The National Archives

|Summary of Complaint |How and when received |Background Information |Action taken and response to |

| | | |complaint |

|Internet and Opera access issues in|Email |Onsite users can access a number of|We apologised for the inconvenience|

|the reading room | |different online resources |caused. The CD rom part of OPERA |

| |7.1.13 | |was down and required re-booting |

| | | |and there was a connectivity |

| |Case: 01895 | |problem with the internet. |

| | | | |

| |Ref: 299 | | |

|Complainant attempted to use World |Email |World pay used to process online |Pay Pal is being considered – the |

|pay in order to purchase documents.| |payments |fee charged is high, so we have to |

|World Pay do not service Canada – |10.1.13 | |check if we can justify the cost. |

|could we use Pay Pal | | | |

| |Case: 01917 | | |

| | | | |

| |Ref: 300 | | |

|Cost £70 for 10 pages - £7 pound a |Email |Users can order copies of our |We apologised for the error and |

|page cannot be correct | |records from Document Services |refunded the difference. |

| |11.1.13 | | |

| | | | |

| |Case: 01928 | | |

| | | | |

| |Ref: 301 | | |

|Complainant did Not receive |Email |Users can pay for our staff to |All research and reports paid for |

|research or invoice following a | |carry out research into specific |were completed and the complainant |

|paid search |22.1.13 |records |(now satisfied) is in contact with |

| | | |The National Archives regarding |

| |Case: 02016 | |further work. |

| | | | |

| |Ref: 302 | | |

|Complainant disappointed with |Email |Users can ask for guidance or |We offered further detailed advice |

|guidance and advice from the | |advice on their research |and guidance on the records in |

|records advice service |24.1.13 | |question. |

| | | | |

| |Case: 02022 | | |

| | | | |

| |Ref: 303 | | |

|The price of making copies of |Your Views |Users can use The National Archives|We attempted to contact the |

|documents is exorbitant | |copying service, self service |complainant by telephone and letter|

| |30.1.13 |machines or their own cameras to |– no reply. |

| | |make copies | |

| |Case: 2077 | | |

| | | | |

| |Ref: 304 | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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