Please circle the correct answer/answers.

1. Who is responsible for IG compliance?

a) The Chief Executive

b) The Caldicott Guardian

c) The Head of Information Governance

d) Everyone

2. Which of these apply to the recording of quality information? (Circle 3 answers)

a) Must be accurate

b) Must be complete

c) Must be in pencil

d) Must be free from duplication

3. Which Act of law applies to personal information about a living individual which is held either on computer or in a paper record?

a) Freedom of Information Act 2000

b) Data Protection Act 1998

c) NHS Confidentiality Code of Practice

4. How many Calidcott guidelines are there?

a) 8

b) 10

c) 6

d) 12

5. Which of these would be considered a secure password?

a) elephant

b) 28/01/1977


d) Pa55w0rd

6. How many working days does the Trust have to respond to FOI requests?

a) 30 days

b) 21 days

c) 40 days

d) 20 days

7. How often does the Trust need to submit the IG Toolkit?

a) yearly

b) every six months

c) every 2 years

d) once only

8. What are the 3 categories of Information?

a) Personal, Sensitive, Corporate

b) Patient, Secure, Confidential

c) Personal, Secure, Confidential

d) Patient, Sensitive, Corporate

9. Who, other than your line manager, can you contact regarding the disclosure of a patient’s personal information?

a) A colleague

b) The Caldicott Guardian

c) A friend of the patient

10. Which Act of law gives the public the right to access/view all non-personal information held by a public authority upon written request?

a) Freedom of Information Act 2000

b) Data Protection Act 1998

c) NHS Confidentiality Code of Practice

11. In the HORUS principles what does the “H” and the “U” stand for?

a) Holding and Using

b) Hearing and Understanding

c) Hiding and Undertaking

d) Hoarding and Utilising

12. Who is the Caldicott Guardian in CDDFT?

a) Sue Jacques

b) Alan McCulloch

c) Lisa Wilson

d) Joanna Tyrell

Please circle each answer and return this quiz, along with the signed “Declaration of Completion and Understanding” to Richard Welsh, Learning and Development, UHND


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