Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education, University ... - UMD

Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education, University of MarylandCollege Success ScholarsParents’ Involvement Working GroupThe Parents' Involvement Working Group is comprised of parent(s)/caretaker(s) of undergraduate students enrolled in the College Success Scholars program. CSS parents are expected to participate and maintain active engagement with program activities and committees until Scholars have met all requirements for graduation from the University of Maryland. While there is no charge for participation in the CSS Program, families are asked to make a minimal donation to cover the cost for special activities that support the CSS scholars. Additionally, the Parents’ Involvement Working Group hosts an Annual Gala to provide an opportunity to showcase the work of the Scholars, as well as raise funds to support the Program.The Parents' Involvement Working Group is a group of parents/caretakers who serve the College Success Scholars (CSS) Program through various activities including, serving as mentors to incoming first year parents; developing funding opportunities to support the program goals; planning academic, social service learning and professional (guest speakers, field trips, internships, and employment) activities for CSS participants; promoting family engagement and outreach; and providing ongoing support to the Director and staff of the Office of Multi-Ethnic Students Education (OMSE). The parent(s) are expected to maintain active membership within the Parents' Involvement Working Group until the CSS participant has met all requirements for graduation from the University of Maryland.CSS Parents’ Executive Board The role of the Executive Board is to support the vision and mission of the Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education (OMS) and the College Success Scholars (CSS) Program as led by the Director; to work collaboratively and in partnership with the Director and staff to achieve goals of the CSS program; provide support to and for all scholars; and to provide guidance and advice on matters related to the administration of the CSS Program. The Executive Board provides opportunity for parents to participate in a number of leadership and support capacities:Chairperson/Co-ChairpersonAppointed by the Executive Director of the Office of Multi-Ethnic Student EducationCoordinate the work of the Executive Board and Sub-CommitteesPreside over Executive Board MeetingsCoordinate the preparation and dissemination of Executive Board Meeting agendas and materialsCoordinate the work of the Parent Involvement Working Group.Preside over meetings of the Parent Involvement Working Group.Collaborate with the Executive Director to prepare agendas and meeting materials for Parent Advisory Group meetings.Serve as the official representative of the Parent Advisory Working Group.Responsible for approving all Executive Board communications.Co-chairperson performs the duties of the Chairperson in her/his absence.Clerk /Assistant Clerk Record minutes at Executive Board & Parent Involvement Working Group meetingsFacilitate the review and approval of minutes by the Executive Board.Copy and distribute minutes at meetings. Maintain a file of all past minutes for each operating year Maintain the Parent Involvement Working Group contact list.Collaborate with OMSE staff to create a yearly CSS DirectoryTreasurer/Assistant Treasurer Manage and report on the Parent Involvement Working Group finances.Prepares and manages the program budget.Monitors the budget.Ensures compliance with the Board's financial policies.Prepares any required financial reporting forms.Maintains all bank accounts and oversees all financial transactions.Documents, maintains, and provides oversight of parent donation logDocuments, maintains, and provides oversight of all donations made to CSS program CommitteesThe work of the Parents’ Involvement Working Group is carried out largely by means of activity-directed committees. All parents are expected actively to participate in the work of one or more committees based on their interest, knowledge and skills. Each committee is led by a chair and co-chair volunteer who are members of the Executive Board.Advocacy CommitteeThe purpose of this committee is to acknowledge milestones, and special events. The committee provides support, encouragement, and sympathy to CSS and their parents. It ensures that there is a collective community response of appreciation for contributions to CSS. Specifically this committee will lead and coordinate the CSS executive board’s outreach via fundraising and communication. It helps inspire a connection to the purpose of CSS. It helps in marketing and innovation to promote CSS on campus. Specific activities include:In collaboration with the Fund Development Committee, lead and coordinate the CSS Executive Board’s outreach via fundraising and communication.Engage key education thought leaders to express the value, impact and importance of the CSS program on the students served.Engagement: Inspire a profound connection to the mission of the CSS Program.Marketing: Promotional materials that showcase the CSS Program impact and outcomes.Excellence: Further the CSS brand in the community as a program of excellenceFundraising: Build a network of community partners and contributorsInnovation: Recommending programs and opportunities that positively impact the CSS experienceSunshine Sub-CommitteeThe purpose of this Committee is to acknowledge milestones, special events (including deaths, births, and accomplishments). The committee will provide support, encouragement, and sympathy to College Success Scholars and their parents. The committee will ensure there is a collective community response of appreciation for contributions for the betterment of the College Success Scholars program Serve as a community outreach/hospitality/liaison for the CSS students and family.Acts as a support person on behalf of the CSS board during time of Need/crisis/Celebration.Responsible for acknowledging students and family’s special dates/events (e.g. Birthdays, Milestone, life achievement, Bereavement, Birth, adoption, graduation etc.)Point of contact for all notification of events/incidentsTelecommunication followed by a card or flowers or whatever the token may be.Work in conjunction with members to develop a procedure to inform or contact students and family members Determine appropriate response for each event /occasion (in conjunction with board members if time permits).Manage Budget for purchase of cards, flowers and materials or other social outreachResponsible for procurements of supplies.Maintain inventory of cards.Sign cards on behalf of the Sunshine Club/committeeFather and Son/Male Mentoring Committee; Coordinate professional, social and academic activities that promote father and son/male mentoring rolesAttend and participate in CSS program activities through coordination with the CSS team leaders, Executive Board and DirectorFund Development CommitteeDevelop and implement the Fund Development Plan as a resource for raising revenue in support of program activitiesTake the lead in identifying best practices for fund development including marketing, social media, and collateral materialsProvide direction to the Parents’ Executive Board on individual and direct marketing strategies and practices for raising revenue in support of program activitiesHospitality CommitteeCoordinate meals and food donations for Parent Involvement Working Group meetingsCoordinate exam snacks and packages for ScholarsCoordinate and/or support the hospitality needs for special events for Scholars and CSS Program, such as CSS scholar and parent Orientation, End of Summer Event, Senior Celebration, End of Year Barbeque, Annual Gala Parent Engagement Committee This Committee works to ensure that parents remain actively engaged in the work of the CSS Program until Scholars have met the requirements for graduation from the University of Maryland. Responsibilities of this Committee are to:Serve as a link between OMSE, Parent Involvement Working Groups and larger CSS Community by:Coordinating with OMSE staff the dissemination of communicating information to parent/family mentors about activities.Serve as lead contact for the New Parent mentoring, Sunshine, and Parent Outreach/Accountability Sub- Committees by performing the following duties:Assist with the recruitment of parents and volunteers to serve on Parent Involvement Working Groups Sub-committees and CSS events.Assist with the recruitment of retuning parents/families to serve as mentors to incoming parents/families.Coordinate phone trees and calling efforts to recruit and sign-up parents to help with and support activities and events of the CSS program.Assist with outreach and engagement of Alumni parents and students’ regarding internships, jobs etc.Assist meeting the needs of the Scholars.Send reminders of scheduled meetings to parents.Monitor parent attendance at every meeting.Contact parents who have missed one or more meetings. Provide advance notice of the Annual Gala to students and alumsProfessional Development CommitteeRecommend and coordinate professional development opportunities for scholars, including field trips to professional organizations such as the Supreme Court and IMFOrganize a schedule of professional development workshops (resume, business attire, interviewing skills, etc. for parents and students throughout the academic year.Collect and disseminate professional resource information, (e.g., internships, research, employment opportunities, fellowships, co-ops, and scholarships). ................

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