UFOs: A History

[Pages:106] UFOs: A HISTORY 1955 JANUARY - JUNE

Copyright? 1992 Fremont, CA 94538


This history series is dedicated to the memory of Francis R. ''Dick" Scobee of Cle Elum, Washington, Mission Commander of the space shuttle Cllallenger and a "shirt tail" relative on my ~fother' s side of the faiillly.

The boy ran down three flights of stairs in response to his mother's scream. The previous year the French lad had filled a scrapbook with saucer stories scissored from the L' Aurore and the France-Soir. Now he had a chance to see something hims~erging into the sunlight, the boy's attention was directed to the southern sky where a gray-colored disc-shaped body was stationary in the air over the town of Pontoise. So near was the phenomenon, a transparent dome could be discerned on the object's upper surface.

When the object departed, according to the mother who was working in the yard and had been the first to spot the thing, it left puffs of white vapor. This incident occurred on a Sunday(exact date not recalled) in May 1955. The boy was Jacques Vallee who would grow up to be a world famous UFO expert, the only top expert, apparently, who could claim an impressive personal observation of a flying saucer.

Vallee, JacqUes. Forbidden Science. Berkeley, Calif.: North Atlantic Books, 1992. page 15.



January -June

"Ql the Attack?"

In 1954 writer Harold Wilkins produced his work !!Y~ Saucers On The

Attack. a collection of UFO stories and personal speculition. He triooto iii'iiieil case for UFOs being a physical threat. (See ad)

Wilkins authored a second book in 1955. f_!ying Saucers Uncensored, in which he again advocated the theory the peopleof Barth were confronted by belligerent space forces, predicting the launching of space satellites by the U.S. by 1957 which would detect alien bases and war fleets on the t-1oon. He urged a unity of mankind against a possible "cosmic danger." (By midyear, 1955, UFO researcher Leonard Stringfield, right in the middle of the biggest flap of the whole 12 month period, was beginning to think Wilkins' aensatiooal assertions might be true.)

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? Do the intt"rplaiH'iU'J' oenJform? ba"e "tpiea''" alreody on earth?

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? Wltal tiiiUHtl the myatenuua null ol ? Britiah Conaet jot airllur oa Jaauaf7 10, l9.M!

The-e ore only four of fl'ORS of tX?1hnl! UDno .on...ered in lin? exriung Look. Htrt i? the antl~tmllt' e' uletu-t' of uuu.au1ert~blc curuuntera wolh Byilll! ??llo'tro. Here ore tJ,.. dlll.lzin; olrluilt of l lw ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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