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PEPS Weekly School File – Header Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

1-2; 2 RECORD TYPE A two-digit code identifying the type of VARCHAR2 00

record in the flat file.

3-10; 8 SORT SCHOOL CODE Positional sort field used for sorting the VARCHAR2 ‘00000000’

Header record to the top of the file.

11-11; 1 DATA PROVIDER Indicator identifying that this file was VARCHAR2 'P'

CODE created and submitted by PEPS

12-19; 8 CREATE DATE Date the file was created. DATE YYYYMMDD

20-29; 10 VERSION Version number for the extract. VARCHAR2 YYYY.00001

30-550; 521 FILLER Blanks to complete the record length VARCHAR2 Spaces

PEPS Weekly School File – School Detail Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

1-2; 2 RECORD TYPE A two-digit code identifying the type of VARCHAR2 01 Main and Additional Locations.

record in the flat file.

3-10; 8 OPE ID Unique 8-digit OPE code used to identify VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations. Format will be

a location of an institution. 0#####00 for the Main Campus.

11-11; 1 CHANGE INDICATOR Indicates if data has changed from the VARCHAR2 Y or N Main and Additional Locations.

Previous extract.

12-81; 70 SCHOOL NAME The name of the Main Institution VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Location.

82-151; 70 LOC NAME The name of the Additional Location VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations. Official Name for each


152-186; 35 LINE1 ADR First line of the official address VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

187-221; 35 LINE2 ADR Second line of the official address VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

222-246; 25 CITY The city of the official address VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

247-248; 2 STATE The state of the official address VARCHAR2 See Table Main and Additional Locations. Null if school is foreign.

249-251; 3 COUNTY County Code VARCHAR2 See Table Main Institution only.

252-276; 25 COUNTRY The country of the official address VARCHAR2 See Table Main and Additional Locations. Null if school is domestic.

277-290; 14 ZIP The Zip+4 or the foreign mail code of the VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations. May contain characters official address. for foreign schools.

291-315; 25 FOREIGN PROVINCE Foreign province name VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.


316-316; 1 ELIG STATUS IND The indicator specifying whether the VARCHAR2 Y or N Additional Locations will populate with

institution is eligible to participate in the same data as the Main if the Additional Location

U.S. Department of Education programs. is approved. If the Location is not approved the field

will default to “N”.

PEPS Weekly School File – School Detail Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

317-317; 1 CERT TYPE CD The certification status of the institution VARCHAR2 (C if the schl Additional Locations will populate with

is certified, P if the same data as the Main if the Additional Location

the school is is approved. If the Location is not approved the field

provisionally will default to “N”.

certified and N

if the school is

not certified. )

318-318; 1 APPROV IND The indicator specifying whether the VARCHAR2 Y or N Main and Additional Locations.

location is approved for eligibility and/or


319-320; 2 ACTN CD Overall Eligibility action code for the VARCHAR2 See Table Main Institution only.

Main Institution.

321-322; 2 ACTN REASON CD Overall Eligibility reason code for the VARCHAR2 See Table Main Institution only.

Main Institution.

323-330; 8 ACTN DT Overall Eligibility action date for the DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institution only.

Main Institution.

331-338; 8 PPA SENT DT SPT Program Participation Agreement DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institution only.

sent date.

339-346; 8 PPA EXECUTION DT SPT Program Participation Agreement DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institution only.

execution date. (date that SPT

countersigns the PPA)

347-354; 8 PPA EXPIRATION DT SPT Program Participation Agreement DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institution only.

expiration date. (date that the PPA is

to expire)

355-356; 2 PGM LENGTH The length of the longest program offered VARCHAR2 See Table All Additional Locations will populate

by the institution. with the same data as the Main School.

PEPS Weekly School File – School Detail Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

357-357; 1 SCH TYPE The code identifying the ownership control VARCHAR2 See Table All Additional Locations will populate

type of the institution. with the same data as the Main School.

358-359; 2 ACAD CAL The academic calendar of the institution. VARCHAR2 See Table All Additional Locations will populate

with the same data as the Main School.

360-360; 1 ETHNIC CD The code classifying the ethnic affiliation VARCHAR2 See Table All Additional Locations will populate

of the institution. with the same data as the Main School.

361-361; 1 FILLER Blanks to complete the field length VARCHAR2 Y or N or Blank Surety field was replaced by filler on 1/29/2017

362-363; 2 REGION CD The Main Institutions region code. VARCHAR2 See Table All Additional Locations will populate

with the same data as the Main School.

364-371; 8 CONG DIST The congressional district(s) of the VARCHAR2 Main School only. Additional locations will be null.

Main institution.

372-379; 8 SIC CD SIC Code VARCHAR2 Main School only. Additional locations will be null.

380-381; 2 FAADS CD FAADS Code VARCHAR2 Main School only. Additional locations will be null.

382-389; 8 CLOSE DT The date a Main/Location closes on. DATE YYYYMMDD Main and Additional Locations.

390-397; 8 INIT APPR DT The date the main/location was initially DATE YYYYMMDD Main and Additional Locations.

Approved for Title IV eligibility.

398-405; 8 DISAPPROVAL DT The date the main/location was DATE YYYYMMDD Main and Additional Locations.

Disapproved for Title IV eligibility.

406-407; 2 LOCATION REASON The main/location reason for loss of VARCHAR2 See Table Main and Additional Locations.

Title IV eligibility.

408-408; 1 FILLER Blanks to complete the field length VARCHAR2 Y or N or Blank System Funded Office field was replaced by filler on 1/29/2017

PEPS Weekly School File – School Detail Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

409-409; 1 BRANCH IND The indicator specifying whether the VARCHAR2 Y or N Additional Locations only.

location is a branch

410-411; 2 CASE TEAM CD SPT Case Team Code for the school. VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

412-419; 8 REINSTATE DT The date the main/location was DATE YYYYMMDD Main and Additional Locations.


420-469; 50 WEB PAGE Web Address for the Main School. VARCHAR2 Main Institutions only.

470-550; 81 FILLER Blanks to complete the record length VARCHAR2 Spaces

PEPS Weekly School File – School Contact Information Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

1-2; 2 RECORD TYPE A two-digit code identifying the type of VARCHAR2 02 Main Institutions only.

record in the flat file.

3-10; 8 OPE ID Unique 8-digit OPE code used to identify VARCHAR2 Main Institutions only.

a location of an institution.

11-11; 1 CHANGE INDICATOR Indicates if data has changed from the VARCHAR2 Y or N Main Institutions only.

previous extract.

12-13; 2 CONT TYPE Two digit code to associate the type of VARCHAR2 See Table Main Institutions only.

contact (i.e. President, Trustee, etc)

14-48; 35 CONT STREET1 First line of the Contacts official address. VARCHAR2 Main Institutions only.

49-83; 35 CONT STREET2 Second line of the Contacts official VARCHAR2 Main Institutions only.


84-108; 25 CONT CITY The city of the Contacts official address. VARCHAR2 Main Institutions only.

109-110; 2 CONT STATE The state of the Contacts official address. VARCHAR2 See Table Main Institutions only. Null if school is foreign.

111-124; 14 ZIP The Zip+4 or the foreign mail code of the VARCHAR2 Main Institutions only.

Contacts official address.

125-149; 25 CONT PROVINCE The foreign province name for the VARCHAR2 Main Institutions only.

Contacts official address.

150-174; 25 CONT COUNTRY The foreign country name for the VARCHAR2 See Table Main Institutions only. Null if school is domestic.

Contacts official address.

175-176; 2 CONT SALUTATION The salutation for the Contacts official VARCHAR2 See Table Main Institutions only.


177-191; 15 CONT FIRST NAME The first name for the Contact VARCHAR2 Main Institutions only.

PEPS Weekly School File – School Contact Information Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

192-192; 1 CONT MI The middle initial for the Contact VARCHAR2 Main Institutions only.

193-222; 30 CONT LAST NAME The last name for the Contact VARCHAR2 Main Institutions only.

223-225; 3 CONT SUFFIX The suffix for the Contact VARCHAR2 Main Institutions only.

226-228; 3 CONT AREA CODE The area code for the Contact VARCHAR2 Main Institutions only.

229-231; 3 CONT EXCHANGE The exchange for the Contact VARCHAR2 Main Institutions only.

232-235; 4 CONT EXT The phone number for the Contact VARCHAR2 Main Institutions only.

236-240; 5 CONT EXT2 The extension for the Contact VARCHAR2 Main Institutions only.

241-254; 14 CONT FOREIGN The foreign phone number for the VARCHAR2 Main Institutions only.

PHONE Contact

255-268; 14 CONT FAX The fax number for the Contact VARCHAR2 Main Institutions only.

(either domestic or foreign).

269-318; 50 CONT INTERNET ADD The internet address for the Contact VARCHAR2 Main Institutions only.

319-326; 8 CONT EFFECT DTE The date the Contact became effective. DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.

(Start Date)

327-334; 8 CONT END DTE The date the Contact ended. DATE Main Institutions only.

335-394; 60 SCHOOLS JOB TITLE The Schools Job Title for the Contact VARCHAR2 Main Institutions only.

at the school.

395-402; 8 CONT SYS ID A unique system generated Identifier for VARCHAR2 Main Institutions only.


403-550; 148 FILLER Blanks to complete the record length VARCHAR2 Spaces

PEPS Weekly School File – School Program Information Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

1-2; 2 RECORD TYPE A two-digit code identifying the type of VARCHAR2 03 Main Institutions only.

record in the flat file.

3-10; 8 OPE ID Unique 8-digit OPE code used to identify VARCHAR2 Main Institutions only.

a location of an institution.

11-11; 1 CHANGE INDICATOR Indicates if data has changed from the VARCHAR2 Y or N Main Institutions only.

Previous extract.

12-19; 8 FPELL START DT SPT current start date for FPELL DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.


20-27; 8 FPELL END DT SPT current end date for FPELL DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.


28-28; 1 FPELL APPROV IND SPT current approval indicator for FPELL VARCHAR2 Y or N Main Institutions only.


29-36; 8 FFEL STAF START SPT current start date for FFEL STAF DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.

DT Certification.

37-44; 8 FFEL STAF END DT SPT current end date for FFEL STAF DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.


45-45; 1 FFEL STAF APPROV SPT current approval indicator for FFEL VARCHAR2 Y or N Main Institutions only.

IND STAF Certification.

46-53; 8 FFEL STAF UNSUB SPT current start date for FFEL STAF DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.

START DT UNSUB Certification.

54-61; 8 FFEL STAF UNSUB SPT current end date for FFEL STAF DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.

END DT UNSUB Certification.

62-62; 1 FFEL STAF UNSUB SPT current approval indicator for FFEL VARCHAR2 Y or N Main Institutions only.


63-70; 8 FFEL PLUS START SPT current start date for FFEL PLUS DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.

DT Certification.

PEPS Weekly School File – School Program Information Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

71-78; 8 FFEL PLUS END DT SPT current end date for FFEL PLUS DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.


79-79; 1 FFEL PLUS APPROV SPT current approval indicator for FFEL VARCHAR2 Y or N Main Institutions only.

IND PLUS Certification.

80-87; 8 FFEL SLS START DT SPT current start date for FFEL SLS DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.


88-95; 8 FFEL SLS END DT SPT current end date for FFEL SLS DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.


96-96; 1 FFEL SLS APPROV SPT current approval indicator for FFEL VARCHAR2 Y or N Main Institutions only.

IND SLS Certification.

97-104; 8 FDSLP STAF START SPT current start date for FDSLP STAF DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.

DT Certification.

105-112; 8 FDSLP STAF END SPT current end date for FDSLP STAF DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.

DT Certification.

113-113; 1 FDSLP STAF SPT current approval indicator for FDSLP VARCHAR2 Y or N Main Institutions only.

APPROV IND STAF Certification.

114-121; 8 FDSLP STAF UNSUB SPT current start date for FDSLP STAF DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.

START DT UNSUB Certification.

122-129; 8 FDSLP STAF UNSUB SPT current end date for FDSLP STAF DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.

END DT UNSUB Certification.

130-130; 1 FDSLP STAF UNSUB SPT current approval indicator for FDSLP VARCHAR2 Y or N Main Institutions only.


131-138; 8 FDSLP PLUS START SPT current start date for FDSLP PLUS DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.

DT Certification.

PEPS Weekly School File – School Program Information Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

139-146; 8 FDSLP PLUS END SPT current end date for FDSLP PLUS DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.

DT Certification.

147-147; 1 FDSLP PLUS SPT current approval indicator for FDSLP VARCHAR2 Y or N Main Institutions only.

APPROV IND PLUS Certification.

148-155; 8 FPERKINS START SPT current start date for FPERKINS DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.

DT Certification.

156-163; 8 FPERKINS END SPT current end date for FPERKINS DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.

DT Certification.

164-164; 1 FPERKINS SPT current approval indicator for VARCHAR2 Y or N Main Institutions only.


165-172; 8 FSEOG START DT SPT current start date for FSEOG DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.


173-180; 8 FSEOG END DT SPT current end date for FSEOG DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.


181-181; 1 FSEOG APPROV SPT current approval indicator for VARCHAR2 Y or N Main Institutions only.

IND FSEOG Certification.

182-189; 8 FWS PRIV SEC SPT current start date for FWS PRIV DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.

EMPL START DT SEC EMP Certification.

190-197; 8 FWS PRIV SEC SPT current end date for FWS PRIV DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.

EMPL END DT SEC EMPL Certification.

198-198; 1 FWS PRIV SEC SPT current approval indicator for FWS VARCHAR2 Y or N Main Institutions only.


199-206; 8 FWS JOB LOC DEV SPT current start date for FWS JOB DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.

START DT LOC DEV Certification.

PEPS Weekly School File – School Program Information Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

207-214; 8 FWS JOB LOC DEV SPT current end date for FWS JOB DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.

END DT LOC DEV Certification.

215-215; 1 FWS JOB LOC DEV SPT current approval indicator for FWS VARCHAR2 Y or N Main Institutions only.


216-223; 8 FWS COM SERV SPT current start date for FWS COM DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.

START DT SERV Certification.

224-231; 8 FWS COM SERV SPT current end date for FWS COM DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.

END DT SERV Certification.

232-232; 1 FWS COM SERV SPT current approval indicator for FWS VARCHAR2 Y or N Main Institutions only.

APPROV IND COM SERV Certification.

233-550; 318 FILLER Blanks to complete the record length VARCHAR2 Spaces

PEPS Weekly School File – School Identifier Information Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

1-2; 2 RECORD TYPE A two-digit code identifying the type of VARCHAR2 04 Main and Additional Locations.

record in the flat file.

3-10; 8 OPE ID Unique 8-digit OPE code used to identify VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

a location of an institution.

11-11; 1 CHANGE INDICATOR Indicates if data has changed from the VARCHAR2 Y or N Main and Additional Locations.

Previous extract.

12-20; 9 TIN CURRENT The Schools current Tax Identification VARCHAR2 All Additional Locations will populate

number assigned to the school by the IRS with the same data as the Main School.

21-29; 9 TIN PREVIOUS The Schools previous Tax Identification VARCHAR2 All Additional Locations will populate

number assigned to the school by the IRS with the same data as the Main School.

30-39; 10 CMO GDUNS NBR The current Grantee Duns Number as VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

CURRENT recognized by SPT.

40-49; 10 CMO GDUNS NBR The former Grantee Duns Number as VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

PREVIOUS recognized by SPT

50-59; 10 FILLER Blanks for future use. VARCHAR2 Spaces Pell GDuns Nbr Current field was replaced with filler on 1/29/2017

60-69; 10 FILLER Blanks for future use. VARCHAR2 Spaces Pell GDuns Nbr Previous field was replaced with filer on 1/29/2017

70-89; 20 FILLER Blanks for future use. VARCHAR2 Spaces Main and Additional Locations.

90-99; 10 FILLER Blanks for future use. VARCHAR2 Spaces FDSLP GDuns Nbr Current field was replaced with filler on 1/29/2017

100-109; 10 FILLER Blanks for future use. VARCHAR2 Spaces FDSLP GDuns Nbr Previous field was replaced with filler on 1/29/2017

PEPS Weekly School File – School Identifier Information Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

110-129; 20 FILLER Blanks for future use. VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

130-139; 10 FILLER Blanks for future use. VARCHAR2 Spaces Campus Based GDuns Nbr Current field was replaced by filler on 1/29/2017

140-149; 10 FILLER Blanks for future use. VARCHAR2 Spaces Campus Based GDuns Nbr field Previous was replaced by filler on 1/29/2017

150-155; 6 PELL ID CURRENT The current number used to identify the VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

Institution for Pell Grant disbursement.

156-161; 6 PELL ID PREVIOUS The former number used to identify the VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

institution for Pell Grant disbursement.

162-167; 6 FFEL ID CURRENT The current number used to identify the VARCHAR2 Main Institution only.

Institution in the FFEL system.

168-173; 6 FFEL ID PREVIOUS The former number used to identify the VARCHAR2 Main Institution only.

institution in the FFEL system.

174-179; 6 FDSLP ID CURRENT The Main/Locations number used to VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

identify the Institution for Direct Loans.

180-185; 6 FDSLP ID PREVIOUS The former Main/Locations number used VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

to identify the Institution for Direct Loans.

186-191; 6 CAMPUS BASED ID The number used to identify the institution VARCHAR2 Main Institution only.

CURRENT in the Campus Based System.

192-197; 6 CAMPUS BASED ID The former number used to identify the VARCHAR2 Main Institution only.

PREVIOUS institution in the Campus Based System.

198-203; 6 FED SCHL CD The current Main Institutions Federal VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

CURRENT School Code.

PEPS Weekly School File – School Identifier Information Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

204-209; 6 FED SCHL CD The previous Main/Locations Federal VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations

PREVIOUS School Code.

210-213; 4 FILLER Blanks for future use. VARCHAR2 Spaces FDSLP SEQ Nbr Current field was replaced with filler on 1/29/2017

214-217; 4 FILLER Blanks for future use. VARCHAR2 Spaces FDSLP SEQ Nbr Previous field was replaced by filler on 1/29/2017

218-550; 333 FILLER Blanks to complete the record length VARCHAR2 Spaces

PEPS Weekly School File – School Direct Loan Information Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

1-2; 2 RECORD TYPE A two-digit code identifying the type of VARCHAR2 05 Main Institution only.

record in the flat file.

3-10; 8 OPE ID Unique 8-digit OPE code used to identify VARCHAR2 Main Institution only.

a location of an institution.

11-11; 1 CHANGE INDICATOR Indicates if data has changed from the VARCHAR2 Y or N Main Institution only.

Previous extract.

12-19; 8 FDSLP START DT The program participation agreement begin DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institution only.

date for Direct Loans.

20-27; 8 FDSLP END DT The program participation agreement end DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institution only.

date for Direct Loans.

28-29; 2 FDSLP END REASON The reason the school ended participation VARCHAR2 See Table Main Institution only.

with Direct Loans

30-30; 1 FDSLP ORIG LEVEL The origination level for Direct Loans VARCHAR2 See Table Main Institution only.

31-34; 4 FDSLP ORIG LEVEL The most recent origination award year. DATE YYYY Main Institution only.


35-42; 8 FDSLP ORIG START The origination level start date. DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institution only.


43-50; 8 FDSLP ORIG END The origination level end date. DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institution only.


51-52; 2 FDSLP ORIG END The origination level end reason. VARCHAR2 See Table Main Institution only.


53-550; 498 FILLER Blanks to complete the record length VARCHAR2 Spaces

PEPS Weekly School File – School Change of Affiliation Information Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

1-2; 2 RECORD TYPE A two-digit code identifying the type of VARCHAR2 06 Main and Additional Locations.

record in the flat file.

3-10; 8 NEW OPE ID The new OPE ID of the location after a VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

change of affiliation.

11-11; 1 CHANGE INDICATOR Indicates if data has changed from the VARCHAR2 Y or N Main and Additional Locations.

Previous extract.

12-19; 8 PREVIOUS OPE ID Unique 8-digit OPE code used to identify VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

a location of an institution.

20-20; 1 COA ACTN CD Change of Affiliation action code. VARCHAR2 See Table Main and Additional Locations.

21-28; 8 COA EFFT DT Change of Affiliation effective date. DATE YYYYMMDD Main and Additional Locations.

29-29; 1 DEFAULT COA CD Default Management Change of VARCHAR2 See Table Main and Additional Locations.

Affiliation code.

30-550; 521 FILLER Blanks to complete the record length VARCHAR2 Spaces

PEPS Weekly School File – School Accreditation Information Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

1-2; 2 RECORD TYPE A two-digit code identifying the type of VARCHAR2 07 Main Institution only.

record in the flat file.

3-10; 8 OPE ID Unique 8-digit OPE code used to identify VARCHAR2 Main Institution only.

a location of an institution.

11-11; 1 CHANGE INDICATOR Indicates if data has changed from the VARCHAR2 Y or N Main Institution only.

Previous extract.

12-17; 6 ACCRED AGENCY An Institutions Accrediting Agency. VARCHAR2 See Table Main Institution only.

18-21; 4 DESIGNATION Primary or Secondary Accreditation VARCHAR2 See Table Main Institution only.

22-24; 3 ACCRED TYPE Institutional or Programmatic VARCHAR2 See Table Main Institution only.

25-32; 8 ACCRED END DT End date for accreditation. DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institution only.

33-33; 1 ACCRED ACT IND Indicates if the Accreditation is still VARCHAR2 Y or N Main Institution only.


34-550; 517 FILLER Blanks to complete the record length VARCHAR2 Spaces

PEPS Weekly School File – School Default Management Information Record Layout (January 1, 2017)

Note: The Postsecondary Education Participants System (PEPS) historically maintained the School Cohort Default Rates (PEPS School File Record Type 08) from FY 1987 thru FY 2010. PEPS have not maintained the School Cohort Default Rates since FY 2011 and the PEPS School File Record Type 08 (Daily/Weekly School File) was removed on 1/29/2017. The Three Year School Cohort Default Rates from FY 2011 are posted to the Federal Student Aid Data Center at the following URL: Three Year Cohort Default Rates.

The record Type 8 was removed on 01/29/2017.


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

1-2; 2 RECORD TYPE A two-digit code identifying the type of VARCHAR2 08 Main Institution where a rate was published on the

record in the flat file. Official Press Package only.

3-10; 8 OPE ID Unique 8-digit OPE code used to identify VARCHAR2 Main Institution only.

a location of an institution.

11-11; 1 CHANGE INDICATOR Indicates if data has changed from the VARCHAR2 Y or N Main Institution only.

previous extract.

12-15; 4 COHORT YEAR Three most recent Cohort Years. VARCHAR2 YYYY Main Institution only.

16-20; 5 OFFICIAL RATE% The Current Default Rate (Numerator/ NUMERIC ###.# Main Institution only. Numeric field with a one

CURRENT Denominator) as a percentage. point decimal.

21-25; 5 OFFICIAL RATE% The Previous Default Rate (Numerator/ NUMERIC ###.# Main Institution only. Numeric field with a one

PREVIOUS Denominator) as a percentage. point decimal.

26-27; 2 PROGRAM Indicates the schools program participation. VARCHAR2 See table Main Institution only.

28-28; 1 SUB CODE Denotes rate as combined, combo, VARCHAR2 See table Main Institution only.

substituted, actual or average.

29-36; 8 TOTAL DFLT # Current sum of unduplicated loans in NUMERIC Main Institution only.

CURRENT default.

37-44; 8 TOTAL DFLT # Previous sum of unduplicated loans in NUMERIC Main Institution only.

PREVIOUS default.

45-52; 8 TOTAL REPAY # Current sum of unduplicated loans in NUMERIC Main Institution only.

CURRENT repayment.

53-60; 8 TOTAL REPAY # Previous sum of unduplicated loans in NUMERIC Main Institution only.

PREVIOUS repayment.

61-550; 490 FILLER Blanks to complete the record length. VARCHAR2 Spaces

PEPS Weekly School File – School Other Addresses Information Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

1-2; 2 RECORD TYPE A two-digit code identifying the type of VARCHAR2 09 Main and Additional Locations.

record in the flat file.

3-10; 8 OPE ID Unique 8-digit OPE code used to identify VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

a location of an institution.

11-11; 1 CHANGE INDICATOR Indicates if data has changed from the VARCHAR2 Y or N Main and Additional Locations.

previous extract.

12-13; 2 ADDRESS TYPE A two-digit code identifying the type of VARCHAR2 See Table Main and Additional Locations.


14-48; 35 LINE1 ADR First line of the other address. VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

49-83; 35 LINE2 ADR Second line of the other address. VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

84-108; 25 CITY The city of the other address. VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

109-110; 2 STATE The state of the other address. VARCHAR2 See Table Main and Additional Locations.

111-135; 25 COUNTRY The country of the other address. VARCHAR2 See Table Main and Additional Locations.

136-149; 14 ZIP The Zip+4 or the foreign mail code of the VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

other address.

150-174; 25 FOREIGN PROVINCE Foreign province name for the other VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

NAME address.

175-177; 3 OTHER AREA CODE The area code for the other address. VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

178-180; 3 OTHER EXCHANGE The exchange for the other address. VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

181-184; 4 OTHER EXT The phone number for the other address. VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

185-189; 5 OTHER EXT2 The extension for the other address. VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

190-203; 14 OTHER FOREIGN The foreign phone number for the other VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

PHONE address.

PEPS Weekly School File – School Other Addresses Information Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

204-217; 14 OTHER FAX The fax number for the other address. VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

(either domestic or foreign)

218-267; 50 OTHER INTERNET The internet address for the other address. VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.


268-337; 70 FSC LOC NAME The Federal School Code Location Name. VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

338-352; 15 FSC CONT FIRST The first name for the Federal School Code VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

NAME contact.

353-382; 30 FSC CONT LAST The last name for the Federal School Code VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

NAME contact.

383-550; 168 FILLER Blanks to complete the record length. VARCHAR2 Spaces

PEPS Weekly School File – School Experimental Site Information Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

1-2; 2 RECORD TYPE A two-digit code identifying the type of VARCHAR2 10 Main Institutions only.

record in the flat file.

3-10; 8 OPE ID Unique 8-digit OPE code used to identify VARCHAR2 Main Institutions only.

a location of an institution.

11-11; 1 CHANGE INDICATOR Indicates if data has changed from the VARCHAR2 Y or N Main Institutions only.

previous extract.

12-13; 2 EXPERIMENT TYPE A two digit code identifying the type of VARCHAR2 See Table Main Institutions only.


14-21; 8 EXPERIMENT TYPE Start date for this Experimental Type. DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.


22-29; 8 EXPERIMENT TYPE End date for this Experimental Type. DATE YYYYMMDD Main Institutions only.


30-550; 521 FILLER Blanks to complete the record length. VARCHAR2 Spaces

PEPS Weekly School File – School Closure Information Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

1-2; 2 RECORD TYPE A two-digit code identifying the type of VARCHAR2 11 Main and Additional Locations.

record in the flat file.

3-10; 8 OPE ID Unique 8-digit OPE code used to identify VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

a location of an institution.

11-11; 1 CHANGE INDICATOR Indicates if data has changed from the VARCHAR2 Y or N Main and Additional Locations.

previous extract.

12-19; 8 CLOSURE DT Current School Closure Date DATE YYYYMMDD Main and Additional Locations.


20-27; 8 CLOSURE DT Previous School Closure Date DATE YYYYMMDD Main and Additional Locations.


28-28; 1 HISTORY CD A digit code that identifies the type of VARCHAR2 See Table Main and Additional Locations.


29-29; 1 UNAUTHORIZED Indicates if the Location is Unauthorized VARCHAR2 Y or N Main and Additional Locations.


30-30; 1 TUITION RECOVERY Indicates if there is a Recovery VARCHAR2 Y or N Main and Additional Locations.

FUND Amount.

31-31; 1 PERKINS IND Indicates if there is a Perkins VARCHAR2 Y or N Main and Additional Locations.


32-40; 9 KNOWN AMOUNT Value of the TRF Recovered Amount NUMERIC Main and Additional Locations.

41-41; 1 STATE BOND IND Indicates if there is a State Bond. VARCHAR2 Y or N Main and Additional Locations.

42-50; 9 SCHOOL BOND Value of the School Bond Amount NUMERIC Main and Additional Locations.


PEPS Weekly School File – School Closure Information Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

51-100; 50 RECORD HOLDER Name of the Organization that holds VARCHAR2 See Table Main and Additional Locations.

DESCRIPTION the Closed School Record

101-170; 70 VERIFIED BY Name of the Organization that Verified VARCHAR2 See Table Main and Additional Locations.

The School Closure

171-178; 8 CREATED ON DT Date of record creation DATE YYYYMMDD Main and Additional Locations.

179-186; 8 MODIFIED DT Date of last modification of the DATE YYYYMMDD Main and Additional Locations.


187-550; 364 FILLER Blanks to complete the record length. VARCHAR2 Spaces

PEPS Daily School File – Federal School Code Information Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

1-2; 2 RECORD TYPE A two-digit code identifying the type of VARCHAR2 97 Main and Additional Locations.

record in the flat file.

3-10; 8 OPE ID Unique 8-digit OPE code used to identify VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

a location of an institution.

11-11; 1 CHANGE INDICATOR Indicates if data has changed from the VARCHAR2 Y or N Main and Additional Locations.

previous extract.

12-51; 40 FED SCHL CD NAME School Name to be used for Federal VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

School Code purposes only!

52-81; 30 FILLER Blanks to complete the record length. VARCHAR2 Spaces

82-116; 35 FED SCHL CD ADDR 1 First line Street Address for Federal VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

School Code purposes only!

117-151; 35 FED SCHL CD ADDR 2 Second line Street Address for Federal VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

School Code purposes only!

152-174; 23 FED SCHL CD CITY City for Federal School Code purposes VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.


175-176; 2 FED SCHL CD STATE State for Federal School Code purposes VARCHAR2 See Table Main and Additional Locations.


177-181; 5 FED SCHL CD ZIP Zip Code for Federal School Code VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

Purposes Only!

182-185; 4 FED SCHL CD ZIP+4 +4 Code for Federal School Code VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

Purposes Only!

186-210; 25 FED SCHL CD PROV Foreign Province for Federal School Code VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

Purposes only!

211-235; 25 FED SCHL CD Foreign Country for Federal School Code VARCHAR2 See Table Main and Additional Locations.

COUNTRY Purposes only!

PEPS Daily School File – Federal School Code Information Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

236-249; 14 FED SCHL CD Foreign Mail Code for Federal School VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

MAIL CD Code purposes only! Null if school is domestic.

250-279; 30 FED SCHL CD Federal School Code Contact Person VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.



280-294; 15 FED SCHL CD Phone Number for Federal School Code VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

CONTACT PHONE Contact Person.

295-344; 50 FED SCHL CD Email Address for Federal School Code VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

CONTACT EMAIL Contact Person.

345-350; 6 FED SCHL CD Federal School Code used for FAFSFA. VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

351-351; 1 FED SCHL CD CYCLE Federal School Code Cycle. VARCHAR2 See Table Main and Additional Locations.

352-357; 6 FPELL ID The current number used to identify the VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

Institution for Pell Grant disbursement.

358-363; 6 FFEL ID The current number used to identify the VARCHAR2 Main Institutions Only.

Institution in the FFEL system.

364-369; 6 FDSLP ID The current number used to identify the VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

Institution for Direct Loans

370-375; 6 CAMPUS BASED ID The current number used to identify the VARCHAR2 Main Institutions Only.

Institution in the Campus Based System.

376-376; 1 FDSLP APPROVAL IND Indicates if the School is Approved to VARCHAR2 Y or N Main and Additional Locations.

participate in Direct Loans.

377-377; 1 FDSLP SCHL CD Direct Loan Code Cycle VARCHAR2 See Table Main and Additional Locations.


378-383; 6 FED SCHL CD XREF Cross Reference for Federal School Code. VARCHAR2 Main and Additional Locations.

PEPS Daily School File – Federal School Code Information Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

384-385; 2 REGION CD The Main Institutions region code. VARCHAR2 See Table All Additional Locations will populate

with the same data as the Main School.

386-387; 2 PGM LENGTH The length of the longest program offered VARCHAR2 See Table All Additional Locations will populate

by the institution. with the same data as the Main School.

388-388; 1 SCH TYPE The code identifying the ownership control VARCHAR2 See Table All Additional Locations will populate

type of the institution. with the same data as the Main School.

389-550; 162 FILLER Blanks to complete the record length. VARCHAR2 Spaces

PEPS Weekly School File – Trailer Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

1-2; 2 RECORD TYPE A two-digit code identifying the type of VARCHAR2 99

record in the flat file.

3-10; 8 SORT OPE ID Positional sort field used for sorting NUMBER 99999999

the trailer record to the end of the file.

11-16; 6 TOTAL RECORD The total number of records in the NUMBER

COUNT extract file.

17-22; 6 SCHOOL DETAIL The number of “School Detail” NUMBER

RECORD COUNT records in the extract file.

23-28; 6 SCHOOL CONTACT The number of “School Contact” NUMBER

RECORD COUNT records in the extract file.

29-34; 6 SCHOOL PROGRAM The number of “School Program” NUMBER

RECORD COUNT records in the extract file.

35-40; 6 SCHOOL IDENTIFIER The number of “School Identifier” NUMBER

RECORD COUNT records in the extract file.

41-46; 6 DIRECT LOAN The number of “School Direct Loan” NUMBER

RECORD COUNT records in the extract file.

47-52; 6 CHANGE OF The number of “School Change of NUMBER

AFFILIATION Affiliation” records in the extract file.


53-58; 6 ACCREDITATION The number of “School Accreditation” NUMBER

RECORD COUNT records in the extract file.

59-64; 6 FILLER Blanks to complete the field length VARCHAR2 Spaces The Default Mgmt Record Count field was changed to

filler on 1/29/2017 due to the removal of the Record Type 08

65-70; 6 OTHER ADDRESSES The number of “Other Addresses” NUMBER

RECORD COUNT records in the extract file.

PEPS Weekly School File – Trailer Record Layout (January 1, 2017)


Length Flat File Field Description Data Type Data Value Comments

71-76; 6 EXPERIMENTAL SITE The number of “Experimental Site” NUMBER

RECORD COUNT records in the extract file.

77-82; 6 SCHOOL CLOSURE The number of “School Closure” NUMBER

RECORD COUNT records in the extract file.

83-88; 6 FEDERAL SCHOOL The number of “Federal School Code” NUMBER

CODE RECORD records in the extract file.


89-550; 461 FILLER Blank to complete the record length. VARCHAR2 Spaces


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