Conservation Biology (WIS 4554/ WIS 5555)

Conservation Biology (WIS 5555)

Name: UF ID: Native Country:

Gatorlink E-mail:

Degree Program at UF: Year in university (e.g., 4th year student etc.):

Undergraduate major: Advisor at UF:

Subject and location for graduate research if known:

When you complete your degree, do you expect to work in:

__Academia __ Government __ NGO Other: ___________________ Where will you work (country)?_____________


Students who take this course have many different backgrounds. The information below will give me an idea of your starting point for this course.

On a scale of 1-5, how familiar are you with the items/topics below (1= no idea; 5 = solid knowledge)

Conservation genetics___


Genetic loci___


Gene flow___

Natural selection____

Hardy_Weinberg equilibrium___

Effective population size ____

Evolutionary significant units____

Metapopulations ___

Source/sinks ___

Demographic rescue____

Ecological traps____

Extinction vortex___

Modeling of animal population dynamics ____

Edge effects ____

Landscape connectivity____

Matrix permeability _____

Extinction debt ____

Island biogeography theory ___



Biosphere reserves_____

Keystone species___

Foundation species _____

Umbrella species ____

Problems of invasive species__

Alternative stable states of ecosystems___

Ecosystem resilience____


Alpha, beta, gamma diversity ____

Adaptive ecosystem management ____

IUCN Red List ____

Ecological economics____

Market externalities____

Conservation easements____

Debt for Nature Swaps____

PES ____

Mitigation banks____

Land sharing/land sparing debates____

Effectiveness of protected areas for biodiversity ___

Effectiveness of protected areas from a social prospective___

Convention on Biological Diversity ____

Aichi targets_____

Theories of change related to conservation strategies__

The Open Standards___

Please put a G in front of the courses that you have taken as a graduate student, and U in front of courses that you took as an undergraduate student. (If the title doesn’t exactly fit the course that you took, but it is close, mark it.)

Conservation Biology

Conservation Planning Wildlife Management

Biology Population Genetics

General Ecology Molecular Genetics

General (basic) Genetics Conservation Genetics

Evolution Vertebrate zoology

Forest Ecology Biological Invasions/Introduced Species

Population Ecology Park Design or Planning

Community Ecology Economics

Landscape Ecology Brian Child’s Protected Areas course

Wildlife Ecology Katherine Tucker’s People and Parks course

Mammalogy One of Jon Dain’s courses – Conflict resolution, facilitation, etc.

Herpetology REDD+ Discussion group (with Putz and Romero)

Avian Biology or Ornithology Climate change/global change

Below write a sentence or two for each or more if you wish!

Briefly tell me about your career goals and what you plan to do after you finish your graduate studies?

Briefly describe your experience in working with applied conservation in the field (include where you worked):

Anything else that you want to tell me about your background/interests???


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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