|Annex B – Terms of Reference, to the RFP 2021-02 FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT |

|OF FRAME AGREEMENT(S) FOR PROVISION OF translation/proofreading/interpretation services |

| |

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Representation in Ukraine, invites qualified service providers to make a firm offer for the establishment of a Frame Agreement(s) for the provision of translation services from English into Ukrainian/Russian and vice versa and/or proofreading services in English/Ukrainian/Russian and/or interpretation services from English into Ukrainian/Russian and vice versa.

UNHCR expects the Bidders to demonstrate the ability to provide a proofreading service of completed translations on high professional level; in full compliance with the translations to the lexical, stylistic and semantic content of translated materials and accurate observance of the terms, acronyms, definitions; lack of stylistic and spelling errors in translated text.

Specifications of required services:

LOT 1: Written translation

• Written translation (at least 12 pages* of a single document or more per day) from Russian/Ukrainian into English

• Written translation (at least 12 pages* of a single document or more per day) from English into Russian/Ukrainian

• Written translation (at least 12 pages* of a single document or more per day) of texts requiring formatting (e.g. charts, graphics, etc.) from English into Russian/Ukrainian

• Written translation (at least 12 pages* of a single document or more per day) of texts requiring formatting (e.g. charts, graphics, etc.) from Russian/Ukrainian into English

• Urgent (=within one working day of at least 12 pages* of a single document or more per day) translation from Russian/Ukrainian into English

• Urgent (=within one working day of at least 12 pages* of a single document or more per day) translation from English into Russian/Ukrainian

LOT 2: Proofreading

• Proofreading services in English, Russian and Ukrainian

• Proofreading (at least 12 pages* of a single document or more per day) in Russian/Ukrainian or English

• Urgent (= within one working day of at least 12 pages* of a single document or more per day) proofreading in Russian/Ukrainian or English

LOT 3: Simultaneous and consecutive interpretation

• Simultaneous interpretation – interpretation at the events and conferences, including provision of necessary equipment;

• Consecutive interpretation – interpretation at meetings and events;

• The notification period for orders for consecutive and simultaneous interpretation is 3 working days before the event.

The indicative scope of work – approximately 9,000 pages per year of translation and proofreading services;

Bidders are required to provide sample translations of the texts provided in Annex A.

Bidders agree that the translator(s) responsible for translation of the sample texts as per Annex A shall be attracted for translations made for UNHCR, should the Frame Agreement be awarded to the bidder.

Please note that the following minimum qualification requirements are established for a provider of the services under this tender:

• The supplier should be registered as a Legal Entity or Private Entrepreneur in accordance with the laws of the country of its establishment;

• The supplier must have minimum experience of 3 years of providing translation/proofreading/interpretation services;

• Turnaround time from receipt of order to delivery of the final services corresponds to requirements stipulated in RFP;

• Recommendations/references of minimum three (3) previous clients have to be provided.

Minimum qualification requirements to the proposed key personnel (translators and interpreters):

• All key personnel (translators and interpreters) offered for the implementation of assignment must have higher education in linguistics or related fields (CVs must be submitted for all offered staff, copies of diplomas and certificates may be requested);

• All key personnel (translators and interpreters) offered for the contract must have minimum 3 years of experience in providing translation/interpretation services;

• All key personnel (translators and interpreters) offered for the contract must have confirmed experience of translation in humanitarian terminology/topics, and/or diplomatic areas;

Please note that offers not complaint to the above minimum requirements will not be admitted to further technical evaluation under point/percentage criteria.

Evaluation is made on a technical and financial basis. The percentage assigned to each component is determined in advance as follows:

The Technical offer will be evaluated using inter alia the following criteria and percentage distribution: 70 % from the total score (equals to 100 points):

|Criteria for Lots # 1 and 2 (Written translation and proofreading) |Points |

|1. Methodology (tools, software or applications employed for performing the services), quality assurance |15 |

|and control (measures employed to ensure the quality of the services, the quality checks carried out for | |

|each order) | |

|2. Company’s academic qualifications, previous experience (experience in asylum, refugee and/or human |20 |

|rights terminology/topics, experience of working with UN companies, experience of providing services | |

|at/for high level governmental and international events, overall experience) | |

|3. Quality of sample texts’ translations: |65 |

|- Faithfulness to the source text; | |

|- Use of appropriate subject matter terminology; | |

|- Grammar, syntax, expression | |

|Total: |100 points* |

| |70 % |

*passing score: 75 points

|Criteria for Lot # 3 (Simultaneous and Consecutive translation) |Points |

|1. Company’s academic qualifications in simultaneous and consecutive translation (academic degree of |10 |

|company’s personnel) | |

|2. Company’s previous experience in simultaneous and consecutive translation (experience in asylum, |50 |

|refugee and/or human rights terminology/topics, experience of working with UN companies, experience of | |

|providing services at/for high level governmental and international events, overall experience) | |

|3. Recommendations from clients (preferably to include asylum, refugee and/or human rights topics; the |40 |

|more recommendations provided, the more points are given to the bidder) | |

|Total: |100 points* |

| |70 % |

*passing score: 75 points

Remark: The Technical offer score will be calculated according to the percentage distribution for the technical and financial offers.

The total score for the Technical Proposal will be calculated by the following formula: [points scored] x [0,7 (Technical Component 70%)] = the total score for the Technical Proposal.

The Financial Offer will use the following percentage distribution: 30% from the total score.

The maximum number of points will be allotted to the lowest price offer that is opened and compared with price offers submitted by the other participants. All other price offers will receive points in inverse proportion to the lowest price; e.g., [total Price Component] x [US$ lowest] \ [US$ other] = points for other supplier’s Price Component.

For evaluation purposes only, the offers submitted in currency other than US Dollars will be converted into US Dollars using the United Nations rate of exchange in effect on the date the submissions are due.

The Bidder’s technical proposal should clearly demonstrate ability to meet the following requirements:

For translations:

- Capacity to undertake translation of 3-4 documents simultaneously, each amounting to 150 pages on average

- Ability to meet strict deadlines on high quality translations: 10 days for a single document of 120 pages or more

- Ability to provide high quality translations from Russian/Ukrainian into English and vice versa using appropriate terminology and in line with the grammar rules of each language

For proofreaders:

- Capacity to provide proofreading of 3-4 documents simultaneously, each amounting to 150 pages on average

- Ability to meet strict deadlines of 10 days per 100-150 pages of text proofread of one document with high quality of proofreading

- Ability to provide high quality proofreading in Russian, Ukrainian and English using appropriate terminology and in line with the grammar rules of each language

For interpretation:

- The notification period for orders for consecutive and simultaneous interpretation is 3 working days before the event.

For translation services to be provided outside Kyiv, the UNHCR will either provide or cover all related travel expenses (transportation, accommodation, meal) in actual amounts spent but within the UNHCR ceilings established.

Technical Compliance Form

(Please submit with the technical proposal)

| | |Lot 1 |Lot 2 (Proofreading) |Lot 3 (Simultaneous and|

| | |(Written translation) | |consecutive |

| | | | |translation) |

|Minimum qualification requirements for potential supplier |Evaluation method|Indicate compliance/incompliance along with description of link to |

| | |provided document |

|The supplier should be registered as a Legal Entity or Private |Pass/Fail | | | |

|Entrepreneur in accordance with the laws of the country of its | | | | |

|establishment. Brief description of the company and copies of | | | | |

|registration documents have to be attached to the technical offer; | | | | |

|The supplier must have proven minimum experience of 3 years of |Pass/Fail | | | |

|providing translation/proofreading/interpreting services; | | | | |

|Turnaround time from receipt of order to delivery of the final |Pass/Fail | | | |

|services corresponds to requirements stipulated in this RFP; | | | | |

|Recommendations/references of minimum 3 previous clients have to be|Pass/Fail | | | |

|provided. | | | | |

| | |Lot 1 |Lot 2 (proofreading) |Lot 3 (Simultaneous and|

| | |(Written translation) | |consecutive |

| | | | |translation) |

|Minimum qualification requirements to key personnel/translators | |Indicate compliance/incompliance along with description of link to |

| | |provided document |

|All key personnel (translators and interpreters) offered for the |Pass/Fail | | | |

|implementation of assignment must have higher education in | | | | |

|linguistics or related fields (CVs must be submitted for all | | | | |

|offered staff, copies of diplomas and certificates may be | | | | |

|requested); | | | | |

|All key personnel (translators and interpreters) offered for the |Pass/Fail | | | |

|contract must have minimum 3 years of experience in providing | | | | |

|translation/proofreading/interpretation services; | | | | |

|All key personnel (translators and interpreters) offered for the |Pass/Fail | | | |

|contract must have confirmed experience of | | | | |

|translation/proofreading/interpretation in humanitarian | | | | |

|terminology/topics and/or diplomatic areas; | | | | |

Technical Requirements Form

(Please submit with the technical proposal)

| Services |Indicate possibility to provide |

| |mentioned services (Yes/No) WITHOUT |


|Written translation services (Lot #1) | |

|Provision of written translation from English into Russian/Ukrainian and vice versa | |

|The supplier has to confirm his consent for accepting additional obligations of | |

|confidentiality for certain orders; | |

|Capacity to undertake translation of 3-4 documents simultaneously, each amounting to 150 pages| |

|on average | |

|Standard written translation to be done within several days after order is in place – not less| |

|than 12 pages of original text of a single document per day (1800 signs with spaces in one | |

|page) | |

|Urgent written translation to be done within a day after order is placed (please indicate a | |

|number of signs per single document with spaces your company can translate within a day). | |

|Editing/proofreading services (Lot #2) | |

|Provision of proofreading in English, Russian, Ukrainian | |

|The supplier has to confirm his consent for accepting additional obligations of | |

|confidentiality for certain orders; | |

|Capacity to provide proofreading of 3-4 documents simultaneously, each amounting to 150 pages | |

|on average | |

|Standard proofreading to be done within several days after order is in place – not less than | |

|12 pages of original text of a single document per day (1800 signs with spaces in one page) | |

|Urgent proofreading to be done within a day after order is placed (please indicate a number of| |

|signs per single document with spaces your company can translate within a day). | |

|Interpretation services (Lot #3) | |

|The notification period for orders for consecutive and simultaneous interpretation is 3 | |

|working days before the event | |

|Provision of equipment for simultaneous translation (Lot #3) | |

|Simultaneous equipment for groups up to 30 participants (including booth) | |

|Simultaneous equipment for groups of 30-50 participants (including booth) | |

|Simultaneous equipment for groups of 50-70 participants (including booth) | |

|Simultaneous equipment for groups of 70-100 participants (including booth) | |

|Provision of simultaneous interpretation services (Lot #3) | |

|English-Russian/Ukrainian-English | |

|-1 interpreter hourly (minimum 1 hour) | |

|-1 interpreter for half a day (up to 4 hours) | |

|-1 interpreter /1 working day of 8 hours | |

|Provision of consecutive interpretation services (Lot #3) | |

|English-Russian/Ukrainian-English | |

|-1 interpreter hourly (minimum 1 hour) | |

|-1 interpreter for half a day (up to 4 hours) | |

|-1 interpreter /1 working day of 8 hours | |

|Rent of additional conference equipment and services, if any | |

|Rent of laser pointer | |

|Rent of radio microphone (1 item) or lavaliere microphone or fitting garniture (all wireless) | |

|LCD projector | |

|Laptop | |

|Projection screen 1,8 х 1,8 m | |

|Projection screen 2х2 m | |

|Projection screen 3х4 m | |

|Flip chart with a set of paper | |

|Tribune | |

|Rent of MFU (black and white) | |


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