
Unit: ImmigrationText: The Bilingual Education DebateCycle: 2 Day: 3 Lesson: Language Part 1Lesson Objectives:CCSSLesson ObjectivesCCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.4.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 4 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.Students will create a word web to show words connected with policy, proponent, and opponent.Students will identify, construct and analyze words with the suffix –ly.Materials:TeacherStudentsSample Word WebDay 3 Morphology Card GameThe Bilingual Education Debate textStudent Workbook Morphology BankWord Web Activity (6 minutes)Student WorkbookState lesson objectives. Explain that the text The Bilingual Education Debate and the Immersion video are about what proponents and opponents say are the advantages and disadvantages of different language policies and how these policies lead to proficiency in English and a native language.Ask students to turn to the Day 3 Word Web in their Student Workbook and to create a word web showing words associated with the terms policy, proponent, and opponent? How are these words similar? How are they different?Note for teachers: The word web is a semantic activity that adds to student understanding of vocabulary depth as well as their use of vocabulary in multiple contexts. Word webs can include language connected to text, but are not limited to only language from the book. Introduce Word Parts (10 minutes)Morphology BankPresent and discuss the words parts in proficient(ly). Explain to students that the –ly ending changes an adjective (i.e. words that describe nouns) into an adverb (i.e. words that describe verbs). Many (but not all) adverbs end in –ly. –ly is a suffix meaning “in a certain way” or “like or having the character of.”Explain that The Bilingual Education Debate text and Immersion video are about how schools can help students learn to speak English proficiently. The word proficiently comes from the word proficient. Proficient is an adjective that describes a person as in: Moises was not proficient in English. Proficient is an adverb that describes a verb as in: Moises does not yet speak English proficiently. Proficiently means having the character of proficiency when speaking. Point out what the adjective and adverb are describing.Metalinguistic awareness think-aloud: In our previous lessons, we learned that when we change the ending of a word (or the suffix), we often change its part of speech or function. In English, -ly changes an adjective to an adverb and tells how the main verb is happening. How does –ly change these words from adjectives into adverbs? Easy to easily; Quick to quickly; And quiet to quietly.Morphology Bank: Add –ly to the morphology bank. Model how to use the morphology strategy (look for parts you know) when trying to figure out new words. ?For teacher reference:PrefixMeaningExample-lyin a certain way or like or having the character of (changes an adjective into an adverb and describes a verb)Proficient/ProficientlySemantic Activity (14 minutes)Bilingual Education Morphology GameInvite students to create –ly words playing the Day 3 Bilingual Education Morphology Game. Explain that students will extract the base word from existing sentences, create a new word by adding the –ly suffix, and use the new word in a sentence. Provide clarification/guidance as needed. Consider using a dictionary for tricky words. Please see the attached Day 3 Bilingual Education Morphology Game materials for complete directions and examples. For teacher reference:SentenceBase WordSuffixFull Word388620117475quietly00quietlyMoises was quiet in class.Moises ________ completed his work.quiet-lyquietly394970136525bravely00bravelyMoises was brave to try to answer a question in class. Moises __________ answered a question in class. brave-lybravely 79502091440rudely00rudelySome students were rude to Moises.Some students ________ teased Moises. rude-lyrudely39370094615sadly00sadlyMoises was sad when students teased him.Moises ________ walked off the playground.sad-lysadly89662078740seriously00seriouslyMoises was a serious student.Moises studied ____________ for the test.serious-lyseriously521970104140nervously00nervouslyMoises was nervous to take the test. Moises ______________ opened the test booklet.nervous-lynervously41402080645carefully 00carefully Moises was careful when he did his work.Moises ____________ completed his work.careful-lycarefully312420101600gently00gentlyMoises’ brother was gentle.He __________encouraged Moises to do his best.gentle-lygently153797091440easily00easilySome people think English is easy to learn. Some people learn English _________.easy-lyeasily839470107950patiently00patientlySome teachers are patient with immigrant learners. Some teachers ___________support immigrant learners.patient-lypatiently Optional: Explain that the spelling rules for adding -ly depend on the ending of the original base word. However, spelling is not the focus of this lesson. ................

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