Richard Alan Nelson is an internationally-known business, communication and public affairs educator and consultant. Currently he is a Professor of Mass Communication and Public Affairs at Louisiana State University’s Manship School of Mass Communication. In addition, he is an Affiliate Member of the Centre for Marketing and Communications at the Hull University Business School in the U.K.; serves on the Advisory Board for the Master of Management in Communication Program of Trisakti University’s International Business School in Jakarta, Indonesia; and was a visiting academic in the School of Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations at Queensland University of Technology (2004, Brisbane, Australia), the Department of Marketing and Business Strategy at Hull University (2006), and the School of Marketing at Curtin University of Technology (2007, Perth, Australia).

Nelson is president, board member and annual congress program co-chair of the International Management Development Association (IMDA, ), past president of the International Academy of Business Disciplines (IABD; ), board member of the American Society for Competitiveness (ASC; ), as well as former head of the Public Relations Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC; ). He is professionally accredited by the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA; ) and in 1998 served as an elected director on the executive committee of the PRSA Educator’s Academy. Nelson is recognized in the “Louisiana Public Policy Guide” database and the Heritage Foundation’s “Policy Experts: The Insiders Guide to Public Policy Experts and Organizations.” He also served on the Advisory Council of The Media Institute’s Center for Media Analysis, another Washington, D.C. think tank featuring nationally-known professional and academic leaders.

He has a particular interest in assisting the progressive Arab world. Nelson’s research focuses on business public policy, strategic planning, marketing communications, management, ethics and political communications issues. He is the author of more than 100 articles, essays, and reports on business and media industry topics ranging from the public opinion role played by paid persuaders, to the impact of new communications technologies, to state promotion of motion picture and television industrial development. He is co-author of Issues Management: Corporate Public Policymaking in an Information Society (Sage) and has individually written several books, including A Chronology and Glossary of Propaganda in the United States (Greenwood), Florida and the American Motion Picture Industry (Garland), Lights! Camera! Florida! (Florida Endowment for the Humanities), and Propaganda: A Reference Guide (forthcoming, Greenwood). Since Fall 1999, Richard Nelson has been editor of the refereed Journal of Promotion Management as well as a related Promotion Management book series established by Haworth Press. Beginning in 2005, Nelson was also named editor of the new Journal of Website Promotion. In addition, he serves on the editorial boards of 12 other refereed publications (listed alphabetically): Advances in Competitiveness Research, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics (England), Competition Forum, Corporate Communications: An International Journal (England), ESIC Market: Economic and Business Journal (Spain), EuroMed Journal of Business (Cyprus), International Journal of Business and Public Administration (IJBPA), International Journal of Commerce and Management, Journal of the Global Communication Research Association (with more GRSA information), Journal of Global Competitiveness, Journal of Marketing Communications (England), and Service Business. An International Journal (Germany). Previously he was a member of the editorial board for Journal of Mass Media Ethics.

This ongoing program of research, commentary, and service continues to bring recognition. For example, he was selected as one of the top 50 most influential public relations scholars in a citation study published by the Journal of Public Relations Research in 1999. In addition, in 1991 he was named “one of the 216 most cited authors in communication” who “as the core scholars in the field of communication, have contributed to as well as shaped its development in the past 10 to 20 years.”

He was named an LSU Alumni Association Distinguished Professor in 1997, one of the institution’s highest honors. From 1999-2005, Nelson also served as the Manship School’s public relations area head, and from 1994-1999 as Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research. In that latter capacity, he successfully supervised creation of a Ph.D. program in Mass Communication and Public Affairs. His thesis guide is also used by students at a number of other institutions. Please note that the Manship School is committed to preparing leaders for the Information Age. For more information on Manship programs and services, please visit the School’s Home Page:

Earlier, Nelson directed the Public Relations Sequence at Kansas State University. He also previously held positions as an Associate Director of the International Telecommunications Research Institute and tenured faculty member at the University of Houston.

Nelson’s professional background includes work as a trade magazine editor, weekly newspaper journalist, government public information coordinator, television news writer, and management consultant. Nelson is a graduate of Stanford University, later received a Master’s degree from Brigham Young University, and completed his Ph.D. at Florida State University. He has been married since 1974, is the father of two daughters, and is a dual citizen of the United States and European Union (Ireland).


In terms of administrative leadership, I believe I can help an institution navigate the more complex society we must now work within. Clearly universities have to be willing to adapt to change. Academic leaders should take a proactive role in helping shape future educational and social policy decisions. Nowhere is this more evident that in the increased number of constituencies important to the success of any institution. As a result, the essential considerations in whether or not a person should be selected for an important and sensitive academic leadership position now involve many factors such as:

( working to ensure the administration speaks with one voice.

( demonstrating “people skills” that create confidence to build necessary internal support, establish administrative credibility, win faculty, staff and student allegiance, nurture professional development, and mediate between the sometimes conflicting needs of departments as they go about contributing to learning through teaching, research, and service.

( exhibiting leadership that commands respect externally, especially among potential donors, the professional communities, other institutions, alumni, and supporters important to the university’s national/international reputation.

( communicating a wise vision about what future roles the university should undertake to make a real social contribution because of its unique heritage.

( having the expertise to ensure these goals are accomplished through the prudent management of resources.

( understanding the public policy arena which impacts on the institution and how persuasive communication is essential to shaping the process.

In addition, I am well acquainted with the standards used by accrediting bodies such as AACSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), and the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (ACEJMC).


Teaching is central to what we do in the academy. My philosophy of teaching continues to be based on a long-range strategic plan designed to increase exposure to research and management challenges, while retaining a strong theoretical and practical platform.

I believe that a key goal of an educator should be to enlighten students and help them transition into adulthood. I make every effort to be available for my students and meet their individual needs. This includes creating an environment of mutual respect between the teacher and the students. As is true of other good teachers I have encountered, I also try to engage my students, make efforts to motivate them to learn, and strive hard to resolve their problems. I am a strong believer in quality of education. My definition of “quality” includes not only relevant state-of-the-art of subject materials, but also the other broader issues of a university education, such as critical thinking, ability to work in teams, and professional and personal ethics. My classroom approach is to design innovative assignments where I am able to interact with students one-on-one and in groups. In essence, I make efforts to create and demonstrate a personalized, ethical, and “learning friendly” environment for my students.

I think students should be encouraged to question what they have learned and challenged to uplift their standards constantly. My syllabi and assignment sheets are clear and extensive. I incorporate use of visual materials from C-SPAN and other sources when appropriate. Graduate and undergraduate curriculum development is reflected in continuing upgrading of the existing courses and efforts to increase appropriate examples illustrating individual dignity, minority contributions and multi-cultural diversity.

I also actively encourage student participation beyond the classroom and stress the value of internships, outside lectures, and student national competitions. Teaching and research are also complementary. Research informs and guides teaching, while through teaching one can discover intriguing ideas and develop new research topics. Graduate student theses and published articles are evolving out of papers originally prepared for advanced classes I’ve directed.

Another goal is to work with other faculty to develop collegiality, collaboration, and interdisciplinary sharing.

In sum, I am deeply committed to faculty excellence and I value the enthusiastic participation of students. My participatory teaching style is both challenging and encouraging, focused on helping students develop their critical thinking, listening, and writing skills. All of my public relations, advertising, and other business-oriented courses give my students the opportunity to do legitimate work so that each student has evidence of professional skills. These can then be compiled into a portfolio and shown at future employment interviews. Over the years, students have repeatedly told me that these course assignments are impressive to potential employers.


I am committed to research and regular publication in books and peer reviewed journals since it is through such study and sharing that we find commonalities that advance our culture. My background is primarily in business communication, especially advertising and public relations (integrated marketing communications). As my CV indicates, my research focuses in two broad areas: (1) media history/ethics, and (2) business practices and strategic planning studies in advertising/marketing, public relations/public affairs issues management, and propaganda/political communication.

My research philosophy stems from the belief that these related fields are interdisciplinary and cannot be understood in isolation. In all my research, it is the problem or issue explored that drives the method and not vice-versa. This pragmatic approach to the adoption of technique in exploring solutions across disciplinary borders means I am familiar with various theoretical perspectives and a variety of qualitative and quantitative methodologies.

It should also be noted that the focus of study within integrated marketing communications today is as a managerial social science (rather than simply a writing-based) discipline. Given the seriousness of most topical controversies and the implicit call for legislative remedies found in issue-oriented communication, there is particular public policy importance to such research. Growing numbers of scholars in business, communication, political science, sociology, and other academic disciplines have begun to study and critique the field. Unfortunately, a limiting factor is that most of the literature and original source materials pertinent to studying integrated communication are widely scattered physically and philosophically, requiring interdisciplinary facility on the part of investigators. On the other hand, having to be broad can prove a genuine research strength, for such work creates familiarity with many disciplines as has been true in my case. This diversity has also proved helpful in finding common ground with a variety of external and internal constituencies, and I work well with both research- and practitioner-oriented individuals.

A bonus of this research expertise is that it shows up not only in publications, but the classrooms and businesses where my graduates are proving themselves well qualified.

Value of Editorships

Editorship of a peer-review journal and/or book series is awarded to recognized experts and is an opportunity to provide distinguished leadership as well as give direction to the field of journalism and mass communication studies. In addition, journal editorship also opens up opportunities for mentoring faculty and students. Most top universities recognize the value of editing journals and book series to enhancing an institution’s reputation, along with service on editorial boards, believing that such activities on campus should be fostered, encouraged, and rewarded. The involvement of professionals from outside the academy on editorial boards also adds to the impact of such work. Currently, I edit two peer-reviewed quarterly journals: Journal of Promotion Management and Journal of Website Promotion. Both feature distinguished editorial boards. In addition, I also edit a Promotion Management book series. Each is produced for Haworth Press, a leading academic publisher. Beyond that I serve on the editorial boards of 12 other refereed publications.



Tenured Full Professor of Mass Communication and Public Affairs and former Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, Manship School of Mass Communication, Louisiana State University and A&M College, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-7202 USA. Graduate Faculty member. Personal webpages: and . Office email: Fax: 225-578-2125. Office telephone: 225-578-6686. Home telephone: 225-769-1273.


( Business practices and strategic planning studies in advertising/marketing, public relations/public affairs issues management, and propaganda/political communication.

( Media history and ethics.


Business courses such as Introduction to Marketing, Marketing Case Studies, Promotion Management, Principles of Advertising, Advertising Management, Advertising Case Studies, Advertising Campaigns, Broadcast-Cable Advertising Sales (developed course), General Management, Strategic Management, Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, Foundations of Public Relations, Public Relations Principles, Public Relations Case Studies, Public Relations Practices, Public Relations Campaigns, Issues Management (developed course), and Public Affairs and Public Policy (developed course).

Mass communication courses including Introduction to Mass Media, Mass Media Principles (developed course), Mass Communications Ethics and Issues, Propaganda and Mass Communication (developed course), Broadcast/Cable Programming and Ratings (developed course), Radio-Television News Writing, Case Studies in Mass Communication, Topics in Mass Communication: Media Bias--Real or Imagined? (developed course), and Readings in Mass Communications.


The Florida State University. June 1980: Ph.D., College of Communication. Competitively selected as a Florida State University Fellow, 1977-1978. Dissertation published as two-volume book, 798 pages. See Dissertation Abstracts International-A 41,3 (September 1980), 840-A, publication number AAT 8020342, .

Brigham Young University. April 1975: M.A., Department of Communications. Named the Outstanding Communications Graduate Student for 1974. Thesis: “A History of Latter-day Saint Screen Portrayals in the Anti-Mormon Film Era, 1905-1936,” 274 pages. See Master’s Abstracts 12,4 (December 1974), 435-436, publication number AAT 1306163, . Also available online at .

Praestegaard School of Cinematic and Photographic Arts (Fjerritslev, Denmark). August 1970-January 1971. Post-baccalaureate study emphasizing visual theory.

Stanford University. June 1969: A.B., Department of Political Science. Undergraduate concentration in political and social history. Participated in “Stanford in Britain Overseas Study Program” and completed optional course work at the Stanford Institute of Religion.


Accredited Public Relations Professional (APR), Public Relations Society of America (PRSA).

Completed National Institute of Heath (NIH) “Human Participant Protections: Education for Research Teams” course, 2005.


Born in Chicago, Illinois, USA, 22 February 1947. Married since 1974 with two children. Dual citizen of the United States and European Union (Ireland). Hobbies include racquetball, golf, genealogy, and reading (business, contemporary politics, international affairs, historical works and detective novels).


Nelson’s ongoing program of research and commentary continues to bring recognition. He is regularly referenced in the leading public relations textbooks, recent journal articles, and elsewhere for his work. For example, R. A. Nelson was named as one of the top 50 most cited public relations researchers in a study titled the “Influential Authors and Works of the Public Relations Scholarly Literature” by Yorgo Pasadeos, R. Bruce Renfro, and Mary Lynn Hanily, published in the Journal of Public Relations Research, 11(1), 1999, 29-59. In addition, according to a bibliometric analysis by Clement Y. K. So, Department of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, reported in a letter dated 14 January 1991, R. A. Nelson is “one of the 216 most cited authors in communication” who with “the other most-cited authors, as the core scholars in the field of communication, have contributed to as well as shaped its development in the past 10 to 20 years.”


6. R. A. Nelson, Propaganda: A Reference Guide. Westport, CT and London: Greenwood Press, 300 pages, in final preparation.

5. R. A. Nelson, A Chronology and Glossary of Propaganda in the United States. Westport, CT and London: Greenwood Press, 1996, 360 pages; ISBN 0313292612; an online copy of the book is available from Questia at: . Information directly from the publisher is at: and . “An obvious labor of love, this unique compilation weaves together many seemingly disparate threads of propaganda....No other title on this topic combines a chronology and dictionary...the compilation will be valuable for students and researchers for years to come...recommended for college libraries that support history, political science, or mass communication.”—Choice. “A brief outline of some of the main events in the development of propaganda is provided in the introduction. The chronology starts with Christopher Columbus’s arrival in the New World in 1942, and stretches to the end of 1995....The majority of the book is the glossary, which provides useful definitions of both well-known and obscure terms...There is sufficient cross-referencing in this section, with relevant terms in all capital letters for easy identification. At the end of the volume, one finds a 28-page selective bibliography of useful references and a name/subject index....The title...will be of interest to those in the areas of history, political science, sociology, ethics, journalism, and communications, and it is a valuable complement to standard reference dictionaries. The work is recommended for the reference collections of all public and academic libraries.”—American Reference Books Annual 97.

3-4. R. L. Heath and R. A. Nelson, Issues Management: Corporate Public Policymaking in an Information Society. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1989, 288 pages; paperback second printing; ISBN 0803936095. Original hardcover version published in Beverly Hills, London & New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1986; ISBN 0803925352. Introduction by Raymond P. Ewing, co-founder and past president of the Issues Management Association. Reviewed in Journal of Marketing, Journal of Macromarketing, Public Relations Journal, Public Relations Review, Communication Booknotes, Choice, Corporate Television, Journalism Quarterly and other publications.

2. R. A. Nelson, Lights! Camera! Florida! Ninety Years of Moviemaking and Television Production in the Sunshine State. Tampa: Florida Endowment for the Humanities (FEH, now the Florida Humanities Council), 1987; 112 pages. Foreword by Samuel A. Gill, Archivist, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Online reference: . Reviewed in Film History: An International Journal and Griffithiana (Italy). Lights! Camera! Florida! also served as the basis for a traveling multi-media exhibit by FEH consisting of 12 two-sided 4’x6’ panels showcasing posters, scenes and texts of Florida productions, supplemented with film and video displays of actual movies and TV shows shot in the state. This 600-1,000 square foot display went on a three-year tour (1988-1990), extended through 1991. In addition, my work was a major source of historical information on Florida moviemaking for the Women of the Motion Picture Industry (WOMPI), South Florida chapter. I received screen credit and a thank you letter for assistance in preparing their 30-minute MTV-format video Filmed in F. L. A. which premièred in November 1990.

1. R. A. Nelson, Florida and the American Motion Picture Industry, 1898-1980. Two volumes. New York & London: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1983; 800 pages; ISBN 0824051084. In “Dissertations on Film” series edited by Garth Jowett. Introduction by Raymond Fielding. Reviewed in Film Quarterly, Journal of Popular Film and Television, Communication Booknotes, Florida Historical Quarterly and other publications. The R. E. Norman Mss. collection guide in the Manuscripts Department in the Lilly Library at Indiana University highlights the book for its extended discussion of ethnic motion pictures featuring African-Americans produced by the Florida-based Norman Film Manufacturing Company; see . Research from the book was also utilized by staff from the Museum of Science and History of Jacksonville in designing the motion picture portion of a “History of Jacksonville and Northeast Florida” exhibit proposal to the National Endowment for the Humanities, 1995; and the “Richard E. Norman (1891-1960) Pioneer Florida Silent Filmmaker” exhibit held at the Alexander Brest Museum, Jacksonville University, 1998, supported by grants from the Florida Humanities Council and National Endowment for the Humanities.

Research Chapters, Essays and Articles in Books, Handbooks and Encyclopedias

(* = Refereed; + = Invited)

+33. R. A. Nelson, “Marketing, Communication Tools,” entry in Wolfgang Donsbach, editor, of the 12-volume International Encyclopedia of Communication. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2008, forthcoming; ISBN: 9781405131995. Note: Jointly published by Blackwell Publishing and the International Communication Association (ICA); and .

+32. R. A. Nelson and Ali M. Kanso, “Employing Effective Leadership in a Crisis and the Limits of Socially Responsible Public Relations: A Case Study of Malden Mills and Corporate Reputation,” Chapter 8 in T. C. Melewar, editor, Facets of Corporate Identity, Communication and Reputation. Oxford, England: Routledge Books (Taylor & Francis Group), 2008, forthcoming; ISBN 0415405270 (hardcover); 0415405289 (paperback); .

+26-31. R. A. Nelson, “Arms Trade,” “Bilderberg Group,” “Council on Foreign Relations,” “Ethics of Persuasion,” “Henry George,” “Tax Havens,” and “Trilateral Commission,” entries in Robert W. Kolb, editor, Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2007, forthcoming; ISBN: 9781412916523; .

+25. Ali Kanso and R. A. Nelson, “Corporate Reputation Under Attack: A Case Study of Nike’s Public Relations Campaign to Blunt Negative Perceptions of its Labor Practices,” Case 1 in Michael G. Parkinson and Daradirek Ekachai, editors, International and Intercultural Public Relations: A Campaign Case Approach. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 2006, 99-116; ISBN 0-205-37520-0; .

*23, +24. R. A. Nelson, “The Bulgari Connection: A Novel Form of Product Placement” and “A Product Placement Resource Guide: Recommended Publications and Web Sites,” in Mary-Lou Galician, editor, Handbook of Product Placement in the Mass Media: New Strategies in Marketing Theory, Practice, Trends, and Ethics. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press, 2004, 203-212 & 259-267; ISBN 0-7890-2534-5 (hardcover) and 0-7890-2535-3 (softcover); see . NOTE: This is a book published simultaneously as the Journal of Promotion Management, Volume 10, Nos. 1/2. Independently translated and republished in Russian: Ричард Алан Нельсон, “Колье от Bulgari: инновационные формы реализации Product Placement”; and “Указатель справочной литературы по теме «product placement»: рекомендуемые публикации и Интернет-сайты.” In Мэри-Лу Галисиан, СОДЕРЖАНИЕ: Product placement в средствах массовой информации: нездоровые маркетинговые союзы или действительность в сюжетном воплощении; нарушение рекламной этики или удобный инструмент коммуникации? Moskva: ETC Publishing, 2004, ISBN 5-94983-025-3, see . “The concept and the applications are presented in a way that CAPTURES THE ATTENTION AND INTEREST OF MARKETING STUDENTS AND TEACHERS, RESEARCHERS LOOKING FOR REFERENCES, AND MOST OF ALL, PRACTITIONERS. Interviews with prominent opinion-makers, comments on product placement in the twenty-first century, and the inclusion of a product placement resource guide make this book relatively unique on the market.”—Jan Napoleon Saykiewicz, PhD, Professor of Marketing & International Marketing, Duquesne University. “A FASCINATING HANDBOOK FOR PRACTITIONERS AND STUDENTS. . . . COMPREHENSIVE. . . . The content and presentation are superb. . . . Loaded with rich case examples featuring major brands. . . . Each case is easy to read, filled with content, and placed within the context of success or failure. The rationale for the pro and/or con assessments include specific measurable quantitative, as well as professional qualitative assessments. AN EXTREMELY VALUABLE CONTRIBUTION TO THE LITERATURE.”—Dr. Ronald A. Nykiel, Conrad N. Hilton Distinguished Chair, University of Houston; Author of Marketing Your Business: A Guide to Developing a Strategic Marketing Plan.

*22. R. A. Nelson, “The Intersection of Research and the Profession in Public Relations: Getting Published and Getting Ahead,” chapter 50 in Lynne M. Sallot and Barbara J. DeSanto, editors, Learning to Teach: What You Need to Know to Develop a Successful Career as a Public Relations Educator, 3rd edition. New York: Educators Academy of the Public Relations Society of America, 2003, 465-477.

+21. R. A. Nelson, “Dispelling U.S. Propaganda Images of the Middle East and North Africa,” in Kamal G. Darouni, editor, Advertising and Marketing Communications in the Middle East, 2nd edition. Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon: Notre Dame University – Louaize, 2002, 286, 301-313; ISBN 9953-418-26-8; and . According to John Holmes, International Advertising Association Director, the book is “…nicely organized and well written.”

+20. R. A. Nelson, “Propaganda,” in M. Thomas Inge and Dennis Hall, editors, The Greenwood Guide to American Popular Culture, 4 volumes. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2002, 1327-1433; ISBN 0-313-30878-0; .

+19. Janet A. Bridges and R. A. Nelson, “Issues Management: A Relational Approach,” chapter 5 in John Ledingham and Stephen D. Bruning, editors, Public Relations as Relationship Management: A Relational Approach to the Study and Practice of Public Relations. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum Publishers, 2000, 95-116; . Available online at Questia: . About the book: “The emergence of relationship management as a paradigm for public relations scholarship and practice requires a close examination of just what is achieved by public relations--its definition, function and value, and the benefits it generates. Initiated by the editors’ interest in cross-disciplinary exploration, this volume evolved to its current form as a result of the need for a framework for understanding public relations and the potential impact of organization-public relationships on the study, practice, and teaching of public relations. Ledingham and Bruning include contributions that present state-of-the-art research in relationship management, applications of the relational perspective to various components of public relations, and the implications of the approach to influence further research and practice. The discussion conducted here is certain to influence and promote future theory and practice on the concept of relationship management.”

*18. T. W. Hoffer and R. A. Nelson, “Docudrama on American Television,” chapter 5 in Alan Rosenthal, editor, Why Docudrama? Fact-Fiction on Film and TV. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1999, 64-77; based on 1978 article in Journal of the University Film Association. ISBN 0-8093-2187-4 (paper); ISBN 0-8093-2186-6 (cloth); . Available online at Questia: . “Defining and examining the rationale of docudrama, the nine essayists in the first part discuss the history and development of docudrama on TV and in film; they also consider the place of truth in docudrama, the main critiques of the form, and the audience’s susceptibilities and expectations.”

+17. R. A. Nelson, “Using Information Technologies to Communicate Internationally: Governments, Strategic Public Diplomacy and the Internet,” in Abbass F. Alkhafaji and Zakaria El-Sadek, editors, International Business Strategies: Economic Development Issues. Apollo, PA: Closson Press and the International Academy of Business Disciplines, 1997, 87-95. See .

+16. Ali Kanso, Abdul Karim Sinno, and R. A. Nelson, “Lebanon, Tourism Development, and the Internet: A Plan of Action for Rebuilding from War,” in Abbass F. Alkhafaji and Zakaria El-Sadek, editors, International Business Strategies: Economic Development Issues. Apollo, PA: Closson Press and the International Academy of Business Disciplines, 1997, 96-106. See .

*15. R. A. Nelson, “Activist Groups and New Technologies: Influencing the Public Affairs Agenda,” in Lloyd B. Dennis, editor, Practical Public Affairs in an Era of Change: A Communications Guide for Business, Government, and College. New York: Public Relations Society of America/Public Affairs and Government Section, co-published with University Press of America, 1995, 413-422. John Naisbitt, author of Megatrends, states: “This truly distinguished group of authors has produced a practical, readable and systematic guide to the way things are actually working in today’s public affairs and public policy.” David R. Drobis of Ketchum Public Relations Worldwide Public Relations Review adds “Among its 40 contributors are some of the most respected public affairs practitioners in the U.S. They have done their work exhaustively and well… Practical Public Affairs is a ‘must have’ for counselors and clients alike. It’s the touchstone for your next public affairs program.” ISBN 0-761-80086-7 (softcover); 0-761-80085-9 (hardcover); ordering at PRSA Item # 6F-65A001. Online information: - books or ^DB/CATALOG.db&eqSKUdata=0761800859.

*14. R. A. Nelson, “Propaganda for God: Pastor Charles Taze Russell and the Multi-Media Photo-Drama of Creation (1914),” in Roland Cosandey, André Gaudreault, and Tom Gunning, editors, Une Invention du diable? Cinéma des premiers temps et religion - An Invention of the Devil? Religion and Early Cinema, Sainte-Foy, Québec, Canada: Les Presses de l’Université Laval & Lausanne, Suisse: Éditions Payot Lausanne, 1992, 230-255; ISBN 2-7637-7300-1. In the “Sciences humaines collection.” Online information: .

+13. R. A. Nelson, “Propaganda,” in M. Thomas Inge, editor, Handbook of American Popular Culture, 2nd Edition, Revised & Enlarged. New York, Westport, CT & London: Greenwood Press, 1989, 1011-1126. Online at Questia: . “Richard Nelson’s article on propaganda, the longest in the first edition, is now greatly expanded and provides one of the most detailed treatments of the subject anywhere.”--Library Journal. “This essential tool for the study of American popular culture serves as introductory textbook; bibliographic guide; bibliography; and, through its index, an informal survey of that discipline’s concerns.”--Wilson Library Bulletin. “The first volume was hailed as a ‘cornerstone volume in facilitating research.’ This revision, appearing all at one time, deserves that designation even more. . . . essential for large public and academic libraries.”--Reference Books Bulletin.

+12. R. A. Nelson, “Charles Pathé,” 750-word article in Erik Barnouw, editor, The International Encyclopedia of Communications. Volume 3. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989, 247-248.

+10 & +11. R. A. Nelson, “Film Production,” 1,500 word essay in Charles Reagan Wilson and William Ferris, co-editors, Encyclopedia of Southern Culture. Chapel Hill & London: University of North Carolina Press in cooperation with the Center for the Study of Southern Culture, 1989, 927-929. Republished in four volume paperback version, New York: Anchor Books, 1991.

+9. R. A. Nelson, “Public Policy Implications of the New Communication Technologies,” in Robert L. Heath, editor, Strategic Issues Management: How Organizations Influence and Respond to Public Interests and Policies. San Francisco & London: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1988, 366-385.

+5 & +6; +7 & +8. R. A. Nelson, Research Associate and author, “Florida,” 2,500 word essay and “Vim Comedy Company,” 150-word entry in Anthony Slide, editor, The American Film Industry: A Historical Dictionary. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1986, 130-135 and 370-371. Republished in paperback edition, New York: Limelight Editions, 1990. Named an American Library Association Outstanding Reference Book, 1986. “This authoritative ‘What’s What’ of the film companies, processes, and organizations that have enabled stars and directors to populate the ‘Who’s Who’ books, belongs beside them in reference collections.”--Wilson Library Bulletin.

+4. T. W. Hoffer, R. Musburger, and R. A. Nelson, “Docudrama,” in Brian G. Rose, editor, TV Genres: A Handbook and Reference Guide. Westport, CT & London: Greenwood Press, 1985, 181-211.

+2 & +3. R. A. Nelson, “Propaganda,” in M. Thomas Inge, editor, Concise Histories of American Popular Culture. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1982, 280-288. Selected as one of 29 out of 50 original essays in the English-language edition for translation into Chinese in Mei Guo Tong Su Wen Hua Jian Shi. Guilin (Gaunxi Province), People’s Republic of China: Li Jiang Publishing House, 1988, 222-232.

+1. R. A. Nelson, “Propaganda,” in M. Thomas Inge, editor, Handbook of American Popular Culture. Volume 3. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1981, 321-383.

Articles in Scholarly/Professional Journals, Annuals and Proceedings

(* = Refereed; + = Invited; ▪ = Recognized by Cabell’s Directory)

*64. R. A. Nelson, Ali M. Kanso and Steven R. Levitt, “Integrating Public Service and Marketing Differentiation: An Analysis of the American Express Corporation’s ‘Charge Against Hunger’ Promotion Program,” Service Business. An International Journal 1,4 (2007, December), in press. A preliminary version is available online at .

*63. Ali M. Kanso and R. A. Nelson, “Multinational Corporations and the Challenge of Global Advertising: What do U.S. Headquarters Consider Important in Making Media Selection Decisions?” International Marketing Review (2007), in press. This is a special issue on “Global Advertising: Insights from Multiple Markets” guest edited by Drs. Shintaro Okazaki and Barbara Mueller.

+62. R. A. Nelson, Ali M. Kanso, and H. Paul LeBlanc III, “Students' Taste for Pizza Reveals Top Marketing Ingredient: Promotional Products,” PPB: Promotional Products Business (official publication of the Promotional Products Association International (2007, July), 62-66. Cover article. Also online at .

+61. R. A. Nelson and Rick Ebel, “Laws of Attraction: A New Study Reveals How Distributors and Suppliers Gain and Keep New Customers,” PPB (Promotional Products Business, the official business monthly of Promotional Products Association International) (2007, March), 57-62; also online at .

*▪60. Ali M. Kanso and R. A. Nelson, “Older and Bigger: Do Larger, More Established International Firms Use Standardized Advertising More Than Their Younger, Smaller Counterparts?” in special issue on “Integrated and International Marketing Communications for Small to Medium-sized Enterprises (SME’s)” guest edited by Dr. Demetris Vrontis, Journal of Marketing Communications 12,3 (2006, September), 147-164. Lead article.

+59. R. A. Nelson, Rick Ebel, and Saritha Kuruvilla, “18 Billion Reasons for Remembering 2005: Study Finds Annual Distributor Sales Continue to Increase,” PPB (Promotional Products Business, the official business monthly of Promotional Products Association International) (2006, June), 62-80. Cover article. Also online at $18%20billion.

*▪58. Shih-Lun “Alex” Wang and R. A. Nelson, “The Effects of Identical Versus Varied Advertising and Publicity Messages on Consumer Response,” Journal of Marketing Communications 12,2 (2006, June), 109-123; for more information: .

+57. R. A. Nelson, “Computer Genealogy Guide for Getting Started in Family History,” Le Baton Rouge (official quarterly of the Baton Rouge Genealogical and Historical Society) 26,1 (Winter 2006), 24-40.

*▪56. Xiaoge Hu, Xigen Li, and R. A. Nelson, “The World Wide Web as a Vehicle for Advertising Movies to College Students: An Exploratory Study,” Journal of Website Promotion 1,3 (2005), 115-121.

*▪55. Ali Kanso, H. Paul LeBlanc, and R. A. Nelson, “Marketing More With Less? Lessons Learned on How Online Advertising Interacts With Magazine Advertising,” Journal of Website Promotion 1,3 (2005), 41-60.

+▪54. R. A. Nelson, “Selected Leaders and Resources in E-Metrics: An Introduction,” Journal of Website Promotion 1,2 (2005), 111-117.

*▪53. Ali Kanso and R. A. Nelson, “Internet and Magazine Advertising: Integrated Partnerships or Not?” Journal of Advertising Research 44,4 (2004, November-December), 317-326. Lead article.

*▪51, +52. R. A. Nelson, “The Bulgari Connection: A Novel Form of Product Placement” and “A Product Placement Resource Guide: Recommended Publications and Web Sites,” Journal of Promotion Management 10,1&2 (2004), 203-212 & 259-267.

*▪50. Christopher Day, Xigen Li, and R. A. Nelson, “Effect of Music Downloading via the Internet on Music CD Purchase,” Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives 11 (2004), 53-57.

*49. R. A. Nelson, “Tracking Propaganda to the Source: Tools for Analyzing Media Bias,” Global Media Journal 2(3), Fall 2003, in a special issue devoted to “Propaganda, Terrorism and Media” guest edited by Nancy Snow; available online at .

*48. Aimee Shelton and R. A. Nelson, “Management by Personality: A Realistic Approach to Solving Workplace Conflicts,” in Erdner Kaynak and Talha Harcar, editors, Succeeding in a Turbulent Global Marketplace: Changes, Developments, Challenges, and Creating Distinct Competencies. Proceedings of the International Management Development Association’s 12th Annual World Business Congress, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 25-29 June 2003, 396-402.

*▪47. R. A. Nelson, “Issue Advertising and ‘Deep Pockets’: Ethics and Reality,” Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives 10 (2003), 872-876.

*▪46. R. A. Nelson and Ali Kanso, “Today’s Promotional Products Industry: The Rise of a Powerful Marketing Communication Medium,” Journal of Promotion Management 8,1 (2002), 3-24.

*▪45. Ali Kanso and R. A. Nelson, “Advertising Localization Overshadows Standardization,” Journal of Advertising Research 42,1 (January-February 2002), 79-89. An online copy is available from Questia at: .

*▪43-*▪44. R. A. Nelson, “Ethics and Social Issues in Business: An Updated Communication Perspective,” Journal of Global Competitiveness 9,1 (2001), 687-698; and subsequently republished after review in Competitiveness Review 13,1 (2003), 66-74.

*▪42. R. A. Nelson, “Business Ethics and Social Responsibility: Communicating in a Global Economy,” Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives 6 (1999), 619-623.

*▪41. Stephanie L. Jackson, J. Windhauser, and R. A. Nelson, “Nonprofit Involvement in Special Events: The 1996 Olympic Torch Relay and Capital Area United Way,” Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives 6 (1999), 664-668.

*40. John Mark King and R. A. Nelson, “Television News Dependency and Public Perceptions of the Environment in Baton Rouge, Louisiana,” International Business and Ecology Research Yearbook 1998, 149-154.

*▪39. R. A. Nelson, “Political Communication and Public Affairs: Evolving Academic Disciplines,” Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives 5 (1998), 762-766.

*▪38. R. A. Nelson, “Allegations of Media Bias: Tools From Propaganda Analysis,” in Jerry Biberman and Abbass Alkhafaji, editors, Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives 4 (1997), 757-761.

+37. R. A. Nelson, “Grassroots Communication Efforts: Influencing Public Policy by Utilizing New Technologies,” Blueprint for Social Justice (Twomey Center for Peace through Justice, Loyola University, New Orleans) 49,2 (October 1995), 1-7.

*▪36. R. A. Nelson, “Using New Technologies in International Communication: Building a More Public Relationship Between Developing Nations and the U.S.,” Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives 2 (1995), 814-818.

+35. R. A. Nelson, “Public Diplomacy: Opportunities for International Public Relations Activism,” PR Update (March 1995), 2, 5-7.

*▪34. R. A. Nelson, “Issues Communication and Advocacy: Contemporary Ethical Challenges,” Public Relations Review 20,3 (Fall 1994), 225-231.

+33. R. A. Nelson, “Public Relations: The Professionalism Dilemma,” PR Update (November 1994), 1-2, 6.

*▪32. R. A. Nelson and Ali Kanso, “The Evolution of Specialty Advertising: An Effective Integrated Communication Vehicle,” Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives 1 (1994), 98-104.

*▪31. Charles A. Lubbers and R. A. Nelson, “An Assessment of the Public Relations Instruction in ACEJMC-Accredited Programs,” Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives, 1 (1994), 76-80.

*30. A. Kanso and R. A. Nelson, “Before ‘Desert Storm’: A Comparison of 1980 Iraq-Iran War Coverage in Four American and Arab Newspapers,” Ecquid Novi: Journal for Journalism in Southern Africa/Tydskrif vir Joernalistiek in Suider-Afrika 14,1 (1993), 36-52. Ecquid Novi is an internationally recognized research journal affiliated with Southern African Communication Association, published twice a year by the Institute for Communication Research at Potchefstroom University. Here is what some leading academics have said about it: “Ecquid Novi ... rigorously referees submissions in relation to the paradigm in which they are written.” K. G. Tomaselli, Director and Professor, Centre for Cultural and Media Studies, University of Natal. “Located in one of the most vital and challenging centers of international and intercultural communication, Ecquid Novi is in a unique position to meet the intellectual and professional challenges of the field and to remain at the frontiers of knowledge and scholarship.” Hamid Mowlana, Professor and Director, International Communication Division, School of International Service, American University, Washington, DC, and former President, International Association of Mass Communication Research.

*29. H. A. White, C. E. Oukrop, and R. A. Nelson, “Literature of Public Relations: Curriculum for a Unique Career,” Journalism Educator 46,4 (Winter 1992), 27-32.

*28. J. L. Salvaggio and R. A. Nelson, “Marketplace vs. Public Utility Models for Developing Telecommunications and Information Industries,” in Brent D. Ruben and Leah Lievrouw, editors, Information and Behavior, Volume 3 (1990). New Brunswick, NJ and Oxford, England: Transaction Books, 257-270.

+▪27. R. A. Nelson, “Bias Versus Fairness: The Social Utility of Issues Management,” Public Relations Review 16,1 (Spring 1990), 25-32. According to unsolicited letter from Robert L. Dilenschneider, then President and Chief Executive Officer of Hill & Knowlton, Inc., International Public Relations Counsel, “Your article in the current Public Relations Review is a great service. My congratulations.”

*26. R. A. Nelson, “Sources for Archival Research on Film and Television Propaganda in the United States,” Film History: An International Journal 3,4 (1989), 333-340.

+25. J. T. Bowen and R. A. Nelson, “Image Communication: Integrating Hospitality Marketing and Public Relations,” Hospitality Education and Research Journal (Washington, DC) 13,3 (1989), 259-266.

*24. R. A. Nelson, “Commercial Propaganda in the Silent Film: A Case Study of A Mormon Maid (1917),” Film History: An International Journal 1,2 (1987), 149-162.

+22 & +23. R. A. Nelson and R. L. Heath, “A Systems Model for Corporate Issues Management,” Public Relations Quarterly 31,3 (Fall 1986), 20-24. Elements of the article are republished with commentary in “U of H Professors Create Corporate Matrix Triangle,” Corporate Public Issues and Their Management 12,4 (15 February 1987), 22-23.

*21. R. A. Nelson, “Before Laurel: Oliver Hardy and the Vim Comedy Company, a Studio Biography,” in Bruce A. Austin, editor, Current Research in Film: Audiences, Economics and Law, Volume 2 (1986). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Company, 136-155.

*▪20. R. L. Heath and R. A. Nelson, “Image and Issue Advertising: A Corporate and Public Policy Perspective,” Journal of Marketing 49,2 (Spring 1985), 58-68.

*▪19. R. A. Nelson and R. L. Heath, “Corporate Public Relations and New Media Technology,” Public Relations Review 10,3 (Fall 1984), 27-38.

*18. R. A. Nelson, “Mormons as Silent Cinema Villains: Propaganda and Entertainment,” Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television (Oxford, England) 4,1 (March 1984), 3-14.

*17. R. A. Nelson, “Entering a Brave New World: The Impact of the New Information and Telecommunications Technologies,” Journal of the University Film and Video Association 35,4 (Fall 1983), 23-33.

*16. R. L. Heath and R. A. Nelson, “An Exchange on Corporate Advertising: Typologies and Taxonomies,” Journal of Communication, “Colloquy section,” 33,4 (Autumn 1983), 114-118.

*15. R. L. Heath and R. A. Nelson, “Image/Issue Advertising Tax Rules: Understanding the Corporate Rights,” Public Affairs Review 4 (1983), 94-101, 104-105.

*14. R. A. Nelson, “‘High Flyer’ Movie Finance and the Silver Screen: The Rise and Fall of the National Film Corporation of America,” Film & History 13,4 (December 1983), 73-83, 93.

*12 & +13. R. A. Nelson, “Stock Failures and Con Men: A Neglected Economic Aspect of America’s Early Motion Picture Industry,” Journal of Popular Film and Television 11,1 (Spring 1983), 12-23. Translated into French and republished as “Faillites frauduleuses et escroqueries à l’âge héroïque du cinéma américain” in FILMéchange (Paris) No. 41 (1988), 33-42.

*11. R. A. Nelson, “Palm Trees, Public Relations, and Promoters: Boosting Southeast Florida as a Motion Picture Empire, 1910-1930,” Florida Historical Quarterly 61,4 (April 1983), 383-403.

*10. R. A. Nelson, “Movie Mecca of the South: Jacksonville, Florida, as an Early Rival to Hollywood,” Journal of Popular Film and Television 8,3 (Fall 1980), 38-51.

*9. T. W. Hoffer and R. A. Nelson, “Evolution of Docudrama on American Television Networks: A Content Analysis, 1966-1978,” Southern Speech Communication Journal 45,1 (Winter 1980), 149-163. For more on the topic see .

*8. T. W. Hoffer and R. A. Nelson, “Docudrama on American Television,” Journal of the University Film Association 30,2 (Spring 1978), 21-27. Republished as a book chapter, see above.

*6 & +7. R. A. Nelson, “Florida: The Forgotten Film Capital,” Journal of the University Film Association 29,3 (Summer 1977), 9-21. Photo-reduced version republished in Classic Film Collector No. 60 (Fall 1978), 8-11.

*3, *4, & *5. R. A. Nelson, “Germany and the German Film, 1930-1945: An Annotated Research Bibliography” published in three parts in Journal of the University Film Association--”Part I: Books, Dissertations, and Pamphlets,” 29,1 (Winter 1977), 45-66; “Part II: Articles and Periodicals,” 29,2 (Spring 1977), 67-80; and “Part III: Research Libraries, Archives, and Other Sources,” 30,1 (Winter 1978), 53-72.

*2. R. A. Nelson, “From Antagonism to Acceptance: Mormons and the Silver Screen,” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 10,3 (Spring 1977), 58-69. Useful online reference: .

*1. R. A. Nelson, “Utah Filmmakers of the Silent Screen,” Utah Historical Quarterly 43,1 (Winter 1975), 4-25. Useful online reference: .

Professional Reports and Monographs

10-11. R. A. Nelson, Ali M. Kanso, and H. Paul LeBlanc III, Promotional Products—The Key Ingredient to Integrated Marketing: How Promotional Products, Print and Television Advertising Impact Consumer Perception, a 52-page research report based on original empirical research. Irving, TX: Promotional Products Association International Research Department, 2007; available for sale in pdf format . See also the news release “New Study Proves Adding Promotional Products Increases Favorability Ratings Toward Ads” issued by PPAI on 13 March 2007 at . In addition to the longer report PPAI published a four page research brief summarizing practical findings of larger study above. Irving, TX: Promotional Products Association International, December 2006; sold in pdf format as RS8036 , with a free version on the PPAI website, . See also the news release “New Study Proves Promotional Products are the Key Ingredient to Integrated Marketing” issued by PPAI on 18 December 2006 at .

8-9. R. A. Nelson and Rick Ebel, How Promotional Product Distributors Go to Market and How Promotional Product Suppliers Go to Market, two depth research reports based on original survey research targeted to practitioners. Irving, TX: Promotional Products Association International Research Department, 2007.

7. R. A. Nelson, Nelson’s Practical Guide to Starting, Writing, and Completing a Master’s Thesis (With Emphasis on Mass Communication Students), September 2003, version 10.0; available online: .

6. R. A. Nelson, compiler, “Comprehensive Index with Bibliographical Notes to Mackie, S. J. A Descriptive and Historical Account of Folkestone and its Neighbourhood with Gleanings from the Municipal Records, Reprinted from the “Folkestone Express”. 2nd edition. Folkestone, Kent, England: Printed and Published by J. English, 1883,” version 1.0, August 2003, available at the Folkestone & District Family History Society website (), the Folkestone Families website (); and on my personal website ().

5. R. A. Nelson, Florida’s Film Industry Growth: A Short History and Analysis of Implications for Postsecondary Education. A consulting study prepared for the Florida Postsecondary Education Planning Commission. Tallahassee: State of Florida, Department of Education, 29 December 1986; 114 pages.

4. R. A. Nelson, one of 13 Journal of the University Film Association editorial staff co-compilers, of Timothy J. Lyons, editor, The Core American Films. Carbondale, IL: University Film Association, March 1981; 31 pages.

3. J. K. Mayo and R. A. Nelson, “Managing Broadcast Education: Lessons from the Children’s Television Workshop,” 51-page chapter in Arthur Melmed, editor, The Organization and Management of Educational Distance Media Systems: Some New Directions. Palo Alto, CA: EDUTEL Communications and Development, Inc., for UNESCO, June 1979.

2. S. Johnson and R. A. Nelson, compilers, Guide to Arts- and Communications-Related Jobs in Florida State Government. Tallahassee: Fine Arts Council of Florida, February 1978; 47 pages.

1. R. A. Nelson, “Marketing the Fine Arts: A Specific Proposal for the Fine Arts Council of Florida,” Tallahassee: Fine Arts Council of Florida, 21 January 1978; 23 page consulting report.

Grants and Proposals

19. R. A. Nelson, awarded competitive C-SPAN video purchase grant of $214, March 2004. These tapes deal with ethics, public relations, and political communication and will be shared with other faculty.

18. Judith Sylvester (as principal investigator) and R. A. Nelson (co-author) wrote a proposal that won approval to bring the Manship School a $75,000 investment in “A Portable Computer and Digital Camera System to Improve Undergraduate Education and Outreach.” These funds came through the enhancement program run by the Louisiana State Board of Regents, 2000.

17. R. A. Nelson wrote letter of agreement for cooperative efforts between the University of Namibia and Manship School, endorsed by LSU and signed by Dr. Peter Katjavivi, Vice Chancellor of University of Namibia and Dean Jack Hamilton, December 1999.

16. R. A. Nelson wrote proposal to host a minimum of 20 mid-career African men and women, under the auspices of the Africa Regional Internship Program (ARIP) of the U.S. Information Agency. While not funded, the LSU Director of the Office of International Programs said it was a very well-written proposal that could serve as the basis for future requests.

15. R. A. Nelson received a $300 grant from Haworth Press which was given to the Manship School to underwrite various mailings and other costs associated with my editorship of Journal of Promotion Management, Fall 1999.

13-14. R. A. Nelson wrote grant proposal which resulted in $1,000 award from the Reader’s Digest Foundation’s Travel/Research Grants program to help fund student journalists to pursue special projects and newsworthy stories beyond the local campus community, October 1997; follow-up grant for $1,500 approved for 1998-99.

12. Leonard Hochberg and R. A. Nelson wrote “A Proposal to Bring a Senior European Official to Louisiana State University.” Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program, United States Information Agency. Amount to be determined. Written November 1996, Proposal accepted by agency, but USIA unable to secure an appropriate official for 1997.

9-11. Louis A. Day and R. A. Nelson, principal investigators, wrote several successful grant proposals to bring international students to the Manship School under U.S. Government auspices (via contacts with IREX and Open Society Foundation), including students from Albania, Armenia, Moldova, Russia, and Uzbekistan, 1995-1998.

8. R. A. Nelson supervised the packaging of a series of grant proposals emerging from the Manship School by faculty, including LSU Summer Research Stipends, LSU Teaching Innovation Awards, Louisiana LEQSF (8-G) Educational Grants, internal Research Professorship Awards, and other initiatives, 1994-1998.

7. R. A. Nelson competitively selected by the Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network (C-SPAN), Washington, DC, for a $350 videotape purchase grant at the Purdue University C-SPAN Archives, January 1993.

6. R. A. Nelson competitively selected for a Kansas State University Bureau of General Research (BGR) research grant of $1,000 ($700 travel and $300 for a student assistant), October 1989.

5. R. A. Nelson prepared proposal for a $4,260 National Association of Broadcasters’ Grant for Research in Broadcasting, 25 January 1989.

4. R. A. Nelson competitively selected for one of twenty 1988-1989 University of Houston faculty development research leaves, Spring 1989. Subject: “The Repeal of the Fairness Doctrine and National Telecommunications Policy: Has the Public Interest Been Served?” Resulted in Broadcast Education Association paper presentation and panel, listed below, and ongoing research.

3. R. A. Nelson received a $3,000 honorarium for funded external research, Florida Endowment for the Humanities, 1986. Subject: “Film and Television Production in Florida.”

2. R. A. Nelson prepared American Film Institute/National Endowment for the Arts Grant Proposal for Florida Photographic Archives, 1978.

1. R. A. Nelson competitively selected a Florida State University Fellow with a $3,600 unrestricted grant, 1977-1978.

Named Collections

2. Richard Alan Nelson Florida Film and Television Collection (1898-1980), MSS 85-17; MSS 86-21; MSS 88-2; MSS 89-16, Boxes 159-164, 922-943, Strozier Library, Special Collections, Manuscripts, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida. Accessioned with a collection directory listing, 8088 items. RLG Union Catalog Record ID: FLFGALK9612-A. Summary: “Newspaper articles, handbooks, audio cassettes, news clippings, and related materials. This collection contains newspaper articles on the movie industry in Florida from 1898 to 1980. Topics include the film industry in various Florida cities and film companies in Florida. Dr. Nelson wrote a dissertation entitled, Florida and the American motion picture industry 1898-1930. Other topics pertinent to the collection include: film companies, film studios, Tallahassee, motion picture companies, New York, Winter Haven history, Gainesville, Clearwater, Florida Keys, Ocala, Palm Beach, women directors, Technicolor, Florida film history, Jacksonville, Tarzan, Florida Senate, New Port Richey, silent comedies, Florida House of Representatives, Florida culture, Tampa newspapers, Miami, Florida banking, newsreels, St. Petersburg newspapers, hurricanes, minorities, blacks in Florida film, Orlando, Palatka, theaters in Florida, Hollywood, Coral Gables, St. Augustine, Stuart, Civil War in film, governors, Cypress Gardens, Marianna, Pensacola, Panama City, Fort Lauderdale, Ormond Beach, Florida history, broadcasting, Burt Reynolds, Cuba, silent film industry, interviews with people in the Florida film industry including Billy and Arline Bletcher, Lucy Bowden Haughton, Sidney Vaughn, Bender A. Cawthen, Harold Haliday Costain, Glen Lambert, Jack Levin and Lucille Hardy Price, actors, animation, Canadian film, directors, comedy, horror, science fiction, musicals, westerns, film libraries in Los Angeles, Florida pornography films, Los Angeles Film Teachers Association, Japanese film, publicity stills of actors and actresses, and movie law.” See and .

1. Richard Alan Nelson Mormon and Utah Film and Television Collection (1911-1976), MSS 1928, L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library (HBLL), Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Accessioned with a collection directory listing, 8 boxes (37 linear inches). RLG Union Catalog Record ID: UTBV95-A812. Summary: “Newspaper clippings, correspondence, film reviews, newsletters, promotional materials, essays, and photographs. The materials relate to Nelson's research into how Mormons have been portrayed in motion pictures.” Also housed at BYU in the HBLL Special Collections in Americana Collection is the following unpublished study: R. A. Nelson, “The History of Utah Film: An Introductory Essay” (1973, 61 pages, PN 1993.5 .U785 N46x 1973).

Published Reviews in Refereed Journals

6. R. A. Nelson, review of Indiscretions: Avant-Garde Film, Video, and Feminism by Patricia Melencamp appears in American Journalism 10,3-4 (Summer-Fall 1993), 130.

5. R. A. Nelson, review of Film and the Working Class: The Feature Film in British and American Society by Peter Stead appears in American Journalism 8,2-3 (Spring-Summer 1991), 197-199.

4. R. A. Nelson, review of Bibliographie der Filmbibliographien/ Bibliography of Film Bibliographies by Hans Jürgen Wulff, Karl Dietmar Möller and Jan-Christopher Horak, editors, appears in Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 10,1 (March 1990), 110-111.

3. R. A. Nelson, reviews of Propaganda, Politics and Film, 1918-1945 by Nicholas Pronay and D. W. Spring, editors; Film & Radio Propaganda in World War II by K. R. M. Short, editor; and Telecommunications, Issues and Choices for Society by Jerry L. Salvaggio, editor, appear in Journal of Film and Video 36,2 (Spring 1984), 61-64.

2. R. A. Nelson, reviews of History and the Audio-Visual Media: Studies in History, Film and Society by Karsten Fledelius et al., editors; and History and Film--Methodology, Research, Education: Studies in History, Film and Society 2 by K. R. M. Short and Karsten Fledelius, editors, appear in Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 3,1 (March 1983), 92-94.

1. R. A. Nelson, reviews of The Celluloid South, Hollywood and the Southern Myth by Edward D. C. Campbell, Jr.; and The South and Film by Warren French, editor, appear in Florida Historical Quarterly 61,3 (January 1983), 364-367.



45. Selected to participate in the Delta Gamma Sorority Favorite Professor Dinner, LSU, 6 April 2006.

43-44. Selected to participate in the Delta Delta Delta Sorority Favorite Professor Dinner, LSU, 29 November 2005; and again 29 March 2006.

42. Received plaque from the Communication Department at the University of Texas at San Antonio recognizing “Dr. Richard Alan Nelson, Louisiana State University, for his valuable encouragement and assistance as a mentor and role model to UTSA students whose contributions were recognized by the High Caliber of Research Productivity Award at the 17th Annual Conference of the International Academy of Business Disciplines, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 9, 2005.”

40-41. Certificate of Appreciation from the Maastricht School of Management in recognition of outstanding and dedicated service and support to the organizing committee, and Special Service Award in Appreciation of Outstanding Service Support as Congress Track Co-Chair, at the International Management Development Association, 13th World Business Congress, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 July 2004.

39. Outstanding Track Chair Award, International Academy of Business Disciplines, 27 March 2004.

38. Received plaque from the Communication Department at the University of Texas at San Antonio recognizing “Dr. Richard Alan Nelson, Louisiana State University, for his role as a keynote speaker and other outstanding contributions in making the inaugural Communication Week a great success,” 17 April 2003. See the student newspaper report, Ana Flores, “‘Real World’ of Communication Exposed,” The Paisano, 28(1), 8 April 2003, 1.

37. Selected to participate in the Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority Favorite Professor Dinner, LSU, 26 March 2003.

36. Wrote recommendation for Susan Lowry, a junior in public relations, who received the Elizabeth Carmichael Orman Memorial Scholarship, one of only six awarded by Chi Omega sorority nationwide, May 2002.

35. Selected to participate in the Phi Mu Sorority Favorite Professor Dinner, LSU, 1 May 2002, thanking invitees “for all your hard work and dedication to educating.”

34. Co-author of the Top Competitively Selected Paper, Business Sciences Division, Fifth International, Interdisciplinary Public Relations Research Conference on “Connectivity in a Connected World” organized by the Educators Academy, Public Relations Society of America, South Miami, Florida, 9 March 2002.

33. Selected to participate in the Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority Favorite Professor Dinner, LSU, 6 March 2002.

32. Recognized at “Second Annual Faculty Thank You Reception for Faculty Lecture Series Presenters,” LSU Department of Residential Life, 2 May 2000.

31. Selected to participate in the Kappa Delta Sorority Favorite Professor Dinner, LSU, 10 November 1999.

30. Alpha Lambda Delta Freshman Honors Society Award “For Superior Instruction of Freshman Students,” Louisiana State University, Fall 1998.

29. Competitively selected as one of 10 LSU Alumni Association Distinguished Professors, Louisiana State University, 1997-98, one of the institution’s highest honors.

28. Received a silver commemorative plate from Tanta University, as a token of appreciation for successful leadership efforts connected with the “Middle East and North African Conference of Economics, International Trade and Capital Markets,” co-sponsored by Tanta University and the International Academy of Business Disciplines, Cairo, Egypt, August 1997.

27. Distinguished Service Award, Zambia D/G Project, Southern University, June 1997.

26. Chronos Award for Person of the Hour (Service Award), Manship School of Mass Communication, April 12, 1996.

25. Named the Cruise Palmer Distinguished Professor for Excellence in Teaching (with $5,000 award), A. Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications, Kansas State University, 1993-1994. The professorship is named for a 1938 alumnus of K-State and retired executive editor of the Kansas City Star.

17-24. Received various awards from the IABD Board of Directors for significant contributions to the success of the organization, 1993-2003. Major awards with plaques include the IABD “Outstanding President Award” recognizing R. A. Nelson as the most effective leader in the organization’s 11-year history, 1999; “Executive Award for Outstanding Leadership and Faculty Mentoring,” 1998 and 1999; and “IABD Board of Directors Award” honoring significant contributions made to the success of the organization, 1998, 1999, 2001 and 2002 and “for his Professionalism and Commitment to the Mission of the International Academy of Business Disciplines,” 2003.

16. Received a silver commemorative plate from the College of Economics and Political Science, Alfateh University, as a token of appreciation for participation in the “Symposium on the New International Order,” Tripoli, North Africa, April 1993.

15. Faculty advisor to Kansas State University student teamed named as national semi-finalists in the Direct Marketing Educational Foundation Collegiate ECHO Competition sponsored by Spiegel, Inc., May 1991: “One of your teams (S. Shane Shanks, Stacey Harbison, Tim Clopton, and David Cole) was among the twelve semi-finalists. That means that the judges ranked them in the top 10% of all entries. We thought you’d be pleased and we wanted to commend you all on a fine job! Spiegel’s corporate creative director and its manager of corporate planning were present at the judging and were very pleased with the ideas generated and the work done by the student teams.”

14. Named to Who’s Who in Advertising, first edition (Wilmette, IL: Marquis Who’s Who, Division of Macmillan, 1990). Publisher of Who’s Who in America.

13. Again honored as a “Top Professor Outstanding Educator” for “contribution to and motivation of the highest academic standards” and “excellence in teaching and personal character” by Mortar Board National Honor Society, University of Houston Cap and Gown Chapter, 1989.

12. Co-author of a Top Four Competitively Selected Paper in Applied Communication, Speech Communication Association 73rd Annual Meeting, Boston, 6 November 1987.

11. Faculty advisor to University of Houston student team named the national first place winner in the Levi’s Campus Public Relations Challenge case study competition, Spring 1986. According to the judges, the UH “campaign was considered superior in its development, creativity, resourcefulness, use of budget, effectiveness and overall professionalism.”

10. Honored as a “Top Professor Outstanding Educator” for “contribution to and motivation of the highest academic standards” and “excellence in teaching and personal character” by Mortar Board National Honor Society, University of Houston Cap and Gown Chapter 1985.

9. Director’s Award for Excellence in Service, School of Communication, University of Houston, 1984.

8. Faculty advisor to Public Relations Student Society of America team selected a national “top five” entry with $1,000 awarded, 1984.

7. Faculty advisor to Public Relations Student Society of America team that won regionals to go onto finals in national case study competition, 1982.

6. Faculty sponsor for student winner of one of five national scholarships awarded by the Radio-Television News Directors Association, September 1981.

5. Faculty advisor to Public Relations Student Society of America team that won regionals to go onto finals in national case study competition, 1980.

4. Competitively selected as a Florida State University Fellow, 1977-1978.

3. Named the Outstanding Communications Graduate Student for 1974, Department of Communications, Brigham Young University.

2. Recipient of an Army ROTC Scholarship, 1966-1999.

1. Recipient of an Allstate National Merit Scholarship, 1965-1969.

Other Professional Recognition of Academic Leadership

29. Visiting Professor, School of Marketing, and Public Relations, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia, June 2007. Lectured, provided research assistance to faculty and graduate students, and other counsel.

28. Visiting Professor, Department of Marketing and Business Strategy, Hull University, Hull, England, February-March 2006. Lectured, provided research assistance to faculty and graduate students, and other counsel.

27. Named to the Advisory Board for the Master of Management in Communication Program of Trisakti University’s International Business School in Jakarta, Indonesia, August 2005-present.

26. Selected as Editor of the new Journal of Website Promotion, a quality peer-reviewed quarterly imprint from Haworth Press, Inc., which began publication in 2005. Note: The Editorial Advisory and Review Board is growing, with the following individuals already named:

FRANK ALPERT, Griffith University, School of Business, Department of Marketing, Nathan, Queensland,


ANGELA (QIMEI) CHEN, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Marketing, College of Business


KUANCHIN CHEN, Western Michigan University, Department of Business and Information Systems, Haworth College of Business

RENITA COLEMAN, University of Texas, School of Journalism, College of Communication

LOUIS K. FALK, University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College, English and Communication Department

CHARLES F. FRAZER, University of Oregon, Chambers Professor of Advertising, School of Journalism and Communication

RAJ GARG, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Department of Marketing, Eberly College of Business and Information Technology

LOUISA HA, Bowling Green State University, Department of Telecommunications

MARÍA E. LEN-RÍOS, University of Missouri, Department of Advertising, Missouri School of Journalism

STEVEN R. LEVITT, University of Texas at San Antonio, Department of Communication

BINSHAN LIN, Louisiana State University in Shreveport, Department of Management and Marketing

CHARLES A. “CHUCK” LUBBERS, University of South Dakota, Department of Contemporary Media and Journalism

EUGENE MARLOW, Baruch College, Department of English/Journalism

MARGARET (MARGIE) MORRISON, University of Tennessee, School of Advertising and Public Relations

SHINTARO OKAZAKI, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Department of Finance and Marketing Research, College of Economics and Business Administration, Madrid, Spain

CHARLES H. PATTI, University of Denver, Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) Program,

Department of Marketing, Daniels College of Business

RUTH RETTIE, Kingston University, Kingston Business School, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, United Kingdom

SHELLY L. RODGERS, University of Missouri, Department of Advertising, Missouri School of Journalism

VICTORIA SEITZ, California State University-San Bernardino, Department of Marketing

KIM SHEEHAN, University of Oregon, School of Journalism and Communication

ABDUL SINNO, Clarke College, Department of Communication

HY SOCKEL, Indiana University-South Bend, School of Business and Economics

ALEX WANG, University of Connecticut, Department of Communication Sciences


XIGEN LI, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, School of Journalism, College of Communication and Media Arts

25. Visiting Professor, School of Advertising, Marketing, and Public Relations, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, July-August 2004. Lectured, provided research assistance to faculty and graduate students, and other counsel.

24. Named an Affiliate Member of the Centre for Marketing and Communications at the Hull University Business School in the United Kingdom, 2004-present; online at .

23. One of five LSU scholars selected for Policy Experts: The Insiders Guide to Public Policy Experts and Organizations, a massive 870 page directory published by The Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC. Now in its 16th edition, this single-source reference is an essential “who’s who” guide to the world of public policy experts and organizations, featuring “the best and brightest” thinkers and policy organizations throughout the United States and the world. This guide is updated annually online, 2003-present, .

22. Interviewed on propaganda and public relations issues for Que Pasa newsmagazine from Chile and IPRA Frontline Indonesia, a publication of the International Public Relations Association, 2003; and Jean Gordon, “Watching War Coverage Could Add Stress to Life,” Monroe News-Star, 28 March 2003, Accent section, 1B.

21. Depth-interviewed and extensively quoted in Nancy Snow, Information War: American Propaganda, Free Speech, and Opinion Control Since 9/11 (New York, NY: Seven Stories Press, 2003) in a chapter on “Uncle Sam and the Arab Street.”

20. Invited participant (all expenses paid) for education consultation, Reaffirming Marriage Initiative, Ethics and Public Policy Center (), Washington, DC, 10-11 January 2002.

19. Named to Scholars Resource Bank, The Heritage Foundation, Washington, DC, 2001-present.

18. Selected as Editor of the Journal of Promotion Management, a quality refereed quarterly imprint from Haworth Press, Inc., 1999-present, recognized by Cabell’s Directory and other leading sources. The Editorial Advisory and Review Board is an outstanding one, with many prominent national and international scholars and practitioners. They include:

KEITH ADLER, Michigan State University, Department of Advertising

ABDULWAHAB ALKAHTANI, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Department of Management and Marketing, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

ABBASS ALKHAFAJI, Slippery Rock University, College of Business; and Executive Director, International Academy of Business Disciplines

ELIZABETH GOEAWAN ANANTO, Trisakti University, Department of Communications and Public Relations, Trisakti International Business School, Jakarta, Indonesia

RONALD B. ANDERSON, University of Texas, Department of Advertising

RUSSELL BELK, University of Utah, Marketing Department

RUNE BJERKE, Oslo School of Management, Oslo, Norway

DAN S. BORNÉ, President, Louisiana Chemical Association, Baton Rouge, LA

PAMELA BOURLAND-DAVIS, Georgia Southern University, Department of Communication Arts

STEPHEN BROWN, University of Ulster, School of Marketing, Entrepreneurship & Strategy, Northern Ireland

STEPHEN D. BRUNING, Capital University, Department of Communication

T. K. CLARKE, Sonoma State University, Department of Business Administration

STAVROS COSMOPULOS, Marketing, Advertising and Creative Consultant, Norwell, MA

RICK EBEL, Principal, Glenrich Business Studies, Corvallis, OR

LISA T. FALL, University of Tennessee, School of Advertising and Public Relations

KATHLEEN FEARN-BANKS, University of Washington, Department of Communication

ALAN D. FLETCHER, Emeritus, Louisiana State University and A&M College, Manship School of Mass Communication

DAVID M. GARDNER, Emeritus, University of Illinois - Champaign/Urbana, Department of Business Administration

LOUISA HA, Bowling Green State University, Department of Telecommunications

BASYOUNI HAMADA, United Arab Emirates University, Department of Mass Communication, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates

ROBERT L. HEATH, University of Houston, School of Communication

SABRINA IRONSIDE, Vice President, Integrated Marketing, Fox Home Entertainment, Los Angeles, CA; and Vice Chairman of the Board, Promotion Marketing Association, Inc.

ALI KANSO, University of Texas at San Antonio, Department of Communication

ERDENER KAYNAK, Pennsylvania State University at Harrisburg, Department of Marketing; and Executive Director, International Management Development Association

PHILIP J. KITCHEN, University of Hull, Strategic Marketing, The Business School, United Kingdom

DEAN KRUCKEBERG, University of Northern Iowa, Department of Communication Studies

JOHN D. LECKENBY, University of Texas at Austin, Department of Advertising

JOHN LEDINGHAM, Capital University, Department of Communication

CHARLES A. “CHUCK” LUBBERS, University of South Dakota, Department of Contemporary Media and Journalism

BONITA DOSTAL NEFF, Valparaiso University, Communication Department

DOUG NEWSOM, Texas Christian University, Schieffer School of Journalism

CHARLES H. PATTI, University of Denver, Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) Program,

Department of Marketing, Daniels College of Business

J. GREGORY PAYNE, Emerson College, School of Communication; and General Director of the Saudi-American Exchange

LAURA M. PENNINO, Founder and President, Pennino and Partners, Houston, TX

KENNETH D. PLOWMAN, Brigham Young University, Department of Communications

TOM REICHERT, University of Georgia, Department of Advertising and Public Relations

CLAIRE ROSENZWEIG, CAE, President and Chief Operating Officer, Promotion Marketing Association, Inc., New York, NY

DON E. SCHULTZ, Emeritus, Northwestern University, Integrated Marketing Communications Program, Medill School of Journalism

NANCY SNOW, California State University at Fullerton, Communications Department

ANDI STEIN, California State University at Fullerton, Communications Department

GUIDO H. STEMPEL III, Emeritus, Ohio University, E.W. Scripps School of Journalism

BARBARA B. STERN, Rutgers University-Newark, Department of Marketing

DAVID W. STEWART, University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business

DEMETRIS VRONTIS, Intercollege, Department of Marketing, School of Business, Nicosia, Cyprus

WILLIAM D. WELLS, Emeritus, University of Minnesota, School of Journalism and Mass Communication

LAURIE J. WILSON, Brigham Young University, Department of Communications

ARCH G. WOODSIDE, Boston College, Wallace E. Carroll School of Management

JUDITH L. ZAICHKOWSKY, Simon Fraser University, Faculty of Business Administration, Vancouver, Canada


DAN L. LATTIMORE, University of Memphis, Vice Provost for Extended Programs

17. Invited participant (all expenses paid) in the 1995 Leadership Institute for Journalism and Mass Communication Education, hosted by the Freedom Forum Media Studies Center at Columbia University, New York, 11-16 June 1995.

16. Quoted extensively in Anne Martinez, “Media in Review: Whitewater or Whitewash?” The World & I: A Chronicle of Our Changing Era, July 1994, 98-103.

15. Quoted extensively in Carleton R. Bryant, “Staging the News: NBC Bang May Spark Scorn for All Media,” Washington Times, 10 February 1993, A3.

14. Competitively selected as one of 30 faculty nationally to participate in C-SPAN Seminar for Professors, Washington, DC, 11-12 January 1993.

13. Radio talk show and phone-in program guest. Appearances include: Featured guest expert on early filmmaking for two six-minute Florida Humanities Council Report stories produced by Bill Dudley and distributed statewide to public radio stations in Florida, March 1998 and April 1993. Appeared six times as sole guest (30-45 minutes) on KMOX-AM radio (CBS-affiliate, St. Louis) radio talk and phone-in programs with hosts Bob Hardy, Nan Wyatt, and Anne Keefe. Subjects: Political Propaganda and Presidential Campaigns, the Media Bias Debate, and Media Ethics Controversies; appeared twice in September 1992, 19 February 1993, 15 March 1993, 13 June 1993, 18 August 1993. Interviewed for five minute news slot on KMOX-AM on “new McCarthyism” allegations by Admiral Bobby Inman, 20 January 1994; and on publication of the Unabomber manifesto by the Washington Post in September 1995. Sole guest twice on American Radio Network nationally syndicated radio talk and phone-in program The Mark Scheinbaum Show, 8:05-9 p.m. CST. Subject: War News Coverage and Propaganda, 30 January 1991 and follow-up broadcast, 19 February 1991. Interviewed on presidential politics and mass media by KKSU-AM public radio, 14 June 1993. Radio interview on Iraq War and impact on children, Louisiana News Network, April 2003.

11-12. Invited focus group participant on mass media and society textbook needs, at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication convention, Montréal, conducted by O’Donnell Marketing Consultants, August 1992; and invited focus group participant on public relations textbook needs, at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication convention, Boston, sponsored by Longman Publishing Company, August 1991.

10. Selected for inclusion in the Washington, DC-based Heritage Foundation’s published Annual Guide to Public Policy Experts for expertise in “Business and Labor: Corporate Policy/Management” and “Government and Public Affairs: Communications and the News Media,” 1985-1993.

9. Named to the Advisory Council of The Media Institute’s Center for Media Analysis (CMA), October 1989-September 1991. The CMA serves as the focal point for all Institute “think tank” activities related to media analysis, including studies, books, conferences, etc. The dozen members of the Council feature nationally-known professional and academic leaders serving two year terms.

8. Invited participant in the American Leadership Conference, Washington, DC, 1-3 June 1990.

6-7. R. A. Nelson, discussion leader of “Using Satellite Communication for International Public Relations” and “Grassroots Lobbying as an Agent of Legislative Change” roundtables, Public Relations Society of America 43rd National Conference, New York, 5-6 November 1990; invited.

5. Selected a “Very Important Professor” participant in the academic seminar hosted by the Specialty Advertising Association International (now the Promotional Products Association International), Dallas, TX, February 1989.

4. Selected as a participant in the Syndication Seminar sponsored by International Educational Foundation of the National Association of Television Program Executives (NATPE), George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, TX, 23 January 1989.

3. R. L. Heath and R. A. Nelson, “Corporate Issues and Advertising: The Gap Between Regulatory Guidelines and Limited Media Access,” co-authored address to the Association of National Advertisers Corporate Advertising Workshop, New York City, 9 June 1987; invited presentation (delivered by Robert Heath).

2. R. A. Nelson, “Advertising and Public Relations: Issues and Controversy in Society,” invited paid lecturer at the Fourth International Seminar on Freedom and Mass Communication, Summer Graduate Program, Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, 22 July 1986.

1. R. A. Nelson, one of 75 invited academic participants in the International Radio and Television Society (IRTS) 14th Annual Faculty/Industry Seminar and College Conference, 5-9 February 1986, New York. All hotel and meal costs underwritten for recommended faculty, competitively selected by the International Radio and Television Foundation.

Other International, National, Regional and University Professional Service

65. Participated in Manship School series of lectures for Lagniappe Studies Unlimited program, sponsored by LSU’s Division of Continuing Education and an affiliate of Elderhostel Institute Network, Spring 2007. Topic: “Public Relations or Dirty Rotten Scoundrels: The PR vs. Spin Debate.” Evaluation: “Your course was well received and out members indicate that it met and exceeded their expectations…Very favorable and complimentary.”

64. Named to editorial board of Service Business. An International Journal (Heidelberg, Germany), 2006-present. See .

63. Named to editorial review board of EuroMed Journal of Business (Nicosia, Cypress), 2006-present. See .

62. R. A. Nelson and Rick Ebel, conducted a study of 2005 advertiser spending on promotional products in conjunction with Promotional Products Association International, February-May 2006.

61. R. A. Nelson, reviewer of Jami Fullerton and Alice Kendrick, Advertising's War on Terrorism: The Story of the U.S. State Department’s Shared Values Initiative. Spokane, WA: Marquette Academic, A Division of Marquette Books, 2006. See: . “Every once in a while a book comes along that provides an ‘ah ha, so that’s what happened!’ Advertising’s War on Terrorism does that for the question of why ... the United States ... is having trouble winning hearts and minds overseas. ... [This] book should be read by every member of Congress and every State Department employee.”—Dr. Richard Nelson, professor of mass communication at Louisiana State University and author of “A Chronology and Glossary of Propaganda in the United States.”

60. R. A. Nelson, reviewer of Rodney A. Smith, Money, Power, and Elections: How Campaign Finance Reform Subverts American Democracy. Baton Rouge: LSU Press, 2006. See . “Rodney Smith brings an insider’s perspective to a very complex and often misunderstood process—money and politics. This book is not only a passionate exposition but is also very readable. This makes for an exciting combination. The dilemma he poses—if candidates for federal office and their supporters are artificially restricted in how to raise and spend money, then only the wealthiest and those with incumbency will be able to win elections—strikes to the heart of America’s democratic future.”—Richard Nelson, Professor, Manship School of Mass Communication, Louisiana State University.

59. R. A. Nelson, completed review (February 2006) requested by Peter Lang Publishing (New York) on proposed book called New Media & Public Relations: Relationship Management across Space, Time, collected and edited by Sandra C. Duhé and Tyrone L. Adams.

58. Served as conference paper reviewer for seven academic organizations and divisions, including: American Society for Competitiveness, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, International Management Development Association, and National Communication Association, 2005-2006

57. Named to editorial board of ESIC Market: Economic and Business Journal (Madrid, Spain), 2004-present. See .

56. Named to editorial board of International Journal of Business and Public Administration (IJBPA), 2004-present. More information at .

55. Named to editorial board of the Journal of Marketing Communications, 2004-present. This is published in England by Routledge in the Taylor & Francis Group. See .

54. Participated in Manship School series of lectures for Lagniappe Studies Unlimited program, sponsored by LSU’s Division of Continuing Education and an affiliate of Elderhostel Institute Network, Fall 2004. Topic: “Media Bias: Is it Real?"

53. Invited paper reviewer, Foreign Policy In Focus, a joint project of the Interhemispheric Resource Center and the Institute for Policy Studies, 2004.

52. Named one of two Program Coordinators for the International Academy of Business Disciplines 16th Annual Conference held 25-28 April 2004 in San Antonio, Texas. Also see my continuing IABD service under items 16 and 28-29 below.

51. Named to the Educational Leadership, Research and Counseling Higher Education Committee to design a new Ph.D. in higher education leadership and technology, Louisiana State University, 2004-2005.

47-50. Elected President (2005-2007), following service as Vice President (for a term of two years) and board member by the International Management Development Association (IMDA), 2003-present. Continue as track co-chair, 2003-present. Named Program Chair and master of ceremonies for the 13th and 14th Annual Business Congresses, Netherlands, 2004, and Spain, 2005. Also served as manuscript reviewer for the 2003-present. More info on IMDA at .

46. Named to editorial board of the Journal of Global Communication Research Association, 2003-present. See and .

45. Named to editorial board of Competition Forum, beginning Volume 1, Number 1, 2003-present. See .

44. Invited paper reviewer, Political Communication Division, National Communication Association, for presentations at the November 19-23, 2003 annual conference in Miami Beach.

43. Invited paper reviewer, Educator’s Academy of PRSA, for presentations at the Public Relations Society of America International Conference, October 25-28, 2003 in New Orleans.

42. Invited paper reviewer, American Society for Competitiveness, for presentations at the October 9-11, 2003 conference in Alexandria, Virginia.

41. Invited paper reviewer, Public Relations Division, International Communication Association, for presentations May 23-27, 2003 at the 53rd annual conference in San Diego.

40. Outside curriculum consultant, Communication Department, University of Texas at San Antonio, April-May 2003.

39. Invited paper reviewer, Political Communication Division, National Communication Association, for presentations at the November 21-24, 2002 conference in New Orleans.

38. Elected member of the Board of Directors, American Society for Competitiveness, a national association of academics, business executives, and policy makers who share a commitment to improving American industrial competitiveness, 2002-present. As a forum for interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral communication needed to address competitiveness, the Society fosters the exchange of information and ideas among individuals who bring differing perspectives and expertise to the issue. The Society publishes two journals and offers four national awards. See the ACS home page:

37. Invited paper reviewer, American Society for Competitiveness, for presentations at the October 10-12, 2002 conference in Alexandria, Virginia.

34-36. Invited paper reviewer, Mass Communication and Society Division, Public Relations Division, and Visual Communication Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, for presentations at the August 7-10, 2002 conference in Miami Beach, Florida.

33. Invited paper reviewer, Public Relations Division, International Communication Association, for presentations at the July 15-19, 2002 conference in Seoul, Korea.

32. Named to editorial board of the Journal of Global Competitiveness, American Society for Competitiveness, 2002-present. See .

31. Named editor of Promotion Management book series, Haworth Press, 2003-present. The Haworth Press, founded in 1978, publishes quality publications for professional, academic, and general audiences With over 2,000 books and over 160 journals, The Haworth Press, Inc. is a premier publisher in a wide range of academic and popular subjects. The first book in the series is Strategic Management: Formulation, Implementation, and Control in A Dynamic Environment by Abbass F. Alkhafaji, 2003. Web info: . The second book is Handbook of Product Placement in the Mass Media: New Strategies in Marketing Theory, Practice, Trends, and Ethics edited by Mary-Lou Galician, 2004.

30. Named to editorial board of the Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing, 2001-2005, a refereed publication from Emerald/MCB University Press, the world’s largest publisher of academic and professional journals. See . Beginning in 2006 this was incorporated into Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics and my editorial board membership continued, 2006-present.

28-29. Named “Political Communication and Public Affairs” track chair, and as a paper reviewer for the Public Relations and Corporate Communications track, International Academy of Business Disciplines’ Annual Conference, 1999-2005.

27. Named to editorial board of the Advances in Competitiveness Research, 1999-present, a refereed publication from the American Society for Competitiveness, recognized by Cabell’s Directory. See .

26. Recruiting Coordinator of “Public Affairs and Corporate Communications” participants for the American Society for Competitiveness Tenth Annual Conference on “Competitiveness in the 21st Century,” Atlanta, Georgia, 21-23 October 1999. The American Society for Competitiveness is a national association of academics, business executives, and policy makers who share a commitment to improving American industrial competitiveness. As a forum for interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral communication needed to address competitiveness, the Society fosters the exchange of information and ideas among individuals who bring differing perspectives and expertise to the issue. The Society publishes two journals and offers four national awards.

25. Program Committee member, “Globalization: Socio-Cultural, Economic and Political Dimensions Conference” hosted by Faculty of Business and Economics, Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimagusa, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, 19-21 November 1998.

24. Reviewer of the exhibit “Richard E. Norman (1891-1960) Pioneer Florida Silent Filmmaker,” held at the Alexander Brest Museum, Jacksonville University, January-March 1998 (and extended by popular demand), supported by grants from the Florida Humanities Council and National Endowment for the Humanities. The exhibition featured photographs, memorabilia, documents, and an extraordinary collection of posters. In addition to Norman’s life as filmmaker, inventor, film distributor and theatre owner, the exhibition also dealt with issues in African-American cultural history.

23. Elected Director on the Educators Academy Executive Committee, Public Relations Society of America, 1998. Elected to Board of Directors, Educators Academy, Public Relations Society of America, November 1997-December 1998. Nelson is professionally accredited by PRSA. Participated at Annual National Conference in Boston, and worked with PRSSA students during the resume critiquing sessions on Career Day event (“Your assistance was greatly appreciated…”)

22. Appointed as a paper submissions reader, Public Relations Division, 1997 Speech Communication Association Conference.

20-21. Elected President, 1997-1999, the first person from a communication program to hold the IABD leadership mantle. Founded in 1988, IABD is a non-profit organization that encourages the exchange of information, ideas and research results from around the world. The Academy provides a truly unique international forum for professionals and faculty in business schools, communications programs, and other social science departments to discuss common interests that overlap artificial career, political, and national boundaries. The International Academy of Business Disciplines especially seeks to bridge the gap between theory and practice, increasing public awareness of business problems and opportunities in the international marketplace. See the IABD home page:

19. Outside curriculum reviewer, Department of Communication, Clarke College, Dubuque, Iowa, September 1996. Author of a report reviewing the current status, analyzing opportunities, and making action recommendations.

18. Outside curriculum review consultant (one of a three-member team), Department of Communications, Southwest Missouri State University, October 1995. Co-authored “A Report by the Visitation Team: The Future of Public Relations Studies at Southwest Missouri State University” which provided a thorough analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing the program. Other members of the review team were Dr. Robert L. Heath, Professor of Communication and Director of the Institute for the Study of Issues Management at the University of Houston (past SCA Public Relations Division Head); and Dr. Dean Kruckeberg, Professor of Communication and Coordinator of the Public Relations Curriculum at the University of Northern Iowa (past SCA and AEJMC Public Relations Division Head).

17. Named to editorial board of the International Journal of Commerce and Management, 1995-present, a refereed publication recognized by Cabell’s Directory, with a 27-30% annual submission acceptance rate. See .

16. Elected member of the Board of Directors, International Academy of Business Disciplines (IABD), 1994-2005). Also served as “Public Relations/Public Affairs/Lobbying and Media Business Issues” track chair for IABD’s Annual International Conferences (9th, Orlando, 10-13 April 1997; and 8th, Washington, DC, 11-14 April 1996). Previously headed the “Advertising and Public Relations” track at the 7th Conference, Redondo Beach, California, 6-9 April 1995; 6th Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 7-10 April 1994; and 5th Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, 8-11 April 1993.

15. Elected 1994-1995 Head, Public Relations Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, July 1994. Previously served as Vice Head, Convention Program Planning Chair, Secretary-Treasurer and Executive Board member of the Division.

14. Named to editorial advisory board of the Journal of Mass Media Ethics, 1993-2002, the leading refereed journal in the field of media ethics.

13. Named educator liaison to the Public Affairs and Government Section, Public Relations Society of America, 1993-1994. Among other activities, conducted phone survey of section leadership on national trends as part of a larger PRSA member study.

12. Appointed Editor-in-Chief, PR update, official newsjournal of the Public Relations Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, August 1991-July 1993. Responsible for complete redesign, including name change. Produced three 12-16 page issues each year. Also wrote “As I See It” column. Continued as book/computer/video review editor, 1993-1994.

11. Appointed to national newsletter advisory committee of the Institute for Public Relations Research and Education, Inc., Sarasota, Florida, 1992-1993.

10. Served as invited outside tenure, promotion, and endowed chair reviewer and/or counsel for faculty members at American University (Suzanne Roschwalb, Richard Stack, and Rhonda Zaharna), Baruch College/City University of New York (Eugene Marlow), Brigham Young University (Stephen Thompson and Laurie Wilson), California State University-Fullerton (Nancy Snow), Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Australia (Ian Phau), Florida International University (William C. Adams and Louis K. Falk), Kansas State University (Charles Lubbers), Oklahoma State University (Tom Weir), Purdue University Calumet (Gideon Falk), Rowan University (Suzanne Sparks Fitzgerald), Sam Houston State University (Carol Nardone), Syracuse University (Maria Russell), Temple University (Cornelius Pratt), Texas A&M University (Marilyn Kern-Foxworth), University College of the Caribbean (Aysar Philip Sussan), University of Georgia (Jeff Springston), University of Hawaii (Lowell Frazier), University of Louisiana-Lafayette (Janet A. Bridges and Kathleen Kelly), University of Maryland (Laurie Grunig), University of New Mexico (Dirk Gibson), University of North Carolina at Charlotte (Barbara DeSanto), University of Northern Iowa (Gayle Pohl), University of Oklahoma (Linda Morton and Shirley Ramsey), University of Oregon (Patricia Curtin), University of South Florida (Barbara K. Petersen), University of Tennessee (Lisa Fall), University of Texas at Arlington (Tom Christie), University of Washington (Kathleen Fearn-Banks), and Fulbright award through Council of International Exchange of Scholars (Abbass Alkhafaji or Slippery Rock University to go to University of Sharjah), 1991-present.

9. One of two committee members who selected International Communication Association Public Relations Interest Group Thesis/Dissertation Award Competition winners, March 1991. Awards went to: W. Timothy Coombs, “A Theoretical Extension of Issue Status Management: An Extension of the Four Argumentative Strategies” (Ph.D., Purdue), and Lynne M. Sallot, “Public Relations and Mass Media: How Professionals in the Fields in Miami and New York View Public Relations Effects on Mass Media, Themselves and Each Other” (M.A., University of Miami). Information on awards published in: Elizabeth Toth, “Division/Interest Group News: Public Relations,” ICA Newsletter 19,2 (Spring 1991), 7.

8. Provided public relations help to the 1991 Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, Spring 1991. IRS District Director Bruce Thomas in a letter to Dr. Carol Oukrop dated 9 July 1991, writes: “Please accept my sincere appreciation for the contribution made by Dr. Richard Alan Nelson to the 1991 . . . (VITA) program . . . VITA serves taxpayers who are economically disadvantaged, handicapped, non-English speaking, or elderly. Dr. Nelson and his staff at the School of Journalism assisted with the preparation of press and news releases for the VITA program. Through Dr. Nelson’s news releases, many of those taxpayers were able to take advantage of the credits and rebates available to lower income and elderly taxpayers.” The print and broadcast media releases are being used as a model for other areas in the state.

7. Judge, Harris Newspaper Group contest (“Classified Advertising Category 3--Miscellaneous; and Display Advertising Category 9--Best Special Section”), February 1991. Reviewed 25 entries from seven newspapers and prepared detailed 5-page critique for entrants.

6. Paid book reviewer for Allyn & Bacon, 1991 (mass media text, revision); Grid, 1981 (broadcast news writing text); Houghton Mifflin, 1996, 1997 (proposed mass media text); Longman, 1994 (proposed public relations management text), 1993, 1994 (media ethics text, revision) and 1992 (proposed public relations ethics book); McGraw-Hill, 1993 (mass media text); Merrill Publishing Company, 1989 (public relations text); Sage, 1996 (proposed public relations book series); St. Martin’s Press, 1996 (proposed public relations text); University of Tennessee Press, 1982 (propaganda book); and Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1992 (proposed corporate communication law book), 1991 (mass media text, revision), 1989 (advertising text), and 1987 (mass media text).

5. Manuscript reviewer, American Journalism (official refereed publication of the American Journalism Historians Association), 1987-1994.

4. Manuscript reviewer, Historical Journal of Film, Radio & Television (official refereed journal of the International Association for Media and History), 1987-1989.

3. Elected member, Public Relations Committee, Speech Communication Association, 1986-1988.

2. Faculty associate, Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania and Claremont, California, 1985-1989. Served as campus liaison to promote ISI publications, seminars and other programs.

1. Associate editor and referee for the Journal of Film and Video, University Film and Video Association, 1979-1984.

Professional Affiliations

Accredited Professional, Public Relations Society of America (APR, PRSA)

American Association of University Professors (AAUP)

American Society for Competitiveness (ASC)

Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), past head, PR Division

Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI)

International Academy of Business Disciplines (IABD), board member, track chair, and 1997-1999 president

International Management Development Association (IMDA), president (2005-), board member (2004-),

program co-chair, and co-track chair

National Communication Association (NCA)

Scholars Resource Bank, The Heritage Foundation

Formerly a member of:

American Journalism Historians Association (AJHA)

Broadcast Education Association (BEA)

DOMITOR (l’Association internationale pour le développement de la recherche sur le cinéma des premiers temps)

Historians Film Committee, an affiliated society of the American Historical Association

International Association for Media and History (IAMHIST)

International Communication Association (ICA)

World Communication Association (WCA)

University Film and Video Association (UFVA)


August 1994-present: Tenured Full Professor of Mass Communication and Public Affairs, Manship School of Mass Communication, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-7202 USA. From 1999-2005, served as elected Public Relations Area Head. From 1994-1999, also provided leadership as the Manship School’s Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research. As noted above, selected as one of 10 LSU Alumni Association Distinguished Professors, 1997-98, one of the university’s highest honors.

Independent Studies (MC 7971) Director (at Louisiana State University):

Xiaowei Chen, “Presenting a New Image of China Before American Publics: China’s 2000 Public Relations Campaign in the United States,” Summer-Fall 2003.

Nico Nergadze, “The Challenges and Opportunities for Public Relations in the Tourism Industry of the Nation of Georgia,” Spring 2003.

Thesis and Dissertation Committee Chair (at Louisiana State University):

Foad Izadi, “An Historical Analysis of U.S. Public Diplomacy Initiatives Toward Iran in Light of the Concept of New Public Diplomacy,” Ph.D. dissertation, in process.

Hakimeh Saghaye-Biria, “United States Propaganda in Iran – 1953-1961,” M.M.C. thesis, in process.

Robert R. Jones III, “Campaign Tracking as a Marketing Tool in Lafayette, Louisiana: A Descriptive Study,” M.M.C. thesis, May 2001.

Elizabeth Collier Williams, “How to be a Good Neighbor: A Case Study of the Effect of the Environmental Justice Issue on Public Relations Practices of Louisiana’s Chemical Industry,” M.M.C. thesis, May 2001.

Sean Erin Leon, “Mass Communication and Nationalist Murals in Northern Ireland,” M.M.C. thesis, December 2000.

Ghenadie Burlacu, “Ghosts of the Holocaust: The Swiss Government’s Effort to Influence Public Opinion Through the Public Relations Work of Ruder Finn,” M.M.C. thesis, August 2000.

Igor Ivanovich Makienko, “The Effective Frequency Concept and Its Application in Television Media Planning: Implications for Local Markets,” M.M.C. thesis, August 2000.

Evelyn Komma Stampley, “What are the Most Effective Communications Media to Facilitate the Participation of Louisiana University Science and Engineering Researchers and Small Business Entrepreneurs in Mutually-Beneficial Collaborative Initiatives?,” M.M.C. thesis, August 2000.

Yitun Hsiung, “Taiwan’s Public Relations Efforts to Enhance Its Relationship with the United States Government,” M.M.C. thesis, May 2000.

Gerald James Johnson, “‘Breaking with Tradition’: Print Media’s Influence on Perceptions of the Issue of Corporate Naming Rights for Stadiums Within the National Football League,” M.M.C. thesis, May 2000.

Bradley Nathan Miller, “‘Save Louisiana Wetlands’: A Case Study of an Ongoing National Public Awareness Campaign,” M.M.C. thesis, December 1999.

Lee Elmo Melancon III, “Developing a Communication, Reward and Recognition Model to Increase Participant Retention in Clinical Research Trials,” M.M.C. thesis, 1999; 99 pages.

Narine Albert Matinyan, “U.S. Media Coverage of Armenia: An Analysis of the Washington Post,” M.M.C. thesis, 1998.

Luis Manuel Botello, “Before ‘Operation Just Cause’: New York Times’s Coverage of the Panamanian Crisis,” M.M.C. thesis, 1998.

Mardon Nigmatovich Yakubov, “U.S. Foreign Policy and Media Coverage of Uzbekistan: A Case Study,” M.M.C. thesis, 1998, 65 pages.

Stephen Joseph Moran, “The Journalistic Use of Electronic Mail: A Delphi Study,” M.M.C. thesis, 1997, 160 pages.

Non-Thesis Committee Chair (at Louisiana State University):

Erin N. Hymel, Master of Liberal Arts, May 2004.

Jamie Beth Mandeville, Master of Liberal Arts, May 2001.

Kellie Monique Matherne, Master of Liberal Arts, December 2000.

Robert Butler, Master of Liberal Arts, December 1999.

Doctoral and Thesis Examiner (International):

Michael David Baird, “Discrepancies of Positive and Negative Consumption Expectations: An Extension of the Disconfirmation Paradigm to Sin Products,” Master of Commerce (Marketing) thesis, 2007, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia (External Examiner).

Stephen R. Dix, “Predictors of Channel Switching During Live Prime Time Television Advertising,” Ph.D. thesis, 2006, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia (External Examiner).

Thesis, Project and Dissertation Committee Member (at Louisiana State University):

Jeff Forbes, “Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Credibility, Engagement, and Brand Metrics of Online Social Networks,” M.M.C. thesis, in process.

Lucy Khachatrian, “Text-based Interactivity on Political Weblogs,” M.M.C. thesis, in process.

Sally Elizabeth O’Rourke, “The Future of Viewer Control on Television Advertising,” LSU Honors College undergraduate honors thesis, May 2007.

Mousoumi Bose Godbole, completed General Examination November 2006 and working on Ph.D. dissertation, in process, Department of Marketing (LSU Graduate School Dean’s Representative).

Anita Grace Day, “Public Affairs Advertising: Corporate Influence, Public Opinion and Voter Intentions Under the Third Person Effect,” Ph.D. dissertation, December 2006.

Charles F. Zewe, “Communicating the Modern Entrepreneurial University in the 21st Century: A Case Study of Academic Capitalism and Media Messaging in the Pursuit of Revenues and National Prominence at Louisiana State University,” Ph.D. dissertation, December 2006.

Misty Kyle O'Connell, “The Emerging Culture of a Community College,” M.M.C. thesis, December 2006.

John James Cater III, “Stepping Out of the Shadow: The Leadership Qualities of Successors in Family Business,” Ph.D. dissertation (Department of Management), August 2006 (LSU Graduate School Dean’s Representative).

Tatiana Ruchkina, “ExxonMobil Corporation Baton Rouge Writing Content and Designing Layout on the Internet Site,” M.M.C. project, August 2006.

Susan Billingsley, “An Analysis of the President-Press Relationship in Solo and Joint Press Conferences in the First Term of President George W. Bush,” M.M.C. thesis, May 2006.

Denise Michele Pallais, “How African-Americans and Hispanics Perceive their Racial Equality in American Advertising,” M.M.C. thesis, May 2006.

Ilgar Khudiyev, “Coverage of the 2003 Post-Election Protests in Azerbaijan: Impact of Media Ownership on Objectivity,” M.M.C. thesis, December 2005.

Mary Presley Schoen, “Museum-Public Relationships: Exploring the Relationship Management Theory of Public Relations,” M.M.C. thesis, December 2005.

Bettye A. Grable, “African-American Women’s Reception, Influence and Utility of Television Content: An Exploratory Qualitative Analysis,” Ph.D. dissertation, August 2005.

Rachelle Powell, “Women’s Use of the Internet,” M.M.C. thesis, August 2005.

Anya Glusman Eskew, “The Port of Greater Baton Rouge: A Marketing, Public Relations and Crisis Communication Plan,” M.M.C. project, May 2005.

Mark Marquez II, “The Purpose of Magazine Web Sites,” M.M.C. thesis, May 2005.

Reagan Thomas Chenevert, “The Sports Appeal: Are Athletics a Viable Academic Marketing Vehicle in Higher Education?” M.M.C. thesis, December 2004.

Mikah Zangla, “Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Prescription Medicines: Framing with Imprecise Frequency Descriptors,” M.M.C. thesis, August 2004.

Arianne Parker Bellizaire, “Country Roads Magazine: Has the Move from the ‘Country’ Influenced Baton Rouge Advertisers’ Buying Habits?” M.M.C. thesis, May 2004.

Jamie Mabile Delatte, “How Should Sports Organizations Handle a Crisis?: A Focus on Collegiate Institutions,” M.M.C. thesis, December 2003.

Paul Stuart Lieber, “Ethics in Public Relations: Gauging Ethical Decision-Making Patterns of Public Relations Practitioners,” M.M.C. thesis, August 2003.

Vaishali S. Shrikhande, “Stereotyping of Women in Television Advertisements,” M.M.C. thesis, August 2003.

Ying Kong, “U.S. Regional Newspapers’ Coverage on China’s Entry into the WTO—A Regional Economy Approach,” M.M.C. thesis, August 2003.

Jacqueline Eiswirth Tisdale, “A Diffusion of Innovations Approach to Investigate the Brand Name Change of a Higher Education Institution,” M.M.C. thesis, May 2003.

Jenice Daigle, “Corporate America and Web Access for the Blind: Are Public Relations Practitioners Communicating with the Blind Public?” M.M.C. thesis, December 2002.

Xiaoge Hu, “The World Wide Web as a Vehicle for Advertising Movies to College Students: An Exploratory Study,” M.M.C. thesis, December 2002.

Ursula Irene Anna Goldsmith, “Perceptions of Active Graduate Faculty at a Research Extensive University Regarding Electronic Submission of Theses and Dissertations (ETDS),” Ph.D. dissertation, School of Human Resource Education and Workforce Development, August 2002 (LSU Graduate School Dean’s Representative).

Christine Cidalise Indest, “Taking PR to School: A Case Study of Three Private High School Public Relations and Development Departments,” M.M.C. thesis, May 2002.

Neil Melançon, “Perception of and Reactions to the Presence of URL’s in Print Advertising of a Non-Technology Brand,” M.M.C. thesis, May 2002.

Amy Marie Boyle, “The Effectiveness of Sports Sponsorships: A Study of the New Orleans Zephyrs,” M.M.C. thesis, December 2001.

Scott Hobbs, “Attribute Agenda-Setting in an Open Primary: An Examination of Press Coverage and Political Ad Effects,” M.M.C. thesis, December 2001.

Leslie Leonard Lane, “A Reexamination of the Canon of Objectivity in American Journalism,” M.M.C. thesis, December 2001.

Kang Sun Lee, “Essays on Semiparametric Estimation,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Economics, December 2001 (LSU Graduate School Dean’s Representative).

Zhanwei Cao, “Impact of Internet Newspapers on Circulation of Traditional Newspapers in the U.S.,” M.M.C. thesis, May 2001.

Tingting Lu, “Fairness and Balance of Media Coverage of China’s 50th Anniversary Celebration: A Content Analysis of Selected U.S. Newspapers and Magazines,” M.M.C. thesis, May 2001.

Monica Santaella, “Advertising Involvement for Controversial Products,” M.M.C. thesis, May 2001.

Mario Scherhaufer, “The Haider Phenomenon: Analyzing Freedom Party Voters During Austria’s 1999 Parliamentary Elections,” M.M.C. thesis, May 2001.

Brandy Michelle Lane, “A Case Study of How Louisiana State University Handled a Major Crisis that Attracted National Media Attention,” M.M.C. thesis, December 2000.

Xianyi “Sandy” Ye, “Interactivity of Online Newspapers and Options for Audience Involvement: A Content Analysis of 120 U.S. Online Newspapers,” M.M.C. thesis, December 2000.

Evgeniy Badredinov, “The Minnesota News Council: A Case Study of How a News Council Can Successfully Operate in the U.S,” M.M.C. thesis, August 2000.

Ssu-Chi “Crystal” Kuo, “Media Globalization and Cultural Imperialism--A Historical Analysis of Transnational Broadcasting Corporations in the Greater China Market From 1990 to 1999,” M.M.C. thesis, August 2000.

Sarah Jean Daigle, “The Louisiana Department of Labor Goes Interactive: A Study of State Government Workers’ Use of Technology in the Workplace,” M.M.C. thesis, May 2000.

Anita Day Gernon, “Preservation as Public Spectacle: Legitimizing Cultural Identity Through a Louisiana Folk Festival,” M.M.C. thesis, May 2000.

Zhiguang “Gloria” Liu, “The Politics of Cultural Censorship in Modern China--A Case Study of the Films of Zhang Yimou,” M.M.C. thesis, May 2000.

Yanhong “Caroline” Zhang, “The Policy and the Image--An Analysis of America’s China Policy and Its Reflection in Portrayals of China and Chinese in American Movies, 1949-1999,” M.M.C. thesis, May 2000.

Kristine Calongne, “Teaming Up to Play the Public Relations Game: A Case Study of the LSU Title IX Lawsuit and Trial, and the Roles that the LSU Office of Public Relations and the LSU Athletic Department Played in Handling the Crisis,” M.M.C. thesis, 1999; 98 Pages.

Gabriela Chinchilla, “Differences Between Men and Women’s Attitudes Toward Internet Security,” M.M.C. thesis, 1999; 60 Pages.

Jami Kendall Elrod, “‘Don’t Mess With Texas’: A Case Study of the Most Effective Anti-Litter Public Communication Campaign in America,” M.M.C. thesis, 1999.

Patrick E. McCarthy, “Chasing History or Repeating It? An Analysis of the Newspaper Coverage of the Mark McGuire-Sammy Sosa Home Run Race of 1998,” M.M.C. thesis, 1999.

Brendan J. Rush, “Magazine Coverage of the Irish Peace Talks in the United States: A Look at Focus and Bias,” M.M.C. thesis, 1999; 84 Pages.

Rhonda Yvette Walker-Glasper, “An Analysis of the Spiral of Silence Theory and How It Applies to Women Managers in Corporate America,” M.M.C. thesis, 1999; 82 Pages.

Frederick Muyia Nafukho, “Factors Determining University Enrollment Status of High School Students Recruited to Attend Louisiana State University College of Agriculture,” Ph.D. dissertation, School of Vocational Education, 1998 (LSU Graduate School Dean’s Representative).

Dana L. Berry, “Comprehension and Recall of Internet News: A Quantitative Study of Web Page Design,” M.M.C. thesis, 1998. Her study won the 1999 Jung-Sook Lee award from the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC).

Jason Ryan Caldwell, “The Changing Norms of Sports Media: Sports Controversy and Public Opinion,” M.M.C. thesis, 1998.

Stephanie S. Cargile, “The Effects of Alumni Relations in Fund Raising in Secondary Educational Institutions: A Survey of One Private High School’s Alumni,” M.M.C. thesis, 1998.

Nathalie Hasbun, “The Effects of American Fast Food Television Advertising on Honduran Children’s Eating Behaviors,” M.M.C. thesis, 1998.

Sharika Najeeba Mahdi, “Sports Illustrated and Vogue Magazine: An Analysis of Skin Color Representation of African Americans in Magazine Advertisements,” M.M.C. thesis, 1998.

Angie Christine Delcambre, “Explorations of Time and Place: Robert Flaherty’s Louisiana Story,” M.M.C. thesis, 1998.

Samuel Christopher Spitale, “How Motion Pictures Communicate: An Analysis of the Film Star Wars,” M.M.C. thesis, 1998.

Daniel Stanford Borné, “Organization and Communication: A Comparative Study of Neighborhood-Chemical Plant Relations in a Single-Company and a Multi-Company Community Advisory Panel (CAP), St. Charles Parish, LA,” M.M.C. thesis, 1998.

Heather Noelle Davis, “And if Morning Never Comes?: Rape Victims Media Viewing Patterns,” M.M.C. thesis, 1998; 76 pages.

Gonzalo Mehech Castellon, “How Foreign Governments Influence the Political and Media Agenda of the United States: A Case Study of Chile,” M.M.C. thesis, 1998.

Lyndall Demarie Stout, “Diversity in Broadcast Journalism: Two Local Television Newsrooms,” M.M.C. thesis, 1998.

Norma Jean Paris, “An Investigation of Consistency Between Theoretical Orientations to Reading and Planning for Reading Instruction: A Three-Year Study,” Ph.D. dissertation, LSU Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, 1997; 152 pages (LSU Graduate School Dean’s Representative).

Virginia Ruth Watson, “Not Just Funny-Ha-Ha: A Content Analysis of Four Syndicated Humorists,” M.M.C. thesis, 1997.

Stephanie Jackson, “The 1996 Olympic Torch Relay and the Involvement of Capital Area United Way in the Community Hero Olympic Torchbearer Program,” M.M.C. thesis, 1996; 155 pages.

Staci L. Downey, “Damage Control: A Case Study of Miami, Florida, and its Utilization of Public Relations to Combat Losses in Tourism,” M.M.C. thesis, 1996; 101 pages.

Melisse Campbell, “Governor Jimmie Davis and Integration in the New Orleans Public School System: Local Press Coverage,” M.M.C. thesis, 1996; 150 pages.

Non-Thesis Committee Member (at Louisiana State University):

Vernon Todd Miller, Master of Liberal Arts, May 2002.

Molly Benoit, Master of Liberal Arts, December 2001.

August 1989-August 1994: Tenured Full Professor and Public Relations Sequence Head, A. Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506-1501 USA. Member of the Graduate Faculty, and elected to the university-wide Graduate Council and its Social Science Subcommittee. Responsible for continued development of an excellent sequence with more than 140 undergraduate majors and a graduate program focusing on managerially-oriented public relations studies. Served as Acting Director of the School in the absence of the Director and Associate Director. Received Cruise Palmer teaching award mentioned above.

One of my recommended students (Martha Kropf) was selected in 1991 to represent Kansas State University in Rhodes Scholarship competition and made it to the semi-final rounds. I also encouraged student participation in national events.

Besides my own student winners, other K-State public relations teams placed first and third in the 1989 Peace Communications national competition sponsored by the Speech Communication Association, and again were ranked third the following year.

Thesis Committee Chair (at Kansas State University):

Roderick Cleveland Gillespie, “Communication, Interest Groups, and Public Policy Formation: A Study of Advocacy by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and Animal Rights Coverage in the Washington Post, 1975-1990,” M.S. thesis, 1994. See Journalism & Mass Communication Abstracts 32, Abstract #130 (1994), 66.

Tammy Rickerson McClellan, “Analysis of Instructional Program Evaluation Tools Available to Public Relations Practitioners in the Business-Education Partnership Arena: A Case Study of the Choices Program,” M.S. thesis, 1993; 149 pages. See Journalism & Mass Communication Abstracts 31, Abstract #185 (1993), 101.

Jeanette DeDiemar Krueger, “Media Relations, Controversy, and Issues Management by the United States Army: The First Infantry Division at Fort Riley from Land Expansion to Desert Storm,” M.S. thesis, 1992; 194 pages, indexed.

Carl Anthony Pelini, “Seeking Mass Communication Legitimacy Through Grassroots Mobilization, Politics, and Terror: A Content Analysis of New York Times Press Coverage of The Provisional Irish Republican Army,” M.S. thesis, 1991; 105 pages, indexed.

Thesis Committee Member (at Kansas State University):

Lance W. Speere, “Fair Use: An Application of Copyright Law to Educational Uses of Off-Air Recorded Videotape,” M.S. thesis, 1994.

Richard F. Machamer, Jr., “An Incident in Korea: A Case Study of U.S. Army Public Affairs Activities in Response to the Ingman Range Murders in 1981,” M.S. thesis, 1991; 133 pages, indexed.

Kathleen Ann Menzie, “Propaganda and Media Manipulation: A Case Study of Alar,” M.S. thesis, 1991; 160 pages, indexed.

Summer 1989: Taught MARKETING 3333: Advertising, at Our Lady of the Lake University’s Houston Weekend College.

August 1985-August 1989: Tenured Associate Professor of Communication, School of Communication, University of Houston. Member of the Graduate Faculty. Consistently ranked “Special Merit” or “Merit” in faculty salary evaluations and teaching.

Thesis Committee Chair (at University of Houston):

Jeffrey N. Asher, “Using Issue-Oriented Political Communication to Activate the Alienated Voter: A Case Study of the Referendum Vote for the George R. Brown Houston Downtown Convention Center from May to November 8, 1983,” M.A. thesis, School of Communication, University of Houston, December 1986; 164 pages, indexed. See Master’s Abstracts International 25,3 (Fall 1987), 239.

Thesis and Dissertation Committee Member (at University of Houston):

Juliet Lauve Staudt, “Billboards in America: An Examination of the Effect of Message Content on Public Opinion Toward Off-Premise Signage/Outdoor Advertising,” M.A. thesis, School of Communication, University of Houston, May 1989; 108 pages.

Duane Varan, “An Analysis of Zaikai Influence in Japanese Telecommunication Liberalization,” M.A. thesis, School of Communication, University of Houston, May 1987; 135 pages, indexed. Later published as a book by Papyrus Press of Houston/Boston/Austin, 1987.

Laura R. Lerond, “Development of a Cost Model of Corporate Social Responsibility: Implications for Issues Management,” M.A. thesis, School of Communication, University of Houston, May 1986.

Robert McKinley Gilmore, Sr., “An Analysis of Critical Factors for Success in Developing a Multicultural Public Relations Model for the North Forest Independent School District,” Ed.D. dissertation, College of Education, University of Houston, August 1985.

August 1984-June 1986: Publications Coordinator (1984-85) and Associate Director (1985-86), International Telecommunications Research Institute (ITRI), School of Communication, University of Houston. Supervised publication of reports, coordinated Information Society lecture series, helped direct research efforts.

January 1984-present: Communication Management and Strategic Planning Consultant. Clients have included Compact for Educational Opportunity (Milwaukee), Postsecondary Education Planning Commission of Florida, Cataract Institute of Texas, Houston Lighting & Power, Houston Area Health Public Relations Association, Houston/Bay Area Eye Center, KQQK Inc., Promotional Products Company, and Department of Communication at the University of St. Thomas. Member, Acquisition Advisory Council, Radio Partners, L.P., Starstream Communications Group, 1988-1989.

August 1979-August 1985: Assistant Professor of Communication (tenure track), School of Communication, University of Houston.

December 1978-August 1979: Full-time research towards Ph.D. degree completion. Successful oral defense, 22 August 1979.

September 1977-June 1978: Public Information Coordinator and Editor for the Fine Arts Council of Florida, Division of Cultural Affairs, Department of State, The Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida 32304. Directed public information program for the Council and created a new quarterly 12-24 page magazine, Florida Arts, for statewide distribution. Duties included public relations functions, research surveys, creation of a media-use plan, compilation of various reports, presentation of a multi-media program on “The Arts in Florida,” and co-organizing a major “Statewide Arts Conference” to lobby the legislature. Editorial responsibilities included complete startup of the publication, feature writing, selection of all stories/photos/ graphics, layout, and paste-up. During this time, as a freelancer also developed a 4-page quarterly newsletter for the Florida Society of Ophthalmology.

September 1976-December 1978: Instructor and Graduate Assistant at Florida State University, College of Communication. Taught broadcasting, public relations and film courses.

March-June 1976: Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives, 23rd Congressional District, Los Angeles, California. Despite dynamic presentation of issues and more than 8,000 votes, defeated in primary election.

July 1975-September 1976: Editor at Miramar Publishing Company, Los Angeles, California. Miramar at the time was a major business trade publishing house on the West Coast. Among the publications I edited were Plumbing Engineer (then a quality bimonthly with international distribution; ) and Reeves Journal: Plumbing, Heating, Cooling (a contractor-oriented monthly published since 1920 and distributed in the 13 western states; ). Responsibilities included article generation and selection, feature writing, copy editing, dummy preparation, photography (including color covers), construction of reader surveys, preparation of house advertising and promotional materials, and advertising rep work.

October 1974-July 1975: Assistant Editor, California Intermountain News, Redding Publications, Hollywood, California. This is an 8-page weekly newspaper distributed in the West, published continually since the 1930s. Responsibilities included copy selection, proofing, and layout of each issue. In addition, regularly wrote news reports, features, drama/book reviews, and obituaries. Also handled the phones and sold advertising. At this time, further worked as a part-time freelance motion picture publicist--selling some material to Doty-Dayton Productions.

September-October 1974: Crew member (grip and “best boy”) on an American Film Institute-financed feature motion picture production, The Seventh Dwarf, shot on location in Los Angeles.

April-September 1974: News Writer, Cameraman, Segment Producer, Film Editor, and Reporter on Newsroom 11 and Religion Today at KBYU-TV (PBS affiliate, Provo, Utah).

January 1973-April 1974: Thesis research in Los Angeles. Held part-time job as a factory worker to pay for completion of graduate studies.

October 1972-December 1972: Graduate News Intern at KSL-TV (CBS affiliate, Salt Lake City, Utah). Shot, edited, and wrote both silent and sound film news stories used over-the-air.

Summer 1972: Media Researcher, Instructional Development Department, BYU.

February-October 1972: Publicity Director of the Cinema at Mid-day Film Series, BYU.

January-April 1972: Member of the production crew for the Brigham Young University-sponsored 16mm sound color documentary film on the BYU Festival of the Arts entitled Shades of Difference. Worked extensively on camera and lights, with supplementary experience on sound and editing equipment.

August 1969-July 1970; January-December 1971: Clerk in the Textbook Department, Stanford University Bookstore.

April 1969-March 1970: Programmed and engineered own weekly radio show on KZSU-FM, Stanford, California. Held Federal Communications Commission Radio Telephone Third Class Operator Permit #P3-11-53529, later updated. Also authored a weekly music and popular culture column for The Arena, a newspaper published at Stanford University (now archived in SU Library’s Special Collections & University Archives, #7980 AREN, Catkey: 352277).


103. R. A. Nelson, Ali M. Kanso, and H. Paul LeBlanc III, “Combining Advertising and Promotions: Recent Research in Promotional Products,” paper presented at the 16th Annual World Business Congress of the International Management Development Association, Maastricht, Netherlands, 4-7 July 2007.

102. Ali M. Kanso, Steven R. Levitt, and R. A. Nelson, “Reputation Management and Public Relations: How One Business Reinvented Its Identity,” paper presented at the 16th Annual World Business Congress of the International Management Development Association, Maastricht, Netherlands, 4-7 July 2007.

101. R. A. Nelson, one of 40 invited participants (all expenses paid) to a policy conference on “What is the Future of United States International Broadcasting? Assessing its Challenges, Redefining its Mission” sponsored by the McCormick Tribune Foundation and the Hudson Institute Center for Future Security Strategies, held at the McCormick Tribune Foundation’s Cantigny Estate in Wheaton, Illinois, 25-27 April 2007. Other attendees included Kevin Klose, President of National Public Radio; and Newton Minnow, former head of the Federal Communications Commission.

100. Ali M. Kanso and R. A. Nelson, “Media Selection Considerations in a Global Marketplace: A Survey of U.S. Advertising Decision-makers,” paper presented at the 2007 American Academy of Advertising (AAA) Conference, Burlington, Vermont, 12-15 April 2007. Delivered by Dr. Kanso.

99. R. A. Nelson, Ali M. Kanso, and H. Paul LeBlanc III, “As Easy as One, Two, Three: How Television, Print, and Promotional Products Rate with College-Age Buyers,” paper presented at the International Academy of Business Disciplines 19th Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, 29 March – 1 April 2007. Delivered by Dr. LeBlanc.

97-98. R. A. Nelson, “Nike v. Kasky: Implications for Public Relations Practice” and “My Outside Look at Media Education in the Arab World,” presentations at the National Communication Association Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas, 16-19 November 2006.

95-96. R. A. Nelson, “Some New Trends in Public Relations: What Future Business Leaders Should Know,” and “Maximizing Your Research and Impact: Suggestions for Faculty and Grad Students,” papers presented at the 15th Annual World Business Congress of the International Management Development Association in conjunction with the Sarajevo Graduate School of Business, Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina, 18-21 June 2006; more information:

94. R. A. Nelson, “Propaganda and the La Belle Disco Incident of 1986: A Political and Ideological Analysis of Disinformation During the Reagan Era,” invited paper, Symposium on U.S.-Libyan Relations sponsored by the Academy of Graduate Studies, Tripoli, Libya, 13-14 April 2006.

93. R. A. Nelson, “An Outside Look at Media Education in the Arab World: Perceptions and Opportunities for International Impact,” presented on my behalf by Dr. Ali Kanso at the 3rd Annual Communication Forum: Media Education & Training in the Arab World, Saudi Association for Media & Communication, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 3-6 December 2005; more information: .

92. Ali Kanso and R. A. Nelson, “Older and Bigger: Do Larger, More Established International Firms Use Standardized Advertising More Than Their Younger, Smaller Counterparts,” top five paper presented at the Global Fusion 2005: Global Media, Culture and Health Conference (endorsed by AEJMC, BEA, IAMCR, and ICA), Athens, Ohio, 30 September – 2 October 2005; more information:

91. R. A. Nelson and Ali Kanso, “Collaborative Rather Than Competitive? An Analysis of Global/Local Creative Strategy Choices Made by International Advertising Managers,” paper presented at the 14th Annual World Business Congress of the International Management Development Association in conjunction with the EuroArab Management School, Granada, Spain, 10-13 July 2005; more information: .

90. Ali Kanso and R. A. Nelson, “Standardized vs. Localized Predicament: How U.S. Advertising Executives Approach Non-Domestic Markets,” paper presented at the American Academy of Advertising (AAA) Third Asia-Pacific Conference, Hong Kong, China, 1-4 June 2005; more information: .

89. R. A. Nelson, “Issues Communication and Environmental Justice: A Challenging Public Affairs Case,” paper presented at the 12th Annual World Business Congress of the International Management Development Association, Maastricht, Netherlands, 14-18 July 2004.

88. R. A. Nelson, “Enemy Aliens and Business: Lessons From World War I,” paper presented at the International Academy of Business Disciplines 16th Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas, 25-28 March 2004.

87. Ali Kanso and R. A. Nelson, “The Impact of Cultural Factors on International Messages: Implications for Service Industry Advertisers,” paper presented at the International Academy of Business Disciplines 16th Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas, 25-28 March 2004.

86. Christopher Day, Xigen Li, and R. A. Nelson, “Effect of Music Downloading Via the Internet on Music CD Purchase,” paper presented at the International Academy of Business Disciplines 16th Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas, 25-28 March 2004.

85. Ali Kanso and R. A. Nelson, “Attempting to Swoosh Problems Away:

Nike’s Public Relations Efforts to Counteract Negative News Coverage of the

Company's Asian Employment Practices,” paper presented at the Public Relations Society of America International Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 25-28, 2003.

84. R. A. Nelson and Ali Kanso, “A New Look at Advertising and Public Relations: Issues and Controversies in a Propaganda Society,” paper presented at the 12th Annual World Business Congress of the International Management Development Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 25-29 June 2003; more information: .

83. Ali Kanso and R. A. Nelson, “New Evidence in an Unsettled Debate: How Practitioners at U.S. Consumer Service Businesses Perceive the Impact of Cultural Factors on International Advertising,” paper presented at the 12th Annual World Business Congress of the International Management Development Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 25-29 June 2003; more information: .

82. Aimee Shelton and R. A. Nelson, “Management by Personality: A Realistic Approach to Solving Workplace Conflicts,” paper presented at the 12th Annual World Business Congress of the International Management Development Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 25-29 June 2003; more information: .

81. R. A. Nelson, invited lecturer, “Hollywood of the East: Florida as Film Center,” with multi-media presentation in support of the exhibition “Close Up in Black: African American Film Posters,” 29 May 2003, The Wolfsonian Museum, Florida International University, Miami, 29 May 2003.

80. R. A. Nelson, invited keynote speaker on “The Future of Public Relations: Help Wanted, You’re Needed” and “Real World PR” as part of the inaugural campus-wide Communications Week, Department of Communication, University of Texas at San Antonio, 15-16 April 2003.

79. R. A. Nelson, “Issue Advertising and ‘Deep Pockets’: Ethics and Reality,” paper presented at the International Academy of Business Disciplines 15th Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, April 2003.

78. Xiaoge Hu, Xigen Li, and R. A. Nelson, “The World Wide Web as a Vehicle for Advertising Movies to College Students: An Exploratory Study,” paper presented at the International Academy of Business Disciplines 15th Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, April 2003.

77. Ali Kanso and R. A. Nelson, “Crisis Communication and Public Relations: Nike’s Response to Labor Violations in Asia,” paper presented in the Business Sciences Division, at the Sixth International, Interdisciplinary Public Relations Research Conference on “Measurement & Measuring the Public Relations Function” organized by the Educators Academy, Public Relations Society of America, South Miami, Florida, 20-23 March 2003.

76. R. A. Nelson, “The Bulgari Connection: A Novel Form of Product Placement,” paper presented at the 88th Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, 23 November 2002. Also served as respondent and session chair for other NCA panels.

75. E. Williams and R. A. Nelson, “Environmental Justice vs. Issues Management: A Case Study of Shintech Corporation’s Proposed Move to Louisiana,” paper presented at the 88th Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, 22 November 2002.

74. E. Williams and R. A. Nelson, “Issues Management and Competitiveness: A Case Study of Environmental Justice and the Public Relations Practices of Louisiana’s Chemical Industry,” paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Society for Competitiveness (ASC), Alexandria, Virginia, 10-12 October 2002.

73. R. A. Nelson, “The Intersection of Research and the Profession in Public Relations: Getting Published and Getting Ahead for Academics,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Public Relations Division, Miami Beach, Florida, 6 August 2002.

72. R. A. Nelson, “Tolerance and Openness in a Complex World: The Role of Mass Media,” invited presentation in an all-academy session on “Vulnerability in the International Business Environment: Responses to Violence and Terrorism,” paper presented at the International Academy of Business Disciplines 14th Annual Conference, Marina del Rey, California, April 2002.

71. R. A. Nelson, “Post-September 11 Efforts by the U.S. Government to Influence the ‘Arab Street’: Review and Analysis,” paper presented at the International Academy of Business Disciplines 14th Annual Conference, Marina del Rey, California, April 2002.

70. Ali Kanso and R. A. Nelson, “Overcoming Biases, Stereotypes, and False Inferences: Cross-Cultural Frameworks for Arab and American Public Relations Practitioners,” presented as the refereed Top Paper in the Business Sciences Division, at the Fifth International, Interdisciplinary Public Relations Research Conference on “Connectivity in a Connected World” organized by the Educators Academy, Public Relations Society of America, South Miami, Florida, 9 March 2002.

69. R. A. Nelson, invited featured speaker, Beta Honors Club All-School President’s Day Assembly, Louisiana School for Math, Sciences, and the Arts, 21 February 2002.

68. R. A. Nelson, “Ethics and Social Issues in Business: An Updated Communication Perspective,” paper presented at the 12th Annual American Society for Competitiveness Conference in Arlington, Virginia, 11 October 2001.

67. R. A. Nelson, “Is McCarthyism Still a Smear Word? Re-evaluating the Legacy of Senator Joseph McCarthy,” paper presented at the International Academy of Business Disciplines 13th Annual Conference, Orlando, 7 April 2001.

66. R. A. Nelson, “But Joseph McCarthy Was Right—There Were Communists in the Media and the Government,” paper in a competitive panel at the National Communication Association Annual Convention, Seattle, 9 November 2000.

65. R. A. Nelson, “Ethics and Social Issues in Business: A Communication Perspective,” paper presented in a panel on “The Practices of Business and Media: Is a Universal Ethic Realistic?” at the 11th Annual American Society for Competitiveness Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, 5-7 October 2000.

64. R. A. Nelson, “Dispelling U.S. Propaganda Images of Libya: Removing an Impediment to Future Relationship Building,” working paper presented at the International Academy of Business Disciplines 12th Annual Conference, Las Vegas, 1 April 2000.

63. R. A. Nelson, “Public Affairs and International Business: New Tools for Reputation Management Tracking and Analysis,” paper presented at the Conference on Competitiveness in the 21st Century, American Society for Competitiveness, Atlanta, October 1999.

62. R. A. Nelson, fully-funded invited presenter and participant in the Second Round Table Conference, U.S.-Libya Dialogue Group, “On the Way to Better Improve Non-Political Business and Communication Relations by the U.S. and Europe with Libya,” sponsored by the Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies, University of Malta, Sliema, Malta, 25-26 August 1999.

61. R. A. Nelson, fully-funded invited panelist and participant in the First Round Table Conference, U.S.-Libya Dialogue Group, “On the Way to Better Improve Non-Political Business and Communication Relations by the U.S. and Europe with Libya,” sponsored by the Maastricht School of Management, The Netherlands, 9-10 April 1999. Note: I have a continuing interest in the Middle East, with particular focus on Libya. In collaboration with the Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy (), the above two presentations involved constructive public policy discussions on U.S.-Libyan relations featuring present and former government officials (including Ambassador Herman Cohen, President Bush’s point man on Africa), academics, military representatives from the U.S., and media practitioners (including Eugene Bird, a retired foreign service officer, who is president of the Council for the National Interest and diplomatic correspondent for the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, ). I suggested that Libya and other states seeking to improve relations should use professional public communications counsel and work with potential corporate allies to lobby U.S. policymakers. In making those remarks, I made clear my views were expressed as a private citizen, without implied support from any institution I was affiliated with. Nevertheless, they seem to have had a positive impact. As Adam Zagorin, in his article about the New Libya in Time Magazine 155,12 (March 27, 2000), pp. 66-67 observed, in the near future “the long ban on U.S. commercial activity with Libya could be lifted. Says Ronald Neumann, the top State Department official in charge of Middle East affairs: ‘Change can now he imagined.’ Indeed, a quiet but intense lobbying campaign for detente has been launched by U.S. businessmen with ties to both the current Administration and that of former President George Bush.....Unofficial contacts have also eased tensions between the U.S. and Libya....Moreover, a nonprofit ‘U.S.-Libya dialogue group’ last year organized an offshore, three-day meeting with senior Libyans and recommended that Tripoli hire a public relations firm and develop the support of American business ‘to change policy on sanctions.’” Dr. Charles McDonald (Ph.D., University of Virginia), Professor in the Department of International Relations at Florida International University, is the American chair of the U.S.-Libya Dialogue Group. See also .

60. Stephanie L. Jackson, John Windhauser, and R. A. Nelson, “Nonprofit Involvement in Special Events: The 1996 Olympic Torch Relay and Capital Area United Way,” paper presented at the International Academy of Business Disciplines 11th Annual Conference, San Francisco, 25 March 1999.

59. R. A. Nelson, “Ethics and Social Responsibility: Good Business in a Global Economy,” paper presented at the “Globalization: Socio-Cultural, Economic and Political Dimensions Conference” hosted by Faculty of Business and Economics, Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimagusa, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, 20 November 1998. Also served as moderator/respondent at the conference.

58. John Mark King and R. A. Nelson, “Television News Dependency and Public Perceptions of the Environment in Baton Rouge, Louisiana,” paper presented at the 4th Annual International Association of Business Disciplines (IABD) International Conference, Cd. Juarez, Mexico, 17 October 1998. (Delivered by Dr. King)

57. R. A. Nelson, panelist in roundtable discussion, “Do We Want Post-Tenure Review,” Louisiana Communication Association 1st Annual Convention, New Orleans, 22 August 1998.

56. R. A. Nelson, invited speaker, “Ethical Challenges Facing Today’s Communicators,” New Orleans Chapter of the International Association of Business Communicator’s (IABC), monthly member luncheon, 19 August 1998.

55. R. A. Nelson, all expenses paid invited speaker on “Excellence Is More Than a Word: Strategic Management Issues and Public Relations” to kickoff the PRSSA Presents Series, Emerson College Public Relations Student Society of America Chapter, Boston, 9 April 1998.

54. R. A. Nelson, “Political Communication and Public Affairs: Evolving Academic Disciplines,” paper presented at the International Academy of Business Disciplines 10th Annual Conference, San Francisco, 2 April 1998.

53. R. A. Nelson, moderator, “Nuts and Bolts in Book Publishing” panel, 5th Annual Louisiana Communication Mini-Conference, Department of Communication, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, 15 November 1997.

52. R. A. Nelson, “Using Information Technologies to Communicate Internationally: Governments, Strategic Public Diplomacy and the Internet,” paper presented at the “Middle East and North African Conference of Economics, International Trade and Capital Markets,” co-sponsored by Tanta University, Egypt, and the International Academy of Business Disciplines, Cairo, Egypt, August 1997.

51. Ali Kanso, Abdul Karim Sinno, and R. A. Nelson, “Lebanon, Tourism Development, and the Internet: A Plan of Action for Rebuilding from War,” paper presented at the “Middle East and North African Conference of Economics, International Trade and Capital Markets,” co-sponsored by Tanta University, Egypt, and the International Academy of Business Disciplines, Cairo, Egypt, August 1997.

50. Charles M. Mayo and R. A. Nelson, “The ‘Hoary-Headed Apostle of Satan’: Abner Kneeland and Press Freedom in America,” competitively accepted paper, Magazine Division research session on “The State, Magazines, and a Free Press,” Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, 80th Annual Convention, Chicago, 2 August 1997. (Delivered by Dr. Mayo)

49. R. A. Nelson, invited participant with presentation on “Political Communication: The Ethics of Modern Propaganda in a Democracy,” in Professional Ethics and Public Discourse Conference, sponsored by the Center for the Teaching and Study of Applied Ethics, College of Law, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 30-31 May 1997.

48. R. A. Nelson, “Propaganda Studies: New Advances in an Old Discipline,” presentation, part of an invited panel, International Academy of Business Disciplines 9th Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, 13 April 1997.

47. R. A. Nelson, discussant, “Loyalty, Response, Image” panel, Direct Marketing Educational Foundation Educators’ Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, 27 October 1996.

46. R. A. Nelson, “Analyzing Allegations of Media Bias: Propaganda or Not? Real or Imagined?,” presentation, part of an invited panel, International Academy of Business Disciplines 8th Annual Conference, Rockville, Maryland, 13 April 1996.

45. R. A. Nelson, “Robert L. Heath’s Theoretical Contributions: An Ongoing Process,” presentation, part of a competitive panel before the Public Relations Commission, Speech Communication Association 81st Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, 19 November 1995.

44. R. A. Nelson, “Who’s Right and Who’s Wrong?: Using Fundamental Principles to Teach Public Relations Ethics,” presentation, part of a competitive panel before the Public Relations Commission, Speech Communication Association 81st Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, 18 November 1995.

43. R. A. Nelson, “An Ethical Dilemma in a Democratic Society: Maintaining Journalistic Independence from Non-Governmental Sources—Advertisers, Public Relations Practitioners, and Special Interest Groups,” session leader, Seminar on the Management and Practice of Journalism in a Democracy, with 11 participant journalists from nations of Central and Eastern Europe, sponsored by the Institute of International Education, Manship School of Mass Communication, Louisiana State University, 17 March 1995.

42. R. A. Nelson, “Using New Technologies in External Communication Efforts: Building a More Public Relationship Between Developing Nations and the U.S.,” invited paper, International Academy of Business Disciplines 7th Annual Conference, Redondo Beach, California, 7 April 1995.

41. R. A. Nelson, “The Public Affairs Implications of New Technologies: How Activists are Using the Internet,” invited paper, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, 77th Annual Convention, Atlanta, 12 August 1994.

40. R. A. Nelson and Ali Kanso, “The Evolution of Specialty Advertising: An Effective Alternative Communication Vehicle,” refereed paper, International Academy of Business Disciplines 6th Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, 9 April 1994.

39. Charles A. Lubbers and R. A. Nelson, “An Assessment of the Public Relations Instruction in ACEJMC-Accredited Programs,” refereed paper, International Academy of Business Disciplines 6th Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, 9 April 1994.

38. R. A. Nelson, panel coordinator/moderator on “Ethical Considerations in the 1990s: How Do We Erase the Greedy 1980s?” featuring Tom Ross, Senior Vice President and Director of Media Relations Worldwide for Hill & Knowlton, Inc., and a distinguished panel of faculty experts, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, 76th Annual Convention, Kansas City, Missouri, 13 August 1993.

37. R. A. Nelson, “Total Quality Management, Advertising, Public Relations and the Attack on Commercial Speech: Is Persuasion in the Public Interest?” invited paper, International Academy of Business Disciplines 5th Annual Conference, New Orleans, 8 April 1993.

36. R. A. Nelson, “Building a More Public Relationship: How Developing Nations Can Improve the Effectiveness of their External Communication Efforts,” invited paper, Symposium on the New International Order, sponsored by the Academy of Graduate Studies and the College of Economics and Political Science, Alfateh University, Tripoli, Libya, 6 April 1993.

35. R. A. Nelson and A. Kanso, “Where Public Relations, Marketing, Sales Promotion, and Advertising Meet: The Historical Development and Impact of Specialty Advertising,” paper, part of a competitive panel before the Public Relations Commission, Speech Communication Association 78th Annual Meeting, Chicago, 1 November 1992.

34. R. A. Nelson, “The Convergence of Advertising and Public Relations: What About Academia?” presentation, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, 75th Annual Convention, Montréal, Canada, August 1992.

33. A. Kanso and R. A. Nelson, “Before ‘Desert Storm’: A Comparison of 1980 Iraq-Iran War Coverage in Four American and Arab Newspapers,” refereed paper, International Communications Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication 75th Annual Convention, Montréal, Canada, August 1992. (Delivered by Dr. Ali Kanso)

32. R. A. Nelson, competitively selected as one of 12 faculty members from the U.S. and Australia, to present a paper on “Issues Management, Propaganda, and the Public Interest: The Ethical Implications of Social Marketing” as well as participate in a week-long interdisciplinary seminar on “Ethics and the Professions: Moral Theories and Contemporary Problems” sponsored by the Center for the Teaching and Study of Applied Ethics, College of Law, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 6-13 June 1992.

30-31. R. A. Nelson, “Issues Management: The Ethics of Social Marketing Propaganda,” paper presenter; and chair “Student Section Presentations,” International Academy of Business Disciplines 4th Annual Conference, Washington, DC, 2 and 5 April 1992.

29. R. A. Nelson, “Propaganda for God: Pastor Charles Taze Russell and the Multi-Media Photo-Drama of Creation (1914)” competitively selected paper, First International DOMITOR Conference on Early Film (l’Association internationale pour le développement de la recherche sur le cinéma des premiers temps), Québec City, Canada, 9 June 1990.

28. R. A. Nelson, “Public Relations: The Professionalism Dilemma,” invited address to Public Relations Society of America, Kansas Chapter, Wichita, January 1990.

27. R. A. Nelson, invited respondent, in refereed panel sponsored by the Commission on Freedom of Speech on “The Diversity Principle: An Integrated Approach for the New Administration,” Speech Communication Association 75th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 19 November 1989.

26. J. T. Bowen and R. A. Nelson, “Image Communication for the Hospitality Industry: Integrating Public Relations and Marketing Education,” refereed paper at Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (CHRIE) Annual Conference, Las Vegas, 27 July 1989. (Delivered by Dr. John Bowen)

25. R. A. Nelson, “Approaches to Archival Research on Film and Television Propaganda in the U.S.,” competitively selected paper at “Fast Rewind: The Archeology of Moving Images” conference, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, 4 May 1989.

24. R. A. Nelson, “The Repeal of the Fairness Doctrine and National Communications Policy: Has the Public Interest Been Served?” as part of a competitively selected panel organized and chaired by R. A. Nelson on “Broadcast Regulation and Public Policy: Issues and Controversy,” Broadcast Education Association Annual Convention, Las Vegas, 28 April 1989.

23. R. A. Nelson, “Summarizing Recent Research in Radio, Television and Film,” faculty seminar celebrating tenth anniversary of the founding of the School of Communication, University of Houston, 7 April 1989; invited presentation.

22. W. Douglas, R. L. Heath, and R. A. Nelson, “Toward an Information Integration Approach to Issue Advertising,” Top Four competitively selected paper in Applied Communication, Speech Communication Association 73rd Annual Meeting, Boston, 6 November 1987. (Delivered by Dr. William Douglas and Dr. Robert Heath)

21. R. A. Nelson, “Commercial Propaganda in the Silent Film: A Case Study of A Mormon Maid (1917),” competitively selected paper, Mormon History Association Conference, Oxford University, England, 9 July 1987.

20. R. L. Heath, W. Douglas, and R. A. Nelson, “Issue Advertising: Should We Fear the ‘Deep Pockets’ Effect?,” competitive paper, Public Relations Special Interest Group, International Communication Association 37th Annual Conference, Montréal, Canada, 24 May 1987. (Delivered by Dr. Robert Heath)

19. R. A. Nelson, one of four invited seminar panelists (all expenses paid), “The History of Film in Florida: A Multi-Media Presentation and Seminar,” presented by the Florida Endowment for the Humanities at the Miami Film Festival, Metro-Dade Cultural Center, Miami, Florida, 9 February 1987. The Miami Film Festival is now one of the premier international showcases for new motion pictures.

18. R. A. Nelson, “Issues Communication and the U. S. Committee for Energy Awareness: An Introduction,” paper in competitive panel session, Speech Communication Association 72nd Annual Meeting, Chicago, 15 November 1986.

17. R. L. Heath and R. A. Nelson, “Issues Management: An Old Hat or a New Ball Game?,” competitive paper session, Speech Communication Association 71st Annual Meeting, Denver, 8 November 1985.

16. R. L. Heath and R. A. Nelson, “Issues Management, the FCC, and the Elusive Nature of Fairness: How Does an Issues Manager Know What is Fair?,” in competitive paper session on “Public Relations: A State of the Art Analysis,” International Communication Association 35th Annual Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, 25 May 1985. (Delivered by Dr. Robert Heath)

15. R. A. Nelson, “Propaganda for the Proletariat: Weimar, Cultural Bolshevism and National Socialist Film Ideology,” Popular Culture Association 15 Annual Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, 4 April 1985. Program chair as well as presenter.

14. R. A. Nelson, “Free Speech Versus the Fairness Doctrine: Libertarian Analysis of a Federal Policy Failure,” American Culture Association 6th Annual Joint Convention with the Popular Culture Association, Toronto, Canada, 31 March 1984.

13. R. A. Nelson, “Beyond Laurel: Oliver Hardy and the Vim Comedy Company, a Studio Biography/Filmography,” Popular Culture Association, Toronto, Canada, 30 March 1984.

12. R. A. Nelson, “The New Corporate Television and Cable Programming Environment,” in competitive panel session, Speech Communication Association 69th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 11 November 1983.

11. R. A. Nelson, “Entering a Brave New World: The Impact of the New Information and Telecommunications Technologies,” in competitive paper session, University Film and Video Association 37th Annual Conference, North Texas State University, Denton, 11 August 1983.

10. R. A. Nelson, “Corporate Use of Television for Issue Advertising and Programming: Threat to the Public Interest or Essential ‘Free Speech’ Component?,” American Culture Association 5th Annual Joint Conference with the Popular Culture Association, Wichita, Kansas, 25 April 1983.

9. R. A. Nelson, “Gandhi: Movie, Man and Propaganda,” Gandhi Symposium on the Man, Movie, Myth and Movement, University of Houston, 25 March 1983.

8. R. A. Nelson, “The Electronic Information Revolution,” Planetcon ‘82 Science and Science Fiction Convention, Houston, 17 October 1982.

7. R. A. Nelson, “Cinema of Hate: A Case Study of Commercial Silent-Era European Religious Screen Propaganda,” refereed paper at the Society for Cinema Studies Annual Conference, UCLA, 29 June 1982.

6. R. A. Nelson, “The New Information Technologies and What they Mean for Audiences,” Popular Culture Association 12th Annual Conference, Louisville, KY, 16 April 1982. National co-chair and coordinator of call for papers in “Mass Communications and their Audiences” area.

5. R. A. Nelson, “Stock Frauds and Con Men: A Neglected Economic Aspect of New York’s Early Motion Picture Industry,” refereed paper at the Society for Cinema Studies Annual Conference, New York City, 22 April 1981.

4. R. A. Nelson, “Beyond Science Fiction: Media in the ‘80s,” Collegecon ‘80 Conference, University of Houston, 11 April 1980. Program coordinator as well as presenter.

3. T. W. Hoffer and R. A. Nelson, “Contemporary Docudrama: Issues and Concerns,” Florida Speech Communication Association Annual Convention, Fort Lauderdale, 20 October 1978.

2. R. A. Nelson, “Florida as a Film Center: Yesterday and Today,” Florida Speech Communication Annual Convention, Fort Lauderdale, 20 October 1978. Included screening of my eight-minute video documentary on Florida’s motion picture heritage, Rival to Hollywood.

1. T. W. Hoffer and R. A. Nelson, “Docudrama on American Television: Evolution, Appeals and Problems,” refereed paper at the University Film Association 31st Annual Conference, University of Maryland, 4 August 1977. Included co-delivered multi-media presentation.


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