Academic Achievement Programs

Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program

Alumni Survey

(You may complete an electronic version.)

Dear McNair Alum:

We want to know how you’re doing. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey. You may fax it to 301-314-7255. Please email ( or call us (301-405-4749) if you have any questions. This form is also located at then follow link to McNair Program then to forms and documents.

PART 1: Contact Information

Name___________________________________ Email _________________________________

Best Address_________________________________________________________________________

Home Phone_________________________ Work___________________ Cell_____________________

Your UG institution: [ ] UM [ ] FSU [ ] UMES [ ] SMC Year entered McNair Program: ______________

PART 2: Academic Achievements

Month/Year Received Baccalaureate Degree: _____________ Institution: _______________________

Month/Year Received Master’s Degree: ___________________ Institution: _______________________

Month/Year Received Doctorate: ______________ Type of Doctorate: [] PhD [] JD [] MD [] Ed.D.

Institution where doctorate was received: ___________________________________________________

PART 3: Current Status

[] Post-Baccalaureate Program [] Master’s Student [] Doctoral Student [] Not Enrolled

Name of the university you currently attend:_________________________________________________

Are you a full-time student? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Not applicable

Employment status: _____ FT ____ PT ____ Not employed because of school ____ Not employed

PART 4: Impact of Services

Did services prepare you for graduate school? [] Yes [] Somewhat [] No

Did research experiences prepare you for graduate school? [] Yes [] Somewhat [] No

Your signature: __________________________________ Date: _______________________

Note: Please use your email as your signature if you plan to return this survey via email.

Thank you for taking the time to respond to this survey. Remember to inform the program of any achievements and developments in your life. Your success is not only important to the McNair Program but also to the nation. Good luck in your endeavors.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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