Budget Justification - University of Alaska system

Alaska NSF EPSCoR 2021 Faculty Seed GrantBudget Justification FormEstimated costs associated with the proposed project are detailed below. Costs are budgeted in accordance with Federal Regulations and UA Board of Regents policies. Unless otherwise stated, all rates are current and include annual increases where appropriate for subsequent project years. Salaries:Xxx hours (x mos.) per year are requested for PI ‘last name’ (at $xx.xx/hour) to $x,xxx. xxx hours (x mos.) per year are requested for Co-PI ‘last name’ (at $xx.xx/hour) to $x,xxx. Support is also budgeted for x graduate student(s) and x undergraduate student(s) to assist in compiling the data. For positions that are TBD the salary used is the lowest starting wage of the anticipated position. Salaries are listed at the current FY21 rate and include a leave reserve of 20.6% for faculty, 12.3% for postdocs ≤ 3 Years, 24.1% for professionals, 22.5% for crafts and trade employees, 20.6% for executive management, 20.6% for non-union faculty, 3.2% for extended temporary staff, 23.2% for support (classified) staff, 0.2% for adjunct faculty, and 0.1% for students and temporary staff. Salaries include additional adjustments as part of the University of Alaska market compensation project, as well as an annual inflation increase of 2.5% for faculty, professionals, and staff and 1.9% for crafts and trade employees. Should these increases not occur as planned, the project will be charged actual salary at the time of effort.UAF, as a state-controlled institution of higher education, defines "year" as the fiscal year period between July 1 and June 30 each year, in alignment with the State of Alaska.(The below paragraph contains alternative wording if a PI or Co-PIs are not charging salary.)Project will not be charged for time the PI ‘last name’ spends to administer the project. Even though Co-PI (last name) will (contribution to project), no time will be charged to this project as their salary is already covered by (other organization).UA, as a state-controlled institution of higher education, defines "year" as the fiscal year period between July 1 and June 30 each year, in alignment with the State of Alaska.Waiver of NSF Two-Month Rule: (Edit the below paragraph to provide accurate rationale for any individual(s) listed.)UA researchers do not have ‘typical’ 9-month contracts, but are to a large degree soft-funded, and thus must use research or other sources of funding for their salary support. Therefore, we specifically would like to request a waiver of the two-months-rule so that Dr. (PI last name) may charge more than 2 months to NSF during any 12-month period.Benefits:Staff benefits are applied according to UAF’s FY21 provisional fringe benefit rates. Rates are 30.4% for faculty salaries, 27.6% for postdocs ≤ 3 Years, 42.5% for professionals, 51.6% for crafts and trade employees, 27.6% for executive management, 27.6% for non-union faculty, 54.1% for support (classified) staff, 11.1% for adjunct faculty, 44.6% for extended temporary staff, and 9.7% for temporary staff and students (summers only for students). A copy of the rate agreement is available at . $2,637 per year (academic year 2019/20 rate of $958 for fall semester, $958 for spring semester, and $721 for summer semester) is included for graduate student health care, with a 7.0% annual inflation increase.Equipment:(Please note that items listed here must have a “life” of more than 1 year, and must cost more than $5,000 each.)Funds are requested to purchase a (piece of equipment) ($x,xxx, quote attached) to (function of equipment.)Travel: Domestic: X trips per year are requested for x individual(s) to travel to (destination 1), at $x/ticket for airfare, to conduct fieldwork. X trips are budgeted per year for travel to (destination 2), at $x/ticket, for x individual(s) to attend the annual (name of conference), to meet with collaborators and to present research results. Per Diem (meals/incidentals/lodging) is $x/day for (destination 1) per UA Board of Regents regulations and $x/day for (destination 2). Car rental is budgeted at $x/day (daily rate including taxes and fees). Airport shuttle service is budgeted in (destination 2) at $x/trip. Ground transportation is budgeted at $100/traveler/trip for all travel locations. (Optional language: Reduced per diem of $XX/day is requested for travel to (remote area), AK for remote fieldwork where lodging and meals will be limited.)An inflation rate of 5% per year has been included for all transportation costs. All airfare cost data is based on Internet research. All Per Diem is in accordance with GSA/JTR Regulations. Commodities (Materials & Supplies):Funds ($X,xxx) are requested for field supplies such as (field supplies), and other general project supplies. Funds ($X,xxx) are requested for (other supplies) that are essential for completion of the proposed research. The (supplies) will be used exclusively for the proposed research activities and not for general business or administrative purposes. Contractual Services and Other Direct Costs:(The below paragraph applies to resident students.)Per UA policy, resident tuition costs of $513 per credit for 9 credits per semester are included in the (season) 2021 semester(s) for the graduate student as well as resident student fees at $827 per semester (academic year only). Student tuition and fees are listed at the AY19-20 rate with a 5% inflation increase per year.(The below paragraph applies to non-resident and international students.)Per UA policy, non-resident tuition costs ($1,079 per credit for 9 credits per semester) are included in the (season) 2021 semester(s) for the graduate student as well as non-resident student fees at $1,021 per semester (academic year only). Student tuition and fees are listed at the AY19-20 rate with a 5% inflation increase per year. $X,xxx is requested for page charges/publication costs of the research findings. $Xxx per year is budgeted for toll/communication charges. $Xxx is included for shipping samples to and from collaborators. $X,xxx is requested for airlifting supplies to the field location per year. Funds are requested for further sample analysis by (SampleCorp. Inc.) at $xx/sample. Funds are also proposed for the (UAF Analysis Lab) to verify the integrity of the samples at $x/sample. Funds ($X) are also requested for the (conference) registration fees.Indirect Costs:(The below paragraph should be used by UAF applicants.)Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs are negotiated with the Office of Naval Research. The rate for EPSCoR-sponsored research at UAF is calculated at 50.5% (FY19 rate agreement) of Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC). MTDC includes Total Direct Costs minus tuition and associated fees, scholarships, participant support costs, rental/lease costs, subaward amounts over $25,000, and equipment. A copy of the rate agreement is available at: .(The below paragraph should be used by UAA applicants.)Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs are negotiated with the Office of Naval Research. The rate for EPSCoR-sponsored research at UAA is calculated at 51.2% (FY19 rate agreement) of Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC). MTDC includes Total Direct Costs minus tuition and associated fees, scholarships, participant support costs, rental/lease costs, subaward amounts over $25,000, and equipment. A copy of the rate agreement is available at: .(The below paragraph should be used by UAS applicants.)Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs are negotiated with the Office of Naval Research. The rate for EPSCoR sponsored research at UAS is calculated at 59.0% (FY19 rate agreement) of Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC). MTDC includes Total Direct Costs minus tuition and associated fees, scholarships, participant support costs, rental/lease costs, subaward amounts over $25,000, and equipment. A copy of the rate agreement is available at: . ................

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