
Browse by FG in Simferopol Date March 8 this year Contingent A total of 3 FG in different parts of Simferopol. The duration of each - about 1.5 hours. Participants: 1st FG - mixed 2nd FG - women of different ages 3rd FG - female pensioner. General "social well-being" respondents In all three groups, participants qualify their overall health as anxiety, tension. Voltage does not depend on how - positively or negatively - assesses the situation as a whole party. Even those who believe that "things are moving in the right direction", it is still very nervous. Particularly uneasy feeling woman. All scary uncertainty, and many that say, "expect trouble." "I am now every day I drink valerian to sleep" Most of the respondents in all three groups yet upbeat mood, but optimism still experiencing mostly the older generation. Actually, all the "pessimists" were from the category of youth "to 40". What are you worried / scared? Most of all, people fear the uncertainty of the situation and the fact that it may at any time unpredictable "swing" in any direction. "Oh, probably would happen this referendum - not wait!" (Group "Women pensioners"). People frightened appearance of armed men on the streets, but most of all they scare television "picture", first of all - types of Maidan. On the one hand, people think that they hit the shaft of information that the range of information "too much"; On the other hand, those same people say that they do not have enough information. In fact, people are experiencing a crisis of confidence: it's not just the lack of sources on matters of mutual interest, but also in the fact that people do not know what source they could believe it - "we make a promise, but how do you know that they do? - Oh, we have so much promised everything ... " In principle, all three groups of people were given a traditional set: what will happen to the savings, what about the hryvnia that pensions, with diplomas, where children have to go to learn how to be with established business connections (partner remaining in the Ukraine). Some women of working age are afraid that with the advent of Russia some businesses will simply disappear (eg, charity grant Western funds). The second general feeling - fear. There are fears surge of terrorism. Terror from the "Bandera" fear more than direct aggression Ukrainian army since Ukrainian army is considered weak and nothing on non-defective. Very strong underlying fears that the Russian army leaves -and that's when Bendera will "take revenge". The young of the respondents some skepticism is Russia itself: so it really would be beneficial its effect, "because Russia has too many problems." There were fears that Russia's "dictatorship" and "there is no freedom of speech, as in Ukraine," because "you can not berate her Putin as we criticize their president." A recurrent theme goes "national question" - concerns Tatars are very strong, although many people find reasons to comfort himself that "Tatars now not so." Still, they very much suspected of "herd behavior" that they are always willing to put their national interests above all. However, there is hope for Kadyrov, people have heard about the arrival of "the Kazan Tatars", "Kazan Tatars do not like ours - they are peaceful." Fears that Ukraine will block the water or energy are present, but are all the same background: the participants do not want to think about it seriously, for them, this threat is too abstract. Perhaps the fact that in Simferopol, according to participants, shortages of water and light are extremely rare. Where urgent threat of direct physical violence by "Bendera". Authoritative person With opinion leaders - the trouble: for most of the respondents nor any authority in the Crimea, or outside it is not. The only exception is Vladimir Putin, which are loyal and trust almost everything. Some old women tend to enthusiastically take Aksenov-Konstantinov, but mainly to a pair of heads ARC skeptical attitude, and even cautious. Aksenov: most learned of its existence only recently, almost simultaneously with the Russians. "Not a record," the woman told me that he was really a gangster, "worked" in the 90s in the group "shoes", headed by brothers Bashmakova. Then "one killed at the funeral of another", and Aksenov joined the policy status. However, because of his "Russian Alliance" did not vote, because "then we all voted for PR, and" Russian Alliance "simply repeating the slogans of the Party of Regions." It is best to include Aksenov grandmother-pensioner. They know that Aksenov military education. They like the fact that Aksenov "boldly stands for the Crimea and is not afraid Bendera." Constantine seemed generally to Konstantinov are slightly better than Aksenov, perhaps because Konstantinov still believe a businessman, not a gangster. There is however a version that Konstantinov too much debt to Russian companies, and therefore he was forced to "work off", leading the movement for annexation. However, to Konstantinov claim that it is too simple, "sort of gives the impression of a porter in a stretched-shirt" (female FG). Mogilev: oddly enough, the reviews of the previous government led by the ARC extremely positive, "the man was serious and thoughtful." Temirgaleev: Those who have seen his recent appearances on TV (who saw a little), I liked the way he keeps confident and answer questions. However, this confidence he did not deserve - prevents belonging to the Tatars, "it will always work on their", "genes are told." Ageev (Mayor Simferopol). In general, a positive attitude, but he is not considered a particularly significant figure. More, in fact, no one and do not know. PUTIN. For Putin, the attitude in general is excellent, but many very disappointed that he refused to accept a "polite people" their soldiers - that is "lying eyes". What is Crimea (feelings, desires at this word, animal)? Crimea is considered mostly defenseless and helpless. Few believe that the Crimea could exist on its own without subsidies and support. Believe that Crimea needs defender in the face of Russia. Image - Bear. What is Ukraine (feelings, desires at this word, animal)? Still, it is Ukraine, most still feels like "their country", although this is almost no one wants to admit it. It breaks into permanent reservations such as "we have in Ukraine" or "Our Ukraine". And so even negotiated and violent supporters of unification with Russia. On "women's group" was a funny moment when microgroup especially the pro-Russian women suddenly distracted and began to discuss among themselves, who would would have to vote in the upcoming presidential elections - and began to complain that there is a good candidate ... Moderator asked about what the president speech and received a confident answer - "Ukraine, of course!" Then some women realized the absurdity of the situation and began to make excuses - they say, if Russia will take us, we certainly will not be ... Ukraine is associated with a medium-sized, but predatory and nasty beast - for example, a jackal. Or ... a cow, "that we are not milking, and NATO." What is Russia (feelings, desires at this word, animal)? To the Russian attitude is not so unambiguous. In general, it is considered strong and prosperous power, a kind of antithesis of Ukraine: Ukraine is weak - strong Russia, Ukraine poor - rich Russia, Ukraine always dancing the tune of others - Russian separate and independent. Most of the respondents watched the Olympics in Sochi and rooting for "our" - that is, Russia. Olympics impressed and increased respect. Many consider Russia as their homeland. At the same time, there are doubts - and it is strong and rich in Russia? Many "heard" that in Russia live well only large cities and in small towns and villages also poverty. On this occasion, Group disputes and skirmishes broke out. Associated standard - with a bear. Participate in a Referendum The referendum is a lot of enthusiasm, almost everyone would like to go on it. However, the groups were mostly the older generation, and it expressed concerns - and go whether young. Few young people who were on the groups actually appeared the least involved, full of skepticism regarding the referendum. Young worried that in the face of the Crimea "Russia cuts bitches at ease," it's an adventure and it would entail mainly trouble. Slogans / messagi (like / no): - An island floating away from Ukraine; - Sevastopol Crimea Russia; - Together with Russia; - Spring Crimea Russia. All slogans like, and, oddly enough, and "Sevastopol. Crimea. Russia. " Participants unanimously declared that Sevastopol - a symbol of the Crimea, and that they, in Simferopol, no jealousy in respect of Sevastopol is not and can not be. However, all participants noted that virtually no campaigning for "referendum" nowhere. Where do you get information from any of these sources do you trust? As the most interesting and varied, informative TV celebrated Crimean Tatar channel. However, in relation to its low level of trust - prevents proper "Tatar" accessory channel. About the termination of the broadcast of the Crimean two channels, opinion was divided: the young and wealthy mainly indignant, and more mature maintained. The elder prefer channel "Crimea" - they believe it is pro-Russian. Most admitted that practically do not read newspapers any. Most often called "Crimean truth", but these were few. Other newspapers just do not know. Propaganda newspaper "Crimea-24" has not been seen. General impression is that he has the skill of reading newspapers most atrophied. As the most preferred ways of receiving information most people refer to personal meetings and conversations. Internet – what does that mean to you? Internet uses a very small part of the respondents - the youngest and ensure women. They also noted that use the Internet when they want to watch movies in Russian (with Russian dubbing), as on TV "Russian" movies do not show. ................

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