HRM Online - Department of Education and Training

49860201220470ESC Leave/Attendance arrangements including Term 4 vacation leave recording Banking and DistributionHRWeb Updates Check this section for the latest updates to policy, procedures and forms on HRWebRecruitment Hints & TipsTutor Learning InitiativePermanent transfer of ongoing employees.VIT Renewal - overdueSLP Hints & TipsCasual Compensation scheme ending eduPay Hints & TipsWorkers’ Compensation and 2020/21 vacation period eduPay reimagined 20202020 eduPay reimagined – it’s a wrap… for now…Term 4 Checklist…Other items to note…HRWeb – your complete HR resource.Not sure how to complete an eduPay transaction? Refer to the eduPay User Guides available on eduGate.This Issue contains …00ESC Leave/Attendance arrangements including Term 4 vacation leave recording Banking and DistributionHRWeb Updates Check this section for the latest updates to policy, procedures and forms on HRWebRecruitment Hints & TipsTutor Learning InitiativePermanent transfer of ongoing employees.VIT Renewal - overdueSLP Hints & TipsCasual Compensation scheme ending eduPay Hints & TipsWorkers’ Compensation and 2020/21 vacation period eduPay reimagined 20202020 eduPay reimagined – it’s a wrap… for now…Term 4 Checklist…Other items to note…HRWeb – your complete HR resource.Not sure how to complete an eduPay transaction? Refer to the eduPay User Guides available on eduGate.This Issue contains …Education Support Class employees – leave and attendanceRefer to HRM Online News 10-2020 for details of the leave and attendance requirements and commencement dates for 2021.Term 4 school vacation- 2020-2021Automated recording of leave on eduPayTerm 4 leave recorded by central process over weekend of 12-13 December 2020.Where leave has not been recorded, an exception report has been sent to each school. Access report from email or in Report Manager on eduPay.Determine action to take where necessary – refer to help at Annual Leave Automated Entry – ESC User GuideApplying for LeaveEmployee who receives the Regular Leave Purchase Allowance (LPA) applies for leave using ESS. Principal is the leave approver.These employees are not eligible for the Ad-hoc LPA.School Council Employees who are not employed in the ES structure (e.g.: GSCFLX) will not have leave recorded. Manual entry of leave for these employees is required – employee via ESS or HR Administrator directly at HR Admin > Manage Leave > Update/View Absence Events (tile path in eduPay)Attendance for dutyESC Not receiving the Regular Leave Purchase Allowance who agrees/required to attend for duty may be eligible for the Ad-hoc LPAWhere attendance occurs, adjust any recorded leave to reflect their attendance hours.Where the additional paid leave entitlements have a positive balance, record the Ad-Hoc LPA for the equivalent number of hours.Update is completed in the first pay period after the school vacation.Where leave is exhausted before the end of the school vacation period, these employees have no further entitlement to leave and are not eligible for the Ad-Hoc LPA and are therefore considered to be ‘on duty’.Refer to the eduPay User Guides for Allowances and Annual Leave Automated Entry – ESC on eduGate.Refer to the Annual Leave, Attendance and Working Hours and Allowances-Teaching Service on HRWeb for policy informationBanking and Distribution has been reimagined Banking and Distribution was recently transformed to make adding, editing and deactivating bank accounts and NET Pay Distributions easier for you. Banking and Distribution is accessible via Employee homepage > My Pay > Banking. Access to banking is only available when connected to your school network. You can:Add, edit and review your accounts and payment distribution details on the one pageAdd a bank account – just click on the ‘+’ at the top of the Bank Accounts sectionSee multiple bank accounts - filter by bank name, branch name or statusBanking details – distribute your pay over one or multiple bank accountsSee multiple pay distributions - using the filter icon in both the bank name and payment distribution sections you can sort by Job Title, Bank Name, Branch Name, Amount, Deposit Order and Status See additional instructions when you click on the Information icon ‘i’ in both the banking and distribution screens to help you to add, edit or make inactive your Bank Accounts or NET Pay distributions Change the GL code if you have different pay distributions and different banksSet up the pay distribution for different banks with different amounts if you have multiple job engagementsYou will still receive an email every time a change is made to your bank account either by you or your HR Administrator. Oh, and for privacy reasons, you still can’t see your account number.To support you with these changes, a Quick Reference Guide and Frequently Asked Questions are available, along with HRWeb supportHRWeb UpdatesHRWeb is regularly updated therefore it is important that principals, business managers and HR Administrators ensure they are accessing the latest policy, procedural information and forms as required.Medical Advisory Service – updated contact details and general informationSchool Council COVID FAQs – updated for the end of the casual compensation scheme (Question 22)Check the Recently updated PAL topics which include both HRWeb policy updates and other updates for content on PAL.Recruitment Hints & TipsTutor Learning Initiative – Sourcing, Selection and Onboarding From the moment The Premier announced the recruitment of 4,100 tutors to ensure no student is left behind in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic on 13 October 2020, a program team was established to ensure our schools were set up for success.Representatives from IMTD, Schools Recruitment Unit and Schools People Services met daily to ensure the systems - ROL and eduPay - were equipped for this initiative, the support teams were across all the changes to address incoming calls and emails for assistance, and the relevant engagement and support information was provided to Business Managers and Principals during the Sourcing, Selection and Onboarding of Tutors.All three phases required technical changes to enable ROL and eduPay to perform at peak performance at every step of the process. A Business Working Group consisting of Principals, Business Managers and others was formed for a consultative approach to the system changes. Ultimately, they told us what they wanted to see when shortlisting suitable tutors.The most recent changes made to ROL and eduPay were implemented last week enabling schools to create a tutor vacancy to onboard a suitable applicant. Daily onboarding is now on the rise, meaning schools are right on track for tutors to commence on 27 January 2021.A huge thank you to all the Business Managers and Principals involved in sharing their feedback to the program team to enable changes that would make the overall process easier and more efficient for all schools. And a special thank you to the Hoppers Crossing Secondary College team who kindly onboarded the very first tutor using the new system changes.For FAQs, Quick Reference Guides and all information relating to the Tutor Learning Initiative, please access the Recruitment Online Help for Recruiters page on HRWeb.Permanent transfer of an ongoing employee in response to an advertised vacancyWhere an ongoing employee is the successful applicant for an advertised position which results in a permanent transfer, recruiters are reminded to complete the hiring process by preparing the employee’s job offer in Recruitment Online and then proceed to Manage Hires in eduPay, to finalise the transfer.Further information on transfers is available on HRWeb in the Recruitment in Schools Guide and the Transfer and Promotion - Teaching Service page.VIT annual registration – now overdueInvoices were issued by the VIT for annual registration renewal in August. Registration is now overdue.Teachers who have not finalised registration by 31 December 2020 may be unable to teach in 2021.Schools can view the status of their teacher registration by viewing “My School” portal, available from the VIT website.Education Support Class employees who hold VIT Registration in lieu of a Working With Children Check must have renewed and updated eduPay by now. If not renewed a WWC Check card is required instead.Further information: contact VIT or the Schools Recruitment Unit – 1800 641 943 / School Local Payroll Hints and TipsCasual Compensation scheme for eligible employeesThe Casual employment/compensation scheme for school council employees will cease on 18 December 2020 (last day of term 4). Claims for compensation arising from the 2020 school year will need to be provided to the school by 31 January 2021.Refer to the COVID19 FAQ document for School Council Employees for more information.eduPay Hints and TipsWorkers’ Compensation Leave for the 2020-2021 School Vacation PeriodExtensive information on recording certificates of capacity for employees during the school vacation period has been provided in HRM Online News 10-2020 on HRWeb. Refer to the previous edition for full details. In short:Principal to arrange for processing of certificates during the vacation period as they are received.Where arrangements cannot be made and certificates cannot be processed, the Principal, where satisfied the compensation leave will continue, may agree to record leave with an extended end date of 30 January 2021, followed by a temporary stop pay to avoid potential overpaymentsEnsure the correct recording of leave entries where the compensation changes from Make Up Pay to Post Make Up Pay.Contact your case manager at Gallagher Bassett Services Pty Ltd if you have any questions.eduPay reimagined 2020 – it’s a wrap – for now…Twelve months ago, we said the new eduPay reimagined would assist schools reduce their admin burden by enabling them to access what they need, when they need it, anywhere, anytime. Oh, and we later added - on any device ? We wanted to transform this reliable, hardworking workhorse into a cool, mobile savvy, self-service unicorn and yes, we knew this would take some magic ? We grouped our transformation into seven key customer features, and delivered the following:Great look and feel – Big blue tiles, facts on tiles, announcements, brandingMobile and Tablet friendly – 15+ pages that render to the size of the device you’re usingEasier Navigation – Four new homepages Employee, Manager, HR Admin and ROLGuided Self Service – Change of Hours, Stop LSL payout, ROL Applicant PortalStreamlined Processes – School Allowances - Special Payments, Higher Duties & Extra HoursAnalytics and Reporting – My LearnED and Recruitment OnlineSystem Integration – new careers tile to access ROL via eduPay for school appointments 34124904699000These features formed our 2020 transformational roadmap, with each reimagined component of eduPay belonging to one of these areas. A little reminder of some of your favourite features reimagined over the last 12 months…Supporting you with these changes, throughout 2020, we’ve provided…100+ Frequently Asked Questions50+ Communications20+ Training Sessions15+ Support Guides10+ how to video guidesMany of which are available at eduPay reimagined.The real definition of a successful project is the adoption by the users. Not only did you start using the new features immediately, but you gave us feedback and suggestions for further improvements – even designing your own HR Admin homepage> You kindly shared photos using the new features, and happily participated in some of our more colourful marketing initiatives. Your acceptance of these changes is the true magic of our transformation.“The whole reimagined process from implementation stage, training, action on feedback, and interaction with stakeholders, has been well beyond our expectations. In spite of the unexpected challenges of 2020, the eduPay team have overcome all barriers and have been able to implement a product that well and truly fulfills the needs of Business Managers. We are all excited about what future enhancements are now possible and appreciate being part of the journey. Thank you to John Rayner, Tania Rann and team!” Nancy Sandilands, President Business Managers Victoria.On behalf of IMTD, People Division and the Customer Experience Initiative Team, thank you for your support, engagement, and adoption of eduPay reimagined in 2020. We’ve got more exciting features planned for 2021, but until then, please enjoy a little wrap up video starring some of your esteemed colleagues. Thank you for reading my updates ? Tania RannAfter a busy, very different and somewhat challenging 2020, this is the final HRM Online for 2020Thank you for making the time to read HRM Online as we look forward to providing great content in 2021.Season’s Greetings & Best Wishes for 2021Term 4 Checklist follows…End of Term ChecklistPayroll remindersAvoid incorrect pays for returning employees – Be aware of any employees returning from long term leave next term and make a note to check:(a) they actually resume and (b) they will be paid correctly.Avoid Overpayments. Ensure leave is approved and recorded for employees who are to commence unpaid leave.Ceasing Employees. Ensure all terminations have been processed on eduPay and where applicable a copy of the employee’s written notice of cessation of employment which has been accepted by the principal is placed on the employee’s personnel file.Unused Long Service Leave on Termination. Adjust the ‘payout LSL on termination’ checkbox on Job Data on eduPay as required. Eligible employees will be paid out for LSL unless the box is unchecked. Employees can now make this adjustment in Self Service – encourage them to do so. Long Service Leave that has been paid out cannot be reversed and reinstated.Payroll Validation and Certification – validate and certify any outstanding pay periods.Leave remindersComplete all ESC Annual Leave exception report entriesRecord/process leave for employees commencing or extending unpaid or half pay leave. Ensure 539?LWOP?APPRV is used for Leave Without Pay entries where leave has been approved by the principal. Encourage employees to apply for leave using Employee Self Service wherever possible.Review all Stop Pay entries. A Stop Pay is not an official leave type. Stop pay is used as a temporary measure to ensure an employee is not overpaid following workers’ compensation absence or long-term unpaid leave. Determine the correct leave type for these employees (if applicable) and adjust their records accordingly.Record workers’ Compensation Certificates – record Certificates of Capacity over the vacation period. See item above on covering the vacation periodProcess all outstanding leave entries – record and process any outstanding leave entries through ESS, MSS or EDMRecruitment RemindersWWCC Check. Review the WWCC Status page (Manage Staff > Suitability for Employment – select WWCC Status) and take action on pending, invalid or expiring Working With Children Check records. It is an employment requirement for education support class employees (ESC) to hold a valid Working With Children (WWC) Check except where they hold current VIT registration. It is also an offence for a person to be engaged in child related work in a school without a valid WWC Check. As a result, eduPay will not allow the employment of the person without valid WWC Check data entered. Prior to employing any ESC or other non-teaching employee ensure they have a valid and current employee type WWC Check card and the card details are recorded on eduPay at the time of their hire/rehire.A current employee can record their renewed or new card details through Employee Self Service (ESS) and the HR Administrator then validates this entry on the Suitability for Employment page. VIT Registration. Remind all employees that their VIT Registration renewals must be completed by 31 December 2020 or they may not be able to teach in 2021. See reminder article in the Recruitment Hints & Tips sectionPrincipal Class appointments, promotions or transfers. Principal and Assistant Principal appointments, promotions or transfers are completed by Schools People Services on return of the signed Contract of Employment. School operators do not complete Job Data transactions for principal class employees.Employment Offers. Ensure all employment offers for any hires or rehires have been accepted in writing and the school’s copy of the employment offer is placed on the employee’s personnel plete the Hire/Rehire of staff as appropriate – after completing the Hire/Rehire of an employee, ask the employee to update their taxation and superannuation details directly in ESS (this can be done in advance of actual commencement and completed from home). The employee can also add their banking details but only where their computer is connected to the school network.For fixed term teacher positions filled by fixed term teachers (i.e. not ongoing teachers on temporary transfer) ensure the correct employment end date is used on eduPay – refer to the Fixed Term Teacher Vacancy Ready Reckoner on HRWeb. The Employment Task List should be used to assist in the hire/rehire process, available on HRWeb at: Recruitment in SchoolsPromotion and Transfer of teachers and ESC employees. Ensure any promotions and transfers of ongoing employees have been processed and any documentation in relation to the promotion or transfer is placed on the employee’s personnel file.Record Higher Duties – Ensure all higher duties assignments commencing next term are approved by the Principal, processed on eduPay and a copy of the approved Higher Duties form placed on the employee’s personnel file.Other RemindersWWC Check and Volunteers. Ensure all Volunteers have a valid WWC Check card in accordance with your school’s visitor policy. An employee card can be used to volunteer but a volunteer card cannot be used for paid employment.WWC Check and Contractors. Ensure the assessment of the suitability of contractors to be on school premises is consistent with the Department’s Suitability for Employment Policy and your school policy. Contact the Employee Conduct Branch if advice is required.Personnel Files. For previous employees who transfer to or are rehired at your school, request the personnel file from their previous school. Where another school requests the personnel file for a previous employee, make sure all documentation has been securely included and send it to the new school by registered mail. For further information on personnel files, see the HRWeb topic – Records Management. ................

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