US History and Government

US History and Government Mr. Judd

Rules: 1. Follow directions

2. Be on time for class with your supplies (notebook, pen or pencil).

3. Respect the opinion of others in the class. We will discuss many controversial subjects and it is important that we create an atmosphere where all students feel comfortable sharing their opinion.

4. Keep your cell phone off and put away.

Supplies: You will need a three ring binder for this class. Most notes will be done on semi complete sheets that will be difficult to organize in a spiral notebook.

Grades: Quarterly grades will be calculated using a point system. Tests, quizzes, and homework will be assigned individual point values. At the end of the quarter, the total points earned will be divided by the total points that were available, resulting in a numeric average.

Quizzes will be frequent (weekly)

Homework assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date.

There will be no extra credit in this course.

Absences: Students returning from an absence are expected to check with Mr. Judd for missed assignments. After an absence, tests and quizzes must be made up in a reasonable amount of time.


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