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The Cultural Landscape, 11e (Rubenstein)

Chapter 5 Languages (110 pts. total)

Multiple Choice: (2 pts. each)

1) A lingua franca is

A) an English word that has entered the French language.

B) a language understood by people who have different native languages.

C) an extinct language that has been revived.

D) an official language in a region of the world different from where the language originated.

E) a language used by French colonial administrations.

2) The main difference between languages in the same family, branch, or group is how

A) recently in time the languages were once the same.

B) closely the speakers of each language live to one other.

C) they correspond to the diffusion of free markets across much of the world.

D) similar the cultures of the speakers of each language are.

E) they all emerged at the same point in history, according to the Bible.

3) A group of languages that share a common origin but have since evolved into individual languages is a

A) dialect.

B) language branch.

C) language family.

D) language group.

E) language root.

4) A group of languages that share a common ancestor before recorded history is a

A) dialect.

B) language branch.

C) language family.

D) language group.

E) language root.

5) Basque is a good example of a(n)

A) language family.

B) globalizing language.

C) language group.

D) lingua franca.

E) isolated language.

6) Franglais is

A) the lingua franca of France.

B) a dialect of French.

C) the standard language of French.

D) the use of English in the French language.

E) a language used by French colonial administrations.

7) The geographic study of the distribution of languages provides a good example of

A) the interplay between globalization and local diversity.

B) the diffusion of folk culture in different areas of the world.

C) the role and spread of religion across much of the world.

D) the diffusion of free markets across much of the world.

E) political conflicts that arise due to ethnic tensions.

8) The two largest language families in the world are

A) Indo-Iranian and Balto-Slavic.

B) Sino-Tibetan and Indo-European.

C) Afro-Asiatic and Sino-Tibetan.

D) Balto-Slavic and Sino-Tibetan.

E) Altaic and Nilo-Saharan.

9) When languages are depicted as leaves on trees, the trunks of the trees represent

A) dialects.

B) language groups.

C) language families.

D) possible prehistoric superfamilies.

E) language sects.

10) The language family encompassing the languages of the People's Republic of China is

A) Indo-European.

B) Indo-Iranian.

C) Mandarin.

D) Sino-Tibetan.

E) Austro-Asiatic.


11) The maps in this chapter show that the second most widely spoken language family in Europe is

A) Balto-Slavic.

B) Indo-European.

C) Romance.

D) Uralic.

E) Celtic.

12) Analyzing the maps and diagrams in this chapter, we can see that the branch of Indo-European that includes Ukrainian is

A) European.

B) Balto-Slavic.

C) Indo-Iranian.

D) Romance.

E) Germanic.


13) An analysis of the maps and diagrams in this chapter shows that every European country is dominated by Indo-European speakers except

A) Spain, Italy, and Portugal.

B) Romania, Serbia, and Slovenia.

C) Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

D) Denmark, Sweden, and Norway.

E) Finland, Hungary, and Estonia.


14) An analysis of the maps and diagrams in this chapter shows that Indo-European speakers dominate

A) Estonia

B) Madagascar

C) Malaysia

D) Finland

E) Sweden

15) English is part of which language group?

A) East Germanic

B) North Germanic

C) West Germanic

D) Indo-European

E) Semitic

16) A literary tradition is

A) a form of a language intended to be printed in official government documents.

B) a language spoken in an area.

C) a collection of languages related to one other.

D) the written form of a language.

E) the variety of dialects in a language used in obscure examples of poetry.


17) The most important language family in Sub-Saharan Africa is

A) Khoisan.

B) Niger-Congo.

C) Nilo-Saharan.

D) Afro-Asiatic.

E) Altaic.


18) An analysis of the map of U.S. soft drink terminology shows that the word "pop" is more common in

A) California.

B) Oregon.

C) Mississippi.

D) Florida.

E) New Mexico.


19) An analysis of the map of U.S. soft drink terminology shows that the word "Coke" is more common in

A) Illinois.

B) Mississippi.

C) New York.

D) Oregon.

E) California.


20) The language maps in this chapter show that Quechuan is widely spoken in at least ________ South American countries.

A) two

B) eight

C) ten

D) four

E) twelve


True or False: (2 pts. each)

21) Language is a part of culture.

22) A language family is a collection of languages related through a common ancestral language existing before recorded history.

23) Switzerland has four official languages.

24) Nearly half the people in the world speak an Indo-European language.

25) Germanic, Romance, and Latin are all branches of Indo-European.

26) The present distribution of languages around the world is due to technological advances and the diffusion of popular culture.

27) The Angles, Jutes, and Saxons were Celtic tribes who invaded England 1500 years ago.

28) African American Vernacular English is often directly associated with ebonics.

29) All languages have a literary tradition.

30) All literary traditions are disappearing.

Short Answer: (5 pts. each)

31) Name the world's second largest language family (used by nearly one-fourth of the world's population).

32) What geographic factor accounts for the fact that both Americans and the British speak English?

33) What geographic factor accounts for the fact that both Americans and the British use different dialects of English?

34) In what three ways does the English used in the United States differ from the English used in the United Kingdom?

FRQ’s: (10 pts. each)

35) Evaluate the main differences between the two leading hypotheses concerning the origins of the Indo-European language family. Name each and discuss its main characteristics.

36) Evaluating the maps of the main languages of Africa, what physical and/or cultural factors may have accounted for the patterns of diffusion indicated there?

37) Discuss the implications of the role of English as the world's lingua franca, at a time when other languages are becoming more common on the Internet. Give evidence from this chapter to support your opinion about the future role(s) of English in the world.


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