Campus Life Services

Campus Life Services Digital Signage ProgramCampus Life Services’ Department Content Submission GuidelinesOverviewWelcome to the UC San Francisco Campus Life Services Digital Signage Program! We hope that the following document can answer a few of your questions about the Campus Life Services (CLS) Digital Signage program here at UCSF. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact: Campus Life Services’ Marketing Group at: Campus Life Services manages a series of digital signs at a variety of UC San Francisco campus locations. Currently, the following locations are available for display of content or advertising. Do check back often as we are expanding our network. Mission Bay Conference Center (MBCC): Concierge DeskMission Bay Conference Center (MBCC): Large Second FloorMission Bay Conference Center (MBCC): Meeting RoomsMission Bay Conference Center (MBCC): Fisher EastMission Center Building (MCB): LobbyThe CLS digital signage program is currently operating in the Beta–or testing–phase. During testing and as we work through any bugs in our system, there is no cost to display content for non-UCSF and UCSF content. However, please be aware that once the Beta phase is complete there will likely be publication costs associated with displaying your digital content. Please check back with us when more information regarding fee structure to display digital content becomes available. How to Submit a Request Currently, requests for digital content display are being accepted via E-mail. Please include the following information with your request. Desired time frame (dates) for content to be displayed.Desired duration of display (i.e., :15 seconds, :30 seconds, etc.)Preferred location(s).Content in PDF or JPEG formats.All requests must be submitted in advance of the desired time frame of display.Please allow for plenty of lead-time – a month for small ad campaigns, 2-3 months for larger campaigns. We will try to accommodate urgent ad-hoc requests, if needed.Please see the Technical Specifications, page 2 of this document, and be sure your submission meets these specifications. If you have any questions about submitting content, specifications, time frames or costs, please use the contact information below. When you are ready, E-mail your request with the above information twelve (12) business days prior to your requested dates. You will receive a response within five (5) business days of the request. Accepted requests will be turned over to the hosting department to confirm schedule. Content Specifics: guidelines, notes, complianceCurrently, we accept static content only. If you are interested in a different format please contact us with your questions and needs.Please note that the publisher (content provider) is responsible for the following:All legal considerations relating to your content have been met, specifically that you are in compliance with appropriate copyright laws. Content meets UC San Francisco and Campus Life Service’s branding, visual, and editorial guidelines Promotions/ads/messages must be applicable for public viewing, not UCSF exclusive. Additionally, promotions/ads/messages may not be in direct competition with Campus Life Services vendors or services. Mission Bay Conference Center and other display sitesThe Mission Bay Conference Center can display content during non-event times only. Campus Life Services digital signs at other locations will rotate content, as appropriate. If you are interested in specific time periods or on a specific sign, please include that with your original request and we will contact you to discuss your needs. RotationPlease note that content will be on a rotation schedule with other content. If you would like to request specific display times during the day, or that the content be displayed for a specific amount of time, please include that in your original request. Design ServicesIf needed, Campus Life Services, Documents & Media is available to provide graphic design services, for additional fees. The user or content provider (you) is responsible for any design costs related to the creation of your content. For more information, visit the Campus Life Services, Documents & Media website: SpecificationsDigital content should be submitted as a PDF or JPEG and be designed with the appropriate dimensions of the available space.For optimal display, slides should be designed for the following pixel specs: MBCC Concierge Desk: 1025 x 752MBCC Large Second Floor: 1122 x 820MBCC Meeting Rooms: 1285 x 508MBCC Fisher East: 1781 x 888MCB Lobby:1350 x 900, 1387 x 2308?Please have content prepared at the following dpi: 96 dpi ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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