Religious Archives Group | Britain's Archival Religious ...

8. Further information and reading

To contact the Private Archives Team at The National Archives, please email

Networks and associations

The Archives and Records Association is the professional body for archivists in the UK and Ireland


The Religious Archives Group is a society for all those interested in the creation, curation and use of religious archives. It has an email list for members which is free to join

The UK-wide archives email list can be joined through Jiscmail


The British Records Association aims to encourage and assist with the preservation, care, use and publication of historical records


Archive management and collection development

Guidance on looking after archives for those without professional archives training


The Campaign for Voluntary Sector Archives has an online guide here


For established archives, the new Archives Service Accreditation standard is at


Collections management advice


Writing and adopting a formal archive collections policy



Collection care, preservation and conservation

There is advice on a range of issues in British Library Preservation Advisory Centre leaflets

in particular, these on developing a preservation policy

There is basic guidance on the care of records in this British Records Association leaflet


Although a little dated, see the user-friendly ‘Conserve O Gram’ guides produced by the US National Parks Service (though produced for a museums context)




Archival packaging

The following companies are the UK’s leading suppliers of archival quality materials and preservation and conservation equipment:

(Please note, we cannot endorse any particular company or its products)


The Institute of Conservation provides a Conservation Register of professionally-qualified conservator-restorers, and other advice

Care of photographs

Information on the care of photographs is to be found here


See also the US North East Document Conservation Center leaflet


Care of film and sound archives

Best practice guidelines for non-specialists is here


Care of digital records (in physical form)

The North East Document Conservation Center offers advice on preparing a digital preservation policy at


General guidance on selecting storage media for long-term preservation is at


See also


The Digital Preservation Coalition has an online Preservation Handbook on caring for digital records


CDs and DVDs

Information on physical care for CDs and DVDs

Canadian Conservation Institute guidance is at

Though a little dated, see the ‘Conserve O Gram’ guide produced by the US National Parks Service (NPS)

Magnetic tape

Though dated, see the ‘Conserve O Gram’ guide produced by the NPS

Digital media

You’ve Got to Walk Before You Can Run: First Steps for Managing Born-Digital Content Received on Physical Media

See the ‘Conserve O Gram’ guide produced by the NPS

Storage and environment

Although the Archives Service Accreditation process supersedes The National Archives’ Standard for Records Repositories, it is still worth consulting


The BSI standard for the storage and display of archive material to which it refers (BS 5454) has been superseded by the recently published guidance PD 5454:2012.

See also the Preservation Advisory Centre leaflet

Disaster planning

Advice on disaster planning can be found here



Theft prevention

Advice can be found here


The National Council on Archives produced a Standard on Access to Archives


Archival description

The International Council on Archives issues the International Standard for Archive Description (General), the standard guidance for essential archival description. It explains the elements needed to describe an archives collection


The Community Archives and Heritage Group offers useful advice on cataloguing


There is free and/or open source archives cataloguing software

ICA-AtoM, web-based archival description software from the International Council on Archives.

The Australian Heritage Document Management System based on Microsoft Access.

The UK Archives Hub, an online network of archival descriptions allows registered contributors to catalogue down to item level directly into its system.

For advice on assessing cataloguing software, see

Personal papers

Advice compiled for the Religious Archives Group

Digital/electronic records

For guidance on managing digital records



There is basic advice on organising electronic records


The Society of Friends has produced a useful guide for electronic record-keeping for Quaker meetings, which is of wider applicability



General advice on preparing for grant applications is at

There is advice to archive-holding institutions seeking funding for projects involving archives:


Information management



There is a useful flow-chart, from 2004 here

Data Protection Act

See the Information Commissioner’s Office



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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