GTC Registration Check form .uk

GTC Check Pro Forma

(Pre-employment, for all teaching posts in schools)

From: Hiring Manager

To: Vetting Service, Business Support - Human Resources, Bradford Council, 3rd Floor, Future House

Enclose: CRB application form (It is recommended that you complete and forward this pro forma at the same time as requesting the preferred candidate’s CRB check during recruitment).

|Current full name of teacher / candidate (from ID): | |

|Full name of teacher / candidate when registered with the GTC (where | |

|different from current full name): | |

|Date of birth of teacher / candidate (from ID): | |

|GTC Registration Number (from the signed job application form): | |

|School Name: | |

|Name and email address of person who needs to know outcome of GTC |Name: Email: |

|registration check and report: | |

|Please sign to confirm you have witnessed the ID and the GTC number on the|Signature: Date: |

|signed job application form: | |

|Purchase Order Number (please provide): | |

Next steps:

1. Upon receipt of this information, our Vetting Service will use it to obtain an individual report from GTC online.

2. a) If the GTC report is satisfactory and matches the details provided above from the

Employment/Job Application Form, the Vetting Service will email the Hiring Manager to confirm this.

The Hiring Manager must retain that email as evidence of the satisfactory check.

b) If the report is not clear or it differs to the details provided above, the Vetting Service will forward the

information to the school’s Human Resources Business Partner (or our Recruitment Strategy

Manager) – who will advise the Hiring Manager accordingly.

3. The Hiring Manager must retain written confirmation of the check/outcome. If this leads to a confirmed job offer, upon satisfactory completion of all pre-employment checks, the Hiring Manager must ensure the GTC check is included in the school’s single central record (as for all teaching posts).

GTC registration for EEA teachers:

Teachers from other European countries, working temporarily in the UK, have a duty to register with the GTCE or GTCW. The regulations introduced a duty on applicant teachers from other European countries, who wish to practice their profession on a temporary or occasional basis in England or Wales. If you require further information, please visit the Teacher Net website () or click here: TeacherNet

Enc. Candidate’s CRB Application Form (where possible to request with GTC check)


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