CURRICULUM VITAE - Kelley School of Business


Name: Frona M. Powell

Business Address:

Department of Business Law

Kelley School of Business

10th and Fee Lane

Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405

(812) 855-9308



Undergraduate: B.A. cum laude, Indiana University (1970) (English and Classics)

Graduate: J.D. cum laude, Indiana University School of Law (1976)


Associate Professor Business Law, Indiana University (1993-present)

Assistant Professor Business Law, Indiana University (1987-1993)


Business Law Faculty, IGBS, Zagreb, Croatia, March, 2006 and 2007

Resident Faculty Director, Maastricht Program, Netherlands (spring 2002)

Visiting Professor, Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania (fall, 1997)

Attorney, Bloomington, Indiana (1976-87)

Adjunct Lecturer, Indiana University School of Law (1978-79; 1980-82)


Admitted to practice law in Indiana and before the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana in 1976


Member, Academy of Legal Studies in Business (formerly the American Business Law Association (1987-present)

Secretary, Environmental Law Section of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business (1995- 1999)

Member, Tri-State Regional Business Law Association (President, 1996)

Member, Mid-West Regional Law Association

Member, Pacific Southwest Business Law Association

HONORS: Research:

Summer Research Competitive Grant by the Research Grant Committee of the School of Business (Summers 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994, 2000)

Indiana University-Bloomington Summer Faculty Fellowship by the Research and University Graduate School (Summer 1991)

Outstanding Paper Award by the Tri-State Business Law Association, 1989 (Disclaimers of Implied Warranty in the Sale of New Homes)

Selected Participant, ABLA Junior Faculty Research Consortium, Summer 1988


Teaching Excellence Award for 2007, Kelley Direct

Awarded Fulbright Specialist Grant, 2007, U.S. State Department (To support teaching in IGSB program, Zagreb, Croatia, spring 2007)

Nominated for 2004 Innovative teaching Award at KSB for R732, Product Liability in the

International Marketplace.

Kelley Executive Education Curriculum Development Grant (2002) to develop an International Product Liability Course for the General Motors Corporation (to be taught 2003).

Kelley Executive Education Curriculum Development Grant (1999) to develop C550 “Law and Ethics in Business”

Teaching Excellence Recognition Award (1997)

Nominated Outstanding Faculty Member, Blue Key, Golden Key and Mortar Board, Indiana University (1988)

Honored Faculty Guest, Singapore Students' Annual Dinner & Dance (1991)


J.D. cum laude by Indiana University School of Law, 1976

Academic Scholarship, Indiana University School of Law, 1975

Member, Phi Beta Kappa (Indiana University, 1970)

Member, Eta Sigma Phi (Classics Honorary, Indiana University,1969)


L201, Legal Environment of Business, Fall 1987, two sections with combined enrollment of 325

L201, Legal Environment of Business, Spring 1988, two sections with combined enrollment of 325

L201, Legal Environment of Business, Fall 1988, two sections with combined enrollment of 325

L201, Legal Environment of Business, Spring 1989, two sections with combined enrollment of 300

L201, Legal Environment of Business, Fall 1989, two sections with combined enrollment of 325

L201, Legal Environment of Business, Spring 1990, one section of 150

L203, Commercial Law I, Spring 1990, one section of 85

L203, Commercial Law I, Fall 1990, two sections with combined enrollment of 170

L203, Commercial Law I, Spring 1991, one section of 60

L408, Real Estate Law, Spring 1991, one section of 30

L203, Commercial Law, Spring 1992, one section with 73 students

L408, Real Estate Law, Spring 1992, one section with 16 students

L201, Legal Environment of Business, Fall 1992, one section of 150

L203, Commercial Law, Fall 1992, one section of 118 students

L201, Legal Environment of Business, Spring 1993, one section of 165 students

L408, Real Estate Law, Spring 1993, one section of 16 students

L201, Legal Environment of Business, Fall 1993, one section of 168 students

L201 (Honors), Legal Environment of Business, Fall 1993, one section of 30 students

L201 (Honors), Legal Environment of Business, Spring 1994, one section of 24 students

L409, Law and the Environment, Spring 1994, one section of 12 students

L201, Legal Environment of Business, Fall 1994, one section of 100 students

L408, Real Estate Law, Fall 1994, one section of 16 students

L409, Law and the Environment, Spring 1995, one section of 22 students

L201, Legal Environment of Business, Spring 1995, one section of 170 students

L201, Legal Environment of Business, Fall 1995, one section of 170 students

L408, Real Estate Law, Fall 1995, one section of 12 students

LGST 101 Introduction to Law and Legal Procedure, two sections of 50 students each (University of Pennsylvania, The WhartonSchool), Fall 1996.

L409, Law and the Environment, Spring 1997, one section of 16 students

H416 Ethical Choices in Organizations, Spring 1997, one honors section of 24 students (team- taught class with Professor Brian Schrag of the Indiana University Poynter Center.)

L408, Real Estate Law, Fall 1997, one section of 14 students

L201, Legal Environment of Business, Fall 1997, one section of 168 students

L409, Law and the Environment, Spring 1998, one section of 19 students

H416 Ethical Choices in Organizations, Spring 1998, one honors section of 22 students (team- taught class with Professor Brian Schrag of the Indiana University

Poynter Center.)

L408, Real Estate Law, Fall 1998, one section of 14 students

L201, Legal Environment of Business, Fall 1998, one section of 61 students

L409, Law and the Environment, Spring 1999, one section of 16 students

L470, Legal Research Requirement, Spring 1999, (supervision of independent study projects)

L408, Real Estate Law, Fall 1999, one section of 20 students

L470, Legal Research Requirement, Fall 1999, (supervision of independent study projects)

L201 Legal Environment of Business, Fall 2000, (Honors), one section of 34 students

L408 Real Estate Law, Fall 2000, one section of 37 students

C550 Law and Ethics in Business, November, 2000-March, 2001 (Online MBA course), one section of 12 students

L201 Legal Environment of Business, Spring 2001 (Honors), one section of 34 students

L201 Legal Environment of Business, Spring 2001, one section of 100 students.

L408 Real Estate Law, Fall 2001, one section of 40 students

H416 LAMP Seminar, Fall 2001, one section of 24 students

L409 Law and the Environment, Spring 2002, one section of 30 students (Maastricht, NL)

C550 Law and Ethics in Business, November 2001-2002, two sections of 60 students

L408 Real Estate Law, Fall 2002, one section of 36 students

L409/L416 Law and the Environment (cross-listed in LAMP), Fall 2002, one section of 28


C550 Law and Ethics in Business, November 2002-2003 (Online MBA course), three sections

of 120 students.

L201 Fall 2003, one section of 100 students.

L408 Fall 2003, one section of 40 students.

Business Law (MBA Management Course offered through the Purdue Krannert School of

Business, GISMA program, Hannover, GE, Summer 2004 (one section of 60 students.)

C550 Law and Ethics in Business, Winter quarter 2004 (Spring 2005) (Online MBA course) three sections of 60


R732 Product Liability in the International Marketplace (Online MBA course), one section of 40

Students Winter quarter 2004 (Spring 2005)

Business Law (MBA Management Course, Purdue Krannert School of Business, GISMA program, Hannover, GE, Summer 2005 (one section of 60 students)

L201 Fall 2005, one section of 60 students

L408 Fall 2005, one section of 60 students

C550 Law and Ethics in Business, Winter quarter 2005-2006 (two sections of 85 students total)

R732 Product Liability, Winter quarter 2005-2006 (two sections of 60 students total)

Business Law, IGBS, Zagreb, Croatia, March, 2006

L201 Fall 2006, one section of 85 students

L408 Fall 2006, one section of 90 students

C550 law and Ethics in Business, Winter quarter 2006-2007 (two sections of 90 students total)

R732 Product Liability, Winter quarter (one section of 45 students total)

L408 Fall 2007, two sections of 50 students each


Professional Service:

Staff Reviewer, American Business Law Journal (1996-present)

Member of the Editorial Board, Real Estate Law Journal (1992-1999) (Contributing Editor 1992-1998)

Member of the Editorial Board of the Real Estate Law Journal (1992-1999)

Member, Academy of Legal Studies in Business (1988-present)

Staff editor, American Business Law Journal (1993-1996)

Staff editor, Journal of Legal Studies Education (summer 1991-1994)

Kelley School of Business Service:

Chair, KSOB Environmental Policy Committee

Kelley Direct Policy Committee (2005-2007)

Academic Fairness Committee, (Chair, 1997-2001; 2002-2003)

Environmental Activities Coordinator, (1996-1999; 2002-2003)

Honors Program Committee (1990-1992)

Faculty Mentor, Minorities in Business Program (1989-2000)

Member, Undergraduate Policy Committee (1993-94)

Faculty Mentor, Kelley Scholars (1999-2002)

University Service:

Member, Campus IUB Space Task Force (representing KSOB) 2007-present

Coordinator, Forum on Global Warming, Honors Division (March 1998)

Judge, Sherman Minton Moot Court Competition 1998

Instructional Media Development Grants Committee 1994

Board member, Women's Faculty Club (1990-1992)

Panel member, Spring Law Day Program, Indiana University School of Law (1988, 1989)

Judge, Legal Research and Writing Clinic Moot Court, Indiana University School of Law (1989)

Faculty participant, Indiana University Mini University (1988)

Advocate, Indiana University Women's Studies Program

Honors Faculty Awards Committee (1993)

Public Service:

Boardmember, Utilities Service Board of Bloomington (1999-2003)

Boardmember, State of Indiana Solid Waste Management Board (1998-2003)

Boardmember, United Way of Monroe County (1997)

Member, Bloomington Wet Weather Advisory Committee (1998-2003)

President, Bloomington Municipal Facilities Holding Corporation (1991-95)

Board Member, Monroe County Girls Club (1987-1989)

Monroe County Bar Association (Treasurer, 1984-88)

Indiana State Bar Association (Administrative Law Committee, 1983-84)



LAW AND THE ENVIRONMENT, West Publishing Company (1997)


“The Supreme Court Rejects the Non Delegation Doctrine: Implications for the Administrative State, 71 MISSISSIPPI LAW JOURNAL 729 (2002)

“Unconscionability in the Lease of Commercial Real Estate,” 35 REAL PROPERTY, PROBATE, AND TRUST JOURNAL 197 (Spring 2000)

“Property Rights, Federalism, and the Endangered Species Act,” 28 REAL ESTATE LAW JOURNAL 13 (Spring 2000).

“The North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation’s San Pedro Report: A Critical Analysis of the CEC Process,” 6 ENVIRONMENTAL LAWYER 811 (June 2000).

“Amending CERCLA to Encourage the Redevelopment of Brownfields: Issues, Concerns, and Recommendations,” 53 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF URBAN AND CONTEMPORARY LAW 113 (1998)

"The Public Trust Doctrine: Implications for Property Owners and the Environment," 56 REAL ESTATE LAW JOURNAL 285 (1997)

"Defining 'Harm' under the Endangered Species Act: Implications of Sweet Home v. Babbit," 33 AMERICAN BUSINESS LAW JOURNAL 131 (1995)

"After NAFTA: Environmental Implications of Public Citizen v. U.S. Trade Representative, 5 F.3d 549 (D.C. Cir. 1993), 6 COLORADO JOURNAL OF LAW & PUBLIC POLICY 109 (Winter 1995)

"Trespass, Nuisance, and the Evolution of Common Law in Modern Pollution Cases," 21 REAL ESTATE LAW JOURNAL 182-215 (1992)

"Insuring Against Environmental Liability: Should Environmental Cleanup Costs Constitute Damages under the Terms of a Comprehensive General Liability Insurance Policy?," 71 NEBRASKA LAW REVIEW 1194-1227 (1992)

"Lender Liability Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 ("CERCLA")" 75 MARQUETTE LAW REVIEW 139-177 (Fall 1991)

"Defeasible Fees and the Nature of Real Property," 40 KANSAS LAW REVIEW 411-436 (Winter 1992)

"Builder-Vendor Liability for Environmental Contamination in the Sale of New Residential Property," 58 TENNESSEE LAW REVIEW 231-270 (1991)

"Mistake of Fact in the Sale of Real Property," 40 DRAKE LAW REVIEW 91-119 (1991) (cited in the "Worth Reading" feature of The National Law Journal)

"Relief for Innocent Misrepresentation in the Sale of Real Property," 19 REAL ESTATE LAW JOURNAL 130-143 (1990)

"The Seller's Duty to Disclose in Sales of Commercial Property," 28 AMERICAN BUSINESS LAW JOURNAL 245-274 (1990)

"The Case for an Implied Warranty of Quality in Sales of Commercial Real Estate," (co-authored with J. Mallor), 68 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW QUARTERLY 305-337 (1990) (cited in the "Worth Reading" feature of The National Law Journal)

"Statutory Authority for Municipal Subdivision Exactions: The Ultra Vires Attack," 39 DEPAUL LAW REVIEW

"Disclaimers of Implied Warranty in the Sale of New Homes," 34 VILLANOVA LAW REVIEW 1162 (1989) (awarded "Outstanding Paper" by the Tri-State Business Law Association in 1989 and cited in the "Worth Reading" feature of The National Law Journal)


"From the Environment," a regular column addressing current environmental law issues published in THE REAL ESTATE LAW JOURNAL, a quarterly publication (1996-1998)

Executive Briefing: Current Issues in Environmental Management, BUSINESS HORIZONS (January-February 1998)


CIBER TEACHING NOTE: “An International Environmental Assessment Case Study,” 2005

“The Goat Farm Case: A Role-Playing Exercise for Environmental Law Students,” 16 JOURNAL OF LEGAL STUDIES EDUCATION 63 (Winter/Spring 1998)

Student Workbook to accompany BUSINESS LAW AND THE REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT, 12th ed. (Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 2003).

Student Workbook to accompany LAW FOR BUSINESS, 5th ed. (Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1994).

"Utilizing the Team Report in a Business Law Curriculum," JOURNAL OF LEGAL STUDIES EDUCATION (1994)

Manual of Tests to accompany BUSINESS LAW AND THE REGULATORY

ENVIRONMENT, 8th ed. (Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1991) (with A. Langvardt and T. Bowers on an equal basis)

Manual of Tests to accompany LAW FOR BUSINESS, 4th ed. (Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1990) (with L. Ginger and E. Richards on an equal basis)

Student Workbook to accompany LAW FOR BUSINESS, 4th ed. (Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1990).


“The Decision in Kelo v. City of New London Connecticut: The Case for Deference to Local Government Decision-Making.” Presented at the Pacific Southwest Business Law Conference, Palm Springs, California, February, 2006.

“The Economic Loss Rule in Fraudulent Misrepresentation Cases: Legal and Ethical Implications,” Academy of Legal Studies in Business Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, July 2002.

“The San Pedro River Report by the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation,” Pacific Southwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business, February, 1999, Palm Springs, California.

“NAFTA and the Environmental Side Agreement,” Tri-State Academy of Legal Studies in Business Annual Meeting, November, 1998, Indianapolis, Indiana.

“The Fly, the Hospital, and the Endangered Species Act: Challenging Environmental Laws in the Post-Lopez World,” Environmental Section--Selected Papers Presentation, Academy of Legal Studies in Business Annual Conference, August 1998, San Diego, California.

“Whistleblowing and the Voluntary Environmental Audit: An Analysis of Competing Policies,” (co-authored with Professor Terry M. Dworkin,) presented at the annual meeting of the Pacific Southwest Business Law Association, Palm Springs, California. (February, 1998).

“NAFTA and the Environmental Side Agreement,” presented at the annual meeting of the Tri-State Business Law Association, Indianapolis, Indiana (November 1998).

“Amending CERCLA to Encourage Redevelopment of 'Brownfields': Issues, Concerns, and Recommendations,” presented at the Institute of Business Administration and Technology, London, England, (summer 1997).

“The Reserved Water Rights Doctrine,” presented at the annual Academy of Legal Studies in Business meeting, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, (summer 1996).

“The Public Trust Doctrine: Implications for the Environment,” presented at the Pacific Southwest Business Law Association annual meeting, Newport Beach, California, (winter, 1996).

“After NAFTA: Environmental Implications of Public Citizen v. U.S. Trade Representative, 5 F.3d 549 (D.C. Cir. 1993),” presented August, 1994, at the Academy of Legal Studies in Business Annual Conference, Dallas, Texas

“Trespass, Nuisance, and the Evolution of Common Law in Modern Pollution Cases,” presented August, 1992, at the Academy of Legal Studies in Business Annual Conference, Charleston, South Carolina

“Limiting Lender Liability under CERCLA by Administrative Rule,” presented February, 1992, at the Pacific Southwest Business Law Association Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada

“Defeasible Fees and the Nature of Real Property,” presented August, 1991, at the American Business Law Association Annual Meeting, Portland, Maine

“Builder-Vendor Liability for Environmental Contamination in the Sale of New Residential Property,” presented February, 1990, at the Pacific Southwest Business Law Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California

“Mistake of Fact in the Sale of Real Property,” presented August 16, 1990, at the American Business Law Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada

“Relief for Innocent Misrepresentation in the Sale of Real Property,” presented February 10, 1990, at the Pacific Southwest Business Law Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California

“Statutory Authority for Municipal Subdivision Exactions,” presented at the 1989 American Business Law Association Annual Meeting, August 15-22, 1989, Los Angeles, California

“Disclaimers of Implied Warranty in the Sale of New Homes,” presented April 28, 1989, at the Tri-State Regional Business Association Annual Meeting, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana

“Disclosure and Warranty in the Sale of Commercial Property: Will Caveat Emptor Endure?” (co-authored with Professor Jane Mallor) presented August 10, 1988, at the American Business Law Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, La.


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