Professional Development for Teachers of the Visually Impaired

Route Planning ChecklistThink of how you would like to travel to get to your destination (i.e. Metro bus, Uber, Metro Access, etc.)Look for the address to your destination.Use a digital map to map out your destination by bus, car, train, etc. (*Use an online trip planning feature if your city has one.) (Roundtrip)What is the closest bus stop? Train station? Metro Access meeting point? Ridesharing pickup location?Check the weather online for the day of travel.Refer to the route map’s timetable for arrival and departure times.? You can also see how long it would take Uber to pick you up by solo passenger or by Uber Pool. How far in advance do you have to schedule a ride (i.e Metro Access)? Find out the pickup time (window) for Metro Access.Look for intersecting routes if you think you’ll need to transfer if taking a bus or train.Find out how much the trip is going to cost (there and back) and prepare payment. Load any travel cards or apps prior to your trip or when your transportation arrives. (Find out how to pre-pay or pay on the bus, train, Uber, taxi, metro Access, etc.)Familiarize yourself with the area that you will be traveling to by locating landmarks, and if unfamiliar, the look of the building by using Google Street view.Bookmark the location that you are traveling to on your digital device (Smartphone, etc.).Save the address and phone number of the location that you are traveling to. Save the phone numbers for Metro Access, the city bus, etc. Do you know how to contact your Uber driver within the app?Call your destination location ahead of time if you are unsure of where they are located or where you need to be dropped off.If you need assistance when you arrive at your location, make sure to call ahead to ensure a person on staff or a person at your destination can assist you (i.e. shopping assistance, etc.).Makes sure to note the items that you will need while on your trip (i.e. water bottle, napkins, medicine, cell phone, money, bus/train pass, etc.).Things to keep in mind: Know the setup of your pick up and drop off points. Will you be waiting on the North or South Side of the building? What buildings or location is across the street from where you are waiting? Where can the Uber driver come to pick you up? ................

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