Book of TahliaRushing into the room next door I look back to the entryway to see if any of the guards had followed me. My mind raced, as I tried to stay a step ahead of the situation, but it was falling apart fast. Guards were being taken out one by one, and I did not know where or when the next strike would happen. One guard had followed me into the room, and three others guarded the door. Just as I felt in control surrounded by guardsmen with our backs to the wall the candles went out in the hallway outside the door. It was dark except for a faint moonlight that lit through the window of the room. I could hear my breathing, and my heart felt it would beat out my chest. You could only hear the wind blowing from the open window, and the wood floor squeak as the weight of the guards shifted nervously as we waited for… it.“Stand ready!” I ordered the men.The guards outside the door already with swords drawn raised their shields, and positioned themselves defensively huddling close together to protect the entrance of the door. The metal from their shields rubbed together as I tried to listen for anything. Listen for him. He was here. He was coming for us. I could sense his presence as the fear set deep into my bones.THUMP! The sound of a body hits the floor.THUMP! THUMP! Two more bodies.The guards at the door fell. What happened? They just fell to the ground. I did not hear anything or see anything hit them. There was nothing but a silence of terror. “Report!” I orderedThere was no answer from the guards on the floor. They did not move or respond. Nervous I ordered again,“Report!”The fourth guard inside the room backed towards us with his arrow aimed and ready to fire. Our eyes were fixed on the door. No sound, not even from the bottom floor down the stairway. I thought reinforcements would be coming up the stairs by now, but there was nothing. All men were down?“We need to get out of here,” I whispered.The guard with his arrow drawn nods yes, and I move towards the window. It was our only way out.TAP…TAP…TAP…TAP…TAP…TAPThe tapping noise was coming from the hallway approaching our door. It was coming to us. The tap slowed the closer it got to our door.TAP..…TAP..…TAP..…TAPThen slowly a silhouette formed into the doorway. He stopped and stood square at the entry. “Identify yourself!” ordered the guard with his arrow aimed at him.The man did not answer, and I ordered,“Fire!”As a little girl I remember the fairy tales told to me at night before going to bed. The story of the beloved Princess Susurra Bella that spoke to the animals of the forest, or Prince Jumo that made the forest safe to travel by ridding the trolls from the woods. His voyages of hunting them down in the caves, under bridges, and on the cliffs of the sea working side by side with Princess Susurra Bella as she used the animals to track the evil trolls. I was most fascinated with the Princess because of her power to not only speak to animals, but she would help them when they could not help themselves. She protected them being able to ride the wildest of beasts throughout the forest scaring away the trolls, monsters, and sometimes black-hearted men. Men that were so evil their hearts had turned black. This brings me to another tale I was recited as a little girl. The Angel of Peace who would work with Princess Susurra Bella. In fact she gave him his horse to help him keep the forest safe from these black-hearted men. This horse could run like a flash of light from city to city, and stood high above all horses. Princess Susurra Bella gave him his horse to be able to fight the fears of children in their sleep. He would watch over us in the night, and if we became scared we could call on him to fight our fears away. I think the thought as a child of having an angel on a brute horse that can run as fast as a flash of light helped calm our souls, and bring peace to our hearts. Odd to me as I became older this same Angel of Peace became a fear. Religious teachers in our churches would warn us of sin by threatening that the Angel of Peace would hunt and hew us down into a never ending pit of fire. I feared the smallest sins because of the stories I heard. This angel no longer became known as the Angel of Peace in our older age, but the Angel of Death. It is like when we grew up we became evil having to constantly be reminded if we sinned the Angel of Death was breathing over our shoulder. This fear caused me to constantly enter the church to confess my wrongs. Confession sounded much easier than to be hewn down into a never ending pit of fire. Interesting Princess Susurra Bella was not used by religious teachers to scare us, but only this Angel of Death. Time passed, and I no longer believed in such stories. I guess I should not say I did not believe them, but I found them highly unlikely, I mean nobody I know has ever seen such things. I questioned the Priests motives thinking they instilled fear to keep us coming back to confess then put money in their trays. Even though I doubted their stories to the point of knowing in my heart they were not true I would find myself in church every week. Not for social reasons or for fear of being judged by friends or family which being judged in itself is a sin that would merit punishment from God, but for insurance. Insurance that if I am wrong my soul will be spared. The fear was set into me at such a young age I find it impossible to ever be rid of it. It was how I grew up. Everyone else around me was raised this way, but it really was not such a bad way to live. It did keep many people from acting out in violence, or speaking terrible things to one another. Every time someone went missing you could not help but wonder if he was taken by this Angle of Death. Sometimes a murder in the village would happen, but the killer would never be caught. If another murder did not follow we were lead to believe the killer was hunted and found by Death. Another possibility is the person murdered was the murderer, left by the Angel of Death to be found. It did cross my mind that the church itself put dead people in the streets to keep us living in fear. I had reached the point to where I had to know. Most people can let it go and not question these events, but I had to know. Someone is behind this, and I was going to find out.After years of study and training I became an investigator, a good one too. I would be commander investigator had it not been for my younger age, and time spent in the profession. I solved more than double the investigations throughout the land. It was my passion. Most murder investigations I closed where before me they were left open, or just stamped closed because the “Angel of Death” was determined the reason for death. This is how real our people thought he was. I was not so foolish to believe in such things. I was going to find the killer, and the cause of death even if it meant the church had anything to do with the dead bodies. The people needed to know the truth. It was not easy either. Accusing church officials of playing a part in dead bodies was a sure way to lose my job, and I would be cast out of every city. Keeping my distance from the church for now was a wise choice for now unless evidence was overwhelmingly obvious. Strangely once my name had become known throughout the land I would have random confessions. Not of murders, but heavy crimes such as; theft, battery, adultery, rapes, molestations, crimes of this type. These criminals would come to me confessing their crimes! It started to make my job much easier. I would ask why they decided to come forward, and most would answer that they could not live with the guilt anymore. This was the most typical answer, but I could see through most of them. Most of them were afraid of something. I could sense their fear in their confession. Strange, but it was almost like they feared someone more than they feared their punishment for the crime. An unusual number of confessions were coming to me, and these people were looking specifically for me to confess to. Was someone sending them to me? They would deny someone forcing them to turn themselves in every time I asked, and their story would match up perfectly with the investigation. My job was becoming a little too easy at times. Some church officials knew of my skepticism for their stories. Were they sending these criminals to me so I would feel satisfaction and be content? People confess to the Priests, so they would know who the criminals are then they would send them to me? I had to wonder if once they confessed they were threatened to turn themselves in. This had never happened before in such a high number. I have become a good investigator, and am very well known throughout the land. I begin to slightly question the church, and suddenly in record numbers people come to me confessing their crimes. I was going to get my answers.Suffering from lack of sleep because of all these thoughts going through my mind I started my morning much earlier. It was a cold winter morning. The fire was small, but still burning in the furnace keeping my cottage warm enough, but the cold wood floor never seemed to warm. I had not yet bought one of those new cottages with a heat furnace under the home to keep the floor warm throughout the winter. Soon perhaps I will purchase such comfort. I could hear the roosters’ crow in the distance. The sun had not yet risen over the mountain, but the light was beginning to fill the east sky beaming its light around the mountain peaks. Quickly I placed more wood over the fire, warmed me up a small pot of tea then sat on my chair staring into the fire in the furnace. Investigations raced through my head. I still had murders unsolved that had no leads, and no witnesses. Any usual suspects were all ruled out, and around the area of the murder there were no tracks or traces of another that would have been the killer. You would think the murder would be a suicide only the wounds inflicted certainly were not self-inflicted, and the weapon of death was never found. If it were death by suicide the weapon used would be with the victim. One case crossed my mind of a man who confessed of stealing. A famous and most wanted theif. I remember how scared he was when he came to me. He was always looking around in the corners of the room, and over his shoulder. He was subtle in the way he would look around too like he was calm and collected, but inside I knew he was afraid. He had been stealing for years, so why confess now? Why suddenly grow a conscious and feel guilty? So guilty that you want to lock yourself up in prison? If anything after years of stealing you lose the guilt. Most do not consider it stealing after time, but think they are just putting the item to better use. This man was still in Nuchis prison. It was early, so I could go get answers from him before I needed to report to work today.Sitting inside the prison of Nuchis waiting to see him, they made ready the man I wanted to see. Gugli Ellecci also known as Scompari, a thief that had been stealing since the age of seventeen. Scompari means “disappear” which fit him perfect. No one ever saw him, and he left no traces behind. Scompari grew up in a middle/upper class family, and clearly did not need to steal. It was the excitement he craved. Not knowing if he would get caught or get away with it was the game he liked to play. Small game was how he started. Breaking into homes, taking jewelry, and he slowly moved up to higher value items stealing from Nobles, Kings, and eventually churches. He became so good at it that when people lost or misplaced their belongings they would blame it on Scompari cursing his name even though he physically had nothing to do with their loss. He was too clean to track, and too smart to bait. What made him turn himself in? I cannot believe he suddenly had a conscious of guilt. What was he so afraid of the day he confessed?They tied him to a tree post that was posted outside between two stone prison buildings that were well spaced apart from each other. It was where they tied up those that did not behave, so they would have to sit outside, and watch all the other prisoners play their games in the field. This morning was an especially cold morning, and the little clothing prisoners had well… I would say this was not going to be comfortable for Scompari. I walked out to question him. The cold air made me gasp before being able to breathe normally. Scompari had no shoes, no gloves, and just a one piece garment. He was going to talk or freeze. It had been awhile since I last saw him, and his hair was long covering most of his face. His facial hair covered the rest of him to where I could not even recognize Scompari anymore. Kneeling on the ground with his hands tied behind the post, and another rope tied his ankles together kept Scompari from standing upright. The condensation from our breath stretched out in the cold morning air. I kept my face covered mostly. The air almost burned to breath. Scompari sees me approaching and makes a request speaking with his light accent of the roman people,“Oh it is you again! After all this time you are still thinking of me? Please get on with it so I may go inside by the fire. It is freezing.”“This will not take long if you answer what I need to know,” I responded.Scompari chuckles and answers,“Should be quick then. I have told you everything… I have confessed everything no?”“Then tell me why you turned yourself in?”Scompari shakes his head becoming upset,“Do you need to hear it again? Fine, Fine I will say it… again! I could not live with myself knowing I was taking so much from others. There I said it now may I go if that is all?”It sounded like a rehearsed answer to me. I know it has been awhile, but I know a rehearsed answer, and this was one of them. Also the sarcasm in his voice was not convincing. Reminding him he has nowhere to get back to but prison I respond,“When you tell me the truth you can go back to prison to rot away in that cell. For now you can stay out here. I will be back to give you time to think about what you want to say.”I turn and walk away to go back inside. I can hear him yelling at me,“Don’t leave! You leave me out in the freeze? I told you everything! I already told you! Come back! I tell you more! Why you are still leaving? I said I tell you!”His scream became faint the further I walked away until I walked inside. I did not want to come back too soon, but not too long the cold would make it hard for him to speak. Twenty minutes outside might kill him.About five minutes passed and I returned. He hung his head and his body. I had hoped he had been broken to give me more information. A bit of ice began to form around his beard, and the snow that blew off the ground from the wind stuck to his hair and beard. I stood there and waited for him to speak. It did not take long,“What do you want to know?” he asked“Why did you turn yourself in?” I repliedScompari laughed then spit downwards breathing heavily. It was like smoke exhaled with each breathe from the cold stretching out the length of a man’s arm. His rational thinking began to come clear. He could give more information or stay out here in the cold. This angered him as he began to grunt, then he became emotional whispering almost to himself while looking down,“I cannot tell her. No no, do not tell her, do not.”“Tell me and you can go,” I answer.Scompari continues to hang his head whispering to himself. The cold must be setting in. I may not get any information from him this time around, but decide to try one last time offering him more time to think on it,“If you need more time to think I will come back.”I turn to walk inside“Wait!” Scompari orders.I turn in hopes he has something for me to work with.“Agent Tahilia correct?” He remembered my name. He not only is the greatest thief in the land he must be highly intelligent. I had to wonder if he was going to try and manipulate me. I did not answer him. Scompari continued to speak like he is disappointed,“You have cases that remain open… unsolved. Murderers walk the streets of our cities that you have been unable to catch. Even you, Agent Tahilia, the best of them won’t catch them.”Where was he going with this? I quickly respond to hopefully get on with what he was trying to say,“Eventually I will catch them, and put them in here with you.”Scompari swallows breathing heavily, and shakes his head,“You could not catch me.”A smile opens across his face after he looks up. He is provoking me. Maybe I should remind him where he is,“Ohhhh but you were caught, and look where you are now… tide to a post outside in the cold with no shoes, no hand covers, clothed in a prison uniform.”“Not because of you.” Scompari clicks his tongue three times as if to say no, no, no then continues, “I choose to be here,” he sharply answers sounding tired and numb from the cold air freezing his cheeks.He was right. I did not catch him, and I do not believe I even came close to catching him. The only reason we know he is Scompari is because he confessed to the crimes we believe Scompari committed. “Are you wanting me to tell you how good you are?” I ask.Shaking his head and taking a deep breath through his nose Scompari smiles and responds,“No, No, that will not be necessary. I know my skills, but thank you for your offer. That was kind of you.”I cannot help, but to roll my eyes a little. This seemed like a joke to him. Maybe I should leave and come back another day. Just as this thought came to mind Scompari gets to his message,“Make me your assistant. I will catch those that you cannot.”My eyes curl. He just insulted me I think. Does he really think he could do a better job? It is one thing to steal and get away with it. Scompari is a criminal not a man of law. Sounds like he wants to just get out of jail then escape my custody. I think he can see the look on my face, and he begins to explain,“I am the best thief there is. Who better to help you find those you cannot than the one you could not catch yourself.”I still am not falling into his trap. There has to be a motive behind this. He just wants out of prison, and there is no way for him to get out now? It was like he read my mind by what he said next,“If I wanted out of this prison I would simply break out. This prison cannot hold me. I will find the worst of criminals for you. Please let me help.”If he could escape this prison then why is he here? “What is outside this prison that scares you?” I ask.I see his energy deflate like a fear entered into him. He eyes turned downward and wondered becoming unfocused. It was the same look he had when he confessed months ago. All his talk of being my assistant, and I almost forgot to get the answers I was looking for. Scompari did not answer. Letting him out to be my assistant was out of the question. The responsibility I would have. I would be more worried about keeping track of him than I would on the cases.“Answer me what it is you are so afraid of, and I will consider your proposal.” I say hoping to negotiate.His face looked saddened like it wanted to cry. He knew he was going to have to tell me, or he was going to stay in prison. He is crazy to think he could break out. This is a heavily guarded prison that no one escapes from. I stood a little longer to give him a chance to answer. His answer never came, and I walked away. He pleaded for me not to go, “Think about it! You need me! You know you want my help!”I really did not have a choice about leaving. I had to, and if he stayed out much longer he might get frost bite. I would try another day.Weeks passed, and I was not any closer to solving some open murder cases. More criminals had turned themselves into me, and I still did not have an answer to why. Criminals were just turning themselves in due to feeling guilty? It did not make sense.Returning late from work I had found a clue around one of the victims. The victim died a horrible death tied down to a table. Not only was he tied down to the table by his hands, arms, feet, and legs, but his neck and head were also tied. His cause of death was a direct stab to the heart. A perfect strike as was the others I found. There were cuts inflicted before the final strike to the heart. The cuts were maybe for interrogation, or the killer just enjoyed torturing others. Whoever killed this man did not want him to move, and planned out his death. It could have been multiple men that restrained the victim forcing him on the table then tying him down. Up to now there are a few written cases similar to this one that go back decades, and just like this one there are no traces of the killer. No boot marks, hand prints, tracks outside the home, or hairs of the suspect or suspects. It was like no one committed the murder; only a dead man on a table. Even the straps were missing, but I know they were there because of the markings on the victim. The clue on this victim was I had narrowed down the type of dagger the killer used. The cuts and stab wound to the heart were from an incredibly sharp dagger, so it had to be sharpened often. I could start by investigating blacksmiths for repeat customers. Deep in thought I had put more wood in the fire, and put a pot of water over it for some warm tea. I went to sit down in my chair by the furnace to keep warm only the chair was not there. Did I move it this morning before leaving? I never move this chair in the winter. Looking around for it I spotted the chair under the table. Quickly grabbing a knife I have hidden under my books next to me I check the doors to make sure the bolts were not broken. They were in place as normal. The wood creaked with each step I took, and my cottage was still dim from the candles around the home not being lit yet. I would try to light them as I searched every corner, but I found nothing. Finally my sleeping area needed to be checked that was separated from the rest of the cottage by a short wall. I took a candle with me to see better in the dark room. It was silent, and it did not seem anyone had broken in other than my chair had been moved from the furnace to the table. I was losing my mind, but I could not be too careful. After all I am hunting down the most dangerous of men. Slowly entering my sleeping area I lead with the candle light looking right then left at the entry of the room. It was clear. The room was small, and did not have room for one to hide much. I have been in such a daze lately thinking of my cases, maybe I did move the chair. I put the knife down to my side, turned, and walked back to the furnace. A man sitting on the chair at the table! He was drinking my tea. He speaks as I raise my knife and freeze.“Have you thought about my proposal?”Scompari? How did he get out? Frightened of what his intentions were I asked,“What are you doing here?” Scompari did not answer. “How did you get out?”He took another sip of the warm tea that steamed from the top then turned towards me in the chair, and crossed his legs still holding the cup of tea. He sighed then answered like he was disappointed in me,“Tahlia,Tahlia… When you left me there in prison you said you would think about me. I am sad now. I not see you in a some weeks, so I think it to be a good time to visit yes?”“This is not possible, hold a candle to your face so I can be sure,” I asked in disbelief.“Sure, I can do this for you. Just remember everything I do for you.” Scompari politely says.He takes the candle sitting on the table behind him then puts it up to his face. His hair was cut and his beard was gone. He then takes another sip of tea to let me take it all in. He was actually a very good looking man, very different looking than when I saw him in prison with long hair and a beard, but it was Scompari. He puts the candle back, looks down at his cup of tea batting his fingers against the cup, and says,“Not impossible by the way…” Scompari tilts and lightly shakes his head, “highly improbable, but when I said I break out I was not…,” He pauses holding up one finger then smiles finishing his sentence, “telling a joke.”He takes another sip as I stood there still frozen with my knife held up ready to strike if he decided to harm me. I was shocked he broke out of the prison, and into my house. That prison stood tall with a moat, followed by another stone wall surrounded by guards. How he got out of his cell, then out of the tower was impossible. He could see I was frightened some, so he failingly attempted to calm my fears asking me,“I have a question to ask, but first I ask if I should tie you up, and leave you out in the cold?”I did not answer, and still stood frozen to see what he had to say. If he was not going to attack I did not need to provoke him. I did not know what he was capable of other than he was an exceptional thief that could not be caught. He actually answers his question he just asked me with a chuckle,“This is a joke as well Talhia. I am a thief not an investigator. I do not take pleasure in harming or torturing others such as what you did to me.”“I needed to get answers,” I sternly replied frightened by what might happen.“It worked?” Scompari asked sternly.Of course the answer was no. He just wanted to make his point.“I have decided I tell you why I turned myself in if you allow me to be your assistant,” Scompari proposes.“Go on then, tell me,” I insist.Scompari huffs with a laugh wagging his finger at me, replying with a tilted smile,“No no no. Slow down now. I am not that kind of man.”Scompari put my tea down on the table after one last sip, stands up slowly, and walks to the door. Before opening the door he makes his demands,”“Tell your constable of our arrangement. You get me out of the prison, make me your partner, and I will tell you what you want to know. You know where to find me. This time just come to my cell. I do not want to be tied up in the snow.”Scomapri unlocks and opens the door then turns to say one last thing,“Thank you very much for tea. They do not serve tea in the prison.” He smiles thinking about about it then continues, “What a treat, now if you do not mind I must go. I will see you soon. Probably tomorrow yes?”Still in shock I say nothing and do not move hoping he will just leave so I will feel safer. “Fino a domani,” he says answering his own question which means “until tomorrow,” then walking out into the dark cold night. I let out the air I had been holding in and breathe out putting down my knife on the table. How was he able to break out? Did he know someone on the inside? I was safe and that is all that mattered right now even though I was not going to sleep well tonight. This entire time he put himself in prison, and at anytime he could break out? Why? First thing in the morning I needed to get started on getting him out of prison to be my assistant… that is if he is in prison tomorrow. I really did not think the constable would allow it, but the worst that could happen is they say no. Or the worst that could happen is they actually say yes. After going to the constable in the morning I would head to the prison to investigate guards to make sure he was not let out by one of them.Morning could not come soon enough. I did not even sleep while both my hands were clinched tightly to a knife. Making my request with the constable I sent in for a release of Scompari to be released from prison, and remain in my custody. A meeting would be held tomorrow, and probably many more if they considered his release. I hurried over to the prison to see Scompari for myself.Accompanied by a guard up the spiraled stone stares to the level of Scompari’s cell I expected him to be gone. After all he was at my house last night. He broke free from the prison why would he put himself back in? Walking down the narrow hallway with cells on both sides the guard stopped in front of me then struck his sword on the metal caged doors that locked the criminals in.CLANK! CLANK! CLANK! CLANK!“Move to the back corner of the room, and sit down facing us!” the guard ordered.The CLANK was loud it startled me. Someone was in the cell, but was it Scompari? I walked to the cell and looked for myself.“I do not believe my eyes!” I whispered to myself.It was Scompari sitting down in the corner of the cell. His hair was cut and his beard shaven just as I saw him only now he was wearing prisoner clothing instead of the expensive heavy coat and pants he was wearing in my house last night. How did he do this? My first suspect was the guard of this floor. I looked him over for any clues, but nothing that told me he was guilty. He did not have keys to the cell. The keys had to be picked up by the key guard on the bottom floor. I would speak to him later. I speak first informing Scompari,“I have started the process for you to get out of this cell, and be under my supervision.”“I knew it! I knew it!. Thank you,” he replies.“What assurance do I have that you will not disappear once I get you out of here?” I ask.Scompari looks off and around the room and opens his hands and answers,“I could disappear in the night if I wanted, so why would I run after you let me out?”“Maybe…” I answer thinking in hesitation before speaking as a different thought comes to mind. “Maybe you want me to look a fool. I could not catch you, and now that we have you I let you out only for you to disappear under my supervision, see… you like the game. And maybe it had become too easy for you, so how better to make a name for yourself than to turn yourself in, let everyone know who you are then escape from under the nose of a well-known investigator.”“I do like games. You are right about that, but putting myself in this cell is not a game. It is cold, uncomfortable, food is disgusting, and I cannot sleep on the cold stone. If you had any feelings you would have invited me to stay last night. Look at this place!” Scompari says jokingly.His tone is almost like he is trying to flirt with me, or like he is really trying to win me over. I am not a gullible woman to fall for a handsome man’s charm. He restates himself again to make himself clear,“This is not one of my games… You are not a game.”“Then tell me why you put yourself in prison? I need more than this. I need more than knowing this is not for your amusement,” I demand.Again he hesitates looking down and crossing his arms asking me,“Have there been others willingly confessing their crimes as I have?”“Yes, but this is not uncommon. People feel guilty as you said you did, and self-willingly confess their crimes,” I answer.“Ahh but there are many. Too many?” he states with a question. “And… let me guess that they all said they felt guilty as to the reason?He must be talking to others in prison. Maybe he had the answer, and it did seem the answer was worth the risk. I would feel much better if he told me while he was locked up in this cell. Then I could decide whether or not his information was worth the risk. Just then it crossed my mind to play a bluff by saying, “Since there are so many others then why do I need you? I could get the answers from them.”“HA HA HA!” Scompari just laughed at me? Why was that funny? He calls my bluff with laughter in his words,“This will not happen.”He is right. He is the first that has shown any desire to talk about this epidemic of criminals putting themselves into prison. Scompari’s smile wipes clean from his face after his laughter, and becomes frighteningly serious. He then divulges a piece of information that chills me to the bone,“As terrible as this cell may be it is far better than what awaits for me out there.”“Then why do you want out?” I ask“I will not be out! I will be with you. Why do you think I returned to this... this place?” Scompari asks while looking around his cell in disgust.It is odd and unusual behavior to break out of prison to return back to his cold hard stoned floor in prison to spend the rest of the night. Doing it all unnoticed is a skill set I could use. As that thought came to mind I wanted proof of his skills. I ordered the guard,“Leave us. I have private matters to discuss.”The guard turned, and left the floor without question. My authority superseded his, and he was under my command in my presence. I walked up to the metal gate, and shook it to confirm it was still locked. The cold iron was solid. It was locked tight. No way for anyone to lift this gate. I ordered Scompari,“If I am going to pursue this any further I need to know you are what I think you are.” Scompari stood up and approached the gate standing inches from me only separated by the iron bars that had him caged into his cell. I did fear he could reach through, grab me, or flat out hit me, but I knew he was not a violent man. If he really wanted to be my assistant why would he harm me? I stared into his dark brown eyes as he stared back at me waiting for my next words. He was not uncomfortable with our closeness. I enjoyed it, even if he was using any charms on me. It felt good to feel my heart race. He brushed my hand that still gripped the bars then slid a finger up to my wrist. It was a brief touch, but very noticeable to me. Gripping the bars below my grip he pressed the top of his hand against the bottom of mine. I held my breath in, I wanted to release a deep breath from the excitement, but I did not want Scompari to know I was actually enjoying this moment. Our lips almost locked through the bars, but I could not take it that far. He was waiting for me to make the move. If I moved in he had me, and I needed to remain in control. As badly as I wanted it I had to resist. Scompari broke our moment realizing I would not make the first move ordering me,“Turn around. I cannot reveal secrets.”I curled my eyes a little confused at what he meant, but quickly realized we were back to him giving some kind of proof he was able to break free from his cell. Worried why he wanted me to turn away I stood there waiting for more clarification from him. He did not give me any, but made a gesture to me after not doing what he said. He lifted his hand up, twirled his finger in a circle, and mouthed without making a sound,“Turn around.” I turned and stepped away a few steps. After the third step I heard it lift open. I turned to see Scompari standing there in front of me with no bars to separate us. Just like that he had unlocked the cell? I know I checked it before, shaking it, lifting it to make sure it was locked. Scompari was just standing there with a strange smile batting his eyes at me. Shocked all I could say was,“Okay.”For me saying okay meant I had seen what I needed to see. If he could open a prison cell that quickly then I believed he was everything I thought he was as far as being a thief. Scompari did not step forward out of his cell. I walked towards the cell gate that was lifted, and pulled it down to lock him back in. Not that locking him behind the bars did any good since he could open them at will, but the guard would question if the gate remained open, and I did not have time to answer how that happened. The gate shut and self-locked when it closed.“Looks like they need to update their locks,” I state.“Looks like we have a deal… and all locks are made to be opened. Even the ones we put around ourselves.” Scompari declares jokingly as if he were in a play. It was actually funny because what he said was true just locks are not supposed to open without a key.I moved towards him, grabbed the cell gate looking slightly up into his eyes responding,“I better get the answers, or you are going to be in this cold stone cell for a long time.”Scompari wittingly replies,“It would be a waste not to use…” He pauses, looks himself over then finishes while motioning his hands from his head to his feet, “Tisssss.” “Tis” obviously meant him. Arrogant but charming he is. I tried not to smile at his humor. Not getting attached to him is going to have to be a rule. He is right. His talent is too much to just let it rot in a cold stone cell. With that I subtly pulled up on the gate just to be sure it was locked, and this was not some trick. I turned and walked out not giving him any assurance that I would get him out of prison. I felt his eyes fixated on me as I walked away. I did not want to be played. After all he is the greatest thief known to mankind. He knows how to get what he wants. I just hope he does not make a fool of me.After asking the guard of Scompari’s floor a few questions I concluded he had nothing to do with Scompari escaping from his cell. I think Scompari really is that good. I pressed hard for the constable to release him to my custody, and a week later his release was approved. I went to pick him up personally. Walking up to the cell of Scompari I warned him,“Make me look like a fool, and I will make an example of you.”Scompari released a huge smile. He knew he was getting out. I do not know if he thought it would actually happen, but he genuinely looked happy. The gate opens, and he walks quickly to me, embraces me with a tight hug and says,“This will be fun!”I was not sure what he meant by that. Again I was worried he was playing me, and now he says this is going to be fun? Maybe he was excited to catch bad men either way I was going to have to be cautious. Most importantly I wanted more information, or I was going to throw him back in his cell. We arrived at a Scompari’s assigned living. It was in the heart of the city of Oldbia where there were many eyes. Everyone in the living community was advised to keep an eye on him as this was a self-policed area. The citizens here kept watch day and night, and reported any suspicious or criminal acts. Arriving late in the night I dropped Scompari off to his new home for the time being. After he descended off my horse I led him to his quarters. Scompari did not have his own room yet. A deal I would make was after good behavior I would upgrade his living situation. Already this was a big upgrade form the prison cell. His room will be shared with ten other men. Those ten men were to report to me if Scompari did anything suspicious. I gave him a tour of the place showing him his bed, where the bathing room was, cooking area, and the furnace. Wood was outside the building if he needed more heat. Scompari did not look thrilled, and he spoke his mind,“This is the best you can do?”“No. I could have done much better, but the deal was to make you my assistant, and you would give me valuable information. If you do not like the place I can take you back to Nuchis prison where I will pick you up every morning for work,” I say reminding him where he came from.“I see. Maybe I should have bartered a better deal,” he replies disappointed in himself as he grunts.“You had nothing to barter other than information which I still need. This was the best you could have done, but I tell you what… Obey the rules, and I will improve your living situation,” I promise him.Scompari looks around at the place, stares some at the men he will be living with then lets out a deep breath, and says,“At least it is warm. You have a deal,” He shakes my hand like we just agreed on this. “But I want an upgrade in a month.”“Three months,” I counter his offer.“One and a half,” He offers.“Three. This is not a negotiation. You are still a prisoner just… in my custody,” I remind him.“Fine, fine! I will need some of the money now to upgrade some things then.”I tilt my head in disbelief of what he was asking me. He wanted money? Feeling like a mother I ask him,“Excuse me? You want money for what?”’Scompari raises his eyebrows surprised by my reaction then he takes an open hand and points around at the place. It was bland. Just a big stone square room with tables, and beds stacked on top of each other. He answers after we both look around asking me,“My hard bed only has one pillow. How can I sleep, and be in the right mind to help you catch the worst of the criminals?”“Maybe the same way you slept on a cold stone floor in your cell, and escaped from the heavily guarded prison during the night,” I answer.Scompari smiles, and waves his finger towards me and responds,“Ahh, you are too good making a fine point. Fine point indeed.” He looks around realizing this was his new home for a time and concedes saying,“I will make it work. What time will you be here in the morning?”I lay down some rules so he does understand,“I want to be clear; you break any laws, and you go back to that cell. That means if I catch you with any money on you, you go back. If you are not here when I stop by, you go back. If there is anything in this room taken or added to, you go back. Do you understand?”Scompari shakes his head yes, and his eyes wonder.“Do you understand?” I ask again.“Yes,” he answers. “But I do not understand. How will I eat?”“I will take care of your food.” I reply “Get some rest. We will start early.”Scompari flexes his lips from probably some frustration. I am not really sure how he thought this would be, but this must have not been what he thought. I turn and walk away to leave, and before I can walk out the door he shouts out to me,“Creamy eggs, with cheese, salted, and buttered toast with cinnamon for the morning! You are thee best!”I heard what he said, but I kept walking without acknowledging him. He is crazy somewhat, but humorous. I just might get him what he asked for.Morning came, and the only thing that was on my mind was what information Scompari could give me that would help me solve some of these cases. I did not want to even speculate because the possibilities were endless. Descending off my horse, and walking into the quarters of Scompari I went to wake him if he was not awake already. It was early, and the other men had not yet awoken. Scompari was not in his bed! I looked around to see if he was in the cooking area, bathing. He was not in this building. That snake! He was already gone. What was I thinking? I hurried out to my horse to ride around, and see if he was wondering about in the city. My horse was gone! Not only did he run, but he took my horse! I will be made the biggest fool. Standing by the roadside in the cold just outside the quarters I pondered on what to do. There really was not much I could do, but walk to the station and report what had happened. I came out of my daze of thought, and my horse pulled up in front of me, and I heard a slow deep breath come from its rider. Then the voice said,“You would like a ride my lady? Maybe get out for fresh air? It was…,” he takes a deep breathe in, “stuffy. Did you notice that before you booked it for my stay?”I look up and Scompari is on my horse. My angry eyes pierced through him. Inside I was relieved he was here in front of me. The horrible thoughts I had of the future did not look good for me.“Get off the horse,” I said with some anger.“Right away,” he answers quickly and politely.Scompari descends off the horse then apologizes like he did not know taking my horse was a big deal,“Sorry I should have asked if I could take your horse around the block.”I continue to look at him with displeasure, and he breaks the silence speaking as if I am over reacting to the situation,“I thought I would be back before you came out. You do not look happy. What did I do? I am here, you are here. That was the rule. What is wrong? I fix this.”Irritated I take from the basket a covered wood plate. I had a cook in this village make him his hot salted eggs with cheese, and buttered toast with cinnamon.“This… this all is for me?” Scompari asks.I nod my head yes. Scompari takes the plate, and hurries inside. Following I can feel the warm stuffy air when we enter his quarters, but it felt good after the emotions he put me through while sitting outside in the cold. We sit at a table where he can eat. He moved quickly repeating,“Ahh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.”We sat, and with his fingers he dug into the food. I pulled out some goat’s milk for him to wash it down. He saw the covered wood cup of milk I put on the table, and stopped his eating. Then he opened the wood lid, and let out a sigh wagging his finger at me,“AHHHHHHH you did not!”Scompari sits back in the chair slowly sipping some of the milk enjoying every bit of it.“Stale bread and raw oats was all they gave me to eat in that cell. This is from the heavens. Thank you.”“Finish up, and we will get started,” I politely order.I leave the table to sit by the furnace waiting for him to finish. While walking over he says to himself while digging into his food,“Get started? This is the best start in months. Get started she say.”Sitting down I watch him take another bite excited he continues talking to himself while devouring another bite. It did not take long for him to eat. Enough time had passed to where I forgave him for taking my horse. Seeing how much he enjoyed the food was rather entertaining, and he did not actually run away last night. Scompari is a sneaky man, and he is still here.“Where to now. I am ready to save the world,” Scompari says as he approaches me by the furnace.“Wear something warm. We are headed to Gavoi Garden Village. A rider sent report of a suspicious death last night. It is a quarter days ride.”“I do not have anything else to wear,” Scompari says.I forget he has nothing more than what I left him with last night. I told him we would stop and grab a coat, warm pants, and boots before we left. He was going to need a horse as well. I look down at Scompari’s shoes and he left a subtle trail of water under each step he took towards me. His shoes are wet. I investigate him a little,“Why are your shoes wet?”Scompari looks down at his feet seemingly playing innocent replying,“Would you look at that?... Huh?” He starts to take them off then continues to fib, “I should put them here by the warmth so maybe they dry.”“No, no, we do not have time. I will buy a new pair.” Where would you be walking to get wet shoes?” I press again.Scratching his head he seems to be thinking then answers,“Must be from outside.” He can be so dismissive when answering questions. Sometimes I do not know if he does this because he is guilty or just wants you to know as little as possible about him which makes it difficult to piece things together. I have to trust him if I am going to let him out of prison to be on my watch. Responding I say,“It is not wet inside, so show me outside where it is wet that you were walking. Did you leave last night?”“How could I leave last night when I sleep like a rock?” he answers with a question while flexing his lips and eyes shaking his head.“I need yes or no answers. Did you leave this place last night?” I forcefully question.“Of course no. Ask all the men here if I leave. They see me here.” He points to his bed. “I sleep like a child all night. The best sleep I have… ever.”He must have been walking in the snow which any tracks would be covered by now since there was a heavy snow fall last night, and most of it has melted. I do not think my horse was wet enough for the water to wet his shoes enough to leave tracks on the floor. With no time to investigate further with questions I would look around while leaving his living quarters. Scompari reads my thoughts and says exactly what I am thinking with a soft tone of concern at first then he slowly gets louder when he starts to mimic me,“Tahlia, if this is going to work you must trust. I cannot catch the worst of men if you are always asking, “Shoes, shoes, are they dry? Why are they dry?”“Wet,” I interrupt.“All the same.” He bites back“You will do as I say for now understand?” raising my voice.Scompari pulls back wanting to say more, but I can see he decides to finish arguing knowing his situation. He looks at me then grabs his shoes and holds them up and states,“Just saying,” he says annoyed while bent over to put his shoes back on to prepare to leave.None of the men in the quarters heard or saw Scompari leave last night, and I know he was out. Where would he go? I have to keep a closer eye on him.After buying cloths, yes buying even though Scompari had a difficult time understanding why you would pay for such things instead of just taking it we road to the station within the village, and checked out a horse for Scompari to ride. It was risky, but and quarter days ride with two of us would be strenuous on my horse, and uncomfortable. We would be traveling a lot, so I thought now was as good a time as any to get another horse. His horse of course was a bit smaller and slower than mine making it difficult for him to run away from me. He knew it too when he got his horse. He huffs, smiles then says,“The horse of my dreams.” Scompari turns and looks to me, “Thank you.” His words and body language would have you believe he is sincere, but that was sarcasm. Stroking his horse before we ride off Scompari speaks to her,“We are going to do great things together.”He puts his head to the head of his new horse. Rolling my eyes I order calmly,“Let’s go.”Arriving at the very small town of Gavoi Garden Village where the possible murder happened we travel past a few shops on the side of the main road in a hurry. The tall snow covered pine towered the sides of the road and land here. Gavoi Garden is higher up in the mountain so the weather is cooler than Oldbia. This village is a logger town. The shops were mainly repair shops for wagons passing through, or for the logger’s equipment. Of course there was a bar and tavern for entertaining visitors, food, and a place to rest, but this was all this town had to offer. By the looks of this place the murder was probably a quarrel over a debt, or woman. Finally making it to the property, there was a cottage and barn built within a trampled area of pine trees. The barn was the crime scene. I descended off my horse followed by Scompari into the barn, and there laid the cold stiff body. It was similar to a few others I had been unable to solve. Looking around the scene the guards were placed on property to maintain order, and the logger who found the body left the dead man as he laid to be investigated. It is law to not move a dead body in such cases as this. The body was in the barn of the logger who was apprehended, and being watched by guardsmen. Looking at Scompari he did not look comfortable with the scene. It was more than just the dead man that scared him. He looked nervous, so I asked him,“Are you okay?”His eyes opened a little wider than usual like I had startled him. He shook his head yes, but something was wrong. Somewhat upset and asks,“I thought this was a suspicious death! What about this is suspicious?”“I am going to look into a few things. How about you stay by the door and try to relax,” I told Scompari.“No, No, No, I will follow you,” he insisted.Looking closely at the body, and inside the barn I headed outside to look for any tracks or clues to what happened. I stopped to see Scompari following close behind me. Is this how all these cases were going to be? This is his first case. I can remember the first time I went to a death scene. It was startling. I can imagine he is feeling the same. I waved him to follow me, but warned him,“Do not move anything or touch anything, and let me know your thoughts as we go.”Scompari again shook his head yes and followed behind me. Looking around and inside the cottage Scompari never said a word. I was in deep thought too, so it did not bother me he was so quiet. While looking around the home outside I noticed Scompari’s footprints. They were oddly detectable, faint but barely noticeable even in the deep snow. For some reason his tracks were different from others. I almost feel like he was intentionally walking to make tracks, so I would notice them. Then we stopped in front of the cottage looking out towards the barn, and Scompari broke the silence between us asking me,“What do you think happened?”“Let me hear your thoughts. You being a gifted man of criminality, what happened here?” I asked.“Please you first, then I will tell you what happened,” he said with assurance.“You sound like you know. You want to tell me?” I questioned.His voice somewhat shaking and unsure he answers,No please, you first then I will tell you.”We walked towards the front of the cottage while I told him my theory,“I have two sets of top priority tracks. The dead man and the man of the house who I will call Houseman. Deadman was bound to hay stacks at his legs, chest, arms, and head. Multiple cuts and stab wounds on his body, but again the stab to the heart was the cause of death. Footprints of the Houseman were all over the outside of the barn, but not inside the barn or around the Deadman indicating a difficulty in proving he is the killer. A dragged body went from the front door of the cottage to where the Deadman lay on the hay stacks. I tracked what looked like the foot prints of the Deadman. His tracks appeared suspicious almost like he was scouting out the home. At the cottage window his steps stopped, turned to look into the cottage like he was observing, then he walked around the cottage again to the front door. From there it looks like the Houseman walked with the Deadman from the house to the outside of the barn where the horses were. The body of the Houseman appeared to fall to the ground like he was struck down. Next the Deadman walked back to the home, entered the front door, and somehow was dragged out of the cottage to the hay stacks where he was cut, tortured then killed.”“Who killed the man?” Scompari asked.Thinking to myself I begin to question if the Houseman dragged him out from the cottage after he was struck down? If so where are his tracks? This is where I cannot be sure as to what happened because I can only see the traces of the body of the Deadman getting dragged to the barn? There were no tracks that showed who dragged him. The tracks would be clear from the light snow and damp earth. Tracks are much easier to spot this time of year, but some tracks seemed to be missing somehow. Inside the cottage a few things were out of place on the floor that did not belong indicating a struggle. A couple other theories ran through my mind, but what I shared with Scompari seemed to be the most logical. The killer had to be the Houseman, but it was not certain since his footprints are not near the final scene where they found the Deadman, and the snow is thick enough to leave good tracks. I answer Scompari,“The Houseman is who I suspect although it is not clear.”Scompari tightens, and crosses his arms. His face became very concerned. “What do you think?” I askedScompari shakes his head, and his mouth puckers downwards with a frown like he was becoming emotional. He responds to my question,“Is it possible there was an outside person not part of the family here that killed this man?”What would lead him to believe there was an outsider that killed this man? Was there something he saw that I did not? I answered him saying,“It is possible but highly unlikely.”Scompari quickly answers speaking louder,“Possible! There are no tracks by the hay stacks in the barn only a dragged body. Blood would be somewhere on the man of the house if he killed this man. His boots, cloths, body, would have blood, but he did not have any on him. There was no blood to be found inside the home either.”“He could have easily bathed right after and buried his cloths. I have men searching the area now for the weapon, and cloths,” I say with a calm voice to keep Scompari from getting too excited.“You will not find a weapon or cloths. The man of this house is a logger, not a killer.” Scompari points out.He made a good point. It was highly unlikely the man of the home would kill someone in this manner, but I could not rule it out. If anything he was protecting himself and his family, but that would not explain why he would tie him up, torture and kill him unless something happened that drove him mad. Threatening your family would do that to some men, and if he was that good to cover his tracks this could be the man that was responsible for all the other murders, but then again if he were that good he would not have been caught and in our custody. Scomapri continues,“You said yourself you have open murder investigations that have no suspects, no leads, and no traces of a killer being present at the scene. This is the work of that same man, and not this… this logger.”I still needed to have more evidence, but he was right. I wanted to know more what he thought happened.“Tell me what happened here then,” I asked.Holding back Scompari shares his thoughts,“The dead Deadman did like you say. He watch this family, probably liked the fair wife. If you talk to them I bet they return from the town of Nuoro where this man that is now dead followed them. The Deadman make stories to get the man of this cottage to the horse stalls, to strangle him, but not long enough to kill him only long enough to put him to sleep. The dead man return to the cottage to take the lady. When we talk to the family I am to guess during the attack that somehow the Deadman vanished.”Scompari paused and moved around some not wanting to say what is on his mind, but he proceeded,“The ability for the family to explain how he vanish will be spotty because of their fear. It happened to them like a blink. So fast. I tell you there was another man that enter the home, dragged the Deadman out to the hay stacks, tie him down, cut him so he talk, and finally a dagger through his heart.”“Where are the traces of this other man?” I askedScompari became deep in thought thinking about my question starring away at the barn. He quiets down almost whispering in fear talking to himself,“How does he do it? How does he do it?” How does the sun set or the stars move?“Scompari!” I yell to get his attention.“I don’t know! I don’t know how he does it!”My body tenses, my eyes flex, and I grab Scompari’s arm asking him,“Have you seen this man?”Scompari turns to face me and answers,“Yes.”I shake my head and tighten my eyes wondering why he never said anything before. He fears this man. That is the only explanation. Scompari looks back at me and says,“I believe he is here.”I look out into the trees, but see nothing. His answer worries me. Often times the criminal returns to the scene of the crime, but there are guardsmen here to protect us. Was he dressed as a guardsman? What worried me was how nervous Scompari seemed to be.“Where is he?” I ask looking out beyond the cottage into the trees.Scompari looks out and says,“I hope to not see him. If I do I think I will be dead.”We continue to look out in the trees. I signal to a guardsman to ensure everyone is okay. They all signal to each other, and the okay signal is given back to me.“You will not find him. He will come to you. But… I can help make that happen,” Scompari promises.“When we get back to Oldbia you are going to tell me everything,” I say pointing my finger at him walking back inside the cottage to speak with the family as Scompari waited just outside the door.Scompari was right. After speaking with the family his story matched up better than mine. The wife and children could not explain what happened although the youngest of about seven years of age claimed he saw who took the man who was killed from the home. He even described him to me. I do not know how the wife or other children did not see what the youngest saw because they were all right there when it happened. This was my conversation with youngest,Me: “Nannino, did you see what happened?”Nannino shakes his head yesMe: “What did you see? Was there a bad man that came into the house?”Again Nannino shakes his head yes.Me: “Were you scared?”Another head shake yes from NanninoMe: “You do not have to be scared anymore okay. The bad guy is gone, and is not coming back.”Nannino: “I know. Peacekeeper took him away.” He said without fear getting excited.The Peacekeeper? This little boy was mixing his bed time stories with what happened I thought to myself.Me:“You saw the man that took away the bad man?”Nannino shakes his head yes.Me:“What did he look like?”Nannino: “Sometimes his cloths were black. Pants, a jacket, and he wore a hood.”Me:“Sometimes, why sometimes?”Nannino:“Because sometimes his cloths changed to black. I don’t know.”Me:“What other color did his cloths change to?”Nannino:“He would disappear sometimes, so when I see him his cloths were black.”Me: “Was he a tall man, short?”Nannino: “About as tall as father, but wide.” Naninno used his arms to show me how wide.Me:“Did you see his face? What did he look like?”Nannino: “He did not have a face.”Me:“How do you mean? Did the hood cover his face?”Nannino: “A little, but he did not really have a face. It just changed colors, like a line went across, but I could not see a face like us.”Me:“What color did it change to?”Nannino: “The color of my father’s sword.” He points to his father’s sword that was a shiny silver.Me:“Why do you think you saw the man, and your mother and brother’s could not?Nannino: “Because he grabbed me, and put me under the table. He said to not be afraid.”Me:“Can you show me what he did after he put you under the table?”Nannino stands up, walks by the table then says with excitement like he saw a play of his favorite hero,Nannino:“He standed up after saying he was going to help, and moved like this.” Nannino makes a kids sound moving his hands fast demonstrating how fast the man moved. After moving around some he continues telling his story,“Then he hit him, and the bad man fell’d down, and the Peacekeeper grabbed the bad man before he fell’d by his coat, and dragged him out the door really really fast!I do not know if his story was helpful, but it was entertaining to watch him get so excited. I did find what looked like a piece of the boys hair caught on the underside of the wood table. Maybe he was put under the table or he crawled. The Deadman getting dragged out of the house was about the only other part I could match up with evidence, so maybe there was some truth to his story, but still hard to believe there was another man that there was no trace of. Even his older siblings and mother did not see anyone else. Well… they were not sure what they saw. I walked outside to the front door to Scompari where he was waiting for me.“Any other thoughts?” I asked him“No, I am ready to get out of here if you are,” Scompari says eagerly.I advise the guards to send for me if anything new is found. I really wanted the dagger that was used to kill the man, but I had a feeling nothing would be found. This case was too similar to others, and I felt I could add this murder to the list. It does sound like a bad man was stopped from harming this family, so I did not feel pressed to solve this murder quickly. We spent just a few moments looking for any tracks or prints around the area that would give us more information. It was all for not, but we did our job then headed back to Oldbia before night fell.I bought us super to take back to the quarters of Scompari where we could discuss why he turned himself in, and who this man was he thinks was behind the murder today that there was no trace of. I began the conversation after he was almost finished eating.“I think now is a good time to tell me why you confessed your crimes.”Scompari slows his eating, and takes a deep breath. I wait for him to start talking.“I would rather not, but there is no avoiding it is there?”Scompari takes a rag and wipes his hands and face. After he balls up the rag and throws it on the table next to his plate. I open my hands, and raise my brows waiting. Scompari finally begins,“Okay,” he reluctantly agrees to finally tell me what happened to him. “I was in Pallair Beach looking into a transfer of silver coins from Prince Amadeus to a noble family.”I interrupt,“That was you! You did not confess to that one.“That is because… Just listen.” Scompari skips what he wants to say and proceeds with his story. “The silver coins would be arriving any time, and there were many wagons to carry these coins. I just needed one bag of them… only one. It would be enough to live for at least, umm yes, five years. I was able to distract the coach of the last wagon, climb into it, fill the bag full then exit before it reached its destination in the city. Timing was perfect, no one saw me enter, and no one saw me leave the wagon, so I thought. I was inside my room at the Inn planning out where to store my new riches I had acquired when I felt a breeze. I look around, and the window was open. I did not open the window. You know why? I never open the window because I am careful, and it was cold. I look again to be sure no one had climbed in. It was all clear, but I needed to get out of this room. I fear someone was just outside the window waiting for me to stick my head out, take a look, and kill me or take my coins. It might be weird to think this way, but it keeps me alive. I did not have the coins with me. I am smart you see. The coins I hide in the room next to me. The room was vacant, and I ensured it would remain like that until I found a more secure place. Slowly walking to the window with no sound I focus my eyes for movement outside the window. Then quickly I shut it, lock it, and in a hurry leave the Inn. I could come back for the money, and my stuff. These are just things right? I could not come back for my life. I value life well above things, and never try to hurt anyone during heists. In this case I thought if someone was to get my silver coins then this person was good at what they do, and if they could follow me here they were possibly better than me. This seems silly to think, but I am a cautious man. I cover everything. Well… let me say I never made it out of the room from what I remember.”“What happened?” I asked.Scompari shakes his head, “no” pushing out his bottom lip a little. He did not want to remember or relive this part of the story. He pressed on speaking slower and deeper like it was painful,“I do not know, but I wake up in a stable tied down to a post standing up. It was similar to how we found the dead man today. The way he appeared to be tied up only I was standing. I see another man next to me tied to post in the stable facing me. He was awake, and I was just beginning to become aware. The other man had a cloth or something tied in his mouth unable to speak, and was naked of clothing from the waist up. I still had my clothing luckily. The other man have cut marks all over his body like he was tortured like the murder we see today. Sometime pass, and I am very alert. This is when I notice the fear on the man’s face that was tied across from me. He was looking behind me like there was someone there, and I heard a voice. Not from the man, but from someone else. It was deep and piercing. It felt as if my soul did fear his words.“What did he say? I askedScompari moved his eyes erratically then focused again telling me what the man said,“Your time has come.”Scompari speaking to me,,“A man appeared from my side. He was dressed in dark clothing. I do not know where he came from. I could not hear his steps. It was as if he was always there, but hidden from our eyes. He pulls out a large dagger then he walk to the other man. He displayed the dagger for the man to clearly see. The man tied up tried to shout and wiggle free with the little energy he had, but it was without success. The man in black grab him by the throat then cut over his heart marking an “X.” The blood flowed out from the new cuts. Then he raise the blade to the man’s eyes showing the bloody blade. I do not feel he liked this man. He was taunting him. Next he puts the tip of the blade to the X that was on his heart. I could not watch. I had to close my eyes, but I could still hear the blade cut through him as his bones snapped, and the screaming stopped. I wish I could plug my ears. The dying man struggled to breath taking short breathes in and out that did not last long, but it feel like forever to me. When I not hear more noise I open my eyes. The dagger still in his heart, and the man dressed black was gone. The blood make a puddle around his feet. What was I doing here I remember thinking? I could only guess my fate would be the same.”Clearly you escaped? You are the notorious thief Scompari. How did you get away?” I askedShaking his head no Scompari responded,“I didn’t. Right away I free my hands from the ties, but before I could reach to my head to untie it from the post I felt a blow to my stomach that take my breath. Faster than I could break free my hands they were bound again. The man dressed black walked away from me to the other man that he just killed. He pulled out the dagger from his heart, and his blood flooded out with the knife. It make me sick to see. I try not to watch, but I could not close my eyes fast enough, and my ears will forever remember the sound of that blade piercing through the man. The man dressed black spoke to me as he walked around the body of the dead man never looking at me,“This one you cannot escape.”Scompari continues telling his story to me,“I knew I was dead when I heard him speak. I accepted it in that moment. His voice forced all the guilt from the wrongs I commit in this world. I fear it so much I lose the will to fight him. He then turn to me with the blood on his dagger held up, and he walk to me.”“Did you see his face?” I asked interrupting his story.“I could not see it. It was dark. He had a hood over that cover him. Later he get close enough I thought I see him, but…“He did not have a face?” I said out loud to myself.“How you know this?” asked Scompari.Putting the story together I became excited and afraid at the same time. Chills struck through my entire body from the eerie feeling, and I told Scompari about the youngest boy from the murder case today,“One of the boys from the murder today said he saw the man you are describing.”Scompari’s eyes opened wide, and he leaned in asking,“And what did he say?”“He saw a man dressed in black. Black jacket, pants, and hood, but he said the man did not have a face like us. Do you know what he could mean by that?” I asked“Yes… Yes I know. I see the shape, just nothing else. A nose maybe, the eyes only it was all dark. Then when he walk close enough a silver streak slowly run through his face,” Scompari responds speaking faster.“The boy was not making it up,” I again say to myself out loud, but wanting Scompari to hear.“He saw the same man,” Scompari states in fear sitting back in his chair. “Are you religious?” I asked Scompari.“Some, I would say a little,” he answered. “But since this night I think about it. I think a lot about it.”His answer intrigued me. I know near death experiences can change ones outlook on life, but I wanted to know what changed his mind. The boy at the cottage believed the man in black was the Peacekeeper. The Peacekeeper is the name we gave the Angel of Peace when we were children. I wanted to know who Scompari thought he was. Eager I ask for him to explain more,“Continue please. How did you get away?”“The man dressed black walk to me, and he show the blood on the knife. I see his movement was controlled, like he was trying to slow down. I could not hear his movement, then I think I am next to die the closer he walk to me. That dagger was going in my heart, or this was when the torture starts. My eyes look only on the dagger, and I felt a sharp pain on the side of my stomach. I never see his other blade.”Scompari stands, and shows me his scar. It was such a clean cut with a knife. The scar healed nicely. It actually complimented his appearance. He then sat back down and continued,“It was sharp pain, but it was all he needed to do to make me talk. I did not want to be sliced up and tortured like this other man. The man dressed black ask with his deep, terrifying voice,”“Do you know why you are here?”“I did not try to deny. I did not want to play games, so I quickly respond,“Yes. I stole silver coins? I will return them. I cannot do that if you kill me. I show you where they are, and return them.”“The man in black walk out then return throwing the bag at my feet. It thumps from the weight, and clinks from the sound of the coins hitting each other in the bag. I love that sound.“You mean these silver coins?” the man dressed black ask me.Scompari speaking again to me,“That was my only way out alive, or at least a way to stay alive longer. This man had to be working with the Nobel family I stole from, so I try to make a deal,”“Look… I tell the Roberti family I am sorry then repay them with more each month until my debts for my crimes are paid!”Scompari speaking to me,“He walk to me putting his face close to my face then I noticed again when he walk he did not make a sound. It was like he was not walk on the ground. I could be such better thief if I knew how to do that. Imagine?I could see Scompari’s mind wander. I swirled my hands for him to continue. I wanted to hear more about this man dressed in black, and he was talking about how much of a better thief he could be with that ability. He saw I was not amused and continued, “Anyway we came face to face then he press his finger firmly into my chest. Silver would flow through his face showing the shape of it then he ask,“And will you pay for your past with the same terms?”“All my past?” I thought to myself. “How many did he know of? I name a couple just to appease him.”“Yes for family of d’Arborea of Porto Pozzo, and House of Canelles of Santa Tersa. I pay them monthly wage as well.”Scompari speaking to me,“He turn his head then he names more. He names more to me! He know other people I take from. How he know this? He drew his sword. It was actually a beautiful black blade that I lusted for, but I believe my thievery days were over. I was not in a good position to steal that sword. He pressed the blade to my wrists and he threaten me, “Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. Cut off that which doth offend thee. For it is better your hand shall perish than the body to be cast to hell?”Speaking to me,“I understood what he meant. I did not want my hand cut off, so without hesitation I rambled off my past crimes. I named them all. All that I could remember. Even those when I was a child. Once I was done I was sure I would lose my hands. The eye for an eye speech made that clear to me. I did not killed anyone, so death did not make sense to me according to that law. The thought of having my hands cut off make me sick. He walk behind me then he untie one of my arms, stretch it out, and put his sword to my wrist. I try to pull my arm away, but his grip and strength was too much. So strong that one. I could not move my arm at all. Not able to move my head either from being tied down I could only stretch my eyes to see what was happening. I had to watch even though I did not want to. I was breathing heavy and very erratic preparing for the pain and shock. He raised the sword to strike down to cut off my hand. I turn my eyes looking away, and for the first time since I was young I thought to apologize to God. I did it in my head hoping he would take away the pain in this moment. I do not know why I thought of God. Nothing like this ever happened to me. It just… was natural I guess to cry out. I know it sounds stupid, but thenWHACK!My wrist was hit, and my arm was let loose. For sure my hand was gone, I could feel the pain. Pulling my arm in tight to my body to see what my mind was sensing I look down to see a handless arm. There was no blood. I had all fingers, and they were moving at my will. They were moving slowly from the pain, but still they work. I wonder if he make mistake. I try to hide my hand pulling it close to my body, so it would be difficult for him to try again. The man dressed black walk around to face me still moving about without a sound. I was too afraid to try and punch him with my free hand, so I curled it in tight to my body to protect it. He put his face right into mine. The metallic line cross his face, he move closer to me with little room separating us. It was enough for me to see his face shape to know he was a man, but maybe not human. His voice becomes even more horrifying than before, maybe because we were so close to each other, but it was a flat low sound I will never forget… My soul will never forget,“Return the coins to Investigator Tahlia by dawn. If I find you before she does…”Scompari speaking to me,“He did not finish his threat, but I understood. I could feel, and see what would become of me. Flashes rush through me like he sent them to me. I felt my soul would not be able to escape being trapped in my body just waiting for him to come get me.“Waiting for whom to come get you?” I askedScompari hesitated then moved around uncomfortably like he was scared to say it. Next he became still, and his eyes relaxed looking at mine and said,“Death.”My heart sunk. I could sense the fear he felt like I was there. Why would this man send people to me? Scompari looked down at the table and tapped his fingers saying,“He said he would come for me. I could sense I would be begging for hell when he did.”A cold dead silence entered the room. Neither one of us said anything. I could feel what he was saying was true. It was real. Is the Angel of Death real? Everything made sense from his story to what the little boy at the cottage said today. There had to be another explanation. Maybe this man was exceptional at what he does, and is hired by the church to keep men afraid. This man we call death appears just enough for stories to spread, and maintain control in the church. Scompari then made a confession,“You see, if this man or the Angel of Death sent me to you, then I feel as long as I am with you I am safe. Even if I am not in that cell.”This would explain why so many have been coming to me. This man is so good he can find those that do not want to be found. He can find those that I cannot. He also can kill, and not be caught. He let Scompari go to tell this story. The man dressed black is a killer, and I needed to catch him before he killed again. Reaching for Scompari’s hand I grip it to assure him we are in this together, and I ask him,“You have seen him. How do we find him?”Scompari shakes his head. He did not want to try to find him. He only wanted out of his cell. Not to find this man. I become a bit angry in my tone,“Hey… I got you out of your cell, and you can go back if you do not wish to help. We are going to catch this man, so how do we catch him?”Scompari chuckles and looks at our hands that are clasped together and says,“I tell you before. That cell is better for me than it is out here if I am not with you. You will not find him…”I finished his sentence,“He will find you.”I got it! I knew how to get him, but I knew Scompari was not going to like my idea. I revealed my plan to him,“I need you to go on one last heist.”“What? Why would I do that? If I do…” Scompari stops and understands. “Then he will come for me. You want to use me as bate?”“Exactly.” I answerHis hands rip away from mine, and he sits back again. Unable to sit still Scompari stands and paces around shaking his head,“No, No, No. It won’t work,” he said.“It will work,” I reply.“Yes it probably will, and I will be dead,” he sharply answers. “Did you not hear my story? I cannot even hear the man walk. The sound of his voice makes me want to die. A grave would be a better place for me than attempting…Scompari is searching for words stretching out his hand waving it trying to finish his sentence when he finally does,“This is pazza,” which means crazy idea. “We will have eyes all around to ensure your safety,” I try to assure him, but I can see he does not want to go along with this idea. Scompari replies,“You do not understand. All the men in the Kings army would not be enough. I see where I am to go if he finds me.”I do not know the answer. My silence and face tell him that, and Scompari declines to take part in the plan shaking his head saying,“No. If you only knew and felt what I felt you would not ask this.”I do believe his story, but I also believe he used tricks, tricks to fool the mind to believe what he desires his victims to believe implanting their fears into their mind. There is no other explanation. Men that disappear, walk without sound, change the look of their face do not exist, so to me there is a scientific explanation to how this man can do such things. I try to calm Scompari putting my hand on his shoulder telling him,“I will be close to you the entire time.”Scompari still did not like it shaking his head and hands to loosen him up. After trying to calm down he walked in close to me, and lightly put his hand around the back of my neck pulling us closer together. He looked down at my lips, and our lips slowly moved towards each other’s. It was what I wanted. A million thoughts came to mind as we came closer. Do I want to get involved with this man? Will this diminish my judgment as an investigator? Will my feelings for him put my job or our lives at risk? How many thoughts and questions that could run through my mind in that second were incredible to me, but my final thought is what counted most. “Just go with it,” I thought.I embraced his lips on mine as they softly touched perfectly fitting on each other. His hand gently squeezed the back of my neck pulling me in closer, and I gave in more as our bodies pressed together tighter and tighter. Breathing became heavy, and we slowed down until our lips separated. Scompari looked into my eyes breathing heavy and said,“If you think this is right I will do it as long as you stay close to me.”Well after this I questioned myself. I like Scompari, and if something were to happen to him I am emotionally involved now. I shook my head yes knowing I could always change my mind when the time came, and with confidence I answered him,“Yes, this is our best chance at finding this man, and bringing him in.”Scompari huffed. He did not think I could bring the man dressed in black in, but I knew I could. He moved in slowly for one more small kiss. It was delicious. He knows how to pull a woman in. Scompari slightly separates us and wags his finger around with a smile and subtly accuses me,“I think you are the one playing games now. Having fun I hope?”It was not a question he meant for me to answer, and right then a theory came to mind. The night the man was killed in the barn at the family’s cottage Scompari had wet shoes that morning. His tracks were erratic when we walked around the cottage leaving light and strange traces or tracks. Where did he go that night? What if the man in black is Scompari?A few days pass, and we have devised a plan to try and lure the man in black. I was suspicious of Scompari, so I watched his every move. Our plan was ready to put into play. Just before sunset we had everything ready to go. There was an Inn between Mannazu and Telti village we cleared out for the night. The servants were replaced with my agents and guards. A wagon carrying a supply was to deliver a fake cargo of gold and silver only to stop at the Inn for the evening. The catch was Scompari did not know it was fake silver and gold. I wanted him to believe this would be the heist of all heists if he were indeed making up this story. It only made sense to me that he was the man in black, and this was going to be his greatest achievement. I had eyes on Scompari everywhere he went. He was to follow the wagon just off the path to appear he was scouting out the cargo. Once the wagon was stationed, and the silver and gold was brought into a room at the Inn Scompari was to do what he does best, steal it. He did say he would never wait until it reached the Inn to take it, but I did not give him a choice. I ordered him to wait until then. Traveling to the Inn is a heavily wooded area full of cottonwood and maple trees. I was not sure if Scompari was nervous, but I was anxious. I do not think I have ever been this alert. My eyes were focused, and I was highly aware of the sounds made. Listening for anything unusual all my senses were hyperactive. I felt I was seeing and hearing things.SNAP!I stopped and looked in the direction of the sound. There was nothing there. Looking back at Scompari at a short distance in front of me he was looking in the direction of the sound. He must have heard it too. We stared into the woods looking for movement. Scompari then looked towards me, and shrugged his shoulders. I signaled to four of the guards next to me to check on it. They descended off their horses and began to scout the area. Scompari and I continued to follow the wagon from the side. Moments later I see movement of a shadow that caught the corner of my eye! Turning my head I saw nothing. I ordered two more guards that were with me to follow as I descended off my horse to investigate what I thought I saw. I ordered the last two guards to keep a distant eye on Scompari ensuring he was accounted for at all times. The two guards with me surrounded the tree where I saw the movement of the shadow. Enclosing in I fix my eyes in.Crack, Snap, Crack!It darts out running towards me! It was low then it jumps, and climbs a tree close to my front. I exhale the tension built up from the suspense. I inform the guards, “It’s a fox!”“That sneaky little bastard. Scared me.” Saying to myself.I then signaled to the guards to return. All guards returned to their positions, and Scompari continued to do his work. SLAM!The guardsmen do not shut doors delicately at the Inn. Seems just because we have arrived at an entertainment Inn they need to slam doors. They must do it for the girls so they look to the door as they walk through even though we cleared it out. Old habits die hard. The man in black did not show by the time we reached the Inn, so I ordered Scompari make a plan to steal the silver and gold at the Inn. We sat and planned outside as I told him the security set up. Eight guards were in the room watching the merchandise, four were outside the door of the silver and gold, two at the bottom and top of the stairs, six in the grand entry room pretending to be customers, and two behind the check in counter. All exits and sides of the Inn were patrolled, so if there was any movement we would know about it. After giving him the layout we separated, and I was accompanied by four guards while keeping an eye on Scompari, and he knew he was not to leave my sight. If he did the guards were ordered to apprehend him, or kill him if he resisted. Besides I could see in his eyes he did not want me to leave his sight. They were eyes of fear, but I could not fall for any tricks. Scompari is the best when it comes to this game, and I could not take any chances. Everything was set into place running smoothly until,Smash!The sound of shattering glass came from inside the Inn. A short distance away I see Scompari look up towards the sound. I then looked to see if there was any chaos. A guard entered the front door then soon came out to signal everything was okay. I relaxed then looked to find Scompari. He was gone! I looked all around, but I could not see him anywhere. How did I fall for that? There was little light left, so he was not hiding in the shadows. I stand to walk towards the Inn to check on all the agents. Approaching the Inn my arm is yanked, and pulled violently. Pulled into a man standing against a tree I am gripped tightly into a hug. It was Scompari. Upset I order him,“Do not leave my sight!”Scompari puts his fingers to his lips to signal for me to be quiet. We crouch down and he warns me,“He is here.”“Who?” I ask. “The one we are looking for?”He shakes his head yes. I look around, but do not see anything out of place. I signal to an agent to check all areas. He quickly signals to the others outside, steps inside to signal then shortly returns giving me the sign everything is good.“Everything is okay,” I tell Scompari.“He is here, I know it,” he says with surety. We pause in silence to listen. Sounds of an owl, and critters chirping as the sun faded away. A cold wind blew through the leaves that sounded like a small nearby rush of water from a creek. I could not hear, see, or feel anything abnormal happening. All agents checked in. The glass must have been a spill or accident. Maybe he was right. Scompari might be better at this than I am having evaded the law for so long successfully. I just did not want to play into his trap, but then again there is no real silver or gold to steal. I ordered Scompari,“Proceed with the plan.”He gazed into my eyes pausing looking at me like this would be the last time he would look at me. It made me pause in thought. What does this mean? Scompari then kissed me on the cheek. It was a look of uncertainty like he was not sure what was going to happen to him. Scompari began to walk towards the Inn to enter, and do his best to try and steal or make it appear to this man in black he was there to steal the silver and gold. I signaled to the front door agent we were proceeding to the next step of the plan. Everything was set to go, and I followed to the Inn to have a seat at a table. I needed to relax.Once inside Scompari came over to me acting like we had never met. He was in character. Sitting down at my table he told me a few flattering words, had a drink then wished me a farewell. It was so convincing I really thought I would never see him again. Scompari left walking up the stairs, and I signaled for him to be followed. All eyes were on alert. No sooner than Scompari disappeared from walking up the stairs an agent yelled from outside the door,“Stop thu!…”His words were cut off mid through his yell. We turned and looked back. I did not hear other disturbances, but it was quiet. I turned to towards the door to check. Halfway to the door one of the guards walked in and signaled all clear. It was strange, but all clear meant all clear. Turning and walking back towards the stairs to check on all other guards. Again everything was in place, but to me something did not feel right.BANG!I turn my head towards what sounded like a door was slammed shut up the stairs. I quickly ran to the second level first to check on the guards then to see if Scompari was in any of the rooms. The guards were fine, but they were signaling towards the door that had slammed shut. Rushing to that door I opened it, and walked inside. The room was vacant. I looked all over, around the bed, under it, then a cold breeze rushed through the room. The window was open. I am sure this window has not been open before. It is freezing outside. No sign of Scompari? He was gone! Was this part of his plan? I hurried out to the hallway to the room of silver and gold coins.“Step aside!” I ordered the four guards.They split from guarding the door, and I took my key out, unlocked the door, and opened it. Eight men were armed with swords drawn and bows aimed directly at me.“It’s me!” I clarified with my hands raised high.The eight guards in the room put their weapons down, and I looked to ensure the chests of silver and gold were still there. Everything was good. Maybe I just need to wait, and let Scompari do what he does best. Odd how he disappeared like that. I really hope he is not in danger. He seemed fearful before we came inside. Either way I had to think of all possibilities. That meant Scompari could be the man dressed black. I reminded the men of their duty ordering them,“Remember, anyone that tries to come into this room other than me you take them down dead or alive.”“Yes agent Tahlia,” they all answered confirming their orders.I left, closed the door, and locked it. I began to ponder on what Scompari would be doing if he was to steal the silver and gold. Something this heavily guarded how would he get through to steal it? I began to check all the rooms that were empty. I needed to be one step ahead of Scompari even though I knew he was probably ahead of me. While checking the room next door I heard a,THUMP!Shortly after another,THUMP! THUMP! ... THUMP, THUMP, THUMP, … THUMP THUMP!Eight times? That is the number of guards in the room guarding the coins! I rushed out and ordered the guards standing outside the door again,“Step aside!”They split to let me through, I unlocked the door, and cracked the door to peek in. Just as I feared I saw a guard on the floor. Before opening the door more I whispered to the guards outside with me,“On guard.”Two drew their swords, and the other two pulled out their bow with an arrow ready to fire. I pulled out my knife holding it in front of me. “All ready!” a guard gives me the okay to enter.Throwing the door open the armed guards entered with shields up protecting the guards behind with arrows ready to fire. The door is kicked open as we rush in heavily shielded and arrows aimed ready to fire. All eight men were down. The room was secured with no sign of an intruder. I checked to see if they were alive… I could feel a heartbeat, and there was no blood. The chests of silver and gold were still there, but they were unlocked! I ran to them to see if anything was inside. It was gone! All of it! I continued to look inside one of the chests in disbelief hitting it with my palm frustrated this happened. How did he do it? A strange smell filled the room. Was it a medicine he used? I hope this was all part of his plan because this is making me upset. Eight men are down, and hopefully not injured badly. THUMP!... THUMP!... THUMP!A continuous slow thump came from the wall of the room next door where Scompari disappeared. It was not the sound of bodies falling to the floor, but like someone was hitting the wall with a steady beat. While the thump continued a loud sound of continuous clinks filled the room like a river of coins was spilling all over the floor. Quickly I rushed to it and my men followed behind. “Signal to the others for backup, and to be alert!” I ordered the men as we approached the sound in the next room. Cracking the door I see the silver and gold coins spread out across the floor. Looking for the thump noise that continued to hit the wall I found it. It was Scompari sitting on the floor hitting his head against the wall. I opened the door and rushed to him. He was gagged, and bound by the feet and hands.“Was this part of your plan?” I asked while running to him.Scompari was trying to yell through the gag. I hurried, and loosed it so he could speak. As soon as he could he yelled to me,“He’s here!”I look back to the door to see if my men had followed. One was in the room the other three guarded the door then the candles went out in the hallway. It was dark except for the moonlight that lit through the window of the room.Silence filled the Inn. You could only hear the wind blowing from the open window as we waited for something to happen. THUMP! The sound of a body hits the floor.THUMP! THUMP! Two more bodies.The guards outside did not make a noise like they were hit so fast they did not have time to alert anyone. I could not hear anything but silence again.“Report!” I orderedThere was no answer from the guards outside the room. Nervous of what was happening I ordered again,“Report!”The fourth guard inside the room backed towards us with his arrow aimed and ready to fire. Our eyes were fixed on the door. No sound, not even from downstairs. I thought reinforcements would be coming up the stairs by now. We had signaled for them, but there was nothing.“We need to get out of here,” I whispered to Scompari.Scompari quickly responded,“There is nowhere we can go now.”TAP…TAP…TAP…TAP…TAP…TAPThe tapping noise was coming from the hallway approaching our door. It was coming to us. The tap slowed the closer it got to our door. Slowly a silhouette formed into the doorway. He stopped and stood square at the entry. “Identify yourself!” ordered the guard with his arrow aimed at him.The man did not answer, and I ordered him,“Fire!”The guard shot his arrow. Hearing the arrow strike the hallway wood wall outside the room the silhouette disappeared. A moment of silence, all I could hear was our heavy breathing as we waited for something to happen. My eyes wide open trying to see anything focusing on the smallest of sounds when suddenly the guard was struck. His bow was knocked from his hand. A force from above smashed the guard rapidly to the ground. He lies limp, and standing above him was the shadow of a man. The shadow and form was hard to see from the darkness of his clothing, but I could see his shape. A quick glimpse of his eyes flash light blue in the dark room then darkness again. We were still on the ground, and I heard the terrifying voice Scompari spoke to me about,“Release him to me.”The sound of his voice filled my chest with fear shaking my very bones. Fearing his voice, and not death I clanged to Scompari. I was not going to let him go. The man squatted down to our level on the floor and showed his face to me… what looked like a face. It was as they described. A silver streak crossed his face showing the outline of it. When the silver streak crossed his eyes I saw them. The light blue flashed again then darkness even the form of his body seemed to almost disappear. He spoke again with more authority,“Release him to me.”I shook my head no answering boldly, “He stays with me.”The man in black tilted his head responding,“Why do you release a man from prison that I have delivered to you?”Even though all bravery shrieked at the sound of his voice wanting to fall through the floor to escape I clinch my teeth with anger to try and appear strong answering,“To find evil men like you.”His head flinched quickly to look at me like he was surprised by my response.“Evil men? You find me guilty?” he asked.I stood to show I did not fear even though I felt at any moment my soul could be ripped out of my heart. He looked at me standing from his squat position then slowly stood. His mass was overwhelming. Standing a little taller than the average man he looked down on me, but his black silhouette or shadow was thick and wide. I knew I did not stand a chance in fighting through this. I did not answer his question as I could feel his eyes pierce mine even though I could not see them. Feeling his hand rest on my shoulder I saw it. As the silver streak crossed his face his eyes were reveled and stayed visible. They were human eyes. His ice blue eyes were looking into my soul. I could feel it, but I could not cower. His voice shook my inside again saying,“His sins rest on you.”Those words were not comforting. I was done for, and I knew Scompari would be next. This was my fault. If I had listened to him this would not have happened. I pulled my dagger, and stood in front of Scompari. The man in black slowly removed his hand off my shoulder as I held a dagger in my hand. I backed away a step to stand over Scompari, but still close enough to strike the man. It would be an easy attack on him, so without hesitation I stabbed straight into his core. There was no way I could miss.WIFF! I missed and immediately the knife was twisted a pulled from my hand. It all happened in the blink of an eye. A sharp pain swelled in my wrist from being twisted then I opened my eyes. He was gone. Looking all around to find him he was not in the room. Was I hallucinating? Nobody just disappears, and where did my knife go? These thoughts quickly passed after I looked down to ensure Scompari was still there. Exhaling in relief he was still on the floor holding his hand up at me for me to untie him. I did just that, and helped him up. Then attending to the guards one by one I could see I was not hallucinating. All my men were unconscious, but alive. These were well trained guards, and there were twenty four of them. We all made it out alive. Some with bruises, and bumps, and no serious injuries, but their stories were chilling. I did not know what to make of it other than it was real. I knew this because I could not explain rationally what I had seen, but the evidence was overwhelming.We returned to the living quarters of Scompari later that night. Scompari and I talked about what happened. When Scompari disappeared from the top of the stairs he made it appear he was stealing the silver and gold. Once he did Scompari was taken by the man we will call Death like a little child against his will he said. There was nothing he could do to escape. After that he awoke in the room with his hands and feet bound to each other. Death had words with Scompari. Scompari explained to me,“He knew you were looking for him, and that I was with you.”“We have to have a better plan next time,” I responded.Scompari became squeamish by moving around, and pulling up his hair replying,“Are you mad? We were lucky to survive.”We were lucky. This man was more than human. I just did not want to believe it. I still did not know what to think. Could he be the man from the stories I was told at night before bed as a girl? The man we were told to fear as adults? What I felt when I saw him told me he was, but my logic just cannot grasp such a reality. Scompari made a suggestion. It was one I would consider, and seemed logical,“I told you he will find you. Next time go alone. It will be much more peaceful. If he wanted us dead we would be.”It was not a bad idea although the thought of how afraid I was with twenty plus highly trained guards was terrifying enough. To do it alone seemed mad. He did let me and the rest of us go, but if I came across him again would he be as generous? It would be sometime before I would get the courage to do so.The next morning sitting in bed longer than normal thinking about everything that happened. The answers were clear, but it was difficult to believe. I sat up and headed out to the furnace. Entering the main room of the house I paused in shock. Every hair stood on my body, and my heart jumped. My knife that I used to try and strike the man of death was driven into my table. Carved in with my knife was a writing I knew too well from the books read to me as a little girl.???? ????Translated: Peacekeeper ................

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