You You“Summer at CAL” Application

Office of Undergraduate Admissions

110 Sproul Hall #5800

Berkeley, CA 94720-5800

February 15, 2013

Dear Student,

The Office of Undergraduate Admissions at UC Berkeley invites you to participate in an exciting summer program for university-bound, community college students. Cal Summer Experience is a residential program scheduled for three days and two nights (June 23-25, 2013) on the UC Berkeley campus. All program costs are covered by the University; however, transportation to and from the Berkeley campus is the responsibility of the student.

Cal Summer Experience provides admissions sessions, lectures, personal statement writing workshops, application filing assistance, transcript evaluations, and a campus tour!

Forty community college students will be selected to participate. Selected participants will have current UC Berkeley students as resident advisors and will be able to interact and socialize with other students from all over the country.

We strongly encourage you to consider applying for Cal Summer Experience. This valuable college experience will increase your knowledge of UC Berkeley’s academic community, prepare you for the UC application and the admissions competitive process; we hope that you will gain additional motivation to excel in your academic accomplishments and leadership potential.

The attached application and supporting documents are DUE by April 2, 2013. If you have any questions or need more information please feel free to contact us at We look forward to reviewing your application for UC Berkeley’s Cal Summer Experience program!


Cal Summer Experience Program Committee

University of California, Berkeley

CAL SUMMER EXPERIENCE June 23rd - 25th 2013

Community College Student Application Deadline: April 2, 2013

Students currently in high school and concurrently attending a community college or who are currently in the transfer application process are not eligible for this program.

To Apply:

• You must attend a community college and have completed at least 30 semester units of UC transferable course work by the end of Spring, 2013. Applicants must also have a minimum transferable GPA of 3.4

• You must submit a completed application. The Application is a two part process

o Part 1: Student information Form. Visit () and complete the information requested

o Part 2: Submit Application documents via email to documents include;

▪ Application: includes signature, personal statement, and extracurricular activities section

▪ An attachment of your unofficial transcripts (with current courses),

• We are only accepting documents via email. Please send entire list of documents to no later than Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Our office must receive all documents no later than

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

✓ Student Information Form ())

✓ Completed Application

✓ Personal Statement

✓ List of Activities

✓ Unofficial Transcripts

Part 1: Student information Form

Visit () and complete the information requested

Part 2: Application Information

First Name       M.I.      Last Name      

Phone (     )       -       Email Address     

Gender M F Birthdate       /       /      

Are you a student parent?

Are you a Veteran or current member of the United States Military?

Please check the following

I attest to the fact that the information provided on Student information form and the Application is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that knowingly submitting inaccurate information may result in dismissal from the program.

I hereby authorize the University of California to have access to, and make copies of my academic school records. These records may be contained in electronic databases warehouses, including, but not limited to the UC Gateway data warehouse. I understand that these records will be kept in strict confidence and will be used solely: a) to monitor my academic progress and b) for general use in planning outreach and recruitment activities.

Student Signature       Date  /    /     

Personal Statement

Instructions: Provide a response to the prompt in Section A and in addition choose one of the prompts in Section B. You must answer using a maximum of 1000 words total. Your answer should be no less than 250 words for each prompt.

Section A:

1. What is your intended major? Discuss how your interest in the subject developed and describe any experience you have had in the field—such as volunteer work, internships and employment, participation in student organizations and activities— and what you have gained from your involvement.

Type Response here

Section B: Choose one of the following prompts

2. Why do you want to participate in the Cal Summer Experience and what personal achievements and circumstances qualify you to be in CSE?

3. Consider for a moment your transferable grade point average and major preparation, how do they reflect your knowledge and abilities? Be Specific, in terms of your academic performance in your classes. In what other ways, have you demonstrated your academic potential and abilities?

4. Please describe how your school’s resources have affected your academic preparation for transferring to a 4-year institution

5. Describe the most important leadership role you have had either in your school or in your community service. Describe the nature of the activity and how you became a leader. What did you learn as a leader?

6. Describe any special family responsibilities and/or leadership roles that you have and how this affects your academic and/or personal life

Type Response here

Extracurricular Activities

Instructions: provide a list of your leadership roles in community service, volunteer activities, clubs, organizations, and/or academics.

Include List here




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