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Roundtable Meeting on

Programme for the 2010 Round of Censuses of Agriculture

Kampala, Uganda, 21 – 25 April, 2008


|Country |Topic(s) for presentation |Participants |

|1. Botswana |Livestock Census |1. Ms. Phetogo Gopolang, National Statistical |

| |Sampling frames for Agriculture Census |Office |

| | |2. Mr. Motlamedi Makoko Shatera, Principal |

| | |Agricultural Statistician, Division of Agricultural|

| | |Planning and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture, |

| | |Email: or |

| | | |

|2. Eritrea |Census of agriculture and Food Security: data requirements | |

|3. Ethiopia |Livestock Census: Methodology of enumeration of nomadic and |Mr. Aman Abdelwahab, Senior Statistician, CSA, |

| |semi-nomadic livestock, case of Ethiopia |Email: amanabdelwahab@ |

| |Coordination between Agriculture Census and Population Census | |

|4. Gambia |Census of agriculture and rural development |Mr. Lamin, J.S. Fatajo, Principal |

| | |Planner/Statistician and Head Agricultural |

| | |Statistics, Department of Planning, Responsible of |

| | |the National Agricultural Sample Survey, Department|

| | |of Planning Department of State for Agriculture, |

| | |Email: |

|5. Ghana |Sampling frames for Agriculture Census |Mr. Francis Dzah, Head, Agriculture Statistics |

| |Coordination between Agriculture Census and Population Census |Section, Ghana Statistical Service, Email: |

| | | |

|6. Kenya |Census of agriculture and Food Security: data requirements |Mr. Hezbourne Otieno Obongo, Acting Head of |

| |Planning an agricultural census and mobilization of the |Agriculture, Nutrition and Environment Statistics |

| |financing of the agricultural census |Division, Bureau of Statistics, Email: |

| | | |

|7. Lesotho |Sampling frames for Agriculture census and quality control |Mr. Thabo Sophonea, Senior Statistician, Bureau of |

| |measures |Statistics in Lesotho, Email:|

| | |or t.sophonea@ |

|8. Malawi |Sampling frames for Agriculture Census |1. Mr. Frank FY Matumula, National Statistical |

| |Coordination between Agriculture Census and Population Census |Office, Email: or |

| | |talipu@ |

| | |2. Mr. Bosco Noel Magombo Deputy Officer in Charge |

| | |Agro-Economic Survey, Email: noelmagombo@ |

|9. Mozambique |Analysis of agricultural census data to address food security |Mr. Camilo Amade, Chefe do Departamento de |

| |and poverty |Estatísticas de Bens e Ambiente, Deptº de |

| |Use of new technologies in the agricultural census: |Estatísticas de Bens e Ambiente, Direcção de |

| |collection, processing and dissemination of results – Case of |Estatísticas Sectoriais e de Empresas, Instituto |

| |Mozambique |Nacional de Estatística, Email : |

| | | |

|10. Namibia |Collecting data on irrigation and water management through |Mr. Joseph Minnaar, Chief Statistician, Email: |

| |agriculture census – Case of Namibia | |

|11. Nigeria |Livestock Census |Mr. Bandele Ogunlana, Assistant Director |

| | |(Statistics), National Bureau of Statistics, Email:|

| | | |

|12. South Africa |Census of agriculture and rural development |1. Mr. Moses Mnyaka , SA Statistics, Email: |

| |Planning an agricultural census and mobilization of the | |

| |financing of the agricultural census |2. Mr. Michael Manamela, SA Statistics, Email: |

| | | |

| | |3. Ms. Aphista Mataboge, Department of Agriculture,|

| | |Email: |

|13. Sudan |Livestock Census |Mr. Hamza Abdalla Siror, Ministry of Agriculture |

| |Census of agriculture and rural development |and Forestry, General Admin of Planning and Agric |

| | |Economics, Agricultural Statistic Department, |

| | |Mobile: +249 9 11388363, |

| | |Email: hamzasiror@ |

|14. Tanzania |Agricultural census and gender – Case of Tanzania |Ms. Joyce Urasa |

| |Use of new technologies in the agricultural census: |Principal Statistician |

| |collection, processing and dissemination of results – Case of |National Bureau of Statistics, Email: |

| |Tanzania |jurasa56@ or |

|15. Uganda |Use of new technologies in the agricultural census: |1. Mr. Seth N. Mayinza, |

| |collection, processing and dissemination of results – Case of |Director, Uganda Census of Agriculture, |

| |Uganda |Uganda Bureau of Statistics, Email: |

| |Agricultural module of population census as frame for |seth.mayinza@ or smayinza@ |

| |agricultural census – Case of Uganda | |

| |The modular approach of the WCA 2010 – The case of UCA2008/09 |2. Mr. John Baptist Magezi – Apuuli, |

| | |Principal Statistician  - Agricultural Statistics, |

| | |Uganda Bureau of Statistics, Email: |

| | |john.magezi@ |

| | | |

| | |3. Mr. Patrick Okello, |

| | |Senior Statistician, Agriculture Statistics |

| | |Section, Uganda Bureau of Statistics, Email: |

| | |patrick.okello@ or opatu@ |

| | | |

| | |4. Ms. Rhada P. Tumusiime, Ministry of Agriculture |

| | |and Animal Industry |

| | | |

| | |5. Ms. Mamatovu Irene Lubega, Ministry of |

| | |Agriculture and Animal Industry |

|16. Zambia |Integration of agriculture census in the National Survey |Mr. Masiliso Sooka, Head of Agriculture Statistics |

| |Programme and the National Strategy of Statistical Development|Branch, Agriculture and Environment Statistics |

| |and the modular approach – Case of Zambia |Division, Central Statistical Office, Email: |

| | | or msooka@ |

N.B.: - For Bostwana, Malawi and South Africa: FAO will respectively sponsor Ms Phetogo Gopolang,

Mr. Frank FY Matumula and Mr. Moses Mnyaka. The additional candidates will be sponsored by their respective Governments. For Ghana, one more participant may be nominated too, sponsored by their own Government.

| |Topic(s) for presentation |

|FAO |Overview of the World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2010. By Mr. Som, Email: |

| |Hiek.Som@ |

| |Integration of the WCA2010 in the National Survey Programmes and the National Strategy of |

| |Statistical Development and the modular approach. By Mr. Keita, Email: Naman.Keita@ |

| |Agricultural census and gender. By Ms. Tempelman, Email: Diana.Tempelman@ |

| |The role of the census of agriculture in monitoring of MDGs, Poverty and Food security. By |

| |Mr. Ngendakumana, Email: Vincent.Ngendakumana@ |

| |AQUASTAT in relation with Collecting data on irrigation and water management through |

| |agriculture census. By Ms. Frenken, Email: Karen.Frenken@ |

| |Community level statistics in agricultural census. By Mr. Keita, Email: Hiek.Som@ |

| |CountryStat and FAO DVD for the advocacy of the agricultural statistical development. By Mr. |

| |Keita, Email: Naman.Keita@ |

|EAC |Planning an agricultural census and mobilization of the financing of the agricultural census |

| |– Case of the EAC region. By Mr. Robert Maate, Statistician, Email: rmaate@ |

|UNECA |Integration of WCA2010 in the National Survey Programme and within the National Strategy for |

| |Development of Statistics. By Prof. Kiregyera, Email: BKiregyera@ |

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Roundtable Meeting on

Programme for the 2010 Round of Censuses of Agriculture

Kampala, Uganda, 21 – 25 April, 2008


Venue: UBOS Conference Room, Kampala, Uganda.

Dates: 21-25 April 2008

Monday, 21 April 2008

08.30-09.30: Registration of participants

09.30-10.30: Opening Session

- Welcome Address by Mr. J. B. Male-Mukasa, Executive Director, UBOS

- Address by Mr. Hiek Som, Chief, Country Statistics, FAO

- Address by Mr. Percy W. Misika, FAO Representative in Uganda

- Opening Address of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture

10.30-11.00: Coffee break

11.00-11.15: Election of the Bureau (1 President of the Round Table and 2 rapporteurs) and adoption of the agenda

11.15- 12.00 – Technical session 1: Overview of the World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2010

Chair and Presenter Mr. Som (FAO)

12.00-13.30: Lunch

13.30-15.00 – Technical session 2: Integration of Agricultural Census in the National Strategy of Statistical development and the Modular Approach

Chair Mr. Moses Mnyaka (South Africa)

Presenters 1. Integration of the WCA2010 in the National Survey Programmes and the National Strategy of Statistical Development and the modular approach (Mr. Keita, FAO)

2. The modular approach of the WCA 2010 – The case of UCA2008/09, Uganda

3. Integration of agriculture census in the National Survey Programme and the National Strategy of Statistical Development and the modular approach – Case of Zambia

Discussant Mr. Hezbourne Otieno Obongo (Kenya)

15.00-15.30: Cocktail

15.30-16.30 - Technical session 3: Use of Information Technology for Agricultural Censuses

Chair Ms. Frenken (FAO)

Presenters 1. Use of new technologies in the agricultural census: collection, processing and dissemination of results (Cases of Mozambique, Tanzania and Uganda)

Discussant Mr. Masiliso Sooka (Zambia)

17.00-18.00: Cocktail

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

08.30-09.00 – Continuation Technical session 3: Discussions

09.00-10.00 – Technical session 4: Statistics on Water Resources

Chair Mr. Aman Abdelwahab (Ethiopia)

Presenters 1. AQUASTAT in relation with Collecting data on irrigation and water management through agriculture census (Ms. Frenken, FAO)

2. Collecting data on irrigation and water management through agriculture census – Case of Namibia

Discussant Bostwana

10.00-10.30: Coffee break

10.30-12.30 – Technical session 5: Livestock Population

Chair Ngendakumana

Presenters 1. Livestock census (Botswana, Ethiopia, Nigeria)

Discussant Mr. Lamin, J.S. Fatajo (Gambia)

12.30-14.00: Lunch

14.00-17.00 – Technical session 6: Frames for Agricultural Census and Surveys

Chair Mr. Som (FAO)

Presenters 1. Coordination between population and agricultural censuses (Ethiopia, Ghana and Malawi)

2. Agricultural module of population census as frame for agricultural census – Case of Uganda

3. Sampling Frames from agricultural census (Botswana, Ghana and Malawi)

4. Sampling frames for Agriculture census and quality control measures – case of Lesotho

Discussant Mr. Joseph Minnaar (Namibia)

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

09.00-10.00 – Technical session 7: Gender and Management of Holding

Chair Uganda

Presenters 1. Agricultural census and gender (Ms. Tempelman, FAO)

2. Agricultural census and gender (Case of Tanzania)

Discussant Ms Aphista Mataboge (South Africa)

10.00-10.30 – Technical session 8: Community-Level Statistics

Chair Mr. Frank FY Matumula (Malawi)

Presenters 1. Community-level data from Agricultural census (Mr. Som/Mr Keita, FAO)

Discussant Mr. Francis Dzah (Ghana)

10.30-11.00: Coffee break

11.00-12.30 – Technical session 9: Agricultural Census for Rural Planning

Chair Mr. Keita (FAO)

Presenters 1. Census of agriculture and rural development (Cases of Gambia, SA and Sudan)

Discussant Mr. Camilo Amade (Mozambique)

12.30-14.00: Lunch

14.00-15.00 – Technical session 10: The role of the census of agriculture in monitoring of MDGs, Poverty and Food security

Chair Mr. Bandele Ogunlana (Nigeria)

Presenters 1. The role of the census of agriculture in monitoring of MDGs, Poverty and Food security (Mr. Ngendakumana, FAO)

2. Census of agriculture and Food Security: data requirements (Cases of Eritrea and Kenya)

3. Analysis of agricultural census data to address food security and poverty (Mr. Camilo Amade, Mozambique)

Discussant Ms. Joyce Urasa (Tanzania)

15.00-15.30: Coffee break

15.30-16.30 – Technical session 11: Planning an agricultural census and mobilization of the financing of the agricultural census

Chair Ms. Tempelman (FAO)

Presenters 1. Planning an agricultural census and mobilization of the financing of the agricultural census (Cases of EAC and Kenya)

Discussant Uganda

16.30- 17.00 – Technical session 12: CountrySTAT + FAO DVD for the advocacy of agricultural statistical development + Visualising World Development Trends (UN-ECA)

Chair and Presenter Mr. Keita (FAO)

Thursday, 24 April 2008

09.00: Departure for Study Tour to Jinja

Friday, 25 April 2008

09.00-12.00 – Preparation of the Report of the Meeting

12.00-13.00 – Concluding Session

Presentation of the report of the meeting

Vote of Thanks


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