United Nations

United NationsIndex to administrative?issuancesJanuary 2018Introduction 1.The present index to administrative issuances lists in alphanumeric order by series symbol, together with date and subject matter, all issuances at United Nations Headquarters that were current as at 31 December 2017. It also includes a subject index and an alphabetical index. The index is issued annually. 2.The index comprises the following sections:(a)ST/SGB/- series. These bulletins promulgate Regulations adopted by the General Assembly, establish Financial Rules, Staff Rules and the organizational structure of the Secretariat and contain important decisions of policy. They are issued by the Secretary-General and remain in effect from a given date until specifically amended or abolished;(b)ST/AI/- series. These administrative instructions prescribe instructions and procedures for the implementation of Secretary-General’s bulletins and set forth office practices and procedures to be applied in more than one department of the Secretariat. These instructions remain in effect from a given date until specifically amended or abolished;(c)Subject and alphabetical indexes. The subject and alphabetical indexes provide the information needed to locate issuances on specific subjects.3.Copies of the index are available through official distribution. The index is also archived in the Official Document System and is included in the Human Resources Handbook.ments and suggestions concerning this publication would be appreciated. They should be addressed to the Chief, Policy and Conditions of Service Section, Office of Human Resources Management, Secretariat Building, Room S-1865, New York, N.Y. 10017.1 January 2018ContentsPageAdministrative issuances, by alphanumeric symbol6Issuances under Secretary-General’s bulletin ST/SGB/2009/46Secretary-General’s bulletins 20176Secretary-General’s bulletins 20166Secretary-General’s bulletins 20157Secretary-General’s bulletins 20147Secretary-General’s bulletins 20137Secretary-General’s bulletins 20128Secretary-General’s bulletins 20118Secretary-General’s bulletins 20108Secretary-General’s bulletins 20099Secretary-General’s bulletins 20089Secretary-General’s bulletins 200710Secretary-General’s bulletins 200610Secretary-General’s bulletins 200511Secretary-General’s bulletins 200412Secretary-General’s bulletins 200312Secretary-General’s bulletins 200213Secretary-General’s bulletins 200113Secretary-General’s bulletins 200013Secretary-General’s bulletins 199914Secretary-General’s bulletins 199814Secretary-General’s bulletins 199714Administrative instructions 201715Administrative instructions 201615Administrative instructions 201515Administrative instructions 201416Administrative instructions 201316Administrative instructions 201216Administrative instructions 201116Administrative instructions 201017Administrative instructions 200917Administrative instructions 200817Administrative instructions 200718Administrative instructions 200618Administrative instructions 200518Administrative instructions 200319Administrative instructions 200219Administrative instructions 200119Administrative instructions 200020Administrative instructions 199920Administrative instructions 199821Administrative instructions 199721Issuances under Secretary-General’s bulletin ST/SGB/10021Secretary-General’s bulletins21Administrative instructions23Subject index to administrative issuances28Buildings, premises and security28Buildings and premises28Garage28Passes28Safety28Security28Claims29Communications, archives and records29Archives and records29Communications, correspondence and mailing29Pouch29Conferences29Documents and publications30General30Regulations for the control and limitation of documentation30Finance31Financial arrangements31General31Financial regulations and rules32Revenue-producing activities32Trust funds and special accounts32General office procedures32Human resources33Administration-staff relations33Allowances, entitlements and grants33Appeals34Appointments, placement and promotion34Attendance, leave and working hours36Delegation of authority36Duties and obligations36Job classification system37General37Medical and other insurance38Pensions, post-retirement services and employment beyond retirement38Post adjustment38Salary scales and payments38Staff regulations and rules39Training, career development and examinations39United States taxes39Visas39Library39Missions40Organizational structure40General40Institutes40Secretariat departments and units40Secretariat boards and committees42Units servicing voluntary programmes43Property and supplies43Property control43General43Protocol43Travel and transportation44Automobiles, baggage and customs44Expenses44General44Alphabetical index to administrative issuances45A.Administrative issuances, by alphanumeric symbol I.Issuances under Secretary-General’s bulletin ST/SGB/2009/41.Secretary-General’s bulletins 2017SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/SGB/2017/1 and ST/SGB/2017/1/Corr.130/12/16Staff Regulations and Rules of the United Nations ST/SGB/2017/2/Rev.128/11/17Protection against retaliation for reporting misconduct and for cooperating with duly authorized audits or investigations ST/SGB/2017/329/12/17Abolishment of obsolete Secretary-General’s bulletins2.Secretary-General’s bulletins 2016SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/SGB/2016/2/Rev.126/12/17Introduction of a new staff selection and managed mobility system See also ST/AI/2010/3, ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.1, ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.2 and ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.3ST/SGB/2016/3/Rev.126/12/17Senior Review Board See also ST/AI/2010/3, ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.1, ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.2 and ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.3ST/SGB/2016/4/Rev.126/12/17Global Central Review Board See also ST/AI/2010/3, ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.1, ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.2 and ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.3ST/SGB/2016/62/5/16Regulations and Rules Governing Programme Planning, the Programme Aspects of the Budget, the Monitoring of Implementation and the Methods of EvaluationST/SGB/2016/722/6/16Terms of reference for the Office of the United Nations Ombudsman and Mediation ServicesST/SGB/2016/822/6/16Placement of staff members serving in the Executive Office of the Secretary-GeneralST/SGB/2016/921/7/16Status, basic rights and duties of United Nations staff membersST/SGB/2016/1013/7/16Senior Review GroupST/SGB/2016/1121/9/16Organization of the Office of Information and Communications TechnologySee also ST/SGB/2015/3ST/SGB/2016/128/11/16Mandatory learning programme: United Nations Human Rights Responsibilities3.Secretary-General’s bulletins 2015SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/SGB/2015/19/4/15Delegation of authority in the administration of the Staff Regulations and Staff RulesAnnex I to ST/AI/234/Rev.1ST/SGB/2015/322/7/15Organization of the Secretariat of the United NationsST/SGB/2015/41/7/15Supplement to the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United NationsSee also ST/SGB/2013/44.Secretary-General’s bulletins 2014 SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/SGB/2014/319/6/14Employment and accessibility for staff members with disabilities in the United Nations Secretariat5.Secretary-General’s bulletins 2013 SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/SGB/2013/13/1/13Organization of the Office of Central Support ServicesSee also ST/SGB/2010/9 ST/SGB/2013/216/4/13Management Performance BoardSee also ST/SGB/2005/16, as amended by ST/SGB/2006/14ST/SGB/2013/41/7/13Financial Regulations and Rules of the United NationsSee also ST/SGB/2015/4 and ST/AI/2016/7ST/SGB/2013/55/8/13Organization of the Department of Safety and SecuritySee also ST/SGB/2015/3 6.Secretary-General’s bulletins 2012 SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/SGB/2012/229/3/12Publications BoardSee also ST/AI/2001/5ST/SGB/2012/320/7/12International Criminal Tribunals: Information sensitivity, classification, handling and accessSee also ST/SGB/2007/5 and ST/SGB/2007/6ST/SGB/2012/427/7/12Senior Management GroupSee also ST/SGB/2005/167.Secretary-General’s bulletins 2011 SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/SGB/2011/21/1/11Authority of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UNWomen) in matters relating to human resources managementST/SGB/2011/3 and ST/SGB/2011/3/Amend.116/3/11 16/11/12Management CommitteeSee also ST/SGB/2005/16, as amended by ST/SGB/2006/14ST/SGB/2011/420/7/11Organization of the Office of Human Resources ManagementSee also ST/SGB/2015/3 and ST/SGB/2010/9ST/SGB/2011/6/Rev.111/7/13Staff-Management CommitteeSee also ST/AI/2014/3ST/SGB/2011/729/9/11Central review bodiesSee also ST/AI/2010/3, ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.1, ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.2 and ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.3 ST/SGB/2011/918/10/11Continuing appointmentsSee also ST/AI/2012/3ST/SGB/2011/1019/10/11Young professionals programmeSee also ST/AI/2012/2/Rev.1 and ST/AI/2012/2/Rev.1/Amend.18.Secretary-General’s bulletins 2010 SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/SGB/2010/15/2/10Organization of the Department of Peacekeeping OperationsSee also ST/SGB/2015/3, ST/SGB/2009/13 and ST/SGB/2009/13/Corr.1ST/SGB/2010/24/3/10Organization of the Department of Field SupportSee also ST/SGB/2015/3, ST/SGB/2010/9, ST/SGB/2009/13, ST/SGB/2009/13/Corr.1 and ST/SGB/2010/1ST/SGB/2010/37/4/10Organization and terms of reference of the Office of Administration of JusticeSee also ST/SGB/2015/3ST/SGB/2010/523/4/10Establishment and operation of the Central Emergency Response FundSee also ST/SGB/2009/4ST/SGB/2010/72/8/10Organization of the secretariat of the Economic and Social Commission for Western AsiaSee also ST/SGB/2015/3ST/SGB/2010/8/Rev.124/5/12United Nations Memorial and Recognition FundSee also ST/AI/2010/1ST/SGB/2010/96/12/10Organization of the Department of ManagementSee also ST/SGB/2015/39.Secretary-General’s bulletins 2009 SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/SGB/2009/116/1/09Authority of the United Nations Office for Project Services in matters relating to human resources managementST/SGB/2009/31/3/09Organization of the United Nations Office at NairobiSee also ST/SGB/2015/3, ST/SGB/2002/14 and ST/SGB/2006/13ST/SGB/2009/418/12/09Procedures for the promulgation of administrative issuancesST/SGB/2009/922/6/09Learning and development policyST/SGB/2009/121/8/09Records and archives of the United Nations Monitoring Verification and Inspection CommissionST/SGB/2009/13 and ST/SGB/2009/13/Corr.11/10/09 5/11/09Organization of the Department of Political AffairsSee also ST/SGB/2015/3 ST/SGB/2009/1418/12/09Organization of the United Nations Office for PartnershipsSee also ST/SGB/2015/3 10.Secretary-General’s bulletins 2008 SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/SGB/2008/511/2/08Prohibition of discrimination, harassment, including sexual harassment, and abuse of authoritySee also ST/SGB/2008/14ST/SGB/2008/628/4/08United Nations Exhibits CommitteeSee also ST/AI/416 and ST/AI/2008/1ST/SGB/2008/827/6/08Organization of the Office for Disarmament AffairsSee also ST/SGB/2015/3ST/SGB/2008/927/6/08Organization of the secretariat of the Economic Commission for EuropeSee also ST/SGB/2015/3ST/SGB/2008/111/8/08Joint Negotiation Committee for the FieldST/SGB/2008/121/8/08Departmental focal points for women in the SecretariatSee also ST/SGB/282 and ST/AI/1999/9ST/SGB/2008/131/8/08Organization of the Office of Legal AffairsSee also ST/SGB/2015/3ST/SGB/2008/1427/10/08Joint Harassment Prevention BoardsSee also ST/SGB/2008/511.Secretary-General’s bulletins 2007SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/SGB/2007/512/2/07Record-keeping and the management of United Nations archivesSee also ST/SGB/2004/15 and ST/SGB/2007/6ST/SGB/2007/612/2/07Information sensitivity, classification and handlingSee also ST/SGB/2007/5ST/SGB/2007/715/2/07Organization of the United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing StatesSee also ST/SGB/2015/3ST/SGB/2007/915/6/07Joint Negotiation Committee at HeadquartersST/SGB/2007/1029/6/07Records of the United Nations Compensation CommissionSee also ST/SGB/2007/5 and ST/SGB/2007/6ST/SGB/2007/11 and ST/SGB/2007/11/Amend.130/11/0716/4/13United Nations system-wide application of ethics: separately administered organs and programmesSee also ST/SGB/2005/22 and ST/SGB/2017/212.Secretary-General’s bulletins 2006 SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/SGB/2006/522/3/06Acceptance of pro bono goods and servicesST/SGB/2006/610/4/06Financial disclosure and declaration of interest statementsST/SGB/2006/731/5/06Records of the Serious Crimes Unit of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Timor-LesteSee also ST/AI/2006/2ST/SGB/2006/131/12/06Organization of the secretariat of the United Nations Environment ProgrammeSee also ST/SGB/2015/3 and ST/SGB/2009/3ST/SGB/2006/148/12/06Amendment to Secretary-General’s bulletin ST/SGB/2005/16 on new mechanisms to strengthen the executive management of the United Nations SecretariatSee also ST/SGB/2005/16 and ST/SGB/2011/3ST/SGB/2006/1526/12/06Post-employment restrictionsST/SGB/2006/1622/12/06 Disposition of the documents of the Independent Inquiry Committee into the United Nations Oil-for-Food Programme13.Secretary-General’s bulletins 2005 SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/SGB/2005/713/4/05 Designation of staff members performing significant functions in the management of financial, human and physical resourcesST/SGB/2005/92/5/05Organization of the Department for General Assembly and Conference ManagementSee also ST/SGB/2015/3ST/SGB/2005/102/5/05Establishment of a Senior Advisory Board on Services to the PublicST/SGB/2005/1129/4/05Organization of the secretariat of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the PacificSee also ST/SGB/2015/3ST/SGB/2005/1229/4/05Organization of the secretariat of the Economic Commission for Africa See also ST/SGB/2015/3ST/SGB/2005/1622/8/05New mechanisms to strengthen the executive management of the United Nations SecretariatSee also ST/SGB/2006/14 and ST/SGB/2011/3ST/SGB/2005/2230/12/05Ethics Office — establishment and terms of reference14.Secretary-General’s bulletins 2004 SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/SGB/2004/515/3/04Organization of the United Nations Office at ViennaSee also ST/SGB/1997/5, as amended by ST/SGB/2002/11, and ST/SGB/2004/6ST/SGB/2004/615/3/04Organization of the United Nations Office on Drugs and CrimeSee also ST/SGB/2015/3, ST/SGB/2004/5, ST/SGB/240 and ST/SGB/388ST/SGB/2004/91/6/04Independent inquiry into the oil-for-food programmeST/SGB/2004/1028/5/04Authority of the United Nations Population Fund in matters relating to human resourcesST/SGB/2004/119/8/04Payment of insurance proceeds under the malicious acts insurance policyST/SGB/2004/13/Rev.126/6/14Personal status for purposes of United Nations entitlementsST/SGB/2004/1529/11/04Use of information and communication technology resources and data15.Secretary-General’s bulletins 2003 SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/SGB/2003/424/1/03Flexible working arrangementsST/SGB/2003/623/4/03Office of the Special Adviser on AfricaSee also ST/SGB/2015/3ST/SGB/2003/911/8/03Non-smoking policy at United Nations Headquarters, New YorkST/SGB/2003/139/10/03Special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuseSee also ST/SGB/1999/13, ST/SGB/2008/5 and ST/SGB/2008/14ST/SGB/2003/1425/10/03Policy on breastfeedingST/SGB/2003/1621/11/03Organization of the Office of Programme Planning, Budget and AccountsSee also ST/SGB/2015/3 and ST/SGB/2010/9ST/SGB/2003/1721/11/03Information and Communications Technology BoardSee also ST/AI/2005/10 and ST/SGB/2004/15ST/SGB/2003/181/12/03Policy on HIV/AIDS in the workplaceSee also ST/SGB/1999/1716.Secretary-General’s bulletins 2002 SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/SGB/2002/523/4/02Introduction of a new staff selection systemSee also ST/SGB/2016/2/Rev.1, ST/AI/2010/3, ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.1, ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.2 and ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.3ST/SGB/2002/716/5/02Organization of the Office of Internal Oversight ServicesSee also ST/SGB/273ST/SGB/2002/85/6/02Evacuation procedures for the United Nations Headquarters complexST/SGB/2002/918/6/02Regulations Governing the Status, Basic Rights and Duties of Officials other than Secretariat Officials, and Experts on MissionSee also ST/SGB/2016/9ST/SGB/2002/1422/11/02Organization of the secretariat of the United Nations Human Settlements ProgrammeSee also ST/SGB/2009/3ST/SGB/2002/1831/12/02New nomenclature for staff of the United Nations17.Secretary-General’s bulletins 2001SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/SGB/2001/728/8/01Procedures to be followed by the departments, offices and regional commissions of the United Nations with regard to treaties and international agreements18.Secretary-General’s bulletins 2000 SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/SGB/2000/424/1/00Organization of the United Nations Office at GenevaSee also ST/SGB/2015/3ST/SGB/2000/57/2/00Organization of the secretariat of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the CaribbeanSee also ST/SGB/2015/3ST/SGB/2000/617/2/00Organization of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near EastSee also ST/SGB/2015/3ST/SGB/2000/1122/5/00Visa CommitteeST/SGB/2000/15 and ST/SGB/2000/15/Amend.11/12/00 18/10/11Regulations for the United Nations Dag Hammarskj?ld MedalSee also ST/SGB/119/Rev.119.Secretary-General’s bulletins 1999SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/SGB/1999/420/5/99Family and child support obligations of staff membersSee also ST/AI/2000/12ST/SGB/1999/68/6/99Commission for Historical ClarificationST/SGB/1999/822/6/99Organization of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian AffairsSee also ST/SGB/2015/3ST/SGB/1999/924/6/99Steering Committee for the Improvement of the Status of Women in the SecretariatSee also ST/SGB/282 and ST/AI/1999/9ST/SGB/1999/1030/6/99Organization of the Department of Public InformationSee also ST/SGB/2015/3 ST/SGB/1999/136/8/99Observance by United Nations forces of international humanitarian lawST/SGB/1999/1513/10/99Organizational competencies for the futureST/SGB/1999/1730/11/99United Nations personnel policy on HIV/AIDSST/SGB/1999/1815/12/99Performance Appraisal SystemSee also ST/AI/2010/5 and ST/AI/2010/5/Corr.120.Secretary-General’s bulletins 1998SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/SGB/1998/115/1/98Organization of the secretariat of the United Nations Conference on Trade and DevelopmentSee also ST/SGB/2015/3 ST/SGB/1998/927/4/98Organization of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for RefugeesSee also ST/SGB/2015/3ST/SGB/1998/183/12/98Organization of the Executive Office of the Secretary-GeneralSee also ST/SGB/2015/321.Secretary-General’s bulletins 1997SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/SGB/1997/228/5/97Information circularsST/SGB/1997/915/9/97Organization of the Department of Economic and Social AffairsSee also ST/SGB/2015/3 ST/SGB/1997/1015/9/97Organization of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsSee also ST/SGB/2015/322.Administrative instructions 2017SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/AI/2017/126/10/17Unsatisfactory conduct, investigations and the disciplinary processST/AI/2017/228/12/17Abolishment of obsolete administrative instructions23.Administrative instructions 2016SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/AI/2016/1 and ST/AI/2016/1/Amend.128/12/15 13/3/17Staff selection and managed mobility systemSee also ST/SGB/2016/4/Rev.1, ST/AI/2010/3, ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.1, ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.2 and ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.3ST/AI/2016/21/7/16Repatriation grantST/AI/2016/31/7/16Special entitlements for staff members serving at designated duty stationsST/AI/2016/41/7/16Excess baggage, shipments and insuranceST/AI/2016/51/7/16Settling-in grantST/AI/2016/61/7/16Mobility and hardship schemeST/AI/2016/729/8/16Delegation of authority under the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United NationsST/AI/2016/828/12/16Dependency status and dependency benefitsST/AI/2016/920/12/16Language proficiency and language allowance24.Administrative instructions 2015SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/AI/2015/2/Rev.11/7/16Home leaveST/AI/2015/31/4/15Medical insurance plan for locally recruited staff at designated duty stations away from HeadquartersST/AI/2015/44/6/15Management of propertyST/AI/2015/523/12/15Sabbatical leave programmeSee also ST/SGB/2009/925.Administrative instructions 2014SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/AI/2014/113/1/14United Nations internship programmeST/AI/2014/216/4/14System of daily subsistence allowanceST/AI/2014/324/6/14Staff-Management CommitteeSee also ST/SGB/2011/6/Rev.126.Administrative instructions 2013SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/AI/2013/1 and ST/AI/2013/1/Corr.122/4/13 13/6/13Administration of fixed-term appointmentsST/AI/2013/3 and ST/AI/2013/3/Amend.212/8/13 28/8/16Official travelSee also ST/SGB/107/Rev.6ST/AI/2013/419/12/13Consultants and individual contractorsSee also ST/SGB/177ST/AI/2013/51/4/14Participants in advisory meetingsSee also ST/SGB/17727.Administrative instructions 2012SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/AI/2012/2/Rev.1 and ST/AI/2012/2/Rev.1/Amend.17/11/13 3/3/17Young professionals programmeSee also ST/SGB/2011/10ST/AI/2012/314/8/12Administration of continuing appointmentsSee also ST/SGB/2011/928.Administrative instructions 2011SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/AI/2010/4/Rev.126/10/11Administration of temporary appointmentsSee also ST/AI/2016/6, ST/AI/2011/7, ST/AI/2011/7/Amend.1 and ST/AI/2016/3ST/AI/2011/314/4/11Medical clearancesST/AI/2011/7, ST/AI/2011/7/Amend.1 and ST/AI/2011/7/Amend.228/6/11 28/12/11 23/7/12Rest and recuperationSee also ST/AI/1997/6 and ST/AI/1997/6/Amend.1ST/AI/2011/828/7/11Review committees on contractsSee also ST/AI/2016/7ST/AI/2011/91/8/11Coordination of action in cases of death of staff members: travel and transportation in cases of death or health-related emergencySee also ST/AI/155/Rev.2, ST/AI/155/Rev.2/Amend.1 and ST/AI/2000/1029.Administrative instructions 2010SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/AI/2010/114/1/10Reporting, retaining and disposing of honours, decorations, favours, gifts or remuneration from governmental and non-governmental sourcesSee also ST/AI/2000/13ST/AI/2010/21/3/10Request for rectification of date of birth or of other personal dataST/AI/2010/3, ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.1 ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.2 ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.321/4/10 29/6/12 16/12/13 13/3/17Staff selection systemSee also ST/AI/2000/1, as amended by ST/AI/2003/1, ST/AI/2001/7/Rev.2, ST/AI/2012/2/Rev.1, ST/AI/2012/2/Rev.1/Amend.1, ST/AI/2010/4/Rev.1, ST/SGB/2005/7 and ST/SGB/2016/10ST/AI/2010/4/Rev.126/10/11Administration of temporary appointmentsSee also ST/SGB/2009/4ST/AI/2010/5 and ST/AI/2010/5/Corr.130/4/10 12/5/10Performance Management and Development SystemST/AI/2010/620/5/10Road and driving safetyST/AI/2010/1025/8/10Upgrading of substantive and technical skillsSee also ST/SGB/2009/9, ST/SGB/274 and ST/SGB/2003/430.Administrative instructions 2009 SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/AI/2009/130/11/09Recovery of overpayments made to staff membersSee also ST/SGB/2009/431.Administrative instructions 2008SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/AI/2008/128/4/08Exhibits in publicly accessible areas at Headquarters in New YorkSee also ST/SGB/2008/6 and ST/AI/41632.Administrative instructions 2007SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/AI/2007/31/7/07After-service health insurance33.Administrative instructions 2006SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/AI/2006/11/8/06Policy on the provision and use of official carsSee also ST/AI/2013/3 and ST/AI/2013/3/Amend.2 ST/AI/2006/231/5/06Internal controls governing access to copies of the records of the Serious Crimes Unit of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Timor-LesteSee also ST/SGB/2006/7 and ST/SGB/2004/1534.Administrative instructions 2005 SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/AI/2005/129/3/05Administrative instruction amending administrative instruction ST/AI/1999/13 (Recording of attendance and leave)See also ST/AI/1999/13ST/AI/2005/2, ST/AI/2005/2/Amend.1 and ST/AI/2005/2/Amend.26/5/05 3/11/14 14/8/17Family leave, maternity leave and paternity leaveST/AI/2005/3 and ST/AI/2005/3/Amend.16/5/05 21/11/07Sick leaveST/AI/2005/531/5/05Administrative instruction amending administrative instruction ST/AI/400See also ST/AI/400 and ST/SGB/2009/4ST/AI/2005/631/5/05Administrative instruction amending administrative instruction ST/AI/1997/6See also ST/AI/1997/6ST/AI/2005/108/8/05Information and communication technology initiativesSee also ST/SGB/2003/17 and ST/SGB/2004/15ST/AI/2005/1131/8/05Administrative instruction amending administrative instruction ST/AI/2000/9See also ST/AI/2000/935.Administrative instructions 2003 SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/AI/2003/127/1/03Administrative instruction amending administrative instruction ST/AI/2000/1 (Special conditions for recruitment or placement of candidates successful in a competitive examination for posts requiring special language skills)See also ST/AI/2000/1ST/AI/2003/230/1/03Testing in the Security and Safety Service at Headquarters for use of illegal drugs and controlled substancesSee also ST/AI/372ST/AI/2003/321/3/03Special post allowance for field mission staffST/AI/2003/421/3/03Administrative instruction amending administrative instruction ST/AI/401 (Personnel arrangements for the Office of Internal Oversight Services)See also ST/AI/401ST/AI/2003/8, ST/AI/2003/8/Amend.1 and ST/AI/2003/8/Amend.213/11/03 17/3/06 2/2/09Retention in service beyond the mandatory age of separation and employment of retirees36.Administrative instructions 2002SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/AI/2002/57/6/02Administrative instruction amending administrative instruction ST/AI/1997/6See also ST/AI/1997/6 and ST/AI/2005/6ST/AI/2002/627/9/02Life insuranceST/AI/2002/8 and ST/AI/2002/8/Amend.127/12/02 27/8/08Official hospitality37.Administrative instructions 2001SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/AI/2001/18/2/01Currency and modalities of payment of salaries and allowancesST/AI/2001/34/5/01Administrative instruction amending administrative instruction ST/AI/259/Rev.10 (Salary differential)See also ST/AI/259/Rev.10ST/AI/2001/45/6/01Disposal of computer equipment at United Nations HeadquartersST/AI/2001/522/8/01United Nations Internet publishingST/AI/2001/624/7/01Administrative instruction amending administrative instruction ST/AI/342 (Guidelines for the preparation of host Government agreements falling under General Assembly resolution 40/243)See also ST/AI/34238.Administrative instructions 2000 SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/AI/2000/112/1/00Special conditions for recruitment or placement of candidates successful in a competitive examination for posts requiring special language skillsST/AI/2000/34/4/00Overtime compensation for staff members in the Field Service category at established missionsST/AI/2000/1021/9/00Medical evacuationST/AI/2000/1225/10/00Private legal obligations of staff membersSee also ST/SGB/1999/4ST/AI/2000/1325/10/00Outside activitiesST/AI/2000/15 and ST/AI/2000/15/Amend.127/11/00 31/10/07Family visit travelSee also ST/AI/2013/3 and ST/AI/2013/3/Amend.2ST/AI/2000/1918/12/00Visa status of non-United States staff members serving in the United States, members of their household and their household employees, and staff members seeking or holding permanent resident status in the United States39.Administrative instructions 1999 SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/AI/1999/1 and ST/AI/1999/1/Amend.11/2/99 28/1/14Delegation of authority in the administration of the Staff RulesSee also ST/SGB/2015/1, ST/AI/234/Rev.1, ST/AI/234/Rev.1/Amend.1 and ST/AI/234/Rev.1/Amend.2ST/AI/1999/628/5/99Gratis personnelST/AI/1999/921/9/99Special measures for the achievement of gender equalitySee also ST/SGB/282ST/AI/1999/139/11/99Recording of attendance and leaveSee also ST/AI/2005/1ST/AI/1999/1628/12/99Termination of appointment for reasons of healthST/AI/1999/17 and ST/AI/1999/17/Amend.123/12/99 30/1/06Special post allowance40.Administrative instructions 1998 SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/AI/1998/128/1/98Payment of income taxes to United States tax authoritiesST/AI/1998/7 and ST/AI/1998/7/Amend.123/3/98 8/5/12Competitive examinations for recruitment and placement in posts requiring specific language skills in the Professional categoryST/AI/1998/9 and ST/AI/1998/9/Corr.1 (English only)6/10/98 29/12/98System for the classification of posts41.Administrative instructions 1997 SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/AI/1997/620/10/97Mission subsistence allowanceSee also ST/AI/2002/5 and ST/AI/2005/6II.Issuances under Secretary-General’s bulletin ST/SGB/100 1.Secretary-General’s bulletins SymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/SGB/UNFICYP/125/4/64Regulations for the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in CyprusST/SGB/103/Rev.16/80Rules governing compensation to members of commissions, committees or similar bodies in the event of death, injury or illness attributable to service with the United NationsST/SGB/107/Rev.625/3/91Rules governing payment of travel expenses and subsistence allowances in respect of members of organs or subsidiary organs of the United NationsST/SGB/119/Rev.116/2/66Regulations for the United Nations medalSee also ST/SGB/2000/15 and ST/SGB/2000/15/Amend.1ST/SGB/125/Rev.1 and ST/SGB/125/Rev.1/Amend.1 21/5/63 31/12/63Latin American Institute for Economic and Social Planning: arrangements for administrative servicing and promulgation of provisional financial rulesST/SGB/126 and ST/SGB/126/Amend.11/8/63 15/6/73United Nations Research Institute for Social DevelopmentST/SGB/127 and ST/SGB/127/Amend.123/9/63 29/4/74Asian Institute for Economic Development and Planning: arrangements for administrative servicing and promulgation of provisional financial rulesST/SGB/12931/12/64African Institute for Economic Development and Planning: arrangements for administrative servicing and promulgation of provisional financial rules and proceduresST/SGB/1321/67United Nations Flag Code and RegulationsST/SGB/13526/12/69Access to League of Nations archivesST/SGB/1361/2/71Preservation and disposition of gifts and historical itemsST/SGB/1524/3/76Procedure for the establishment and maintenance of branch libraries and reference centres in the United Nations Secretariat at HeadquartersST/SGB/16013/10/77Planning, preparation and servicing of special conferencesSee also ST/AI/342, ST/AI/2013/3, ST/AI/2013/3/Amend.2 and ST/AI/2001/6ST/SGB/17219/4/79Staff-management relations: decentralization of consultation procedureSee also ST/SGB/274ST/SGB/17719/11/82Policies for obtaining the services of individuals on behalf of the OrganizationSee also ST/SGB/283 and ST/AI/2010/4/Rev.1ST/SGB/1881/3/82Establishment and management of trust fundsSee also ST/AI/284, ST/AI/285 and ST/AI/286ST/SGB/19810/12/82Security, safety and independence of the international civil serviceSee also ST/AI/299ST/SGB/2018/7/83Use of working languages of the SecretariatSee also ST/SGB/212ST/SGB/20514/6/84Regional Commissions Liaison OfficeST/SGB/20921/12/84Policies and procedures governing the relationship between nongovernmental organizations and the United Nations SecretariatST/SGB/21224/9/85Use of working languages of the SecretariatSee also ST/SGB/201ST/SGB/21417/1/86International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of WomenST/SGB/24026/6/91United Nations International Drug Control ProgrammeSee also ST/SGB/2004/6 and ST/SGB/2015/4ST/SGB/2737/9/94Establishment of the Office of Internal Oversight ServicesSee also ST/SGB/2002/7, ST/AI/397 and ST/AI/401 (as amended by ST/AI/2003/4)ST/SGB/27428/9/94Procedures and terms of reference of the staff-management consultation machinery at the departmental or office levelSee also ST/SGB/172ST/SGB/27522/12/94Health and Life Insurance Committee at HeadquartersST/SGB/27719/5/95Policy governing assignment to and return from mission detailSee also ST/AI/404ST/SGB/2825/1/96Policies to achieve gender equality in the United NationsSee also ST/SGB/2008/12 and ST/AI/1999/9ST/SGB/28329/8/96Use of “when actually employed” contracts for special representatives, envoys and other special high-level positionsSee also ST/SGB/1772.Administrative instructionsSymbolDate issuedSubjectAmendments/remarksST/AI/97/Rev.226/2/81Control of United Nations property covered by personal property receiptsSee also ST/AI/2015/4 ST/AI/10423/8/54Solicitation of voluntary contributions within the SecretariatST/AI/1053/9/54Maintenance of personnel record cardsST/AI/10824/2/55Annual inspection of official status filesSee also ST/AI/292ST/AI/118/Rev.115/1/57Registration of representatives, establishment of passes and publication of official documents containing lists of delegates to meetings of United Nations organsST/AI/145/Rev.118/6/70Use of Dag Hammarskj?ld Memorial Library buildingParas. 5 and 6; see also ST/AI/387 and ST/AI/416ST/AI/149/Rev.414/4/93Compensation for loss of or damage to personal effects attributable to serviceST/AI/155/Rev.2 and ST/AI/155/Rev.2/Amend.131/8/90 13/12/90Personnel payroll clearance actionST/AI/1897/11/69Regulations for the control and limitation of documentationST/AI/189/Add.2 and ST/AI/189/Add.2/Amend.215/9/71 25/8/08Covers and title pages of publicationsST/AI/189/Add.3/Rev.217/12/85Distribution of documents, meeting records, official records and publicationsSee also ST/AI/271 and ST/AI/341ST/AI/189/Add.4/Rev.120/1/97Principles governing the exchange of United Nations documents and publicationsSee also ST/AI/271ST/AI/189/Add.5/Rev.223/2/87Stock review and disposal: official records and publicationsST/AI/189/Add.6/Rev.522/8/08Attribution of authorship in United Nations documents, publications and other official papersST/AI/189/Add.730/9/71Documentation workload estimatesST/AI/189/Add.8/Rev.115/3/77Requests for document servicesST/AI/189/Add.9/Rev.2 and ST/AI/189/Add.9/Rev.2/Add.217/9/87 25/2/92Copyright in United Nations publications: general principles, practice and procedureSupersedes ST/AI/189/Add.9/Rev.1 on an experimental basis; see also ST/AI/189/Add.27ST/AI/189/Add.1029/11/72Mailing of official United Nations documentationSee also ST/AI/271ST/AI/189/Add.11/Rev.218/8/95Principles governing United Nations depository librariesST/AI/189/Add.12/Rev.120/1/97Supply to the United Nations libraries of material not available through the regular distribution channelsST/AI/189/Add.13/Rev.122/12/73Reissue of out-of-stock materialST/AI/189/Add.14/Rev.117/9/79External publishing of United Nations manuscriptsST/AI/189/Add.15/Rev.130/6/92Pricing of United Nations publicationsST/AI/189/Add.1724/6/75Criteria for the selection of material to be issued as United Nations publicationsST/AI/189/Add.1819/1/76Mention of names of commercial firms in United Nations documents and publicationsST/AI/189/Add.19/Rev.111/2/97Newsletters and other information materials in printed or electronic formatST/AI/189/Add.20/Rev.111/2/97Maximum length of documents submitted in the name of the Secretary-General or of the SecretariatST/AI/189/Add.2115/1/79Use of the United Nations emblem on documents and publicationsST/AI/189/Add.221/6/79Use and disposition of papers and reports of seminars and similar ad hoc meetingsST/AI/189/Add.2324/2/82Timetable for the planning and submission of documents for sessions of United Nations organsST/AI/189/Add.2411/12/84Use of the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for United Nations publicationsST/AI/189/Add.25/Rev.120/1/97Guidelines for the publication of mapsST/AI/189/Add.2625/9/89Guidelines for electronic publishingSee also ST/AI/189/Add.28ST/AI/189/Add.278/11/90References and acknowledgementsSee also ST/AI/189/Add.9/Rev.2 and ST/AI/189/Add.9/Rev.2/Add.2ST/AI/189/Add.2814/8/96Guidelines for publishing in an electronic formatSee also ST/AI/189/Add.26ST/AI/193/Rev.124/6/77Material and package passesSee also ST/AI/309/Rev.2ST/AI/2024/6/71Headquarters Property Survey Board: case report and recommendation formST/AI/20510/12/71Library servicesSee also ST/AI/189/Add.12/Rev.1ST/AI/2114/4/72Scheduling of meetings and provision of conference servicesST/AI/22210/12/74Procedure to be followed in cases of termination of permanent appointment for unsatisfactory servicesST/AI/22725/4/75Security of valuable articles: lost and found propertyST/AI/231/Rev.123/1/91Non-reimbursable loans of personnel services from sources external to the United Nations common systemST/AI/2339/12/75Contributions from non-Member StatesST/AI/234/Rev.1, ST/AI/234/Rev.1/Amend.1 and ST/AI/234/Rev.1/Amend.222/3/89 14/6/90 4/9/14Administration of the Staff Regulations and Staff RulesSee also ST/SGB/2015/1, ST/AI/1999/1 and ST/AI/1999/1/Amend.1ST/AI/235 and ST/AI/235/Corr.18/1/76 20/1/76Death and disability coverage for members of the Joint Inspection UnitST/AI/244/Rev.118/7/96United Nations Bookshop service for staff membersST/AI/248 and ST/AI/248/Amend.17/7/77 27/6/80Reimbursement of taxi faresST/AI/259/Rev.1027/2/89Salary differential for General Service staff in the language text-processing units in the Text-Processing Section, Department of General Assembly Affairs and Conference Services, HeadquartersSee also ST/AI/2001/3ST/AI/26112/12/78Forms management programmeST/AI/2714/2/80General principles and procedures governing outgoing official United Nations mail at HeadquartersSee also ST/AI/189/Add.10ST/AI/2734/3/80Employment of spousesST/AI/2841/3/82General trust fundsSee also ST/SGB/188ST/AI/2851/3/82Technical cooperation trust fundsSee also ST/SGB/188ST/AI/2863/3/82Programme support accountsSee also ST/SGB/188ST/AI/291/Rev.118/7/84Part-time employmentST/AI/29215/7/82Filing of adverse material in personnel recordsSee also ST/AI/108ST/AI/29315/7/82Facilities to be provided to staff representativesST/AI/29910/12/82Reporting of arrest or detention of staff members, other agents of the United Nations and members of their familiesSee also ST/SGB/198ST/AI/309/Rev.218/2/97Authority of United Nations security officersSee also ST/AI/193/Rev.1 and ST/AI/387ST/AI/32327/9/84Reduction in energy consumptionST/AI/33329/11/85Personal identification cards: HeadquartersSee also ST/AI/387ST/AI/3428/5/87Guidelines for the preparation of host Government agreements falling under General Assembly resolution 40/243See also ST/SGB/160, ST/AI/2013/3, ST/AI/2013/3/Amend.2 and ST/AI/2001/6ST/AI/34922/4/88United Nations garageST/AI/36810/1/91Instructions governing United Nations diplomatic pouch serviceST/AI/37225/9/91Employee assistance in cases of alcohol/substance abuseSee also ST/AI/2003/2ST/AI/38710/9/93Security arrangements for admission to United Nations HeadquartersSee also ST/AI/309/Rev.2ST/AI/3977/9/94Reporting of inappropriate use of United Nations resources and proposals for the improvement of programme deliverySee also ST/SGB/273ST/AI/40022/12/94Abandonment of postST/AI/40118/1/95Personnel arrangements for the Office of Internal Oversight ServicesSee also ST/SGB/273 and ST/AI/2003/4ST/AI/40419/5/95Assignment to and return from mission detailSee also ST/SGB/277ST/AI/4081/8/95Introduction of staggered working hours at HeadquartersST/AI/41626/4/96Use of United Nations premises for meetings, conferences, special events and exhibitsSee also ST/AI/145/Rev.1 (paras.?5–6), ST/AI/387, ST/AI/2008/1 and ST/SGB/2008/6B.Subject index to administrative issuancesI.Buildings, premises and security1.Buildings and premisesAdmission to United?Nations Headquarters: Security arrangements for?— ST/AI/387 Dag Hammarskj?ld Memorial Library building: Use of?— ST/AI/145/Rev.1 (paras. 5–6), ST/AI/387 and ST/AI/416 Energy conservation: see Reduction in energy consumptionNon-smoking policy at United?Nations Headquarters, New York?— ST/SGB/2003/9 Property management at United?Nations Headquarters?— ST/AI/2015/4 Property Survey Boards?— ST/SGB/2013/4 (rule 105.22)Reduction in energy consumption?— ST/AI/323 United?Nations Bookshop service for staff members?— ST/AI/244/Rev.1 Use of United?Nations premises for meetings, conferences, special events and exhibits?— ST/AI/416, ST/AI/2008/1 and ST/SGB/2008/6 (see also Exhibits Committee guidelines, in section XI.4, and Security arrangements for admission to United?Nations Headquarters, in section I.5 below)2.GarageGarage Review Board?— ST/AI/349 Parking rates: see United?Nations garage belowUnited?Nations garage?— ST/AI/349 3.PassesGrounds passes: Wearing of?— ST/AI/155/Rev.2 and ST/AI/155/Rev.2/Amend.1 (para. 5), ST/AI/333 and ST/AI/387Material and package passes?— ST/AI/193/Rev.1 and ST/AI/309/Rev.2 Personal identification cards: Headquarters (including retired staff)?— ST/AI/333 and ST/AI/387 Registration of staff members and affiliates on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and after office hours —ST/AI/387 4.SafetyEvacuation procedures for the United?Nations Headquarters complex?— ST/SGB/2002/8 Protection against retaliation for reporting misconduct and for cooperating with duly authorized audits or investigations?— ST/SGB/2017/2 Road and driving safety?— ST/AI/2010/6 Security and Safety Service at Headquarters: testing for use of illegal drugs and controlled substances?— ST/AI/2003/2 Security, safety and independence of the international civil service?— ST/SGB/198 5.SecurityAuthority of United?Nations security officers?— ST/AI/309/Rev.2 and ST/AI/387 Material and package passes?— ST/AI/193/Rev.1 and ST/AI/309/Rev.2 Security and Safety Services at Headquarters: testing for use of illegal drugs and controlled substances?— ST/AI/2003/2 Security, safety and independence of the international civil service?— ST/SGB/198 and ST/SGB/2016/9 (see commentary)-Reporting of arrest or detention of staff members, other agents of the United?Nations and members of their families?— ST/AI/299 Security arrangements for admission to United?Nations Headquarters?— ST/AI/387 (see also ST/AI/309/Rev.2)Security of valuable articles; lost and found property?— ST/AI/227 Use of information and communication technology resources and data?— ST/SGB/2004/15 II.ClaimsAdvisory Board on Compensation Claims?— ST/SGB/2017/1 and ST/SGB/2017/1/Corr.1 (abolished and replaced by ST/SGB/2018/1), and appendix DClaims Board?— ST/AI/149/Rev.4 Compensation for loss of or damage to personal effects to service?— ST/AI/149/Rev.4 Compensation in the event of death, injury or illness attributable to the performance of official duties on behalf of the United?Nations: Rules governing?— ST/SGB/2017/1 and ST/SGB/2017/1/Corr.1 (abolished and replaced by ST/SGB/2018/1), and appendix DCompensation to members of commissions, committees or similar bodies in the event of death, injury or illness attributable to service with the United?Nations: Rules governing — ST/SGB/103/Rev.1 Death and disability coverage for members of the Joint Inspection Unit?— ST/AI/235 and ST/AI/235/Corr.1 munications, archives and records1.Archives and recordsAccess to League of Nations archives — ST/SGB/135 Commission for Historical Clarification?— ST/SGB/1999/6 Disposition of the documents of the Independent Inquiry Committee into the United?Nations Oil-for-Food Programme?— ST/SGB/2006/16 Gifts and historical items: Preservation and disposition of?— ST/SGB/136 Internal controls governing access to copies of the records of the Serious Crimes Unit of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Timor-Leste?— ST/AI/2006/2 Records and archives of the United?Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission?— ST/SGB/2009/12 Records of the Serious Crimes Unit of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Timor-Leste?— ST/SGB/2006/7 Record-keeping and the management of United?Nations archives?— ST/SGB/2007/5 -Guidelines concerning the separation of private papers from business records?— ST/SGB/2007/5, annexUnited?Nations archives and records?— ST/SGB/2007/5 munications, correspondence and mailingConfidentiality of mailing lists and registers?— ST/AI/341 Information and Communications Technology Board?— ST/SGB/2003/17 Information and communication technology initiatives?— ST/SGB/2016/11 and ST/AI/2005/10 Information sensitivity, classification and handling?— ST/SGB/2007/6 Outgoing official United?Nations mail at Headquarters: General principles and procedures governing?— ST/AI/271, ST/AI/189/Add.10 and ST/AI/341 Use of airmail envelopes?— ST/AI/271 3.PouchDiplomatic pouch service?— ST/AI/368 IV. ConferencesGuidelines for the preparation of host Government agreements falling under General Assembly resolution 40/243?— ST/AI/342 and ST/AI/2001/6 (see also Special conferences below)Scheduling of meetings and provision of conference services?— ST/AI/211 and ST/AI/416 Special conferences: Planning, preparation and servicing of?— ST/SGB/160, ST/AI/342, ST/AI/2013/3, ST/AI/2013/3/Amend.2 and ST/AI/2001/6 Use of United?Nations premises for meetings, conferences, special events and exhibits?— ST/AI/416, ST/AI/145/Rev.1 (paras. 5–6), ST/AI/387, ST/AI/2008/1 and ST/SGB/2008/6 V.Documents and publications1.GeneralDistribution of documents, meeting records, official records and publications?— ST/AI/189/Add.3/Rev.2 and ST/AI/341 Publications Board?— ST/SGB/2012/2 and ST/AI/2001/5 2.Regulations for the control and limitation of?documentation Attribution of authorship in United?Nations documents, publications and other official papers — ST/AI/189/Add.6/Rev.5 Copyright in United?Nations publications: general principles, practice and procedure?— ST/AI/189/Add.9/Rev.2, ST/AI/189/Add.9/Rev.2/Add.2 and ST/AI/189/Add.27 Covers and title pages of publications?— ST/AI/189/Add.2 and ST/AI/189/Add.2/Amend.2Criteria for the selection of material to be issued as United?Nations publications?— ST/AI/189/Add.17 Depository libraries: Principles governing United?Nations?— ST/AI/189/Add.11/Rev.2 Disposition of the documents of the Independent Inquiry Committee into the United?Nations Oil-for-Food Programme?— ST/SGB/2006/16 Distribution of documents, meeting records, official records and publications?— ST/AI/189/Add.3/Rev.2 and ST/AI/341 Electronic publishing: Guidelines for?— ST/AI/189/Add.26 (see also Publishing in an electronic format: Guidelines for, below)Exchange of United?Nations documents and publications: Principles governing the?— ST/AI/189/Add.4/Rev.1 External publishing of United?Nations manuscripts?— ST/AI/189/Add.14/Rev.1 Information sensitivity, classification and handling?— ST/SGB/2007/6 Initiation, approval and execution of the United?Nations biennial publications programme?— ST/SGB/2012/2 Internal controls governing access to copies of the records of the Serious Crimes Unit of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Timor-Leste?— ST/AI/2006/2 Internet publishing: United?Nations?— ST/AI/2001/5 Mailing of official United?Nations documentation?— ST/AI/189/Add.10, ST/AI/189/Add.3/Rev.2 and ST/AI/271 Maps: Guidelines for the publication of?— ST/AI/189/Add.25/Rev.1 Maximum length of documents submitted in the name of the Secretary-General or of the Secretariat?— ST/AI/189/Add.20/Rev.1 Mention of names of commercial firms in United?Nations documents and publications?— ST/AI/189/Add.18 Newsletters and other information materials in printed or electronic format?— ST/AI/189/Add.19/Rev.1 Out-of-stock material: Reissue of?— ST/AI/189/Add.13/Rev.1 Pricing of United?Nations publications?— ST/AI/189/Add.15/Rev.1 Publishing in an electronic format: Guidelines for?— ST/AI/189/Add.28 (see also Electronic publishing: Guidelines for, above)References and acknowledgements?— ST/AI/189/Add.27, ST/AI/189/Add.9/Rev.2 and ST/AI/189/Add.9/Rev.2/Add.2Regulations for the control and limitation of documentation?— ST/AI/189 Reissue of out-of-stock material?— ST/AI/189/Add.13/Rev.1 Requests for document services?— ST/AI/189/Add.8/Rev.1 Stock review and disposal of official records and publications?— ST/AI/189/Add.5/Rev.2 Supply to the United?Nations libraries of material not available through the regular distribution channels?— ST/AI/189/Add.12/Rev.1 Timetable for the planning and submission of documents for sessions of United?Nations organs?— ST/AI/189/Add.23 United?Nations Internet publishing?— ST/AI/2001/5 Use and disposition of papers and reports of seminars and similar ad hoc meetings?— ST/AI/189/Add.22 Use of the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for United?Nations publications?— ST/AI/189/Add.24 Use of the United?Nations emblem on documents and publications?— ST/AI/189/Add.21 Workload estimates: Documentation?— ST/AI/189/Add.7 VI. Finance1. Financial arrangementsAfrican Institute for Economic Development and Planning?— ST/SGB/129 Asian Institute for Economic Development and Planning?— ST/SGB/127 and ST/SGB/127/Amend.1Latin American Institute for Economic and Social Planning?— ST/SGB/125/Rev.1 and ST/SGB/125/Rev.1/Amend.1 United?Nations Research Institute for Social Development?— ST/SGB/126 and ST/SGB/126/Amend.12. GeneralContributions from non-Member States?— ST/SGB/2013/4 (rule 103.1) and ST/AI/233 Currency and modalities of payment of salaries and allowances?— ST/AI/2001/1 Designation of staff members performing significant functions in the management of financial, human and physical resources?— ST/SGB/2005/7 Establishment and operation of the Central Emergency Response Fund?— ST/SGB/2010/5 Establishment of a Senior Advisory Board on Services to the Public?— ST/SGB/2005/10 Financial disclosure and declaration of interest statements?— ST/SGB/2006/6 Information and communication technology initiatives?— ST/AI/2005/10 Non-reimbursable loans of personnel services from sources external to the United?Nations common system?— ST/AI/231/Rev.1 Official hospitality?— ST/AI/2002/8 and ST/AI/2002/8/Amend.1Official travel?— ST/AI/2013/3 and ST/AI/2013/3/Amend.2 Overtime compensation for staff members in the Field Service category at established missions?— ST/AI/2000/3 Personnel payroll clearance action?— ST/AI/155/Rev.2 and ST/AI/155/Rev.2/Amend.1Private legal obligations of staff members?— ST/AI/2000/12 (see also section VIII.7 below)Recovery of overpayments made to staff members?— ST/AI/2009/1 Reporting of inappropriate use of United?Nations resources and proposals for improvement of programme delivery?— ST/AI/397 and ST/SGB/273 (para. 18)Salary differential for General Service staff in the language text-processing units in the Text-Processing Section, Department of General Assembly Affairs and Conference Services, Headquarters?— ST/AI/259/Rev.10 and ST/AI/2001/3 Salary scales and payments: see section VIII.13 belowSolicitation of voluntary contributions within the Secretariat?— ST/AI/104 Taxi fares: Reimbursement of?— ST/AI/248 and ST/AI/248/Amend.1United States taxes: see section VIII.16 below3. Financial regulations and rulesDelegation of authority under the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United?Nations?— ST/SGB/2013/7, ST/AI/2016/7, ST/SGB/2005/7 Financial Regulations and Rules of the United?Nations?— ST/SGB/2013/4, ST/SGB/2015/4 and ST/AI/2016/7 Financial Rules of the Environment Fund and Associated Trust Funds of the United?Nations Environment Programme?— Annex I to Supplement to the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United?Nations?— ST/SGB/2015/4 Supplementary Financial Regulations of the United?Nations for the United?Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation, and Financial Rules of the United?Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation and Other Extrabudgetary Resources of the United?Nations Human Settlements Programme?— Annex II to Supplement to the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United?Nations?— ST/SGB/2015/4 Financial Rules of the Fund of the United?Nations International Drug Control Programme and of the Fund of the United?Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme?— Annex III to Supplement to the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United?Nations?— ST/SGB/2015/4 Regulations and Rules Governing Programme Planning, the Programme Aspects of the Budget, the Monitoring of Implementation and the Methods of Evaluation?— ST/SGB/2016/6Regulations for the United?Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus?— ST/SGB/UNFICYP/1 4. Revenue-producing activitiesBookshop?— ST/SGB/2013/4 and ST/AI/244/Rev.1 Garage parking rates: see United?Nations garage, section I.2, above5. Trust funds and special accountsEstablishment and management of trust funds?— ST/SGB/188 Establishment and operation of the Central Emergency Response Fund?— ST/SGB/2010/5 General trust funds?— ST/AI/284 Programme support accounts?— ST/AI/286 Technical cooperation trust funds?— ST/AI/285 VII. General office proceduresAdministrative issuances:-Abolishment of obsolete?— ST/SGB/2017/3 and ST/AI/2017/2-Procedures for the promulgation of?— ST/SGB/2009/4 Confidentiality of mailing lists and registers?— ST/AI/341 Disposal of computer equipment at United?Nations Headquarters?— ST/AI/2001/4 Electronic publishing: Guidelines for?— ST/AI/189/Add.26 and ST/AI/189/Add.28 Ethics: United?Nations system-wide application of?— separately administered organs and programmes?— ST/SGB/2007/11 and ST/SGB/2007/11/Amend.1Exhibits Committee: United?Nations?— ST/SGB/2008/6 Forms management programme?— ST/AI/261 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) resources and data: Use of?— ST/SGB/2004/15 Information and communications technology initiatives?— ST/AI/2005/10 Information circulars?— ST/SGB/1997/2 Information sensitivity, classification and handling?— ST/SGB/2007/6 and ST/SGB/2012/3 Internet publishing: United?Nations?— ST/AI/2001/5 Managed reassignment programme —ST/AI/2001/7/Rev.2 New nomenclature for staff of the United?Nations?— ST/SGB/2002/18 Personnel payroll clearance action?— ST/AI/155/Rev.2 and ST/AI/155/Rev.2/Amend.1Personnel record cards: Maintenance of?— ST/AI/105 Post-employment restrictions?— ST/SGB/2006/15 Procedures to be followed by the departments, offices and regional commissions of the United?Nations with regard to treaties and international agreements?— ST/SGB/2001/7 Property management at United?Nations Headquarters?— ST/AI/2015/4 Publishing in an electronic format: Guidelines for?— ST/AI/189/Add.28 (see also Electronic publishing: Guidelines for, above)Reporting of inappropriate use of United?Nations resources and proposals for improvement of programme delivery?— ST/AI/397 and ST/SGB/273 (para. 18)Secretary-General’s bulletins: see Administrative issuances aboveTreaties and international agreements: Procedures to be followed by the departments, offices and regional commissions of the United?Nations with regard to?— ST/SGB/2001/7 Working languages of the Secretariat?— ST/SGB/201 and ST/SGB/212 VIII. Human resources1. Administration-staff relationsDepartmental focal points for women in the Secretariat?— ST/SGB/2008/12 Ethics: United?Nations system-wide application of?— separately administered organs and programmes?— ST/SGB/2007/11 and ST/SGB/2007/11/Amend.1-Protection against retaliation for reporting misconduct?— ST/SGB/2017/2-Ethics Office: establishment and terms of reference?— ST/SGB/2005/22 Independent inquiry into the oil-for-food programme?— ST/SGB/2004/9 International civil service: Security, safety and independence of the?— ST/SGB/198 -Reporting of arrest or detention of staff members, other agents of the United?Nations and members of their families?— ST/AI/299 Joint Harassment Prevention Boards?— ST/SGB/2008/14 Joint Negotiation Committee at Headquarters?— ST/SGB/2007/9 Office of the Ombudsman?— ST/SGB/2016/7 Procedures and terms of reference of the staff-management consultation machinery at the departmental or office level?— ST/SGB/274 Staff representatives: Facilities to be provided to?— ST/AI/293 Staff-Management Committee?— ST/SGB/2011/6/Rev.1 and ST/AI/2014/3 Staff-management relations: decentralization of consultation procedure?— ST/SGB/172 and ST/SGB/274 Steering Committee for the Improvement of the Status of Women in the Secretariat:-Membership?— ST/SGB/1999/9 -Policies to obtain gender equality in the United?Nations?— ST/SGB/282, ST/SGB/2011/2 and ST/AI/1999/9 2.Allowances, entitlements and grantsCoordination of action in cases of death of staff members: travel and transportation in cases of death or health-related emergency?— ST/AI/2011/9 Dependency status and dependency benefits?— ST/AI/2016/8 Education grant and related benefits?— ST/AI/2018/1 Special education grant and related benefit for children with a disability?— ST/AI/2018/2Home leave?— ST/AI/2015/2/Rev.1 Mission subsistence allowance?— ST/AI/1997/6 (as amended by ST/AI/2002/5 and ST/AI/2005/6)Mobility and hardship scheme?— ST/AI/2016/6Non-resident’s allowance: see Rental subsidies and deductions belowOfficial hospitality?— ST/AI/2002/8 and ST/AI/2002/8/Amend.1Personal status for purposes of United?Nations entitlements?— ST/SGB/2004/13 Reimbursement for travel by private motor vehicle?— ST/AI/2013/3 and ST/AI/2013/3/Amend.2Reimbursement of costs of basic medical examinations for family members: see Special entitlements for staff members serving at designated duty stations belowRental subsidies and deductions?— ST/AI/2018/3 Repatriation grant?— ST/AI/2016/2 Rest and recuperation?— ST/AI/2011/7, ST/AI/2011/7/Amend.1 and ST/AI/2011/7/Amend.2Salaries and allowances: Currency and modalities of payment?— ST/AI/2001/1 Salary differential for General Service staff in the Language Text-Processing Unit, Department of General Affairs and Conference Services?— ST/AI/2001/3 Scheme of social security for the staff?— ST/SGB/2011/1 Settling-in grant?— ST/AI/2016/5Special entitlements for staff members serving at designated duty stations?— ST/AI/2016/3Special post allowance?— ST/AI/1999/17 and ST/AI/1999/17/Amend.1-Special post allowance for field mission staff?— ST/AI/2003/3 Subsistence allowance:-Mission subsistence allowance?— ST/AI/1997/6 (as amended by ST/AI/2002/5 and ST/AI/2005/6)-System of daily subsistence allowance?— ST/AI/2014/2 Threshold percentage for the purpose of calculating rental subsidies: see Rental subsidies and deductions aboveUnited?Nations Memorial and Recognition Fund?— ST/SGB/2010/8/Rev.1 3. AppealsClassification Appeals Committees: see System for the classification of posts in section VIII.8 belowOffice of Administration of Justice: Organization and terms of reference of the?— ST/SGB/2010/3 Office of the Ombudsman: appointment and terms of reference of the Ombudsman?— ST/SGB/2002/12 Reporting of inappropriate use of United?Nations resources and proposals for improvement of programme delivery?— ST/AI/397 and ST/SGB/273 (para. 18)United?Nations Appeals Tribunal?— ST/SGB/2010/34. Appointments, placement and promotionAdministration of fixed-term appointments?— ST/AI/2013/1 and ST/AI/2013/1/Corr.1Administration of temporary appointments?— ST/AI/2010/4/Rev.1 Appointment, extension and conversion of contractual status of staff in the General Service, Security Service and Manual Workers categories?— ST/AI/274 and ST/AI/274/Corr.1Assignment to and return from mission detail: Policy governing?— ST/SGB/277 and ST/AI/404 (see also section X below)Central Review Boards?— ST/SGB/2011/7 Central Review Committees?— ST/SGB/2011/7 Central review bodies at designated offices away from Headquarters?— ST/SGB/2011/7 Central Review Panels?— ST/SGB/2011/7 Central review bodies?— ST/SGB/2011/7 Competitive examination for recruitment to the Professional category of staff members from other categories?— ST/AI/2012/2/Rev.1 and ST/AI/2012/2/Rev.1/Amend.1 Competitive examinations for recruitment and placement in posts requiring specific language skills in the Professional category?— ST/AI/1998/7 and ST/AI/1998/7/Amend.1Competitive examinations for the placement of General Service and related categories — ST/AI/2012/2/Rev.1 Consultants and individual contractors?— ST/AI/2013/4 Consultants and participants in advisory meetings?— ST/SGB/177, ST/AI/2013/4 and ST/AI/2013/5 (see also Policies for obtaining the services of individuals on behalf of the Organization below)Continuing appointments?— ST/SGB/2011/9 and ST/AI/2012/3 Contractors: Institutional or corporate?— ST/SGB/177 Employment of spouses?— ST/AI/273 Field central review bodies?— ST/SGB/2011/7 Gratis personnel?— ST/AI/1999/6 Managed mobility system?— ST/SGB/2016/2/Rev.1, ST/AI/2016/1 and ST/AI/2016/1/Amend.1 Managed reassignment programme — ST/AI/2001/7/Rev.2 Medical clearances?— ST/AI/2011/3 Movement of staff from the Field Service category to the Professional category?— ST/AI/2010/3, ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.1, ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.2 and ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.3 (see also Competitive examination for recruitment to the Professional category, section VIII.15 below) Part-time employment?— ST/AI/291/Rev.1 Performance Management and Development System?— ST/SGB/1999/18, ST/AI/2010/5 and ST/AI/2010/5/Corr.1 Placement and promotion?— ST/AI/2010/3, ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.1, ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.2 and ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.3 Policies for obtaining the services of individuals on behalf of the Organization?— ST/SGB/177 -Consultants and individual contractors?— ST/AI/2013/4 -Participants in advisory meetings?— ST/AI/2013/5 -Institutional or corporate contractors?— ST/AI/327 -Temporary staff and individual contractors?— ST/AI/2010/4 (see also Use of “when actually employed” contracts, below)Policies to achieve gender equality in the United?Nations?— ST/SGB/282, ST/SGB/2008/12 and ST/AI/1999/9 Promotion policy and review: see Placement and promotion aboveRecruitment procedures for Professional staff?— ST/AI/2010/3, ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.1, ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.2 and ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.3 Retention in service beyond the mandatory age of separation and employment of retirees?— ST/AI/2003/8, ST/AI/2003/8/Amend.1 and ST/AI/2003/8/Amend.2Senior Review Board?— ST/SGB/2016/3/Rev.1 Senior Review Group?— ST/SGB/2016/10 Special conditions for recruitment or placement of candidates successful in a competitive examination for posts requiring special language skills?— ST/AI/2000/1 (as amended by ST/AI/2003/1)Special measures for the achievement of gender equality?— ST/AI/1999/9, ST/SGB/282 and ST/SGB/2008/12 Special post allowance?— ST/AI/1999/17 and ST/AI/1999/17/Amend.1-Special post allowance for field mission staff?— ST/AI/2003/3 Staff selection system?— ST/SGB/2002/5, ST/AI/2010/3, ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.1, ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.2, ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.3 and ST/SGB/2016/2/Rev.1 Temporary staff and individual contractors?— ST/SGB/177 and ST/AI/2010/4/Rev.1 Termination of appointment for reasons of health?— ST/AI/1999/16 Termination of permanent appointment for unsatisfactory services: procedure to be followed?— ST/AI/222 Use of “when actually employed” contracts for special representatives, envoys and other special high-level positions?— ST/SGB/283 5. Attendance, leave and working hoursAbandonment of post?— ST/AI/400 (as amended by ST/AI/2005/5)Breastfeeding: policy on?— ST/SGB/2003/14 Certification of sick leave: See Sick leave and Recording of attendance and leave belowFamily leave, maternity leave and paternity leave?— ST/AI/2005/2 and ST/AI/2005/2/Amend.1 Home leave?— ST/AI/2015/2/Rev.1 Introduction of staggered working hours?— ST/AI/408 Jury duty: see Recording of attendance and leave belowRecording of attendance and leave?— ST/AI/1999/13 (as amended by ST/AI/2005/1)Registration of staff members and affiliates on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and after office hours — ST/AI/387 Release of staff members in bad weather or other conditions: see Recording of attendance and leave aboveRest and recuperation?— ST/AI/2011/7, ST/AI/2011/7/Amend.1 and ST/AI/2011/7/Amend.2Sabbatical leave programme?— ST/AI/2015/5 Sick leave?— ST/AI/2005/3 and ST/AI/2005/3/Amend.1Upgrading of substantive and technical skills?— ST/AI/2010/10 Working hours: -Introduction of staggered working hours at Headquarters?— ST/AI/408 -Flexible working arrangements?— ST/SGB/2003/4 6. Delegation of authorityAdministration of the Staff Regulations and Staff Rules?— ST/SGB/2015/1, ST/AI/234/Rev.1, ST/AI/234/Rev.1/Amend.1, ST/AI/234/Rev.1/Amend.2, ST/AI/1999/1 and ST/AI/1999/1/Amend.1 Authority of the United?Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in matters relating to human resources?— ST/SGB/2004/10 Authority of the United?Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UNWomen) in matters relating to human resources management?— ST/SGB/2011/2 Delegation of authority under the Financial Regulations and Rules?— ST/AI/2003/6, ST/AI/2004/1 and ST/AI/2016/7Designation of staff members performing significant functions in the management of financial, human and physical resources?— ST/SGB/2005/7Upgrading of substantive and technical skills?— ST/AI/2010/10 7. Duties and obligationsAcceptance of pro bono goods and services guidelines?— ST/SGB/2006/5 Assignment to and return from mission detail: Policy governing?— ST/SGB/277 and ST/AI/404 (see also section X below)Basic rights and duties of United?Nations staff members: Status, basic rights and duties of United?Nations staff members?— ST/SGB/2016/9 -Regulations Governing the Status, Basic Rights and Duties of Officials other than Secretariat Officials, and Experts on Mission?— ST/SGB/2002/9 Family and child support obligations of staff members?— ST/SGB/1999/4 and ST/AI/2000/12 Financial disclosure and declaration of interest statements?— ST/SGB/2006/6 Gifts: see Preservation and disposition of gifts and historical items belowObligations of staff members?— ST/SGB/1999/4, ST/AI/2000/12 and ST/SGB/2006/6 Outside activities?— ST/AI/2000/13 Post-employment restrictions?— ST/SGB/2006/15 Preservation and disposition of gifts and historical items?— ST/SGB/136 Private legal obligations of staff members?— ST/AI/2000/12 (see also Obligations of staff members above)Prohibition of discrimination, harassment, including sexual harassment, and abuse of authority?— ST/SGB/2008/5 and ST/SGB/2008/14 Protection against retaliation for reporting misconduct and for cooperating with duly authorized audits or investigations?— ST/SGB/2017/2/Rev.1 Rectification of date of birth or of other personal data: Request for?— ST/AI/2010/2 Reporting of inappropriate use of United?Nations resources and proposals for improvement of programme delivery?— ST/AI/397 and ST/SGB/273 (para. 18)Special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse?— ST/SGB/2003/13 Status, basic rights and duties of United?Nations staff members?— ST/SGB/2016/9 -Regulations Governing the Status, Basic Rights and Duties of Officials other than Secretariat Officials, and Experts on Mission?— ST/SGB/2002/9 8. Job classification systemSystem for the classification of posts?— ST/AI/1998/9 and ST/AI/1998/9/Corr.1 (English only)9. GeneralAnnual inspection of official status file?— ST/AI/108 (see also Official status files below)Bookshop service for staff members: United?Nations?— ST/AI/244/Rev.1 Breastfeeding: Policy on?— ST/SGB/2003/14 Currency and modalities of payment of salaries and allowances?— ST/AI/2001/1 Employee assistance in cases of alcohol/substance abuse?— ST/AI/372 Filing of adverse material in personnel records?— ST/AI/292 (see also Official status files below)Guidelines for the acceptance of pro bono goods and services?— ST/SGB/2006/5 International civil service: Security, safety and independence of the?— ST/SGB/198 -Reporting of arrest or detention of staff members, other agents of the United?Nations and members of their families?— ST/AI/299 Laissez-passer?— ST/AI/155/Rev.2 and ST/AI/155/Rev.2/Amend.1 (para. 5)Official hospitality?— ST/AI/2002/8 and ST/AI/2002/8/Amend.1Official status files?— ST/AI/108 and ST/AI/292 Performance Management and Development System?— ST/SGB/1999/18, ST/AI/2010/5 and ST/AI/2010/5/Corr.1 Personnel payroll clearance action?— ST/AI/155/Rev.2 and ST/AI/155/Rev.2/Amend.1Personnel record cards: Maintenance of?— ST/AI/105 Post-employment restrictions?— ST/SGB/2006/15 Prohibition of discrimination, harassment, including sexual harassment, and abuse of authority?— ST/SGB/2008/5 and ST/SGB/2008/14 Records and archives of the United?Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission?— ST/SGB/2009/12 Records of the United?Nations Compensation Commission?— ST/SGB/2007/10 Rectification of date of birth or of other personal data: Request for?— ST/AI/2010/2Smoking at United?Nations Headquarters?— ST/SGB/2003/9 Special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse?— ST/SGB/2003/13 Staff relief committees: United?Nations?— see Solicitation of voluntary contributions within the Secretariat, section VI.2 aboveTaxi fares: Reimbursement of?— ST/AI/248 and ST/AI/248/Amend.1Testing in the Security and Safety Service at Headquarters for use of illegal drugs and controlled substances?— ST/AI/2003/2 United?Nations personnel policy on HIV/AIDS?— ST/SGB/1999/17 and ST/SGB/2003/18 Wearing of grounds passes?— ST/AI/333 and ST/AI/387 Working hours: Introduction of staggered?— ST/AI/408 -Flexible working arrangements?— ST/SGB/2003/4 Working languages of the Secretariat?— ST/SGB/201 and ST/SGB/212 10. Medical and other insuranceAfter-service health insurance?— ST/AI/2007/3 Employee assistance in cases of alcohol/substance abuse?— ST/AI/372 Health and Life Insurance Committee at Headquarters?— ST/SGB/275 Life insurance?— ST/AI/2002/6 Medical insurance plan for locally recruited staff at designated duty stations away from Headquarters?— ST/AI/2015/3 Payment of insurance proceeds under the malicious acts insurance policy?— ST/SGB/2004/11 Personal status for purposes of United?Nations entitlements?— ST/SGB/2004/13/Rev.1 Reimbursement of costs of basic medical examinations for family members: see Special entitlements for staff members serving at designated duty stations in section VIII.2 aboveRules governing compensation in the event of death, injury or illness attributable to the performance of official duties on behalf of the United?Nations?— ST/SGB/2017/1 and ST/SGB/2017/1/Corr.1 (abolished and replaced by ST/SGB/2018/1), and appendix DTesting in the Security and Safety Service at Headquarters for use of illegal drugs and controlled substances?— ST/AI/2003/2 11. Pensions, post-retirement services and employment beyond retirementAfter-service health insurance?— ST/AI/2007/3 Personal identification cards for retired staff members?— ST/AI/333 and ST/AI/387 Retention in service beyond the mandatory age of separation and employment of retirees?— ST/AI/2003/8 and ST/AI/2003/8/Amend.1 and ST/AI/2003/8/Amend.2Scheme of social security for the staff?— ST/SGB/2011/1 12. Post adjustmentSee index to information circulars (ST/IC/2012/2)13. Salary scales and paymentsCurrency and modalities of payment of salaries and allowances?— ST/AI/2001/1 Field Service category?— ST/SGB/2011/1 Overtime compensation for staff members in the Field Service category at established missions?— ST/AI/2000/3 Professional and higher categories?— ST/SGB/2012/1 Recovery of overpayments made to staff members?— ST/AI/2009/1 Salary differential for General Service staff in the language text-processing units in the Text-Processing Section, Department of General Assembly Affairs and Conference Services, Headquarters?— ST/AI/259/Rev.10 and ST/AI/2001/3 Special post allowance for field mission staff?— ST/AI/2003/3 14. Staff regulations and rulesAdministration of the Staff Regulations and Staff Rules?— ST/SGB/2015/1, ST/AI/234/Rev.1, ST/AI/234/Rev.1/Amend.1, ST/AI/234/Rev.1/Amend.2, ST/AI/1999/1 and ST/AI/1999/1/Amend.1 Staff Regulations?— ST/SGB/2012/1 Staff Rules:-Rules governing compensation?— ST/SGB/2017/1 and ST/SGB/2017/1/Corr.1 (abolished and replaced by ST/SGB/2018/1), and appendix D-Secretariat personnel?— ST/SGB/2011/1 15. Training, career development and examinationsBuilding the future — ST/SGB/1999/15 Competitive examination for recruitment to the Professional category of staff members from other categories?— ST/AI/2012/2/Rev.1 and ST/AI/2012/2/Rev.1/Amend.1 (see also Managed Reassignment Programme)Competitive examinations for recruitment and placement in posts requiring specific language skills in the Professional category?— ST/AI/1998/7 and ST/AI/1998/7/Amend.1 Competitive examinations for the placement of General Service and related categories — ST/AI/2012/2/Rev.1Conditions under which staff members may take national competitive recruitment examinations?— ST/AI/2012/2/Rev.1 and ST/AI/2012/2/Rev.1/Amend.1 Internship programme: United?Nations — ST/AI/2014/1 Language proficiency and language allowance?— ST/AI/2016/9 Learning and development policy?— ST/SGB/2009/9 Managed reassignment programme —ST/AI/2001/7/Rev.2 New nomenclature for the staff of the United?Nations?— ST/SGB/2002/18 Organizational competencies for the future?— ST/SGB/1999/15 Placement and promotion?— ST/AI/2010/3, ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.1, ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.2 and ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.3 -Policies to achieve gender equality in the Secretariat?— ST/SGB/282, ST/SGB/2008/12 and ST/AI/1999/9 Sabbatical leave programme?— ST/AI/2015/5 and ST/SGB/2009/9 Special conditions for recruitment or placement of candidates successful in a competitive examination for posts requiring special language skills — ST/AI/2000/1 (as amended by ST/AI/2003/1)Upgrading of substantive and technical skills?— ST/AI/2010/10 Young professionals programme?— ST/SGB/2011/10 and ST/AI/2012/2/Rev.1 and ST/AI/2012/2/Rev.1/Amend.1 (see also Managed Reassignment Programme) 16. United States taxesPayment of income taxes to United States tax authorities?— ST/AI/1998/1 17. VisasVisa Committee?— ST/SGB/2000/11 Visa status of non-United States staff members serving in the United States, members of their household and their household employees, and staff members seeking or holding permanent resident status in the United States?— ST/AI/2000/19 IX. LibraryDag Hammarskj?ld Memorial Library building: Use of?— ST/AI/145/Rev.1 (paras. 5 and 6)Establishment and maintenance of branch libraries and reference centres in the United?Nations Secretariat at Headquarters: Procedure for the?— ST/SGB/152 Library services?— ST/AI/205 Supply to the United?Nations libraries of material not available through the regular distribution channels?— ST/AI/189/Add.12/Rev.1 Use of United?Nations premises for meetings, conferences, special events and exhibits?— ST/AI/416, ST/AI/2008/1 and ST/SGB/2008/6 (see also Security arrangements for admission to United?Nations Headquarters in section I.5 above)X. MissionsAssignment to and return from mission detail: Policy governing?— ST/SGB/277 and ST/AI/404 Field central review bodies?— ST/SGB/2011/7 Joint Negotiation Committee for the Field?— ST/SGB/2008/11 Medal: Regulations for the United?Nations (for award to military personnel)?— ST/SGB/119/Rev.1 Medal: Regulations for the United?Nations Dag Hammarskj?ld (posthumous award to members of peacekeeping operations who have lost their lives)?— ST/SGB/2000/15 and ST/SGB/2000/15/Amend.1Medical evacuation?— ST/AI/2000/10 Mission subsistence allowance?— ST/AI/1997/6 (as amended by ST/AI/2002/5 and ST/AI/2005/6)Movement of staff from the Field Service category to the Professional category?— ST/AI/2010/3 and ST/AI/2010/3/Amend.1 (see also Competitive examination for recruitment to the Professional category, section VIII.15 above)Observance by United?Nations forces of international humanitarian law?— ST/SGB/1999/13 Overtime compensation for staff members in the Field Service category at established missions?— ST/AI/2000/3 Payment of insurance proceeds under the malicious acts insurance policy?— ST/SGB/2004/11 Policy governing assignment to and return from mission detail?— ST/SGB/277 Prohibition of discrimination, harassment, including sexual harassment, and abuse of authority?— ST/SGB/2008/5 and ST/SGB/2008/14 Records of the Serious Crimes Unit of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Timor-Leste?— ST/SGB/2006/7 -Internal controls governing access to copies of the records of the Serious Crimes Unit of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Timor-Leste?— ST/AI/2006/2 Road and driving safety?— ST/AI/2010/6 Special post allowance for field mission staff?— ST/AI/2003/3 United?Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus: Regulations for?— ST/SGB/UNFICYP/1 XI. Organizational structure1. GeneralBuilding the future — ST/SGB/1999/15 Organization of the Secretariat of the UnitedNations?— ST/SGB/2015/3, ST/SGB/2005/16, ST/SGB/2006/14 and ST/SGB/2011/3 and ST/SGB/2011/3/Amend.1Organizational competencies for the future?— ST/SGB/1999/15 Policies and procedures governing the relationship between non-governmental organizations and the United?Nations Secretariat?— ST/SGB/209 2. InstitutesAfrican Institute for Economic Development and Planning?— ST/SGB/129 Asian Institute for Economic Development and Planning?— ST/SGB/127 and ST/SGB/127/Amend.1International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women?— ST/SGB/214 Latin American Institute for Economic and Social Planning?— ST/SGB/125/Rev.1 and ST/SGB/125/Rev.1/Amend.1 United?Nations Research Institute for Social Development?— ST/SGB/126 and ST/SGB/126/Amend.13. Secretariat departments and unitsCentral Support Services: Office of?— ST/SGB/2013/1 and ST/SGB/2005/7 Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat): United?Nations?— ST/SGB/2002/14 Conference on Trade and Development: Secretariat of the United?Nations?— ST/SGB/1998/1 Dag Hammarskj?ld Library?— see Public Information: Department of, belowDepartment of Field Support: Organization of the?— ST/SGB/2010/2 Departmental focal points for women in the Secretariat?— ST/SGB/2008/12 Disarmament Affairs: Organization of the Office for?— ST/SGB/2008/8 Drugs and Crime: Organization of the United?Nations Office on?— ST/SGB/2004/6 and ST/SGB/240Economic and Social Affairs: Department of?— ST/SGB/1997/9 Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific: secretariat of the?— ST/SGB/2005/11 Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia: Secretariat of the?— ST/SGB/2010/7 Economic Commission for Africa: Secretariat of the?— ST/SGB/2005/12 Economic Commission for Europe: Secretariat of the?— ST/SGB/2008/9 Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean: Secretariat of the?— ST/SGB/2000/5 Environment Programme: Organization of the Secretariat of the United?Nations?— ST/SGB/2006/13 Ethics Office: establishment and terms of reference?— ST/SGB/2005/22 Executive Office of the Secretary-General?— ST/SGB/1998/18 General Assembly and Conference Management: Organization of the Department for?— ST/SGB/2005/9 High Commissioner for Human Rights: Office of the United?Nations?— ST/SGB/1997/10 High Commissioner for Refugees: Office of the United?Nations?— ST/SGB/1998/9 Human Resources Management: Office of?— ST/SGB/2011/4 and ST/SGB/2005/7 Humanitarian Affairs: Office for the Coordination of?— ST/SGB/1999/8 Information and Communications Technology: Office of?— ST/SGB/2016/11Internal Oversight Services: Office of?— ST/SGB/2002/7, ST/SGB/273, ST/AI/397 and ST/AI/401 (as amended by ST/AI/2003/4)-Establishment of?— ST/SGB/273 -Personnel arrangements?— ST/AI/401 (as amended by ST/AI/2003/4)-Reporting of inappropriate use of United?Nations resources and proposals for the improvement of programme delivery?— ST/AI/397 International Drug Control Programme?— ST/SGB/2004/6 and ST/SGB/240Legal Affairs: Office of?— ST/SGB/2008/13 Management: Department of?— ST/SGB/2010/9 and ST/SGB/2005/7 Office at Geneva: United?Nations?— ST/SGB/2000/4 Office at Nairobi: United?Nations?— ST/SGB/2009/3 Office at Vienna: Organization of the United?Nations?— ST/SGB/2004/5 Office of Administration of Justice: Organization and terms of reference of the?— ST/SGB/2010/3 Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States: Organization of the United?Nations?— ST/SGB/2007/7 Organization of the United?Nations Office for Partnerships?— ST/SGB/2009/14 Peacekeeping Operations: Organization of the Department of?— ST/SGB/2010/1 Political Affairs: Department of?— ST/SGB/2009/13 and ST/SGB/2009/13/Corr.1 Programme Planning, Budget and Accounts: Office of?— ST/SGB/2016/6, ST/SGB/2003/16 and ST/SGB/2005/7 Public Information: Department of?— ST/SGB/1999/10 and ST/SGB/2008/6 Regional Commissions Liaison Office?— ST/SGB/205 Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: Secretariat of the United?Nations?— ST/SGB/2000/6Safety and Security: Organization of?— ST/SGB/2013/5 Special Adviser on Africa: Office of the?— ST/SGB/2003/6 4. Secretariat boards and committeesAdvisory Board on Compensation Claims?— ST/SGB/2017/1 and ST/SGB/2017/1/Corr.1 (abolished and replaced by ST/SGB/2018/1), and appendix DCentral Review Boards?— ST/SGB/2011/7 Central Review Committees?— ST/SGB/2011/7 Central Review Panels?— ST/SGB/2011/7 Central Examinations Board: see Competitive examination for recruitment to the Professional category of staff members from other categories in section VIII.15 aboveCentral review bodies?— ST/SGB/2011/7 Claims Board?— ST/AI/149/Rev.4 Classification Appeals Committees: see System for the classification of posts in section VIII.8 aboveDepartmental focal points for women in the Secretariat?— ST/SGB/2008/12 Ethics Committee?— ST/SGB/2007/11 (section 3)Exhibits Committee: United?Nations?— ST/SGB/2008/6 Field central review bodies?— ST/SGB/2011/7 Garage Review Board?— ST/AI/349 Global Central Review Board?— ST/SGB/2016/4/Rev.1 Health and Life Insurance Committee at Headquarters?— ST/SGB/275 Independent Inquiry Committee (Independent inquiry into the oil-for-food programme)?— ST/SGB/2004/9Information and Communications Technology Board?— ST/SGB/2003/17 Information and communication technology (ICT) initiatives (ICT Committees)?— ST/AI/2005/10 Joint Harassment Prevention Boards?— ST/SGB/2008/14 Joint Negotiation Committee at Headquarters?— ST/SGB/2007/9 Joint Negotiation Committee for the Field?— ST/SGB/2008/11 Management Performance Board?— ST/SGB/2013/2 Office of Staff Legal Assistance?— ST/SGB/2010/3 Office of the Ombudsman: appointment and terms of reference of the Ombudsman?— ST/SGB/2016/7 Policy Committee and Management Committee?— ST/SGB/2005/16, ST/SGB/2006/14 and ST/SGB/2011/3 and ST/SGB/2011/3/Amend.1Project Review Committee?— ST/AI/2005/10 Property Survey Board?— ST/SGB/2013/4 and ST/AI/202 Publications Board?— ST/SGB/2012/2 and ST/AI/2001/5 Records of the United?Nations Compensation Commission?— ST/SGB/2007/10 Senior Advisory Board on Services to the Public: Establishment of a?— ST/SGB/2005/10 Senior Management Group?— ST/SGB/2012/4 (abolished and replaced by ST/SGB/2018/2) (See also ST/SGB/2005/16 and ST/SGB/2006/14)Senior Review Group?— ST/SGB/2016/10 Specialized Board of Examiners: see Competitive examination for recruitment to the Professional category of staff members from other categories in section VIII.15 aboveStaff-Management Committee?— ST/SGB/2011/6/Rev.1 and ST/AI/2014/3Steering Committee for the Improvement of the Status of Women in the Secretariat:-Membership?— ST/SGB/1999/9 -Policies to achieve gender equality in the United?Nations?— ST/SGB/282 and ST/AI/1999/9 -UN-Women?— ST/SGB/2011/2 Tort Claims Board?— ST/SGB/230 United?Nations Dispute Tribunal?— ST/SGB/2010/3 Visa Committee?— ST/SGB/2000/11 and ST/AI/2000/19 Working Group on Internet Matters: see United?Nations Internet publishing in section V.2 aboveWorking Group on Relations between Non-Governmental Organizations and the Secretariat and United?Nations Programmes?— ST/SGB/209 5. Units servicing voluntary programmesAfrican Institute for Economic Development and Planning?— ST/SGB/129 Asian Institute for Economic Development and Planning?— ST/SGB/127 and Amend.1International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women?— ST/SGB/214 Latin American Institute for Economic and Social Planning?— ST/SGB/125/Rev.1 and ST/SGB/125/Rev.1/Amend.1 United?Nations International Drug Control Programme?— ST/SGB/2004/6, ST/SGB/240 and ST/SGB/2015/4United?Nations Research Institute for Social Development?— ST/SGB/126 and ST/SGB/126/Amend.1XII. Property and supplies1. Property controlControl of United?Nations property covered by personal property receipts?— ST/AI/97/Rev.2 Disposal of computer equipment at United?Nations Headquarters?— ST/AI/2001/4 Electronic publishing: Guidelines for?— ST/AI/189/Add.26 (see also Publishing in an electronic format: Guidelines for, in section V.2 above)Internet publishing: United?Nations?— ST/AI/2001/5 Material and package passes?— ST/AI/193/Rev.1 Official cars: Policy on the provision and use of?— ST/AI/2006/1 Property management at United?Nations Headquarters?— ST/AI/2015/4 Property records maintenance?— ST/AI/2015/4 Property Survey Board?— ST/SGB/2013/4 (financial rule 105.21) and ST/AI/202 Use of information and communication technology resources and data?— ST/SGB/2004/15 2. GeneralInformation and Communications Technology Board?— ST/SGB/2003/17 Information and communication technology initiatives?— ST/AI/2005/10 Reduction in energy consumption?— ST/AI/323 XIII. ProtocolRegistration of representatives, establishment of passes and publication of official documents containing lists of delegates to meetings of United?Nations organs?— ST/AI/118/Rev.1 United?Nations Flag Code and Regulations?— ST/SGB/132 XIV. Travel and transportation1. Automobiles, baggage and customsExcess baggage, shipments and insurance —ST/AI/2016/4 (see also Special entitlements for staff members serving at designated duty stations below)Official cars: Policy on the provision and use of?— ST/AI/2006/1 Reimbursement for travel by private motor vehicle?— ST/AI/2013/3 and ST/AI/2013/3/Amend.2Road and driving safety?— ST/AI/2010/6 2. ExpensesMedical evacuation?— ST/AI/2000/10 Mission subsistence allowance?— ST/AI/1997/6 (as amended by ST/AI/2002/5 and ST/AI/2005/6)Special entitlements for staff members serving at designated duty stations?— ST/AI/2016/3 System of daily subsistence allowance?— ST/AI/1998/3 (as amended by ST/AI/2003/9)Terminal expenses: see Official travel belowTravel claims: see Official travel belowTravel expenses and subsistence allowances:-Members of organs or subsidiary organs of the United?Nations?— ST/SGB/107/Rev.63. GeneralCoordination of action in cases of death of staff members: travel and transportation in cases of death or health-related emergency?— ST/AI/2011/9Education grant travel?— ST/AI/2018/1 and ST/AI/2018/2 Family visit travel?— ST/AI/2000/15, ST/AI/2000/15/Amend.1, ST/AI/2013/3 and ST/AI/2013/3/Amend.2 Home leave?— ST/AI/2015/2/Rev.1 Official travel?— ST/AI/2013/3 and ST/AI/2013/3/Amend.2 Personal status for purposes of United?Nations entitlements?— ST/SGB/2004/13/Rev.1 Road and driving safety?— ST/AI/2010/6 Standard of accommodation: travel time and rest stopovers?— see Official travel aboveTravel advances?— see Official travel aboveVisa: see section VIII.17 above C.Alphabetical index to administrative issuancesAbandonment of post27, 36Abuse of authority: Prohibition of discrimination, harassment, including sexual harassment, and9, 37, 40Acceptance of pro bono goods and services: guidelines10, 36, 37Access to League of Nations archives22, 29Accommodation: Standard of — see Official travelAdministration of Justice: Organization and terms of reference of the Office of8, 34, 41Administration of fixed-term appointments16, 34Administration of temporary appointments16, 17, 34Administration of the Staff Regulations and Staff Rules7, 26, 36, 39*Administration-staff relations33Administrative instructions: see Administrative issuancesAdministrative issuances9, 32Admission to United Nations Headquarters27, 28, 40Advisory Board on Compensation Claims29, 42African Institute for Economic Development and Planning22, 31, 40, 43After-service health insurance18, 38Airmail envelopes: Use of29Alcohol/substance abuse: Employee assistance in cases of27, 37, 38*Allowances, entitlements and grants33Annual inspection of official status file23, 37*Appeals34Appointment, extension and conversion of contractual status of staff in the General Service, Security Service and Manual Workers categories34*Appointments, placement and promotion34*Archives and records: Communications29Archives and records: United Nations29Arrest or detention of staff members, other agents of the United Nations and members of their families: see Security, safety and independence of the international civil service27, 28, 33, 37Asian Institute for Economic Development and Planning22, 31, 40, 43Assignment to and return from mission detail: policy governing23, 27, 34, 36, 40Assistance and representation by counsel in disciplinary and appeals cases: see Administration of justiceAssistance in cases of alcohol/substance abuse: Employee27, 37, 38*Attendance, leave and working hours36Attribution of authorship in United Nations documents24, 30*Authority: Delegation of36Authority of United Nations security officers27, 28Authority of the United Nations Population Fund in matters relating to human?resources12, 36*Automobiles, baggage and customs46*Baggage and customs: Automobiles,46Basic rights and duties of United Nations staff members: Status7, 36, 37Boards: see Organizational structureBookshop: United Nations26, 28, 32, 37Breastfeeding: Policy on12, 36, 37*Buildings, premises and security28Building the future39, 40*Career development and examinations: Training,39Cars: Official18, 43, 44Central Emergency Response Fund: Establishment and operation of the31, 32Central Examinations Board: see Competitive examination for recruitment to the Professional category of staff members from other categoriesCentral review bodies8, 34, 42Central Review Board6, 34, 42, 46Central Review Committee34, 42Central Review Panel34, 42Central review bodies at designated offices away from Headquarters34Central Support Services: Office of7, 40Centre for Human Settlements, United Nations41Certification of sick leave: see Sick leaveChild support obligations of staff members: Family and14, 36*Claims29Claims Board29, 42Classification Appeals Committees: see System for the classification of postsCommission for Historical Clarification: see Archives and records*Communications, archives and records29*Communications, correspondence and mailing29Compendium of job opportunities: see Managed Reassignment Programme for Junior Professional StaffCompensation in the event of death, injury or illness attributable to the performance of official duties on behalf of the United Nations29, 38Compensation for loss of or damage to personal effects attributable to service24, 29Compensation to members of commissions, committees or similar bodies in the event of death, injury or illness attributable to service with the United Nations21, 29Competitive examinations21, 34, 35, 39Competitive examinations for the placement of General Service and related categories35, 39Computer equipment at United Nations Headquarters: Disposal of19, 32, 43Conditions under which staff members may take national competitive recruitment?examinations39Conference on Trade and Development: Secretariat of the United Nations14, 41Conference Management: Organization of the Department of General Assembly11, 41*Conferences29Confidentiality of mailing lists and registers29, 32Conservation: Energy — see Reduction in energy consumptionConsultants and individual contractors16, 35Continuing appointments8, 16, 35Contractors: Institutional or corporate35Contributions from non-Member States26, 31Control of United Nations property covered by personal property receipts23, 43Coordination of action in cases of death of staff members: travel and transportation in cases of death or health-related emergency17, 33, 44Copyright in United Nations publications24, 30*Correspondence and mailing: Communications,29Covers and title pages of publications24, 30Criteria for the selection of materials to be issued as United Nations publications25, 30Currency and modalities of payment of salaries and allowances19, 31, 37, 38*Customs: Automobiles, baggage and46Dag Hammarskj?ld Memorial Library: see Department of Public InformationDag Hammarskj?ld Memorial Library building: Use of24, 28, 39Daily subsistence allowance: System of16, 34, 44Death and disability coverage for members of the Joint Inspection Unit26, 29Death of staff members: Coordination of action in cases of17, 33, 44*Delegation of authority36Delegation of authority under the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United?Nations15, 32Department of Economic and Social Affairs14, 41Department of Field Support: Organization of the8, 41Department for General Assembly and Conference Management: Organization of the11, 41Department of Management9Department of Peacekeeping Operations8Department of Political Affairs9, 42Department of Public Information14Departmental focal points for women in the Secretariat10, 33, 41, 42Dependency status and dependency benefits15, 33Deposit of salary: Direct — see Currency and modalities of payment of salaries and allowancesDepository libraries24, 30Designation of staff members performing significant functions in the management of financial, human and physical resources11, 31, 36Diplomatic pouch service27, 29Disarmament Affairs: Organization of the Office for9, 48Disciplinary measures and procedures: Revised15Discrimination: Prohibition of — harassment, including sexual harassment, and abuse of authority9, 37, 40Disposal of computer equipment at United Nations Headquarters19, 32, 43Disposition of the documents of the Independent Inquiry Committee into the United Nations Oil-for-Food Programme11, 29, 30Distribution of documents, meeting records, official records and publications24, 30*Documents and publications30Document services: Requests for24, 30Drugs and Crime: Organization of the United Nations Office on12, 41*Duties and obligations36Economic and Social Affairs: Department of 14, 41Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific: Secretariat of the11, 41Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia: Secretariat of the9, 41Economic Commission for Africa: Secretariat of the11, 41Economic Commission for Europe: Secretariat of the10, 41Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean: Secretariat of the13, 41Education grant and special education grant for disabled children33Education grant travel44Electronic publishing30, 32, 33, 43Emblem on documents and publications: Use of the United Nations25, 31Emergency Relief Coordinator: see Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian?AffairsEmployee assistance in cases of alcohol/substance abuse27, 37, 38Employment: Part-time26, 35*Employment beyond retirement: Pensions, post-retirement services and38Employment of spouses26, 35Energy conservation (Reduction in energy consumption)27, 28, 43*Entitlements and grants: Allowances33Environment Programme: Organization of the Secretariat of the United Nations11, 41Establishment and maintenance of branch libraries and reference centres22, 39Establishment and management of trust funds22, 32Establishment and operation of the Central Emergency Response Fund31, 32Establishment of a Senior Advisory Board on Services to the Public11, 31, 42Ethics Committee42Ethics Office: establishment and terms of reference11, 33, 41Ethics: United Nations system-wide application of (separately administered organs and programmes)10, 32, 33Evacuation: Medical20, 40, 44Evacuation procedure13, 28*Examinations: Training, career development and39Excess baggage, shipments and insurance (see also Special entitlements for staff?members serving at designated duty stations)15, 44, 49Exchange of United Nations documents and publications24, 30Executive Office of the Secretary-General6, 14, 41Exhibits Committee: United Nations9, 28, 32, 42*Expenses44Expenses: Terminal — see Official travelExternal publishing of United Nations manuscripts25, 30Family and child support obligations of staff members14, 36Family leave, maternity leave and paternity leave18, 36Family visit travel20, 44Field Central Review Bodies35, 40, 42Field Service category:Mission subsistence allowance21, 33, 34, 44Movement to Professional category35, 40*Salary scales and payments38Filing of adverse material in personnel records27, 37*Finance31*Financial arrangements31Financial disclosure and declaration of interest statements10, 31, 36*Financial Regulations and Rules32Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations7, 15, 32Financial Regulations and Rules: Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation32Financial Rules of the Fund of the United Nations Environment Programme32Flag Code and Regulations: United Nations22, 43Flexible working arrangements12, 36, 38Forms management programme26, 32*Garage28Garage Review Board28, 42Gender equality: Policies to achieve23, 35, 39, 43General Assembly and Conference Management: Organization of the Department?for11, 41*General office procedures32General trust funds26, 32Gifts and historical items: Preservation and disposition of22, 29, 36, 37Gratis personnel20, 35Grievance panels: see Panels on Discrimination and Other GrievancesGrounds passes: Wearing of28, 38Guidelines for the acceptance of pro bono goods and services37Guidelines for the preparation of host Government agreements20, 27, 29Hardship allowance: Mobility and6, 15, 23, 35Harassment: Prohibition of discrimination, including sexual harassment and abuse?of authority9, 37, 40Health and Life Insurance Committee at Headquarters23, 38, 42High Commissioner for Human Rights: Office of the United Nations14, 41High Commissioner for Refugees: Office of the United Nations14, 41HIV/AIDS: see United Nations personnel policy onHome leave15, 33, 36, 44Hospitality: Official19, 31, 34, 37Host Government agreements falling under General Assembly resolution 40/243: Guidelines for the preparation of20, 27, 29Household goods: Storage of personal effects and — see Excess baggage, shipments and insurance*Human resources33Human Resources Management: Office of8Human Rights: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for14, 41Human Settlements: United Nations Centre for41Humanitarian Affairs: Office for the Coordination of14, 49Identification cards: Personal27, 28, 38Improvement of programme delivery: see Reporting of inappropriate use of United Nations resources and proposals for improvement of programme deliveryIndependent Inquiry Committee (Independent inquiry into the oil-for-food programme)42Information and Communications Technology Board12, 29, 42Information and communication technology initiatives18, 29, 31, 43Information and communication technology resources and data: Use of12, 28, 43Information circulars14, 32, 38Information sensitivity, classification and handling10, 29, 30, 32Initiation, approval and execution of the United Nations biennial publication programme30*Institutes40Insurance: Excess baggage, shipments and15, 44, 49*Insurance: Medical and other38Internal controls governing access to copies of the records of the Serious Crimes Unit of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Timor-Leste10, 18, 29, 30, 40Internal Oversight Services: Office of13, 19, 23, 27, 41International agreements: Procedures to be followed by the departments, offices and regional commissions of the United Nations with regard to treaties and13, 33International civil service: Security, safety and independence of the22, 28, 33, 37International Drug Control Programme23, 32, 41, 43International humanitarian law: Observance by United Nations forces of14, 40International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women20, 40, 43International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and the International Standard Serial?Number (ISSN) for United Nations publications: Use of the25, 31Internet publishing: United Nations20, 30, 31, 32Internship programme: United Nations16, 39Introduction of staggered working hours27, 36Issuances: Administrative9, 32*Job classification system37Joint Harassment Prevention Boards10, 33, 42Joint Inspection Unit: Death and disability coverage for members of the26, 29Joint Negotiation Committee at Headquarters10, 33, 42Joint Negotiation Committee for the Field10, 40, 42Jury duty: see Recording of attendance and leaveLaissez-passer37Language proficiency and language allowance15, 39Latin American Institute for Economic and Social Planning22, 31, 40, 43League of Nations archives: Access to22, 29Learning and development policy7, 9, 39Leave: Home15, 33, 36, 44*Leave and working hours: Attendance,36Leave for upgrading of substantive and technical skills 17, 36, 39Legal Affairs: Office of10, 41Legal obligations of staff members: Private31, 36, 37Libraries: Depository24, 30*Library39Library services26, 39Life insurance19, 38Life Insurance Committee at Headquarters: Health and23, 38, 42Lost and found property: security of valuable articles26, 28*Mailing: Communications, correspondence and29Mailing lists and registers: Confidentiality of29, 32Mailing of official United Nations documentation24, 30Malicious acts insurance policy: Payment of insurance proceeds under the12, 38, 40Managed Reassignment Programme32, 35, 39Management: Department of9Management Group: Senior8, 43Management of property15Management Performance Board7, 42Maps: Guidelines for the publication of25, 30Material and package passes25, 28, 43Maternity leave: Family leave and paternity leave18, 36, 49Maximum length of documents submitted in the name of the Secretary-General or?of the Secretariat25, 30Medal: Regulations for the United Nations (for award to military personnel)21Medal: Regulations for the United Nations Dag Hammarskj?ld13, 40*Medical and other insurance36Medical clearances and examinations16, 35Medical evacuation20, 40, 44Medical examinations for family members: Reimbursement of costs of basic — see Special entitlements for staff members serving at designated duty stationsMedical insurance plan for locally recruited staff at designated duty stations away from Headquarters15, 38Memorial and Recognition Fund: United Nations9, 34Mention of names of commercial firms in United Nations documents and publications25, 30Mission subsistence allowance (see also Allowances, entitlements and grants)21, 33, 34, 40, 44*Missions40Mobility and hardship scheme6, 15, 23, 35Movement of staff from the Field Service category to the Professional category35, 40New nomenclature for staff of the United Nations13, 32Newsletters and other information materials in printed or electronic format25, 30Non-governmental organizations and the United Nations Secretariat: Policies and procedures governing the relationship between23, 40, 43Non-reimbursable loans of personnel services from sources external to the United?Nations common system26, 31Non-resident’s allowance: see Rental subsidies and deductionsNon-smoking policy at United Nations Headquarters, New York12, 28*Obligations: Duties and36Obligations of staff members36Observance by United Nations forces of international humanitarian law14, 40Office at Geneva: United Nations13Office at Nairobi: United Nations9Office at Vienna: United Nations11, 41Office for Disarmament Affairs9, 48Office on Drugs and Crime: Organization of the United Nations12, 41Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs14, 49Office of Administration of Justice: Organization and terms of reference of the8, 34, 41Office of Central Support Services7, 40Office of Human Resources Management8Office of Information and Communications Technology7, 41Office of Internal Oversight Services13, 19, 23, 27, 41Office of Legal Affairs10, 41Office of Programme Planning, Budget and Accounts12, 42Office of Staff Legal Assistance42Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked?Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States: Organization of the United Nations10, 41Office of the Special Adviser on Africa12Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights14, 41Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees14, 41*Office procedures: General32Official cars18, 43, 44Official hospitality19, 31, 34, 37Official status files23, 37Official travel16, 31, 44Ombudsman: Office of the6, 33, 34, 42Organization of the Secretariat of the United Nations7, 11, 13, 14Organization of the United Nations Office for Partnerships9, 14Organizational competencies for the future14, 39, 40*Organizational structure40Out-of-stock material: Reissue of25, 30Outgoing official United Nations mail at Headquarters26, 29Outside activities20, 37Overpayments made to staff members: Recovery of17, 31, 38Oversight Services: Office of Internal13, 19, 23, 27, 41Overtime compensation for staff members in the Field Service category at established missions20, 31, 38, 40Package passes: Material and25, 28, 43Parking rates: see United Nations garageParticipants in advisory meetings16, 35Part-time employment26, 35*Passes28Paternity leave: Family leave, maternity leave and18, 36, 49Payment of income taxes to the United States tax authorities21, 39Payment of insurance proceeds under the malicious acts insurance policy12, 38, 40Peacekeeping Operations: Department of8, 40, 41*Pensions, post-retirement services and employment beyond retirement38Performance Appraisal System — see Performance Management and Development SystemPerformance Management and Development System17Personal identification cards27, 28, 38Personal status for purposes of United Nations entitlements12, 34, 38, 44Personnel payroll clearance action24, 31, 32, 37Personnel policy on HIV/AIDS: United Nations12, 14, 38Personnel record cards: Maintenance of23, 32, 37Placement and promotion5, 34, 35, 39Policies and procedures governing the relationship between non-governmental organizations and the United Nations Secretariat23, 40, 43Policies for obtaining the services of individuals on behalf of the Organization22, 35Policies to achieve gender equality in the United Nations23, 35, 39, 43Policy Committee/Management Committee42Policy governing assignment to and return from mission detail23, 27, 34, 36, 40Political Affairs: Department of9, 42*Post adjustment38Post-employment restrictions11, 33, 37*Post-retirement services and employment beyond retirement: Pensions38*Pouch29*Premises and security: Buildings,28Preservation and disposition of gifts and historical items22, 29, 36, 37Prevention of workplace harassment, sexual harassment and abuse of authority9, 37, 40Pricing of United Nations publications25, 30Private legal obligations of staff members (see also Duties and obligations)31, 36, 37Procedures and terms of reference of the staff-management consultation machinery at the departmental or office level23, 33Procedures for the promulgation of administrative issuances: see Administrative issuancesProcedures of the Senior Review Group for the filling of posts at the Director (D-2) and higher levels: see Senior Review GroupProcedures to be followed by the departments, offices and regional commissions of the United Nations with regard to treaties and international agreements13, 33Professional and higher categories38Programme delivery: see Reporting of inappropriate use of United Nations resources and proposals for improvement ofProgramme Planning, Budget and Accounts: Office of12, 42Programme support accounts26, 32Prohibition of discrimination, harassment, including sexual harassment, and abuse of authority9, 37, 40Project Review Committee42*Promotion: Appointments, placement and34Promotion policy and review: see Placement and promotion*Property and supplies43Property management at United Nations Headquarters28, 33, 43Property records maintenance43Property Survey Board26, 28, 42, 43Protection against retaliation for reporting misconduct and for cooperating with duly authorized audits or investigations6, 28, 37*Protocol43Public Information: Department of14, 42*Publications: Documents and30Publications Board8, 30Publishing in an electronic format: guidelines for25, 30, 33Reassignment Programme for Junior Professional Staff: Managed32, 35, 39Recording of attendance and leave18, 20, 36Record-keeping and the management of United Nations archives10, 29*Records: Archives and29Records and archives of the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission 9Records of the Serious Crimes Unit of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Timor-Leste10, 18, 29, 30, 40Records of the United Nations Compensation Commission10, 37, 42Recovery of overpayments made to staff members17, 31, 38Recruitment procedures for Professional staff35Rectification of date of birth or of other personal data: Request for17, 37Recuperation: Rest and16, 34, 36Reduction in energy consumption27, 28, 43Reference centres: Establishment and maintenance of branch libraries and22, 39References and acknowledgements (in United Nations publications and documents)30Refugees: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for14, 41Regional Commissions Liaison Office22, 42Registration of representatives, establishment of passes and publication of official documents containing lists of delegates to meetings of United Nations organs24, 43Registration of staff members and affiliates on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and after office hours28, 36*Regulations and Rules: Financial7, 15, 32Regulations and Rules Governing Programme Planning, the Programme Aspects of?the Budget, the Monitoring of Implementation and the Methods of Evaluation6, 32*Regulations and Rules: Staff39*Regulations for the control and limitation of documentation30Regulations for the United Nations Dag Hammarskj?ld medal13, 40Regulations for the United Nations medal21Regulations for the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus21, 32, 40Reimbursement for travel by private motor vehicle34, 44Reimbursement of costs of basic medical examinations for family members: see Special entitlements for staff members serving at designated duty stationsReissue of out-of-stock material25, 30Release of staff members in bad weather or other emergency conditions: see Recording of attendance and leaveRelief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: United Nations13, 42Relief committees: United Nations staff — see Solicitation of voluntary contributions within the SecretariatRental subsidies and deductions34Repatriation grant23, 34Reporting of inappropriate use of United Nations resources and proposals for improvement of programme delivery31, 33, 34, 37Representation by counsel in disciplinary and appeals cases — see Administration of JusticeRequests for document services24, 30Rest and recuperation16, 34, 36Retention in service beyond the mandatory age of separation and employment of?retirees19, 35, 38*Revenue-producing activities32Revised disciplinary measures and procedures15Road and driving safety17, 28, 40, 44Rules: Financial Regulations and7, 15, 32*Rules: Staff Regulations and39Rules governing compensation in the event of death, injury or illness29, 38Sabbatical leave programme15, 36, 39*Safety28Salaries and allowances: Currency and modalities of payment of19, 31, 37, 38Salary: Direct deposit of — see Currency and modalities of payment of salaries and allowancesSalary differential for General Service staff in the language text-processing units in the Text-Processing Processing Section, Department of General Assembly Affairs and Conference Services, Headquarters26, 31, 34, 38*Salary scales and payments38Scheduling of meetings and provision of conference services26, 29Scheme of social security for the staff34, 38Secretariat of the United Nations: Organization of the7, 11, 13, 14*Secretariat boards and committees42Secretariat buildings: see Buildings, premises and security*Secretariat departments and units40Secretariat of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific11, 41Secretariat of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia9, 41Secretariat of the Economic Commission for Africa11, 41Secretariat of the Economic Commission for Europe10, 41Secretariat of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean13, 41Secretariat of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development14, 41Secretariat of the United Nations Environment Programme11, 41Secretariat of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees?in the Near East13, 42Secretary-General: Executive Office of the6, 14, 41Secretary-General’s bulletins: see Administrative issuancesSecretary-General’s records and archives: see United Nations archives and records?management *Security28Security arrangements for admission to United Nations Headquarters27, 28, 40Security of valuable articles26, 28Security and Safety Service at Headquarters: testing for use of illegal drugs and controlled substances28Security, safety and independence of the international civil service22, 28, 33, 37Senior Advisory Board on Services to the Public: Establishment of a11, 31, 42Senior Management Group8, 43Senior Review Group7, 35, 43Sexual harassment: Prohibition of discrimination, harassment, and abuse of authority9, 12, 37, 40Shipments and insurance: Excess baggage: see Special entitlements for staff members serving at designated duty stationsSick leave18, 36Skills: Upgrading of substantive and technical17, 36, 39Smoking at United Nations Headquarters37Social security for the staff: Scheme of34, 38Solicitation of voluntary contributions within the Secretariat23, 31Special Adviser on Africa: Office of the34, 38Special conditions for recruitment or placement of candidates successful in a competitive examination for posts requiring special language skills19, 20, 35, 39Special conferences: Planning, preparation and servicing of22, 29Special entitlements for staff members serving at designated duty stations15, 34, 44Special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse12, 37Special measures for the achievement of gender equality20, 35Special post allowance21, 34, 35Special post allowance for field mission staff19, 34, 35, 38, 40Specialized Board of Examiners: see Competitive examination for recruitment to the Professional category of staff members from other categoriesSplit shipments: see Excess baggage, shipments and insurance*Staff Regulations and Rules39Staff Regulations6, 7, 26, 36, 39*Staff relations: Administration33Staff relief committees: United Nations — see Solicitation of voluntary contributions within the SecretariatStaff representatives: Facilities to be provided to27, 33Staff Rules7, 20, 26, 36, 39Staff selection system13, 17, 35Staff-Management Committee8, 16, 33, 43Staff-management relations22, 33Standard of accommodation: see Official travelStatus, basic rights and duties of United Nations staff members7, 36, 37Steering Committee for the Improvement of the Status of Women in the Secretariat14, 33, 43Stock review and disposal of official records and publications30Studies programme: see Upgrading of technical and substantive skillsSubsistence allowance: see System of daily subsistence allowance16, 34, 44Substance abuse: Employee assistance in cases of alcohol27, 37, 38*Supplies: Property and43Supply to the United Nations libraries of material not available through the regular distribution channels24, 31Support Services: Office of Central7, 40System for the classification of posts21, 37System of daily subsistence allowance16, 34, 44*Taxes: United States39Taxi fares26, 31, 38Technical cooperation trust funds26, 32Technology Board: Information and Communications12, 29, 42Temporary staff and individual contractors35Terminal expenses: see Official travelTermination of appointment for reasons of health21, 35Termination of permanent appointment for unsatisfactory services: procedure to be followed26, 35Testing in the Security and Safety Service at Headquarters for use of illegal drugs and controlled substances19, 38Threshold percentage for the purpose of calculating rental subsidies: see Rental subsidies and deductionsTime, attendance and leave recording: see Recording of attendance and leave, Family leave, maternity leave and paternity leave and Sick leaveTimetable for the planning and submission of documents for sessions of United?Nations organs25, 31Tort Claims Board43Tort claims: Resolution of43*Training, career development and examinations39Transportation of privately owned automobiles: see Excess baggage, shipments and insurance*Travel and transportation44Travel expenses and subsistence allowances in respect of members of organs or subsidiary organs of the United Nations21Treaties and international agreements: Procedures to be followed by the departments, offices and regional commissions of the United Nations with regard?to13, 33*Trust funds and special accounts32Unaccompanied shipments and insurance coverage for personal effects and household goods: see Excess baggage, shipments and insuranceUnited Nations archives and records29United Nations Bookshop service for staff members26, 28, 32, 37United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)41United Nations Conference on Trade and Development14, 41United Nations Dispute TribunalUnited Nations emblem on documents and publications: Use of25, 31United Nations Environment Programme: Secretariat of the11, 41United Nations Exhibits CommitteeUnited Nations Flag Code and Regulations22, 43United Nations forces: see Observance by United Nations forces of international humanitarian lawUnited Nations garage27, 28, 32United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights: Office of the14, 41United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: Office of the14, 41United Nations International Drug Control Programme23, 32, 41, 43United Nations Internet publishing20, 30, 31, 32United Nations internship programme16, 39United Nations Learning Advisory Board: see Learning and development policyUnited Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission: Records and?archives9United Nations Memorial and Recognition Fund9, 34United Nations Office at Geneva13United Nations Office at Nairobi9United Nations Office at Vienna11, 41United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: Organization of the12, 41United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus: Regulations for the21, 32, 40United Nations personnel policy on HIV/AIDS12, 14, 38United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA): Authority in matters relating to human?resources12, 36United Nations premises for meetings, conferences, special events and exhibits: Use of27, 28, 29, 40United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: Secretariat of the13, 42United Nations Research Institute for Social Development22, 31, 40, 43United Nations Staff Relief Committees: see Solicitation of voluntary contributions within the SecretariatUnited Nations websites: see United Nations Internet publishing*United States taxes39*Units servicing voluntary programmes43Upgrading of substantive and technical skills17, 36, 39Use and disposition of papers and reports of seminars and similar ad hoc meetings25, 31Use of airmail envelopes29Use of Dag Hammarskj?ld Memorial Library building24, 28, 39Use of information and communication technology resources and data12, 28, 43Use of the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for United Nations publications25, 31Use of the United Nations emblem on documents and publications25, 31Use of United Nations premises for meetings, conferences, special events and exhibits27, 28, 29, 40Use of United Nations resources and proposals for improvement of programme delivery: Reporting of inappropriate31, 33, 34, 37Use of “when actually employed” contracts for special representatives, envoys and other special high-level positions23, 35, 36Visa Committee13, 39, 43Visa status of non-United States staff members serving in the United States20, 39*Visas39Voluntary contributions within the Secretariat: Solicitation of23, 31*Voluntary programmes: Units servicing43WAE contracts: see Use of “when actually employed” contracts for special representatives, envoys and other special high-level positionsWearing of grounds passes38Weather: Release of staff members in bad — see Recording of attendance and?leaveWebsites, United Nations: see United Nations Internet publishingWomen in the Secretariat:Special measures for the achievement of gender equality20, 35Steering Committee for the Improvement of the Status of Women in the Secretariat14, 33, 43UN-Women8, 36, 43Word-processing qualifications: Test for basicWorking Group on Relations between Non-Governmental Organizations and the Secretariat and United Nations Programmes43*Working hours: Attendance, leave and36Working hours: introduction of staggered working hours at Headquarters27, 36Working languages of the Secretariat22, 23, 33, 38Workload estimates: Documentation24, 31Young professionals programme8, 16, 39 DOCVARIABLE "jobn" \* MERGEFORMAT 18-02957 (E) 120318 DOCVARIABLE "barcode" \* MERGEFORMAT *1802957*2669540304800 ................

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