Program Admission Procedure

The American Cultures Engaged Scholarship (ACES) ProgramLaunched in January 2010, the ACES program is a partnership between the American Cultures Center () and the Public Service Center (). This program aims to transform how faculty’s community-engaged scholarship is valued, to enhance learning for students through a combination of teaching and practice, and to create new knowledge that has an impact both in the community and the academy. The American Cultures (AC) requirement—the only campus-wide breadth requirement on the UC Berkeley campus—was passed by the Academic Senate in 1989 and instituted as a campus requirement in 1991 to help students gain a deeper understanding of the diverse cultures of the United States through an integrative and comparative framework.?These goals are extended through community-focused and collaborative research and teaching. In the 2020 Summer/Fall proposal cycle, several priorities have been emphasized to support community-engagement and engaged scholarship, and proposals are welcome in the following categories. Summer Application Category for Summer 2020Remote Community-Engaged Learning Program. Receive up to $1000 to support remote partnership structures for summer 2020. During this complex time, we want to support the creative ways instructors seek to partner with communities to address pressing needs. Instructors will receive 1:1 consultations with ACES staff. Instructors can also choose to join a cohort of other instructors thinking about ideas/strategies for remote community-engaged learning, community-based research, and engaged scholarship. This program is a unique opportunity to consider the possibilities for remote instruction and community partnership. The program is designed to support both instructors offering courses this summer and those who are planning for the Fall semester. Please note that all UC Berkeley instructors are eligible to apply, not only those whose courses meet the AC requirement. Application Categories for Fall 2020 ACES ProgramChancellor’s Public Scholar Faculty Fellowship. Instructors receive $2000 for participating in a Fall 2020 Faculty Fellowship that includes five workshops exploring community engaged scholarship. Fellowship content will include topics such as building authentic, reciprocal partnerships; creating a course syllabus and assignments; discussing social justice issues and university partnerships; facilitating dialogue; and incorporating engaged scholarship into tenure/promotion. At the end of the fall semester, all participants will produce an artifact incorporating new ideas from the workshop series. Artifacts could include a new or revised syllabus, a new assignment, a specific initiative within their department, or a personal statement. Selection will be based on fit for program and ability participate in the full workshop series. The program is open to faculty, both tenure-track and lecturers, from any department. Community Partnership Grants. Open for existing ACES courses or for the development of new collaborations with community partners, this $500 funding will be made available to support community partners’ labor, energy, and time. Chancellor’s Public Fellow. Faculty may apply for $1500 to be given to a Graduate Fellow of their choice. The Fellow could serve one of the following roles:...facilitate structured reflection within the course....act as a liaison among the faculty, students, and community partners....assist with syllabus design.Graduate Fellows must be selected by the first week in August and will participate in a seminar throughout the semester.Program Admission ProcedureWe encourage applications from Senate or non-Senate instructors. Each of the above application categories have corresponding requirements, listed below. Completed applications will include all requirements within that category and will be sent by Friday, June 15 at 5:00 PM to Victoria Robinson, ACES Program Director, and Andrea Wise, Associate Director of the Public Service Center at: A Requirements - Remote Community-Engaged Learning Program (Summer)Cover Letter: Faculty should address the following prompts in approximately 250 words:Describe the ideas and questions you are holding about how best to partner with communities remotely, during a complex time.How do you envision partnering with your selected community organization(s)? How might those partnerships adjust at this time? For those continuing existing ACES courses, please briefly describe how you will build on current community partnerships.How will this partnership contribute to student learning, and what impact do you hope it will have in the community? How might the funds support your efforts?Availability: Instructors have the opportunity to participate in a cohort to discuss ideas for community-university partnerships. If you are choosing to join this cohort, please list three to four 1.5 hour time slots in which you will have consistent availability over the course of the summer.Category B Requirements - Chancellor’s Public Scholar Faculty Fellowship (Fall)Cover Letter: Within this cover letter, faculty should share their ideas about why they want to participate in the Chancellor’s Public Scholars Faculty Fellowship and a brief description of any previous experience related to community engagement and engaged scholarship. Faculty should describe any topics they wish to explore during the semester and their planned teaching schedule. Please limit to two pages. Availability: The group will meet as a cohort over the course of the fall semester. Faculty must list three to four 1.5 hour time slots in which they have consistent fall semester availability. The first workshop of the Fellowship series will take place during the week of September 3-7. Category C Requirements - Community Partnership Grants (Fall)Cover Letter: Faculty should address the following prompts in 250 words or less:Describe the community-identified needs and assets that you hope to explore through the course. How do you envision partnering with your selected community organization(s)? For those continuing existing ACES courses, please briefly describe how you will build on current community partnerships.How will this partnership contribute to student learning, and what impact do you hope it will have in the community? Category D Requirements - Chancellor’s Public Fellow (Fall)Cover Letter: Faculty should address the following prompts in 250 words or less: In part C (above), there are descriptions of three ways to utilize a graduate student. Describe which of the three areas you hope a student will support and how the appointment of a graduate student will further the goals of the course. Faculty should d goals, partnership, and sustainability of course-community relationships. Please describe how you imagine the graduate student fellow’s role and corresponding work/activities will be integrated into the course design and offering. Include the name and contact information of the graduate student you have in mind.After submission: ACES staff will notify participants via email by late June.A formal notification letter will go to department chairs of accepted applicants notifying them of participation.Benefits of Participation The ACES program is designed to provide faculty with the opportunity to develop, broaden, or deepen their research and teaching of community-engaged scholarship.Participants receive and gain: intensive training and consulting from and with the ACES and Public Service Center staffpotential funds for costs related to course community projects, graduate student hire, and/or community-based project development (as detailed per application category above)opportunities to present research and best practices at an on-campus ACES seminarnew relationships with an interdisciplinary cohort of facultyenhanced capacity to build and sustain long-term relationships with community partnersthe opportunity to mentor undergraduate and graduate students in the development of community-engaged partnership ................

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