UNHCR - The UN Refugee Agency

Terms of Reference for production of short video Rationale: This year, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, celebrates its 70th anniversary and 25th anniversary of the work in Ukraine. During 25 years of its work in Ukraine, UNHCR has contributed greatly to the development of national legislation and supporting UNHCR’s people of concern, building national asylum system and providing direct support to asylum seekers, refugees, IDPs, returnees and stateless people. UNHCR Ukraine 25th anniversary provides a great opportunity to take stock, communicate and celebrate the achievements of the organization as well as to acknowledge the partners’ assistance on the ground. Objective:To give an exposure to the achievements so far, UNHCR plans to film a short video based on archives, digitalized from video tapes (VHS). Video will contain key information on the UNHCR operation in Ukraine and will be widely presented during special events as well as via digital sources of information. Since this year is also a 70th anniversary of UNHCR globally, the video might have a part dedicated to UNHCR establishment, operation in the world refugee crisis and its activity in Ukraine since 1994. A special focus will be made on assistance of UNHCR in return of Crimean Tatars to the Peninsula; quick unfold in eastern Ukraine in 2014 after the onset of the conflict, UNHCR has become a leading agency in providing humanitarian aid to the conflict-affected population in the East of Ukraine. The video will present UNHCR’s leading role in helping the country to change asylum system in Ukraine for refugees and asylum-seekers as well as the organization which changes lives of stateless persons and IDPs by giving tools to live with dignity.Scope of Work: The Vendor will produce:a five-seven (5-7) minutes video that showcases the history of UNHCR establishment, its assistance to the conflict-affected population of the World War II and other conflicts in the globe (Balkans, Afghanistan, Africa). The main part of the video must be dedicated to the UNHCR Representation’s establishment in Ukraine, its contribution to the return of Crimean Tatars to the Peninsula, achievements in assistance to the refugees, IDPs and stateless up to the nowadays (including cut-ins with high-level visitors to Ukraine). The video must contain cut-ins with interviews with related to UNHCR’s activity state officials, partner NGOs, Representative, beneficiaries. Can be finished with a flying-in all-staff photo (to be provided by UNHCR).a short version of the video for social media, duration about one (1) minute. The work includes: Review and revise the preliminary script prepared by the UNHCR (script development). Review and use of the video extracted from the archive videotapes.Conduct interviews with related state officials, UNHCR staff, partner NGOs. Post-production of the footage. Narration – TBC.Insert subtitles for video [UKR/ENG]. Responsibilities of the services provider: Take over the technical production of a high-quality promotional video including all project steps (script development, filming, post-production (+ insert subtitles), provide narration).Revise the preliminary script prepared by UNHCR Ukraine staff in order to have a detailed storyboard and a comprehensive video guideline for the interviews including planning the communication with the beneficiaries. Arrange interviews with the list of interviewees, previously agreed with UNHCR Ukraine.Assign a video producer/director/videographer to the project (provide his/her portfolio in advance). Plan and execute interviews for the video in cooperation with UNHCR responsible. Provide technical equipment (photo and video cameras, lighting systems and all necessary sound equipment) and all further video production material. Provide translations of the video texts and a professional narrator to do the voice over for the video [both Ukrainian and English]. Translation must be proofread by UNHCR Ukraine focal person.Independently do the post-production, thereby requiring a recording studio and the respective programmes for e.g. cutting, sound editing, adding subtitles and all further production equipment. The service provider must hold the rights for the music to be used for the video. A first draft will be provided open for comments and remarks of UNHCR Ukraine. Submit the final version. Cover transport costs and all accommodation, meal and other costs for production staff in case need be.During the whole production process, a close coordination with UNHCR staff in required. Responsibilities of UNHCR Ukraine: Editing and approval of the preliminary script for video, developed by the services provider. Provide Vendor with the video archives to be used during video production.Identification of the beneficiaries in the closest area (Kyiv, Kyiv Oblast) for the interviews and video shootings. Assisting and accompanying of the film team during the interviews and other video shooting, if needed. Supervision of the shootings, while ensuring logistic support and technical assistance. Provide the necessary logos and factual information to be incorporated into the film. Proofread / conduct translation of the video transcript into UKR/ENG.Deliverables: A five to seven (5-7) min. 1080p (1920x1080 resolution) Full HD video delivered in two copies on memory sticks. A one (1) min. video teaser of 1080p (1920x1080 resolution) Full HD video delivered in two copies on memory sticks. All the videos produced must be convertible/adjusted for the use both in movie theaters [2k, 4k] and social media. A detailed report on all photography and filming locations including the script in digital format, names and contact details of all individuals interviewed and other persons involved. Provision of all the raw video footage. Required Qualification and Experience: It is expected that the executing company has a good understanding and a high experience in video production and documentary in particular. The minimum qualifications and experience required for the company: Technical and professional ability to design, develop and execute a short video production. Experience in producing high quality professional video materials. Outstanding videography skills and proved similar work experience. Outstanding photo and video editing skills as well as possession of required software. At least five years of working in the film/video production with proven portfolio of works. Ability to work with high-level officials, representatives of international community. Readiness to close coordination with UNHCR staff assigned for the project. Experience in working in conflict-affected areas would be an asset. Experience in working with other UN agencies and local or international NGOs, especially in the fields of conflict in eastern Ukraine, human rights, state affairs would be an asset. Estimated Project Time Frame: The final video must be delivered by 10 June 2020; therefore, the whole project will take a maximum of 1 months in total, starting with May 10. The first draft of the video must be delivered not later than 01 June 2020. ................

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