Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine





The department of Culture, tourism, nationalities and religions of ZAPORIZHZHIA REGIONAL STATE ADMINISTRATION



ХIII All-Ukrainian Scientific Practical Conference

‘Southern Ukraine under the global sociocultural transformation: the problem of cultural, ethnic and religious, ethnic, and national civic identity’

The First Information Letter

Dear Colleagues!

We invite you to participate in the ХIII All-Ukrainian Scientific Practical Conference ‘Southern Ukraine under the global sociocultural transformation: the problem of cultural, ethnic and religious, ethnic, and national civic identity’, which will be held on October 3-4, 2019 at National University ‘Zaporizhzhia Politechnic’.

Workshops will focus on the following research areas:

1. Civil society in ethnic and political processes in Ukraine.

2. Ethnic structure of the regional population: history and culture.

3. Legal aspects of the state ethnic policy: development and current situation.

4. Intellect and spirituality: national dimension.

5. Ethnic and national aspect of the state language and education policy.

The Round Table Discussion Ethnic and Cultural Peculiarities of the Southern Ukraine Impact on State Ethnic Policy Development and Implementation for national and cultural societies representatives.

Working languages of the conference are Ukrainian, Russian, and English.

The reports will be published in the collection of scientific works of the conference’s participants.

To participate in the conference, send the following materials by July 16, 2019 to the email of the Department of Ukraininan Studies and General Language Training ( and by post to the address: 69063, Zaporizhzhia, 64, Zhukovskogo St., ZNTU, the Department of Ukraininan Studies and General Language Training

Conference Application Form and information about the authors (download the form at the university official web-site;

Edited, signed by all authors and formatted according to the requirements (see further) articles up to 0.5 sheets in length (20,000 characters) in a computer file format;

The participants without an academic degree must submit the article review from the Candidate or Doctor of Science.

[The authors are responsible for the contents and grammatical correctness of the texts. The articles, which do not meet the requirements, are not accepted for publication].

Contact telephone numbers of the Conference Organizing Committee:

(061)769-83-75 Shved Yuliia Serhiivna, Shestopalova Liudmyla Ivanivna.

(061)764-23-14 Diedkov Mykola Vasylovych, the Dean of the Humanities Faculty.

(061)769-82-35 Vysotska Nataliia Ivanivna, the Head of the Patent Information Office.

The materials of the reports must meet the following requirements:

According to the Presidium Decree of the State Attestation Committee of Ukraine dated 15.01.2003 №7-05/1 On Advanced Requirements for Academic Journals, Listed by the State Attestation Committee of Ukraine, the articles for publication must contain the following:

- Problem outline and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks;

- Analysis of the latest researches and publications serving as the background for the author's research of the given problem;

- Highlighting of previously unsolved parts of the general problem considered in the article;

- Purposes of the article (stating the problem);

- Statement of the basic research materials with a strong background and reasonable results;

- Conclusions and prospects for further studies in the given direction.

Submit the articles in both electronic (DOC/DOCX format using Microsoft Office Word) and hard copies. Margins: top and bottom – 2cm, left – 3cm, right – 1cm. Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt, single spaced. Text wraps! Save the images as separate files in JPEG, TIFF or PSD format. Images inserted in Microsoft Office Word are not accepted!

Indicate family name and initials in the upper-right corner; the title of the article (in capital letters, centered) is stated below. The body text begins after a blank line. Referenced sources (Bibliography, following the latest formatting requirements of the State Attestation Committee of Ukraine) are listed at the end of the paper. In-text citations are placed in square brackets, where the number of source in the bibliography and the pages number is indicated [1, p. 95]. Write the Abstract in English, Russian (for the articles written in Ukrainian) or Ukrainian (for the articles written in Russian).

Referenced sources in the bibliography should occur in the order of appearance in the article and NOT in the alphabetic order.

Attention! If any archival materials are referenced, indicate the source number, the number of archival number, and the sheet number [5, arch. 654, sheet 11] in the reference list, in case the files are from the same archive, fond and description.

Reference List Example

| |Кордон М. В. Українська та зарубіжна культура : навч. посібник |

| |/ М. В. Кордон. – К. : ЦУЛ, 2003. – 508 с. |

| |Абрамович С. Д. Світова та українська культура : посібник для студ. вищих. навч. закл. / С. Д. Абрамович, М. Ю. |

| |Чікарькова. – Львів : Світ, 2004. – 344 с. |

| |Археологія України : курс лекцій : навч. посібник для студ. вищ. навч. закладів / Л. Л. Залізняк, К. П. Бунятян, В. М. |

| |Зубар та ін.; за ред. Л. Л. Залізняка. – К. : Либідь, 2005. – 504 с. |

| |Історія держави і права України / за ред. А. С. Чайковського. – К. : Юрінком Інтер, 2001. – 384 с. |

| |Загородній А. Г. Фінансово-економічний словник : основи теорії та практики : підручник / А. Г. Загородній, Г. Л. Вознюк. –|

| |4-е вид., перероб. і доп. – К. : Знання, 2007. – 1072 с. |

| |Бюджетне законодавство Украіни. – К: Юрінком Украіни, 2002. – 416 с. – (Бюлетень законодавства і юридичноі практики |

| |Украіни; Вип. 2). |

| |Долженко В. Ю. Становление категории "смысл" как проблема историко-психологического исследования : Дис. ... канд. техн. |

| |наук : 19.00.01 / В. Ю. Долженко. – М. : РГБ, 2003. – 156 с. |

| |Искра Н. Н. Распознавание эмоций на лицах детей раннего возраста : Автореф. ... канд. психол. наук : 19.00.13 / Н. Н. |

| |Искра. – СПб. : РГБ, 2006. – 27 с. |

| |Мыцик В. Кто основал трипольскую культуру? / В. Мыцик // Персонал. – 2004. – № 10. – С. 63-67. |

The Conference Organizing Committee

ХIII All-Ukrainian Scientific Practical Conference

‘Southern Ukraine under the global sociocultural transformation: the problem of cultural, ethnic and religious, ethnic, and national civic identity’

(4-5 October, 2019)

Conference Application Form

|Family name | |

|First name | |

|Patronymic name | |

|Workplace | |

|Postal address | |

|Position held | |

|Scientific degree and title | |

|Paper title | |

|Applied Workshop | |

|The form of participation |Listener | |

| |Oral presentation | |

| |Publication in conference proceedings | |

|Phone numbers (home, work, cell) | |

|e-mail | |

|Area of expertise | |


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