
Assembly Report, University Advancement

Advancement News

( We recently hired a new Special Events Manager, Camille Oliver. Camille comes to UAA from the Make a Wish Foundation, where she was in charge of arranging and granting wishes for the state of Alaska. She will start full-time in our office on May 12.

( We are currently recruiting for an executive assistant for the vice chancellor of Advancement. Interviews are expected to take place later this month.

( The Advancement staff, led by Kelli Hoglin, and in cooperation with several campus volunteers, presented the Graduate Hooding Ceremony and Commencement 2008 this past weekend. More than 2,100 students graduated from UAA this year. Both events were a success.

( UAA celebrates Alaska's 50th anniversary with Student Constitutional Convention. Maggie Grega, UA’s Statehood Coordinator housed in Advancement, worked to coordinate and promote the Student Constitutional Convention: "Once in a Decade,” which took place on Friday, April 11 and Saturday, April 12. For two days, more than 70 student delegates came together to discuss the developments of Alaska's past and the possibilities of the future.

University Relations

( UAA featured on NBC Nightly News and the TODAY show. Two weeks ago UAA (Doug Causey) was featured on the NBC Nightly News and the TODAY show for UAA's research on climate change. Watch the video and read more about what UAA scientists are discovering online at .

( University Relations worked with the School of Engineering and the Development office on producing a new promotional brochure. Copies were delivered to campus In late April.

( Two full-page color ads appeared in the Anchorage Daily News featuring successful alumni and graduates.

( Several new podcasts were recorded this month and should be added to our Web site in May: Robert Corell lecture and Bjorn Lomborg lecture are just a couple of them.


( Atwood Foundation to pledges $1 million to UAA. The Atwood Foundation, the great civic legacy of Robert and Evangeline Rasmuson Atwood, has pledged to give the University of Alaska Anchorage's Department of Journalism and Public Communications $1 million toward endowment of the Atwood Chair of Journalism.

The gift will be spread over a five-year period with annual payments of $200,000. The first check was given to Chancellor Ulmer last month.

( Phone-a-thon '08 "Big Wild Phone" is a success! In the final week of UAA's phone-a-thon, UAA’s team of student callers surpassed their annual goal of raising $100,000 for UAA. These students increased alumni giving by more than 40 percent and acquired over 500 new donors this year!

( . ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc. has pledged $15 million to support science and engineering programs at the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA).  This gift is the largest the company has ever made in Alaska and is also the largest single corporate gift that the University system, including UAA has received. In honor of this pledge, and in recognition of the $20 million dollars in unrestricted support that ConocoPhillips has contributed to the University of Alaska since 1999, UAA’s new Integrated Science Building will carry ConocoPhillips’ name.  Four million dollars of this gift will fund equipment for the state-of-the-art ConocoPhillips Integrated Science Building which is due to open its doors in fall of 2009; $11 million will establish the ConocoPhillips Arctic Science and Engineering Endowment.

( The UAA 2008 Family Campaign for employees is underway and will continue through June 30, 2008. Express Your Pride buttons are being distributed across all campuses this week as a symbol of how we value our work at UAA. The UAA Family Campaign for Faculty and Staff is an opportunity for employees to invest in UAA’s future and further our promise to inspire learning and enrich Alaska through our teaching, research, creativity and service. Faculty and staff participation in giving at all levels helps UAA to continue to build on our reputation as Alaska’s largest comprehensive academic institution.

Chancellor Fran Ulmer is generously making a dollar-for-dollar match for individual gifts up to $2,500 from the Chancellor’s undesignated fund for NEW contributions and for any INCREASE over last year’s contribution. Your gift will be matched when it is designated to any existing UA Foundation fund, scholarship or program of your choice. This match opportunity ends June 30, 2008. Payroll deduction is encouraged. Payroll forms must be submitted to the Development Office before June 13, 2008 to receive the match. Eligibility is determined based on giving last fiscal year.

( Express Your Pride Employee Photo Contest

Photograph yourself and your colleagues expressing your pride to win prizes and become part of the Express Your Pride 2009 calendar.

As employees who teach, mentor and assist students on a daily basis, you have first-hand knowledge of the importance of your work in the lives of others. Demonstrate your pride in UAA is by showing your employee spirit. We look forward to seeing your creative results! Submit your photo by email to development@uaa.alaska.edu Contest runs: May 1 through May 31, 2008.

Alumni Association

( It is time for annual board elections. A call for nominations will go out in the next few weeks.

• On April 18 we hosted the annual Graduate Appreciation Luncheon. Addressing the students briefly were Chancellor Ulmer, David Parks, Stacy Schubert, Eileen Thompson and Lindsay Washek from Career Services. About 50 graduates attended the luncheon.

• Annual Membership Meeting and Alumni Social is scheduled for Saturday, July 12. Details on how to get involved will be coming soon.

• Homecoming 2008 will be October 3 – 12, 2008. Mark your calendars!


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