Diversity, Equity & Inclusion | Department of Physiology

Shifting Your Learning to an Online FormatEverything may feel uncertain or confusing right now, but try to be patient with those around you; your classmates, your instructors, your Advisors, and especially yourself! This is a perfect time to realize that as students, you are incredibly adaptable. Prepare yourselves to temporarily shift your learning style and expectations – you’ve got this! Remember: we’re all in this together! Creating a plan is one thing you can do to take control of this disrupted time, and we hope this guide will provide a solid starting point. Communication is key! Consistently check your email every day for any important communications from your instructors, as well as the U of A.Consider adding CatMail to your mobile device, if you’re able.Log into D2L (d2l.arizona.edu) for all things related to your courses: Review assignment/reading due dates carefully Check to see if there are virtual office hours available Check for updates from your instructors Participate in virtual office hours over Zoom, if they’re offered.Contact your instructors for any questions about your classes – communication is a two-way street.Stay Organized!Go through and assess each class in D2L – here are some possible questions to address: Are the in-person parts of this course (i.e. lab) Are assignments changing? Are there new due dates? Are quizzes or exams being offered virtually? Are there virtual office hours? When and what platform? Is there an online forum for asking questions? Adjust your time management so you can prioritize your work – if you need some support with this, check out the ThinkTank. Avoid multitasking – focus on one thing at a time and take breaks between tasks to avoid burnout!Establish a Routine!Schedule specific times in your day to dedicate to your studies and/or online courses – a good way to approach this might be to plan to work on your courses when you would normally be attending class. Check with your instructor if you should be attending class virtually in Zoom at a specified time. Minimize distractions – consider using the “Do Not Disturb” function on your devise or lockdown browser on your computer when you’re working on coursework. Find a workspace that works well for you and allows you to focus Don’t be discouraged if it takes a little trial and error! Take Care of Yourself!Educate yourself – Campus Health is a great place to get information: you’re feeling sick, stay home!Cover your cough with your upper sleeve, not your hands!Eat well and schedule regular exercise.Use growth mindset to help you through this – your success comes from your effort as much as (if not more than) your ability! Monitor yourself – if you have any concerns about your mental wellbeing, utilize CAPSMaintain Connections with Other People!Communicate regularly with your instructor for updates.Call, text, message, or schedule video calls with those that are important to you – friends, family, classmates. Attend virtual office hours if available.If you’re part of a student organizations, move your regular meetings to Zoom instead or schedule a group chat to stay in touch!Working with a Group or Team!Just like with your personal course schedule, meet regularly. Set a purpose for meetings and shared notes (i.e. Google Docs). Keep videos open when you can. Try not to procrastinate Check on each other and ask for backup, Ask for Help!Contact your instructor for resources specific to your courses.If you need any technical support, contact 27/7 IT Support. If you need learning accommodations, you can request support from the Disability Resource Center.Check Trellis for your Academic Advisor’s availability and schedule a phone or Zoom appointment, if available, and contact them with any questions! Please keep in mind that this is temporary! Everything will eventually return to what you’re more used to, but we don’t know when that will happen. For now, remember to breathe, do the best you can, and wash your hands!Additional Resources: Basic Protective MeasuresRecommended Technical Requirements ................

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