administrator-approved form templates

• View properties of existing administrator-approved form templates

[pic] Note:

User form templates cannot be managed through Central Administration. For more information on managing user form templates, see Managing user form templates later in this article.

View existing administrator-approved form templates

You can view a list of all existing administrator-approved form templates in an entire farm. Note that this list does not include user form templates, as those are published directly to document libraries within a site or site collection and therefore cannot be globally managed.

View the existing list of administrator-approved form templates

1. On the taskbar, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.

2. In the top navigation bar, click the Application Management tab.

3. On the Application Management page, in InfoPath Forms Services, click Manage Form Templates.

The Manage Form Templates page has a list of existing administrator-approved form templates for the farm.

You can change the list view by clicking one of the views on the left navigation bar.

Upload and upgrade new administrator-approved form templates

For more information on the procedure for uploading and upgrading new administrator-approved form templates, see the "Deploying administrator-approved form templates" section of Deploy administrator-approved form templates (Office Forms Server).

Activate administrator-approved form templates to a site collection

To make an administrator-approved form template available to users, you must activate the form template to a site collection. For more information on the procedure for activating administrator-approved form templates to a site collection, see the "Activating administrator-approved form templates" section of Deploy administrator-approved form templates (Office Forms Server).

Deactivate administrator-approved form templates from a site collection

You can deactivate an administrator-approved form template from a site collection. This removes the form template from any document library in the site collection. Any existing form-filling sessions are terminated and all data currently entered into open forms rendered from this form template is lost. If you want to allow existing sessions to finish before you deactivate the form template, you can quiesce the form template. For more information, see Quiesce administrator-approved form templates later in this article.

Deactivate an administrator-approved form template from a site collection

1. On the taskbar, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.

2. In the top navigation bar, click the Application Management tab.

3. On the Application Management page, in InfoPath Forms Services, click Manage form templates.

4. On the Manage Form Templates page, point to the form template that you want to activate, click the arrow that appears, and then click Deactivate from a Site Collection.

5. To deactivate the form template from the current site collection, click Deactivate. The form template is now unavailable to users.

6. To choose a different site collection, in the Deactivation Location section, click the site collection box, and then click Change Site Collection. The Select Site Collection Web page dialog box appears.

7. Click the URL of the site collection from which you want to deactivate the form template, and then click OK. If the site collection you want is on a different Web application, click the Web Application box, click Change Web Application, and click the name of the Web application. Click the appropriate site collection, and then click OK.

Quiesce administrator-approved form templates

In a production environment, updating an administrator-approved form template requires more than replacing the old template with the new one. It is possible that users will have active form-filling sessions open. You might want to control the upgrade process to allow active sessions to finish before making a form template unavailable. Using the Quiesce function, you can gracefully take a form template offline and manage the form template when it is inactive.

Quiesce an administrator-approved form template

1. On the taskbar, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.

2. In the top navigation bar, click the Application Management tab.

3. On the Application Management page, in InfoPath Forms Services, click Manage form templates.

[pic] Note:

In the Manage Form Templates page you will see a Status column. Form templates that are available to users are designated as Ready.

4. Point to the file you want to update, click the arrow that appears, and then click Quiesce Form Template.

5. Type the number of minutes you want the quiescing process to take. On a production system, you should quiesce the form for at least as long as the session state is configured for the server. By default, session state is configured for 240 minutes.

6. Click Start Quiescing. In the Quiesce section, the status changes to Quiescing.

7. In the top navigation bar, click the Application Management tab to see if your form has successfully quiesced.

8. On the Application Management page, in Forms Services, click Manage form templates.

[pic] Note:

On the Manage Form Templates page, in the Status column, form templates that you have quiesced will be designated as Quiesced.

9. After the form template is quiesced, you can deploy the new version of the form.

Delete administrator-approved form templates

You can delete an administrator-approved form template from the entire farm. When you delete a form template from the Forms Management page, it is no longer available in any site collection.

Delete an administrator-approved form template

1. On the taskbar, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.

2. In the top navigation bar, click the Application Management tab.

3. On the Application Management page, in InfoPath Forms Services, click Manage form templates.

4. On the Manage Form Templates page, point to the file you want to update, click the arrow that appears, and then click Remove Form.

5. Click Remove.

The form template has now been removed from the farm.

View properties of existing administrator-approved form templates

You can view the properties of administrator-approved form templates that currently exist in the farm. The only property that you can edit, however, is the Category property, which is metadata that can be useful for viewing form templates by category.

View properties of an existing administrator-approved form template

1. On the taskbar, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.

2. In the top navigation bar, click the Application Management tab.

3. On the Application Management page, in InfoPath Forms Services, click Manage form templates.

4. On the Manage Form Templates page, point to the file, click the arrow that appears, and then click View Properties.

On the Form Templates Properties page, you can now view the properties of the form template.

5. To assign a category to the form template, in the General Properties section, type the name of the category, and then click OK at the bottom of the page. When you view the form templates by category on the Manage Form Templates page, the form template now appears in the category to which you have assigned it. For more information on categories, see The form template Category property later in this article.

Forms Services management operations at the command prompt

Using the Stsadm.exe tool, you can perform many Forms Services management operations at the command prompt. One advantage to this approach is that you can script many common tasks to automate operations that would otherwise require using the user interface to perform each task independently. Stsadm.exe can be found in the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN directory.

The usage of stsadm commands is:

stsadm –o command –namedparameter1 -namedparameter2

You can view the full list of available commands and parameters by typing stsadm -help.

If you type stsadm -o -help , stsadm.exe displays command-specific Help text, as in the example below for the createsite command:

stsadm -o -help createsite

stsadm.exe -o createsite




[-ownername ]

[-lcid ]

[-sitetemplate ]

[-title ]

[-description ]

[-hostheaderwebapplicationurl ]

[-quota ]

For more information, see Stsadm command-line tool (Office SharePoint Server).

Category property for form templates

Every form template that has been uploaded to the server, whether by an administrator or by a user, has a Category property. This optional property logically groups form templates according to user-defined values. When a category has been defined for form templates in a library, you can use the list view By Category to view the contents of the library grouped according to the value of the Category property. This property can be edited for templates that exist in each of the following locations:

• The main administrator-approved form template library, which is accessed from the Manage form templates link on the Central Administration Application Management page

• A document library to which the form template has been activated or published

[pic] Note:

When you change the values of properties such as Category and content type for an administrator-approved form template in the main form template library, the action is limited to that specific form template, and to form templates activated to a site collection after the value has been set. Form templates that have already been activated to a site collection are unaffected by property changes performed on the original form template. Likewise, changing a property value on a form template that exists in a site collection forms library does not affect the original form template in the main administrator-approved form template library. Additionally, if a form template is upgraded by an administrator, and the upgraded version is then activated to a site collection, any property changes previously performed on the existing site collection form template are overwritten by the new version's current property value.

Managing user form templates

By default, users can deploy form templates to a document library in a site collection with Office Forms Server 2007, provided that the form template contains no business logic, does not require full trust, and does not use data connections that are managed by an administrator. Because user form templates can be deployed by many users, a server can potentially host thousands of user form templates. In most cases, user form templates have a reasonably low usage pattern and are used by a comparatively small set of users. However, even form templates that contain no business logic can be designed in such a way that they cumulatively place a heavy load on the server.

[pic] Note:

Form templates that contain business logic, require full trust, or use a data connection managed by an administrator must be deployed by an administrator. For more information, see Deploy administrator-approved form templates (Office Forms Server).

Office administrators can manage user form templates in the following ways:

• Enable or disable deployment of browser-compatible user form templates

• Enable or disable browser rendering of user form templates

• Enable or disable authentication to data sources

• Enable or disable cross-domain access for user form templates

• Enable or disable the use of the Web service proxy by user form templates

• Delete individual form templates from a forms library

Click a link for more information on how to perform the specific task.

Enable or disable deployment of browser-compatible user form templates

When form templates are saved or published to a server running Office Forms Server 2007, the designer of the template can choose to make the form template browser-compatible. You can enable or disable browser compatibility of these form templates for the entire farm. If disabled, user form templates can still be published to the server, but all browser-compatible features of the form template are disabled.

Disable publishing of browser-compatible user form templates across the entire farm

1. On the taskbar, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.

2. In the top navigation bar, click the Application Management tab.

3. On the Application Management page, in InfoPath Forms Services, click Configure InfoPath Forms Services.

4. On the Configure InfoPath Forms Services page, in the User Browser-enabled Form Templates section, clear the Allow users to browser-enable form templates check box.

5. Click Save.

Enable or disable browser rendering of user form templates

By default, users can publish browser-compatible form templates on servers running Office Forms Server 2007. Browser-compatible form templates can be opened in a Web browser, which can place a substantial load on the server if there are many form templates being rendered as browser forms. By default, browser rendering of user form templates is enabled, but administrators can choose to disable browser rendering across the entire farm to decrease server load.

Disable browser rendering of user form templates across the entire farm

1. On the taskbar, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.

2. In the top navigation bar, click the Application Management tab.

3. On the Application Management page, in InfoPath Forms Services, click Configure InfoPath Forms Services.

4. On the Configure InfoPath Forms Services page, in the User Browser-enabled Form Templates section, clear the Render form templates that are browser-enabled by users check box.

5. Click Save.

Enable or disable authentication to data sources

Universal data connection files can contain alternative authentication information, such as an explicit user name and password, or a single sign-on (SSO) application ID. You can choose to allow user form templates to use this alternate authentication information from universal data connection files. By default, this behavior is disabled. You can enable or disable this functionality for the entire farm.

Enable authentication to data sources from user form templates

1. On the taskbar, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.

2. In the top navigation bar, click the Application Management tab.

3. On the Application Management page, in InfoPath Forms Services, click Configure InfoPath Forms Services.

4. On the Configure InfoPath Forms Services page, in the Authentication to data sources (user form templates) section, select the Allow user form templates to use authentication information contained in data connection files check box.

5. Click Save.

Enable or disable cross-domain access for user form templates

User form templates can contain data connections that access data from another domain. You can choose to allow user form templates to perform cross-domain data access. By default, this behavior is disabled. You can enable or disable this functionality for the entire farm.

Enable cross-domain access for user form templates

1. On the taskbar, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.

2. In the top navigation bar, click the Application Management tab.

3. On the Application Management page, in InfoPath Forms Services, click Configure InfoPath Forms Services.

4. On the Configure InfoPath Forms Services page, in the Cross-Domain Access for User Form Templates section, select the Allow cross-domain data access for user form templates that use connection settings in a data connection file check box.

5. Click Save.

Enable or disable the use of the Web service proxy by user form templates

The main challenge of implementing connections from InfoPath form templates to data sources such as Web services lies in the area of authentication. There are three main authentication setup scenarios:

1. Anonymous connections   A Web service that is set up to accept anonymous requests does not pose any authentication requirements and is straightforward to connect to. Web services that accept anonymous requests usually connect to data that everyone has access to, such as a phone directory, a weather forecast, news, and so on. This is the simplest scenario of all.

2. Connections within a domain   In this scenario, the Web service and the InfoPath form that connects to it reside within the same domain. This implies that there is a central authentication system, which both the InfoPath program and the Web service trust and use. The existence of a central authentication authority (for example, Active Directory) implies that the Web service and InfoPath both understand and operate with the same set of credentials — those managed by the central authentication system. This scenario is the most common of the three.

3. Connections between different domains   In this scenario the Web service requires authentication and authorization before a data connection is established. However, the Web service and the client live in different domains. They operate with different sets of credentials, and unless there is a trust bridge established between the domains, credentials accepted by the client are meaningless to the Web service.

User authentication in the InfoPath client is implemented entirely on top of the operating system's authentication mechanism. At the time that a user logs on to a computer running Microsoft Windows, the user receives a primary security token on that computer. InfoPath uses that primary security token for all authentication purposes. The InfoPath program supports connections to Web services from all three areas above. Anonymous connections do not require special authentication, so InfoPath connects without passing any credentials. For Web services living within the same domain as the InfoPath program, InfoPath uses the user's primary security token to authenticate to the Web service (the primary security token is usually based on NTLM or Kerberos). For Web services resident on domains separate from the InfoPath program, InfoPath supports Basic authentication as long as the Web service supports it as well.

Office Forms Server 2007 supports Integrated Windows authentication and forms-based authentication. In the case of Integrated Windows authentication, forms rendered in the browser are authenticated by Office Forms Server 2007 with the help of the user's primary security token — the same token that the client uses to authenticate to Web services. When Office Forms Server 2007 authenticates the user, a restricted security token is issued. This restricted security token cannot be used to authenticate the user to a third entity. This poses a problem when connecting to Web services in the second and third scenarios listed above. For Web services in the same domain, Office Forms Server 2007 cannot use the restricted security token to authenticate the user to these Web services. For Web services in different domains, the server cannot authenticate the user because Office Forms Server 2007 does not support Basic authentication.

When the Web service proxy is enabled, authentication and authorization are delegated to the proxy, which is built into Office Forms Server 2007. Browser and client form templates both forward all Web service requests to that proxy. The Web services are set up to authenticate the service account under which the proxy runs. In order to enable authorization based on the identity of the user of the form, the proxy sends the user's Windows logon ID in the UserName element of a WS-Security UserNameToken. In the case where the data connection file containing the Web service connection information also contains authentication information, the proxy uses the authentication information to connect to the Web service. For example, if the authentication method is single sign-on (SSO), and the credentialType is NTLM, the proxy impersonates the specified Windows logon account specified in SSO and calls the Web service by using those credentials.

By default, the Web service proxy is disabled. You can enable or disable proxy services for the entire farm.

Enable the Web service proxy for user form templates

1. On the taskbar, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.

2. In the top navigation bar, click the Application Management tab.

3. On the Application Management page, in InfoPath Forms Services, click Manage the Web service proxy.

4. On the Manage the Web service proxy page, in the Enable the Web service proxy section, ensure that the Enable check box is selected.

5. On the Manage the Web Service Proxy page, in the Enable the Web service proxy for user forms section, select the Enable check box.

6. Click OK.

Delete individual form templates from a forms library

Office administrators can delete individual form templates from a forms library.

Delete an individual form template from a site collection

1. In a Web browser, open the home page of the site that contains the form template you want to delete.

2. In the left navigation bar, click View All Site Content.

3. In the left navigation bar, click the name of the forms library containing the form template you want to delete.

4. On the page, point to the form template that you want to delete, click the arrow that appears, and then click View Properties.

5. On the top navigation bar, click the Delete Item button.

6. In the dialog box that appears, click OK to delete the form template from the library.

See Also


Office Forms Server best practices

Manage session state (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

In this article:

• Prerequisites for session state

• Enable or disable session state

The Session State service in Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 is a farm-level service that takes advantage of the underlying session state implementation. Enabling session state allows browser sessions to be established, with session information stored in an SQL database to minimize transfer of data over the network every time a postback takes place. Session state also permits sessions to exist between load-balanced front-end Web servers without the end user being aware that there are multiple servers. The load balancer distributes sessions across the front-end Web servers, and the session state implementation sets up the state on each front-end Web server. Session state is enabled by default. Session state can be disabled for troubleshooting purposes, but if it is disabled, InfoPath Forms Services will no longer function.

When you create the first Shared Services Provider (SSP) for a farm, the database tables and code required for session state to operate are installed and configured automatically.

[pic] Note:

For more information about session state, see Session State Overview () on the Microsoft Web site.

Prerequisites for session state

In order to enable session state for the farm, you must first configure an SSP for a Web application. Without an SSP configured and associated with a Web application, session state will not function on the farm. If there is already an SSP associated with a Web application, you can go straight to Enable or disable session state. For more information about creating an SSP, see Configure the primary Shared Services Provider.

Enable or disable session state

By default, session state is enabled. Session state can be disabled for troubleshooting purposes, but if it is disabled, InfoPath Forms Services will no longer function. Changing this property will modify the Web.config file on every content Web application on every server in the farm.

[pic] Note:

Session state does not work on the SharePoint Central Administration Web site.

Enable or disable session state across the entire farm

1. On the taskbar, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.

2. In the top navigation bar, click the Application Management tab.

3. On the Application Management page, in the Office SharePoint Servers Shared Services section, click Configure session state.

4. On the Configure Session State page, in the Enable Session State section, select the Enable Session State check box to enable session state for the farm.

5. To specify the duration of sessions, in the Timeout section, enter a number (in minutes) in the Session should be timed out after (minutes) box. The default is 60 minutes.

6. Click OK to save the session state configuration.

Office Forms Server best practices

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

We recommend that you follow these best practices when managing your InfoPath Forms Services environment.

Document limit of 2,000 in Windows SharePoint Services document libraries

If a form template will be filled out and submitted more than 2,000 times in total, you should either develop the form template to submit to a database through the use of a Web service, or create a custom submit function that places forms into multiple libraries. This is due to a limitation in the capacity of Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 document libraries, which may experience serious performance degradation if more than 2,000 documents exist in the library.

If you think a form template may be submitted more than 2,000 times, it is easier to begin by developing the form to use an alternative submit method than to correct this issue once it becomes a problem, particularly if the form template is available to a publicly accessible Web site. For more information on developing a form template to submit data to a Web service, see About submitting data to a server or Web service.

Use Form View when configuring Forms Services session state

You can configure Office Forms Server 2007 to use the Session State Service (the default option) or Form View to control how user sessions are managed. When you configure Office Forms Server 2007 to use the Session State Service, all browser sessions are maintained on the SQL Server database corresponding with the Shared Service Provider (SSP) associated with the Web application on which the form template is hosted. This scenario uses little network bandwidth, but has a cumulative performance impact on the computer running SQL Server. When you are using Form View, sessions are maintained on the client browser, and all session data is included in each postback to the server, up to 40 kilobytes of session data. This uses more bandwidth than using session state, but does not affect the computer running SQL Server. Once session data reaches 40 KB in size, the session automatically transitions to session-state management.

We recommend the use of Form View in environments that have smaller groups of users, because it reduces the impact on SQL Server. If your Office Forms Server 2007 deployment will have many users, particularly if session data is below 40 KB for many high-usage form templates, session state is likely a better choice. If Form View is used, the bandwidth used by browser sessions of 40 KB or fewer can be monitored if there is a concern that network performance might be adversely affected.

Running SQL Server on a front-end Web server not recommended

If you run SQL Server on a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 front-end Web server (for example, in a single-server evaluation deployment), the cache will release system memory at a lower threshold than SQL Server, which could result in InfoPath Forms Services memory starvation.

employs a strategy of targeting maximum Internet Information Server (IIS) memory use of the lessor of either 800 megabytes or 60% of available physical RAM. These settings are configurable in IIS manager. also monitors physical RAM use, not just for the w3wp service, but for the entire system. When 80% of the physical memory on the server is committed, begins periodically dropping the oldest and lowest priority 5% of the cache. When 85% of physical memory is committed, will drop 50% of the cache periodically. At 90% or more, aggressively trims the cache and sets low limits on the maximum number of entries, which remains in effect until reassesses memory pressure on the server and raises the threshold.

The memory usage threshold for SQL Server is higher by default than the cache. In this scenario, SQL Server will never release memory because the cache will already have released memory before the SQL Server threshold is reached. This can lead to a condition in which the throughput of InfoPath Forms Services is reduced with a subsequent impact on performance.

To mitigate this issue, you should configure SQL Server memory limits manually when SQL Server is installed on the same server as Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. For more information on adjusting SQL Server memory settings, see the article Server Memory Options on the Microsoft Web site.

Best practices for anonymously accessible forms

When you deploy a form to a location where it is exposed to anonymous users, such as a public SharePoint document library or an imbedded form in a Web page on the Internet, there are a number of additional steps you should take to mitigate the risk of improper form usage, Denial of Service (DoS) exploits, and potential performance issues.

• Ensure that form templates cannot be accessed by scripts or other automated or non-human processes. One way to achieve this is to force users who are submitting a form template to enter an identification code such as a short alphanumeric string displayed in an image, which cannot be "read" by a script or automated process.

• Form templates that contain sensitive information such as authentication information, server or database names, or proprietary code should never be exposed to anonymous users.

• Form templates that contain an e-mail submit data connection should not be deployed to servers that are anonymously accessible, as e-mails generated when the form is submitted will show "sent by anonymous user" in the subject line.

• Form templates that contain code or functionality that can invoke processes on a server should be carefully evaluated and tested to ensure that security cannot be compromised by making the form template accessible to anonymous users.

• In order to prevent users from submitting multiple copies of a form, you might consider including code that tracks the IP address of each user who submits a form and prevents duplicate submissions from the same IP address.

• Protect the integrity of form templates by enabling protection to prevent the form template from being changed.

Configure InfoPath Forms Services (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2015-03-09

InfoPath Forms Services provides you with the ability to deploy your organization's forms to a server or farm running Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 and enable users to fill out these forms using a Web browser. There are many ways you can configure InfoPath Forms Services depending on the needs of your organization. For example, by default, form templates deployed by non-administrators ("user form templates") can be opened in a browser, but you can disable this feature so that only administrator-approved templates can be browser-enabled.

You must configure Forms Services before you begin to deploy form templates in order to avoid unexpected behavior.

Before you begin to configure InfoPath Forms Services, you should read the planning articles in Overview: Plan InfoPath Forms Services (Office Forms Server) to ensure your configuration choices are aligned with the needs of your organization.

Configure Forms Services using Central Administration

To configure Forms Services, you will need to navigate to the Configure InfoPath Forms Services page in the SharePoint Central Administration Web site.

Configure Forms Services

1. On the taskbar, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.

2. In the navigation bar, click the Application Management tab.

3. On the Application Management page, in the InfoPath Forms Services section, click Configure InfoPath Form Services.

4. On the Configure InfoPath Forms Services page, under User Browser-enabled Form Templates, you can choose settings that determine how user form templates are processed by Forms Services.

a) Select the Allow users to browser-enable form templates check box to allow users to deploy browser-enabled form templates.

b) Select the Render form templates that are browser-enabled by users check box to allow browser-enabled form templates deployed by users to be rendered in a Web browser. If this option is not selected, users can still deploy browser-compatible form templates, but these form templates are not accessible through a Web browser.

5. In the Data Connection Timeouts section, specify default and maximum timeouts for data connections from browser-enabled form. The connection timeout can be changed by code in the form template, but will never exceed the maximum timeout specified.

a) In the Default data connection timeout box, enter the time in milliseconds that will elapse before a data connection times out. The default timeout is 10000 milliseconds. You can override this setting with code within a form template that specifies the data connection timeout value.

b) In the Maximum data connection timeout box, enter the maximum time in milliseconds that will elapse before a data connection times out. The default timeout is 20000 milliseconds. This is an absolute setting, and it will override any data connection timeout values specified within form template code.

6. In the Data Connection Response Size section, type a value in kilobytes in the box to specify the maximum size of responses data connections are allowed to process. Data connection responses that exceed this value will generate an error message.

7. Under HTTP Data Connections, select the Require SSL for HTTP authentication to data sources box to require an SSL-encrypted connection for data connections that use Basic Authentication or Digest Authentication. You must have configured SSL properly in order for this setting to function.

8. Under Embedded SQL Authentication, select the Allow embedded SQL authentication box to allow forms to use embedded SQL credentials. Forms that connect to databases may embed SQL username and password in the connection string. The connection string can be read in cleartext in the UDC file associated with the solution, or in the solution manifest.

9. Under Authentication to data sources (user form templates), select the Allow user form templates to use authentication information contained in data connection files box to allow user form templates to use embedded authentication information such as an explicit user name and password or a Microsoft Office Single Sign-On Application ID.

10. Under Cross-Domain Access for User Form Templates, select the Allow cross-domain data access for user form templates that use connection settings in a data connection file box to allow user form templates to access data from another domain.

11. Under Thresholds, specify the thresholds at which to end user sessions and log error messages. Form operations that exceed these thresholds will terminate the user session, resulting in the loss of all form data entered during the session, and generate an error message.

a) In the Number of postbacks per form session state box, type the maximum number of postbacks you wish to allow. The default value is 75.

b) In the Number of actions per postback box, type the maximum number of actions per postback you wish to allow. The default value is 200.

12. Before you configure Form Session State, you should read the article Configure session state for InfoPath Forms Services (Office SharePoint Server). Correct configuration of Form Session state requires that you understand how session state is configured for Office SharePoint Server, and it can dramatically affect the behavior of Forms Services operations and system performance.

Form session state stores data necessary to maintain a user session. File attachment data in the form will receive an additional 50 percent of session state space.

[pic] Note:

The default parameters should work for most scenarios. If you change the default settings, verify that form-filling sessions are working properly.

13. Under Form Session State, configure the following parameters:

a) In the Active sessions should be terminated after: text box, type the maximum session duration in minutes. Form-filling sessions that exceed this value will terminate, an error message will be generated, and all form data entered during the session will be lost. The default value is 1440 minutes.

b) In the Maximum size of form session state: text box, type the maximum session state size in kilobytes. Form-filling sessions that exceed this value will terminate, an error message will be generated, and all form data entered during the session will be lost. The default value is 4096 kilobytes.

c) In the Select the location to use for storing form session state section, choose from the following options:

|Choose this option |To do this |

|Session State Service (best for low-bandwidth users) |Store session state data on the SQL Server database |

|Form view (reduces database load on server) |Store session state data on the client computer. If form session |

| |state is larger than the value specified in the associated text box, |

| |the Session State Service will be used instead. |

d) In the associated text box, type the session state size in kilobytes at which form view will be automatically transitioned to the Session State Service. Once this threshold is reached, session state data will be saved to the SQL Server database, and the session will continue to use the Session State Service. The default value is 40 kilobytes.

14. Click OK to save your settings.

See Also


Manage session state (Office Forms Server)

Recover your farm after a configuration database problem (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-12-08

This article provides information and procedural steps for restoring your Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 environment when the information in the configuration database is not synchronized with the actual configuration of the farm. This can happen if configuration changes are made and these changes are not recorded in the configuration database — for example, if you move a content database from one Web application to another without detaching and re-attaching the database by using the Central Administration Web site. Similarly, this can happen if you use the Stsadm command-line tool to move the content database, but you do not use the preparetomove operation before you move the content database.

Actions that might lead to a configuration database that is not synchronized with the farm include:

• Improperly moving a content database.

• Deleting a Web site by using Internet Information Services Manager instead of removing it by using Office Forms Server 2007 tools.

• Making configuration changes to your farm by some means other than Office Forms Server 2007 tools.

The symptoms of a configuration database that is not synchronized with the farm include:

• Sites that should be available are not available (user sees a 404 error in the browser), but a site with that URL cannot be created.

• Sites that should not be available — that is, they were removed — are available.

Configurations in Office Forms Server 2007 are set in Central Administration and stored in the configuration database and the Central Administration content database. Although the configuration database and the Central Administration content database can be backed up, restoring backups of the configuration database and the Central Administration content database taken from a running farm is not supported.

If the configuration database or the Central Administration content database of a farm are not synchronized, you must re-create both databases by using the Psconfig command-line tool.

We strongly recommend that you document all configuration settings and all your customizations so that you can correctly re-create the databases. If you have not documented these settings, you must re-create them to the best of your ability when you re-create the configuration database and the Central Administration content database.

Configuration settings in Office Forms Server 2007 that you should document include:

• Application pool settings.

• External service connection settings.

• Alternate access mapping settings.

• E-mail settings.

• Recycle Bin settings and other Web application general settings.

• A/V settings.

• Usage analysis processing settings.

• Diagnostic logging settings.

• Content deployment settings.

• Timer job settings.

• HTML viewer settings.

• Database names and locations.

• Web application names and databases. Be sure to document the content database names associated with each Web application.

• Administrator-deployed form templates.

• Default quota templates.

• Activated features.

• Blocked file types.

Task requirements

[pic] Important:

Membership in the Administrators group on the local computer is the minimum required to complete these procedures.

Farm recovery overview

The following list provides the basic steps to recover your farm after a configuration database problem.

On the destination server:

1. Run Setup and select the Complete server installation type.

2. Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard to:

a) Create a new farm.

b) Create a new configuration database.

3. Configure the farm services.

4. Create Web applications.

5. Create a Web application for the Shared Services Provider.

6. Create a Web application for other content as needed.

7. Follow the procedures in Move to another farm (Office SharePoint Server 2007).

See Also


Administering Office Forms Server 2007

Deploy form templates (Office Forms Server)

Manage form templates (Office Forms Server)

Manage session state (Office Forms Server)

Office Forms Server best practices

Configure InfoPath Forms Services (Office Forms Server)

Move all databases (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

This content is preliminary content. It might be incomplete and is subject to change.

This article contains information and steps to move all of the databases associated with Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 from one database server to another database server in the same farm. You might want to move all of the databases if you are upgrading the hardware or the software on the database server — for example, moving from a 32-bit to a 64-bit version of Microsoft SQL Server 2005.

[pic] Important:

This task requires that you stop the complete farm. This will make all farm sites and assets unavailable to users until the process is completed.

This article does not provide information about how to migrate or move the Office Forms Server 2007 farm from one group of servers to another group of servers. For more information about how to move the complete farm from one set of farm servers to another, see Move and migrate servers and server farms (Office SharePoint Server 2007)

This article does not provide information about how to move only content databases. If you want to move only the content databases from one database server to another, see Move content databases (Office SharePoint Server 2007).

This article does not provide information about how to move Single Sign-On (SSO). If you are using SSO, you must move the SSO database separately. For more information, see Back up and restore SSO (Office SharePoint Server 2007).

This article does not provide information about how to upgrade SQL Server 2005 on the database server. For more information about how to upgrade SQL Server 2005, see the SQL Server 2005 documentation.

You must move the following databases associated with Office Forms Server 2007:

• Databases for Shared Services Providers (SSPs)

• Search databases for the SSPs

• Search database for SSP

• Content databases

• Search database

• Central Administration content database

• Configuration database

Task Requirements

The following are required to perform the procedures for this task:

• You must be logged on to the server that is running the SharePoint Central Administration Web site.

• If you are using the Stsadm command-line tool, you must be a member of the Administrators group on the computer that is running Central Administration.

• You must have membership in the following on the database server:

• db_backupoperator fixed database role to back up the databases.

• The local Administrators group on the destination server that is running SQL Server 2005 or an instance of SQL Server to restore the databases.

• You must coordinate the move procedures with the database administrator (DBA). Steps that require the involvement of the DBA are signified by the prefix “[DBA]”.

Procedure overview

This section summarizes the procedures that you must follow to complete the move process for all the databases associated with Office Forms Server 2007. To see the actual procedure steps, see each procedure following the overview.

In the move process, you will use Office Forms Server 2007 tools and SQL Server 2005 tools. Moving all of the databases from one database server to another database server consists of the following steps:

1. Record which Web applications are associated with the SSPs.

2. Perform a full back up of the SSPs.

3. Use the Stsadm command-line tool to remove the SSPs from the farm.

4. Completely stop the farm by stopping the services associated with Office SharePoint Server 2007 and by stopping Internet Information Services (IIS).

5. [DBA] Back up the following databases by using SQL Server 2005 tools:

• Content databases

• Central Administration content database

• Configuration database

• Windows SharePoint Services Help Search database

The other databases in the farm are backed up and restored with the SSPs.

6. [DBA] Copy or move the database backup files to the destination database server.

7. [DBA] Restore the databases that you backed up by using SQL Server on the destination database server by using SQL Server 2005 tools.

8. [DBA] Copy to the destination server all of the SQL Server logins, fixed server roles, fixed database roles, and permissions for these databases.

9. Run the Stsadm renameserver operation on the server that is running Central Administration.

10. Restart the server that is running Central Administration to apply the changes and ensure that the services, Web sites, and application pools associated with Office SharePoint Server 2007 are started.

11. Restore the SSP from the backup.

[pic] Note:

The first SSP you restore will become the default SSP. To change which SSP is the default, use the “Configure the restored SSP to be the default SSP” Procedure later in this article.

Record which Web applications are associated with the SSP

This information is important to record so that you associate the correct Web applications with the SSP when you restore the SSP later in this article.

[pic] Important:

Member of the Farm Administrators SharePoint group is the minimum required to complete this procedure.

Record which Web applications are associated with the SSP

1. In Central Administration, on the Application Management page, in the Office SharePoint Server Shared Services section, click Create or configure this farm’s shared services.

2. Record the associated Web applications that are listed on the Manage This Farm’s Shared Services page.

Perform a full backup of the SSP

[pic] Important:

You must be a member of the Farm Administrators SharePoint group to perform this procedure.

Back up the SSP by using Central Administration

1. In Central Administration, on the Operations page, in the Backup and Restore section, click Perform a backup.

2. On the Perform a Backup – Step 1 of 2: Select Component to Backup page, select the check box next to the SSP.

3. At the top of the page, click Continue to Backup Options.

4. On the Perform a Backup – Step 2 of 2: Select Backup Options page, in the Type of Backup section, select the Full option.

5. In the Backup File Location section, type the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path of the location where the backup will be stored.

6. Click OK to start the backup.

Use the Stsadm command-line tool to remove the SSP from the farm

[pic] Important:

Membership in the Administrators group on the local computer and membership in the db_owner fixed database role on the database server are the minimum required to complete this procedure.

You must use the Stsadm command-line tool to remove the SSP.

[pic] Caution:

Ensure that you back up the SSP before running this command. The databases are deleted on the databases server when the –force parameter is used.

Remove the SSP by using the Stsadm command-line tool

1. On the drive on which SharePoint Products and Technologies is installed, change to the following directory: %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft shared\Web server extensions\12\Bin.

2. To remove an SSP, type the following command, and then press ENTER:

stsadm -o deletessp –title -force

where SSPname is the name of the SSP that you want to remove.

[pic] Important:

Do not use the -deletedatabases parameter.

Stop the farm

Before you can move all of the databases, you must stop the farm to ensure that no changes are made while the databases are moved.

[pic] Important:

Membership in the Administrators group is the minimum required to complete these procedures.

Stop the farm

1. In the Services snap-in on the server that is running Central Administration, stop the following services:

• Windows SharePoint Services Administration service

• Windows SharePoint Services Search service

• Windows SharePoint Services Timer service

• Windows SharePoint Services Tracing service

• Windows SharePoint Services VSS Writer service

2. Stop Internet Information Services. You can do this by using the iisreset /stop operation at a command prompt.

Back up databases on the source database server

[pic] Important:

Membership in the db_backupoperator fixed database role is the minimum required to complete this procedure.

In some environments, the DBA must perform these steps.

Back up databases on the source database server

1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the database server.

2. In Object Explorer, expand Databases.

3. Right-click the database that you want to back up, point to Tasks, and then click Back Up.

4. In the Back Up Database dialog box, select the type of backup that you want to perform from the Backup type list. For more information about which backup type to use, see Overview of Recovery Models () in the SQL Server 2005 Books Online.

5. Under Backup component, select the Database option.

6. In the Backup Set section, either use the default name provided or specify a name for the backup set in the Name text box.

7. Specify the expiration date for the backup set. This determines how long, or when, the backup set can be overwritten by any later backups with the same name. By default, the backup set is set to never expire (0 days).

8. In the Destination section, if the correct path of the backup folder is not listed, you can add the path by clicking Add.

9. Click OK to back up the database.

10. Repeat steps 3-9 for each database that you want to move.

Copy or move the backup files to the destination database server

[pic] Important:

Read access to the shared folder on the source computer and Write access to the shared folder on the destination computer is the minimum required to complete these procedures.

In some environments, the DBA must perform these steps.

Copy or move the backup files to the destination database server

1. In Windows Explorer, browse to the location of the .bak files for the databases.

2. Select the .bak files for the databases that you want to move, and then either copy or move them to the destination directory.

Restore databases on the destination database server

[pic] Important:

Membership in dbcreator fixed server role is the minimum required to complete these procedures.

In some environments, the DBA must perform these steps.

Restore databases on the destination database server

1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the database server.

2. In Object Explorer, expand the database instance.

3. Right-click the Databases node, and then click Restore Database.

4. In the Restore Database dialog box, under Destination for restore, type the name of the database. You must use the identical name for the database that it had on the source database server.

5. Under Source for restore, select the From device option.

6. In the Specify Backup dialog box, select File from the Backup media list.

7. Click Add, and then browse to the .bak file for the database.

8. Select the .bak file, and then click OK. Click OK again to add the path of the Restore Backup dialog box.

9. Ensure that the backup set is selected in the Select backup sets to restore list.

10. In the Select a page pane, click Options.

11. In the Restore options section, select only Overwrite the existing database. Unless the environment or policies require otherwise, do not select the other options in this section.

12. In the Recovery state section, select the RESTORE WITH RECOVERY option.

For more information about these recovery options, see Restore Database (Options Page) ().

13. Click OK to complete the restore operation.

14. Repeat steps 3-13 for each database that you are moving.

Copy to the destination server all of the SQL Server logins, fixed server roles, fixed database roles, and permissions for the databases

[pic] Important:

Membership in sysadmin fixed server role is the minimum required to complete these procedures.

In some environments, the DBA must perform these steps.

For information about how to copy SQL Server roles and permissions to the destination database server, see Microsoft Help and Support article 246133 How to transfer logins and passwords between instances of SQL Server (). For troubleshooting information, see Microsoft Help and Support article 240872 How to resolve permission issues when you move a database between servers that are running SQL Server ().

Run the Stsadm renameserver operation

[pic] Important:

Membership in the Administrators group on the local computer is the minimum required to complete these procedures.

Run the Stsadm renameserver operation

1. On the drive where SharePoint Products and Technologies is installed, change to the following directory: %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\12\Bin.

2. Type the following command, and then press ENTER:

stsadm -o renameserver -oldservername -newservername

For more information, see Renameserver: Stsadm operation (Office SharePoint Server).

Restart the farm

[pic] Important:

Membership in the Administrators group on the local computer is the minimum required to complete these procedures.

Restart the farm

1. Restart the server that is running Central Administration.

2. In the Services snap-in, ensure that the following services are started:

• Windows SharePoint Services Administration service

• Windows SharePoint Services Search service

• Windows SharePoint Services Timer service

• Windows SharePoint Services Tracing service

• Windows SharePoint Services VSS Writer service (optional)

3. In Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, ensure that the following Web sites are started:

• SharePoint Central Administration v3

Restore an SSP

[pic] Important:

The account that you use to run this procedure must be a member of the Farm Administrators SharePoint group.

The account must also be added to the Administrators group on the database server to perform this procedure. You can remove the account from this group after all the SSPs are restored.

Restore an SSP by using Central Administration

1. In Central Administration, on the Operations page, in the Backup and Restore section, click Restore from backup.

2. On the Restore from Backup – Step 1 of 4: Select Backup Location page, type the UNC path of the backup share, and then click OK.

3. On the Restore from Backup – Step 2 of 4: Select Backup to Restore page, select the full backup of the SSP that you want to restore, and then click Continue Restore Process.

4. On the Restore from Backup – Step 3 of 4: Select Component to Restore page, select the check box next to the SSP that you want to restore, and then click Continue Restore Process.

5. On the Restore from Backup – Step 4 of 4: Select Restore Options page, in the Restore Options section, select New configuration.

6. In the New Names section, type the destination database name in the New database server name box.

7. In the New directory name box, type the path of the location on the destination server where the .mdf and .ldf files will be stored. This is the %Program Files%\Microsoft SQL Server\\MSSQL\DATA directory.

8. In the New database name text box, type the name of the search database. Use the exact same name as before.

9. Click OK to start the restore.

Configure the restored SSP to be the default SSP

Use this procedure if want a different SSP to be the default SSP.

[pic] Important:

You must be a member of the Farm Administrators SharePoint group to perform this procedure.

Configure the restored SSP to be the default SSP

1. In Central Administration, on the Application Management page, in the Office SharePoint Server Shared Services section, click Create or configure this farm’s shared services.

2. On the Manage This Farm’s Shared Services page, click Change Default SSP.

3. On the Change Default Shared Services Provider page, select the SSP that you restored from the SSP Name list, and then click OK.

See Also

Other Resources

Migrate content databases from Windows Internal Database or SQL Server Express Edition to an instance of SQL Server (Office SharePoint Server 2007)

Move and migrate servers and server farms (Office SharePoint Server 2007)

Migrate an existing server farm to a 64-bit environment (Office SharePoint Server 2007)

Central Administration Help (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-19

In this section:

• Getting started (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Configuring your server or server farm (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Configuring and managing security (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Creating and managing Web applications and sites (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Managing data (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Managing forms (Office Forms Server)

• Managing documents and records (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Monitoring sites and servers (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Managing features, solutions, Web Parts, and templates (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Backing up and restoring (Office Forms Server 2007)

Getting started (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Return continuous improvement data to Microsoft (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Using Central Administration (Office Forms Server)

• Troubleshoot issues (Office Forms Server 2007)

Basic concepts (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Return continuous improvement data to Microsoft (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Using Central Administration (Office Forms Server)

• Troubleshoot issues (Office Forms Server 2007)

Return continuous improvement data to Microsoft (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

The Customer Experience Improvement Program is designed to improve the quality, reliability, and performance of Microsoft Products and Technologies. With your permission, anonymous information about your server will be sent to Microsoft to help us improve SharePoint Products and Technologies.

Customer Experience Improvement Program privacy statement

Error reports are created when your system encounters hardware or software problems. Microsoft and its partners actively use these reports to improve the reliability of your software. Error reports include the following: information regarding the condition of the server when the problem occurs; the operating system version and computer hardware in use; and the Digital Product ID, which can be used to identify your license. The IP address of your computer is also sent because you are connecting to an online service to send error reports, but it is used only to generate aggregate statistics. Microsoft does not intentionally collect any personal information. However, error reports could contain data from log files, such as user names, IP addresses, URL’s, file or path names, and e-mail addresses. Although this information, if present, could potentially be used to determine your identity, the information will not be used. The data that Microsoft collects will be used only to fix problems and improve software and services. Error reports will be sent by using encryption technology to a database with limited access and will not be used for marketing purposes.

Microsoft Error Reporting Service privacy statement

Using Central Administration (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2015-03-09

You can use Central Administration to perform administration tasks for SharePoint Products and Technologies from a central location. Central Administration is divided into three main pages: Home, Operations, and Application Management.

What do you want to do?

• Learn what's on the Home page

• Learn what's on the Operations page

• Learn what's on the Application Management page


Learn what's on the Home page

The Central Administration Home page is opened by clicking the Home tab. The Home page contains the following three Web parts:

• Administrator Tasks   This section lists tasks that you should complete. Each task links to a page where you can read about and then perform the task.

• Farm Topology   This section lists each server in the farm and the services running on each server. You can click a server to manage its services.

• Resources   This section is a list of links similar to the Favorites menu in Windows Internet Explorer. When you add a new link, you can optionally add a description and notes.

Learn what's on the Operations page

The Operations page is opened by clicking the Operations tab. This page contains links to pages where you can perform administrative tasks. The following table describes the sections on the Operations page.

|Section |Description |Included links |

|Topology and Services |Contains links to pages where you can |Serversin farm |

| |administer services, farm topology, and |Serviceson server |

| |e-mail settings. |Outgoinge-mail settings |

| | |Incominge-mail settings |

| | |Approve/reject distribution groups |

|Security Configuration |Contains links to pages where you can |Service accounts |

| |administer security settings, including |InformationRights Management |

| |antivirus and blocked file types for |Antivirus |

| |downloading and uploading. |Blockedfile types |

| | |Updatefarm administrator's group |

|Logging and Reporting |Contains links to pages that help you |Diagnosticlogging |

| |understand the state of your servers. |Usageanalysis processing |

|Upgrade and Migration |Contains links to pages where you can |Finalizeupgrade |

| |complete such tasks as upgrading sites and |ConvertLicense Type |

| |servers, enabling features, and migrating | |

| |content. | |

|Global Configuration |Contains links to pages where you can |Timer job status |

| |administer settings that affect the farm |Timerjob definitions |

| |globally, such as administering timer jobs, |Alternateaccess mappings |

| |configuring alternative access mapping, and |QuiesceFarm |

| |managing solutions. |Managefarm features |

| | |Solutionmanagement |

|Backup and Restore |Contains links to pages where you can back up|Performa backup |

| |and restore both applications and data. |Backupand restore history |

| | |Restorefrom backup |

| | |Backupand restore job status |

|Data Configuration |Contains links to pages where you can specify|Defaultdatabase server |

| |the default database server for SharePoint |Dataretrieval service |

| |sites and configure the data retrieval | |

| |service. | |

Learn what's on the Application Management page

The Application Management page contains links where you can create and administer Web Applications and Site Collections, and contains links to pages where you can configure related settings.

The following table describes the sections on the Application Management page.

|Section |Description |Included links |

|SharePoint Web Application Management |Contains links to pages where you can manage |Createor extend Web application |

| |Web applications, configure e-mail settings |RemoveSharePoint from IIS Web site |

| |at the Web application level, and manage |DeleteWeb application |

| |content databases. |Definemanaged paths |

| | |Webapplication outgoing e-mail settings |

| | |Webapplication general settings |

| | |Contentdatabases |

| | |ManageWeb application features |

| | |Webapplication list |

|SharePoint Site Management |Contains links to pages where you can manage |Createsite collection |

| |site collections and site use. |Deletesite collection |

| | |Siteuse confirmation and deletion |

| | |Quotatemplates |

| | |Sitecollection quotas and locks |

| | |Sitecollection administrators |

| | |Sitecollection list |

|External Service Connections |Contains links to pages where you can |Recordscenter |

| |administer connections to services that are |HTMLviewer |

| |external to Web applications, including |Documentconversions |

| |document conversion services. | |

|Workflow Management |Contains links to pages where you can manage |Workflowsettings |

| |workflow settings. | |

|Office SharePoint Server Shared Services |Contains links to pages where you can manage |Createor configure this farm's shared |

| |shared services at the farm level. For |services |

| |information about administering shared |Grantor configure shared services between |

| |services at the Shared Services Provider |farms |

| |(SSP) level, see Learn what's on the Shared |Checkservices enabled in this farm |

| |Services Providers pages. |ConfigureSession State |

|Application Security |Contains links to pages where you can |Securityfor Web Part pages |

| |administer security at the Web application |Self-service site management |

| |level. |Userpermissions for Web application |

| | |Policyfor Web application |

| | |Authenticationproviders |

|InfoPath Forms Services |Contains links to pages where you can manage |Manageform templates |

| |forms and Forms Services settings. |ConfigureInfoPath Forms Services |

| | |Uploadform template |

| | |Managedata connection files |

| | |Managethe Web service proxy |

Troubleshoot issues (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-10

To find the latest tips for resolving problems, Search the Knowledge Base, or see the Office System Center.

Configuring your server or server farm (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Configuring global settings (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Adding and removing servers to the server farm (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Configuring and managing services (Office Forms Server 2007)

Configuring global settings (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-09-28

In this section:

• Dismiss the Server Farm Configuration not Complete warning (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

• Manage alternate access mappings (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

• Manage quota templates (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Specify new databases (Office Forms Server 2007)

See Also


Configuring and managing services (Office Forms Server 2007)

Dismiss the Server Farm Configuration not Complete warning (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

The warning "Server Farm Configuration not Complete" appears on Central Administration pages until you complete three tasks that are necessary prior to deploying any sites. The tasks are as follows:

• Add servers to the farm.

• Assign required services to each server.

• Create a Shared Services Provider (SSP).

Manage alternate access mappings (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

Each Web application can be associated with a collection of mappings between internal and public URLs. Both internal and public URLs consist of the protocol and domain portion of the full URL (for example, ). A public URL is what users type to get to the SharePoint site, and that URL is what shows up in the links on the pages. Internal URLs are in the URL requests that are sent to the SharePoint site. Many internal URLs can be associated with a single public URL in multiserver farms (for example, when a load balancer routes requests to specific IP addresses to various servers in the load-balancing cluster).

Each Web application supports five collections of mappings per URL; the five collections correspond to five zones (default, intranet, extranet, Internet, and custom). When the Web application receives a request for an internal URL in a particular zone, links on the pages returned to the user will have the public URL for that zone.

To manage alternate access mappings:

1. On the top navigation bar, click Operations.

2. On the Operations page, in the Global Configuration section, click Alternate access mappings.

What do you want to do?

• Add an internal URL

• Edit or delete an internal URL

• Edit public URLs

• Map to an external resource

Add an internal URL

1. On the Alternate Access Mappings page, click Add Internal URLs.

2. If the mapping collection that you want to modify is not selected, on the Add Internal URLs page, in the Alternate Access Mapping Collection section, click Change alternate access mapping collection on the Alternate Access Mapping Collection menu.

3. On the Select an Alternate Access Mapping Collection page, click a mapping collection.

4. In the Add internal URL section, in the URL protocol, host and port box, type the new internal URL (for example, ).

5. In the Zone list, click the zone for the internal URL.

6. Click Save.

Edit or delete an internal URL

[pic] Note:

You cannot delete the last internal URL for the default zone.

1. On the Alternate Access Mappings page, click the internal URL that you want to edit or delete.

2. In the Edit internal URL section, modify the URL in the URL protocol, host, and port box.

3. In the Zone list, click the zone for the internal URL.

4. Do one of the following:

• Click Save to save your changes.

• Click Cancel to discard your changes and return to the Alternate Access Mappings page.

• Click Delete to delete the internal URL.

Edit public URLs

[pic] Note:

There must always be a public URL for the default zone.

1. On the Alternate Access Mappings page, click Edit Public URLs.

2. If the mapping collection that you want to modify is not selected, on the Edit Public Zone URLs page, in the Alternate Access Mapping Collection section, click Change alternate access mapping collection on the Alternate Access Mapping Collection menu.

3. On the Select an Alternate Access Mapping Collection page, click a mapping collection.

4. In the Public URLs section, you may add new URLs or edit existing URLs in any of the following text boxes:

• Default

• Intranet

• Extranet

• Internet

• Custom

5. Click Save.

Map to an external resource

You can also define mappings for resources outside internal Web applications. To do so, you need to supply a unique name, initial URL, and a zone for that URL (the URL must be unique to the farm).

1. On the Alternate Access Mappings page, click Map to External Resource.

2. On the Create External Resource Mapping page, in the Resource Name box, type a unique name.

3. In the URL protocol, host and port box box, type the initial URL.

4. Click Save.

Manage quota templates (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

Quota templates are used to limit the amount of storage available on a site, and they are used to send e-mail alerts to the site administrator when a specified value of space is used.

Templates are applied to sites by using the Site Collection Quotas and Locks page. For more information, see Manage site quotas and locks (Office Forms Server 2007).

1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Site Management section, click Quota templates.

3. On the Quota Templates page, in the Template Name section, select one of the following:

• Edit an existing template   If you select this option, in the Template to modify list, click the template that you want to modify.

• Create a new quota template   If you select this option, configure the following:

a) In the Template to start from list, click either [new blank template] or a template on which to base the new template.

b) In the New template name box, type a name for the new template.

4. In the Storage Limit Values section, to limit the maximum amount of storage available on a site, select the Limit site storage to a maximum of check box and type a value for the limit in megabytes (MB) in the corresponding box.

5. To send an e-mail alert to the site administrator when he or she is approaching the maximum storage limit, select the Send warning E-mail when site storage reaches check box and type a value approaching the storage limit in MB in the corresponding box.

Specify new databases (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

When specifying a new database, you can create a database or you can use a database that already exists. Depending on how you proceed, the following scenarios can occur:

• If the database specified in the Database Name box does not exist, a database that has the specified name is created.

• If the database exists but does not contain a schema, a schema is added and the database will be used.

• If the database exists and contains a schema and data, and the product version is the same, the database will be used.

• If the database exists and contains a schema and data, but the product version is not the same, you are asked whether you want to upgrade. If you respond that you do want to upgrade, the existing database is upgraded and will be used. If you respond that you do not want to upgrade, you are asked to specify a different database.

Adding and removing servers to the server farm (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Remove a server from the server farm (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Determine which services are hosted by a server (Office Forms Server 2007)

• About server roles (Office Forms Server 2007)

Remove a server from the server farm (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

Typically, you remove a server from the server farm by uninstalling the server that is on the host. However, if a server appears to be part of the farm but the server is no longer available or uninstalling the server on the host is not possible, you can remove the server from the farm by using Central Administration tools.

1. On the top navigation bar, click Operations.

2. On the Operations page, in the Topology and Services section, click Servers in farm.

3. On the Servers in Farm page, in the Remove Server column that is in the list of servers in the farm, click Remove Server for the server that you want to remove from the farm.

4. In the message box that asks whether you want to proceed with the removal, click OK.

Determine which services are hosted by a server (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

1. On the top navigation bar, click Operations.

2. On the Operations page, in the Topology and Services section, click Services on server.

3. If the selected server is not the server for which you want view services, on the Services on server page, click Change server on the Server menu.

• On the Select Server page, click the server for which you want to view services.

4. To filter the listed services, select one of the following on the View menu:

• Configurable. Select this to view services that can be stopped or started.

• All. Select this to view all services hosted by the selected server.

• To stop or start a service, click Start or Stop in the column for the service that you want to start or stop.

• If a message box appears asking whether you want to proceed, click OK.

[pic] Warning:

Stopping a service can have serious consequences. For example, stopping the Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services Search service causes the service to be uninstalled on the target server and all index files to be destroyed permanently.

About server roles (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

The server topology consists of three tiers: front-end, application, and database (SQL Server).

All three tiers can be run on a single server.

For larger installations, we recommend that the database tier have a dedicated server (or servers). The front-end and application tiers can then be separated according to capacity or administration requirements.

The application tier hosts one or all of the following services: Index, Excel calculation, Project, and Query. If the front-end and application tiers are being hosted on the same server or servers and are underperforming, we recommend that some or all of the application services be hosted on dedicated servers.

When you move services from front-end servers to application servers in order to reduce the load on the front-end servers, we recommend that you move the services in the following order:

1. Index

2. Excel calculation

3. Project

4. Query

Configuring and managing services (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Manage a farm's Shared Services Providers (Office Forms Server)

• Manage SharePoint timer jobs (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Manage shared services between farms (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Manage shared services (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Check which services are enabled in the farm (Office Forms Server 2007)

Manage a farm's Shared Services Providers (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

To manage a farm's Shared Services Providers (SSPs), you must use the Manage This Farm's Shared Services page. To open the Manage This Farm's Shared Services page:

1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the Office SharePoint Server Shared Services section, click Create or configure this farm’s shared services.

On the Manage this Farm’s Shared Services page, there is a link to each SSP and links to the Web applications for each SSP.

What do you want to do?

• Create a new SSP

• Restore an SSP

• Edit SSP settings

• Delete an SSP

• Change the default SSP

• Change SSP associations

Create a new SSP

1. On the Manage This Farm's Shared Services page, click New SSP.

2. On the New Shared Services Provider page, in the SSP Name section, in the SSP Name box, type a name for the new SSP.

3. On the Web application menu, click a Web application that will host an administration site for the new Shared Services Provider (SSP).

If you want to create a new Web application to host the administration site for the new SSP, click Create a new web application. For more information about creating Web applications, see Create or extend a Web application (Office Forms Server 2007).

The SSP Administration Site URL box is automatically populated with the administration URL.

4. In the SSP Service Credentials section, in the Username box and Password box, type the user name and password that will be used by SSP Web services for communications and by the SSP timer service for running jobs.

5. In the SSP Database section, in the Database Server box, type the name of the database server.

6. In the Database Name box, type the name of the database.

[pic] Note:

Using the default database is recommended in most cases.

7. Under Database authentication, select one of the following:

• Windows authentication (recommended).

• SQL authentication. If you select this option, type the account credentials in the Account and Password boxes.

8. In the Search Database section, in the Database Server box, type the name of the database server.

9. In the Database Name box, type the name of the search database.

[pic] Note:

Using the default database is recommended in most cases.

10. Under Database authentication, select one of the following:

• Windows authentication (recommended).

• SQL authentication. If you select this option, type the account credentials in the Account and Password boxes.

11. In the Index Server section, click an index server on the Index Server menu.

12. In the Path for index file location box, type the path on the index server where the content index will be located.

[pic] Note:

Changing the index server does not move the index. To move an index, you must use the Stsadm command-line tool.

13. If you want to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to protect communications to and from Web services, select Yes in the SSL for Web Services section.

14. Click OK.

Restore an SSP

1. On the Manage This Farm's Shared Services page, click Restore SSP.

2. On the Restore Shared Services Provider page, in the SSP Name section, in the SSP Name box, type a name for the restored SSP.

3. On the Web application menu, click a Web application that will host an administration site for the restored SSP.

If you want to create a new Web application to host an administration site for the restored SSP, click Create a new web application. For more information about creating Web applications, see Create or extend a Web application (Office Forms Server 2007).

The SSP Administration Site URL box is automatically populated with the administration URL.

4. In the SSP Service Credentials section, in the Username box and Password box, type the user name and password that will be used by SSP Web services for interserver communications and the SSP timer service for running jobs.

5. In the SSP Database section, in the Database Server box, type the name of the database server.

6. In the Database Name box, type the name of the database.

[pic] Note:

Using the default database is recommended in most cases.

7. Under Database authentication, select one of the following:

• Windows authentication (recommended).

• SQL authentication. If you select SQL authentication, type the account credentials in the Account and Password boxes.

8. In the Search Database section, in the Database Server box, type the name of the database server.

9. In the Database Name box, type the name of the search database.

[pic] Note:

Using the default database is recommended in most cases.

10. Under Database authentication, select one of the following:

• Windows authentication (recommended).

• SQL authentication. If you select SQL authentication, type the account credentials in the Account and Password boxes.

11. In the Index Server section, click an index server on the Index Server menu.

12. In the Path for index file location box, type the path on the index server where the content index will be located.

[pic] Note:

Changing the index server does not move the index. To move an index, you must use the Stsadm command-line tool.

13. If you want to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to protect communications to and from Web services, select Yes in the SSL for Web Services section.

14. Click OK.

Edit SSP settings

• On the Manage This Farm's Shared Services page, click Edit Properties on the menu of the SSP for which you want to edit settings.

For more information about the settings that you can edit, see Create a new SSP.

Delete an SSP

If you delete a SSP, any Web applications that are associated with that SSP are associated with the default SSP. You cannot delete the default SSP.

1. On the Manage This Farm's Shared Services page, click Delete on the menu of the SSP that you want to delete.

2. Click OK in the message box confirming that you want to proceed with the deletion.

Change the default SSP

Web applications are automatically associated with the default SSP when they are created to ensure that they have access to necessary shared services. You can change which SSP is the default SSP.

1. On the Manage This Farm's Shared Services page, click Change Default SSP.

2. On the Change Default Shared Services Provider page, on the SSP Name menu in the Shared Services Provider section, click the SSP that you want to set as the default SSP.

3. Click OK.

4. On the Warning! page, read the implications of changing the default SSP.

If you want to change the default SSP, click OK.

Change SSP associations

Each Web application is associated with a single SSP. More than one Web application can be associated with the same SSP.

1. On the Manage This Farm's Shared Services page, click Change Associations.

2. On the Change Associations between Web Applications and SSPs page, on the SSP Name menu in the Shared Services Provider section, click the SSP that you want to associate Web applications with.

3. In the Web applications section, select the check boxes for each Web application that you want to be associated with the specified SSP.

To select all of the Web applications, select the Select all check box.

4. Click OK.

Manage SharePoint timer jobs (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

A timer job is a schedule of when to run a service by using the SharePoint Service Timer service, which is a service that runs other services according to schedules specified in timer jobs. Many Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services features rely on timer jobs to run services according to a schedule.

What do you want to do?

• Check the status of a timer service job

• Edit a timer job definition

Check the status of a timer service job

1. On the top navigation bar, click Operations.

2. On the Operations page, in the Global Configuration section, click Timer job status.

3. On the Timer Job Status page, information is displayed in the following columns:

• Job Title. The name of the timer job.

• Server. The server on which the corresponding service is run.

• Status. The current status of the job. The possibilities are Succeeded, Failed, and Running.

• Progress. The percentage of completion of the most recently successfully started instance of the job.

• Started. The date and time that the job was last started.

4. Filter the listed jobs by clicking one of the following on the View menu:

• All. Displays all timer jobs for the farm.

• Service. Enables you to display all timer jobs for a particular service. If you select this command, use the Service menu to select the service by which you want to filter the listed jobs.

• Web Application. Enables you to display all timer jobs for a Web application. If you select this option, use the Web Application menu to select the Web application by which you want to filter the listed jobs.

Edit a timer job definition

You can edit the name of a timer job from Central Administration, but you cannot edit other properties. You can also disable the timer job if it is enabled, or you can enable it if it is disabled.

1. On the top navigation bar, click Operations.

2. On the Operations page, in the Global Configuration section, click Timer Job Definitions.

3. On the Timer Job Definitions page, click the timer job definition that you want to edit.

4. On the Edit Timer Job page, to change the job name, type the new name in the Job title box and then click OK.

5. If the timer job is enabled and you want to disable it, click Disable.

6. If the timer job is disabled and you want to enable it, click Enable.

Manage shared services between farms (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2015-03-09

Shared services between farms enable Web applications from one farm to use shared services (such as the Search and User Profiles services) from another farm. When one farm shares services with another, the farm that is sharing and the farm that is the recipient of the sharing both need to be configured.

1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the Office SharePoint Server Shared Services section, click Grant or configure shared services between farms.

3. On the Manage Shared Services between Farms page, select one of the following:

|Option |Action |

|This farm does not participate in shared services between farms |Click OK. |

|This farm will provide shared services to other farms |In the Provide Shared Services section, on the SSP Name menu, click |

| |the SSP that will provide the shared services. |

| |In the Users box, type user names for the shared services. |

| |Click OK. |

|This farm will consume shared services from another farm |In the Consume Shared Services section, in the Database Server box, |

| |type the name of the database server for the configuration database |

| |of the farm that will share services. |

| |In the Database Name box, type the name of the configuration |

| |database. |

| |In the Database Authentication section, select one of the following: |

| |Windows authentication (recommended) |

| |SQL authentication   If you select this option, type the account name|

| |and password in the corresponding boxes. |

| |In the Local Excel Services section, on the SSP Name menu, click the |

| |SSP that will provide resources to the local Excel Services. |

| |Click OK. |

Manage shared services (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

The following topics cover the management of shared services, including the creating, configuring, and restoring of Shared Services Providers, and sharing services between farms:

• Manage a farm's Shared Services Providers (Office Forms Server)

• Manage shared services between farms (Office Forms Server 2007)

Check which services are enabled in the farm (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

You can perform a check across the farm to find out whether all services that are required or recommended are started on some computer in the farm. Any issues with services, the impact of those issues, and where you can configure the services to resolve issues are reported.

1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, click Check Services enabled in this Farm in the Office SharePoint Server Shared Services section.

On the Check Services Enabled in this Farm page, if you determine by reading information in the Issue or Impact columns that you need to take action regarding a service, you can click the link located in the Action column to bring you to the location to take that action.

Configuring and managing security (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Configuring authentication (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Configuring security settings (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Managing users and permissions (Office Forms Server 2007)

Configuring authentication (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Configure authentication providers (Office Forms Server 2007)

Configure authentication providers (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-22

You can configure the settings for authentication providers by using the Authentication Providers page.

1. On the top link bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the Application Security section, click Authentication providers.

3. On the Authentication Providers page, click the zone name for the authentication provider whose settings you want to configure.

4. On the Edit Authentication page, in the Authentication Type section, select one of the following options:


To use Windows authentication, select this option.

a) In the Anonymous Access section, to enable anonymous access for all sites within the Web application, select the Enable anonymous access check box. To disable anonymous access for all sites within the Web application, clear the Enable anonymous access check box.

[pic] Note:

If you enable anonymous access here, anonymous access can still be denied at the site collection level or site level. However, if you disable anonymous access here, it is disabled at all levels within the Web application.

b) In the IIS Authentication Settings section, to use either Kerberos or NT LAN Manager (NTLM) authentication, select the Integrated Windows authentication check box and then select one of the following options:

• Negotiate (Kerberos)


c) To use basic authentication (passwords are sent in clear text), select the Basic authentication (password is sent in clear text) check box.

d) In the Client Integration section, under Enable Client Integration, select one of the following options:

• Yes. Features that start client applications according to document types will be enabled. This option might not work correctly with some types of forms authentication.

• No. Features that start client applications according to document types will be disabled. Users must download documents and then upload them after making changes.


To use forms authentication, select this option.

e) In the Anonymous Access section, to enable anonymous access for all sites within the Web application, select the Enable anonymous access check box. To disable anonymous access for all sites within the Web application, clear the Enable anonymous access check box.

[pic] Note:

If you enable anonymous access here, anonymous access can still be denied at the site collection level or site level. However, if you disable anonymous access here, it is disabled at all levels within the Web application.

f) In the Membership Provider Name section, in the Membership provider name box, type the name of the membership provider.

[pic] Note:

The membership provider must be correctly configured in the Web.config file for the IIS Web site that hosts SharePoint content on each Web server. The membership provider must also be added to the Web.config file for the IIS site that hosts Central Administration.

[pic] Tip:

Optionally, you can add the membership provider to the Web.config file for Central Administration so that you can conveniently manage the provider's users from Central Administration.

g) In the Role Manager Name section, in the Role manager name box, you can optionally enter the name of the role manager.

[pic] Note:

The role manager must be correctly configured in the Web.config file for this zone.

h) In the Client Integration section, under Enable Client Integration, select one of the following options:

• Yes. Features that start client applications according to document types will be enabled. This option may not work correctly with some types of forms authentication.

• No. Features that start client applications according to document types will be disabled. Users must download documents and then upload them after making changes.

Web single sign on

To use single sign-on authentication, select this option.

i) In the Anonymous Access section, to enable anonymous access for all sites within the Web application, select the Enable anonymous access check box. To disable anonymous access for all sites within the Web application, clear the Enable anonymous access check box.

[pic] Note:

If you enable anonymous access here, anonymous access can still be denied at the site collection level or site level. However, if you disable anonymous access here, it is disabled at all levels within the Web application.

j) In the Membership Provider Name section, in the Membership provider name box, type the name of the membership provider.

[pic] Note:

The membership provider must be correctly configured in the Web.config file for the IIS Web site that hosts SharePoint content on each Web server. The membership provider must also be added to the Web.config file for IIS site that hosts Central Administration.

k) In the Role Manager Name section, in the Role manager name box, you can optionally enter the name of the role manager.

[pic] Note:

The role manager must be correctly configured in the Web.config file for this zone.

l) In the Client Integration section, under Enable Client Integration, select one of the following options:

• Yes. Features that start client applications according to document types will be enabled. This option might not work correctly with some types of forms authentication.

• No. Features that start client applications according to document types will be disabled. Users must download documents and then upload them after making changes.

Configuring security settings (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Configure antivirus settings (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Manage blocked file types (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Configure security settings for Web Part pages (Office Forms Server 2007)

Configure antivirus settings (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-16

You can activate antivirus measures only after installing a compatible antivirus scanner. In a server farm, you must install antivirus software on every Web front-end server in the server farm.

1. On the Operations page, in the Security Configuration section, click Antivirus.

2. On the Antivirus page, in the Antivirus Settings section, select one or all of the following:

• Scan documents on upload

• Scan documents on download

• Allow users to download infected documents

• Attempt to clean infected documents

3. In the Antivirus Time Out section, in the Time out duration (in seconds) box, type a value for how long to wait for the virus scanner before timing-out.

4. In the Antivirus Threads section, in the Number of threads box, type a value for the number of threads that the virus scanner can use.

Manage blocked file types (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2015-03-09

You can restrict files from being uploaded or downloaded by basing the restriction on their file name extension. For example, you can block files that have the .exe extension because such files can be run on the client computer and may contain malicious software.

By default, many file types are blocked, including file types treated as executable by Windows Explorer. Files with braces ({}) are also blocked by default.

The following table shows the file types that are blocked by default and their corresponding file name extensions.

|File name extension |File type |

|.ade |Microsoft Access project extension |

|.adp |Microsoft Access project |

|.app |Application file |

|.asa |ASP declarations file |

|.ashx | Web handler file. Web handlers are software modules that |

| |handle raw HTTP requests received by . |

|.asmx | Web Services source file |

|.asp |Active Server Pages |

|.bas |Microsoft Visual Basic class module |

|.bat |Batch file |

|.cdx |Compound index |

|.cer |Certificate file |

|.chm |Compiled HTML Help file |

|.class |Java class file |

|.cmd |Microsoft Windows NT command script |

|.com |Microsoft MS-DOS program |

|.config |Configuration file |

|.cpl |Control Panel extension |

|.crt |Security certificate |

|.csh |Script file |

|.dll |Windows dynamic-link library |

|.exe |Program |

|.fxp |Microsoft Visual FoxPro compiled program |

|.hlp |Help file |

|.hta |HTML program |

|.htr |Script file |

|.htw |HTML document |

|.ida |Internet Information Services file |

|.idc |Internet database connector file |

|.idq |Internet data query file |

|.ins |Internet Naming Service |

|.isp |Internet Communication settings |

|.its |Internet Document Set file |

|.jse |JScript Encoded script file |

|.ksh |Korn Shell script file |

|.lnk |Shortcut |

|.mad |Shortcut |

|.maf |Shortcut |

|.mag |Shortcut |

|.mam |Shortcut |

|.maq |Shortcut |

|.mar |Shortcut |

|.mas |Microsoft Access stored procedure |

|.mat |Shortcut |

|.mau |Shortcut |

|.mav |Shortcut |

|.maw |Shortcut |

|.mda |Microsoft Access add-in program |

|.mdb |Microsoft Access program |

|.mde |Microsoft Access MDE database |

|.mdt |Microsoft Access data file |

|.mdw |Microsoft Access workgroup |

|.mdz |Microsoft Access wizard program |

|.msc |Microsoft Common Console document |

|.msh |Microsoft Agent script helper |

|.msh1 |Microsoft Agent script helper |

|.msh1xml |Microsoft Agent script helper |

|.msh2 |Microsoft Agent script helper |

|.msh2xml |Microsoft Agent script helper |

|.mshxml |Microsoft Agent script helper |

|.msi |Microsoft Windows Installer package |

|.msp |Windows Installer patch package file |

|.mst |Visual Test source files |

|.ops |Microsoft Office profile settings file |

|.pcd |Photo CD image or Microsoft Visual Test compiled script |

|.pif |Shortcut to MS-DOS program |

|.prf |System file |

|.prg |Program source file |

|.printer |Printer file |

|.pst |Microsoft Outlook personal folder file |

|.reg |Registration entries |

|.rem |ACT! database maintenance file |

|.scf |Windows Explorer command file |

|.scr |Screen saver |

|.sct |Script file |

|.shb |Windows shortcut |

|.shs |Shell Scrap object |

|.shtm |HTML file that contains server-side directives |

|.shtml |HTML file that contains server-side directives |

|.soap |Simple Object Access Protocol file |

|.stm |HTML file that contains server-side directives |

|.url |Uniform Resource Locator (Internet shortcut) |

|.vb |Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition file |

|.vbe |VBScript Encoded Script file |

|.vbs |VBScript file |

|.ws |Windows Script file |

|.wsc |Windows Script Component |

|.wsf |Windows Script file |

|.wsh |Windows Script Host settings file |

1. On the Operations page, in the Security Configuration section, click Blocked file types.

2. On the Blocked File Types page, type on separate lines in the text box the file extensions that you want to block.

3. To remove a blocked file name extension, delete the extension in the text box.

4. Click OK.

Configure security settings for Web Part pages (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-22

Web Parts are reusable components that render sections of a SharePoint Web page. Users can change the look and functionality of SharePoint sites by customizing Web Parts.

1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the Application Security section, click Security for Web Part pages.

3. If the Web application for which you want to configure Web Part security settings is not displayed in the Web Application section, click the Web Application menu, and then click Change Web Application.

• On the Select Web Application page, click the Web application for which you want to configure Web Part security settings.

4. In the Web Part Connections section, select one of the following:

• Allows users to create connections between Web Parts. Select this option to allow Web Parts to pass data or values from a source Web Parts to target Web Parts.

• Prevents users from creating connections between Web Parts, and helps to improve security and performance.

5. In the Online Web Part Gallery section, select one of the following:

• Allows users to access the Online Web Part Gallery.

• Prevents users from accessing the Online Web Part Gallery, and helps to improve security and performance.

6. If you want to revert to the default Web Part security settings, click Restore Defaults.

7. Click OK.

Managing users and permissions (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-22

In this section:

• Manage Central Administration site users (Office Forms Server 2007)

• About anonymous access (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Take ownership of a site collection (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

• Manage site collection administrators (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Manage permissions for a Web application (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Manage permissions through policy (Office Forms Server 2007)

Manage Central Administration site users (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

What do you want to do?

• Add users to the Central Administration site

• Create a new group

• Change group settings

• View group permissions

• Designate visitors, members, and owners for the Central Administration site

Add users to the Central Administration site

1. On the Central Administration Home page, on the Site Actions menu, click Site Settings.

2. On the Site Settings page, under Users and Permissions, click People and groups.

3. On the People and Groups: Farm Administrators page, on the New menu, click Add Users.

4. On the Add Users: Central Administration page, in the Add Users section, in the Users/Groups box, enter user names, group names, or e-mail addresses. Separate each entry with a semicolon.

5. In the Give Permission section, select one of the following:

• Add users to a SharePoint group. Select this option to give users permissions by adding them to a group that has pre-defined permissions. If you select this option, click a SharePoint group in the corresponding list.

• Give users permission directly. Select this option to give permissions to users directly. If you select this option, select the check boxes next to the permission level that you want to give to users.

6. Click OK.

Create a new group

1. On the Central Administration Home page, on the Site Actions menu, click Site Settings.

2. On the Site Settings page, under Users and Permissions, click People and groups.

3. On the People and Groups: Farm Administrators page, on the New menu, click New Group.

4. On the New Group page, in the Name and About Me Description section, in the Name box, type a name for the group.

5. In the About Me box, type a description for the group.

6. In the Owner section, in the Group owner box, enter the owner of the group.

7. In the Group Settings section, under Who can view the membership of the group, select either Group Members or Everyone.

8. Under Who can edit the membership of the group, select either Group Owner or Group Members.

9. In the Membership Requests section, under Allow requests to join/leave this group, select either Yes or No. If you select Yes, under Auto-accept requests, select either Yes or No. If you select No, then type an e-mail address to send requests to in the Send membership requests to the following e-mail address box.

10. In the Give Group Permission to this Site section, select the check boxes next to the permission level that you want to give to members of the group.

11. Click Create.

A People and Groups page displaying the members of the new group is opened.

Change group settings

1. On the Central Administration Home page, on the Site Actions menu, click Site Settings.

2. On the Site Settings page, under Users and Permissions, click People and groups.

3. On the People and Groups: Farm Administrators page, on the Quick Launch, under Groups, click the group for which you want to manage settings.

4. On the Settings menu, click Group Settings.

The Change Group Settings page is opened. For information about each of the settings you can modify, see the previous Create a new group section.

View group permissions

1. On the Central Administration Home page, on the Site Actions menu, click Site Settings.

2. On the Site Settings page, under Users and Permissions, click People and groups.

3. On the People and Groups: Farm Administrators page, on the Quick Launch, under Groups, click the group for which you want to view permissions.

4. On the Settings menu, click View Group Permissions.

The View Site Collection Permissions window is opened and displays permissions for the group.

Designate visitors, members, and owners for the Central Administration site

1. On the Central Administration Home page, on the Site Actions menu, click Site Settings.

2. On the Site Settings page, under Users and Permissions, click People and groups.

3. On the People and Groups: Farm Administrators page, on the Settings menu, click Set Up Groups.

4. On the Set Up Groups for this Site page, in the Visitors to this Site section, select one of the following:

• Create a new group. Select this option to create a new group that contains visitors to the site. If you select this option, type the name of the new group in the corresponding box. Add users or groups to the new group by entering user names, group names, or e-mail addresses in the corresponding box. Separate entries with semi-colons.

• Use an existing group. Select this option to designate an existing group as visitors to the site. If you select this option, click a group in the corresponding list.

5. In the Members of this Site section, select one of the following:

• Create a new group. Select this option to create a new group that contains members of this site. If you select this option, type the name of the new group in the corresponding box. Add users or groups to the new group by entering user names, group names, or e-mail addresses in the corresponding box. Separate entries with semi-colons.

• Use an existing group. Select this option to designate an existing group as site members. If you select this option, click a group in the corresponding list.

6. In the Owners of this Site section, select one of the following:

• Create a new group. Select this option to create a new group that contains owners of this site. If you select this option, type the name of the new group in the corresponding box. Add users or groups to the group by entering user names, group names, or e-mail addresses in the corresponding box. Separate entries with semi-colons.

• Use an existing group. Select this option to designate an existing group as site owners. If you select this option, click a group in the corresponding list.

About anonymous access (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

If you enable anonymous access when you create a Web application (see Create or extend a Web application (Office Forms Server 2007) for more information about creating Web applications), you can control anonymous access to site collections within that Web application both at the Web application level and at the site collection level. If you do not enable anonymous access when you create a Web application, you cannot enable anonymous access at any level.

If you disable anonymous access at the Web application level, it is disabled for all site collections within that Web application and cannot be enabled at the site collection level. If you enable anonymous access at the Web application level, it can be enabled or disabled at the site collection level (for more information, see Configure authentication providers (Office Forms Server 2007)).

Take ownership of a site collection (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

To complete some site collection administrative tasks, you must have ownership credentials for the site collection (for example, to restore items that are in a site collection's Recycle Bin).

You can take ownership of a site collection to perform administrative tasks, but it is important to restore ownership of the site collection to the original owner after you have completed the task that necessitated taking ownership.

The action of changing ownership of sites is logged in the Security log in Event Viewer.

What do you want to do?

• Take ownership of a site collection

• Restore ownership of a site collection

Take ownership of a site collection

1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Site Management section, click Site Collection Administrators.

3. If the selected site is not the site for which you want to take ownership, on the Site Collection Administrators page, on the Site Collection menu in the Site Collection section, click Change Site Collection.

a) In the Select Site Collection dialog box, select the site that you want to take ownership of.

b) Click OK.

4. In either the Primary site collection administrator user name box or the Secondary site collection administrator user name box, enter the user name of the user who will take ownership. If there is no secondary site collection administrator, add the user name of the user who will take control to that role. If there is a secondary site collection administrator, take ownership of either the primary collection administrator role or the secondary collection administrator role.

5. Click OK.

Restore ownership of a site collection

1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Site Management section, click Site Collection Administrators.

3. If the selected site is not the site for which you want to restore ownership, on the Site Collection menu in the Site Collection section, click Change Site Collection.

a) In the Select Site Collection dialog box, select the site collection for which you want to restore ownership.

b) Click OK.

4. In either the Primary site collection administrator user name box or the Secondary site collection administrator user name box, enter the original user name.

5. Click OK.

Manage site collection administrators (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

You can change or add site collection administrators by using the Site Collection Administrators page. All actions that are performed on site collection administrators are logged in the Security log in Event Viewer.

1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Site Management section, click Site Collection Administrators.

3. If the selected site is not the site for which you want to manage administrators, on the Site Collection Administrators page, on the Site Collection menu in the Site Collection section, click Change Site Collection.

a) In the Select Site Collection dialog box, select the site for which you want to manage administrators.

b) Click OK.

4. In either the Primary site collection administrator user name box or the Secondary site collection administrator user name box, enter the user name of the user to whom you want to assign that role.

5. Click OK.

Manage permissions for a Web application (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

You can limit user actions by enabling or disabling the associated permission on the Web application. For example, if you do not want users to be able to add pages to a Web site, you can disable the Add and Customize Pages permission. When you disable a permission for a Web application, the permission cannot be assigned to any site group and, as a result, cannot be granted to any user of a site on the Web application.

To limit the permissions for a Web application:

1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the Application Security section, click User permissions for Web application.

3. In the Permissions section, select the check boxes next to the permissions that you want to enable, and clear the check boxes next to those permissions that you want to disable.

You can select all permissions by selecting the Select All check box. You can clear all permissions by clearing the Select All check box.

4. Click Save.

Manage permissions through policy (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-11

Sometimes, you might want different users or groups to have different levels of access to sites within Web applications. For example, a financial company with both banking and investment branches might want to limit the access of its investment branch to resources in its banking branch for fiduciary reasons.

To manage permissions policies for Web applications, open the Policy for Web Application page:

1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the Application Security section, click Policy for Web application.

What do you want to do?

• Add users and define policy

• Edit permissions for user policies

• Delete user policies

Add users and define policy

1. On the Policy for Web Application page, click Add Users.

2. On the Add Users page, on the Web Application menu in the Web Application section, if the Web application for which you want to set policy for users is not selected, click Change Web Application.

• In the Select Web Application dialog box, click the Web application for which you want to set policy for users.

3. On the Add Users page, in the Zones box in the Select the Zone section, select the zone for which you want to set policy.

4. Click Next.

5. In the Choose Users section, in the Users box, add the user names of the users for whom you want set policy.

6. In the Choose Permissions section, select the permissions that you want users to have. The permissions are as follows:

• Full Control - Has full control

• Full Read - Has full read-only access

• Deny Write - Has no write access

• Deny All - Has no access

7. If you want the specified accounts of users to behave as system accounts, select the Account operates as System check box.

Any changes made by a system account are logged as made by the system account instead of the actual user account.

8. Click Finish.

Edit permissions for user policies

• On the Policy for Web Application page, select the check boxes for the user policies that you want to edit, and then click Edit Permissions of Selected Users.

Delete user policies

1. On the Policy for Web Application page, select the check boxes for the user policies that you want to delete, and then click Delete Selected Users.

2. Click OK in the message box confirming that you want to proceed with the deletion.

Creating and managing Web applications and sites (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Creating and managing Web applications (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Configuring settings for a Web application (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Creating and managing sites (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Integrating e-mail with your sites (Office Forms Server 2007)

Creating and managing Web applications (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Create or extend a Web application (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Change the application pool identity for a Web application (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Unextend a Web application (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Delete a Web application (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

• Define managed paths (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

• Configure self-service site creation (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

Create or extend a Web application (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2015-03-09

When you create a new Web application, you also create a new database and define the authentication method used to connect to the database.

To have separate IIS Web sites that expose the same content to users, extend an existing Web application. This is typically used for extranet deployments in which different users access content by using different domains.

What do you want to do?

• Create a Web application

• Extend a Web application

Create a Web application

1. On the top link bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Web Application Management section, click Create or extend Web application.

3. On the Create or Extend Web Application page, in the Adding a SharePoint Web Application section, click Create a new Web Application.

4. On the Create New Web Application page, in the IIS Web Site section, select one of the following:

|Option |Description |

|Use an existing IIS web site |If you select this option, click an IIS Web site in the corresponding|

| |list. |

|Create a new IIS web site |If you select this option, configure the following: |

| |In the Description box, accept the given description or type a new |

| |description for the Web application. |

| |In the Port box, accept the given value or type a new value for the |

| |port the Web application will use. |

| |In the Host Header box, type a host header if desired. |

| |In the Path box, accept the given path or type a new path. |

1. In the Security Configuration section, under Authentication provider, select either Negotiate (Kerberos) or NTLM.

2. Under Allow Anonymous, select either Yes or No.

3. Under Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), select either Yes or No.

[pic] Important:

If you use SSL, you must add the appropriate certificate on each server by using IIS administration tools.

4. In the Load Balanced URL section, in the URL box, type the URL that will be used to access the Web application. The URL should be in the format name:port. If multiple zones have been configured on the server, you can optionally click a zone in the Zone list.

5. In the Application Pool section, select one of the following:

|Option |Description |

|Use existing application pool    |If you select this option, click an application pool to use from the |

| |corresponding list. |

|Create a new application pool |If you select this option, configure the following: |

| |In the Application pool name box, type the name of the new |

| |application pool. |

| |Under Select a security account for this application pool, select |

| |either Predefined or Configurable. If you select Predefined, click |

| |the security account to use in the corresponding list. If you select |

| |Configurable, type the account credentials in the User name and |

| |Password boxes. |

1. In the Database Name and Authentication section, under Database authentication, select one of the following:

• Windows authentication (recommended)

• SQL authentication   Select this option if you have pre-created the database and want to use SQL authentication. If you select this option, type the account credentials in the Account and Password boxes.

2. Click OK.

Extend a Web application

1. On the top link bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Web Application Management section, click Create or extend Web application.

3. On the Create or Extend Web Application page, in the Adding a SharePoint Web Application section, click Extend an existing Web application.

4. On the Extend Web Application to Another IIS Web Site page, in the Web Application section, if the Web application that you want to extend is not selected, on the Web Application menu, click Change Web Application.

• On the Select Web Application page, click the Web application that you want to extend.

5. In the IIS Web Site section, select one of the following:

|Option |Description |

|Use an existing IIS web site |If you select this option, click an IIS Web site in the corresponding|

| |list. |

|Create a new IIS web site |If you select this option, configure the following: |

| |In the Description box, accept the given description or type a new |

| |description for the Web application. |

| |In the Port box, accept the given value or type a new value for the |

| |port the Web application will use. |

| |In the Host Header box, type a host header if desired. |

| |In the Path box, accept the given path or type a new path. |

1. In the Security Configuration section, under Authentication provider, select either Negotiate (Kerberos) or NTLM.

2. Under Allow Anonymous, select either Yes or No.

3. Under Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), select either Yes or No.

[pic] Important:

If you use SSL, you must add the appropriate certificate on each server by using IIS administration tools.

4. In the Load Balanced URL section, in the URL box, type the URL that will be used to access the Web application. The URL should be in the format name:port. If multiple zones have been configured on the server, you can optionally click a zone in the Zone list.

5. Click OK.

Change the application pool identity for a Web application (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-12

1. On the top navigation bar, click Operations.

2. On the Operations page, in the Security Configuration section, click Service accounts.

3. On the Service Accounts page, in the Credential Management section, under Select the component to update, select Web application pool.

4. In the Web service list, click a Web service.

5. In the Application pool list, click the application pool that you want associated with the Web application.

6. Under Select an account for this component, select one of the following:

• Predefined   Select this option to use a predefined account, such as the Network Service account or the Local Service account.

• Configurable   Select this option to specify a different account.

7. Click OK.

Unextend a Web application (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-22

1. On the top link bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Web Application Management section, click Remove SharePoint from IIS Web site.

3. On the Remove SharePoint From IIS Web Site page, if the Web application that you want to unextend is not selected, then:

a) In the Web Application section, on the Web Application menu, select Change Web Application.

b) On the Select Web Application page, click the Web application that you want to unextend.

4. On the Remove SharePoint From IIS Web Site page, in the Deletion Options section, make the following selections:

• In the Select IIS Web site and zone to remove list, select the Web site and zone within the Web application that you want to remove.

• Under Delete IIS Web sites, select Yes if you want to remove the IIS Web sites used by this Web application. If you select this option, the IIS metabase entries referring to these Web sites will be deleted, even if other applications are using them.

5. Click OK.

Delete a Web application (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-12

1. On the top link bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Web Application Management section, click Delete Web application.

3. On the Delete Web Application page, in the Web Application section, if the Web application that you want to delete is not selected, in the Web Application menu, click Change Web Application.

• On the Select Web Application page, click the Web application that you want to delete.

4. In the Deletion Options section, under Delete content databases, select either Yes or No.

5. Under Delete IIS Web Sites, select either Yes or No. Selecting Yes will remove all IIS Web Sites used by this Web application.

6. Click Delete.

Define managed paths (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-12

By defining managed paths, you can specify which paths in the URL namespace of a Web application are used for site collections. You can specify that one site collection or more than one site collection exists at a specified path. For example, an explicit path of hr indicates that the URL is a site collection, whereas a wildcard path of "sites" indicates that child URLs of , such as server/sites/team, are site collections.

1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Web Application Management section, click Define managed paths.

3. On the Define Managed Paths page, if you want to define managed paths for a Web application other than the one that is selected, in the Web Application section, click Change Web Application on the Web Application menu.

• On the Select Web Application page, click the Web application for which you want to define managed paths.

4. In the Included Paths section, to delete a path or paths, select the check boxes for the paths that you want to delete and then click Delete selected paths.

5. In the Add a New Path section, to include a new path within the URL namespace, type the path in the Path box.

6. Click Check URL to check the URL. A Web browser will open to the specified path.

7. In the Type list, click one of the following:

• Wildcard Inclusion. Select this option to include all paths that are subordinate to the specified path.

[pic] Important:

Do not use “/*” to indicate wildcard managed sites at the root of the site collection. Using this wildcard prevents a site being created at the root of the Web application. Many SharePoint features rely on having a site collection at the root of the Web application, and if this is missing, these features will not work correctly. For example, Explorer View will not work for a document library.

• Explicit Inclusion. Select this option to include the site that is indicated by the specified path. Sites subordinate to the specified path are not included.

8. Click OK.

Configure self-service site creation (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-12

You can allow users to create their own top-level Web sites by using the Self-Service Site Management page. To turn on the Self-Service Site Management feature for a particular Web application, a site collection must be at the root level of the Web application.

[pic] Note:

Users can also create subsites of any site for which they have the Create Subsites permission. The Create Subsites permission is included in the Full Control permission level by default, so any user or group assigned to that permission level can create a subsite of that site.

1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the Application Security section, click Self-service site management.

3. On the Self-Service Site Management page, in the Web Application section, verify that the Web application you want to change is selected.

• On the Select Web Application page, select the Web application for which you want to enable self-service site creation.

4. On the Self-Service Site Management page, in the Enable Self-Service Site Creation section, select On.

[pic] Note:

When you enable Self-Service Site Creation, an announcement will be added to the Announcements list on the home page of the top-level Web site in the root site collection for the Web application. The announcement provides a link to the site creation page (scsignup.aspx in the _layouts directory; for example, ).

5. To require users of self-service site creation to supply a secondary contact name for sites that they create when using the sign-up page, select the Require secondary contact check box.

6. Click OK.

Configuring settings for a Web application (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Configure Web application general settings (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

• Configure alert settings for a Web application (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

• Configure Recycle Bin settings (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

Configure Web application general settings (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-12

1. On the top link bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, under SharePoint Web Application Management, click Web application general settings.

3. If the currently selected Web application is not the Web application for which you want to configure settings, on the Web Application General Settings page, in the Web Application section, click Change Web Application on the Web Application menu.

• On the Select Web Application page, click the Web application for which you want to configure settings.

4. In the Default Time Zone section, in the Select time zone list, click the time zone to use for all sites and subsites under the Web application.

5. In the Default Quota Template section, in the Select quota template list, click the quota template to use as the default template for all site collections.

If there are no quota templates, you can create a template by clicking the Quota Templates link in the section description. When you specify a default template for the Web application, you can still select a different template when you create a site collection.

6. In the Person Name Smart Tag and Presence Settings section, under Enable Person Name smart tag and Online Status for members, select either Yes or No to determine whether to display that information for all sites under the Web application.

7. In the Maximum upload size section, type the maximum allowable file size.

The default maximum file size is 50 megabytes (MB). If a user tries to upload a single file or a group of files that is larger than the maximum upload size, an error message appears and the user's files are not uploaded.

8. In the Alerts section, under Alerts on this server are, select either On or Off to enable or disable alerts for all sites under this Web application.

If you enable alerts and want to limit the number of alerts that users can create, enter a value under Maximum number of alerts that a user can create. To allow an unlimited number of alerts, select Unlimited number.

9. In the RSS Settings section, under Enable RSS feeds, select either Yes or No to specify whether or not to allow Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds.

10. In the Web Page Security Validation section, under Security validation is, select either On or Off to enable or disable Web page security validation.

11. To set the expiration time, under Security validation expires, select After, and then type the length of time to wait before the security validations expire. To prevent the validations from expiring, select Never.

12. In the Send User Name and Password in E-Mail section, select either Yes or No to either send or not send user names and passwords by e-mail.

[pic] Note:

This feature applies only when Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services is running in Active Directory creation mode.

13. In the Backward-Compatible Event Handlers section, select either On or Off to enable or disable backward-compatible event handlers.

When this feature is enabled, you can write code to handle events, and then you can specify the code to use for a particular document library by using the document library settings.

14. In the Change Log section, under Delete entries from the change log, select either After or Never. If you select After, type a value for the number of days after which to remove entries from the change log. Select Never if you want entries never to be removed from the change log.

15. In the Recycle Bin section, under Recycle Bin Status, select either On or Off to specify whether or not the Recycle Bins of all the sites in this Web application are turned on or turned off.

[pic] Caution:

If you turn off the Recycle Bins, any files that are in the Recycle Bins for any sites hosted by the Web application are deleted.

16. Under Delete items in the Recycle Bin, select either After or Never.

If you select After, type the number of days to wait before emptying the Recycle Bins. If you select Never, the Recycle Bins are never automatically emptied.

17. Under Second stage Recycle Bin, select either Add or Disabled.

• If you select Add, type the percentage to add to the site's quota of Recycle Bin capacity.

The second-stage Recycle Bin stores items that end users deleted from their Recycle Bins so that the deleted items can be easily restored. For more information about quotas and the second-stage Recycle Bin, see Configure quotas for a second-stage Recycle Bin (Office Forms Server 2007).

18. Click OK.

Configure alert settings for a Web application (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-12

Turning on alerts in a Web application enables the Web application to send e-mail alerts to users. By using the Alert Me link, users can choose to be notified when documents, document libraries, list items, or lists are updated.

By using the Maximum number of alerts that a user can create box, you can choose to limit the number of alerts that a user can create. To some extent, limiting the number of alerts that a user can create controls how many alerts are sent by the Web application.

Configure Recycle Bin settings (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-12

Configuring the Recycle Bin settings affects all sites hosted by the Web application.

1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Web Application Management section, click Web application general settings.

3. On the Web Application General Settings page, in the Recycle Bin section, configure the following settings:

• Under Recycle Bin Status, select On or Off to specify whether the Recycle Bins of all the sites within this Web application are turned on or turned off.

If you turn off the Recycle Bins, all of the files in them will be deleted. Deleting these files can take a long time, depending on the number of Recycle Bins and files.

• Under Delete items in the Recycle Bin, select either After or Never.

If you select After, type in the corresponding box the number of days to wait before the Recycle Bins are emptied (that is, the number of days that the items in Recycle Bins remain in a deleted state). If you select Never, the Recycle Bins are never automatically emptied.

• Under Second Stage Recycle Bin, select either Add or Off.

If you select Add, type the percentage of the site quota to add for second-stage Recycle Bin capacity in the corresponding box. For more information about setting second-stage Recycle Bin quotas, see Configure quotas for a second-stage Recycle Bin (Office Forms Server 2007).

Creating and managing sites (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Create sites and subsites (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

• Delete a site collection (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

Create sites and subsites (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-12

To create a site from Central Administration, you first create a site collection. Subsites are created within top-level sites and subsites; subsites cannot be created within Central Administration.

Web sites on SharePoint Web applications are organized into site collections. Each site collection has a top-level Web site. This top-level Web site can have multiple subsites, and each subsite can have multiple subsites, for as many levels as required. When you create a site collection, a top-level site is automatically created. Each site collection can have only a single top-level site.

The hierarchy of top-level sites and subsites enables, for example, users to have a main working site for a team or division, plus individual working sites or shared sites for projects. Top-level Web sites and subsites allow different levels of control over the features and settings for sites. The administrator of a site collection can control settings and features for both the top-level Web site and any subsites beneath it. For example, in addition to the standard administration tasks for any site, an administrator of a site collection can:

• Add, delete, or change site collection administrators.

• Manage other sites in the site collection hierarchy.

• View usage statistics and storage space allocation.

• Manage the site collection Recycle Bin.

• Manage Web Part, template, and workflow galleries.

• Manage the features that are available in the site collection.

• Configure settings, such as regional settings, for the top-level Web site and all subsites.

The administrator of a subsite can control settings and features for only that subsite, and the administrator of the next subsite below can control settings and features for only that subsite. For example, an administrator of a subsite can:

• Add, delete, or change user permissions, if unique permissions have been set.

• View usage analysis data.

• Change regional settings.

• Manage the master page, site content type, and site columns galleries.

• Manage Web discussions and alerts.

• Change the site name and description, theme, and home page organization.

[pic] Note:

You can also enable users to create their own top-level sites. For more information, see Configure self-service site creation (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help).

Create a site collection

1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Site Management section, click Create site collection.

3. On the Create Site Collection page, in the Web Application section, if the Web application in which you want to create the site collection is not selected, click Change Web Application on the Web Application menu.

• On the Select Web Application page, click the Web application in which you want to create the site collection.

4. In the Title and Description section, type the title and description for the site collection.

5. In the Web Site Address section, under URL, select the path to use for your URL (such as an included path like /sites/ or the root directory, /).

If you select a wildcard inclusion path, such as /sites/, you must also type the site name to use in your site's URL.

[pic] Note:

The paths available for the URL option are taken from the list of managed paths that have been defined as wildcard inclusions. For more information about managed paths, see Define managed paths (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help).

6. In the Template Selection section, in the Select a template list, click a template for the top-level site.

When you select a template, a description for that template appears in the Template Selection section.

7. In the Primary Site Collection Administrator section, enter the user name (in the form DOMAIN\username) for the user who will be the site collection administrator.

8. If you want to identify a user as the secondary owner of the new top-level Web site (recommended), in the Secondary Site Collection Administrator section, enter the user name for the secondary administrator of the site collection.

9. If you are using quotas to limit resource use for site collections, in the Quota Template section, click a template in the Select a quota template list.

10. Click OK.

Delete a site collection (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-12

When you delete a site collection, all content and sites within that collection are deleted. This includes:

• Documents and document libraries

• Lists and list data, including surveys, discussions, announcements, and events

• Site configuration and settings

• Roles and security information relating to the site

• Subsites within the site collection, their contents, and user information

Delete a site collection

1. On the top link bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Site Management section, click Delete site collection.

3. On the Delete Site Collection page, in the Site Collection section, if the site collection you want to delete is not selected, on the Site Collection menu, click Change Site Collection.

• On the Select Site Collection page, in the URL list, click the site to delete. You can also search for a site collection by using the URL Search box.

4. On the Delete Site Collection page, click Delete.

5. Click OK in the message box confirming that you want to proceed with the deletion.

Integrating e-mail with your sites (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Configure outgoing e-mail (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Configure incoming e-mail (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

Configure outgoing e-mail (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-12

What do you want to do?

• Configure default outgoing e-mail settings

• Configure outgoing e-mail settings for a Web application

Configure default outgoing e-mail settings

Configuring the default outgoing e-mail settings configures the default outgoing e-mail settings for all Web applications.

1. On the top navigation bar, click Operations.

2. On the Operations page, click Outgoing e-mail settings in the Topology and Services section.

3. On the Outgoing E-Mail Settings page, in the Mail Settings section, type the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server name for outbound e-mail (for example, mail.) in the Outbound SMTP server box.

4. In the From address text box, type the from address as you want it to appear to e-mail recipients.

5. In the Reply-to address box, type the e-mail address to which you want e-mail recipients to reply.

6. In the Character set menu, select the character set appropriate for your language.

7. Click OK.

Configure outgoing e-mail settings for a Web application

You can override a Web application's default settings for outgoing e-mail.

1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, click Web application outgoing e-mail settings in the SharePoint Web Application Management section.

3. On the Web Application E-Mail Settings page, select a Web application by using the Web Application menu in the Web Application section.

4. In the Mail Settings section, type the SMTP server name for outbound e-mail (for example, type mail.) in the Outbound SMTP server box.

5. In the From address box, type the e-mail address as you want it to appear to e-mail recipients.

6. In the Reply-to address box, type the e-mail address to which you want e-mail recipients to reply.

7. On the Character set menu, click the character set that's appropriate for your language.

8. Click OK.

Configure incoming e-mail (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-12

To enable incoming e-mail by using automatic mode, you must install the Internet Information Services (IIS) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server.

By specifying a drop folder, you can enable incoming e-mail by not using an SMTP server.

1. On the top navigation bar, click Operations.

2. On the Operations page, in the Topology and Services section, click Incoming e-mail settings.

3. If you want to enable sites on this server to receive e-mail, on the Incoming E-mail Settings page, in the Enable Incoming E-Mail section, select Yes.

4. Select either the Automatic or the Advanced settings mode.

If you select Advanced, you can specify a drop folder instead of using an SMTP server.

5. If you want to connect to the SharePoint Directory Management Service, in the Directory Management Service section, select Yes.

You can connect to the SharePoint Directory Management Service for SharePoint sites to manage e-mail addresses in SharePoint lists.

6. In the Directory Management Service URL box, type the URL of the SharePoint Directory Management Service.

7. In the E-mail server display address box, type the e-mail server name (for example, mail.sharepoint.).

8. Answer the following two questions by selecting Yes or No:

• Does the Directory Management Service manage distribution lists?

• Should distribution lists accept mail only from authenticated senders?

9. In the Incoming E-Mail Server Display Address section, type a display name for the e-mail server (for example, mail.) in the E-mail server display address box.

[pic] Tip:

You can specify the e-mail server address that is displayed when users create an incoming e-mail address for a list or group. Use this setting in conjunction with the SharePoint Directory Management Service to provide an e-mail server address that is more user-friendly.

10. In the Safe E-Mail Servers section, select one of the following options:

• Accept mail from all e-mail servers

• Accept mail from these safe e-mail servers   If you select this option, type the IP addresses (one per line) of the e-mail servers that you want to specify as safe in the corresponding box.

11. In the E-mail Drop Folder section, in the E-mail drop folder box, type the name of the folder in which Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services polls for incoming e-mail from the Windows SMTP Service.

This option is available only if you selected advanced mode.

12. Click OK.

Managing data (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Configure content database settings (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Specify a default database server (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Manage content databases (Office Forms Server 2007)

Configuring data settings (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Configure content database settings (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Specify a default database server (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Manage content databases (Office Forms Server 2007)

Configure content database settings (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-12

Content databases contain the content of sites created with the Web application.

1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Web Application Management section, click Content databases.

3. On the Manage Content Databases page, click the content database for which you want to configure settings.

4. On the Manage Content Database Settings page, in the Database Information section, in the Database status list, click one of the following:

• Ready   Select this option to make the database available to host new sites.

• Offline   Select this option to make the database unavailable to host new sites.

5. In the Database Capacity Settings section, in the Number of sites before a warning event is generated box, type a value for the number of sites that can be created before a warning event is logged in the Windows Application Event log.

6. In the Maximum number of sites that can be created in this database box, type a value for the maximum number of sites that this database can host.

7. In the Search Server section, in the Select Windows SharePoint Services search server list, click a search server for this database to use.

8. If you want to remove this database from the server farm, in the Remove Content Database section, select the Remove content database check box.

• If sites are currently using this database, click OK in the message box to confirm that you want to proceed with the removal.

9. Click OK.

Specify a default database server (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-12

The default database server is where databases are created by default.

1. On the top navigation bar, click Operations.

2. On the Operations page, in the Data Configuration section, click Default database server.

3. On the Default Database Server page, in the Content Database Server section, in the Database server box, type the path where content databases will be created by default.

4. If you are using SQL authentication, in the Database Username and Password section, you can provide default credentials for creating databases in the Account and Password boxes.

[pic] Note:

SQL authentication is not recommended in most situations. If you provide default credentials on the Default Database Server page, new databases are created by using SQL authentication.

5. Click OK.

Manage content databases (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-12

Content databases contain the content of sites in a Web application. Content databases are managed by using the Manage Content Databases page:

1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Web Application Management section, click Content databases.

What do you want to do?

• Add a content database to a Web application

• Configure content database settings

• Remove a content database from a Web application

Add a content database to a Web application

1. On the Manage Content Databases page, click Add a content database.

2. If the Web application to which you want to add a content database to is not selected, on the Add Content Database page, in the Web Application section, click Change Web Application on the Web Application menu.

3. On the Select Web Application page, click the Web application to which you want to add the content database.

4. In the Database Name and Authentication section, in the Database Server box, type the name of the database server that will host the content database. Using the default name is recommended in most cases.

5. In the Database Name box, type a name for the content database. Using the default name is recommended in most cases.

6. Under Database authentication, select one of the following:

• Windows authentication (recommended)

• SQL authentication   If you select this option, in the Account and Password boxes, type the account credentials to use for SQL authentication.

7. In the Search Server section, in the Select Windows SharePoint Services search server list, select a search server for this database to use.

8. In the Database Capacity Settings section, in the Number of sites before a warning event is generated box, type a value for the number of sites that can be created before a warning is generated.

9. In the Maximum number of sites that can be created in this database box, type a value for the maximum number of sites that this database can host.

10. Click OK.

The Operation in Progress page opens while the database is created. After the database is created, the Manage Content Databases page reappears. The new content database is displayed in the content database list.

Configure content database settings

For information about configuring content database settings, see Configure content database settings (Office Forms Server 2007).

Remove a content database from a Web application

1. On the Manage Content Databases page, click the content database that you want to remove.

2. On the Manage Content Database Settings page, in the Remove Content Database section, select the Remove content database check box.

• If any sites are currently using this database, a message box appears. Click OK to indicate that you want to proceed with the removal.

3. Click OK.

Managing forms (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Manage form templates (Office Forms Server Central Administration Help)

• Deploy a form template (Office Forms Server)

• Activate form templates (Office Forms Server)

• Quiesce a form template (Office Forms Server)

• Deactivate form templates (Office Forms Server)

Manage form templates (Office Forms Server Central Administration Help)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-12

The Manage Form Templates page provides a central location where you can manage administrator-approved form templates for the entire farm. You cannot manage user form templates from the Manage Form Templates page.

To access the Manage Form Templates page:

1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the InfoPath Forms Services section, click Manage form templates.

What do you want to do?

• View form templates

• View form template properties

• Upload or upgrade a form template

• Remove a form template

View form templates

• On the Manage Form Templates page, select one of the following from the navigation bar:

• All Forms. Lists all form templates.

• Last 20. Lists the last 20 form templates that were uploaded.

• By Category. Lists form templates in a tree view according to their category. Each category can be expanded or collapsed to show or hide form templates in that category.

• By Status. Lists form templates in a tree view according to their status. Each status type can be expanded or collapsed to show or hide form templates that have that status.

View form template properties

• On the Manage Form Templates page, in the list of form templates, point to the form template for which you want to view properties, click the arrow that appears, and then click View Properties.

• On the Form Template Properties page, you can assign a category to the form template by typing the category in the Category name box. When you view by category on the Manage Form Templates page, the form template appears in the category to which it is assigned.

Upload or upgrade a form template

1. On the Manage Form Templates page, click Upload form template.

2. On the Upload Form Template page, in the File Name box in the Upload Form Template section, enter the file name of the form template.

You can retrieve information about the template (such as errors and warnings) before uploading by clicking Verify.

3. In the Upgrade section, select the Upgrade the form template if it already exists check box if you want to replace an older version of the template with the new version that you are uploading. If you select this check box, select either:

• Allow existing browser-based form filling sessions to complete using the current version of the form template   Select this option if you want forms that are already open to continue to use the current version of the form template.

• Terminate existing browser-based form filling sessions. Any data in those sessions will be lost   Select this option if you do not want forms that are already open to continue to use the old version of the form template. Data from open sessions that use the old template will be lost.

If you want to wait until all sessions of the old form template are completed before you upgrade a form template, you need to quiesce the old form template before uploading the new template. You can find more information about quiescing form templates in Quiesce a form template (Office Forms Server).

4. Click Upload.

Remove a form template

When you remove a form template without first quiescing it, all current sessions are immediately terminated. For more information about quiescing a form template, see Quiesce a form template (Office Forms Server).

1. On the Manage Form Templates page, in the list of form templates, point to the form template that you want to remove, click the arrow that appears, and then click Remove Form.

2. On the Remove Form Template page, click Remove form.

Deploy a form template (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-12

To deploy a form template, you first upload the template and then activate it to a site collection.

Before you upload the form template, you can click Verify to check it for errors and server compatibility. If you do not manually check the form template, it will be checked automatically before it is uploaded to the server.

[pic] Note:

Both administrators and users can deploy form templates.

You can find more information about uploading a form template in Manage form templates (Office Forms Server Central Administration Help) and more information about activating a form template in Activate form templates (Office Forms Server).

Activate form templates (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-12

Activating a form template to a site collection makes the form available to users within that site collection. To activate a form template within a site collection requires that you have feature activation permissions on that site collection. It is also possible for site collection administrators to activate form templates from the site collection administration page.

1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the InfoPath Forms Services section, click Manage form templates.

3. On the Manage Form Templates page, in the list of form templates, point to the form template that you want to activate, click the arrow that appears, and then click Activate to a Site Collection on the menu that appears.

4. On the Activate Form Template page, if the site collection that you want to activate does not appear in the Site Collection list in the Activation Location section, click Change Site Collection on the Site Collection menu.

a) In the Select Site Collection window, select the URL for the site collection. You can search for the URL by using the URL Search box, and you can change the Web application if needed by using the Web Application menu.

b) Click OK.

5. On the Activate Form Template page, click OK.

Quiesce a form template (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-12

Quiescing a form template removes it from use by first making it unavailable to users who are not already using it and then, after a specified period of time, making it unavailable to all users.

When upgrading a form template, you may want to first quiesce it so that users do not suffer an abrupt transition from the old version to the upgraded version.

What do you want to do?

• Quiesce a form template

• Stop quiescing a form template

Quiesce a form template

1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the InfoPath Forms Services section, click Manage form templates.

3. On the Manage Form Templates page, in the list of templates, point to the form template that you want to quiesce, click the arrow that appears, and then click Quiesce Form Template.

4. On the Quiesce Form Template page, in the The Form Template should be fully quiesced after this long (Time in Minutes) box in the Quiesce section, type the number of minutes before the form template becomes unavailable to all users.

On a production system, you should quiesce the form for at least as long as the session state setting on the server. By default, the session state setting is 240 minutes.

5. Click Start Quiescing.

The date and time at which the form template will be fully quiesced (unavailable to all users) is reported in the Quiesce section.

The status of the form template is displayed in the status column of the Manage Form Templates page. The status of a fully quiesced form template is displayed as Quiesced.

Stop quiescing a form template

1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the InfoPath Forms Services section, click Manage form templates.

3. On the Manage Form Templates page, in the list of templates, point to the form template that you want to stop quiescing, click the arrow that appears, and then click Quiesce Form Template.

4. On the Quiesce Form Template page, in the Quiesce section, click Stop Quiescing.

Deactivate form templates (Office Forms Server)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-12

To deactivate a form template within a site collection, you must have feature activation permissions on that site collection. It is also possible for administrators of a site collection to deactivate form templates from the site collection administration page.

When you deactivate a form template within a site collection, the corresponding form is no longer available to users. You can quiesce a form template before you deactivate it if you want to allow current sessions to be completed. You can find more information about quiescing a form template in Quiesce a form template (Office Forms Server).

1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the InfoPath Forms Services section, click Manage form templates.

3. On the Manage Form Templates page, in the list of form templates, point to the form template that you want to deactivate, click the arrow that appears, and then click Deactivate from a Site Collection on the menu that appears.

4. On the Deactivate Form Template page, if the site collection that you want to deactivate does not appear in the Site Collection menu in the Deactivation Location section, click Change Site Collection on the Site Collection menu.

a) In the Select Site Collection window, select the URL for the site collection. You can search for the URL by using the URL Search box, and you can change the Web application if needed by using the Web Application menu.

b) Click OK.

5. On the Deactivate Form Template page, click OK.

Managing documents and records (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Configure the Document Conversions Launcher Service (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Configure workflow settings (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

Document conversions (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Configure the Document Conversions Launcher Service (Office Forms Server 2007)

Configure the Document Conversions Launcher Service (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-12

You can configure the Document Conversions Launcher Service on a stand-alone server or on multiple servers in a farm. When you run the Document Conversions Launcher Service on multiple servers, each instance of the service must point to the same load balancer server.

[pic] Note:

Turning off the Document Conversions Launcher Service stops the document conversion process. The service must be restarted to resume document conversion.

1. On the top navigation bar, click Operations.

2. On the Operations page, in the Topology and Services section, click Services on server.

3. On the Services on Server page, select the role that most closely matches how this server is to be used, such as Web server for medium server farms.

4. In the Service list, click Document Conversions Launcher Service.

5. On the Launcher Service Settings page, in the Select Server section, select the name of the server on which you want to run the Document Conversions Launcher Service.

6. In the Load Balancer section, select the load balancer server with which you want to associate this launcher service.

7. In the Port Number section, specify the port number that the launcher service will use for communication.

8. Click OK.

[pic] Important:

The Document Conversions Load Balancer Service and the Document Conversions Launcher Service are often run on application servers, not front-end Web servers. Wherever they are run, the services must be configured to communicate with the front-end Web servers.

Workflows (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Configure workflow settings (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

Configure workflow settings (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-12

You can enable users to create their own workflows by using code already deployed by an administrator.

1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the Workflow Management section, click Workflow settings.

3. On the Workflow Settings page, on the Web Application menu in the Web Application section, click Change Web Application if the currently selected Web application is not the Web application for which you want to configure workflow settings.

• On the Select Web Application page, click the Web application for which you want to configure settings.

4. In the User-Defined Workflows section, select Yes if you want to enable user-defined workflows, or select No if you do not want to enable user-defined workflows.

5. In the Workflow Task Notifications section, under Alert internal users who do not have site access when they are assigned a workflow task, select Yes if you want internal users without site access to be sent an e-mail alert when a task is assigned to them. Users attempting to complete the task by using the link in the alert will be directed to the Request Permissions page. If you don't want users without site access to be sent an e-mail alert when a task is assigned to them, select No.

6. Under Allow external users to participate in workflow by sending them a copy of the document, select Yes if you want documents to be sent to users by e-mail when those users are part of the workflow but do not have access permissions to the documents. If you do not want documents to be sent to users that do not have access permissions, select No.

[pic] Note:

If the object in the workflow is not a document but a list item, the list item properties are displayed in a table as part of the e-mail message.

7. Click OK.

Monitoring sites and servers (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Using quotas and managing unused Web sites (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Server logging and reporting (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Analyzing site usage (Office Forms Server 2007)

Using quotas and managing unused Web sites (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Manage site quotas and locks (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Manage unused Web sites (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

• Configure quotas for a second-stage Recycle Bin (Office Forms Server 2007)

Manage site quotas and locks (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-12

Quotas and locks are two ways of controlling access to site collections. Using locks, you can manually prevent user access. Using quotas, you can prevent users from adding content to a site collection, or you can send e-mail warnings to the site collection administrator when specified disk space thresholds (in megabytes [MB]) are exceeded. For more information about quotas and quota templates, see Manage quota templates (Office Forms Server 2007).

1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Site Management section, click Site collection quotas and locks. The Site Collection Quotas and Locks page opens.

3. If you want to change the selected site collection, in the Site Collection section, on the Site Collection menu, click Change Site Collection. Use the Select Site Collection page to select a site collection.

4. On the Site Collection Quotas and Locks page, in the Site Lock Information section, select one of the following:

• Not locked   Select this option to make the site collection unlocked.

• Adding content prevented   Select this option to prevent users from adding new content to the site collection. Updates and deletions are still allowed. You are required to type a reason for the lock in the Additional lock information box.

• Read-only (blocks additions, updates, and deletions)   Select this option to prevent users from adding, updating, or deleting content. You are required to type a reason for the lock in the Additional lock information box.

• No access   Select this option to prevent access to content entirely. Users who attempt to access the site will receive an access-denied message. You are required to type a reason for the lock in the Additional lock information box.

5. In the Site Quota Information section, in the Current quota template list, click a quota for the site collection.

For more information about quota templates, see Manage quota templates (Office Forms Server 2007).

6. If you want to override the storage limit that is specified in the selected quota template, select the Limit site storage to a maximum of check box, and type a value in MB in the corresponding box.

7. If you want to override the e-mail warning threshold that is specified in the quota template, select the Send warning e-mail when site storage reaches check box, and type a value in MB in the corresponding box.

Manage unused Web sites (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-12

You can use the Site Use Confirmation and Deletion page to help limit the space and resources consumed by unused site collections. Owners of unused site collections can be notified by e-mail to confirm whether or not their unused or seldom-used site collections should be kept. You can specify that the unused site collections be deleted if the notified site collection owners do not respond or if they respond that their site collections are not needed.

1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Site Management section, click Site use confirmation and deletion.

3. On the Site Use Confirmation and Deletion page, in the Web Application section, click Change Web Application on the Web Application menu.

4. On the Select Web Application page, click the Web application that you want to change to.

5. In the Confirmation and Automatic Deletion Settings section, select the Send e-mail notifications to owners of unused site collections check box.

6. In the Start sending notifications box, type a value in days to wait after the initial site creation or after the last use of the site before sending an e-mail notification.

7. Using the appropriate lists, specify a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule for checking for unused site collections and for sending e-mail notifications about unused site collections.

8. To automatically delete a site collection if its use is not confirmed by its owner, select the Automatically delete the site collection if use is not confirmed check box.

• Type a value in the corresponding box to specify how many notices to send before deleting the site collection.

Configure quotas for a second-stage Recycle Bin (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-12

When you enable the second-stage Recycle Bin for a Web application, you must designate how much disk space is available to the second-stage Recycle Bin as a percentage of the quota allotted to the Web application. For example, if you have allotted 100 megabytes (MB) of space for the Web application, allotting a 50% quota for the second-stage Recycle Bin allots 50 MB for the second-stage Recycle Bin and 150 MB for the Web application as a whole. You can allot up to 100% for the second-stage Recycle Bin quota.

Server logging and reporting (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Configure diagnostic logging (Office Forms Server 2007)

Configure diagnostic logging (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-12

You can configure how diagnostic events are logged according to their criticality. Additionally, you can set the maximum number of log files that can be maintained and set how long to capture events to a single log file.

You can also indicate whether or not to provide Microsoft with continuous improvement and Watson event data.

1. On the top navigation bar, click Operations.

2. On the Operations page, in the Logging and Reporting section, click Diagnostic logging.

3. On the Diagnostic Logging page, in the Customer Experience Improvement Program section, under Sign up for the Customer Experience Improvement Program, choose one of the following options:

• Yes, I am willing to participate anonymously in the Customer Experience Improvement Program (Recommended).

• No, I don't wish to participate.

1. In the Error Reports section, under Error reporting, choose one of the following:

• Collect error reports.

If you choose this option, you can also select two options to control how the error reports are collected. Select or clear the following check boxes:

• Periodically download a file that can help identify system problems.

• Change this computer's error collection policy to silently send all reports. This changes the computer's error reporting behavior to automatically send reports to Microsoft without prompting users when they log on.

• Ignore errors and don't collect information.

2. In the Event Throttling section, in the Select a category list, select a category of events for which to configure throttling. Throttling controls what events are captured in the Windows events log according to the criticality of the events.

3. In the Least critical event to report to the event log list, select an event. Events that are equally critical to or more critical than the selected event will be recorded in the Windows event log. The list entries are sorted in most-critical-to-least-critical order.

4. In the Least critical event to report to the trace log list, select an event. Events that are equally critical to or more critical than the selected event will be recorded in the trace log. The list entries are sorted in most-critical-to-least-critical order.

5. In the Trace Log section, in the Path box, specify the path for the trace log.

6. In the Number of log files box, type a value for the maximum number of event logs that can be created. When that number is reached and a new log file is needed, the oldest log file is deleted.

7. In the Number of minutes to use a log file box, type a value in minutes to set how long to capture events to a single log file.

8. Click OK.

Analyzing site usage (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Enable usage analysis processing (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

Enable usage analysis processing (Office Forms Server 2007 Central Administration Help)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-12

You can use usage analysis to track how Web sites are being used. Log files are created daily to track usage. When a log file is processed, a flag is set. Log files are not automatically deleted; you can specify that up to 30 log files are kept at one time. When you reach that number of log files, no more files are created until some are deleted.

Usage analysis data is gathered from front-end Web servers and collected into temporary files. When the log files are processed, the data is merged into the content databases on the back-end servers.

Usage analysis data is kept for up to three months. Daily information is stored for 31 days, whereas monthly information is stored for 24 months.

Because usage analysis processing runs only once per day, no data is collected until the day after you enable usage analysis processing. Also, log processing processes only a single day's data. Therefore, if you disable log processing for a week yet leave data logging enabled, the next time you enable processing, only one day's log files will be processed.

When you configure usage analysis processing for a server, the processing takes effect for any existing Web applications. If you later add a new Web application, and if you want to monitor its usage, you must enable usage analysis processing again.

1. On the top navigation bar, click Operations.

2. On the Operations page, in the Logging and Reporting section, click Usage analysis processing.

3. On the Usage Analysis Processing page, in the Logging Settings section, select the Enable logging check box.

4. In the Log file location box, accept the default path for the log file, or type a new path.

5. In the Number of log files to create box, type a value for the number of log files to keep per Web application. When the specified number of log files is reached, no more files are created until some are deleted.

6. If you want to enable usage analysis processing on Web server computers: in the Processing Settings section, select the Enable usage analysis processing check box. Specify the time each day to process usage analysis data by using the Start and End lists.

7. Click OK.

Managing features, solutions, Web Parts, and templates (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Manage Web application features (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Manage solutions (Office Forms Server 2007)

Managing features (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Manage Web application features (Office Forms Server 2007)

Managing solutions and Web Parts (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Manage solutions (Office Forms Server 2007)

Backing up and restoring (Office Forms Server 2007)

Topic Last Modified: 2008-01-21

In this section:

• Back up a farm, Web application, database, or other components (Office Forms Server 2007)

• Restore from backups (Office Forms Server 2007)

• View backup and restore history (Office Forms Server 2007)

• View backup and restore job status (Office Forms Server 2007)

Technical reference for Office Forms Server 2007

Topic Last Modified: 2008-06-24

In this section:

• Stsadm operations (Office Forms Server)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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