
Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №1

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module I Phonetic, lexical and grammatical providing with mastering of the theme “The structure of anatomo-histologic terms”

Theme: The fundamentals of medical termonology.

Short history of the Latin language.


Latin alphabet.

The main rules of pronunciation.

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

1. The fundamentals of medical termonology.

2. Short history of the Latin language.

3.Phonetics. Latin alphabet.

4. Latin sounds.

5.The main rules of pronunciation of the vowels, the diphthongs, the consonants, the digraphs and the letter – combinations.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. ( Lesson 1, p. 10-14)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1. S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 48 scores ( 3 scores for each of the 16 themes) as aggregate result before concluding session for Module I.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №2

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module I Phonetic, lexical and grammatical providing with mastering of the theme “The structure of anatomo-histologic terms”


The main Greek roots and prefixes that are often used in medical terminology.

The vocabulary form of Latin nouns.

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

1.The main Greek roots that are often used in medical terminology, their meanings, examples.

2.The main Greek prefixes that are often used in medical terminology, their meanings, examples.

3. Recognising of the Greek roots and prefixes in medical terms, determining their meanings.

4. Correct spelling of the Greek roots and prefixes.

5.The vocabulary form of Latin nouns.

6. 5 declensions of Latin nouns, the way of their determining.

7. Lexical minimum.

8.Latin sayings and aphorisms.



S.I. Tykholaz Latin language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p.( Lesson 2, p. 15-17)

O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1.S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 48 scоres ( 3 scores for each of the 16 themes) as aggregate result before concluding sessions for Module I.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №3

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module I Phonetic, lexical and grammatical providing with mastering of the theme “The structure of anatomo-histologic terms”


Phonetics. Stress.

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

Phonetics. Stress.

1. Division of Latin word into syllables.

2. The main rules of stressing in Latin.

3. The rules of the 2-nd syllable’s length.

4. The rules of the 2-nd syllable’s shortness.

5. Lexical minimum.

6.Latin sayings and aphorisms.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p.(Lesson 3, p.18-21)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1.S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 48 scores ( 3 scores for each of the 16 themes) as aggregate result before concluding sessions for Module I.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №4

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module I Phonetic, lexical and grammatical providing with mastering of the theme “The structure of anatomo-histologic terms”


Morphology. Nouns.

Grammatical categories.

The vocabulary form of Latin nouns.

5 declensions.

The regular case - terminations of 1-5 declensions.

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

Morphology. Nouns.

1.The difference between English as uninflected language and Latin as inflected language.

2.Grammatical categories: gender, number, case, declension.

3.The vocabulary form of Latin nouns.

4.5 declensions of Latin nouns, the way of their determining.

5.The table of the 1-5 declensions’ regular case – terminations.

6.The peculiarities of the Genetive case translation.

7.Lexical minimum.

8.Latin sayings and aphorisms.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lesson 4, p.22-26)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1.S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 48 scores ( 3 scores for each of the 16 themes) as aggregate result before concluding sessions for Module I.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №5

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module I Phonetic, lexical and grammatical providing with mastering of the theme “The structure of anatomo-histologic terms”


Morphology. Nouns. Declension of the nouns of 1-5 declensions.

Disagreed attribute.

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

Morphology. Nouns.

1. 1-5 declension nouns, the rule of the stem determining, the peculiarities of declension and translation.

2. Functions of nouns in the anatomic terms.

3. Disagreed attribute.

4. The peculiarities of the anatomic terms translation from English into Latin and from Latin into English.

5. Lexical minimum.

6.Latin sayings and aphorisms.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lesson 5, p. 27-32)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1.S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 48 scоres ( 3 scores for each of the 16 themеs) as aggregate result before concluding sessions for Module I.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №6

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module I Phonetic, lexical and grammatical providing with mastering of the theme “The structure of anatomo-histologic terms”


Morphology. Adjective.

Grammatical categories.

Groups and declensions of adjectives.

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

Morphology. Adjective.

1.Grammatical categories.

2.Adjectives of the 1-st group ( 3 gender terminations, 1-st and 2-nd declensions); peculiarities of determining the stem, declension and translation.

3.Adjectives of the 2-nd group; peculiarities of determining the stem, declension and translation:

a) adjectives of 2 gender terminations, 3-rd declension, 2-nd variant;

b) adjectives of 1 gender termination, 3-rd declension, 2-nd variant.

4. Lexical minimum.

5.Latin sayings and aphorisms.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lesson 6, p. 33-37)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1.S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 48 scоres ( 3 scores for each of the 16 themеs) as aggregate result before concluding sessions for Module I.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №7

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module I Phonetic, lexical and grammatical providing with mastering of the theme “The structure of anatomo-histologic terms”


Morphology. Adjective.

Agreement of adjectives with nouns.

Agreed attribute.

Declension of word combination “noun + adjective”.

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

Morphology. Adjective.

1.Agreement of adjectives with nouns. Algorrhythm of adjectives with nouns agreement.

2. Functions of adjectives in the anatomic terms. Agreed attribute.

3. Declension of word combination “noun + adjective”. Peculiarities of its translation.

4. The structure of anatomic terms. One-nine-words terms, peculiarities of their translation from Latin into English and from English into Latin.

5. Lexical minimum.

6.Latin sayings and aphorisms.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lessson 7, p. 38-42)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283 p.


1.S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 48 scоres ( 3 scores for each of the 16 themеs) as aggregate result before concluding sessions for Module I.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №8

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module I Phonetic, lexical and grammatical providing with mastering of the theme “The structure of anatomo-histologic terms”


Morphology. Adjective.

Adjectives of comparative degree in medical terminology.

Preparing for control of the thematic module № 1.

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

Morphology. Adjectives of comparative degree.

1.The vocabulary form of comparative degree adjectives.

2.The stem defining peculiarity.

3.Adjectives of comparative degree which are used in medical terminology, the way of translating them.

4.Agreement of comparative degree adjectives with nouns.

5.Control tasks of the thematic module № 1.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lesson 8, p. 43-46; Lessons 1-7, p.10-42)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1.S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 48 scоres ( 3 scores for each of the 16 themеs) as aggregate result before concluding sessions for Module I.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №9

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module I Phonetic, lexical and grammatical providing with mastering of the theme “The structure of anatomo-histologic terms”


Control of thematic module №1.

Morphology. Noun.

Third declension, its peculiarities.

Nouns of masculine.

Exceptions from the rule of gender.

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

Morphology. Noun of the third declension.

1. Third declension, its peculiarities.

2. Consonant, vowel and mixed types of the third declension.

3. Case terminations table of the third declension.

4. Nouns of masculine. The Nominative singular terminations.

5. Exceptions from the rule of masculine gender.

6. Agreement of adjectives with the third declension masculine gender nouns.

7. Translation of anatomic and histologic terms with the third declension masculine gender nouns.

8. Lexical minimum.

9. Latin sayings and aphorisms.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lesson 9, p. 47-51)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1.S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 48 scоres ( 3 scores for each of the 16 themеs) as aggregate result before concluding sessions for Module I.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №10

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module I Phonetic, lexical and grammatical providing with mastering of the theme “The structure of anatomo-histologic terms”


Morphology. Noun.

3-rd declension.

Nouns of feminine.

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

Morphology. Feminine nouns of the 3-rd declension.

1. The Nominative singular terminations.

2. Exceptions from the rule of feminine gender.

3. The declension of the noun vas, vasis n

4.The 3-rd declension Greek nouns in –sis, peculiarities of their declension.

5.Agreement of adjectives with the third declension feminine gender nouns.

6.Translation of anatomic and histologic terms with the third declension masculine gender nouns.

7.Lexical minimum.

8.Latin sayings and aphorisms.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lesson 10, p. 52-58)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1.S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 48 scоres ( 3 scores for each of the 16 themеs) as aggregate result before concluding sessions for Module I.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №11

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module I Phonetic, lexical and grammatical providing with mastering of the theme “The structure of anatomo-histologic terms”


Morphology. Noun.

3-rd declension.

Nouns of neuter.

Exceptions from the rule of gender.

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

Morphology. Noun. 3-rd declension. Nouns of neuter.

1. The Nominative singular terminations.

2. Exceptions from the rule of neuter gender.

5.Agreement of adjectives with the third declension neuter gender nouns.

6.Translation of anatomic and histologic terms with the third declension neuter gender nouns.

7.Lexical minimum.

8.Latin sayings and aphorisms.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lesson 11, p. 59-63)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1.S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 48 scоres ( 3 scores for each of the 16 themеs) as aggregate result before concluding sessions for Module I.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №12

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module I Phonetic, lexical and grammatical providing with mastering of the theme “The structure of anatomo-histologic terms”


Agreement of adjectives and nouns of the third declension.

Declension of word combination “noun + adjective”.

Preparing for control of the thematic module № 2.

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

1. Agreement of adjectives and nouns of the third declension.

2.Declension of word combination “noun + adjective”.

3.Preparing for control of the thematic module № 2 ( control tasks of the thematic module № 2).



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lesson 12, p.64-67; Lessons 9-11, p.47-63)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1.S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 48 scоres ( 3 scores for each of the 16 themеs) as aggregate result before concluding sessions for Module I.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №13

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module I Phonetic, lexical and grammatical providing with mastering of the theme “The structure of anatomo-histologic terms”


Translation of anatomic terms from Latin into English, from English into Latin.

Control of the thematic module №2.

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

1.Translation of anatomic terms from Latin into English (different grammatical constructions).

2.Translation of anatomic terms from English into Latin (different grammatical constructions).

3.Control of the thematic module №2.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lessons 9-12, p. 47-67; Lessons 4-6, p.22-37)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1.S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 48 scоres ( 3 scores for each of the 16 themеs) as aggregate result before concluding sessions for Module I.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №14

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module I Phonetic, lexical and grammatical providing with mastering of the theme “The structure of anatomo-histologic terms”


Word- building (part I, II).

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

1.Word – building. Common information. Definition of the main word – building terms: prefix, suffix, affix, root, stem, flexion.

2.Two kinds of word – building.Word – building with Latin-Greek affixes.

Word – building with stem-addition.

3.Word – building with Latin-Greek prefixes in-, im-/ en-, em-…( part I).

4.Word – building with Latin-Greek prefixes ante-, pre-(prae-), pro-/ pro-…( part II).

5.Construction of medical terms with the help of Latin and Greek prefixes.

6. Carmen scholasticum “Gaudeamus”.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lessson 14, p. 68-70; p.184)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1.S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 48 scоres ( 3 scores for each of the 16 themеs) as aggregate result before concluding sessions for Module I.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №15

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module I Phonetic, lexical and grammatical providing with mastering of the theme “The structure of anatomo-histologic terms”


Word- building (part III, IV).

Preparing for control of thematic module №3.

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

1.Word – building with Latin-Greek prefixes inter-/ meso-, dia-(di-)…( part III).

2.Word – building with Latin-Greek prefixes retro-, re- …( part IV).

3.Construction of medical terms with the help of Latin and Greek prefixes.

4.Latin sayings and aphorisms.

5.The thematic module № 3 control tasks.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lesson 15, p.71-75)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1.S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 48 scоres ( 3 scores for each of the 16 themеs) as aggregate result before concluding sessions for Module I.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №16

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module I Phonetic, lexical and grammatical providing with mastering of the theme “The structure of anatomo-histologic terms”


Control of thematic module №3.

Preparing for control of Module I

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

1. Control of thematic module №3.

2.The final Module I control tasks.

3.Rewising of Lessons 1-16 material.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lessons 1-16, p. 10-80)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1.S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 48 scores ( 3 scores for each of the 16 themеs) as aggregate result before concluding sessions for Module I.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №17

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module I Phonetic, lexical and grammatical providing with mastering of the theme “The structure of anatomo-histologic terms”


The final Module I control

Theoretical questions which are going to be checked on practical lesson:

Tasks of the final Module I control:

Thematic module № 1

1. Phonetics.

Latin alphabet.

The main rules of pronunciation.


2. Morphology. Nouns.

Grammatical categories.

The vocabulary form of Latin nouns.

5 declensions.

The regular case - terminations of 1-5 declensions. Declension of the nouns of 1-5 declensions.

Disagreed attribute.

3. Morphology. Adjective.

Grammatical categories.

Groups and declensions of adjectives.

Adjectives of comparative degree in medical terminology.

Agreement of adjectives with nouns.

Agreed attribute.

Declension of word combination “noun + adjective”.

Translation of anatomic terms from Latin into English, from English into Latin.

Thematic module № 2

Morphology. Noun.

Third declension, its peculiarities.

Nouns of masculine.

Exceptions from the rule of gender.

Nouns of feminine.

Exceptions from the rule of gender.

Nouns of neuter.

Exceptions from the rule of gender.

Agreement of adjectives and nouns of the third declension.

Declension of word combination “noun + adjective”.

Translation of anatomic terms from Latin into English, from English into Latin.

Thematic module №3

Word- building

mon information. Definition of the main word – building terms: prefix, suffix, affix, root, stem, flexion.

2.Two kinds of word – building.Word – building with Latin-Greek affixes.

Word – building with stem-addition.

3.Greek prefixes: a-, an-, anti-, dia(di)-, ec-, exo-, ecto-, en(em)-, endo-, epi-, meso-, meta-, para-, peri-, pro-, syn(sym)-, hyper-, hypo-.

4.Latin prefixes: a-, ab(abs)-, ad-, ante-, circum-, con-, de(des)-, dis-, e(ex)-,

extra-, in(im)-, infra-, inter-, intra-, per-, prae-, pro-, sub-, super-, supra-, trans-, re-, retro-, se-.

5.Nouns’ suffixes: -in-a; -ur-a; -ul, -cul, -ol, -in-um; -ol-um, -or, -io.

6.Adjectives’ suffixes: -in, -os, -al, -ar, -iv, -ic, -i-form, -o-ide.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lessons 1-16, p. 10-80)

2.O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1.S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 48 scores ( 3 scores for each of the 16 themеs) as aggregate result before concluding sessions for Module I.

The minimal sum of scores for the final Module control is 50 and the maximum is 80.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №18

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module II Lexical and syntactic providing with mastering of the theme “Pharmaceutical terminology”. Lexical providing with mastering of the

Clinical terminology.


Pharmaceutical terminology.

Fundamental pharmaceutical conceptions.

Trivial (conventional) names of medicaments.

Methods of forming medicament trivial names.

Imperative of Latin verbs used in pharmaceutical terminology

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

Pharmaceutical terminology.

1.Fundamental pharmaceutical conceptions: medicinal substance, medicinal remedy, medicinal preparation, remedy form, medicinal starting (raw) material.

2.Scientific (systematic) and trivial (conventional) names of medicaments.

3.Transliteration of trivial (conventional) names of medicaments.

4.Peculiarities of trivial (conventional) names of medicaments transliteration (spelling of Greek roots, prefixes and term-elements) .

5.Methods of forming medicament trivial names: abbreviation, suffix method, stem addition.

6.Imperative of Latin verbs used in pharmaceutical terminology.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lesson 18, p.81-83)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1.S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 51 scores ( 3 scores for each of the 17 themes) as aggregate result before concluding session for Module II.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №19

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module II Lexical and syntactic providing with mastering of the theme “Pharmaceutical terminology”. Lexical providing with mastering of the

Clinical terminology.


Pharmaceutical terminology.

Latin nomenclature of remedy forms.

Solid remedy forms.

Fluid remedy forms.

Soft remedy forms.

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

Pharmaceutical terminology.

1.Latin nomenclature of remedy forms.

2.The division of remedy forms on their aggregate state.

3.The division of remedy forms on ways of their introduction into human organism.

4.Solid remedy forms.

5.Fluid remedy forms.

6.Soft remedy forms.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lesson 19, p. 84-85)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1. S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 51 scores ( 3 scores for each of the 17 themes) as aggregate result before concluding session for Module II.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №20

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module II Lexical and syntactic providing with mastering of the theme “Pharmaceutical terminology”. Lexical providing with mastering of the

Clinical terminology.


Pharmaceutical terminology.

Officinal remedy forms used abroad.

Remedy forms used abroad but do not detached in separated groups in our country.

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

Pharmaceutical terminology.

1.Officinal remedy forms used abroad.

2.Division of the officinal remedy forms which are used abroad on their aggregate state.

3.Division of the officinal remedy forms which are used abroad on the way of usage.

4.Remedy forms used abroad but do not detached in separated groups in our country.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lesson 20, p. 86-88)

2.O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1.S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 51 scores ( 3 scores for each of the 17 themes) as aggregate result before concluding session for Module II.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №21

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module II Lexical and syntactic providing with mastering of the theme “Pharmaceutical terminology”. Lexical providing with mastering of the

Clinical terminology.



The structure of prescription

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:


1.Definition of the prescription.

2.The structure of the prescription. Ten parts of the prescription, their English and Latin names.

3.The Latin parts of the prescription, their content and the structure.

4.The main part of the prescription - Designatio materiarum, the rules of its prescribing.

5.The ingredients’ order in the complex prescription.

6.The peculiarities of writing down Praescriptio part, the ways of expressing directions to the pharmacist.

7.The example of translation the prescription from Latin into English and from English into Latin.

8.Prescriptions “ex tempore”.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lesson 21, p. 89-93)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1.S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 51 scores ( 3 scores for each of the 17 themes) as aggregate result before concluding session for Module II.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №22

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module II Lexical and syntactic providing with mastering of the theme “Pharmaceutical terminology”. Lexical providing with mastering of the

Clinical terminology.


Two ways of prescribing of tablets, suppositories, membranes and sugar-coated pills.

The verb “fio”, fieri”, its place in prescription.

Conception of term-element (TE).

Term-elements indicating chemical structure of medicaments (I).

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

1. Two ways of prescribing of tablets, suppositories, membranes and sugar-coated pills.

2. Peculiarities of modern (shortened) way of tablets, suppositories, membranes and sugar-coated pills’ prescribing .

3. Peculiarities of traditional (full) way of tablets, suppositories, membranes and sugar-coated pills’ prescribing .

4. Peculiarities of standard (officinal, comercial) remedies’ prescribing .

5.The verb “fio”, fieri”, its place in prescription.

6.Pharmaceutical expressions Misce, fiat… Misce, fiant…

7.Conception of term-element (TE).

8.Term-elements indicating chemical structure of medicaments (I).

9. Transliterating of the remedy’s names with term-elements indicating chemical structure.

10. Prescriptions “ex tempore”.

11. Latin sayings and aphorisms.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lesson 22, p. 94-101)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1. S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 51 scores ( 3 scores for each of the 17 themes) as aggregate result before concluding session for Module II.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №23

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module II Lexical and syntactic providing with mastering of the theme “Pharmaceutical terminology”. Lexical providing with mastering of the

Clinical terminology.


Term elements of therapeutic, anatomic, physiological and pharmacological character (2).

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

1.Term-elements of therapeutic character.

2.Term-elements of anatomic character.

3.Term-elements of physiological character.

4.Term-elements of pharmacological character.

5.Transliterating of the remedy’s names with term-elements of therapeutic, anatomic, physiological and pharmaceutical character.

6.Prescriptions “ex tempore”.

7.Latin sayings and aphorisms.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lesson 23, p. 102-110)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1. S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 51 scores ( 3 scores for each of the 17 themes) as aggregate result before concluding session for Module II.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №24

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module II Lexical and syntactic providing with mastering of the theme “Pharmaceutical terminology”. Lexical providing with mastering of the

Clinical terminology.


The names of oils used in medical terminology.

Special prescription expressions.

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

1.The name of oil, peculiarity of its grammatical structure.

2.The names of oils used in medical terminology.

3.Special prescription expressions. Latin prepositions used with Accusativus,

Latin prepositions used with Ablativus, Latin prepositions used with Accusativus and Ablativus.

4.Translation of prescriptions using the oil’s names and special expressions.

5.Latin sayings and aphorisms.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lesson 24, p.111-117)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1.S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 51 scores ( 3 scores for each of the 17 themes) as aggregate result before concluding session for Module II.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №25

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module II Lexical and syntactic providing with mastering of the theme “Pharmaceutical terminology”. Lexical providing with mastering of the

Clinical terminology.


The names of plants used in medical terminology.

The names of plants’ organs (parts).

Preparing for control of thematic module №4.

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

1.The names of plants used in medical terminology.

2.The names of plants’ organs (parts).

3.Translation of prescriptions using the names of plants and the names of plants’ organs (parts).

4.Control tasks of the thematic module №4.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lesson 25, p.118-123 (to learn); Lesssons 18-25, p. 81-123 (to rewise))

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1. S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 51 scores ( 3 scores for each of the 17 themes) as aggregate result before concluding session for Module II.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №26

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module II Lexical and syntactic providing with mastering of the theme “Pharmaceutical terminology”. Lexical providing with mastering of the

Clinical terminology.


Control of the Thematic module №4.

International chemical nomenclature.

The names of chemical elements.

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

International chemical nomenclature.

1.The names of chemical elements. Two ways of translating them.

2.Exceptions from the rule of translating the names of chemical elements.

3.Peculiarities of translating the names of chemical elements in foreign additions.

4.The names of the most often used chemical elements.

5.Translation of pharmaceutical terms with the names of chemical elements.

6.Transliterating of the remedy’s names with the names of chemical elements.

7.Translation of prescriptions using the names of chemical elements.

8.Latin sayings and aphorisms.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lesson 26, p. 124-127)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1.S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 51 scores ( 3 scores for each of the 17 themes) as aggregate result before concluding session for Module II.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №27

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module II Lexical and syntactic providing with mastering of the theme “Pharmaceutical terminology”. Lexical providing with mastering of the

Clinical terminology.


International chemical nomenclature.

The names of acids.

The names of oxides.

The names of hydroxides.

The names of peroxides.

The names of salts.

Cardinal and ordinal numerals.

The Latin and Greek numeral prefixes in the names of remedies.

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

International chemical nomenclature.

1.The names of acids. Peculiarities of grammatical structure of the acid’s name. Two ways of translating the agreed adjective. The most often used names of acids.

2.The names of oxides. Peculiarities of grammatical structure of the oxide’s name.

The most often used names of oxides.

3.The names of hydroxides. Peculiarities of grammatical structure of the hydroxide’s name.The most often used names of hydroxides.

4.The names of peroxides. Peculiarities of grammatical structure of the peroxide’s name.The most often used names of peroxides.

5.The names of salts. Peculiarities of grammatical structure of the salt’s name.

6.The oxygen-containing acid salts with the higher degree of oxidation.

7.The oxygen-containing acid salts with the lower degree of oxidation.

8.The salts of hydracids.

9.The names of organic sodium and potassium salts.

10.Cardinal and ordinal numerals often used in pharmaceutical terminology.

11.The Latin and Greek numeral prefixes in the names of remedies.

12.Transliterating of the remedy’s names with the Latin and Greek numeral prefixes.

13.Translation of pharmaceutical terms with the names of acids, oxides, hydroxides, peroxides, salts.

14.Translation of prescriptions using the names of acids, oxides, hydroxides, peroxides, salts.

15.Latin sayings and aphorisms.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lesson 27, p. 128-139)

2.O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1. S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 51 scores ( 3 scores for each of the 17 themes) as aggregate result before concluding session for Module II.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №28

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module II Lexical and syntactic providing with mastering of the theme “Pharmaceutical terminology”. Lexical providing with mastering of the

Clinical terminology.


The most important prescription abbreviations.

Prescriptions “ex tempore”.

Preparing for control of the Thematic module №5.

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

1.The main rules of abbreviating.

2.The most important prescription abbreviations.

3.Translation of pharmaceutical terms using abbreviations.

4.Translation of prescriptions using abbreviations.

5.Control tasks of the Thematic module N5.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lesson 28, p. 140-143 (to learn); Lessons 26-27, p.124-139 (to rewise))

O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1. S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2. Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 51 scores ( 3 scores for each of the 17 themes) as aggregate result before concluding session for Module II.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №29

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module II Lexical and syntactic providing with mastering of the theme “Pharmaceutical terminology”. Lexical providing with mastering of the

Clinical terminology.


Control of the Thematic module №5.

Clinical terminology.

The main Greek (Latin) term- elements in clinical terminology (1).

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

Clinical terminology.

1.The main Greek (Latin) term- elements in clinical terminology:

/kephal-…odont-/, /-logia…-odynia/.

3.Definition of clinical terms with enumerated term-elements, determining of term-elements’ meaning.

4.Construction of clinical terms, correct spelling of them.

5.Lexical minimum.

6.Translation of clinical diagnoses.

7.Latin sayings and aphorisms.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (p.144-158)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1.S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 51 scores ( 3 scores for each of the 17 themes) as aggregate result before concluding session for Module II.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №30

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module II Lexical and syntactic providing with mastering of the theme “Pharmaceutical terminology”. Lexical providing with mastering of the

Clinical terminology.


Clinical terminology.

The main Greek (Latin) term- elements in clinical terminology (2).

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

Clinical terminology.

1.The main Greek (Latin) term- elements in clinical terminology:

/splanchn-…orchi-/, /-iatria…-rrhaphia/.

2.Greek suffixes –osis(-iasis), -itis, -ismus, -oma in clinical terminology. Peculiarities of the vocabulary form of clinical terms with them.

3.Definition of clinical terms with enumerated term-elements, determining of term-elements’ meaning.

4.Construction of clinical terms, correct spelling of them.

5.Lexical minimum.

6.Translation of clinical diagnoses.

7.Latin sayings and aphorisms.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. ( p. 144-158)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1. S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2. Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 51 scores ( 3 scores for each of the 17 themes) as aggregate result before concluding session for Module II.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №31

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module II Lexical and syntactic providing with mastering of the theme “Pharmaceutical terminology”. Lexical providing with mastering of the

Clinical terminology.


Clinical terminology.

The main Greek (Latin) term- elements in clinical terminology (3).

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

Clinical terminology.

The main Greek (Latin) term-elements in clinical terminology (3).

Clinical terminology.

1.The main Greek (Latin) term- elements in clinical terminology:

/haem-…hydr-/, /tox-…phon-/.

2.Definition of clinical terms with enumerated term-elements, determining of term-elements’ meaning.

4.Construction of clinical terms, correct spelling of them.

5.Lexical minimum.

6.Translation of clinical diagnoses.

7.Latin sayings and aphorisms.



1.S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. ( p. 144-158)

2.O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1.S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 51 scores ( 3 scores for each of the 17 themes) as aggregate result before concluding session for Module II.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №32

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module II Lexical and syntactic providing with mastering of the theme “Pharmaceutical terminology”. Lexical providing with mastering of the

Clinical terminology.


Clinical terminology.

The main Greek (Latin) term-elements in clinical terminology (4).

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

Clinical terminology.

The main Greek (Latin) term-elements in clinical terminology (4).

Clinical terminology.

1.The main Greek (Latin) term- elements in clinical terminology:

/bio-…-trophia/, /oxy-…psych-/, /-plegia…phrenic-/.

2.Definition of clinical terms with enumerated term-elements, determining of term-elements’ meaning.

4.Construction of clinical terms, correct spelling of them.

5.Lexical minimum.

6.Translation of clinical diagnoses.

7.Latin sayings and aphorisms.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p.( p. 144-158)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1.S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 51 scores ( 3 scores for each of the 17 themes) as aggregate result before concluding session for Module II.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №33

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module II Lexical and syntactic providing with mastering of the theme “Pharmaceutical terminology”. Lexical providing with mastering of the

Clinical terminology.


Clinical terminology.

The main Greek (Latin) term-elements in clinical terminology (5).

Systematization of Greek (Latin) term-elements.

Preparing for control of the Thematic module №6.

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

Clinical terminology.

The main Greek (Latin) term-elements in clinical terminology (5).

Clinical terminology.

1.The main Greek (Latin) term- elements in clinical terminology:


2.Definition of clinical terms with enumerated term-elements, determining of term-elements’ meaning.

3.Construction of clinical terms, correct spelling of them.

4.Lexical minimum.

5.Systematization of Greek (Latin) term-elements.

6.Translation of clinical diagnoses.

7.Control tasks of the Thematic module №6.

8.Latin sayings and aphorisms.



1.S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. ( p. 144-158)

2.O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1.S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2.Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 51 scores ( 3 scores for each of the 17 themes) as aggregate result before concluding session for Module II.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №34

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module II Lexical and syntactic providing with mastering of the theme “Pharmaceutical terminology”. Lexical providing with mastering of the

Clinical terminology.


Control of the Thematic module №6.

Preparing for the final Module control №2.

Theoretical questions which are going to be learned on practical lesson:

Tasks of the final Module control №2.

Rewising of the Lessons 18-34 material.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lessons 18-34, p. 81-182)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1. S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2. Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

Students are giving marks for their knowledge and practical skills according to four – grade (Ukrainian traditional) system which are converted in scores in the following way:

|Grade |Scores |

|“5” (excellent) |7 |

|“4” (good) |5 |

|“3” (satisfactory) |3 |

|“2”(unsatisfactory) |0 |

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 51 scores ( 3 scores for each of the 17 themes) as aggregate result before concluding session for Module II.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz

Vinnytsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Foreign Languages, Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical

Terminology Chair

Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology Course

Methodological instructions to the practical Lesson №35

on Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology

for the 1 – st year students of stomatological department

Module II Lexical and syntactic providing with mastering of the theme “Pharmaceutical terminology”. Lexical providing with mastering of the

Clinical terminology.


The final Module control №2.

Theoretical questions which are going to be checked on practical lesson:

Tasks of the final Module Control №2

Thematic module №1

Pharmaceutical terminology.

Fundamental pharmaceutical conceptions.

Trivial (conventional) names of medicaments.

Methods of forming medicament trivial names.

Verb. Grammatical categories. Infinitive. Conjugation of verbs.

Imperative of verbs. The main verbs, imperative of which is used

in pharmaceutical terminology.

Indicative of verbs. The verb “fio, fieri”, its place in prescription.

Latin nomenclature of remedy forms.

Solid remedy forms.

Fluid remedy forms.

Soft remedy forms.

Officinal remedy forms used abroad.

Remedy forms used abroad but do not detached in separated groups in our country.


The structure of prescription.

Participle. Present Participle Active.

The names of ingredients in the complex prescription.

Two ways of prescribing of tablets, suppositories, membranes and sugar-coated pills.

Conception of term-element (TE).

Term-elements indicating chemical structure of medicaments (I).

Term elements of therapeutic, anatomic, physiological and pharmacological character (2).

The main Greek roots and suffixes that are often used in medical terminology.

Adverb. Formation of adverbs from the adjectives.

Adverbs often used in pharmaceutical terminology.

The names of powders on the degree of crushing.

The names of oils used in medical terminology.

Prepositions and conjunctions in pharmaceutical terminology

Special prescription expressions.

The names of plants used in medical terminology.

The names of plants’ organs (parts).

Prescriptions “ex tempore”.

Thematic module №2

International chemical nomenclature.

The names of chemical elements.

The names of acids.

The names of oxides.

The names of salts.

Numerals. Latin and Greek numeral prefixes in pharmaceutical terminology.

The most important prescription abbreviations.

Prescriptions “ex tempore”.

Thematic module №3

Clinical terminology.

The Greek (Latin) term- elements /kephal…odont/, /logia...odynia/

in clinical terminology (1).

The Greek suffixes –osis, -iasis, -ismus, -itis, -oma in clinical terminology. The main Greek (Latin) term-elements /splanchn…orchi/,

/іatria...rhaphia/ in clinical terminology (2).

The main Greek (Latin) term-elements /haem…hydr/, /tox…phon/ in clinical terminology (3).

The main Greek (Latin) term-elements /bio…trophia/, /oxy…psych/, /plegia…phrеnic/ in clinical terminology (4).

The main Greek (Latin) term-elements /aut…necr/ in clinical terminology (5).

Systematization of Greek (Latin) term-elements.

Translation of the main clinical diagnoses.



1. S.I. Tykholaz Latin Language and the fundamentals of medical terminology.- Vinnytsia, 2005.- 214p. (Lessons 18-34, p. 81- 182)

2. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi The Latin Language and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology.- Ternopil: “Ukrmedknyha”, 2004. – 283p.


1. S.P. Berezhkova, A.A. Makeeva, N.N.Osokina, N.V. Kirsanova Latin language and the bases of medical terminology. Part I (anatomical terminology).- Simferopol, 2004. – 104p.

2. Y.I. Svetlichnaya, I.A. Tolok, E.A. Volobuyeva Latin for pharmacy students textbook.- Kharkov: Publishing house of NPHaU,2003. - 206p.

3.W.B. Saunders Company Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary.- Oxford and IBH publishing CO. PVT. LTD. New Delhi Calcutta.- 904 p.

4.М.Р. Сапин , Д.Б. Никитюк Карманный атлас анатомии человека. – Москва: АПП «Джангар», 2001. – 720 с.

Rating of students’ marks

The final Module control would be available for students who will get at least 51 scores ( 3 scores for each of the 17 themes) as aggregate result before concluding session for Module II.

The minimal sum of scores for the final Module control is 50 and the maximum is 80.

Head of Latin language and the fundamentals

of medical terminology Course, Senior Lecturer Sofia Tykholaz


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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