U.F.O. FILES: THE UNTOLD STORY - National Security Agency

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A meUlllic-Ulte diu, reported co llan llonrecl over Sanco Ancl, Calif., in 1165, - llae Subject of



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I Though officials have long denied that they take 'flying

saucers' seriously, declassified documents now reveal

extensive Government ~ncem. ov~ the p~enomeno1!:. ?: .

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By Patrick Hanh?

Operatiam Cmler]. Reliable

mWtary per....a at 1.orilll

. .. .. .~t:~ i:

AFB [Air Force Bue), Maine, Wunsmitb AFB, Michipn, Ma1mstrom AFB, (Moawla),

Mmot AFB, [North Dakota),




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Sighting over Oregon: OM of

Ille bal photCJSnrplliC records.

and Canadian Forces SCatkln, Falcanbrtdp. Ontario, Canada, ...,,. YiSuaUy sigbred picious otijec:ls.

"Objects at Loring and Wunsmlth were characterized to be bellcopten. MluUe sile

The De'- Department personnel, security alert message bears the classlfica. ? teams and AirDef-pe.lion CONFIDENTIAL. "Sub- nel at Malmstram Mantaaa re-

ject: Suspicious Unknown Air ported object wbich IWllded

Activity." Dated Nov. 11, 1975, like a jet ain:rafL FAA ad-

It reads:

vised 'There were no jet air-

"Since 28 Oct 75 numerous craft In lbe vicinity.? Malm-

repons of suspicious objects stnnn -rcb and beiPt finder have been received at the radars c:anied tbe object ...

NORAD COC [North Ameri- , _ 9,0llD ft and 15,IOO ft at a

can Air Defense Combat speed of seven knots. ? ..

F??'* scrambled from Malm-

Potridr Huy1he is a freelwu:. strom could not make contact

writer in New Yolit.

due to darkness and low altl-

tude. Sile peDllllll8I reported the objeda ?law u 2GO ft and

said that as lbe interceptors approacbed the lights went

out. After the IDCerceptors bad

passed the HplS came OD apiD. One baur after the

F-1111111 returned to bue, mis-

silesite,._. reported tbe object increued to a hllb speed, raised In alUtude and could DDt be di-mcl from

thesrars. ??? ?1.. '? '?.

"J have a:pnaed my con-

.. cern to SAFOJ [Air .Force m.

formatiall ? Olllce)' tJlat we ?.":


up - ' with a pro-

pelled the p.




tion by the public IO reports by

tbe media dial may be blown . out of pnpaniDD. To date ef.

I tons by AJr Guard belicllpten, 1

SAC (Stratesic Air Command] helicopters and NORAD

F-1065 bave falJed to produce positive JD...



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sever. ject of U.F.0."8 bave emaa;;d

- tbe put few ,_rs wil.ll die release of loa&?Wltbheld

- r'to the surveillance of 'rivate U.F.O. organi?

za~-4las many of their


~t _.obtained - m r s baft long Insisted)

throuP the Freadom of lldor- and to tbaKl'Utiny of dozens of

-tiaa Act. Tboup ..... llldlviduala -pec:ted of Sllb-

papas fail to ~ve die verslve U.F.O. activities.

U.F.O. eaJsma, tbey do mu- Perhaps most telling or all.


ap to dispel many papular- the Govemmenl clocwnents on

tiaas about the U.F.O. cxmtro-

wny, as -11 as give Sllba..nc:e toa number of otbers.

U.F.O.'s re-1 that despite official denials to the contrary,

Federal qencies continue to



Official records - avail- maaitor the pbeaomenon to able appear to put to rmt this day. doubts that Ille Govenlmeat 'Ille - t a l task or

E knew _.. about U.F.O.'s

tllan It bu claimed over die

past 3Z

P..- the start,

llMU'lhing tbll-t batch of' records oa U.F.o.'? from a bunaucracy that bas for years

It bu

-~that denied tbeir lllllstence can be

- ' U. .O. li&btlals CDUld be traced to the efforts of a hand?

aplaJned ID t8lms of misidm- fUI of Allqullitlve individuals

tlfiad balloaas, cloud fonna- who, armed wlCh the Freedom

tiaas, ~.Nii llFlllill&. _ . . llDd lltba' ll&lllral

of lnformatloa Act, set off In tbe mid-'J'O's an a paper chase

pllll a-a

of U.S. Goveniment docu-

But Cha papen also ~ menu Oii U.P.O.'s. They in?

that the Gcwwnment remains elude ..,,_ S. Maccabee, a

perplaed about the aaatnc Silver Spda&, Md., pbysieist

l'9icllae of mnpl?lned U.F.O. 1llOltial far tile Navy. who bas

iflb&IDp, wbic:h . - t t o ? llllUlllpd to obtaiD &be release

~ ?? peramt of all of _ . . tllall 1,JOO pqes of


,_a U.F.O. llPdnp npaned. Do donm ts ca U.F.O.'s fnlm


* - t to~ tbe F.B.I.; W. Todd ~I of

-.Uy? AN dley just a ~ Prairie du Sac, Wu.; Robert


abya-rlaoecll5doaYcle-t s -f-Dr?- Ea.i_r-

Todd of Antman, Pa.; Larry W. 8f7&lll of ArtiDpm. Va.;

->'~ ........... Cbe .-sllllli'Y tbat Cbme - and Brad C. Spartm, a INdent

. ?.

N - cllily ...... :epc die Jamt Cbiefs of Staff

'lformed of u..e lncunlam

~ c:auld lie evldeace of ......~, 'Visltadans

11a1 11ema s t - _ . . au-

tlan In Gowi~ drc:lea.

in utropbylic:s at Berkeley .._ five.yeu panull of the C.l.A.'s U.F.O. file eventually provided the fOundatton for a

?Y U.F.O.'1 In tbe fall of 1175.

:~pr111rt1Uftl of tbe 0 . .:Ille latel1ipDc:e Alf/lll:Y and

w National Sacurlty Apncy

. Wblle offtclal ...... In

U.F.O.'I bu long been thoupt to lie strtc:dy die aincem of lhe

Air Force, the bulk of whole


lnfmmatlon laWIUit filed by

Ground Saucer Watch

(G.S.W.), an Arlaana-baled

? well as a llandful of Giber _ , desks recetved

~bu"-' open to pu~ lie view for -ly a decade,

U.F.O. orpnDadOD. At U. reci-t of G.S.W. di?

DPI? of the Nau-I MWcary the ncmcly releued papen rectar William R. Spauld.ln&,

:ommand c.ter'a npons Gil on U.F.O.'s lndica&e oeber- Ptar- Gemen. an auorney In

a :ae lncldlats. One npon aid wise. The DepaJ1meatl of die the New Ylll't ftnn of Roth-

1at an ualdeaUfted object Anny, Navy, State and De- blatt, Rodlblatt Selju, filed

Jmbimtaaled a clear inceat ,_, and the Def- JntelU- a civil acdan against tbe

. Che-paas l&Onp ana." hOqh Air Force .-ds

pnce Apacy. the Nadoaal

Security Aamt:Y. the Jolllt

C.l.A. In December lt'n cle-

11111111i118 all U.F.O. records In

Chiefs of Staft, the F .B.l., the die apncy's sias-ston. Tbe

. '?:

?e?d-.t,h,a.t.t.h.e u C.l.A-. -of thllelletle:'lletl'atima over nuclear aus.

.le and bombar ...... die


o ae IUda DCldftcation. Sable-

_, lmestlptlml by lbe Air

:-cellllD tbe8ilbdllP at Lor???; Air Force Bue, Maine,

here tbe nmarlrable Mries

C.l.A. and even the Atom1c

Enel'JY Commission prodllC9d

a - U.F.O. - U over the years?

Many of

apnc:iel still

do, and many of their docu-

ments remam classified. But

It Is the C.l.A. that appears to

have played die key role In die


1'91pC11111ble for the Govern-

suit ~ to haft acllieved its goal wt.I late last year the apncy releued abou1 400

docunwnll- -rly IOO pages

ospf o- adea? ce trhepatoratstteasntd tcoortrbee-

agency's Ion& invalvemenl In U.F.O. mauen. But the civil

action day ID





: '!vellts began, clld DOt rewal ment'? conduct In u.F.O. tn. By Gemen's account, Che

cause for tbeallhtinp. IL]

,,..,lpti- throughout the agency has ar111trartly with-



held doclaents, made dele-

U.F.0.'1 baw been the prov- tions witlDlt merit, and failed

Despite ottlcial , , _ _ ince of the nation's inlelli- to -.duel a proper ?arch for

-r. ? eFn.tOs . ' s

for were



S- cemmunlty e?er since

tbe ........Ins of tbe cold

U.F.O. malel'lals. The agency's current actions, be says,

an mlstdendfled aerial ? when the nodon took bold dial perpetuate Its 30-year policy of

-:ts and u such were no some Dying saucers mlpt ac- deliberate decepdon and dis-

;.. ,? ....

?use for alarm, ramtdy ? tually represent a secret, tech- honesty about U.F.O.'s. .ASSlfted U.F.O. ~from nolosically advam:ed. foretp ..What bu been releued IO us

"C.l.A., the F.B.I. and other weapons system...Every time seems to have beml rather

oderal epndel lndtcate we were concerned," recalls carefully selected,.. says Ger?

at, elrerlince U.F.0.'s made Hertien SCOYille Jr., a former sten. "We suspect thal the

~r appeuuc:e in our skies cllief of the C.l.A.'s Office of apncy ls Witbboldilll at least

the 1940'1, the , . _ _ _ Scientific lntelllpnce, "It WU 200 more documents than the

is aJOll89d mudl ~ be- because we wanted to know: 57 they have admitted Chey are

-rces... ~ -

in of- Did the R1111lans do It?"

keepiJa& from us to protect tn.

?ial drcles. Details of tbe in- As the cold war gave rise to telllgenc1:


lligeace community's pro. the fears of the McCanhy era, Marchetti, a former executive

seeret - t y dlt~tor. agrees. with :

weapoM. HI~~~

Gersten. ~? :? :entire exercise, Man:hettl~ote ..-illy 1n a

reassurances were ob? .!"'

that this was not so. ?.....

. ?.,,,. I~ ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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