Math 101.1: Precalculus: Algebra, Functions and Graphs 2 credits Fall 2010

Instructor: Brian Emond Email: bemond@math.umass,edu

Office: LGRT 1630 Mailbox: LGRT 1623D

Phone: (413) 545-6036 Office Hours: MW 3:35-4:15; F 11:15-12:00

MyMathLab Course ID: emond27703 Meeting Time: MWF 12:20-1:10 Morril N329

Course Information and Policies:

MyMathLab®: MyMathLab is an online homework and course study system. It contains an online version of your textbook with links to multimedia resources, such as video clips of lessons and step-by-step solutions of problems. You are required to register and begin your assignments immediately. To register, go to and click in the “Students Register” bar, then select “Get access to a new course”, then “next” and follow the instructions. (You will need the MyMathLab Course ID emond27703 , which is different from the Spire schedule number, the Access Code which came with your text, and zip code 01003). I will assume you have registered your class through MyMathLab (MML) no later than the beginning of the second class. If you have any technical problems with MML, call the student help line at 1-800-677-6337. I do not provide technical assistance.

Calculators: If you use a calculator, it is recommended that you purchase a graphing calculator, such as the TI-83. Refer to the calculator user’s guide for instruction on the use of the graphing calculator. I will not be providing instruction on calculator use. If you use one, you need to develop calculator competency to avoid errors. Calculators are not necessary for exams, but can be helpful.

Computers: MyMathLab works on Macs or PCs. If you do not have your own, OIT has a number of places on campus where students have access to computers. You should look in the OIT web page: . There are also computers available in the Precalculus Help Center in LGRT 114.

Homework: The only way to master Precalculus is to practice. Therefore, homework is required when assigned, and due at the start of class. No late work accepted. All assignments will be assigned through MyMathLab. The time window of the assignment opens at the end of each class, and is due for submission anytime from then up to the start of the next class. You may redo any wrong problems in the assignment for a better grade until the time it is due. The window for that assignment will then close. There is no extra credit work, so Please DO YOUR HOMEWORK!

Quizzes: Occasionally we will have unannounced quizzes in class that will be used for attendance. (see policy below).

Attendance and student conduct: It is important that you attend every class to be successful in Precalculus. You also have the right to attend your classes without the distraction of disruptive classmates. “Students are expected to attend all regularly scheduled classes at the University for which they are registered…an instructor teaching a course where grading criteria are spelled out may lower a grade or even fail a student for poor attendance … Faculty may drop from the roster a student who is disruptive in the classroom”, ( Academic Regulations: ). Absences are excused for University approved reasons only, such as religious holidays, illness and off-campus trips with documentation. Attendance may be taken at the end of any class.

Leaving class early: Leaving class early is disruptive to the rest of the class, and constitutes an absence. If for some reason you need to leave class early some given day, please let your professor know at the beginning of class and you will not be charged with an absence.

Free Tutoring: Free tutoring is available weekdays in the PRECALCULUS HELP CENTER, room LGRT 114. Please take advantage of this free service early and often. There are also computers there for MyMathLab help. The tutors are Undergraduate Teaching Assistants assigned to the Precalculus classes. The schedule will be announced at the beginning of the semester.

Special Accommodations: You need to renew your accommodation plan with Disability Services every semester. If you have a documented learning disability that specifies extended test time, please remind me at least one week in advance of each exam. Although you may have submitted your education accommodation forms, I don’t know all of you by name or may not remember who has an individualized accommodation plan, so please remind me prior to each exam. Accommodations can include extended test time, class notes, and other learning aids. If you do not have an accommodation plan and feel you may be eligible, go to Disability Services in Whitmore 231 for more information.

Cell Phones / Electronic listening devices / Ear phones/Laptops: The use of cell phones and other electronic devices in class is prohibited. Laptops may be used for class purposes (this class) only. Unauthorized use (surfing, email/ chat) is not allowed. Phones going off in class are disruptive. Please Shut them off before entering class. (If there is some special reason you need to be available to answer your phone, tell me at the start of the class, and set your phone to vibrate rather than ring). You can’t hear me or your classmates if you are wearing earphones, so remove them at the start of class. Violations can result in your expulsion from that day’s class.

Academic honesty: Cheating will not be tolerated and violators will be prosecuted through the Ombud’s Office. This includes having someone else do your online homework and turning in false attendance sheets. Penalties can be failure of the course, academic probation, suspension and even expulsion.

Grading Policy:

Homework & Quizzes……….40%

Mid-term Exams (17.5% ea)...35%

Final Exam…………………..25%

Total 100%

Letter Grades: % Letter Grade

100. A

89. A-

86. B+

82. B

78. B-

74. C+

70. C

66. C-

62. D+

58. D

< 55 F




Math 101: Precalculus: Algebra, Functions and Graphs 2 credits Fall 2010

Description: Math 101 is the first semester of a the two-semester of M101-102 Precalculus sequence. This first course is a review of Intermediate Algebra with an introduction to functions. Math 101 alone does not satisfy the R1 general education requirement for mathematics. To satisfy the R1, this course needs to be followed-up with Math 102. Math 101 and 102 are the two-semester course equivalent of the one-semester Precalculus Math 104.

Text: Voyaging Through Precalculus, First Edition, with MyMathLab®, Pearson Prentice Hall. (On sale downtown at Amherst Bookstore, Food For Thought Books, and on campus at the Textbook Annex). It is usually less expensive downtown.

Topics to be covered:

Chapter 1: Real Numbers and Algebraic Expressions

1.1 Tips for success in Mathematics

1.2 Algebraic Expressions and Sets of Numbers

1.3 Equations, Inequalities and Properties

1.4 Operations on Real Numbers

1.5 Order of Operations and Algebraic Expressions

1.6, 1.7 Exponents and Scientific Notation

Chapter 2: Equations and Inequalities

2.1 Linear Equations in One Variable

2.2 Introduction to Problem Solving

2.3 Formulas and Problem Solving

2.4 Linear Inequalities and Problem Solving

2.5 Sets and Compound Inequalities

2.6 Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities

Chapter 3: Graphs and Functions

3.1 Graphing Linear Equations

3.2 The Slope of a Line

3.3 The Slope-Intercept Form

3.4 Equations of Lines

3.5 Graphing Linear Inequalities [through Example 2 (p. 1840]

3.6 Introduction to Functions

3.7 Domain, Range, and Piecewise Defined Functions

3.8 Shifting and Reflecting Graphs of Functions

Chapter 4: Systems of Equations and Inequalities

4.1 Solving Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables

4.3 Systems of Linear Equations and Problem Solving; Partial Fractions

Exam #1

Chapter 5: Polynomials and Polynomial Functions

5.1 Polynomial Functions, Add and Subtract Polynomials

5.2 Multiplying Polynomials

5.3 Dividing Polynomials

5.4 GCF and Factoring by Grouping

5.5 Factoring Trinomials

5.6 Factoring by Special Products [exclude sum and difference of cubes]

5.7 Solving Equations by Factoring

Chapter 6: Rational Expressions

6.1 Rational Functions; Multiply And Divide Rational Expressions

6.2 Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions

6.3 Simplifying Complex Fractions

6.4 Solving Equations Containing Rational Expressions

Chapter 7: Rational Exponents, Radicals and Complex Numbers

7.1 Radical Expressions and Functions

7.2 Rational Exponents

7.3 Simplifying Radical Expressions

7.4 Adding, Subtracting and Multiplying Radical Expressions

7.5 Rationalizing Numerators and Denominators of Radical Expressions

7.6 Radical Equations and Problem Solving

7.7 Complex Numbers

Exam #2

Chapter 8: Quadratic Equations and Functions

8.1 Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Square

8.2 Solving Quadratic Equations Using the Quadratic Formula

8.3 Solving Quadratic Equations by Using Quadratic Methods

Final Exam

The Fall 2009 semester has 39 MWF class days, 26 MW class days.

Exams: There will be two mid-term exams. Each mid-term will be given in the evening, and will cover approximately one third of the course. Unexcused absences will result in a “0” for that exam. Make-ups will be provided only in cases of documented illness and family emergencies, approved University sport and cultural events, and University acknowledged religious holidays. You must notify me one week in advance, except for emergencies.

Tentative Dates: Exam 1, Thursday, Oct. 14; 7:00-9:00pm.

Exam 2, Tuesday, Nov. 23; 7:00-9:00pm.

** Locations to be announced.

Final Exam: The final exam will be cumulative, and will be given during the scheduled dates Dec. 13-20 (includes snow date). Math Department policy states that Final Exams cannot and will not be offered earlier than the scheduled day and time! (Adjust your travel plans accordingly. If your parents make travel arrangements for you before your final exam is scheduled, they will have to change them, perhaps at considerable cost. So tell them now to wait until the Final Exam schedule comes out!).


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