Quite - quiet homophone practice

Quite / Quiet

'Quite' can mean 'very' or 'completely'. If you can replace the word with either of these, then you need to put 'quite'.

He was quite happy to wait.

It's quite alright.

'Quite' can also mean 'rather' or 'partly' - which is almost the opposite of its other meaning. If you can replace the word with either of these, then you need to put 'quite'.

It's quite cold for the time of year.

I quite like the red one, but the blue one looks better.

'Quiet' means 'a lack of noise' or 'silence'. It also means 'not busy'.

When he came in the room, everything went quiet.

I think I'll have a quiet night at home.

We enjoy the peace and quiet of the countryside.

Write your own sentences

Important: to type your own sentences into this worksheet select the Forms toolbar and ‘unlock’ the padlock. You will need to lock it again before doing the fill-in exercises on page 2.

Write a couple of sentences using ‘quite’

Write a couple of sentences using ‘quiet’


Complete these sentences by choosing the correct word from the menu.

1. It was in the library.

2. We've had a busy day.

3. He had a word with her in private.

4. This may take a while.

5. The audience went when the lights dimmed.

6. It's not what I expected.

7. He's usually cheerful on a morning.

8. She said it had been in the office.

9. The new manager was young.

10. The new secretary was very shy and .

11. He lives on a road near the park.

12. The two children were a handful.

13. Have you finished?

14. He couldn't keep about it and told everyone.

15. She never understood why he had left her.

16. You must be or someone will hear us.

17. If you can't be , you'll have to leave.

18. She was pleased when it was all over.

19. I think it's important.

20. The Leeds fans went when Liverpool scored.

Check your answers.

Quite / quiet

1. It was quiet in the library.

2. We've had quite a busy day.

3. He had a quiet word with her in private.

4. This may take quite a while.

5. The audience went quiet when the lights dimmed.

6. It's not quite what I expected.

7. He's usually quite cheerful on a morning.

8. She said it had been quiet in the office.

9. The new manager was quite young.

10. The new secretary was very shy and quiet .

11. He lives on a quiet road near the park.

12. The two children were quite a handful.

13. Have you quite finished?

14. He couldn't keep quiet about it and told everyone.

15. She never quite understood why he had left her.

16. You must be quiet or someone will hear us.

17. If you can't be quiet, you'll have to leave.

18. She was quite pleased when it was all over.

19. I think it's quite important.

20. The Leeds fans went quiet when Liverpool scored.


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