Currency Conversion Test Procedures

Currency Conversion Test Procedures

Test Inputs

Display Menu Test Cases

Test 1: Valid Menu Selection = Canadian Dollars

Inputs: Menu Selection = 1

Expected Outputs:

“Do you want to continue with the conversion, Y = Yes, N = No”

Currency_Type = 1

Test 2: Valid Menu Selection = Quit

Inputs: Menu Selection = 6

Expected Outputs:

“Do you want to Quit, Y = Yes, N = No”

Test 3: Invalid Menu Selection = 9

Inputs: Menu Selection = 9

Expected Outputs:

“Error 4: Please make a valid menu selection”

“Hit any key to continue”

Menu is redisplayed

Get_Int_Value Test

Test 1: Valid International Value = 100.0

Inputs: 100.0

Expected Outputs:

International Value = 100.0

Test 2: Valid International Value = 0.0

Inputs: 0.0

Expected Outputs:

International Value = 00.0

Test 3: Invalid International Value = -1

Inputs: -1

Expected Outputs:

Error 1: Invalid input—Negative Number

Strike any key to continue

Test 4: Illegal International value = character input

Input: ”W”

Expected Outputs:

Error 2: Illegal Input, Strike any key to continue

Convert Currency Test

Test 1: Valid International Currency = Canadian


Currency_Type = 1

Int_Value = 14.68

Expected Output

US_Value = 10.00

Test 2: Valid International Currency = Mexican


Currency_Type = 2

Int_Value = 95.09

Expected Output

US_Value = 10.00

Test 3: Valid International Currency = English


Currency_Type = 3

Int_Value = 10.00

Expected Output

US_Value = 16.43

Test 4: Valid International Currency = Japanese


Currency_Type = 4

Int_Value = 1049.20

Expected Output

US_Value = 10.00

Test 5: Valid International Currency = French


Currency_Type = 5

Int_Value = 62.56

Expected Output

US_Value = 10.00

Test 6: In-Valid International Currency


Currency_Type = 7

Int_Value = 62.56

Expected Output

“Error 4 : Please Make a Valid Menu Selection”

Test Outputs

Display Outputs Test

Test 1: Valid International Currency = Canadian


Currency_Type = 1

Int_Value = 14.68

US_Value = 10.00

Expected Output

The value of 14.68 Canadian dollars is 10.00 US dollars

Test 2: Valid International Currency = Mexican


Currency_Type = 2

Int_Value = 95.09

US_Value = 10.00

Expected Output

The value of 95.09 Mexican Pesos is 10.00 US dollars

Test 3: Valid International Currency = English


Currency_Type = 3

Int_Value = 10.00

US_Value = 16.43

Expected Output

The value of 10.00 English pounds is 16.43 US dollars

Test 4: Valid International Currency = Japanese


Currency_Type = 4

Int_Value = 1049.20

US_Value = 10.00

Expected Output

The value of 1049.20 Japanese Yen is 10.00 US dollars

Test 5: Valid International Currency = French


Currency_Type = 5

Int_Value = 62.56

US_Value = 10.00

Expected Output

The value of 62.58 French Francs is 10.00 US dollars

Currency Conversion Test

Test 1: All operations working with valid Inputs

Do you want to Quit (y-yes) ? : N

*** Currency Convertor ***

1. Canadian dollars to US dollars

2. Mexican pesos to US dollars

3. English pounds to US dollars

4. Japanese yen to US dollars

5. French francs to US dollars

6. Quit

Enter the choice: 1

Enter the amount: 14.68

Canadian Dollars : 14.68

US Dollars : 10.0

Do you want to Quit (y-yes) ? : y

Thank You for Using the Program

Test 2: Invalid Input operation while accepting Menu choice

Do you want to Quit (y-yes) ? : N

*** Currency Convertor ***

1. Canadian dollars to US dollars

2. Mexican pesos to US dollars

3. English pounds to US dollars

4. Japanese yen to US dollars

5. French francs to US dollars

6. Quit

Enter the choice: 7

Error 4 : Please Make a Valid Menu Selection

Enter the choice: 3

Enter the amount: 10.00

Canadian Dollars : 10.00

US Dollars : 16.43

Do you want to Quit (y-yes) ? : y

Thank You for Using the Program

Test 3: Invalid Input operation while accepting Integer Value

Do you want to Quit (y-yes) ? : N

*** Currency Convertor ***

1. Canadian dollars to US dollars

2. Mexican pesos to US dollars

3. English pounds to US dollars

4. Japanese yen to US dollars

5. French francs to US dollars

6. Quit

Enter the choice: 5

Enter the amount: ABC

Error : Please Make a Valid Number

Enter the amount: 62.56

Canadian Dollars : 62.56

US Dollars : 10.00

Do you want to Quit (y-yes) ? : y

Thank You for Using the Program

Test 4: Exit at the start

Do you want to Quit (y-yes) ? : y

Thank You for Using the Program


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