City of Stonnington

716280381000Ordinary Council Meeting MinutesHeld on Monday 20 July 2020 at 7 pmVirtual Meeting via Zoom, Virtual Meetingvia Zoom2476520002500Ordinary Council MeetingMinutesMonday 20 July 2020Order of BusinessTOC \f \h1Reading of the Reconciliation Statement and Affirmation Statement PAGEREF _Toc256001203 \h 62Introductions PAGEREF _Toc256001204 \h 73Apologies PAGEREF _Toc256001205 \h 84Adoption and confirmation of minutes of previous meeting(s) in accordance with Section 93 of the Act and Clause 49 of General Local Law 2018 (No. 1) PAGEREF _Toc256001206 \h 84.1Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 6 July 2020 PAGEREF _Toc256001207 \h 85Disclosure by Councillors of any conflicts of interest in accordance with Section 79 of the Act PAGEREF _Toc256001208 \h 86Questions to Council from Members of the Public PAGEREF _Toc256001209 \h 87Correspondence (only if related to Council business) PAGEREF _Toc256001210 \h 118Questions to Council Officers from Councillors PAGEREF _Toc256001211 \h 129Tabling of Petitions and Joint Letters PAGEREF _Toc256001212 \h 1410Notices of Motion PAGEREF _Toc256001213 \h 1411Reports of Special and Other Committees - Assembly of Councillors PAGEREF _Toc256001214 \h 1412Reports by Delegates PAGEREF _Toc256001215 \h 1413General Business PAGEREF _Toc256001216 \h 1513.1Planning Amendment 1042/16 - 10-16 Cecil Place, Prahran PAGEREF _Toc256001217 \h 1513.2Planning Application 0993/19 - 6/643-645 Toorak Road, Toorak PAGEREF _Toc256001218 \h 1613.3Affordable Housing Discussion Paper and Community Engagement PAGEREF _Toc256001219 \h 1913.4Arts and Cultural Grant Recipient Recommendations 2020/21 PAGEREF _Toc256001220 \h 2013.5Draft Gardiners Creek Masterplan PAGEREF _Toc256001221 \h 2013.6Draft Cycling Strategy engagement report and update for adoption PAGEREF _Toc256001222 \h 2013.7Short Stay Accommodation - post 12 month observation PAGEREF _Toc256001223 \h 2114Other General Business PAGEREF _Toc256001224 \h 2115Urgent Business PAGEREF _Toc256001225 \h 2216Confidential Business PAGEREF _Toc256001226 \h 2216.1Confidential: Potential Lease PAGEREF _Toc256001227 \h 2216.2Confidential: Potential Property Purchase PAGEREF _Toc256001228 \h 2216.3Confidential: Regional Business Case Advanced Waste & Resource Recovery Technologies PAGEREF _Toc256001229 \h 22 Councillors Present:Cr Steven Stefanopoulos, MayorCr John Chandler, Deputy MayorCr Glen AtwellCr Marcia GriffinCr Judy HindleCr Matthew KoceCr Melina SehrCr Jami Klisaris? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ???Council Officers Present:Jacqui WeatherillChris Balfour? Greg CurcioCath HarrodRick KwasekAlexandra KastaniotisDavid TaylorJudy HoganThe meeting began at 7:00pm.TC "1Reading of the Reconciliation Statement and Affirmation Statement" \f \l 11Reading of the Reconciliation Statement and Affirmation StatementWelcome?Good evening and welcome to the City of Stonnington Council Meeting of Monday 20 July 2020.??I’m Councillor Steve Stefanopoulos, Mayor of the City of Stonnington?These meetings are an important way to ensure that the democratically elected Councillors, work for the community in a fair and transparent manner.?Council business is conducted in accordance with Council’s General Local Law 2018 and must be open to members of the public in accordance with the Local Government Act 2020. However, as outlined in The Act, Council may decide the meeting, or part thereof, be closed to members of the public, if Confidential Business is to be discussed.?We are committed to doing whatever we can to protect the health and wellbeing of our community, staff and visitors. Due to the unprecedented circumstances arising from the current State of Emergency due to COVID-19, and on the advice of health experts, we have made the difficult, buy necessary decision, to temporarily change the way we run our Council Meeting this evening.??Tonight’s Council Meeting has been relocated from the Council Chamber in the Malvern Town Hall, to our respective homes or offices, to ensure that social distancing is observed at all times, and is being broadcast over the internet via our website and social media platforms.?Whilst we have undertaken extensive planning for this virtual on-line meeting, there always remains the risk of technical issues arising beyond our control. If we experience a technical issue tonight, we will adjourn the meeting for a short time to try and resolve the issue. If the issue cannot be resolved and the meeting cannot continue, then we will adjourn to a later date, and details of the future meeting will be made available via our website as soon as possible.?We are working to keep our community safe during the COVID-19 outbreak and are closely monitoring the situation.?In accordance with the Local Government Act, Councillors must formally declare any conflicts of interest in relation to any items listed on the Agenda at the start of the meeting, and immediately prior to the item being considered.???About this Meeting?The Agenda for this meeting, lists all the items to be discussed under ‘General Business’. Each report is written by a Council Officer and outlines:????the purpose of the report;????relevant information and;????a recommended decision for Councillors.??Councillors will consider the report and either accept, reject or make amendments to the recommendation. Council decisions are adopted if they receive a majority vote from the Councillors present. The casting vote by the Mayor may only be used if there?is an equal division of votes amongst Councillors present.?A Councillor may call for a Division, which will formally record the names of individual Councillors opposing or supporting a motion, and Councillors who are absent or who are abstaining from voting.?Meeting Agenda?To help you follow proceedings, the Meeting Agenda, recommended motions and Councillors’ proposed alternate motions (also known as ‘yellows’), are displayed on an adjacent screen.?Live Webcasting??Council Meetings are streamed live and recordings are usually available on our website, within 48 hours.The Mayor, Cr Stefanopoulos read the following reconciliation statement:We acknowledge that we are meeting on the traditional land of the Boonwurrung and Wurundjeri people and offer our respects to the elders past and present. We recognise and respect the cultural heritage of this land.The Mayor, Cr Stefanopoulos read the following Affirmation Statement:We are reminded that as Councillors we are bound by our Oath of Office to undertake the duties of Councillor in the best interests of the people of the City of Stonnington and to faithfully and impartially carry out the functions, powers, authorities and discretions vested in us under the Local Government Act and any other relevant Act.TC "2Introductions" \f \l 12IntroductionsThe Mayor, Cr Stefanopoulos introduced the Councillors and the Chief Executive Officer, Jacqui Weatherill. Ms Weatherill then introduced the Council Officers.TC "3Apologies" \f \l 13ApologiesPROCEDURAL MOTION:MOVED: Cr Glen AtwellSECONDED: {seconder}That the apology received from Cr Davis for non-attendance at the Council Meeting of 20 July 2020 be accepted and leave of absence granted.Carried?TC "4Adoption and confirmation of minutes of previous meeting(s) in accordance with Section 93 of the Act and Clause 49 of General Local Law 2018 (No. 1)" \f \l 14Adoption and confirmation of minutes of previous meeting(s) in accordance with Section 93 of the Act and Clause 49 of General Local Law 2018 (No. 1)TC "4.1Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 6 July 2020" \f \l 24.1Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 6 July 20204.1 Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 6 July 2020MOTION:MOVED: Cr Judy HindleSECONDED: Cr Melina SehrThat the Council confirms the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting of the Stonnington City Council held on 6 July 2020 subject to minor administrative amendments as an accurate record of the proceedings.Carried?TC "5Disclosure by Councillors of any conflicts of interest in accordance with Section 79 of the Act" \f \l 15Disclosure by Councillors of any conflicts of interest in accordance with Section 79 of the ActThere were no Disclosure by Councillors of any conflict of interest at this Council Meeting.TC "6Questions to Council from Members of the Public" \f \l 16Questions to Council from Members of the PublicDuring Council’s previous Council Meeting held on 6 July 2020 five (5) set/s of Questions to Council were submitted. At the time, I used my discretion available to me under Council’s General Local Law to answer the questions at the meeting.??As required under the Local Law, written answers were subsequently provided to the submitter.?The Question asked by Ms Lee did not meet the requirements of the General Local Law 2018 section 50. The?requester?was asked to resubmit the Questions to Council in the required format in order to be compliant. ?A copy of the responses are to the Questions to Council asked on 6 July 2020 now tabled for inclusion in the minutes of this meeting as follows:?Questions - Mr RobertsonQuestion 1Is it true that Councillor Griffin has demanded from you or your staff, the removal of a vehicle that is legally parked and registered with VicRoads in the street that Councillor Griffin resides??I can confirm that Cr Griffin has advocated on behalf of local constituents, and asked officers to investigate a registered vehicle which has been parked for an extended time in Rathmines Street, Toorak.?Question 2How many times has Councillor Griffin, or a neighbour of hers, asked you or your staff to remove this legally parked vehicle??The vehicle has been parked in the same location for a long time, and as such the request has been made on a number of occasions in response to continued constituent requests.?Question 3Why is Councillor Griffin insistent on the removal of this vehicle??This question is best addressed to Cr Griffin.?Question 4Is Councillor Griffin aware of the great distress she is causing the owner of the vehicle due to her unreasonable demands for the removal of a legally parked vehicle in her street??Cr Griffin has been advised of the lawful parking in the street by the vehicle owner. ?She may not be aware of any distress caused by the enquiries made and I will forward this information to her for her consideration.Questions - ?Ms CampbellQuestion 1Is it true that Councillor Marcia Griffin has requested over $100,000 be spent on lighting up trees all over the City of Stonnington??Cr Griffin requested that a program be established to uplight a number of significant trees in prominent locations within parks and gardens throughout the City of Stonnington.Cr Griffin did not request a specific budget be allocated to this program.?Question 2How many tree have been lit up at the request of this Councillor and how many more will be lit??A trial of tree uplighting, conducted in response to the initial request to establish a tree uplighting program, involved the lighting of two (2) trees in total.Only these two (2) trees have been uplit in response to Cr Griffin’s request to establish a program.?Question 3How much light pollution will these lights throw into the night sky and disturb the animals that live in our trees??Each site identified as being suitable for tree uplighting would be subject to a lighting assessment and design process. ? The aim of this would be to minimize light spillage, light pollution and impact on night time fauna. ?Any tree uplighting installation would involve a timer to ensure lighting only occurs for a set duration each evening.?Question 4What is Councillor Marcia Griffin’s reason for asking for my ratepayers money to be spent on lighting trees??The reasons articulated by Cr Griffin to establish a program to uplight a number of significant trees in prominent locations within parks and gardens throughout the City of Stonnington were:??????????To enhance night time visual amenity??????????To enhance perceptions of safety at night in public areas?Question 5Is there any money in this new budget for more lights in trees and if so, how much??In response to the financial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Council’s budget, there is no funding allocated in the 2020/21 Council Budget for delivery of the proposed tree uplighting program.Question - Mr DonaldsonAs noted in the Council Meeting of 6 July 2020 Cr Hindle said she would provide a written response to the questions.?The response is re produced below.Thank you for your letter of 16 June addressed to Cr Stefanopoulos.I want to reassure you that I am a huge fan of libraries, especially in Stonnington. I can’t remember a time when I did not have at least six books out on loan.I am very well aware of the value libraries have in our community and of the social wellbeing and educational benefits derived therefrom. One thing I really enjoyed recently was Story Time with my granddaughter at the Malvern LibraryMy problem with the Prahran Town hall redevelopment is threefold:During a recession I believe a 32 million dollar project is extravagant.I am not convinced of the need for more council run catering venues.The current library was moved at great expense from its cramped venue on Chapel Street into the renovated body of the Prahran Town Hall a mere ten years ago. It is spacious and welcomingand I often meet a friend there and have a coffee in the area after we select our books.I would love to have a chat with you and invite you to telephone me when you receive this letter.Question - Ms WilsonQuestion 1How many residents near the proposed new netball and basketball courts are holding up the project and disrupting the enjoyment of sport by hundreds and hundreds of local Stonnington children, both girls and boys, and also holding back the employment of many people desperately out of work at the moment due to the Corona Virus??There are a number of residents who are opposed to the multi-purpose indoor stadium at Percy Treyvaud Memorial Park.??Question 2? ? ??Is one of the residents objecting to these new courts, the president of the Stonnington Ratepayers Association and the Ratepayers Association of Victoria and if so, does he not see a conflict between his personal view and opinion, and that of the many residents he is supposed to represents across Stonnington and Victoria who are in support of these courts being built??We are unable to confirm if the president of the Stonnington Ratepayers Association and the Ratepayers Association of Victoria is an objector to the multipurpose indoor stadium due to privacy restrictions. It would be appropriate for you to address your concerns directly with the President of the Ratepayers Association.??Question 3? ? ??Is the president of the above Associations, also a close, weekly contact and ally of Councillor Griffin, who also does not want to see the development of these netball and basketball courts and thus does not support healthy sport for many hundreds of children in Stonnington, even though this president does not live in North Ward, the area that Councillor Griffin represents??This would be a matter for Councillor Griffin to answer.??Question 4 ? ? ?Is Councillor Griffin actively working with the handful of residents, and the President of the above Association, to stop the development of these netball and basketball courts??This would be a matter for Councillor Griffin to answer.TC "7Correspondence (only if related to Council business)" \f \l 17Correspondence (only if related to Council business)Cr Griffin tabled the following correspondence:an email from a resident regarding removal of carparking in Chapel Street north of Toorak Roadan email from a resident regarding Item xx on Council agenda ?Council Cycling Strategyemail from resident regarding rate relief for small business that are leasing tenanciesemail relating to lighting required in Henderson Avenueemail regarding Glenferrie Oval paths and funds spent on the parkemail regarding a recent complaint from a trader concerning the behavior of the MayorCr Hindle tabled the following correspondence:three items relating to Item 13.1 on tonight's Council Agenda Cecil Placetwo items relating to a recent complaint from a trader concerning the behavior of the MayorCr Atwell tabled the following correspondence:email from residents concerning Gardiner Park and the use of the park during this COVID periodCr Stefanopoulos tabled the following correspondence:two emails regarding the Cabrini Gandel Wing and 2020 Architecture awardsemail regarding Fire Rescue Victoria Deputy Commissioner Fire SafetyCr Koce tabled the following correspondence:email on parking restrictions Izett Street PrahranTC "8Questions to Council Officers from Councillors" \f \l 18Questions to Council Officers from CouncillorsCr Hindle asked the following questions:Cr Hindle asked the Chief Executive Officer to confirm that the Council does not believe that the COVID-19 virus is being spread by young people not wearing masks. The Chief Executive Officer noted that the Director COVID response would respond later in the meeting.Cr Hindle asked the Chief Executive Officer to clarify whether it is the prerogative of a Councillor to threaten traders with a police report if they do not do what a Councillor orders them to do. The Chief Executive Officer responded that if Cr Hindle was referring to the Mayor’s behaviour in regards to last week, he’s provided an apology in regards to that and he may have been overzealous.Cr Hindle then said: As a Councillor deeply concerned about the good name of the Council, I ask the Chief Executive Officer if a public apology from the Mayor will be issued to the complainants or to anyone else who heard about or witnessed the incident last Tuesday night. The Mayor responded: I will answer that question. I am not going to talk about a private matter that relates to my personal life that does have no reference to Council. So I don’t accept that as a question. He then asked Councillor Hindle if she had any other questions. Cr. Hindle began to ask about the Mayor’s behavior. The Mayor interrupted Cr Hindle stating that: I said to you that the matter is a private matter and if you wish to discuss my private matter at a Council meeting, I will not accept that. Cr Griffin asked a question to the Director Environment & Infrastructure concerning a response to the petition, which was tabled about speeding traffic in and near Wallace Avenue, Toorak.The Director Environment & Infrastructure responded that the originator of the petition had been responded to as the outcome of the traffic study was that speed humps were not required.Cr Atwell asked the Director Environment & Infrastructure if Council Officers can investigate and review the sequencing of traffic signals at Waverley Road and Belgrave Road ?to allow more time for pedestrians to cross the road.The Director Environment & Infrastructure noted he would investigate.Cr Atwell asked a question to the Acting Director Community & Wellbeing regarding the excessive use of Gardiner Oval during COVID?The Acting Director Community & Wellbeing noted he would investigate.Cr Koce asked a question of the Director Environment & Infrastructure regarding the pooling of water on the paths at Sir Zelman Cohen Reserve and can action be taken to remediate the problem?The Director Environment & Infrastructure noted he would look at the problem.?Cr Koce spoke in regard to a local traders and there observance of social distancing. While some local traders such were wearing masks and social distancing, others were not. He had witnessed staff had not been observing the practice of social distancing or wearing face masks at Grill'd in Malvern and said he was concerned that young people are vulnerable and need to take precautions as COVID-19 could have life long health consequences.?The Director COVID Response noted this would be investigated.?The Chief Executive Officer noted that from?11:59pm Wednesday 22 July 2020 if you live in metropolitan?Melbourne?or Mitchell Shire you must wear a?face?covering when leaving home unless you have a lawful reason for not doing so.?Cr Koce noted that he had sympathy with local traders during this time and that Council should be acting as a role model when it comes to safe?COVID-19 practices.?Cr Koce sought re assurance from the Chief Executive Officer that all Councillors participating in Council zoom meetings are doing so remotely from home. Also that all Councillors are working from home and not coming into the Council Offices.?Cr Griffin noted that it was difficult for her to work from home and participate in Council zoom meetings as her internet was not reliable.?The Chief Executive Officer noted that Council's Information Technology department is available to check Councillors internet and provide technical assistance. The CEO undertook that Councillors would be working from home henceforth.?Cr Koce said that Councillors are role models for the community and should be working from home.Cr Hindle asked a question regarding whether business owners have control over where Uber Eats drivers operate and assemble on footpaths?The Chief Executive Officer noted Council under the General Local Law have the power to request people to move away from a footpath.TC "9Tabling of Petitions and Joint Letters" \f \l 19Tabling of Petitions and Joint LettersCr Koce tabled a petition requesting Council to consider parking restrictions in that section of Church Street Toorak that runs between Denham Place and Hopetoun Road.?1. ? ?It is requested on weekdays between 8:00am and 5:00pm and on Saturday mornings between 8:00am and 12:00noon a 2 hour limit be introduced for all cars parked in this section of Church Street other than those of permitted residents and guests of residents.2. ? ?All residents be issued with 2 resident parking permit per residence plus one guest parking permit, those permits to be required to be displayed on their cars, when parked in the street during restricted parking hours.PROCEDURAL MOTION:MOVED: Cr Matthew KoceSECONDED: Cr John ChandlerThat the petition be received.Carried?TC "10Notices of Motion" \f \l 110Notices of MotionThere was no Notice of Motion submitted for this Council Meeting.TC "11Reports of Special and Other Committees - Assembly of Councillors" \f \l 111Reports of Special and Other Committees - Assembly of CouncillorsThe Chief Executive Officer tabled the Assembly of Councillors Records for the following meetings:Prahran Town Hall Redevelopment Steering Committee 14 July 2020Councillor Briefing Session 13 July 2020TC "12Reports by Delegates" \f \l 112Reports by DelegatesThere were no Reports by Delegates for this Council Meeting.TC "13General Business " \f \l 113General Business The Chief Executive Officer advised that Ms Harrod has been appointed as Director COVID Response and would be leading a COVID task force. James Rouse is the Acting Director Community & Well being during this time. The Chief Executive Officer noted From 11:59pm Wednesday 22 July 2020 if you live in metropolitan?Melbourne?or Mitchell Shire you must wear a?face?covering when leaving home unless you have a lawful reason for not doing so.? New signage to be displayed around the municipality would enforce this advice.The Director of COVID Response then provided an update of her role and what this would involve.TC "13.1Planning Amendment 1042/16 - 10-16 Cecil Place, Prahran" \f \l 213.1Planning Amendment 1042/16 - 10-16 Cecil Place, PrahranMOTION:MOVED: Cr Judy HindleSECONDED: Cr Melina SehrThat Council ADVISE VCAT and other interested parties that it does not support the Section 87A Application to amend Planning Permit No: 1042/16 for the land located at 10-16 Cecil Place, Prahran, to allow Demolition; use of the land as Accommodation (student housing); and buildings and works in an Activity Centre Zone, Heritage Overlay and Special Building Overlay, subject to the following grounds:?The change of use from a mixed-use building to student accommodation represents a transformation of the proposal.The proposal does not respond appropriately to Council’s Student Housing Policy at Clause 22.08. The proposal does not provide any on-site car parking to meet student needs, does not provide sufficient communal space to account for the number of students proposed and does not provide habitable rooms large enough meet the requirements of the policy.The intensity of the proposed student accommodation use is excessive.The proposal is not within close proximity to a large tertiary institution with high numbers of international students requiring accommodation. The Swinburne University Prahran Campus referred to in Clause 22.08 no longer exists and has been replaced with a Melbourne Polytechnic campus. This institution has a different student profile.?There is not a demonstrated need for student accommodation in the area, and there are no direct public transport links from the site to other large tertiary institutions with high numbers of international students.The deletion of the external balconies and amendments to external materials results in a building that is overly bulky?Noise from common areas has not been satisfactorily addressed by way of acoustic treatment or otherwise.The proposal does not include satisfactory landscaping to communal terraces and open space areas.The reduction of on-site car parking to zero is unacceptable and fails to satisfy the requirements of Clause 52.06 to provide car parking to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.The proposed deletion of Condition 4 (Waste Management Plan), Condition 5 (Sustainable Management Plan) and Condition 8 (Water Sensitive Urban Design Response) is unacceptable.A Division was called by Cr Hindle:?For: Cr Steve Stefanopoulos, Cr John Chandler, Cr Glen Atwell, Cr Jami Klisaris, Cr Judy Hindle, Cr Marcia Griffin, Cr Matthew Koce, Cr Melina SehrAgainst: nilAbsent: Cr Sally DavisCarried unanimouslyTC "13.2Planning Application 0993/19 - 6/643-645 Toorak Road, Toorak" \f \l 213.2Planning Application 0993/19 - 6/643-645 Toorak Road, ToorakMOTION:MOVED: Cr John ChandlerSECONDED: Cr Melina SehrThat Council AUTHORISE Officers to issue a Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit No: 993/19 for the land located at 6/643-645 Toorak Road, Toorak under the Stonnington Planning Scheme for Extension to an existing dwelling on a lot that contains more than one dwelling in a General Residential Zone subject to the following conditions:Before the commencement of the development, one copy of plans drawn to scale and fully dimensioned, must be submitted to and approved by the Responsible Authority. The plans must be generally in accordance with the plans (advertised in April 2020) but modified to show:Increase the setback of the kitchen wall an additional 450mm and the eave 1m from the southern boundary, with the retention of the terrace in this setback if desired;all works are to be shown wholly within the title boundary and the height of the extension lowered to be wholly contained within the upper title boundaries of the lot in accordance with the Certificate of Title and Title Plan Diagram. This upper boundary is to be clearly shown on the elevation plans;All areas shown on the plans that are within common property, including the stairwell, adjacent store room and parts of the rear terrace, to be annotated as such on the plans;storage areas to be dimensioned to clearly show compliance with Standard B44. To the satisfaction of the Responsible AuthorityThe layout of the site and the size, levels, design and location of buildings and works shown on the endorsed plans must not be modified for any reason, without the prior written consent of the Responsible Authority.No buildings or works are to be constructed over any easement or other restriction on the land or any sewers, drains, pipes, wires or cables under the control of a public authority without the prior written consent of the relevant authority and the Responsible Authority.All plant and equipment (including air-conditioning units) shall be located or screened so as to minimise visibility from any of the surrounding footpaths and from overhead views and shall be baffled so as to minimise the emission of unreasonable noise to the environment in accordance with Section 48A of the Environment Protection Act 1970 to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. Ventilation systems must be designed and installed in accordance with the relevant Australian Standards.This permit will expire if one of the following circumstances applies: The development is not started within two years of the date of this permit. The development is not completed within four years of the date of this permit. In accordance with Section 69 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, a request may be submitted to the Responsible Authority within the prescribed timeframes for an extension of the periods referred to in this condition.NOTESThis planning permit does not authorise any buildings and works to be carried out on common property without the relevant Owners Corporation’s consent and any other applicable approvals.Where existing works have been undertaken outside of the title boundary, this has not formed part of this application and has not been assessed. This permit does not constitute any authority to carry out any building works or occupy the building or part of the building unless all relevant building permits are obtained.Consideration is required when installing domestic services (i.e – air conditioning units, heaters, pool pumps, water tanks and the like).?The owner/occupier/permit holder/developer must take all reasonable and practicable measures in locating domestic services in position that reduce any amenity impact on adjoining properties.?This includes selecting an appropriate installation position and enclosing the domestic service.?Further information regarding noise from domestic services can be found in the Environmental Protection Act 1970.Nothing in this permit hereby issued shall be construed to allow the removal of, damage to or pruning of a significant tree (including the roots) without the further written approval of Council.“Significant Tree” means a tree or palm:with a trunk circumference of 140 cm or greater measured at 1.4 m above its base;with a total circumference of all its trunks of 140 cm or greater measured at 1.4 m above its base;with a trunk circumference of 180 cm or greater measured at its base; orwith a total circumference of all its trunks of 180 cm or greater measured at its base.Please contact the Council Arborists on 8290 1333 to ascertain if permission is required for tree removal or pruning or for further information and protection of trees during construction works.Nothing in the permit hereby issued may be construed to allow the removal of, damage to or pruning of any street tree without the further written consent of the Stonnington City Council. Contact the Council Arborists on 8290 1333 for further information.Council has adopted a zero tolerance approach in respect to the failure to implement the vegetation related requirements of Planning Permits and endorsed documentation. Any failure to fully adhere to these requirements will be cause for prosecution. This is the first and only warning which will be issued. At the permit issue date, Section 69 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 stated that the Responsible Authority may extend the periods referred to if a request is made in writing within the following timeframes:Before or within 6 months after the permit expiry date, where the development allowed by the permit has not yet started; and Within 12 months after the permit expiry date, where the development allowed by the permit has lawfully started before the permit expires.Carried?TC "13.3Affordable Housing Discussion Paper and Community Engagement" \f \l 213.3Affordable Housing Discussion Paper and Community Engagement MOTION:MOVED: Cr Marcia GriffinSECONDED: Cr Jami KlisarisThat Council:ENDORSE the?Affordable Housing Discussion Paper for the purposes of community engagement; and?NOTE?that community engagement will be undertaken in line with COVID-19 restrictions.CarriedTC "13.4Arts and Cultural Grant Recipient Recommendations 2020/21" \f \l 213.4Arts and Cultural Grant Recipient Recommendations 2020/21MOTION:MOVED: Cr Marcia GriffinSECONDED: Cr Glen AtwellThat Council:?ENDORSE a total of $324,871 of the Arts and Cultural Grants pool of funds for 2020/21 to 37 applicants that have been recommended by the arts and cultural grants assessment panel for funding as shown in Attachment 1.?NOTE that all grant recipients will be required to submit plans outlining how they will optimise “participation” from the local community in a COVID / post COVID environment and strictly follow Federal, State and Local Government COVID-19 restrictions. Sponsorship agreements and grant payments will only be issued when requirements are met.?ENDORSE that the remaining balance of $5,129 be reflected as savings within the 2020/21 budget.?CarriedTC "13.5Draft Gardiners Creek Masterplan" \f \l 213.5Draft Gardiners Creek Masterplan MOTION:MOVED: Cr Jami KlisarisSECONDED: Cr Glen AtwellThat Council:NOTE the development of the draft?Gardiners Creek?(KooyongKoot)?Masterplan.ENDORSE the public exhibition of the draft Gardiners Creek?(KooyongKoot)?Masterplan for a period of four (4) weeks, commencing late July 2020.CONSIDER?a report following the public exhibition period?regarding?the final adoption of the Gardiners Creek?(KooyongKoot)?Masterplan.Carried?TC "13.6Draft Cycling Strategy engagement report and update for adoption" \f \l 213.6Draft Cycling Strategy engagement report and update for adoptionMOTION:MOVED: Cr Matthew KoceSECONDED: Cr Melina SehrThat Council:APPROVE the Cycling Strategy 2020-2025 (refer Attachment 1)NOTE the community feedback received on the Draft Cycling Strategy (referAttachment 2) and updates made to the Cycling Strategy 2020 - 2025 in response.REFER the matter of a linemarking treatment in Chapel Street to address cyclist safety to the first meeting of the new Stonnington Cycling Reference Group for further consideration and recommended action.A Division was called by Cr Koce:?For: Cr Steve Stefanopoulos, Cr John Chandler, Cr Glen Atwell, Cr Jami Klisaris, Cr Matthew Koce, Cr Melina SehrAgainst: Cr Marcia GriffinAbsent: Cr Sally DavisAbstained: Cr Judy HindleCarriedTC "13.7Short Stay Accommodation - post 12 month observation" \f \l 213.7Short Stay Accommodation - post 12 month observation MOTION:MOVED: Cr Melina SehrSECONDED: Cr Marcia GriffinThat consideration of Short Stay Accommodation - post 12 month observation be deferred to the next Council Meeting.Carried?TC "14Other General Business" \f \l 114Other General BusinessCr Atwell noted he had received a petition he wished to table at this Council meeting. The petition was from residents of Prior Road, Malvern East who stated that the current permit zone in their Street does not work and a new survey is required and permits to be removed.?PROCEDURAL MOTION:MOVED: Cr Glen AtwellSECONDED: Cr Jami KlisarisThat the petition be received.Carried?Cr Sehr noted that Council has had a recent win at VCAT concerning the affirmation of Councils decision to refuse the permit for the Queens Way billboard. She asked for details of the decision to be sent to Councillors.TC "15Urgent Business" \f \l 115Urgent BusinessThere was no urgent business discussed at this Council Meeting.?TC "16Confidential Business" \f \l 116Confidential BusinessMOTION:MOVED: Cr Judy HindleSECONDED: Cr Melina SehrThat the meeting be closed to the public for consideration of the following matters that are confidential in accordance with Section 66 (2) and Section 3(1) of the Local Government Act 2020 for the ground or grounds specified below (8:25pm)16.1 Confidential: Potential Lease This document is confidential information under Section 66 (2) (a) of the Local Government Act 2020. The matter is deemed to be confidential under Section 3 (1) (a) Council business information, being information that would prejudice the Council's position in commercial negotiations if prematurely released.TC "16.2Confidential: Potential Property Purchase" \f \l 216.2Confidential: Potential Property Purchase16.2 Confidential: Potential Property Purchase This document is confidential information under Section 66 (2) (a) of the Local Government Act 2020. The matter is deemed to be confidential under Section 3 (1) (a) Council business information, being information that would prejudice the Council's position in commercial negotiations if prematurely released.TC "16.3Confidential: Regional Business Case Advanced Waste & Resource Recovery Technologies" \f \l 216.3Confidential: Regional Business Case Advanced Waste & Resource Recovery Technologies16.3 Confidential: Regional Business Case Advanced Waste & Resource Recovery Technologies This document is confidential information under Section 66 (2) (a) of the Local Government Act 2020. The matter is deemed to be confidential under Section 3 (1) (a) Council business information, being information that would prejudice the Council's position in commercial negotiations if prematurely released.Carried MOTION:MOVED: Cr Judy HindleSECONDED: Cr Melina SehrThat the meeting be opened to the public at 8:31pmCarriedThere being no further business the meeting closed at 8:31pm.Confirmed on 3 August 2020......................................................................CR STEVEN STEFANOPOULOS, MAYOR4011930133985Tabled at Council Meeting……………………………….00Tabled at Council Meeting……………………………….ASSEMBLY OF COUNCILLORS RECORDThis Form MUST be completed by the attending Council Officer and returned IMMEDIATELY to Judy Hogan – Civic Support Officer ASSEMBLY DETAILSName of Meeting:Prahran Town Hall Redevelopment Steering Committee MeetingDate:Tuesday 14 July 2020Time:4.00 – 5.00pmAssembly Location:Zoom online meeting IN ATTENDANCECouncillors:Cr Steve Stefanopoulos (Mayor)Council Officers:Jacqui Weatherill (CEO)Rick KwasekStuart DraffinJames RouseAlison LeachKatherine O’ConnellLoren LawfordJane LovellConsultants:Samantha Beveridge (Root Partnerships)MATTER/S DISCUSSED1Apologies (Cr John Chandler, Cr Jami Klisaris, Cath Harrod, Virginia Ross)2Confirmation of previous minutes3Project Manager Introduction4Project ProgramTender Process5Operational Modelling Update6Communications Update7Community Loan Update8Library and Customer Service Relocation9Other BusinessCONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURES including time left and returned to meetingCouncillors:NoneCouncil Officers:NoneForm completed by:Claire Thompson4011930133985Tabled at Council Meeting00Tabled at Council MeetingASSEMBLY OF COUNCILLORS RECORDThis Form MUST be completed by the attending Council Officer and returned IMMEDIATELY to Judy Hogan – Civic Support Officer Assembly Details:Date:Councillor Briefing Session 13 August 2020 Time: 6pmAssembly Location: Virtual meeting via zoomIn Attendance: Councillors:Cr Steven Stefanopoulos, MayorCr John Chandler, Deputy MayorCr Glen AtwellCr Marcia GriffinCr Sally DavisCr Judy HindleCr Matthew KoceCr Melina SehrCouncil Officers:Jacqui WeatherillStuart DraffinCath HarrodRick KwasekGreg CrucioChris BalfourDavid TaylorJim CardenAlex KastaniotisJudy HoganNicole WarrenAlison LeachSimon HollowayIan McLauchlanJane SpenceNoel KiernanMatter/s Discussed: TOC \f \h1Councillor & Executive Team Discussion PAGEREF _Toc256000390 \h 4Caretaker period update to Councillors2General Business PAGEREF _Toc256000391 \h 42.1Percy Treyvaud Update PAGEREF _Toc256000392 \h 42.2Arts and Cultural Grant Recipient Recommendations 2020/21 PAGEREF _Toc256000393 \h 42.3Planning Amendment 1042/16 - 10-16 Cecil Place, Prahran PAGEREF _Toc256000394 \h 42.4Planning Application 0993/19 - 6/643-645 Toorak Road, Toorak PAGEREF _Toc256000395 \h 42.5Affordable Housing Discussion Paper and Community Engagement PAGEREF _Toc256000396 \h 42.6Short Stay Accommodation - post 12 month observation PAGEREF _Toc256000397 \h 52.7423 Glenferrie Road, Malvern - Parking Concerns PAGEREF _Toc256000398 \h 52.8Draft Cycling Strategy engagement report and update for adoption PAGEREF _Toc256000399 \h 52.9Draft Gardiners Creek Masterplan PAGEREF _Toc256000400 \h 52.10Confidential: Regional Business Case Advanced Waste and Resource Recovery Technologies PAGEREF _Toc256000401 \h 52.11Cyber Security Update & Plan PAGEREF _Toc256000402 \h 52.12Lease of 160 Alexandra Avenue, South Yarra PAGEREF _Toc256000403 \h 6Conflict of Interest Disclosures: including time left and returned to meetingCouncillors:nilCouncil Officers: nilForm completed by: Judy Hogan ................

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