Ms. Bennett's Website

Ms. Bennett Class: Economics

|Unit: -Current Events- Lesson: Russia/Ukraine |

|Aim: |

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|What is the current conflict taking part in Russia and Crimea (part of Ukraine)? What role should the United States take? What could be the effects on the world? |

|Learning Outcomes (Objectives): Students will be able to (SWBAT) |

|SWBAT explain the current conflict in Crimea. |

|SWBAT understand the background of the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine. |

|Common Core Standard(s): |

|Reading: |

|2. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key |

|details and ideas. |

|7. Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, as well as in words) in order to |

|address a question or solve a problem. |

|Resources: |

|Choices Program: |

|Video: |

|Obama on Ukraine: |

|PowerPoint |

|Video conveying Obama’s stance on issue: |

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|Political Cartoons |

|Agenda: |

|Do Now: |

|Summarize in a sentence the current conflict in Crimea. (2 mins) |

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|Mini-Lesson: |

|(Guiding Practice & Independent Practice) |

|Share Out Do Now/Review of HW (5 mins) |

|At their tables: |

|Students will share out the do now. |

|Students will review the homework. |

|Students will share out any lingering questions to the whole class afterwards. |

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|Political Cartoons Exercise (15 mins) |

|Model Activity with Cartoon Back Off Putin or Else! |

|Give students two minutes to examine the cartoon and consider the following questions: |

|Describe objects |

|Describe action |

|Identify at least two techniques that the cartoonist used and explain what ideas are conveyed through each technique. |

|What is the message of the cartoon? |

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|Each table will have a political cartoon (3 different ones). |

|Fill out worksheet answering same questions as above |

|Develop a question with the question starter sheet for the rest of the class to answer. |

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|Share Out Political Cartoon to Class: (10 mins) |

|Each group will share out their political cartoon and then ask their question to the class. |

|Some questions to consider: |

|Do you agree with the message of this cartoon? |

|Can we connect the message in this cartoon to any other foreign policies in history? (Either recently or going further back) |

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|Watch Videos to Get Up to Speed (5 mins)- if time, if not we will do this tomorrow. |

|We will watch a video of Obama speaking on the conflict. |

|We will watch another video that is an updated account of what is taking place. |

|-Video conveying Obama’s stance on issue: |

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|Purposeful Grouping: Students self-assessed themselves into three categories: Approaching, Meeting, and Exceeding. Groups were arranged in this manner by myself |

|and Mr. Hammond. |

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|Closer: |

|Should we get involved in this crisis? Justify your answer. What could be the implications? Should the U.S. be the world-wide police? (2 mins) |

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|Homework: |

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|Modifications: |

|Annotated notes including vocab |

|CFU’s (Checks for Understanding/Formative Assessment): |

|Teacher Circulates Room |

|Graphic Organizer |

|Q & A |

|Group “Table Talk” |

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|Higher Order Thinking Questions: See DOK (Depth of Knowledge), Blooms* |

|What actions escalated this conflict (made it worse quick!)? |

|What could have been done differently to prevent this from happening? |

|What actions do you think the United States should take? |

|What could be the implications (consequences) of getting involved in this conflict? |

|What could be the implications (consequences) of NOT getting involved? |

|What are the arguments for and against getting involved? |

|What other historical events does this situation remind you of? |

|What economic impacts will this have on the World and the United States? |

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|Why is both Russia and Europe involved in the Ukraine? What are their interests? |

|What was the Cold War? How does this relate back to the Cold War? Is there any connection? |

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|Political Cartoon Questions: |

|Do you agree with the message of this cartoon? |

|Can we connect the message in this cartoon to any other foreign policies in history? (Either recently or going further back) |

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|Follow Up/Extensions: |

|Notes for Next Time: |

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*DOK developed by Norman L. Webb, Blooms Taxonomy developed by Benjamin Bloom

Wenesday, March 5rd Name:


Do Now

Summarize in a sentence the current conflict in Crimea.


Video Notes

Obama on Ukraine

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Should we get involved in this crisis? Justify your answer. What could be the implications? Should the U.S. be the world-wide police?


Questions to Consider:

1. Describe objects

2. Describe action

3. Identify at least two techniques that the cartoonist used and explain what ideas are conveyed through each technique.

4. What is the message of the cartoon?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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