2021 ? 2022

Department of Archaeology and Department of Geography, University College Cork Year Co-ordinator: Dr: Eileen O'Rourke, Top Floor Geography Department. Email:

Course Structure Students must complete all core modules and four of the elective modules. Students take 60 credits in total.

Students should spread their modules across both semesters, with a minimum of 20 credits in each semester and with no more than 40 credits in any one semester.

SECOND ARTS Geographical and Archaeological Science

Core modules (40 credits) AR2016 Archaeological Theory (5 credits) AR2037 Introduction to Environmental Archaeology (5 credits) AR2046 Geoarchaeology Field School (10 credits) GG2005 Quaternary Environments and Geomorphology (5 credits) GG2010 Cities of Diversity (5 credits) GG2037 Introduction to Geoinformatics (5 credits) GG2038 Geographical Research Methods (5 credits)

Elective modules (20 credits) Students select 20 credits from the following modules (as timetables allow): (To avoid scheduling conflicts, please consult timetables before choosing elective modules)

AR2014 Artefact Studies (5 credits) AR2033 Chalcolithic and Bronze Age Europe (5 credits) AR2034 The Archaeology of Early Medieval and Viking Britain (5 credits) AR2038 Human Remains for Archaeologists (5 credits) AR2042 The Archaeology of Later Medieval Ireland, c.AD 1100-1550 (5 credits) AR2047 Celts, Germans and Scythians ? The People of the European Iron Age (5 credits) CS2211 Web Systems I (5 credits) CS2212 Web Systems II (5 credits) GG2014 Geography of Tourism (5 credits) GG2023 Economic and Rural Geography (5 credits) GG2024 Social Geography (5 credits) GG2025 Biogeography (5 credits) GG2046 Atmosphere, Weather and Climate (5 credits) GS2001 Dynamic Earth GS2002 The Evolving Earth ZY2000 Vertebrate Diversity (5 credits) EV 2002 The Environment and Human Health (5 credits)

Important: Change of Module Students wishing to register a change of module must do so via the Student Portal or at the Student Records and Examinations Office no later than two weeks after the start of each Semester, i.e. by Friday, 24th September 2021 (Semester 1) or Friday, 28th January 2022 (Semester 2). No changes in registration will be allowed after these deadlines.

University College Cork Academic Year 2021 ? 2022

Semester 1 Christmas Recess

Study week S1 Exam period Semester 2 (S2) Easter Recess Last weeks of S2

Study Week S2 Exam period

13th September ? 3rd December 2021 27th December 2021 ? 3rd January 2022

6th December ? 10th December 2021 10th December ? 21th December 2021

17th January ? 4th April 2022 11th April ? 18th April 2022 19th April- 22nd April 2022 25th April ? 28th April 2022

29th April ? 9th May 2022


Welcome back to College and to the second year of your degree programme. You have already selected the modules for your programme of study and registered them electronically. These may be changed up to Friday September 24th for Semester 1 modules, and Friday 28th January for Semester 2 modules. As you will be aware by now, UCC has semesterised which means there will be exams after Christmas as well as after Easter. Although you will be given provisional exam results in February 2022, it is only after the summer exam boards that results will become final. More details can be found in the Book of Modules 2021/2022 ) and the published College Calendar ().

Note particularly that the pass mark for all modules is 40% and the minimum module mark required to allow compensation is 30%.

IMPORTANT - Please note it is the responsibility of each student to inform him/herself adequately regarding the assessment requirements for each module they are sitting.

Geography Assignments Many modules offered by the Department of Geography include an element of continuously assessed work ? essays, field reports, practical reports etc. All module details are available on the departmental website. All students are expected to meet the deadlines set for the submission of assessed work. To ensure equality in course assessment, submission of assignments after these deadlines will be subject to penalties.

? Any assignments worth 25% or more must be submitted online via Canvas / or when specified to relevant box with a department date stamp and a receipt obtained for it.

? Along with this, students are also required to submit assignment work via TURNITIN on Canvas.

Unless otherwise informed by staff, all submissions to the Geography Department are to be made via the Plagiarism checking software Turnitin. As well as providing an originality score, the software will also record the date of submission, providing a failsafe electronic receipt of work. The date of electronic submission must be on or before the due date and time for the assignment. Due to Covid-19 restrictions only hand in a paper copy with a completed cover sheet and date stamp, when specified.


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