IFCAP V. 5.1 Install Guide and Release Notes

Integrated Funds, Distribution,Control Point Activity, AccountingAnd Procurement (IFCAP)RELEASE NOTESandINSTALLATION GUIDEVersion 5.1October 2000Department of Veterans AffairsVISTA Technical ServicesPreface Purpose of the Release NotesThe Release Notes section of this document describes the new features and functionality of IFCAP V. 5.1.Purpose of the Installation Guide The Installation Guide provides the information necessary to install the IFCAP V. 5.1 software package.Note: The Technical Manual and Security Guide for IFCAP V. 5.1 are presented separately.Reference?Numbering?Systemxe "Numbering system"This document uses a numberingxe "Paragraph numbering" system to organize its topics into sections and show the reader how these topics relate to each other. For example, section 1.3 means this is the main topic for the third section of Chapter 1. If there were two subsections to this topic, they would be numbered 1.3.1 and 1.3.2. A section numbered would be the seventh subsection of the fourth subsection of the fifth subsection of the third topic of Chapter 2. This numbering system tool allows the reader to more easily follow the logic of sections that contain several subsections.(This page is intentionally left blank)Table Of Contents TOC \o "1-4" \h \z Preface PAGEREF _Toc490964187 \h iPurpose of the Release Notes PAGEREF _Toc490964188 \h iPurpose of the Installation Guide PAGEREF _Toc490964189 \h iReference?Numbering?System PAGEREF _Toc490964190 \h iChapter 1 Release Notes PAGEREF _Toc490964191 \h 11.1Overview PAGEREF _Toc490964192 \h 11.2Types of Changes PAGEREF _Toc490964193 \h 11.2.1New Third Line on Routines PAGEREF _Toc490964194 \h 11.2.2Remove Obsolete Terminology PAGEREF _Toc490964195 \h 11.2.3Corrections to Routines PAGEREF _Toc490964196 \h 11.2.4Developer-Initiated Issue PAGEREF _Toc490964197 \h 21.3National On-line Information System (NOIS) Messages PAGEREF _Toc490964198 \h 31.3.1Overview PAGEREF _Toc490964199 \h 31.3.2NOIS Messages addressed PAGEREF _Toc490964200 \h Message: ISW-0500-20461 PAGEREF _Toc490964201 \h 3Chapter?2 Introduction to Installation PAGEREF _Toc490964202 \h 52.1?? Overview PAGEREF _Toc490964203 \h 52.2General Information PAGEREF _Toc490964204 \h 52.2.1Namespace PAGEREF _Toc490964205 \h 52.2.2Package Dependencies PAGEREF _Toc490964206 \h 52.2.3IFCAP File Range PAGEREF _Toc490964207 \h 62.2.4 Global Placement/Description PAGEREF _Toc490964208 \h 62.2.5 Required Resources (Hardware/Software) PAGEREF _Toc490964209 \h 6Chapter?3 Pre-Installation PAGEREF _Toc490964210 \h 73.1Overview PAGEREF _Toc490964211 \h 73.2Advance Pre-Installation Procedures PAGEREF _Toc490964212 \h 73.3Immediate Pre-Installation Procedures PAGEREF _Toc490964213 \h 9Chapter?4 Installation PAGEREF _Toc490964214 \h 114.1Overview PAGEREF _Toc490964215 \h 114.2Starting the IFCAP Installation PAGEREF _Toc490964216 \h 114.2.1Sample Session of IFCAP V. 5.1 Installation PAGEREF _Toc490964217 \h 144.3Re-starting the IFCAP Installation PAGEREF _Toc490964218 \h 27Chapter?5??Post-Installation PAGEREF _Toc490964219 \h 295.1Assignment of Mail Groups PAGEREF _Toc490964220 \h 29Chapter 1 Release Notes1.1OverviewIFCAP V. 5.1 does not introduce new functionality. It is a fully patched version of IFCAP V. 5.0, which depends upon the site’s reference tables (files) being already populated.This version was developed because there were more than 225 patches released for IFCAP V. 5.0. As more and more patches were released, it became obvious that not all sites had installed all the patches in the correct sequence. This introduced site-specific errors and problems.Also, as the VA is moving toward its coreFLS initiative, the release of IFCAP V. 5.1 provides a stable, baseline application at all sites for possible conversion of data.Types of ChangesSeveral corrections will be introduced in IFCAP V. 5.1. These changes have no effect on the functionality of the system. The types of corrections are:New third line on all routinesRemove obsolete terminologyCorrections to routinesDeveloper-initiated issueAlpha/Beta testing issueNew Third Line on RoutinesTo curtail unauthorized local revisions to IFCAP routines, the following third line is added to all routines: “Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.” Remove Obsolete TerminologyThe following obsolete phrases located in on-line help and option descriptions are being revised and replaced where appropriate. OBSOLETE PHRASEREPLACEMENT PHRASESupplyA&MMSubaccountBOCCALMFMSRocky Mountain National Bank OR RMB OR CitibankCredit Card Vendor1.2.3Corrections to RoutinesRemoved the text “<<= NOT VERIFIED >” from the end of the first line of the following routines:PRCFFU17PRCFPR1PRCHDAM3PRCHDAM5PRCHDP5PRCHDSP4PRCHSPD6PRCHPAM2PRCHPAM4PRCHPAM6PRCS826PRCSAPP2Removed the variable “U” from an argument list in a Kill statement at line OUT in routine PRCBR1 to conform to SAC Standard a blank character at the end of line BEGIN+2 in routine PRCSFMS.1.2.4Developer-Initiated IssueCORRECTION TO PROBLEM WITH AMENDING FCPIFCAP V. 5.0 did not successfully handle the obligation of amended documents if both the FCP and cost center were modified in the same amendment. V. 5.1 corrects this deficiency and allows the obligation process to complete successfully.Alpha/Beta Testing IssueFCP LOOKUP FIXESThis issue surfaced during the course of alpha and beta testing. The FCP lookup in the following options is corrected so that FCP 007 does not appear in the pick list when one enters a FCP whose numeric part equals the ien of a fund used for a Fund Control Point whose Administrative Office is VHA. Display Control Point Official's Balance Running Balances New 2237 New 1358 New Purchase Order Amendment to Purchase Order Purchase Card Registration Assign LOG Department Number to Fund Control Point1.3National On-line Information System (NOIS) Messages1.3.1OverviewAs users discover problems with VISTA software, they are encouraged to contact the National VISTA Support (NVS) staff. NVS will attempt to reproduce the problem. If they find that there is a software problem in the nationally released software, they enter a NOIS and refer it to Technical Services for resolution. NOIS messages are created on the FORUM bulletin board system and are sent as electronic mail to the g.nois FORUM mail group.NOIS Messages addressedThe following NOIS are being addressed by the release of IFCAP V. Message: ISW-0500-20461The second line of routine PRCH58OB is missing a semicolon before the patch list.(This page is intentionally left blank.)Chapter?2 Introduction to Installation2.1?? OverviewThis chapter discusses prerequisites that must be satisfied before the IFCAP V. 5.1 software can be installed. The following topics are discussed:Assigned namespacePackage dependenciesFile rangesSystem configuration and global placementRequired hardware and software resources2.2General InformationIt is highly recommended that IFCAP V. 5.1 be installed first in a site’s test or mirror account, it any exists, prior to installation in the production account.2.2.1NamespaceIFCAP has been assigned PRC as its namespace but it excludes:PRCA* (Accounts Receivable)PRCN* (Equipment/Turn-In Request)PRCZ* (Reserved for local modifications).2.2.2Package DependenciesInstallation of the following packages must be accomplished for IFCAP V. 5.1 to function properly:Kernel V. 8.0ToolKit V. 7.3VA FileMan V. 22.0PIMS V. 5.3 or higherGeneric Code Sheets V. 2.0List Manager V. 1.0OE/RR V. 3.0 or higher2.2.3IFCAP File Range The file range for IFCAP V. 5.1 is 410 through 447, excluding 412, 413, and 430 through 439.9. Files 414, 415, 416, 418, 419, 425 and 429 are not currently in use, but are reserved for the IFCAP package.2.2.4 Global Placement/Description Ensure that the listed IFCAP globals are properly set in your production UCI before proceeding:^PRC^PRCD^PRCF^PRCH^PRCP^PRCS^PRCT^PRCUIf not, execute the appropriate utility to set them up. Access Privileges should be RW (Read and Write).2.2.5 Required Resources (Hardware/Software) Refer to the IFCAP V. 5.1 Technical Manual, under the section entitled "Implementation and Maintenance".Chapter?3 Pre-Installation3.1OverviewThis chapter details the procedures to be performed as part of the IFCAP V. 5.1 pre-installation process. Advance Pre-Installation ProceduresThe following procedure may be performed well in advance of your installation of IFCAP V. 5.1. If your site has already run one of these steps previously, it need not be repeated.Run the A2AP utility for IFCAP 5.0. This utility checks the second line of each routine to check that all expected patches are listed. If you have missing patches, file a NOIS for assistance from NVS.Install patch PRC*5*987 to test the integrity of your IFCAP routines and to identify any local modifications that will be overwritten by installing IFCAP V. 5.1. The report provides a list of IFCAP V 5.0 routines installed on your system. If you find a routine that does not match the standard IFCAP routine and you do not know what modification was made, you can file a NOIS for assistance from NVS.OPTIONAL: Print the Entry/Exit Actions for your IFCAP V. 5.0 options. This FileMan report will be helpful if you have made any local changes to logic involved upon entering or exiting option.UCI,VOL>D Q^DI Select OPTION: PRINT FILE ENTRIES OUTPUT FROM WHAT FILE: OPTION//SORT BY: NAME//START WITH NAME: FIRST// PRCGO TO NAME: LAST// PRC~ WITHIN NAME, SORT BY: $E(#.01,1,4)'="PRCA" WITHIN $E(#.01,1,4)'="PRCA", SORT BY: $E(#.01,1,4)'="PRCN" WITHIN $E(#.01,1,4)'="PRCN", SORT BY: $E(#.01,1,4)'="PRCZ" WITHIN $E(#.01,1,4)'="PRCZ", SORT BY:STORE IN 'SORT' TEMPLATE:FIRST PRINT FIELD: NAME;C1THEN PRINT FIELD: ENTRY ACTION;C10THEN PRINT FIELD: EXIT ACTION;S1;C10THEN PRINT FIELD:Heading (S/C): OPTION LIST// IFCAP OPTION ENTRY/EXIT ACTIONSSTORE PRINT LOGIC IN TEMPLATE:START AT PAGE: 1//DEVICE: PrinterOPTIONAL: Print the menu options for your IFCAP V. 5.0 system. This FileMan report will be useful if you have added or edited options in the nationally released IFCAP menu as these changes may disappear with the installation of IFCAP V. 5.1.UCI,VOL>D Q^DI Select OPTION: SEARCH FILE ENTRIESOUTPUT FROM WHAT FILE: OPTION// -A- SEARCH FOR OPTION FIELD: TYPE -A- CONDITION: eqUALS -A- EQUALS: menu -B- SEARCH FOR OPTION FIELD: IF: A// TYPE EQUALS "M" (menu) STORE RESULTS OF SEARCH IN TEMPLATE: SORT BY: NAME//START WITH NAME: FIRST// PRCGO TO NAME: LAST// PRC~ WITHIN NAME, SORT BY: $E(#.01,1,4)'="PRCA" WITHIN $E(#.01,1,4)'="PRCA", SORT BY: $E(#.01,1,4)'="PRCN" WITHIN $E(#.01,1,4)'="PRCN", SORT BY: $E(#.01,1,4)'="PRCZ" WITHIN $E(#.01,1,4)'="PRCZ", SORT BY:STORE IN 'SORT' TEMPLATE:FIRST PRINT FIELD: [CAPTIONED Include COMPUTED fields: (N/Y/R/B): NO// - No record number (IEN), noComputed FieldsHeading (S/C): OPTION SEARCH// IFCAP MENU OPTION SEARCHSTART AT PAGE: 1//DEVICE: PrinterOPTIONAL: Print the lock search for IFCAP V. 5.0. This FileMan report helps identify local customization with regard to Security Keys in the LOCK field of an option.UCI,VOL>D Q^DISelect Option: Search File Entries OUTPUT FROM WHAT FILE: // 19 OPTION (11541 entries) -A- SEARCH FOR OPTION FIELD: LOCK -A- CONDITION: 'NULL -B- SEARCH FOR OPTION FIELD: IF: A// LOCK NOT NULL STORE RESULTS OF SEARCH IN TEMPLATE: SORT BY: NAME// START WITH NAME: FIRST// PRCGO TO NAME: LAST// PRC~ WITHIN NAME, SORT BY: $E(#.01,1,4)'="PRCA" WITHIN $E(#.01,1,4)'="PRCA", SORT BY: $E(#.01,1,4)'="PRCN" WITHIN $E(#.01,1,4)'="PRCN", SORT BY: $E(#.01,1,4)'="PRCZ" WITHIN $E(#.01,1,4)'="PRCZ", SORT BY: STORE IN 'SORT' TEMPLATE: FIRST PRINT FIELD: [CAPTIONED Include COMPUTED fields: (N/Y/R/B): NO// - No record number (IEN), noComputed FieldsHeading (S/C): OPTION SEARCH// IFCAP OPTIONS WITH LOCKSSTART AT PAGE: 1// DEVICE: PrinterImmediate Pre-Installation ProceduresThe following procedure should be done immediately before installing IFCAP V. 5.1.Make sure you have a WORKING backup of your system.Backup your IFCAP namespace routines (see section 2.2.1Namespace) to a host file.Ensure you have adequate journaling space.DSM for Open VMS sites only - Disable routine mapping for routines in the IFCAP namespace (see section 2.2.1Namespace), if mapping is enabled.(This page intentionally left blank.)Chapter?4 Installation4.1OverviewIt is highly recommended that IFCAP V. 5.1 be installed in the test or mirror account at the site (if any exists) before installing it into the production account. This version should be installed during off hours while all IFCAP, Fee Basis and Prosthetics users are off the system.The following installation procedures should be used for all accounts.4.2Starting the IFCAP InstallationTo install IFCAP V. 5.1 software over IFCAP V. 5.0:FTP the distribution file IFCP5_1.KID from the anonymous.software directory of any of the OI Field Offices and addresses listed below:HinesREDACTEDAlbanyREDACTEDSalt LakeREDACTEDInsure all IFCAP, Fee Basis, and Prosthetics users are off the system.Enter D ^XUP in programming mode to set up all appropriate variables.Enter XPD MAIN at the “Select OPTION NAME:” prompt to invoke the Kernel Installation & Distribution System.Enter INSTALL at the “Select Kernel Installation & Distribution System Option:” prompt.Enter LOAD at the “Select Installation Option:” prompt to load the distribution file into the UCI.Enter IFCP5_1.KID at the “Enter a Host File:” prompt.Enter YES at the “Want to Continue with Load?” prompt.Enter YES at the “Want to RUN the Environment Check Routine?” prompt. The environment check routine now runs.Enter VERIFY at the “Select Installation Option:” prompt to verify that the transport global has successfully been transmitted.Enter IFCAP 5.1 at the “Select INSTALL NAME:” prompt.Enter where you want the verify report to print at the “DEVICE:” prompt. Enter INSTALL at the “Select Installation Option:” prompt.Enter IFCAP 5.1 at the “Select INSTALL NAME:” prompt. The environment check routine is run again, and a long list of the incoming files displays.Enter YES to the “Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install?” prompt. It is highly recommended that the menu trees be built immediately upon completion of installation because users will not be able to jump properly until they are rebuilt.Enter NO to the “Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install?” prompt.Enter YES to the “Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols?” prompt.At the “Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':” prompt, enter the following options:FBAA BATCH MENUFBAA PHARMACY BATCH OPTIONSFBCH BATCH OPTIONSFBCNH BATCH MAIN MENUPRCF MASTERPRCH CARD COORDINATOR MENUPRCH DELIVERY ORDER MENUPRCH PURCHASE CARD MENUPRCHUSER COORDINATORPRCHUSER MASTERPRCP MAIN MENUPRCP2 MAIN MENUPRCPW MAIN MENUPRCSCP CLERKPRCSCP OFFICIALPRCSREQUESTORRMPR PURCHASING MENUPress <Enter> at the “Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':” prompt to end your entry of options.Press <Enter>at the “Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':” prompt.Press <Enter>at the “Delay Install (Minutes): (0-60):” prompt unless you wish to delay the install time, in which case you should enter the number of minutes the install should be delayed. Enter the device on which you want the installation message to appear at the “DEVICE:” prompt. At this point, the installation begins and continues through the post-init routine.The installation usually takes under 30 minutes, but may take longer depending on the number of menu trees to be rebuilt.REMINDER for MSM sites: Copy the IFCAP routines, including the compiled template routines, to ALL accounts.4.2.1Sample Session of IFCAP V. 5.1 Installation? (User inputs are marked in bold)>D ^XUPSetting up programmer environmentTerminal Type set to: C-VT100Select OPTION NAME: XPD MAIN Kernel Installation & Distribution System Edits and Distribution ... Utilities ... Installation ... Select Kernel Installation & Distribution System Option: INSTALLation 1 Load a Distribution 2 Verify Checksums in Transport Global 3 Print Transport Global 4 Compare Transport Global to Current System 5 Backup a Transport Global 6 Install Package(s) Restart Install of Package(s) Unload a Distribution Select Installation Option: LOAD a DistributionEnter a Host File: IFCP5_1.KIDKIDS Distribution saved on Jun 27, 2000@22:21:12Comment: IFCAP 5.1 generated 27 June 2000This Distribution contains Transport Globals for the following Package(s): IFCAP 5.1Distribution OK!Want to Continue with Load? YES// YESLoading Distribution...Build IFCAP 5.1 has an Enviromental Check RoutineWant to RUN the Environment Check Routine? YES// YES IFCAP 5.1Will first run the Environment Check Routine, PRC51ENVUse INSTALL NAME: IFCAP 5.1 to install this Distribution. 1 Load a Distribution 2 Verify Checksums in Transport Global 3 Print Transport Global 4 Compare Transport Global to Current System 5 Backup a Transport Global 6 Install Package(s) Restart Install of Package(s) Unload a Distribution Select Installation Option: VERIFY Checksums in Transport GlobalSelect INSTALL NAME: IFCAP 5.1 => IFCAP 5.1 generated 27 June 2000 ;Created on Jun 27, 2000This Distribution was loaded on Jun 29, 2000@08:16:20 with header of IFCAP 5.1 generated 27 June 2000 ;Created on Jun 27, 2000@22:21:12 It consisted of the following Install(s): IFCAP 5.1DEVICE: HOME// <ENTER>PACKAGE: IFCAP 5.1 Jun 29, 2000 8:17 am PAGE 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1042 Routine checked, 0 failed. 1 Load a Distribution 2 Verify Checksums in Transport Global 3 Print Transport Global 4 Compare Transport Global to Current System 5 Backup a Transport Global 6 Install Package(s) Restart Install of Package(s) Unload a Distribution Select Installation Option: INSTALL Package(s)Select INSTALL NAME: IFCAP 5.1 Loaded from Distribution 6/29/00@08:16:20 => IFCAP 5.1 generated 27 June 2000 ;Created on Jun 27, 2This Distribution was loaded on Jun 29, 2000@08:16:20 with header of IFCAP 5.1 generated 27 June 2000 ;Created on Jun 27, 2000@22:21:12 It consisted of the following Install(s): IFCAP 5.1Checking Install for Package IFCAP 5.1Will first run the Environment Check Routine, PRC51ENVInstall Questions for IFCAP 5.1Incoming Files: 410 CONTROL POINT ACTIVITYNote: You already have the 'CONTROL POINT ACTIVITY' File. 410.1 TRANSACTION NUMBERNote: You already have the 'TRANSACTION NUMBER' File. 410.2 CLASSIFICATION OF REQUESTNote: You already have the 'CLASSIFICATION OF REQUEST' File. 410.3 REPETITIVE ITEM LISTNote: You already have the 'REPETITIVE ITEM LIST' File. 410.4 SUB-CONTROL POINTNote: You already have the 'SUB-CONTROL POINT' File. 410.5 CPA FORM TYPENote: You already have the 'CPA FORM TYPE' File. 410.6 DELIVERY SCHEDULENote: You already have the 'DELIVERY SCHEDULE' File. 410.7 SORT GROUPNote: You already have the 'SORT GROUP' File. 410.8 DELIVERY POINTNote: You already have the 'DELIVERY POINT' File. 411 ADMIN. ACTIVITY SITE PARAMETERNote: You already have the 'ADMIN. ACTIVITY SITE PARAMETER' File. 411.2 FACILITY TYPE (TEMPORARY)Note: You already have the 'FACILITY TYPE (TEMPORARY)' File. 411.3 IFCAP CONVERSION DISCREPANCYNote: You already have the 'IFCAP CONVERSION DISCREPANCY' File. 411.4 IFCAP CONVERSION ERRORNote: You already have the 'IFCAP CONVERSION ERROR' File. 411.5 IFCAP PARAMETERSNote: You already have the 'IFCAP PARAMETERS' File. 417 FMS TRANSACTIONSNote: You already have the 'FMS TRANSACTIONS' File. 417.1 FMS EXCEPTIONSNote: You already have the 'FMS EXCEPTIONS' File. 420 FUND CONTROL POINTNote: You already have the 'FUND CONTROL POINT' File. 420.1 COST CENTERNote: You already have the 'COST CENTER' File. 420.13 PRCD SD PROGRAMNote: You already have the 'PRCD SD PROGRAM' File. 420.131 PRCD SD FCP/PRJNote: You already have the 'PRCD SD FCP/PRJ' File. 420.132 PRCD SD OBJECT CLASSNote: You already have the 'PRCD SD OBJECT CLASS' File. 420.133 PRCD SD JOBNote: You already have the 'PRCD SD JOB' File. 420.134 PRCD SD REPORTING CATEGORYNote: You already have the 'PRCD SD REPORTING CATEGORY' File. 420.135 PRCD SD REVENUE SOURCENote: You already have the 'PRCD SD REVENUE SOURCE' File. 420.136 PRCD SD SUB-REV SOURCENote: You already have the 'PRCD SD SUB-REV SOURCE' File. 420.137 PRCD SD SUB-OBJNote: You already have the 'PRCD SD SUB-OBJ' File. 420.138 PRCD SD FMS SECURITYNote: You already have the 'PRCD SD FMS SECURITY' File. 420.14 PRCD FUNDNote: You already have the 'PRCD FUND' File. 420.141 PRCD FMS SUB-ALLOWANCE ACCOUNTNote: You already have the 'PRCD FMS SUB-ALLOWANCE ACCOUNT' File. 420.15 PRCD SD ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICENote: You already have the 'PRCD SD ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE' File. 420.16 PRCD SD DOCUMENT TYPENote: You already have the 'PRCD SD DOCUMENT TYPE' File. 420.17 PRCD SD DOCUMENT DATA ELEMENTNote: You already have the 'PRCD SD DOCUMENT DATA ELEMENT' File. 420.18 PRCD REQUIRED FIELDSNote: You already have the 'PRCD REQUIRED FIELDS' File. 420.19 PRCD STANDARD DICTIONARYNote: You already have the 'PRCD STANDARD DICTIONARY' File. 420.1999 PRCD SD STATUSNote: You already have the 'PRCD SD STATUS' File. 420.2 BUDGET OBJECT CODENote: You already have the 'BUDGET OBJECT CODE' File. 420.3 PRCD FUND/APPROPRIATION CODENote: You already have the 'PRCD FUND/APPROPRIATION CODE' File. 420.4 CALM/LOG TRANSACTIONS CODE LISTNote: You already have the 'CALM/LOG TRANSACTIONS CODE LIST' File. 420.5 UNIT OF ISSUENote: You already have the 'UNIT OF ISSUE' File. 420.6 CODE INDEXNote: You already have the 'CODE INDEX' File. 420.7 BUDGET DISTRIBUTION CODESNote: You already have the 'BUDGET DISTRIBUTION CODES' File. 420.8 SOURCE CODENote: You already have the 'SOURCE CODE' File. 420.9 INTERMEDIATE PRODUCTNote: You already have the 'INTERMEDIATE PRODUCT' File. 420.92 PRCU IFCAP/FMS CONVERSIONNote: You already have the 'PRCU IFCAP/FMS CONVERSION' File. 420.96 IFCAP/FMS OBLIGATION RECONCILIATION REPORTNote: You already have the 'IFCAP/FMS OBLIGATION RECONCILIATION REPORT' File. 420.97 IFCAP/FMS FCP RECONCILIATION MESSAGENote: You already have the 'IFCAP/FMS FCP RECONCILIATION MESSAGE' File. 420.98 IFCAP/FMS FCP RECONCILIATION REPORTNote: You already have the 'IFCAP/FMS FCP RECONCILIATION REPORT' File. 420.99 IFCAP TEMP FCP SNAPSHOTNote: You already have the 'IFCAP TEMP FCP SNAPSHOT' File. 420.9999 PRCD SD STANDARD FOR COPYINGNote: You already have the 'PRCD SD STANDARD FOR COPYING' File. 421 FUND DISTRIBUTIONNote: You already have the 'FUND DISTRIBUTION' File. 421.1 MULTIPLE DISTRIBUTIONNote: You already have the 'MULTIPLE DISTRIBUTION' File. 421.2 CALM/LOG TRANSMISSION RECORDNote: You already have the 'CALM/LOG TRANSMISSION RECORD' File. 421.3 CALM ERROR MESSAGESNote: You already have the 'CALM ERROR MESSAGES' File. 421.4 FISCAL LOCKNote: You already have the 'FISCAL LOCK' File. 421.5 INVOICE TRACKINGNote: You already have the 'INVOICE TRACKING' File. 421.6 FUND DISTRIBUTION (TEMP TRANS)Note: You already have the 'FUND DISTRIBUTION (TEMP TRANS)' File. 421.7 INVOICE DLN COUNTERNote: You already have the 'INVOICE DLN COUNTER' File. 421.8 FISCAL STACKED DOCUMENTSNote: You already have the 'FISCAL STACKED DOCUMENTS' File. 421.9 INVOICE PARTIAL COUNTERNote: You already have the 'INVOICE PARTIAL COUNTER' File. 422 CALM/LOG TEMPLATE MAPSNote: You already have the 'CALM/LOG TEMPLATE MAPS' File. 422.2 COUNTERNote: You already have the 'COUNTER' File. 423 CALM/LOG CODE SHEETNote: You already have the 'CALM/LOG CODE SHEET' File. 423.4 ISMS REASON CODESNote: You already have the 'ISMS REASON CODES' File. 423.5 PRC IFCAP MESSAGE ROUTERNote: You already have the 'PRC IFCAP MESSAGE ROUTER' File. 423.6 ISMS/FMS TRANSNote: You already have the 'ISMS/FMS TRANS' File. 423.9 CALM/LOG BATCH TYPENote: You already have the 'CALM/LOG BATCH TYPE' File. 424 1358 DAILY RECORDNote: You already have the '1358 DAILY RECORD' File. 424.1 1358 AUTHORIZATION DETAILNote: You already have the '1358 AUTHORIZATION DETAIL' File. 440 VENDORNote: You already have the 'VENDOR' File. 440.2 DIRECT DELIVERY PATIENTSNote: You already have the 'DIRECT DELIVERY PATIENTS' File. 440.3 VENDOR EDITNote: You already have the 'VENDOR EDIT' File. 440.5 PURCHASE CARD INFORMATIONNote: You already have the 'PURCHASE CARD INFORMATION' File. 440.6 PURCHASE CARD ORDER RECONCILENote: You already have the 'PURCHASE CARD ORDER RECONCILE' File. 440.7 MONTHLY ACCRUALNote: You already have the 'MONTHLY ACCRUAL' File. 440.8 PRCH AFC CHARGE TRANSMISSION LOGNote: You already have the 'PRCH AFC CHARGE TRANSMISSION LOG' File. 441 ITEM MASTERNote: You already have the 'ITEM MASTER' File. 441.2 FEDERAL SUPPLY CLASSIFICATIONNote: You already have the 'FEDERAL SUPPLY CLASSIFICATION' File. 441.3 FSC GROUP TITLESNote: You already have the 'FSC GROUP TITLES' File. 441.4 DLA/LOG CODESNote: You already have the 'DLA/LOG CODES' File. 441.6 TYPE OF REQUISITION AMENDMENTNote: You already have the 'TYPE OF REQUISITION AMENDMENT' File. 441.7 AMENDMENTS TO DELIVERY SCHEDULESNote: You already have the 'AMENDMENTS TO DELIVERY SCHEDULES' File. 442 PROCUREMENT & ACCOUNTING TRANSACTIONSNote: You already have the 'PROCUREMENT & ACCOUNTING TRANSACTIONS' File. 442.2 TYPE OF AMENDMENTNote: You already have the 'TYPE OF AMENDMENT' File. 442.3 PURCHASE ORDER STATUSNote: You already have the 'PURCHASE ORDER STATUS' File. 442.4 PURCHASE AUTHORITYNote: You already have the 'PURCHASE AUTHORITY' File. 442.5 PAT TYPENote: You already have the 'PAT TYPE' File. 442.6 PAT NUMBERNote: You already have the 'PAT NUMBER' File. 442.7 ADMINISTRATIVE CERTIFICATIONSNote: You already have the 'ADMINISTRATIVE CERTIFICATIONS' File. 442.8 DELIVERY SCHEDULE (ORDER)Note: You already have the 'DELIVERY SCHEDULE (ORDER)' File. 442.9 ELEC RECEIVING REPORT BATCHNote: You already have the 'ELEC RECEIVING REPORT BATCH' File. 443 REQUEST WORKSHEETNote: You already have the 'REQUEST WORKSHEET' File. 443.1 IFCAP PURGEMASTER WORKLISTNote: You already have the 'IFCAP PURGEMASTER WORKLIST' File. 443.2 IFCAP PURGE PARAMETERSNote: You already have the 'IFCAP PURGE PARAMETERS' File. 443.3 IFCAP PURGE INPROCESSNote: You already have the 'IFCAP PURGE INPROCESS' File. 443.4 TYPE OF SPECIAL HANDLINGNote: You already have the 'TYPE OF SPECIAL HANDLING' File. 443.5 P.O./REQUEST/R.R. PRINT LOGNote: You already have the 'P.O./REQUEST/R.R. PRINT LOG' File. 443.6 AMENDMENTSNote: You already have the 'AMENDMENTS' File. 443.75 EDI SENDERNote: You already have the 'EDI SENDER' File. 443.76 EDI ERROR CODESNote: You already have the 'EDI ERROR CODES' File. 443.8 LOCAL PROCUREMENT REASON CODESNote: You already have the 'LOCAL PROCUREMENT REASON CODES' File. 443.9 IFCAP PENDING ARCHIVENote: You already have the 'IFCAP PENDING ARCHIVE' File. 444 REQUEST FOR QUOTATIONNote: You already have the 'REQUEST FOR QUOTATION' File. 444.1 RFQ VENDORNote: You already have the 'RFQ VENDOR' File. 444.2 SIC CODENote: You already have the 'SIC CODE' File. 444.21 SIC CODE GROUPSNote: You already have the 'SIC CODE GROUPS' File. 444.3 RFQ COUNTERNote: You already have the 'RFQ COUNTER' File. 444.4 RFQ EDITING PREFERENCENote: You already have the 'RFQ EDITING PREFERENCE' File. 445 GENERIC INVENTORYNote: You already have the 'GENERIC INVENTORY' File. 445.1 INVENTORY BALANCESNote: You already have the 'INVENTORY BALANCES' File. 445.2 INVENTORY TRANSACTIONNote: You already have the 'INVENTORY TRANSACTION' File. 445.3 INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION ORDER/ADJ.Note: You already have the 'INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION ORDER/ADJ.' File. 445.4 STORAGE LOCATIONNote: You already have the 'STORAGE LOCATION' File. 445.6 GROUP CATEGORYNote: You already have the 'GROUP CATEGORY' File. 445.7 CASE CARTSNote: You already have the 'CASE CARTS' File. 445.8 INSTRUMENT KITSNote: You already have the 'INSTRUMENT KITS' File. 446 DISTRIBUTION/USAGE HISTORYNote: You already have the 'DISTRIBUTION/USAGE HISTORY' File. 446.1 INVENTORY DISTRIBUTED PATIENT SUPPLIESNote: You already have the 'INVENTORY DISTRIBUTED PATIENT SUPPLIES' File. 446.4 BARCODE PROGRAMNote: You already have the 'BARCODE PROGRAM' File. 446.5 CUSTOM LABELNote: You already have the 'CUSTOM LABEL' File. 446.6 SPECIALTY COMMANDSNote: You already have the 'SPECIALTY COMMANDS' File. 447 INVENTORY LOCK MANAGEMENTNote: You already have the 'INVENTORY LOCK MANAGEMENT' File.Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// YESWant KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NOWant to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// YESEnter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': FBAA BATCH MENU Batch Main MenuEnter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': FBAA PHARMACY BATCH OPTIONS Batch Menu - PharmacyEnter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': FBCH BATCH OPTIONS Batch Main Menu - CHEnter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': FBCNH BATCH MAIN MENU Batch Main Menu - CNHEnter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': PRCF MASTER Funds Distribution & Accounting MenuEnter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': PRCH CARD COORDINATOR MENU Purchase Card Coordinator's MenuEnter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': PRCH DELIVERY ORDER MENU Delivery Orders MenuEnter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': PRCH PURCHASE CARD MENU Purchase Card MenuEnter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': PRCHUSER COORDINATOR IFCAP Application Coordinator MenuEnter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': PRCHUSER MASTER Combined A&MM MenusEnter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': PRCP MAIN MENU Primary Inventory Point Main MenuEnter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': PRCP2 MAIN MENU Secondary Inventory Point Main MenuEnter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': PRCPW MAIN MENU Warehouse--General Inventory/Distribution MenuEnter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': PRCSCP CLERK Control Point Clerk's MenuEnter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': PRCSCP OFFICIAL Control Point Official's MenuEnter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': PRCSREQUESTOR Requestor's MenuEnter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': RMPR PURCHASING MENU PurchasingEnter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': <Enter>Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': <Enter>Delay Install (Minutes): (0-60): 0// <Enter>Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages.You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt.Enter a '^' to abort the install.DEVICE: HOME// <Enter> Install Started for IFCAP 5.1 : Jun 29, 2000@08:22:46 Build Distribution Date: Jun 27, 2000 Installing Routines: Jun 29, 2000@08:23:29 Installing Data Dictionaries: ..... Jun 29, 2000@08:24:14 Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS: Installing HELP FRAME Installing BULLETIN Installing SECURITY KEY Installing PRINT TEMPLATE Installing SORT TEMPLATE Installing INPUT TEMPLATE Installing FORM Installing PROTOCOL Installing LIST TEMPLATE Installing OPTION Option PRCHPM 2237 DEL in Menu PRCHPM UTILITIES **NOT FOUND** Jun 29, 2000@08:25:52 Running Post-Install Routine: ^PRC51PST Updating Routine file... The following Routines were created during this install: PRCST4 PRCST41 PRCST42 PRCST43 PRCST44 PRCST45 PRCST46 PRCST47 PRCST1 PRCST11 PRCST110 PRCST111 PRCST112 PRCST113 PRCST114 PRCST115 PRCST116 PRCST12 PRCST13 PRCST14 PRCST15 PRCST16 PRCST17 PRCST18 PRCST19 PRCST2 PRCST21 PRCST210 PRCST211 PRCST212 PRCST22 PRCST23 PRCST24 PRCST25 PRCST26 PRCST27 PRCST28 PRCST29 PRCHT2 PRCHT21 PRCHT22 PRCHT23 PRCHT24 PRCST5 PRCST6 PRCST7 PRCBTPT PRCBTCP PRCET PRCSHP PRCSHH PRCHIH1 PRCHI1 Updating KIDS files... IFCAP 5.1 Installed. Jun 29, 2000@08:26:10 Install Message sent #8884 Call MENU rebuildStarting Menu Rebuild: Jun 29, 2000@08:26:14Collecting primary menus in the New Person file... Primary menus found in the New Person file ------------------------------------------OPTION NAME MENU TEXT # OF LAST LAST USERS USED BUILTXMUSER MailMan Menu 256 12/20/99 06/28/00EVE Systems Manager Menu 25 06/29/00 06/28/00… (Your site’s primary menus will be listed here)Building the Common Options (XUCOMMAND)....Building secondary menu trees....Menu Rebuild Complete: Jun 29, 2000@08:31:35──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ 100% │ 25 50 75 │Complete └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘Install Completed4.3Re-starting the IFCAP InstallationThere are no special considerations if the IFCAP installation needs to be re-started. Use the “Restart Install of Package(s)” option in KIDS.WARNING: Do not attempt to operate any part of IFCAP until you have successfully completed all parts of the installation.Chapter?5??Post-Installation5.1Assignment of Mail Groups The post-init routine searches every IFCAP mail group to see if the group is defined on your system. If so, no action is taken. If it is not defined, the post-init adds it to your system. A list of the mail groups added appears on the Install File Print report.If there were mail groups added, please work with your IFCAP Application Coordinator to assign appropriate users to the new mail groups. You can refer to both the Technical and Application Coordinator Manuals for details about these assignments.(This page intentionally left blank.) ................

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