Curriculum Vita - University of Georgia College of Family ...

Academic historyPresent rank: ProfessorTime assignments: 50% Teaching, 50% ResearchTenure status: Tenured Graduate Faculty status: Since 2006Highest degree, institution, and date: Ph.D. Consumer Economics (Specialization: Financial Planning), Texas Tech University, 2006Academic positions:Professor (Assistant/Associate/Full), Department of Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics, University of Georgia, 2006 - PresentCo-Founder, Clinical Supervisor, and Advisory Board Member, ASPIRE Clinic, College of Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Georgia, 2010 – 2020Financial Planning Program Director, Department of Housing and Consumer Economics, University of Georgia, 2009 – 2012Other related professional employment:Founding Partner & Chief Investment Officer, Elwood & Goetz Wealth Advisory Group, LLC, Athens, GA, 2006-PresentLeveraged professional and applied experience to enhance teaching effectiveness and provided 18 internship experiences and 10 full-time positions for FACS alumniPost-Graduate Awards & Fellowships2019 Creative Teaching Award (UGA, Office of the Vice President for Instruction)2019 Bill and June Flatt Outstanding [College] Teacher of the Year, UGA2019 Service-Learning Research Excellence Award (UGA Office of Service-Learning)2019 Registered Program Excellence in Pro Bono Award (based on my and Dr. Palmer’s ASPIRE Clinic work and VITA program work; granted by CFP Board and Foundation for Financial Planning)2019 Team Coach, National Champions of the AFCPE Student Financial Knowledge Quiz Bowl2018 Chosen as one of the FACS 100 Centennial Honorees (100 most influential leaders in the UGA College of Family and Consumer Sciences)2017 Elected to the Executive Board of the UGA Teaching Academy2017 Bill and June Flatt Outstanding [College] Extension & Outreach Award, UGA2013 Financial Counselor of the Year, Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Education (AFCPE) (based on work supervising students’ service-learning experiences)2013 Inducted into UGA Teaching Academy2012 Richard B. Russell Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award (UGA Provost Office)2012 Team Advisor, NAGDCA Retirement Knowledge Student Quiz Bowl – 1st Place Nationally2012 College Advisor of the Year, College of Family and Consumer Sciences, UGA2009-2010 Service-Learning Fellow, UGA2008-2010 Lilly Teaching Fellow, UGA2008 Team Coach, Ameriprise Financial Planning Student Invitational? - 2nd Place Nationally2007 Robert O. Herrmann Outstanding Dissertation Award, American Council on Consumer InterestsInstructionTeaching assignments: Teaching evaluation scores for split level courses taught as one section are shown on the same line and teaching evaluation scores for split level courses taught as separate sections are shown on separate lines. Scores have a range of 1 to 5 (5 = highest, best score). Student Course Evaluations: Overall Mean score of a 4.7 on a 5-point scale (since promoted to Associate Professor and across all on-campus courses taught since 2006; note, mean score for online course evaluations is 4.37). Teaching assignments since promotion in 2012 are listed in table below:CourseTitleSemesterNumber of StudentsEvaluation Mean ScoreFHCE 7200Adv Fin Couns & Client CommFall 2020124.9FHCE 5200Fin Couns & Client CommFall 2020984.1FHCE 7200Adv Fin Couns & Client CommFall 2019124.7FHCE 5200Fin Couns & Client CommFall 2019374.9FHCE 5200Fin Couns & Client CommFall 2019574.7FHCE 7250Adv Financial Planning (Capstone)Spring 201974.8FHCE 6250Adv Practice Management in FPSpring 201916 4.7FHCE 7200Adv Fin Couns & Client CommFall 2018164.6FHCE 5200Fin Couns & Client CommFall 2018634.5FHCE 5205S/7205SClinical Practicum in FPSpring 201811 4.9**FHCE 7200EAdv Fin Couns & Client CommFall 2017 14 4.2* FHCE 5200Fin Couns & Client CommFall 2017594.4FHCE 7200Adv Fin Couns & Client CommFall 201774.4FHCE 5205S/7205SClinical Practicum in FPSummer 20174NAFHCE 5205S/7205SClinical Practicum in FPSpring 201784.7FHCE 7200EAdv Fin Couns & Client CommFall 2016 11 4.6*FHCE 5200Fin Couns & Client CommFall 2016664.8FHCE 7200Adv Fin Couns & Client CommFall 2016114.3FHCE 6250EAdv Practice Management Spring 20168 NAFHCE 5250S/7250SClinical Practicum in FPSpring 201694.8FHCE 6250EPractice Management in FPSpring 20156NAFHCE 7200EAdv Fin Couns & Client CommFall 20156 4.2*FHCE 5200Fin Couns & Client CommFall 2015474.8FHCE 7200Adv Fin Couns & Client CommFall 201564.8HACE 4250/6250Practice Management Spring 2014354.7HACE 8900/3010Clinical Practicum in FPSpring 201494.9HACE 4900/6900Clinical Practicum in FPSummer 20147NAHACE 5200Fin Couns & Client CommFall 201432NAHACE 7200Adv Fin Couns & Client CommFall 201411NAHACE 4250/6250Practice Management Spring 2013354.5HACE 8900/3010Clinical Practicum in FPSpring 2103114.8HACE 4900/6900Clinical Practicum in FPSummer 20135NAHACE 5200Financial CounselingFall 2013324.7HACE 7200Adv Financial CounselingFall 2013104.9FYO 1011Dev. Your Financial Life PlanFall 2012134.9HACE 7200Adv Financial CounselingFall 201284.9HACE 5200Financial CounselingFall 2012294.6 * = Online evaluation tool designed for online course (different than evaluation used in College) ** = co-taught but mentored graduate student as lead instructor and allowed students to report the evaluations in their teaching portfolio NA = response rate < 6 students or evaluation not completed for courseNew or substantially revised courses:FHCE 6250E: Advanced Practice Management in Financial Planning, 2015New course; developed and taught an online version of course; the course incorporated readings, quizzes, research questions, discussions, and cases studies in an online environment. FHCE 7200E: Advanced Financial Counseling & Client Communication, 2015New course; developed and taught an online version of course; the course incorporated readings, quizzes, research questions, discussions, and cases studies in an online environment.FHCE 5205S/7205S: Clinical Practicum in Financial Planning, 2013 New course with ‘S’ designation; developed new processes for clinical operations, self-reflection, self-observation, and brief but impactful lectures; developed and strengthened community partner relationships with multiple non-profit organizations in AthensHACE 8900: Seminar in Financial Therapy, 2010New course; developed country’s first course in financial therapy; integrated concepts from psychology, financial planning, and behavioral finance; developed role-play exercises to allow students to practice advanced communication skills and basic therapy skills HACE 7200: Advanced Financial Counseling, 2009-2010Course substantially revised as graduate-only with major service-learning componentHACE 4250/6250: Capstone in Financial Planning, 2012New course: developed eclectic reading packet with focus on contemporary issues (technology, compensation models, compliance, etc.) related to the practice of financial planning. HACE 5250/7250: Capstone in Financial Planning, 2008Course substantially revised; utilized real clients in the classroom to enhance experiential learning opportunities. HACE 5200/7200: Family Financial Counseling, 2006New course: developed new curriculum based on background in psychology and financial planning. Program development:Created and implemented pro bono financial planning and financial education programming to support service-learning opportunities for students, 2010-presentCo-implemented professional school (Law, Pharm, and Vet Med) joint-funded assistantship, 2019 Co-implemented graduate school funded assistantship and provided student supervision, 2017-2019Collaborated with Dr. Palmer on the formation of Financial Planning Alumni Advisory Board, 2016Collaborated with Dr. Palmer on the formation of “One Percent Club” fundraising campaign, 2016Co-developed with FP Faculty the M.S. online option for the Financial Planning emphasis, 2014-2015Implemented FPA Residency Program to increase awareness of UGA program, 2014Assisted with development, implementation, and recruitment into the accelerated (five-year program or BS/MS program) M.S. non-thesis option for the Fin. Planning concentration, 2011-2012Co-developed ASPIRE Clinic to create experiential learning opportunities for students, 2010Completed four renewal processes for the UGA CFP Board-Registered program, 2010-2012Initiated and managed registration of masters and doctoral programs with CFP Board, 2009-2010 Guest Lectures: Regular guest lecturer on graduate and professional student financial education at School of Veterinary Medicine, Law School, and Pharmacy School (see section 5) (2010-2018)Regular guest lecturer for FHCE 3110: Money Skills for Life; Lecture: Investing: How To Get Started (2012-2017)Regular guest lecturer for FHCE 8100: Theory of Households, Consumer Economics, and Financial Behavior; Lecture: Prospect Theory & Research Applications (2010-2016)Scholarly Activities/Creative WorkPublications Books authored (All peer-reviewed and invited)Chatterjee, S., Goetz, J. W., Grable, J., Palmer, L. (2017, revised 2020). Wiley CFP examination review. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [authorship alphabetical; 702 pages, original edition]Grable, J., & Goetz, J. (2017). Communication essentials for financial planners: Strategies and techniques. CFP Board Book Series. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [240 pages; original edition]Chapters in books (All peer-reviewed and invited)Goetz, J., Mazzolini, A., & Durband, D. (2019). The importance of self-awareness for financial counselors and clients. In D. Durband, A. Mazzonlini, & R. Law (Eds.), Financial counseling (pp. 65-76). Springer.Law, R., Haselwood, C., & Goetz, J. (2019). Key communication and physical environment concepts for financial counselors. In D. Durband, A. Mazzonlini, & R. Law (Eds.), Financial counseling (pp. 111-126). Springer. Chatterjee, S., & Goetz, J. (2017). Behavioral finance. In C. Chaffin (Ed.), Client psychology (pp. 13-20). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Chatterjee, S., & Goetz, J. (2017). Understanding client behavior: Rational or irrational? In C. Chaffin (Ed.), Client Psychology (pp. 19-24). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Goetz, J. W., & Grable, J. (2015). Debt management. In C. Chaffin (Ed.), Financial planning competency handbook II (pp. 127-136). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Grable, J., Goetz, J. W., & Valentino, K. (2015). Business succession planning. In C. Chaffin (Ed.), Financial planning competency handbook II (pp. 515-526). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.McCoy, M. A., Ross, D. B., & Goetz, J. W. (2015). Narrative financial therapy. In B. T. Klontz, S. L. Britt, & Archuleta, K. L. (Eds.), Financial therapy (pp. 235-252). Springer. Chatterjee, S., & Goetz, J. W. (2015). Applications of behavioral finance in financial planning. In C. Chaffin (Ed.), Financial planning competency handbook II (pp. 751-762). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Goetz, J., & Gale, J. (2014). Financial therapy: De-biasing and client behaviors. In H. K. Baker & V. Ricciardi (Eds.), Investment behavior: The psychology of financial planning and investing (pp. 227-244). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Seay, M., Goetz, J., & Gale, J. (2014). Collaborative relational model: An interdisciplinary financial therapy approach. In B. T. Klontz, S. L. Britt, & K. Archuleta (Eds.), Financial therapy: Research, practice, and policy (pp. 161-172). Springer. Goetz, J., & Palmer, L. (2012). Content and delivery in financial education programs. In D. C. Durband & S. Britt (Eds.), Student financial literacy: Campus-based program development (pp. 65-78). Springer.Britt, S., & Goetz, J. (2012). Financial education program partnerships. In D. C. Durband & S. Britt (Eds.), Student financial literacy: Campus-based program development (pp. 89-107). Springer.Goetz, J., & Palmer, L. (2010). Increasing students’ awareness of varying socioeconomic classes and the influence of the U.S. income tax system. In M. A. Cooksey & K. T. Olivares (Eds.), Quick hits for service-learning: Successful strategies by award-winning teachers (pp. 121-123). Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.Journal Articles (All peer-reviewed)Goetz, J., Palmer, L., Zhang, L., & Chatterjee, S. (2020). Changes in household net financial assets after the Great Recession: Did financial planners make a difference? Journal of Personal Finance. Grable, J., Archuleta, K., Ford, M., Kruger, J., Gale, J., Goetz, J. (2020). The moderating effect of generalized anxiety and financial knowledge on financial management behavior. Contemporary Family Therapy, 42(1), 15-24. Lucier-Greer, M., McCoy, M., Gale, J., Goetz, J., Mancini, J. (2020) Exploring the context of self-care for youth in military families. Children and Youth Services Review, 108, 1-9.Ford, M., Ellis, E., Goetz, J., Archuleta, K., Gale, J., Grossman, B., Grant, E., Gonyea, J. (2020). Depression and financial distress in a clinical population: the value of interdisciplinary services and training. Contemporary Family Therapy, 42(1), 5-14. Ross, D., Gale, J., Wickrama, K., Goetz, J., & Vowels, M. J. (2019). The impact of family economic strain on work-family conflict, marital support, marital quality, and marital stability during the middle years. Journal of Personal Finance, 18(2).Short, K., Goetz, J., Cude, B., Sperling, L., Welch-Devine, M., & Chatterjee, S. (2019). A case for graduate student financial education. College Student Journal, 53(1), 47-55.Sunder, A., Chatterjee, S., Palmer, L., & Goetz, J. (2016). How retirees prioritize socializing, leisure, and religiosity - A research based study for planners. Academy of Economics and Finance Journal, 7, 99-105.Degallio, L., Palmer, L., & Goetz, J. (2016). A case study demonstrating the use of appreciative inquiry in a financial coaching Program. Family & Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 45(2), 166-178. Ross, D. B., Gale, J., & Goetz, J. (2016). Ethical considerations in financial therapy. Journal of Financial Therapy, 7(1), 16-37.Goetz, J., Chatterjee, S., & Cude, B. (2014). Suitability versus fiduciary standard: The perceived impacts of changing one’s standard of care. Journal of Financial Planning, 27(2), 20-23. McCoy, M., Ross, D. B., & Goetz, J. (2014). Narrative financial therapy: Integrating a financial planning approach with therapeutic theory. Journal of Financial Therapy, 4(2), 22-42.Gale, J., Goetz, J., & Britt, S. (2012). Ten considerations for the development of the financial therapy profession. Journal of Financial Therapy, 3(2), 1-18.Chatterjee, S., Palmer, L., & Goetz, J. (2012). Individual wealth accumulation: Why does dining together as a family matter? Applied Economics Research Bulletin, 8(1), 1-22.Goetz, J., Cude, B., Nielsen, R., Chatterjee, S., & Mimura, Y. (2011). College-based personal finance education: Student interest in three delivery methods. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 22(1), 27-42. Kim, J., Gale, J., Goetz, J., & Bermúdez, J. M. (2011). Relational financial therapy: An innovative and collaborative treatment approach. Contemporary Family Therapy, 33(3), 229-241.Goetz, J., Durband, D. B., Halley, R., & Davis, K. (2011). A peer-based financial planning and education service program: An innovative pedagogic approach. Journal of College Teaching & Learning, 8(4), 7-14. Goetz, J., Zhu, D., Hampton, V., Chatterjee, S., & Salter, J. (2011). Integration of professional certification examinations with the financial planning curriculum: Increasing efficiency, motivation, and professional success. American Journal of Business Education, 4(3), 35-46. Chatterjee, S., Palmer, L., & Goetz, J. (2011). Sustainable withdrawal rates of retirees: Is the recent economic crisis a cause for concern? International Journal of Economics and Finance, 3(1), 17-22.Goetz, J., Gilliam, J., & Grable, J. (2011). Inter-observer risk-tolerance agreement between husbands and wives. Journal of Business and Economics Research, 9(2), 17-26.Palmer, L., Goetz, J., & Harness, N. J. (2010). Raising consumers' awareness of savings opportunities: The Saver's Credit and tax season. Journal of Consumer Education, 7, 87-101.Annis, P. M., Palmer, L., & Goetz, J. (2010). Service-learning in the financial planning curriculum: Expanding access to the community. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 102(3), 16-21.Palmer, L., Bliss, D., Goetz, J., & Moorman, D. (2010). Helping undergraduates discover the value of a dollar through self-monitoring. American Journal of Business Education, 3(7), 103-108.Roszkowski, M., & Goetz, J. (2010). The relationship between salary and perceived financial comfort among graduates of a developmental education program. Research and Teaching in Developmental Education, 26(1), 10-15.Palmer, L., Bliss, D., Goetz, J., & Moorman, D. (2010). Improving financial awareness among college students: Assessment of a financial management project. College Student Journal, 44(3), 659-676.Gale, J., Goetz, J., & Bermúdez, M. (2009). Relational financial therapy: The not-so-surprising relationship of money to relationships. Family Therapy, 8(5), 25-29. Green-Pimentel, L., Goetz, J., Gale, J., & Bermúdez, M. (2009). An innovative collaboration between financial and relationship experts: Counselors’ perspectives and opportunities for Extension professionals. The Forum for Family and Consumer Issues, 14(2). Available online at , L., Goetz, J., & Chatterjee, S. (2009). Service-learning for financial planning students: Making a difference now and for years to come. Financial Services Review, 18(2), 157-175. Chatterjee, S., Goetz, J., & Palmer, L. (2009). An examination of subprime short-term borrowing in the United States. Global Journal of Business Research, 3(2), 1-8.Goetz, J., & James, R. (2008). Human choice and the emerging field of neuroeconomics: A review of brain science for the financial planner. Journal of Personal Finance, 6(2), 13-36.Gilliam, J., Goetz, J., & Hampton, V. (2008). Spousal differences in financial risk tolerance. Financial Counseling and Planning, 19(1), 3-11.Goetz, J., Mimura, Y., Desai, M., & Cude, B. (2008). HOPE or No-HOPE: Merit-based college scholarship status and financial behaviors among college students. Financial Counseling and Planning, 19(1), 12-19.Palmer, L., Goetz, J., & Moorman, D. (2008). Development of a multi-item spending behavior assessment: An application of the Transtheoretical Model of Change. Journal of Consumer Education, 25, 17-31.Goetz, J., & Bagwell, D. (2006). Difficult questions from clients: How practitioners respond. Journal of Personal Finance, 5(1), 16-25.Goetz, J., Tombs, J., & Hampton, V. (2005). Easing the college student’s transition into the financial planning profession. Financial Services Review, 14(3), 231-251.Bulletins or reports Mancini, D., & Goetz, J. (2012). Understanding the effect of emotion on financial behaviors and tips when providing financial education to survivors. Survivor Outreach Services, United States Army.Palmer, L., Goetz, J., & Koonce, J. (2007). A service-learning income tax assistance partnership in Athens. Office of the Vice President for Public Service and Outreach, University of Georgia.AbstractsChatterjee, S., Goetz, J., & Palmer, L. (2009). Sustainable withdrawal rates of retirees: Is the current economic shock a cause for concern? Economics Bulletin, 29(1), A10.Works submitted but not yet acceptedRoss, D., Gale, J., Wickrama, K., Goetz, J., Vowels, M. J., & Tang, Y. (under 3rd review). The trajectory of family economic strain during the middle years: Considerations for financial counselors. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning.Palmer, L., Richardson, E., Goetz, J., Gale, J., Futris, T. G., Williams, T., DeMeester, K. (under Financial self-efficacy: Mediating the relationship between self-regulation and financial management behaviors. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning.Creative contributions other than formal publications Invited Presentations before national audiences (all invited)Goetz, J., & Grable, J. (2018). Communication Essentials for Financial Professionals. Webinar for the Military Families Learning Network.Archuleta, K., Goetz, J., & Palmer, L. (2017). Innovations in Practice: Modifying Client Behaviors for Greater Financial Success. Pre-symposium at the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors. Bellevue, WA. Goetz, J., Archuleta, K., & Palmer, L. (2016). Financial Therapy Pre-Symposium. Presented at the Annual Research & Training Symposium of Association for Financial Counseling, Planning, and Education. Jacksonville, FL.Ross, B., Goetz, J., & Gale, J. (2016). Ethical Considerations in Financial Therapy. Financial Therapy Association Webinar series. Financial Therapy Association.Goetz, J., Archuleta, K., & Palmer, L. (2015). Financial Therapy Association Pre-Symposium. Presented at the Annual Research & Training Symposium of Association for Financial Counseling, Planning, and Education, Jacksonville, FL. Goetz, J. (2012). Innovation in Financial Planning Pedagogy: Integrating Experiential Learning into the Financial Planning Curriculum. Financial Planning Standards Council of Canada. Toronto, Canada.Goetz, J., Gale, J., Seay, M., & Wyczalkowski, C. (2011). The Development of a Campus-Based Clinical Practicum in Financial Planning. Presentation at CFP Board Program Director Conference. Washington, D.C.Invited Presentations before statewide audiencesGoetz, J. (2012). Savings Behavior and Cognitive Biases. FACS Continuing Education Conference, Athens.Goetz, J. (2007). Becoming Wealthy on a Teacher’s Salary. Back to FACS Summer SchoolProgram, College of Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Georgia.Grants receivedTeaching Grant Proposals Awarded ($1,081,961 total)Palmer, L., & Goetz, J. Partnering to Prepare the Next Generation of Financial Planning Professionals. Charles Schwab, Inc. March 2016. $575,000. (This funding led to an additional $100,000 of support from three RIA firms: SignatureFD, TrueWealth, and Homrich Berg).Ford, M., & Goetz, J. Funding for Development of Financial Literacy Lab. SunTrust Bank. 2013. $35,000.Goetz, J. Morningstar Principia Investment Software. Morningstar Inc. 2010-2012. $76,000 in-kind.Palmer, L., & Goetz, J. W. Expanding VITA partnerships throughout Georgia. Georgia Federal Credit Union. Fall 2009-Fall 2012. $163,278 ($37,371 cash / $125,907 in-kind).Palmer, L., Goetz, J. W., Koonce, J., Gibson, S., Chatterjee, S., Rupured, M., & Hudson, C. Immediate, Intermediate, and Long-Term Strategies for Bringing Financial Planning to Underserved Populations. United States Department of Agriculture Higher Education Challenge Grant. 2009-2012. $280,673.Goetz, J. Service-Learning Fellowship Grant. Office of Service-Learning, University of Georgia. Spring 2009 - Spring 2010. $2,500.Palmer, L., & Goetz, J. Expanding the Reach of Students through Service-Learning Initiatives. Georgia Federal Credit Union. January 2009 – December 2009. $11,550.Palmer, L., Harness, N. J., Goetz, J., & Everson, D. Employee Benefits Education in the Community through VITA. Scholarship of Engagement Grants to Enhance University Engagement (SEGEUE). Fall 2008 – Spring 2009. $4,737.Palmer, L., & Goetz, J. Effects of Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) on Students. Georgia Federal Credit Union. October 2007 – May 2008. $2,973.Palmer, L., & Goetz, J. Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program. UGA Alumni Association Campus Support Fund. September 2007 – June 2008. $750.Palmer, L., Koonce, J. & Goetz, J. A Service-Learning Income Tax Assistance Partnership in Athens. Scholarship of Engagement Grants to Enhance University Engagement (SEGEUE). Spring 2007. $4,500.Research Grant Proposals Awarded ($15,516,599 total)Futris, T. G., Richardson, E. W., DeMeester, K., O’neal, C. W., Farner, K., Gale, J., Palmer, L., Goetz, J., & Koonce, J. (2020-2025). The Dissemination of Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education to Couples across Georgia. Administration for Children and Families, Office of Family Assistance (HHS-2020-ACF-OFA-ZB-1817). 2020-2025: $6,248,791.O’Neal, C. W., Lucier-Greer, M., Mancini, J. A., Goetz, J. W., Palmer, L., Mull,?C., & Carlson, M. B.?A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Air Force Personal Financial Readiness Program. U.S. Department of Air Force. 2019-2020. Awarded $500,000.O’Neal, C. W., Lucier-Greer, M., Mancini, J. A., Goetz, J. W., Palmer, L., Mull,?C., & Carlson, M. B.?Air Force Personal Financial Readiness Program Evaluation Development: A Proposal Submitted by the University of Georgia. U.S. Department of Agriculture (National Institute of Food and Agriculture). 2019. Awarded $454,545. Futris, T. G., DeMeester, K., Mancini, J., Goetz, J., Palmer, L., Elkins, J., & Gale, J. The Integration of Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education into Family and Children Services: A Campus-Community Partnership.?Administration for Children and Families. Administration for Children and Families, Office of Family Assistance (HHS-2015-ACF-OFA-FM-0985). October 2015-September 2020. Awarded: $8,219,213.Palmer, L., Goetz, J. W., Chatterjee, S., & Koonce, J. Making Saving Easier: Reducing Cognitive Barriers to Wealth Accumulation as a Tool to Decrease Poverty In Georgia. Poverty and the Economy Faculty Research Grants Program, University of Georgia. January 2012-December 2011. $16,000. Goetz, J., Chatterjee, S., & Cude, B. An Examination of Differences in the Investment Advisory Process. The AARP. Fall 2011-Spring 2012. $55,000.Gale, J., Goetz, J., Bermúdez, M., & Burwell, S. Creating a Conjoint Financial Counseling and Couple Counseling Treatment Model for Couples on the Threshold Of Poverty. Poverty and the Economy Faculty Research Grants Program, Office of the Vice President for Public Service and Outreach, University of Georgia. January 2007-May 2008. $23,050.Unfunded Grant Proposals – Teaching and Research ($2,686,239 since 2012)Palmer, L., Koonce, J., Christensen, R., Chatterjee, S., Goetz, J., Connors, J., & Simpson, S. Developing Professional Communication and Public Service Leadership through an Analytically-Based Service Learning Curriculum. U.S. Department of Agriculture, August 2015 – July 2018. $586,239, unfunded.Mancini, J., Goetz, J., Palmer, L., Futris, T., Mancini, D., O’Neal, C., & Grimsely, N. Family Support Programs Evaluation Plan Development & Implementation: DoD Evaluation of Financial Education and Couples Education Programming. National Institute of Food and Agriculture, September 2014 – August 2015. $1,350,000, unfunded. Scherr, A., Goetz, J., & Palmer, L. Small Investor Arbitration Clinic. FINRA Investor Education Foundation, 2012-2015, $250,000, unfunded. Goetz, J., Gale, J., & Bermudez, M. (2008). An Interdisciplinary Model for Financial Couples Counseling. The National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE), 2008-2011, $351,637, unfunded.Recognitions and outstanding achievements (prizes, fellowships, etc.): See section 1.Areas in which research is done: Financial therapy and client communication; Experiential learning in financial planning; Risk toleranceSupervision of student researchDoctoral Student CommitteesJerard Adams (chair), expected graduation 2023Megan Ford (chair), 2021Kristin Short (chair), 2019Michelle Kruger, 2019 Ally DeGraff (HDFS), 2019Narang Park, 2020Michael Thomas, 2019Aman Sunder, 2018Ji-Young Jung, 2018 Bruce Ross (HDFS), 2018 Abed Rabbani, 2016 Stephen Kuzniak, 2016Megan McCoy (HDFS), 2016Robin Greene, 2014Crystal Hudson, 2012C. W. Copeland, 2012 Master Students (on-campus, non-thesis unless otherwise indicated)Emma Nichols (chair), 2019Dana Carney, 2019Haley Clark, 2019Charles (Michael) O’Toole, 2019Elizabeth Green (chair), 2018Caroline McHam (chair), 2018Nicholas Bouwman (chair), 2018Judge Johnson, 2018Amanda Standard, 2017Jessica Parks (chair), 2016Aysha Babb (chair), 2016William Turner, 2016Katelyn Thomason (chair), 2015Kevin Valentino (chair), 2015Nolan McClure (chair), 2013Jack Reilley, 2013Stephen Kutzman, 2013Justin Smith, 2013Shaquita Young, 2013Edwin Chambers, 2012Chris Wyzalkowski (co-chair, thesis), 2012DeShunnon Thomas, 2011 Paul Annis, 2011Andrea Cordy, 2011Stephen Gunter (chair), 2010David Ward, 2010Graham Brown, 2010Meg Shepherd, 2010Lauren Shockley (chair), 2009Eric Gilmore, 2008 Master Students (online)Served on the committee of 12 online master’s students (8 graduated, 4 current)Editorship or editorial board member of journalsEditorial Board MemberJournal of Financial Therapy, 2010-present; Journal of Personal Finance, 2011-presentJournal of Financial Planning, 2013-2018; Journal of Financial Counseling & Planning, 2011-2015h.Refereed Conference Presentations (* = also published in proceedings and not listed elsewhere in dossier)*Short, K., Goetz, J., & Cude, B. (2018). Financial knowledge and stress: Making the case for targeted graduate student financial education. Annual Research & Training Symposium of Association for Financial Counseling, Planning, and Education. Norfolk, VA.Sunder, A., Chatterjee, S., Palmer, L., Goetz, J., & Zhang, L. (2017). What influenced the decision of the households to seek financial planning services while recovering from the great recession? Annual Meeting of the Academy of Financial Services. Nashville, TN. Chatterjee, S., Goetz, J., Zhang, L., Palmer, L., & Sunder, A. (2017). The dynamics of household financial assets changes during and after the Great Recession: The role of financial planners. CFP Board Academic Research Colloquium. Washington, DC.Goetz, J., Chatterjee, S. Palmer, L., Sunder, A. & Zhang, L. (2017). Risky asset holdings in household portfolios while recovering from the Great Recession and the role of financial planning: Evidence from a national study. CFP Board Academic Research Colloquium. Washington, DC.*Zhang, L., Sunder, A., Goetz, J., Palmer, L., & Chatterjee, S. (2017). Changes in household net financial assets after the Great Recession: Did financial planners and other financial advisors make a difference? American Council on Consumer Interests Annual Conference. Albuquerque, NMChatterjee, C., Goetz, J., Palmer, L., Sunder, A., & Zhang, L. (2016). Change in financial assets of households following the great recession and the role of financial planning. 30th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Financial Services. Las Vegas, NV.Goetz, J., Palmer, L., Chatterjee, S., Zhang, L., & Sunder, A. (2016). The great recession and risky asset allocation in household portfolios: Evidence from a national study. Annual Academy of Financial Services Conference. Las Vegas, NV.*Palmer, L., & Goetz, J. (2015). Client motivation and behavioral change: Applications of Appreciative Inquiry, Solution-Focused Brief Coaching, and Positive Psychology. AFCPE? Research and Training Symposium. Jacksonville, FL. Goetz, J., & Ford, M. (2015). Cognitive-behavioral techniques in financial therapy. National meeting of Financial Therapy Association. Grand Faro Los Cabos, Mexico. *Goetz, J., Chatterjee S., & Cude B. (2015). Financial advisor characteristics. Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education Annual Conference. Jacksonville, FL. *Palmer, L., & Goetz, J. (2015). Client motivation and behavioral change: Applications of Appreciative Inquiry, Solution-Focused Brief Coaching, and Positive Psychology: 2015 Annual Research & Training Symposium. Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education Annual Conference. Jacksonville, FL.*Goetz, J., Chatterjee, S., & Cude, B. (2014). Investment advice quality and financial advisor characteristics. Annual conference of Academy of Financial Services. Nashville, TN. Goetz, J. (2014). Ten considerations discussion [Roundtable Facilitator]. National meeting of the Academy of the Financial Therapy Association. Nashville, TN.Goetz, J. (2013). Opening remarks: The future of financial therapy. Annual Conference of the Financial Therapy Association. Lubbock, Texas. *Gale, J., Goetz, J., & Ross, B. (2013). Ethical considerations in financial therapy. Annual Conference of the Financial Therapy Association. Lubbock, Texas.Ford, M., Goetz, J., & McCoy, M. (2012). Financial trauma: Utilizing EMDR Therapy for healing. Annual Conference of the Financial Therapy Association. Columbia, Missouri. Gale, J., Goetz, J., & Ross, B. (2012). Halves and have knots: Ethical issues and decision making in financial therapy. Annual Conference of the Financial Therapy Association. Columbia, MO. *Gale, J., Goetz, J., & Britt, S. (2011). Preliminary considerations for the development of the financial therapy association. 2nd Annual Conference of the Financial Therapy Association. Athens, GA. *Goetz, J., Gale, J., Seay, M., & Wyczalkowski, C. (2011). The development of a practicum course in financial therapy. 2nd Annual Conference of the Financial Therapy Association. Athens, GA. *Johnson, L., Goetz, J., Gale, J. Lee, M., Grossman, B., Scherr, A., & Ford, M. (2011). The ASPIRE Clinic: An integrative model for providing financial therapy. 2nd Annual Conference of the Financial Therapy Association. Athens, GA. Palmer, L., Moore, A., Goetz, J., & Chatterjee, S. (2011, October). An alternative perspective on the timing of traditional and Roth IRA contributions. 25th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Financial Services. Las Vegas, NV.*Palmer, L., Goetz, J., Chatterjee, S., Koonce, J., & Johnson, L. (2011, June). Helping and receiving: Service recipients’ perceptions of service learning participants. Meeting of the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture. Alberta, Canada. *Palmer, L., Koonce, J., Robison, W., & Goetz, J. (2010, November). Financial education and volunteer income tax assistance. Annual Meeting of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education. Denver, CO. *Palmer, L., Goetz, J., Chatterjee, S., & Johnson, L. N. (2010, October). Health care reform: Opportunities for service learning in the discipline of financial planning. 24th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Financial Services. Denver, CO.*Palmer, L., Harness, N. J., & Goetz, J. W. (2009, November). Raising awareness of the retirement savers tax credit through student educators. Annual Meeting of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education. Scottsdale, AZ.*Goetz, J., Gale, J., Bermúdez, M., Palmer, L., & Johnson, L. N. (2010). Relational financial therapy: An interdisciplinary approach. Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education Annual Conference. Denver, CO.*Palmer, L., Goetz, J., Chatterjee, S., & Johnson, L. N. (2010). Health care reform: Opportunities for service-learning in the discipline of financial planning. 24th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Financial Services. Denver, CO.*Palmer, L., Koonce, J., Robison, W., & Goetz, J. (2010). Financial education and volunteer income tax assistance. Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education Annual Conference. Denver, CO.Koonce, J., Goetz, J., & Palmer, L. (2010, November). Integrating brief one-on-one financial education into the tax preparation process. Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Education Annual Conference. Denver, CO.Goetz, J., Gale, J., Johnson, L., & Bermúdez, M. (2010, September). The relational financial therapy model. 1st annual conference of the Financial Therapy Association. Manhattan, KS. Goetz, J. (2010, August). Methods of teaching: The new financial plan development course. Roundtable facilitated at annual CFP Board Registered Program Conference. Washington, D.C.*Palmer, L., Harness, N., & Goetz, J. (2009). Raising awareness of the Retirement Savers Tax Credit through student educators. Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education Annual Conference. Scottsdale, AZ.Palmer, L., Goetz, J., & Chatterjee, S. (2008, October). Service-learning for financial planning students: Providing personal income tax filing assistance. Annual meeting of the Academy of Financial Services. Denver, CO.*Chatterjee, S., Palmer, L., & Goetz, J. (2008). Dining together and household wealth creation: Does self-regulation matter? 22nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Financial Services. Boston, MA.*Green-Pimentel, L., Goetz, J., Gale, J., & Bermúdez, J. M. (2008). Providing collaborative financial and couples counseling: Experiences of the financial counselors and couples therapists. Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education Annual Conference. Garden Grove, CA.*Kim, J., Green, L., Gale, J., Goetz, J., Bermúdez, J. M., & Neustifter, R. (2008). Double trouble: A model for relational & financial distress. American Association of Family Therapy Annual Conference. Memphis, TN.*Palmer, L., Goetz, J., & Chatterjee, S. (2008). Service-learning for financial planning students: For now and for years to come. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Financial Services. Boston, MA.Goetz, J., Hampton, V., & Zhu, D. (2007, September). Bridging the gap – from student to practitioner: How do schools and employers help bridge the gap between the information taught in school and the needs of the workplace? Joint FPA & CFP Board Registered Program Conference. Washington, D.C.*Cude, B. J., Lawrence, F., & Goetz, J. (2007). Get financially fit: A financial education toolkit for college campuses. Association for Financial Planning and Counseling Education Annual Conference. Tampa, FL. *Goetz, J. (2007). A five-nation examination of financial risk tolerance. American Council on Consumer Interests Annual Conference. St. Louis, Missouri.*Goetz, J., Mimura, Y., Mehta, M., & Cude, B. (2007). HOPE or No-HOPE: Merit based college scholarship status and financial behaviors among college students. American Council on Consumer Interests Annual Conference. St. Louis, Missouri.*Palmer, L., Goetz, J., Moorman, D., & Davis, B. (2007). Tracking spending and changes in college students’ expenditures. 21st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Financial Services. Orlando, FL. *Goetz, J. (2006). Financial risk tolerance: A by-country comparison. 20th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Financial Services. Salt Lake City, UT.Public service Local community services and relationsASPIRE Clinic, Co-Founder, Clinical Supervisor, Board Member, 2010-present. Provided 100+ students with practicum experiences serving 400+ familiesExecutive Board Member and Treasurer, The ARK United Outreach Center (FACS/ASPIRE Community Partner). Co-developed micro-loan program and refinancing program for title loans, 2014-present.Professional servicesa. Select Seminars and Workshops (All invited)Goetz. J. (2010-2018). Financial Management for First-Year Students of Veterinary Medicine College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia [provided 9 orientation seminars]Goetz. J. (2012-2017). Financial Planning for Veterinary Medicine Residents: Transitioning into the Professional World. College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia Goetz, J. (2017-2019). Financial Management for Law Students. UGA School of LawGoetz, J. (2015-2016). Financial Planning for Pharmacy Students. UGA College of PharmacyGoetz, J. (2013). Panel Member for Service-Learning Fellows: Faculty Perspectives. OSL, UGA Goetz, J. (2013). Estate Planning for Emergencies. Presbyterian Church of AthensGoetz. J., & Ford, M. (2012). ASPIRE: Services for the Athens Community. Athens Kiwanis Club Goetz, J. (2012). Financial Planning Basics. Athens Community Council on Aging Goetz, J. (2012). Estate Planning Considerations. Abbey Hospice Foundation. Social Circle, GAGoetz, J. (2011). Financial Strategies for University Faculty. UGA College of Veterinary MedicineGoetz, J. (2010). Increasing Your Financial Stability. Athens Area Homeless Shelter. Georgia Goetz, J. (2009). Financial Educational Program: How to manage your money like a pro [Panelist]. Kappa Alpha Psi & NAACP, University of Georgia Gale, J., Goetz, J., Kim, J. H, & Bermúdez, J. M. (2009). Relational Financial Therapy: A model for collaboration for family therapists and financial planners. Workshop conducted for the North East Georgia Chapter of the Georgia Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, Athens, GAGoetz, J. (2008). Financial Planning & Retirement. UGA Human Resources Office Palmer, L., & Goetz, J. (2008). Retirement Readiness. Back to FACS Summer School Program, College of Family and Consumer Sciences, University of GeorgiaGoetz, J. (2008). Financial Planning & Retirees. UGA Human Resources OfficeGoetz, J. (2008). Financial Planning for Everyone. UGA Human Resources Office Goetz, J. (2007). The Psychology of Money. UGA Honors College Lunchbox Lectures SeriesCommittees:Department levelSearch Committee, Assistant Professor in Financial Planning, 2019-presentSearch Committee Chair, Open-Rank Financial Planning Professor, 2018Graduate Sub-committee on Portfolio Development, 2018-2019Graduate Policy and Admissions Committee, 2014-2016Search Committee, Financial Planning Clinical Faculty position, 2015-2016Search Committee, Visiting Scholar in Financial Planning position, 2015Search Committee, UGA Athletics Endowed Professorship in Financial Planning, 2011Director of CFP Board Registered Programs, 2009-2012Search Committee, Assistant Professor in Financial Planning (chair), 2008-2009Graduate Curriculum Review Committee Member, 2007-2009Graduate Admissions and Policy Committee Member, 2007-2008Search Committee, Assistant Professor in Financial Planning (chair) 2006-2007Search Committee, Assistant Professor in Financial Planning-Griffin Campus, 2006-2007College and University levelUGA Teaching Academy, Executive Board Member, 2017-presentCTL Excellence in Teaching Awards Review Committee, 2018, 2019Academic Affairs Faculty Symposium Participant, 2011, 2012, 2018PRAC Review Team, College of Forestry, 2014-2015FACS Sciences Faculty Advisory Committee, University of Georgia, 2013-2015Richard B. Russell Teaching Award Selection Committee, UGA, 2013, 2014.University Council, University of Georgia, 2009-2012Human Resources Committee, University Council, 2009-2010Dean’s Faculty Advisory Committee, FACS, 2008-2010 Computer Advisory Committee, College of Family and Consumer Sciences, 2008-2009Faculty Learning Community, Service Learning: Supporting Student Engagement and Faculty Research, University of Georgia, 2008Dean’s Search Committee, College of Family and Consumer Sciences, 2006-2007 Professional service:Organizational LeadershipPresident-Elect, President, Past-President, Financial Therapy Association, 2012, 2013, 2014Co-Chair, Financial Therapy Association Annual Conference, 2011Founding Board Member, Financial Therapy Association, 2009-2010 ................

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