
Educational ServicesATC contracts educational services through the Southern Plains Educational Cooperative (SPEC-W). When your son/daughter comes to the ATC, he/she will be asked to sign a release to their home school district. This release allows SPEC-W to contact their home school district regarding educational planning for your child. Primary students receive school instruction from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. during the weekdays. Each student will be assessed using Curriculum Based Measures to determine the grade level of the student in Math and Reading. The results are used to determine student needs in those areas. Given Past transcripts and testing, we can provide student with their academic needs. A Special Education teacher is provided at our site. During this time, the Special Education teacher looks over the IEP’s of new students, sets up meetings for a change of placement, and will provide accommodations to the student. The Reading and Math tests are offered on the same date as their resident school district. Retesting will be done on an as needed basis. When your child is done attending SPEC-W, a Transcript and Exit Report will be sent to the home school district, as well as the parent. Credits are determined based on what the student has completed during their time at ATC (example: 50% class completion = .25 credit). Students are graded depending on the amount of work completed and class participation. The student is responsible for completing assignments on time and at a quality level. The student’s program hours, therapy, group and journaling will be recorded as unit hours on the transcript. Elective Credit will be earned from these hours. ................

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