UMSC Meeting Agenda - University of Illinois College of ...

UMSC Meeting AgendaSaturday, March 3rd, 2018Start Time: 10:00 CSTHost Site: Peoria (In-Person Meeting)Room: A-200WebEx Login Information: Meeting Number801 493 376Meeting Password2jFtM9yCMeeting Link Audio Connection1-650-479-3207 Access Code801 493 376Opening RemarksApproval of MinutesSite Reports from Regional Student Council PresidentsUrbana RockfordChicagoPeoriaMSP- UrbanaExecutive Board ReportPresident (Jonathan Jou)Vice President (Matthew Durst)Secretary (Alex Matelski)Treasurer (Stephanie Grach)Historian/Webmaster (Petra Majdak)OSR Representative (Mason Marcus)Advisor (Dean Kashima)Committee ReportsCCSPCCIACCACCSASFECHPSCOld BusinessNew BusinessClosing RemarksOpening RemarksAttendance: See “Attendance” sheet in the UICOM Contacts workbook:.. eets/d/1oQ5Vp_aGPiurF4zN1BvWDS8VqJHer2TjrkQ5iv5-Vdk/edit#gid=527560128 II. Approval of MinutesMinutes from January 20th, 201c8Presiding Officer Jonathan JouSecretary Alex Matelski III. Site Reports from Regional Student Council PresidentsUrbana (Ari Pence, Petra Majdak, Olivia Cangellaris)Updates (delivered by Ari Pence):We are designing a joint UMSG and MSPAC council on March 8thDean Jokela has hosted multiple Town Hall Meetings to keep students well informed of the current changes for the Carle Illinois (new) Medical SchoolDean Jokela has set a clear, firm policy for the Absence Policy. ?Any instance in which the policy is not followed will be treated as mistreatment. ?Reversal of the “if you can walk you can work” approach to absenteeism by some attendings on rotationsDean Jokela worked closely to improve mistreatment policies related to this - well received by studentsPreparation for LCME Visit - Dean Ray Curry from Chicago and Dean Stagnaro-Green from Rockford (both experienced LCME site visitors) will be conducting a mock LCME visit in Urbana on Monday, April 2 in preparation for the real visit on Wednesday, April 18, 2018As the UMSG President, I was tasked with helping create a group of 12 individuals that “Reflect the diversity of the student body”, “Each student should be active in some facet of school life, broadly defined”, “Choose personable students”Follow up from the last time: I spoke to Dean Curry and Dr. Jim Hall about the RSPP program as a potential model for addressing the concerns about one or two students per M3 clerkships.Overall feeling from Dr. Jokela was that while it’s a wonderful concept, she felt like it would not feasible in our curriculum Update: we’re building a calendar that will be mutually beneficial for students and clerkship directorsDiscussion: The new Carle Illinois school starts in 2018 - classes will take place in the legacy schoolHow can we “force friendships?” Share spaces, encourage mentorshipDean Jokela helping lead creation of a formal mentorship programincluding a wellness program (THRIVE) for legacy and Carle studentsPlease reach out to Ari Pence ( with ideas/thoughts/reactions to the mentorship structure Rockford (Stephanie Grach, Katie Weisshappel, Aisha Bhatti)Updates (delivered by Katie Weisshappel):In alignment with the M1’s being on campus, RMSC will be changing its Exec Board positions - Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President - to be open to rising M2’s and M3’s (historically M3’s only). President will remain an M3.Elections expected to be held in MarchRockford city Chief of Staff spoke at RMSC February general meeting, March meeting will have Assistant Dean-Diversity and Inclusion Dr. Rodriguez on current initiatives and feedback regarding school and hospital cultureProvided tickets to 47 students for Rockford Ice Hogs hockey game!ACLS training incorporated into M3 orientation to address previous issues with students not being able to participate in codes due to training being later in the rotationM2’s are now having “Step 1 Trivia Pub Nights”1 so far, was ?successfulThe formula: nachos, teams of 3, TAs that can provide feedback (upperclassmen), friendly competitionRockford Formal - March 9th at Giovanni’s, Masquerade ThemeFirst Annual Talent Show with fundraiser by AMWA for Rockford Sexual Assault Counseling, Inc. will be in March 14th (during Match Week so M4’s are around)Research Day is April 27th - deadline for submissions is March 7thSuper excited for our M4’s!!! :)Discussion: Events with community leadership have been well-attended and well-receivede.g. Rockford Mayor came to speakHave not noticed any political problems arising from having specific figures sponsored by the school; have maintained professionalism on both sidesChicago (Joe Geraghty, Olivia Lanser) Updates (delivered by Olivia Lanser):CMSC held a Dialogue with the Deans event on January 16, 2018 which was supposed to be held with Acting Dean Charles Ray, M.D., Ph.D.; however, he was unable to make it due to illness and was instead covered by Dean Curry and Dean Kashima. Topics addressed included the upcoming LCME accreditation process (overview, what has gotten other schools in trouble in the past, concerns for UICOM) as well as commentary on the new Phase 1 Curriculum (timeliness of uploading of preparatory materials, technological glitches) and brief comments on current M3/M4 curriculum (mainly focused on Step 2 CK/CS preparation) Significant concerns regarding recent Tuition Town Hall and approved 1.6% increase in tuition, overall lack of transparency and student engagement in tuition & student fees process. We strongly urge ALL student leaders and COM administrators to develop increased visibility, transparency, and channels of communication regarding where student tuition and fees are spent across all campusesTrying to brainstorm how we can create a more equal dialogue and have a conversation instead of a doctrine3rd edition of The Medical Messenger? ?will be released soon - focusing on research opportunities available on our campus and other miscellaneous topicsOn the hunt for more funding - currently getting funding from the East Campus; part of UIC student fees so Rockford/Peoria can also take advantage of this funding streamChicago will be hosting an upcoming College-Wide Town Hall with various offices related to Student Affairs (Financial Aid, Registrar, Admissions, Medical Student Learning Environment, and more) that will be streamed to other campuses. Dates = March 6 from 5-7 PM (Dinner 5-5:30 PM, Event 5:30-7:00 PM). More details to follow from UMSC and Dean KashimaCMSC will be hosting elections for its new executive board on Monday February 26 and will share results of election with UMSC. This will be followed by a 1-2 month transition period. Board was elected Monday 2/26/18; new board will observe during the March meeting during transition and lead their first meeting in AprilCMSC and the Student Curricular Board (SCB) are advocating on behalf of all campuses for more M3/M4 student involvement in curriculum decision-making, especially in regards to the design and implementation of the new Phase 2 (M3) and Phase 3 (M4) curriculum.The USMLE Preparedness Committee (UPC) met on February 5, 2018 - The January 2018 meeting involved the formation of three subgroups: 1) Step 2 CK/CS preparation 2) USMLE Step 1 Delay policy and procedures and 3) College-wide culture regarding USMLE exams. The notes from each subgroup were reviewed and this meeting mostly focused on USMLE Step 1 Delay Policy and other preparatory topics for USMLE Step 1. Due to UPC’s advocacy with administration, a 2nd NBME CBSSA was approved for all M2 students at all campuses to be given in April (Details TBD). Additionally, the CCIA and CCSP approved the motion put forth by UPC to grandfather the current M2 class into the old Step 1 Delay policy, which required a four-week deadline in advance of start of M3 for delaying step 1 as opposed to the new policy of 6 weeks. We have also drafted a document outlining the policy and procedures for delaying Step 1, with input from students who have gone through the process.Discussion:Peoria (Ritika, Cat, AJ)Updates (delivered by Ritika Singh): New Assistant Student Affairs Dean: Retirement of our Student Affairs Dean Dr. Linda Rowe in January 2018. Recruitment of new assistant Student Affairs Dean (spearheaded by Dr. Wickham). So far they have attracted a diverse and highly qualified pool of 26 candidates from across the country. The search committee (Dr. Melendez-Vasquez, MD, Dr. Richard Tapping, PhD, Dr. Daniel McCloud, PhD, Dr. Terri Blevins, EdD) are currently reviewing candidates. Virtual interviews will be after March 16th. There will be Student Townhall sessions with each on-campus candidate and format/time/location/dates will be forthcoming. LCME Site Visit: Our site is also gearing up for the LCME site visit occurring officially on April 18th with a mock site visit occurring on March 21. We are recruiting student volunteers who will represent the diversity of our student body, the administration stated it is student-led and will be representative of all four classes. We will be holding town hall meetings amongst the selected students to prep for these visits. Well-Being Index Survey: tracks and trends fatigue severity, risk risk for depression and several other quality of life factors. Will give a snapshot of our student body's well being and it's a part of our UICOMP/OSF Well-Being Initiative. Memorial for Pat Newcomer (Cat): M3s are collaborating to plant a tree/do a race. Date not set in stone yet, race in spring time, they want to make T shirts and raise money for Pediatrics Interest Group Haunted House for children with diabetesProgress on Syringe Exchange Clinic (Cat): Addiction Medicine interest group has trained several medical students to volunteer at new syringe exchange clinic with several community organizations. Close to opening. Perhaps within next several weeks! Student role is to serve as volunteers and staffing for the clinicCampus resources: Our library is now 24 hours. Students can use badge and get in to use study space and computers/printing.Events (recent and upcoming) (AJ):March 2: Musicians in Medicine performance.Performed at Youth Music Illinois (local non-profit)Dr. Jeff Brown in Urbana as well as other faculty are interested in participating in future events (past experience with the music and mindfulness)Just confirmed a speaker for the music and mindfulness symposium (congrats!) - will be held at Jump on April 10th. CMSC has a ensemble/acapella group perform annually at the cadaver memorial and awards ceremony every yearMarch 3: Formal TONIGHT! :) March 7: Peoria Residency Fair. All campuses welcome. Talk to any Peoria representatives for information. Must register in advance! March 9: Pitch fundraiser for HIV clinicMarch 13: Variety ShowMarch 16: Match luncheon. Celebration later in the evening.April 4: Research DayWe now have an electronic newsletter, UICOM Peoria Pons, patterned after Chicago’s Medical Messenger. Updates on events to students to supplement Dave Haney’s email about events. Has links on where to go for what, contacts of student interest groups, and links to scholarly and research opportunities. More student oriented.Discussion: MSP- Urbana (Lucy Mailing)Updates: UMSG and MSPAC members are meeting on March 8th to design a joint council for next yearAnnual MSP retreat will be held on Saturday, August 18th, 2018Discussion: IV. Executive Board ReportPresident (Jonathan Jou)Updates:Field First Aid and Triage + Northwestern NTSI Partnership PotentialRun by residentsHave agreed to look into collaboration with the UICOM first aid training groupDean Kashima: will there be a fee?Jonathan: have not figured that out yetSkills training is slated to take place in early October to take advantage of M1 schedule following first examKate WeisshappelWill this take place at multiple campuses?Jonathan: yes“No Harm on the Farm” - make similar training to be available to non-RMED students? Similarly, the more “urban” trauma training would be beneficial for RMED students who will inevitably involved in multiple care locations over their careersTo look into overlap for various campus programsAll-Campus Field Day Sign-UpFinal T-Shirt Design:Colors: (with shirt trading as intent)Chicago: Light Blue (Hex #00B5E2)Peoria: Blue (Hex #001E62)Rockford: Red (Hex #D50032)Urbana: Orange (Hex #FF7500)Promotions StrategyPossibility for revamping this project to the beginning of the year (August) as a chance to meet cross-campus classmates earlyOnce we pilot in April, we will come back to reconsider this optionAsking for advice from Advisor Vergara regarding the all-campus field day; waiting for response.Additional ideas for events? Send to Jonathan Jou.Hungry Hippose-Sports (#Starcraft #DDR)Sack raceCorn (chip) holeSuggestion: Fall Event (“Replacing” Leadership Retreat)Great idea!Pilot, then in-depth discussionThe idea is to do the event first in April - see how students respond to it - and then potentially use this event in the early schoolyear to bring people togetherThe goal is to put something in August and then rearrange all-campus events to match this calendarthere is one additional proposal for an August event for a student in Peoria - proposal is 6 page document to be reviewed during lunchCarley: the Leadership retreat is also a good chance to bring students together and provides a chance to discuss some of the nitty-gritty regarding advocacyJonathan: both the new proposal and existing Leadership Retreat structure share similar goals: get into the nitty gritty, have a chance to come face-to-face professionallyContinue discussion regarding what type of event this would be Carley: rotate the topic groups so that students can feel like they’ll learn new things coming back each yearBob: or ask students what they want to learn about. Before each leadership retreat, registrants were asked to specify which topics they wanted to cover. The top 2-3 choices were covered at the event, so we knew we were satisfying the interests of UICOM medical students. Advocacy was the hot topic last year. Next year it could be… academic leadership or something, idk. Cat Jimenez: Suggestion to have a lighthearted first meeting for students in early August; I like the idea of retaining a Leadership Retreat or similar event and having it later in the year - questions of how that might affect attendance?Bob: Early August seems best for attendance based on experienceOlivia Lanser: from what I’ve heard from students: students without much experience with UMSC weren’t sure what to take away from LR; advocacy components should be retained as well as leadership training for the purposes of Leadership Certificate; ultimately distance and unfamiliarity with UMSC/event have kept students from attending (Chicago perspective) Kate Weisshappel: 2 options: 1. have it as an introduction to the topic and link it longitudinally to yearlong events or 2. gather together closer to the end of the year to have experience to build uponJonathan Jou: Strategies to meet Dean Ray’s challenge: how will we reach 50% of the student body?Carley Demchuk: it all comes down to how much time you have an the distance to the next exam; it will be especially difficult to get the attention of new Phase 1s with the compressed scheduleneed to get Faculty involved with getting students to attend: “we want you to be well rounded people” + maybe cancel the coming week’s quizOlivia Lanser: this will be easier with the new shared scheduleAri Pence: wisdom from residents: start talking earlier in our careers about the constellation of things a career can involve - from advocacy, to humanities, and moreSuggest that you talk to administration about encouraging M1/2s to take advantage of all that **free time** to round themselves outUrbana survey results: consensus is that we won’t be participating in the Leadership Certificate anymore (student body has shifted to mainly MSPs); most students are involved in labs or research as leadersNick Curran: from an M1 perspective in Chicago, the culture regarding quizzes has largely shifted to be more relaxed later in the year; students will realize that they have more free time and be willing to attend a retreatJonathan Jou: one of the features of the existing student proposal is to involve student interest groups in planning/leading sections of the retreatNick Curran: an idea: a small committee of students + faculty award leadership certificates based on individual applicationsJonathan Jou: good idea and something we can discussAri Pence: are you imagining that the LC will be on your ERAS application to talk about during residency interviewNick Curran: I imagine it being a single consolidated point that can communicate leadership accomplishmentAri Pence: they can read the other components of your application (e.g. Peds IG President) and tell what a leader looks like without the certificateCat Jimenez: want to beware of redundancy in our CV; but one value of the Leadership Certificate was that it forced me to get involved and talk to new faculty/leaders/etc. - building communityBob: My overall point is there’s no need to replace the wheel, here. We’ve got a great event, and anything in spirit of it or similar to it is likely to work well for our students. Don’t forget: the leadership *certificate isn’t the only reason why students went to the leadership retreat. There were always 3-5 main reasons. And the first two leadership retreats didn’t talk about advocacy. It’s a flexible event based on the needs and wants of students. Make an event like that in August and you’re bound to succeed. PS If you want an event in August… it’s time to start planning and reserving the venue. Havana Exploratory Trip Applications; Kenya Site UpdatesAll sites have been cleared with the Center for Global HealthWant to move away from ‘ad-hoc’ international rotations and help students find housing, etc.Carley Demchuk: also looking at Haiti, India for Peoria IRG Med (Innovations in Rural and Global Medicine) students to start possibly in academic year 2019/2020 or the following yearCommittee on Tuition and Student Fees (CTSF), First MeetingUltimate decision makers are Vice Chancellor of Health Affairs (VC Barish) and Dean of COM (Interim Dean Ray)Mission Statement Components:Proposed: Minimize increases in tuition for every academic year (starting AY 2019-2020)Proposed: Commit to seeking out creative and constructive avenues for alternate sources of monies for the College of Medicine academic year budgetsProposed: Critically and rigorously compare the tuition of the University of Illinois College of Medicine to similar medical institutions in ranking and comparable in location for annual reportProposed: Disseminate information pertaining tuition proposals, debt and loan services and consequences, and legislation under consideration to the general student bodyProposed: Maintain accurate and robust representation of tuition and student fees issues across the Chicago, Peoria, Rockford, and Urbana campusesChicago to take lead on this committee, with nomination and election/selection of chair following approvalDean Kashima: clarification: student fees are only disbursed to Rockford and Peoria, so this represents the interest for student fees inputOlivia Lanser: Eddie Beck’s biggest concern is that there doesn’t seem to be response from the Dean’s office on student thoughts; administration has moved along without discussion with studentsJonathan Jou: it’s delicate, because we don’t want to be constantly adversarial when it comes to tuitionDean Kashima: needs to be clear agenda setting and how to have a dialogue about tuition when CTSF meetings take place going forwardThoughts on incorporating student government treasurers onto the board?Olivia Lanser: I think there are students that are more well-informed than just the treasurerCraig Kym: M1 tution not being communicated well, especially regarding how it has been split into 3 equal payments Dean Kashima: to talk with Marchello Johnson to ensure that student financial literacy and understanding is a a priority Feedback to be given to Marchello JohnsonDiscussion:Sine MedicinaUMSC Town Halls Proposal (Bundled student interest town halls)Olivia Lanser: polling students to identify the topics of interestDean Kashima: speakers will be based upon topics selected by studentsGoal is to be separate from Dialogue with the Deans EventsDialogue with the Deans in Urbana involves all the people involved in problems being discussed, have the conversation live over problemsExecutive Board + Class Presidents ProposalOlivia Lanser: I think that would be a good idea, it would have more knowledgeable people present at the discussionRitika Singh: having a surrogate or substitute because time is precious to most PresidentsAri Pence: agree with what’s been saidUMSC Exec attendance at local government meetingsJonathan Jou: UMSC Exec also reports to local governments by local presenceJJ: alternatively could also have UMSC representatives fill that roleOlivia Lanser: this coudl help with communicating the connection to student bodyAnnual Meetings, WebEx, and CiscoSpark UtilizationJonathan Jou: idea from Matt Durst: to have 3 annual in-person meetingsIdea from Joe Geraghty: have more frequent small meetings with Exec, Class Presidents, and a few committees at a timeTwo are not mutually exclusive: combine the two togetherReactions?Ayesha Hasan: Concerned about attendance with 3 in-person meetings; limitedAJ Heaps: Concern that UMSC historically runs very longJonathan Jou: shorter meetings would be easier to control; introduce scheduled topicsDean KashimaReasons for doing WebEx meetings was because of weather, it is dangerous to travel during the winterNick Curran: potential overlap of discussion if you have shorter meetings - rehashing the same nuances; overall you might spend more time on topics than you would normallyOlivia Lanser: difficult to get attendance for in-person based meetings from less engaged membersCat Jimenez: prefer 4 meetingsKate Weisshappel: continue to have rotations through campusesCTSF Debrief for M4 StudentsWaiting to hear back from Eddie Beck to close the gap between his historical work and CTSF committeeVice President (Matthew Durst)Updates ?Sorry I can’t be there to see you all today!!! Need to vote on CTSF proposal. Majority vote is all that is needed. See Old Business, when we’ll conduct the vote.Currently reaching out to other existing campus organizations/committees to see how to not duplicate efforts already in place for Committee on USMLE Preparedness CommitteeDiscussion: Secretary (Alex Matelski)Updates:FMS responses from participantsLink to brief presentation: (Previous FMS report to UMSC located here: ) Olivia Lanser: better marketing potentialKate Weisshappel: cross-campus scheduling issues (mandatory event in Rockford)Jonathan Jou: communicate events calendar from UMSC to the administration early and oftenResults from year 1 pilot of our Task Tracker performance monitoring system c Meeting1234Meeting1234Percent of Tasks Completeby Next Meeting56%38%36%#DIV/0!Tasks Assigned by Meeting1621220Discussion:UMSC efficiency and communications surveyPlease fill out after UMSC meeting: Elected or appointed representatives who are frequently absent from meetings (i.e. accrue >1 unexcused absence during the year) - Matt Durst, can we discuss what the constitution says currently?Current language III.b.3 for campus reps: “In the event that a member will be absent from a required meeting, an email shall be sent by that member to the UMSC Vice President, UMSC Secretary, and their campus’ Primary Representative no less than 7 days prior to the anticipated absence explaining the reason for the absence. Upon receipt of such emails, the UMSC Executive Board will determine if the absent member will be deemed excused or unexcused for the absence. If the email is received less than 7 days prior to the absence, if the email is not received at all, or if a reason for the absence is not included in the email, the member’s absence may be unexcused. If a voting member will be absent from a UMSC general meeting, and is granted an excused absence, that member is then encouraged to designate a proxy to attend the meeting with voting privileges. The designated proxy must be made known to the UMSC Vice President and Secretary prior to the start of the meeting and must be drawn from the same constituency that the absent voting member represents. Proxy voting members shall be entitled to all privileges of regular UMSC voting members for that meeting.”For College Committee Reps: III.d.4:“If a college committee member will be unable to attend a college committee meeting, the representative will notify the UMSC Vice President, UMSC Secretary, and the alternative college committee members at least as soon as the scheduling conflict is known, ideally at least seven (7) days in advance to ensure adequate student representation for all college committee meetings. If a college committee member will be unable to attend a the UMSC meeting hosted on the representative’s campus and or the first UMSC meeting, the representative will notify the Vice President, UMSC Secretary, and the the alternative members at least two (2) weeks in advance to ensure an update and presentation will be available to UMSC describing the committee’s work.”What is fair for these students?Olivia Lanser: we should be more strictPunitive measures: I’m not sure, but what the role of the UMSC representatives and engagement should be communicated early and oftenNick Curran: so many acronyms thrown to M1s that it can be unclear what the relationship was and how representatives AJ Heaps: my concern is that if we’re not reaching quorum, then this is a gross misrepresentation of the class and student bodyMy thought: 1 unexcused absence happens, 2 unexcused absences then you are dismissed from UMSCCat Jimenez: I agree, that seems like a fair idea.UMSC Exec to discuss proposed suggestions and communicate a standard process that we’ll put in placeDean Kashima: theme of professionalism; want to ensure that this is a standard that UMSC meets; there will be a form to fill out for lapses# and timing of 4 annual meetings Currently stated to have 4 meetings, with first and last as in person. Full meetings section is in Article IV (pg 20).UMSC Constitution for referenceFYI- Approval of Constitution amendments shall require a two-thirds vote of UMSC members present. :)Treasurer (Stephanie Grach)Updates: ?Continuing to take $$$ and put it where the $$$ is neededDiscussion: Historian/Webmaster (Petra Majdak)Updates: Website helping UMSC! SoFi assists in funding All-Campus field day due to promotion on website.Olivia Lanser: a plug for the great CMSC websiteDiscussion:OSR Representative (Mason Marcus)Updates: AAMC: Continuum Connections - April 28-May 1will create a brief report on topics discussedBoth Robbie George and Ryan Dahlberg will be in attendance in OrlandoEmail both reps anything we want to explore with the larger AAMC committee/concerns we have with AAMC as a wholeNew OSR Representative: Mason is currently recruiting and will be interviewing for new Chicago alternative rep in the next few weeksThe week of 3/19 is planned interviewsContinuing to work with Stacey Walters regarding “Residency Preparedness Handbook”Discussion: Humanism AwardLetters sent out to nomineesWhere do we go from here? Dean Kashima: the award is presented to nominee however the campus would preferThere are also a bunch of forms submitted that will be decided upon for an national award in NovemberOSR Representatives: to discuss with local Peoria administration the forms that need to be submittedAdvisor (Dean Kashima)Updates: ?Dean Ray from Acting to Interim Executive DeanDean Azar has decided to stay at Verily Search committee for the next dean will be convened in the near future; it would be great to have students involved Dean Kashima will discuss this directly with VC BarishCOM Website: ?hacking problem and status of fixReinstated clean website on February 28, 2018 after 22 days offlineNo other websites or services (e.g., Oracle student system-database) were affectedNo data lost or stolenLessons learned:Improved contract with vendor or new vendorIncreased security measuresImproved contingency planningPlan to have independent contractor hired pending approval from university to expedite future repairs to be handled within hours instead of weeks UMSC Town Halls for students: ?3/6/18 student services updatesOffice for Access and Equity and accommodations (Michael Diaz from Access and Equity); Medical student learning environment (Renee McCarthy); Financial Aid (Marchello Johnson); Registrar (Dorian Thomas); Career Services (Stacey Walters, Stephanie Calato)Kate Weisshappel on the search committee for new director of MSLE - please update UMSC on committee progress. (listed within the Learning Environment Committee section)Future town halls: ?if food available, sponsored by campus?Wait until after electionsV. Committee ReportsCCSP (prepared by Ashton Ballinger [R])Updates: No IA (prepared Joe Geraghty [C]; presented by Ayesha Hasan [P])Updates: LCME Accreditation (April 15-19)Students calling for increased involvement and engagement of M3/M4 students in curriculum design and implementation, especially for planning for Phases 2 and 3. We would like to see a similar level of involvement (through task forces, subcommittees, focus groups, etc.) through CCIA and other curriculum committees that was done for Phase 1 curriculum planning. Topics of particular concern include M4 absence policy and flexibility for interviews, elective prerequisites in M3 year, increased opportunities for online electives (ie, radiology), Step 2 CK/CS preparation and remediation, flexibility in scheduling, and more.Approval by both CCIA and CCSP regarding the USMLE Step 1 Delay policy for current M2s, which will be exempted from the newly implemented policy requiring students to notify COM 6 weeks in advance of start of M3 for delaying Step 1. Current M2s will be allowed to operate under the former 4-week policy, giving them slightly more time and 2 weeks of independent study to engage in self-assessment and determine whether or not they should consider delaying their exam. Continued efforts, mainly through the USMLE Preparedness Committee, are focusing on increased transparency and clarity in policies and procedures related to sitting for USMLE Step 1 exam, as well as explicit descriptions of implications of delaying the exam. Upcoming: will be voting on remediation policy and grading for academics. Next week at the CCIA meeting. Not much has changed (67% to pass, etc.). No concerns voiced by UMSC regarding upcoming remediation and grading votes.Discussion: CCAUpdates: No updates.Discussion: CCSAS (Hailey Sellek [R] present)Updates: Committee funding has been at a stand-still since last November. ?Dr. Wheeler is trying to find other avenues of of funding. That information should be available later this month. Here in Rockford, we are currently trying to find ways to make scholarships more accessible to medical students. We have contacted SnAP to see if we can streamline access to professional scholarships via that website. The website is helpful and useful, but the process of finding scholarships we are eligible for deters many students from applying. If anyone ever has suggestions or activities they would like to see from our committee, we are very open to hearing feedback! Jonathan: how easy is it to apply to SNAP scholarships?Cat Jimenez: it’s pretty easy and once you’ve filled it out initially, it allows you to rapidly apply to additional scholarships that match your criteria. Discussion:FEC (Tanya Magana [R] present)Updates: No updates. Jonathan Jou: will need to change the name, as “FEC” is quite outdated. Discussion:HPSC (Matt Schaeffer [P] and Blair Wright [R] present)Updates (delivered by Matt Schaeffer):Neither HPSC nor the component colleges employ/utilize part- or full-time lobbyists to advocate for funding or specific policiesUncertainty regarding the fiscal feasibility of this ideaPeoria and Rockford will not receive increased HPSC dedicated funding from previous years, despite increased enrollment. Since our M1s are contributing student fees, it seems that we should merit an increase in allocated funding. What avenues to ensure increase in future years?HPSC interested in feedback from allied health students attending FMSTravel grant funding available for Q4! Reps can apply for travel grant fundingNote: the travel grants are awarded on a rolling bases (early bird gets the grant)Discussion: LEWG (Raj Kumar [R], Katie Weisshappel [R] Present)Updates:Search for the “new Renee” is in the works. We have a great pool of applicants and are going to begin our selection process within the next month. Cross campus video meeting will be held soon/ within the month, per Dean Hall. ?VI. Old BusinessTuition CommitteeTuition Town HallSet for Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018Paraphrase from Joe Geraghty: Students who are concerned about tuition must be engaged. If we don’t show up, the administration thinks we don’t care.CTSF Resolution - Requires simple majority to resolve. CTSF proposalVote passes muster with 9/15 votes in favor, 1 against, non stated in abstentiaConstitutional Amendments Leadership Retreat LanguageUSMLE Preparedness Committee“Mini-ISA” (Independent Student Analysis) to come out in the week - please encourage your campus/class to fill it out!Much shorter than the 2017 ISA that was sent out as part of the accreditation process, as we will only be following up on areas of potential improvement/interest re: Administration, Student Services, Environment/Infrastructure M1’s ONLY will fill out the Medical Education/Curriculum section to assess how Phase 1 implementation has been goingTasks: Recruitment for New PositionsCommittee/Nominations by campusCollege Committee on AdmissionsCommittee on Instruction & Appraisal Committee on Student PromotionsCommittee on Student Awards & ScholarshipsPeoriaNatassia Buckridge, M3Jonathan Schuon, M3Zain Khazi, M3Meredith Baumgartner, M3Jake Stewart, M1Zain Khazi, M3Meredith Baumgartner, M3Ian Magruder, M3Jane Zhang, M1Shankar Logarajah, M3Nam Dao, M3Brian Barnacle, M3UrbanaRockfordFinalized: Derek Sonnenberg, M2Finalized: Akash Khurana, M1 Finalized: Crystal Booker, M2ChicagoMichael Rabaza M1, Mark Rizko M2, Akash Patel M1, Natasha Mehta M1, Lewis Jordan M3Joe Geraghty (G2)Cutler Lewandowski (G1)Tokunbo Adeniyi (M4)Jane Invakhnitskaia (G2)VII. New BusinessElectionsChair: Ritika SinghTotal voting members: 18Proxy Votes:Olivia Lanser on behalf of Joe GeraghtyCat Jimenez on behalf of Rachel MooreChristina Tsai for Stephanie Grach x2 (RMSC + Treasurer)Robbie George for Mason MarcusRyan Dahlberg for Blaire WrightAJ Heaps for Ritika SinghKatie Weisshappel for Aisha (voting via text)PresidentNominees: Jonathan JouResult: Jonathan Jou has been elected the next UMSC President. Congrats!Vice PresidentNominees: Matt DurstResult: Matt Durst has been elected the next UMSC Vice President. Congrats!Treasurer:Nominees: Stephanie GrachResult: Stephanie Grach has been elected the next UMSC Treasurer. Congrats!SecretaryNominees: Alex MatelskiResult: Alex Matelski has been elected the next UMSC Secretary. Congrats!Historian:Nominees: Petra MajdakResult: Petra Majdak has been elected the next UMSC Historian. Congrats! VIII. Closing RemarksThank you to all of the M4s who have given much of their medical school careers to student government and classmate advocacy! ? ................

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