Susquehanna Conference – A Pennsylvania Conference of the ...

FORM #1 CHARGE: FORMTEXT ????? YEAR 2019 CHURCH: FORMTEXT ????? DISTRICT: FORMTEXT ????? 2019 Charge Conference Checklist & Preparation SheetDate of Conference FORMTEXT ????? Is this a Charge or Church Conference FORMTEXT ?????Churches with the Simplified Accountable Structure MUST have a Church Conference.CHURCH NAME(S) FORMTEXT ?????PASTOR(S) FORMTEXT ?????ELDER PRESIDING FORMTEXT ?????Packets prepared [ FORMTEXT ?????] 1 packet each with all forms and signatures for DS – Pastor - Secretary[ FORMTEXT ?????] Packets with all items requiring a vote for members attendingTYPE OF CONFERENCE (charge, church, church local) FORMTEXT ?????NAME OF RECORDING SECRETARY FORMTEXT ?????MINUTES OF 2018 CHARGE CONFERENCE and any subsequent CHARGE CONFERENCE(S) FOR APPROVAL[ FORMTEXT ?????] In packetWere there any special charge conferences? [ FORMTEXT ?????] Yes [ FORMTEXT ????? ] NoIf so, list when and place in packet: 2018 FORM 12 LOCAL CHURCH ANNUAL FINANCIAL AUDIT One per church (attach if it has not been received by Council)[ FORMTEXT ????? ] CompletedList date(s) audit(s) presented to the church council for acceptance: FORMTEXT ?????[ FORMTEXT ????? ] Have not been presented to Council and must be accepted 2018 FORM 13 CHARGE FINANCIAL AUDIT If applicable[ FORMTEXT ????? ] Ready to present[ FORMTEXT ????? ] Not applicable – there are no financial accounts shared by the churches in the charge Audits for charge accounts are to be presented for review and acceptance. 2018 Church Trustees Reports 2018 Charge Trustees Reports[ FORMTEXT ????? ] Ready to present[ FORMTEXT ????? ] Ready to present [ FORMTEXT ?????] Not ApplicableSHARES OF MINISTRY, PENSION & INSURANCE(S)Make notations for each church as necessaryIt is the expectation that all covenantal responsibilities (Shares of Ministry, pension [if applicable] and insurances) are to be paid in full. If not, attach your finance committee’s plan (per action of 2012 Annual Conference) Shares expected to be paid in full for charge: FORMTEXT ?????[ FORMTEXT ????? ] If no, Plan attached2019 FORM #2 PASTOR’S REPORT ON MEMBERSHIP (?230,231) One per church For any/all churches on the charge: Are there actions to be taken for year one? [ FORMTEXT ????? ] Yes [ FORMTEXT ????? ] No Are there actions to be taken for year two? [ FORMTEXT ????? ] Yes [ FORMTEXT ????? ] NoVote needed ONLY if names are presented for removalCOMMITTEE ON LAY LEADERSHIP REPORTS (? 249.1)2019 FORM #3 – 1 per charge2019 FORM #4a – 1 per church2019 FORM #4b – 1 per charge2019 FORM #4c – As applicableLocal Church Lists – 1 per church [ FORMTEXT ?????] FORM #3 Certification of Election by the Charge Conference of the Lay Member(s) of the Annual Conference [ FORMTEXT ?????] FORM #4a Local Church Officers Form – Provide Zip+4 zip codes[ FORMTEXT ?????] FORM #4b Charge Officers form - Provide Zip+4 zip codes (Multipoint Charges only)[ FORMTEXT ????? ] FORM #4c Simplified Accountable Structure - Provide Zip+4 zip codes[ FORMTEXT ?????] Local Church Elections/Committee Lists –created by the local church to suit their needs2019 FORM #5 ANNUAL PARSONAGE INSPECTION REPORT [ FORMTEXT ?????] Complete with signatures required [ FORMTEXT ????? ] Check here if there are issues with the parsonage[ FORMTEXT ????? ] Not applicable – there is no church-owned home in which pastor resides.2019 FORM #6 or #6b WORKSHEET FOR 2019 PASTORAL COMPENSATION(S)Pages 1 & 2 [ FORMTEXT ?????] Complete with required signature2019 FORM #7 SAFE SANCTUARIES REPORT – one per church[ FORMTEXT ?????] Complete [ FORMTEXT ?????] New/Updated Policy attached (Date approved: FORMTEXT ?????)2019 FORM #8 LAY SERVANTS REPORTS Signature of pastor and lay servant requiredOne report for each person# of certified lay servants FORMTEXT ?????; #certified lay speakers FORMTEXT ?????;#certified lay ministers FORMTEXT ?????Names of certified lay servants (?266): FORMTEXT ?????Names of certified lay speakers (?267): FORMTEXT ?????Names of certified lay ministers (?268): FORMTEXT ?????CANDIDATES FOR MINISTRYProvide names in spaces to the right.Date candidate was approved by S/PPRC FORMTEXT ????? Are there candidates (approved by S/PPRC) to be voted on at this charge conference?[ FORMTEXT ?????] YES, List names. FORMTEXT ?????[ FORMTEXT ?????] NOBeginning Candidates (first vote by church, requires 2/3 approval on written ballot) ?310.1.e: FORMTEXT ?????Certified Candidates (annual renewal) ?313.1 (voice or hand vote, simple majority): FORMTEXT ?????REPORTS of Clergy who hold Charge Conference membership: List names of reports to be received and category. Indicate if no report received. FORMTEXT ?????Lease(s) to be approvedList Property and to whom leased FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????OTHER BUSINESS TO BE DONE AT THIS SESSION: list to the right or attach information FORMTEXT ?????REPORTS DUE AT A LATER DATE: On-lineSTATISTICAL REPORTS (Ezra)DUE JANUARY 31No Specific FormChurch Treasurer’s End-of-Year ReportDUE JANUARY 31one per church FORM # 9Church Trustees ReportDUE JANUARY 31 one per churchFORM # 9 aWeekday Ministry ReportDUE JANUARY 31if neededFORM # 10Charge Trustees ReportDUE JANUARY 31if neededFORM # 11Clergy Profile on Continuing Formation DUE JANUARY 31pastor’s responsiblityFORM # 12Local Church Annual Financial Audit DUE MARCH 15one per churchFORM # 13Charge Annual Financial AuditDUE MARCH 15if neededUpon completion of the audit, it should be presented to the council for approval.Pastors: ** Safe Sanctuaries training for all pastors and persons serving as pastoral leaders of congregations must be renewed every FIVE years. NO EXCEPTIONS.** Clearances are valid for 60 months (5 years) PA State Police CheckPA Child Abuse Clearance (Act 33) FBI Fingerprints ** Boundaries training is required of all pastors. Additionally, a boundaries course is required each Quadrennium.Available courses are Boundaries (recently updated course combining Basic and Boundaries II) and Keeping Our Sacred Trust () Forms 1-8, Nominations Report and documents required for your church/charge conference including anything needed for “any other business” are to be submitted electronically to the District Office two weeks before your charge conference. If not submitted, the “other” business will not be handled. ................

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