If you would like share some of your work then we would ...

9525-263525Welcome Year 2 to your home learning.Welcome Year 2 to your home learning.520763530797500Dates: Monday 8th June- Friday 12th June Hello Year Two!We hope you are all keeping well. This half term we are going to transport you straight back to the hip and happening 60’s. We think you will really enjoy learning about this new topic as we have lots of exciting things planned over the coming weeks. Have fun completing the activities this week! Love fromMrs Mill, Mrs Webb, Miss Gardner, Miss White, Mrs Owens, Mrs Sharp and Mrs Copestake If you would like share some of your work then we would love to see it. You can send us an email to year2homelearning@chawson.worcs.sch.uk. This week we would like you to complete the following work.ReadingWe recommend that your child reads daily to an adult. You can use their reading book or any books you have at home. You could choose a book to read from this website: (You might recognise some of these from school) In addition please complete the following reading comprehension activities. You do not need to record your answers (unless you want to) but please talk through each question and answer. The activity gets more challenging from 1 to 3 stars on the bottom left hand side of the activity. The activity gets more challenging from 1 to 3 stars on the bottom left hand side of the activity. SpellingSpelling is a really important part of the curriculum and practice makes perfect! Please practise the following spellings daily.Please learn these 6 spellings; unhappy, undo, unload, unfair, unlock, unlucky. Write each spelling word starting with the first letter and then adding one each time to create spelling stairs e.g. Look at the powerpoint presentation for spelling ‘r’ with ‘wr’ at the beginning of words.Have a go at one of the activities on the link above to help you spelling words with ‘wr’.Writing Mr Benn is a character created by David McKee. Mr Benn’s adventures originally began in 1967 with the book the ‘Red Knight’. Watch the ‘Mr Benn Red Knight Episode 1’ find attached in the learning folder this weeks ‘Mr Benn teacher example’. When we learn a new story at school, we like to put actions to it to help us remember the story. (the children are very good at this so we’re sure they will have lots of ideas) This week we would like you to read the teacher version of Mr Benn, The Red Knight and put some actions with it. Try to practice reading the story everyday to help you remember it really well.Next week we will be asking you to rewrite the story (only the beginning, middle or the end of the story) remembering the version you will have practiced this week. It would be great if you could make it your own version, use the ideas you have read this week but try to make it even better! This week you could collect some ideas ready to help you with your writing next week. E.g. Some interesting vocabularyA range of conjunctions (and, because, so etc.)Think about different sentence types:Questions: ‘Can I help you sir?’Exclamations: ‘How strange that is!’MathsTimes table practice should be done daily. Practice the song, rehearse saying them in full out loud and in order. Really challenge yourself by answering times table questions out of order! (2 times table)You could try a times table memory game. Try to match the number sentence with the correct answer. You can choose which times table you would like to practice, week we would like you to recap fractions (finding a third, unit and non-unit fractions and equivalence of half and 2 quarters) using the following link: Make sure you are on the ‘home-learning year 2’ tab then click week 2 at the bottom. On the week 2 tab, there are 5 lessons focusing on fractions. 1.) Lesson 1- Recognise a third2.) Lesson 2- Find a third3.) Lesson 3- Unit fractions4.) Lesson 4- Non-unit fractions5.) Lesson 5- Equivalence of half and 2 quartersWork through the lessons by watching the video and then try to complete the activities. Remember you don’t have to print it out- you can look at it on the screen and record your answers in your workbook.Keep your maths brain busy by having a go at the following challenge: PEPhysical exercise is really important. Have a go at the following each day. Can you get better the more your practice? Try a family fun cardio workout. Have a go at this spell your name workout. You might need to zoom in to see it clearly! ComputingThink about what you would like to know about the 1960’s. If you have access to a computer and Microsoft word or a similar program. Have a go at typing some questions e.g. ‘What did people wear in the 1960’s? Hopefully over the course of the topic, you will get to find out the answers to your questions! TopicDance- The twist was a popular dance in the 1960’s. The dance become popular after Chubby Checker danced the twist while singing the song on an American musical variety show. Watch the video, can you learn to twist like the people in the video? this video clip about the moon: 11 was the first flight to send people to the moon. Read more about this using the following link: about the following questions: - What kinds of sights and sounds might you encounter on the moon?-What would the ground be like underneath your feet? -What would happen when you try to walk? -If you were an astronaut, what sounds would you hear in the rocket ship?Music- The Beatles were a popular band in the 1960’s. You might recognise some of their songs- your parents/carers or grandparents have probably played them before! to the songs above. Can you come up with some adjectives to describe how the music makes you feel? Now try this one: time creating artwork of pets, family members or favourite animals. Create your own art gallery to display your artwork.All parents can access remote learning via Twinkl. You will need to set up a free account by following the link below. Setting this up is really easy to do - go to?twinkl.co.uk/offer?and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS ................

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