Resumes - University of Texas at Austin


The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX Month Year (Anticipated date or graduation date)

Bachelor of Science in (your major)

Concentration in_________; GPA (>= 3.0 – only carry out to 2 decimal places i.e. 3.25 or 3.51)

Certificate (or Minor) in _________

Relevant Coursework (if applicable/optional): No more than 3-5 classes that are relevant to job, course name only

EXPERIENCE (reverse chronological order; Note: you don’t have to have been paid to put an experience here!)

MOST RECENT EMPLOYER, City, State (Abbreviated) Month Year - Present

Position Title

• Text (Lead with STRONG action verb, describe task/duty, your actions and the result)

• Text

• Text

EMPLOYER, City, State Month Year- Month Year

Position Title

• Text

• Text

• Text

PROJECTS (If applicable/Optional)

• (List academic or personal projects relevant to industry, i.e. computer science, fashion and design, statistics, public health, etc. Make sure to give each project a title and include results/accomplishments/outcomes.)


Organization, City, State Month Year- Month Year

Position Title

• Text (These can include volunteer positions, student organizations, campus engagement)

• Text (Lead with STRONG action verb, describe task/duty, your actions and the result)

• Text


Technical /Computer Skills: (Include level of proficiency or exposure, examples: exposed to, familiar with, proficient in)

Languages: (include basic, intermediate, advanced, fluent, conversational; no need to include English if applying in US)

Certifications / Professional Memberships / Exams:

HONORS AND AWARDS (If applicable/Optional)

• (Include only what is necessary, such as the honor/award name and when it was awarded)

• (No need for details unless this is important to the targeted position. You can also fold this section into the Education section at the top if you only have 1 or 2 awards/honors etc.)

Additional notes from Career Services: 

• Make sure to remove all RED text before sending your resume to someone!

• Feel free to rename your sections or add new sections to better fit your experience. Some common examples: health care experience, research experience, teaching experience, community outreach, campus involvement

• If you need more space, use the “line spacing” tool to reduce line spacing to single spacing

• If you need even more space, then know that you can have your margins as small as 0.5” and you text should be no smaller than 10 pt 


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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