Department of Art History 2016 PhD Self-Assessment and ...

Department of Art History PhD Self-Assessment and Funding Request--2019Please submit this form and a current copy of your CV to Brenda Roman ( by 5:00 pm on April 24, 2020.PART 1: SELF-ASSESSMENTName: UIN:Year admitted to program:Planned Dissertation Topic or Title:Chair/Advisor:Additional Committee members (if known):2) ___________________3) ___________________4) ___________________5) ___________________ 6) ___________________ (optional)Have you completed the Chair and Committee Recommendation Form (before preliminary exams and your dissertation defense)? Date of research language exam, if taken, or other method of satisfying this requirement. (If you have not yet completed this requirement, please describe when and how you expect to fulfill this requirement):Date of Preliminary Exam or anticipated:Date of Dissertation Proposal Defense or anticipated:Have you filed a copy of your Dissertation Proposal with the department?Anticipated dates for defending and filing your Dissertation:If you entered the PhD program with a MA degree 7 years ago or longer and will not file your dissertation this semester, have you submitted the on-line request to extend your time to degree? Have you received confirmation that this request has been approved by the Grad College? (note: PhD students with a BA degree only have 9 years to finish.)List activities engaged in for the 2019‐2020 Academic Year below. List only for this period. Please do not fill in “see CV” for questions below.COURSEWORKNote if your coursework is completed and/or list courses for AY 2019-20. Include courses taken at other institutions. List course number, title, credit hours, instructor.Fall 2019:Spring 2020:Summer 2020 (anticipated):RESEARCHNote the type of research activity, with whom you were working (if not independent), the locations and dates.GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPSInclude grants and fellowships from outside the University, as well as any internal University or Department grants and fellowships. List title, purpose, source and amount for each and note if the award was funded (accepted or declined), unfunded/unsuccessful, or pending. Please include all applications you have made—even if unfunded or unsuccessfulLECTURES AND CONFERENCE PARTICIPATIONInclude invited lectures, scholarly conference papers, organization of conference panels or symposia, lectures and presentations at UIC (outside your normal work as a TA or Instructor). List presentation title, conference association (if applicable), location and date.PUBLICATIONSFor publications, list items that have appeared in print since the last self-assessment (or over the course of the past academic year). If you have works in progress, list as “accepted for publication but not yet published.” Include books, monographs, articles, chapters in books, book reviews, electronic publications and newsletters, published abstracts and editorial work.TEACHINGInclude courses in which you were a Teaching Assistant or Instructor, noting any courses developed and taught during this activities period. List institution, course number, and title.CURATORIAL WORKPlease list title of show, host institution, your role, and dates.FORMAL RECOGNITION OF SCHOLARLY ACTIVITIESPlease list title, date and nature of the prize.OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVTIES Please list work for AHGSA, participation in campus working groups, and other relevant work, service or academic activities.REMAINING DEGREE REQUIREMENTS/PROGRESS TOWARD COMPLETION OF DISSERTATION/FUTURE PLANSPlease describe your progress over the past year and your plans for 2020-21.Part II. FUNDING REQUESTS FOR 2020-2021Please describe your funding needs for 2020-2021. What sort of position (TAship/RAship) are you requesting? Please indicate what positions you have held in the past, and how your requested position would support your overall academic goals. In the event that you would prefer not to be assigned a particular assistantship, provide a justification for this as well. If applicable, include a rationale for additional support. Note: here is a rough estimate of what we currently anticipate: --Teaching Assistantships: AH 100; AH 110-111 (6/7 TAs); AH/DES 235 and 236 (2 TAs)--Graduate Instructor, AH 100 (1 Grad Instructor)--Research Assistantships: 3 (for the Chair, the DGS, DUS/LEC committee)--Several 100 and 200-level courses with graduate student instructors of record (mainly for PhD students who have advanced to candidacy). The following is a tentative list of courses that might be in need of graduate student instructors of record: AH 160, AH 180, AH 206, and AH 225. In principle, we would like to give graduate students who have advanced to candidacy the opportunity to teach a class in their research field. While we do not currently know if we will be able to offer any such courses, if you are PhD candidate and would like to propose a course in your field for the Spring, 2021, please do so (including just the course title, course number and a brief description).We also may have tuition waivers (F-T and P-T) available. Part III. QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/CONCERNS/SUGGESTIONS ................

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