Proposals due at the MIPS Office

on October 15, 2003




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Application Due October 15, 2003


University Of Maryland—Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute

|Application Date: |Revision Date: |

|October 15, 2003 | |

|Project Title: (If this title contains confidential information, please give an alternate title) |

|Indoor Location and Emergency Alerting Technology |

|Company Name: |

|TRX Systems, Inc. |

|County: |(location of company submitting proposal – If Baltimore City, |

|Prince Georges |type Baltimore City) |

|Project Phase: 1 of 2 |University Campus: College Park |

Size of Company (using MIPS standards): Large Medium Small Start-up

Note: $ figures below should be the same as on page 14. Percentages are based on Company cash or total company match as percent of university budget.

University Budget (from page 14, item 11(a)) $70,000

MIPS Contribution (from page 14, item 11 (e)) $ 63,000

Company Cash (from page 14, item 11(f)) $7,000 (%)

Company Equipment Gift (from page 14, item 11(g)) $0

Total Company Contribution to Univ.(from page 14, item 11(h)) $126,512

Total Company Match (from page 14, item 11(j)) $7,000 (%)

Authorized University Signature


Typed Name :

Title :

Date: / /

(to be filled in by MIPS)

Short Title:


1. Participants:

|(a) |Company: |

| |TRX Systems, Inc. |

| |Company Address (including city/state/zip): |

| |10001 Derekwood Lane, Suite 204, Lanham, MD 20706 |

| |Telephone: |Website: |

| |202 415 6677 |trx- |

|(b) |Project Manager: |Telephone: |

| |(Company) Dr. Gilmer Blankenship |202 415 6677 |

| |Title: |Fax: |

| |President |301 577 0831 |

| |E-mail: | |

| |gilmer@trx- | |

|(c) |Authorized Representative: |Title: |

| |(Company) Ms. Amy Hizoune |Vice President, Finance |

| |Signature: |Telephone: |

| | |301 577 6000 x29 |

| |E-mail: |Fax: |

| |hizounea@trx- |301 577 0831 |

|(d) |University PI: |Title: |

| |Dr. Neil Goldsman |Professor |

| |PI’s Signature: |Telephone: |Fax: |

| | |301 405 3648 |301 314 9001 |

| |Department: |Campus: |

| |Electrical and Computer Engineering |College Park |

| |Full Mailing Address: (room #, city, state, zip) |E-mail: |

| |AV Williams Bldg, University of Maryland | |

| |College Park, MD 20742 | |

2. Company Background:

|(a) |Number of employees in: Maryland 3 , worldwide 3 . |

|(b) |Nature of Company’s business in Maryland. |

| | |

| |TRX is a startup company created to address the market for indoor location, tracking, and alerting technology. |

| | |

|(c) |Nature of Company’s business outside of Maryland, if any, other than sales. |

| | |

| |None yet. |

|(d) |Is Company woman-owned? |Yes | |No | |

| | | | |X | |

|(e) |Is Company minority-owned? |Yes | |No | |

| | | | |X | |

|(f) |Are you a subsidiary of another firm? |Yes | |No | |

| | | | |X | |

|If “yes”, name and address of parent firm: |

| |

|Number of employees of parent firm: |

|(g) |If a start-up company, submit a Certificate of Standing from the State of Maryland Department of Assessments and Taxation. |

NOTE: This application should be written in layperson’s terms, except for the technical proposal (Section 6).

3. Project Summary:

a) Describe the overall purpose of the MIPS project.

The objective of the project is the design and development of technology for the location of firefighters and other public service personnel inside buildings and structures. The system will be composed of a body worn technology package that provides information on the individual’s status and location, and a capability to transmit data and alarms to a command station outside the structure, together with a receiver that processes the signals from the transmitter and displays them for management and safety assurance of personnel.

Versions of the system will be developed for police and EMS personnel. The system addresses a key problem in assuring the safety of public service personnel. The fire service is one of the most hazardous jobs in the USA. Each year approximately 100 firefighters are killed in the line of duty. The TRX Fire Safety System will make a major contribution to the reduction of this toll.

This will be the first of a series of products from TRX that use location and sensing technology to promote safety and performance. See the attached business plan.

b) Describe the expected outcome of this Phase. If there is more detail in the technical proposal, please reference page and paragraph.

The end result of Phase I will be a prototype of the Fire Safety System that provides location of individuals inside buildings and complex structures (tunnels, mines, etc.) together with an analysis of the propagation of electromagnetic (EM) waves inside structures as it applies to the computation of precise location and support for effective communications. The attached technical proposal describes analysis and the specialized VLSI chips that will be developed to enable the application.

c) Summarize Phase 1 research of this project.

In Phase I, the validity of the approach will be demonstrated in prototype hardware and software to solve two problems: (1) location of personnel in complex buildings and (2) determination of the distribution of EM signals in a structure. The first problem addresses a key concern and will demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of our approach. The second will provide a capability to “map” the structure based on blueprints or in real-time as personnel move through it. More details are given in the technical proposal work plan.

d) If there are two phases, summarize Phase 2 research.

Phase II will complete the development of the hardware and software with additional capabilities for other applications. It is to be emphasized that the entire effort will be applicable to a wide range of public safety end users, not just firefighters. The open framework of the design makes the system applicable to other problem areas including location of health care personnel in a hospital, prisoners and guards in a prison, etc. More details are given in the technical proposal work plan. The end result of Phase II will be a commercially viable system for personnel safety assurance for the fire safety market and related public safety services.

Phase 2 projects only.

e) Briefly summarize objectives, accomplishments, and status of project Phase 1. Compare accomplishments with the objectives:


f) List problems and/or failures to meet specific objectives during Phase 1. Give reasons.


g) If any funds requested in this proposal are intended for work to correct problems listed in (e) above, explain and give amount: $ .


4. Research Personnel Qualifications

Provide information on Principal Investigator and other key University and Company researchers. Attach a one or two-page c.v. of the P.I. (only), after page 16 of this application.

|(a) |Principal Investigator: |

| |Name: |Title: |

| |Dr. Neil Goldsman |Professor |

| |Campus: |Dept: |

| |College Park |Electrical and Computer Engineering |

| |Degrees/Disciplines: |

| | |

| |BA, ME, PhD (Cornell University) Electrical Engineering |

| |Experience pertinent to project: |

| |Neil Goldsman has been involved in the teaching, research and development of electronics for over twenty years. He has over 100 publications|

| |in the overall area of microelectronics. He has developed a senior class, which teaches students how to design mixed signal VLSI chips |

| |(ENEE408D), and a graduate course on Radio Frequency Circuit Design (ENEE614). He has supervised the design and fabrication of numerous |

| |chips, and helped design and build many of the circuits that we plan to use for this project. He is currently working on a project that |

| |integrates electromagnetism and VLSI circuit design. |

| |Other experience: |

| |Neil Goldsman has worked with major chip companies including Intel and LSI Logic. |

| |Neil Goldsman wrote the text for the junior level electronics design ENEE306, which has enrollment of approximately 200 students/year |

|(b) |Other Key Researcher(s): |

| |Name: O. Ramahi |Title: Assistant Professor |

| |Campus: |Dept: |

| |College Park |Mechanical Engineering |

| |Degrees/Disciplines: |

| |BS, MS, PhD (University of Illinois) Electrical Engineering |

| |Experience pertinent to project: |

| |Electromagnetic wave propagation: effects and modeling |

| | |

| |Other experience: |

| | |

|(f) |Name: Dr. Xi Shao |Title: Research Scientist (NASA) |

| | |Graduate Student (UMD) |

| |Campus: |Dept: Electrical & Computer Engineering |

| |College Park | |

| |Degrees/Disciplines: |

| |PhD in Physics, currently working on MS in EE |

| |Experience pertinent to project: |

| | |

| |Electromagnetic Modeling for NASA |

| | |

| |Other experience: |

| | |

|(c) |Name: Dr. Gilmer Blankenship |Title: President TRX-Systems |

| |Campus: |Dept: |

| |Degrees/Disciplines: |

| |BS, MS, PhD (MIT) Electrical Engineering |

| |Experience pertinent to project: In addition to his research on control, signal processing, and systems engineering, Dr. Blankenship |

| |directed a company that specializes in search and rescue based on satellite aided location technology. He directed the formation of a second|

| |company that provides services to the maritime community for ship location, tracking, systems and security monitoring. |

| |Other experience: Dr. Blankenship has an excellent appreciation of the value and potential of location technology for a wide range of |

| |application areas. |

|(d) |Name: Blake Robertson |Title: |

| |Campus: |Dept: |

| |College Park | |

| |Degrees/Disciplines: |

| |Undergraduate |

| | |

| |Experience pertinent to project: |

| |Computer hardware to software interfacing |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Other experience: |

| | |

|(e) |Name: Yun Bai |Title: |

| |Campus: |Dept: |

| |College Park | |

| |Degrees/Disciplines: |

| |Graduate Student |

| | |

| |Experience pertinent to project: |

| | |

| |VLSI Circuit Design and Electromagnetic Modeling |

| | |

| | |

| |Other experience: |

| | |

5. Commercialization/Economic Impact

For new projects, respond to 5(a) through 5(e) only. For Phase 2 projects, respond to 5(f) only.

(a) Commercialization Plans. What is the product or process you are planning to commercialize? Describe your strategy and time frame (following the completion of this project) for manufacturing the product, providing services or implementing the process. How will you finance this effort?

TRX-Systems, Inc. (TRX) in collaboration with other industry partners will commercialize the Fire Safety System (FSS). TRX was formed to take advantage of the emerging ubiquity of personal location technology and small electronics. The FSS will be our first product.

We propose to test the Phase I prototype FSS with the Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute to get feedback and to determine design weaknesses for refinements in Phase II. We anticipate that the Institute will help (indirectly) in publicizing a successful the system through its network. This will give us credibility and allow us access to the fire service market place.

We shall also explore collaboration with established providers of fire safety equipment. A preliminary discussion on this topic was held with Grade Industries.

TRX will fund the initial marketing efforts with internal funds. We plan a series of presentations and demonstrations at trade shows for public sector personnel. We have already applied to the Small Business Innovative Research programs of the National Science Foundation and other agencies for further development funds. This will limit the need to provide large amounts of our company stock to outside investors. We have been invited to submit a proposal to the Homeland Security Department for development of the TRX Fire Safety System. This proposal will be submitted on October 15th, 2003.

(b) Market. What is the market for the product or process? By what means have you determined this? What will be your market share and why? Who will be your customers? If you are not in the market now, how are you going to get there? What key strategies will make your product or process introduction successful?

In a recent report,[1] the Public Service Wireless Networking initiative (PSWN) gave a very precise statement of the problem addressed in this proposal. As pointed out in the PSWN Report, more than 1,000 “… firefighters have died in the line of duty over the past decade. One of the leading causes of firefighter death and injury is the inability of rescuers to locate and extract firefighters trapped in a structure or overcome by the progress of a fire. In 1999, six firefighters were killed in a large warehouse fire in Worcester, Massachusetts, subsequent to an internal structure collapse and a failed search and rescue effort. In calendar year 2000, five multiple fatality incidents resulted in the deaths of 10 firefighters. The tragic terrorist events of September 11, 2001, culminating in the loss of some 343 New York City firefighters at the World Trade Center, only amplifies the need for technology solutions that enhance incident scene accountability and assist in the search and rescue of trapped or downed personnel.”

“Why is it America has the technology to track a whale across oceans around the world and pinpoint rocks to the centimeter on the surface of Mars, but no devices to accurately pinpoint the location of downed firefighters inside a simple two-story building?” [Letter from National Fire and Rescue Magazine to President Clinton]

The initial market will be the fire service departments in municipalities. The need for the system was crystallized by the terrible loss of life in the September 11 terrorism We are unaware of a comprehensive competitive technology that captures the features, advantages and benefits of the proposed system.

It is to be emphasized that as the functionality of the system grows it will find great number of users since it is applicable to a wide range of defense, public service, and other end users. We believe the price point for the final system will be between $400-600 per unit depending on volume. There is the potential for many thousands of end users. Assuming a conservative price of $500 and an initial market of 10,000 units, the market is $5 million.

(c) Competition. What are the competing products or processes? What is being used now? Who will be

your competition? What is the uniqueness of your product or process?

We are unaware of any competitive technology that captures the features, advantages and benefits of the proposed Fire Safety System.

(d) Measurable Results. Forecast annual sales, new jobs created, jobs retained, cost reductions, etc. as a result of this project, starting 1 year after completion. Example: Year 1– 2 new jobs; year 2 – sales increase $900,000, 12 new jobs; Year 3 – additional sales $800,000, 11 new jobs… X years; etc.

| |Year 1 |Year 2 |Year 3 |Year 4 |

|Sales |$50,000 |$200,000 |$1,000,000 |$2,500,000 |

|Price*Units |$500*100 |$500*400 |$500*2,000 |$500*5,000 |

|Jobs Added |0 |1 |5 |10 |

|Jobs Retained |1 |2 |8 |18 |

We anticipate that the initial sales after the Phase II development is over will be modest, however given the potential market of $2.5 billion (see the Business Plan), we forecast conservatively that the sales will grow substantially in the coming years. The new jobs will be in the areas of development, marketing and support.

(e) Other factors pertinent to this project. Examples: importance of project, new opportunities, etc.

This will be the first product of our company, and it will establish our business. It is critical to our success.

(f) Review the commercialization/economic impact statements of your Phase I proposal and describe any changes or additions now envisioned and why. (Applies to Phase 2 applicants only)


6. Technical Proposal: A technical proposal is required. It is to consist of a narrative (not to exceed 5 pages), and a master schedule. The narrative should include:

( Purpose of the total project (all phases)

( Results to be achieved by the total project

( For this proposed phase only, describe:

- technical approach

- scope of work

- anticipated results

- risk factors

- other pertinent information

(Insert your technical proposal immediately after this page 8. Pages of the Technical Proposal should be numbered 8-a, 8-b, 8-c, etc. The Master Schedule follows on page 9. )


1. Introduction and Scope

1.1 Failure of Indoor GPS

We are developing a positioning system that is capable of operating indoors. The advent of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) has revolutionized remote location determination. However, the GPS network does not function inside most structures, i.e. office buildings, factories, etc. The reason is that GPS operates using low power, 1.57GHz electromagnetic (EM) waves. However, EM waves from GPS satellites do not propagate very well inside buildings. The main source of this deficiency is the exceptionally low power of GPS signals (-130dBm outside, sea level). GPS signals are so severely attenuated inside large buildings that GPS receivers cannot detect them. Furthermore, even if the satellite’s carrier signal could be detected, the attenuation is so large that the GPS receiver could not lock onto the modulation due to prohibitively low signal to noise ratios. The signal usually decreases by 20dBm upon entering a structure, and decreases another 10dBm for every building floor. If the GPS system could greatly increase the power output from their orbiting satellites, indoor positioning would be much more likely. However, there are two fundamental reasons why this is highly unlikely. One is that orbiting satellites can not output significant power without being quickly depleted. The second reason is that GPS operates with continuous wave (CW) propagation, and transmitting high power continuously could have harmful effects on people and the environment.

1.2 Solution

We are developing technology that enables indoor positioning. The new indoor positioning system (IPS) technology is based on a new method for location detection. The new technology is being developed with the aid of a unique CAD tool for electromagnetics. This new EM CAD tool, which was developed by our design team, is not available anywhere else. The IPS system will be ground based, and thus able to transmit orders of magnitude more power to the receiver than the satellite system. In addition, instead of transmitting continuously with CW, we employ pulsed power with EM waves propagating for time scales that are on the order of nanoseconds. This pulsed technique obviates the need for the receiver to lock onto the modulation scheme of a transmitter. It also avoids the potential problem of harming people and the environment because the EM signal is only present for nanoseconds, and therefore transmits negligible total energy.

To achieve this new IPS technology for indoor positioning, we are taking advantage of this new pulsed signal algorithm, as well as our unique, state of the art EM modeling code. We are also in a unique collaborative position which allows us to combine expertise in three fields: Radio Frequency Very Large Scale Integration (RF VLSI) Electronics; Electromagnetics (EM); and Statistics. Our experience in RF VLSI facilitates the design and fabrication of the necessary microelectronics hardware. The team’s expertise in electromagnetics will enable the optimized design and fabrication of antennas specific to the LPS applications, as well as the enhancement of our new state of the art EM modeling code for predicting the propagation of RF signals inside structures. Finally, by drawing on our work on statistics, we are developing techniques that extract the correct location information based on an overly determined data set. The technologies we plan to bring to market include:

• A local distance determination system capable of indoor operation.

• A local absolute positioning system capable of indoor operation.

• Software for predicting the path of electromagnetic wave propagation applied to positioning.

2. Indoor Positioning System: Underlying Theory

Below we describe the basic operating principle of our IPS system. We start by explaining how we use electronics and RF to measure absolute distance. We then explain how we extend the principle to measure precise location.

2.1. Measuring Absolute Distance

To measure absolute distance we use ultra-fast clocks in conjunction with the speed of light. Inexpensive ultra-fast clocks are now possible to build as a result of the microelectronic revolution. Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) Transistors are the basic building blocks of most modern integrated circuits (chips). Technology has moved so quickly that it is now possible to routinely build chips with millions of transistors that have critical dimensions of less than 0.2 microns. In addition to packing a large number of transistors on a chip, their small size allows these basic building blocks to operate on time scales of less than 0.1 nanosecond. It is now possible for even the small business to build chips using these state-of-the-art transistors. We design our circuits, and then contract out the fabrication to the manufacturer. (The manufacturer we use is the MOSIS facility, which specializes in small volumes.) This enables even a small business to develop products based on the most modern technology.

We have used ultra-small transistors to build ultra-fast clocks. In fact, with such small devices we have designed, and had electronic clocks fabricated that operate so fast that we can use them to measure the speed of light. For example, we have designed electronic clocks that can measure times as small as 0.1 nanosecond. By knowing that the speed of light is 3 X 1010 cm/sec, we can use our clocks, in conjunction with electromagnetic wave propagation, to measure distances with a resolution of 3cm [(3 X 1010 cm/sec)(1 X 10 –10 sec )=3cm].

To understand how we measure distances using fast clocks and electromagnetic (EM) waves, consider the following. At location ‘A’ we have a transceiver that is capable of sending and receiving electromagnetic signals. Connected to the transceiver is a very high frequency clock that is operating at a known frequency of say 10GHz. At location ‘B’ we have another transceiver. To measure the distance between points A and B, the transceiver at point A sends an EM signal to B, at the same time the clock at A starts. After a finite amount of time, transceiver B receives the signal and transmits it back to A. When A receives the signal the number of periods on the clock is recorded, which is the time it has required for the EM wave to go to from A to B and back to A. By multiplying this time by the speed of light, we can determine the distance between A and B. Intrinsic delays due to the electronics response times for the electronics will be easily measured and calibrated out.

2.2. Measuring Precise Location

Suppose we want to measure the location of a point B. We achieve this by extending the above methodology by using two more transceivers. We place transceivers A1, A2 and A3 at three known locations. Each transceiver has its own clock. Using the algorithm discussed above, we can find the distance between point B and A1, A2, A3. By knowing the distance between B and the three positioned transceivers, a simple geometric relationship will give the precise location of point B relative to A1, A2 or A3. (This is analogous to the GPS triangulation.)

3. Core Hardware Design

Electronics: The IPS system will be composed of base stations and personal LPS devices. The base stations will be mobile, but their positions will remain fixed once they are put into service for a specific IPS event. The personal IPS devices are mobile and worn by safety workers (firemen, or any other individual that we want to track). At the core of the personal IPS device is a transceiver. The base station consists of a transceiver, a GHz clock, a counter, and digital logic for converting counts to distance. (Of course there is additional circuitry identifying individual personnel.)

The personal IPS transceiver consists of a low noise input amplifier that is tuned to a specific very narrow band frequency range. The output signal is generated by a phase-locked loop (PLL) that is mixed with a square wave of very low duty cycle. The resulting output is an amplitude shift key modulated (ASK) carrier wave (pulsed sinusoidal) which is then fed into an RF amplifier to achieve power levels on the order of several watts. The output of the amplifier will then be impedance matched to drive the antenna. The base station consists of a transceiver which is similar to that of the personal LPS device. In addition, the base station will contain the digital electronics for clocking the time it takes for the signal to go to the personal transceiver and then back to the base station. This clocking circuit will be a voltage controlled ring oscillator that triggers a synchronous counter. The counter will record the time required for the EM wave to travel to the personal transceiver and back to the base station, and the information will be transformed digitally to distances.

We will develop two different IPS system designs types. One type will use off the shelf components (OTSC). A second system type will be developed which employs our own custom chips fabricated with CMOS technology. By developing our own IC’s we will optimize system performance. We already prototyped a rudimentary system using OTSC based on Linx transmitter and receiver modules which runs at 433MHz. Fig. 6.1 shows the prototype and its PC board design. We are currently designing an improved OTSC version using an Atmel T5750/T5760 ASK transmitter/receiver pair, which uses a carrier wave on the ISM (~900 MHz) band. The signal will be boosted to the level of watts using the LINX BBA-519-A power amp. The signal will be output with a 900 MHz splatch antenna and associated impedance matching networks. The clocking will be accomplished using an On-Semiconductor GHz range binary counter.

[pic] [pic]

Fig. 6.1: Prototype of distance detector and its PC board

After investigating limits of performance of our OTSC system, we will take advantage of our experience in RF VLSI, and design and prototype an optimized LPS system based on our own custom IC’s. The transmitter will generate a carrier with a frequency synthesizer that is based on a phase-locked loop (PLL). The transmitter output will be a tuned, common source-type power amp matched to an antenna (described below). The output circuit will also act to enable the counting circuit. The carrier will be modulated with a low duty cycle ASK mixing circuit that is digitally controlled. The receiver input stage will be a low noise amplifier that disables the counting circuit through a comparator on the base station. The high speed clock, used to calculate the time required for signals to travel, will be a three stage ring oscillator that inputs an asynchronous counter. The clock frequency will be approximately 10GHz in our prototype. Into the chip will also be designed the digital circuit that will convert the clock values into distances and location. The ASK modulation will be unique to distinguish between different personal receivers and thus track multiple personnel.

The circuits will be designed with the aid of the circuit simulator SPICE, and laid-out using the Cadence IC development software. Prototype chips will be fabricated through the MOSIS facility using the 0.25micron CMOS process. We have recently designed several test chips using MOSIS to establish design parameters and fabricated several of our circuit building blocks, including PLLs, clocks and counters as shown in Fig. 6.2 [1-3]. Circuits testing will be performed in the mixed signal VLSI lab which has appropriate oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzer, RF signal generators and design software.

Antennas: A good efficiency can be achieved for the base stations using directional antennas that span half-space. We will employ circularly or elliptically polarized fields. These polarizations have advantages over linearly polarized fields in that it can penetrate through fog, moisture, or other gases that are potentially present in the fire scene.

Microstrip surface patch antennas, which come in a wide variety of shapes, are ideal for such application because of their low profile, cost effectiveness, and ease of manufacturing. Wire antennas, on the other hand, have an extended profile that allows for increased efficiency but at the cost of volume. Microstrip antennas will be the first choice. Increasing the efficiency of these antennas can be made possible by increasing thickness of the substrate and using low-loss material. An excellent candidate that satisfies many constraints is an inverted ‘F’ antenna.

Because of the portability of the base station (small size), we intend to use the novel concept of high-impedance surface (HIS) to produce an effective ground plane that significantly diminishes reflections from the edges of a finite (small) ground plane. The HIS also improves the efficiency of the antenna and the matching potential as it eliminates the ripples in the input impedance.

The personal antenna, which will be placed on the protective suite of the fireman (or his protective helmet), needs to be an isotropic radiator, with equal efficiency in all directions. Several options will be considered such as a fat monopole to maximize efficiency. Patch antennas can be considered as an option. Initially, we intend to use off-the-shelf antennas. However, in-house design of such antennas is possible, as such antennas need to be mechanically and thermally robust while not sacrificing electrical (radiated) performance). We intend to investigate the effect of coatings on the antenna performance.

Antenna testing will be carried out in an anechoic chamber with sufficient absorption range over the frequency band of interest. The antennas will be characterized using a vector network analyzer, and the radiation patterns can be calculated using a spectrum analyzer. Several test antennas covering the frequency range 30MHz to 5GHz are available for pattern measurements.

4. Computer Aided Design (CAD) with State-of-the-Art Electromagnetic Modeling

Design of reliable IPS systems requires accurate modeling of EM signal propagation inside structures. Such modeling requires a full-wave solution to Maxwell’s equation in the time domain. However, conventional Maxwell equation Finite-Difference-Time-Domain (FDTD) solvers employ methods are limited by the Courant condition. This restriction requires very small time steps, and therefore prohibitively long simulation times are required to analyze the details of EM propagation inside buildings. To overcome this problem, we have developed a unique state-of-the-art simulator that uses the Alternating-Direction-Implicit (ADI) method [4]. This new simulator has given our design team a unique capability in the CAD of IPS systems. In this new FDTD-ADI method. Maxwell’s equations are discretized with the electric and magnetic fields on different grids [4]. By manipulating Maxwell’s equations, we transform the differential equations to a system of tri-diagonal algebraic equations. Each matrix of the system corresponds to one specific dimension [4]. We then solve the tri-diagonal systems at each time step for the EM fields in 3D.

Our novel CAD tool predicts the velocity and power of an electromagnetic RF pulse as it propagates from a base station to the receiver and back. In addition, the CAD tool can tell us if there is any deviation from the straight line path of propagation. Fig. 6.3a shows the RF signal wavefronts as they propagate inside buildings. Data from the simulations shown in Fig.6.3b indicates the path of the signal that first arrives at the receiver can be taken as virtually a straight line.

[pic] [pic]

Fig 6.3a shows the simulation of EM waves propagating through walls inside a building. Red represents highest power and blue is lowest. Fig. 6.3b shows the simulated deviation from the straight line paths of EM waves propagating through wall inside a building. The line represents the straight line path. The points are the simulated distances and show very minor deviation from the straight line path.

5. Statistics

6. Complementary Approaches

We have also explored complementary and alternative approaches to locate lost safety workers inside buildings. Our background investigation and market analysis indicate that there are two possible approaches which may complement our own method. The first is an audio alarm. A downed fireman my activate an audio alarm that can lead other safety personnel to the general location. In the chaotic atmosphere of a conflagration such an alarm may not be discernable. In addition, the alarm itself does not provide the identity of the victim. Also, the victim may have been incapacitated, and be unable to activate the alarm. In any case, this approach is fairly simple so it could be easily added to complement our own LPS design.

While GPS receivers will not consistently operate indoors, we will still employ GPS receivers for situations where they are able to operate to complement our LPS system. Motorola Corporation has announced that it plans to bring a new GPS receiver IC to the market. The company claims that the sensitivity of the new MG4000 chip will be as much at -153dBm. The outdoor power of the GPS satellite signal when is reaches the earth is approximately -130dBm. Our modeling and the literature indicate that the signal is reduced by another 20dBm once it enters a single story building, and attenuates another 10dBm for each additional building level[5]. The conclusion from this information is that this nascent Motorola chip should be able to operate in small (one and perhaps two story) structures. We therefore plan to use this chip to complement our proposed system. It will be straightforward to incorporate this chip into our IPS system. If the GPS chip can detect the location, the information will be transmitted to the base stations using the personal IPS transceiver using an FSK modulation scheme.

7. Feasiblity and Risk/Benefit Factors:

It is highly likely that we will produce prototypes that employ off-the-shelf-components (OTSC) within the first year of this program. We have already developed an OTSC prototype that indicates if the protection worker has ventured too far from home base. Test circuits using OTSC chips can be fabricated in just a few weeks. We have already developed the EM software and it has indicated that the first pulse received will be very close to the direct path, thereby theoretically substantiating our principle of operation. In addition, OTSC chips and PC board fabrication are inexpensive and clearly within the budget. Measuring the benefit of potentially saving lives against the risk of investment, we firmly believe that the benefits strongly outweigh the risks.

1. Z. Dilli, and N. Goldsman, MOSIS Design number 65046; Design name: ringosc05; Technology: SCN3ME\_SUBM, lambda = 0.3; (An oscillator-counter chip test chip) 2002.

2. Z. Dilli and N. Goldsman, MOSIS Design number 64639; Design name: diginterf;Technology: SCNA, lambda = 0.8; (An oscillator-counter test chip) 2002.

3. Y. Bai and N. Goldsman, MOSIS Design number: 65008; Design name: FSK; Technology: SCN3ME\_SUBM, lambda = 0.3; (An FSK transmitter test chip) 2002.

4. X. Shao, N. Goldsman, O. Ramahi, P. N. Guzdar, A New Method for Simulation of On-Chip Interconnects and Substrate Currents with 3D Alternating-Direction-Implicit (ADI) Maxwell Equation Solver. 2003 International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices, pp. 315-318.

5. S. R. Saunders, Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Communication Systems, Wiley, 1999.


Phase #

Fill out the master schedule form (page 9). A typical master schedule will consist of 4 to 10 schedule items. An example of a partial master schedule is as follows:


Phase #

| | |

|Schedule Item |Month |

| | | | |

|# |Description |1 |2 |

|1. |Salaries/Wages (include time, even if no charge, and rates) | | |

| |Faculty: |$ | |

| |Graduate Students: |$ | |

| |Undergraduate Students: |$ 5,000 | |

| |Technicians: |$ | |

| |Secretarial/Clerical: |$ | |

| |Other: |$ | |

| | All salaries and wages: |$ | |

| |Employee benefits: |$ | |

| | Subtotal: | |$ 5,000 |

|2. |Purchased Items (describe) | | |

| |Equipment: |$ | |

| |Parts and materials: |$ | |

| |Other: |$ | |

| | Subtotal: | |$ |

|3. |University and Department Charges (describe) | | |

| |Supplies: |$ | |

| |Lab: |$ | |

| |Other: |$ | |

| | Subtotal: | |$ |

|4. |Subcontractors/Consultants (Who? Purpose?) | | |

| | |$ | |

| | |$ | |

| | Subtotal: | |$ |

|5. |Other (describe, and give travel destinations) | | |

| |Travel: |$ | |

| |Publishing: |$ | |

| |Other: |$ | |

| | Subtotal: | |$ |


| |OVERHEAD ( % of ) | |$ |

| | | | |


| |Note: Transfer 10(a) to page 14, item 11(a). | | |

10. Cost Estimates


| |(Add descriptive information in space provided) |Line Items |Categories |

|1. |Salaries/Wages (include time, even if no charge, and rates) | | |

| |Supervisory: 200 @ $81.00 |$ 16,200 | |

| |Engineers: 2,200 @ $30.14 |$ 66,308 | |

| |Technicians/shop: |$ | |

| |Secretarial/Clerical: |$ | |

| |Other: |$ | |

| | All salaries and wages: |$ | |

| |Employee benefits (if not part of overhead): |$ | |

| | Subtotal: | |$ 82,508 |

|2. |Purchased Items (describe) | | |

| |Equipment: |$ 5,000 | |

| |Parts, materials and supplies: |$ | |

| |Other: |$ 2,000 | |

| | Subtotal: | |$ 7,000 |

|3. |Subcontractors/Consultants (Who? Purpose?) | | |

| | |$ | |

| | |$ | |

| | Subtotal: | |$ |

|4. |Other (describe, and give travel destinations) | | |

| |*Equipment loan: including delivery: |$ | |

| |Travel: |$ | |

| |Other: |$ | |

| | Subtotal: | |$ |

| |TOTAL DIRECT COSTS | |$ 91,508 |

| |OVERHEAD ( % of ) | |$ 41,254 |

| | | | |

| |TOTAL COMPANY BUDGET |(10(b)) |$ 132,762 |

| |Note: Transfer 10(b) to page 14, item 11(b). | | |

| | | | |

| |*Describe equipment: | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

(10. cont'd)


This is only for equipment required for the project which will be given by the Company to the University. Describe equipment and identify make, model, other specifications if known:

If gift of new equipment, so indicate and give price, less normal university discount (if applicable). If used equipment, indicate age and condition and estimated market value. Also itemize related costs, if applicable, such as shipping.

Total value of equipment delivered 10(c) $

Note: Transfer 10(c) to page 14, item 11(c).

Date for transfer of equipment to the University



| |(a) |University budget (from page 11, item 10(a)) | |$ 70,000 |

| |(b) |Company budget for its own effort |$ 132,762 | |

| | |(from page 12, item 10(b)) | | |

| |(c) |Company budget for equipment gift |$ | |

| | |(from page 13, item (10(c)) | | |

| |(d) |Total Company budget (line b + c) | |$ 132,762 |

| | | | | |

| | |TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET (line a +d) | |$ 202,762 |


Note: Funding by MIPS & Company (lines e & f) equals University budget (line a).

| (e) |By MIPS program | |$ 63,000 |

| *(f) |Company cash match (see below) | |$ 7,000 |

| (g) |Company equipment gift (from line 11 (c)) | |$ 0 |

| (h) |Total Company contribution to University | |$ 7,000 |

| |(lines f +g = h) | | |

|**(i) |Company budget for its own effort “in-kind” | |$ 132,762 |

| |(from line 11(b)) | | |

| (j) |Total Company Match (see below) | |$ 129,762 |

| |(lines h+ i = j) | | |

| (k) |Is funding proposed above the only funding for this research? yes no |

| |If no, explain below or on a separate sheet, page 14(a). |

| | |

*Minimum cash match is: **Minimum in-kind match is:

75% of line 11(a) for large company. 15% of line 11(a) for large company.

50% of line 11(a) for medium company. 25% of line 11 (a) for medium company.

35% of line 11(a) for small company. 30% of line 11(a) for small company.

10% of line 11(a) for start-up company. 35% of line 11(a) for start-up company.

12. Budget for Future Project Phases

If you plan to submit a Phase 2 proposal, provide estimates. These estimates may be modified later.

| | | | |

|Phase |University |Company |Total Project |

| |Budget $ |Budget $ |Budget $ |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|2 |$170,000 |$200,000 |$370,000 |

13. Will any project participant bring to the project an invention, improvement, discovery, software or intellectual property (owned by the participant, University, or third party) that will be modified or extended as part of the project scope of work, for which the participant will claim intellectual property rights or will expect to receive compensation?

yes no

If yes, give name and organization of participant, the property to be modified or extended and the intellectual property rights claimed. If University owned, please also reference the identification number.


1. Multiyear Projects

All project applications will be evaluated based on the entire project. A selected two-phase project will be funded for the first phase only. Successful performance of Phase 1 and a satisfactory Phase 2 application are prerequisites for funding of the second Phase.

2. Company Cash Payment

The Company cash contribution page 14, item 11(f) is a single payment made at the beginning of the project. Checks are to be made out to the University of Maryland and mailed to the MIPS office.

3. Proprietary Information

If Company proprietary information is included with this application or is transmitted to University personnel during the course of the project, it should be labeled "Company Proprietary" and contained in a separate envelope marked "Company Proprietary". If requested by MIPS, Company must provide MIPS with written justification as to why such materials should not be disclosed by MIPS if disclosure is requested by a third party under the Maryland Public Information Act. Any proprietary information submitted to MIPS will be safeguarded by MIPS personnel. When proprietary information is transmitted to MIPS for use on the project, MIPS will forward it to the Principal Investigator (P.I.) with instructions for safeguarding the material. Under University policy, reasonable efforts will be made to protect such information or materials from disclosure, but liability will not be accepted if such efforts fail.

4. Economic Impact Reports

The Company is to submit a report one year after project completion, describing the commercial impact of the project. The report is to be brief and is to address the type of issues that are projected in this application. Additional economic impact reports are to be submitted at the end of successive years, for a total of five (5) or more reports. MIPS will send requests to the Company for each of these five (5) reports.

5. Communication

Company Project Manager, University P.I. and MIPS staff shall communicate whenever appropriate to avoid or minimize any problems, and to enhance project activities. The parties shall meet to discuss plans and answer any questions at the beginning, middle, and end of the project.

6. Credits

If the Company or University releases project information for publication or for use by the media, appropriate credit is to be given to the MIPS Program and University of Maryland, College Park.



[1] library/pdf/wfl.pdf





• Attach Principal Investigator’s two-page C.V. after this page 16.

• Start-up companies – attach your business plan executive summary, financial pro forma and current financials after the C.V.

Fig.6.2: PLL and Counter chip for custom IPS










In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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