Minqi Li-Citations

(up to March 2014)

The following are from scholar.:

[Book][B] The Rise of China and the Demise of the Capitalist World-economy

M Li - 2008 -

Cited by:82

(Excluding self-citations, there were 59 citations during 2008-2012)

The End of the Road? Agricultural Revolutions in the Capitalist World‐Ecology, 1450–2010

JW Moore - Journal of Agrarian Change, 2010 - Wiley Online Library

Does the present socio-ecological impasse–captured in popular discussions of the 'end'of

cheap food and cheap oil–represent the latest in a long history of limits and crises that have

been transcended by capital, or have we arrived at an epochal turning point in the relation ...

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How neoliberal is China's reform? The origins of change during transition

F Wu - Eurasian Geography and Economics, 2010 - Taylor & Francis

A UK-based geographer and specialist on China's urbanization reviews changes occuring

in China during its market transition through the prism of neoliberalism. More specifically, by

reviewing the recent literature on neoliberalism, the author searches for parallels between ...

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[图书][B] Capitalism and class in the Gulf Arab states

A Hanieh - 2011 - books.

The six Arab states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) play an increasingly prominent

role in the global economy and throughout the broader Middle East region. This book

analyzes the recent development of Gulf capitalism through to the aftermath of the 2008 ...

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[图书][B] China and orientalism: Western knowledge production and the PRC

D Vukovich - 2013 - books.

This book argues that there is a new, Sinological form of orientalism at work in the world. It

has shifted from a logic of 'essential difference'to one of 'sameness' or general equivalence."

China" is now in a halting but inevitable process of becoming-the-same as the USA and ...

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ask- 中的 [PDF]ask- [PDF]

Climate leviathan

J Wainwright, G Mann - Antipode, 2013 - Wiley Online Library

Abstract: While there is much justifiable attention to the ecological implications of global

climate change, the political implications are just as important for human well-being and

social justice. We posit a basic framework by which to understand the range of political ...

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On China's growing geo-economic influence and the evolution of variegated capitalism

KF Lim - Geoforum, 2010 - Elsevier

China's growing geo-economic clout globally has attracted significant research attention

over the past few years. Rather than strictly adopt a national-specific and path-dependent

perspective, this paper offers a nuanced perspective on the rationale of Chinese ...

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[图书][B] Extraordinary cities: Millennia of moral syndromes, world-systems and city/state relations

PJ Taylor - 2013 - books.

'Peter J. Taylor has produced a sweeping, empirically grounded, defense of cities as

fundamental building blocks of long-term, large scale social structures; a way of freeing

social science from state-centric bias; and indeed, mankind's hope. However, the single ...

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Making sense of China's economic transformation

D Lo, Y Zhang - Review of Radical Political Economics, 2011 - rrp.

Abstract China's sustained rapid economic growth in the post-1978 reform era, which is also

the era of capitalist globalization, is of worldwide importance. This growth experience has

been based mainly on China's internal dynamics. In the first half of the era, economic ...

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“Who am I? Where are we? Where do we go from here?” Marxism, voice, representation, and synthesis

K James - Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 2010 - Elsevier

Recently Kim (2008) and Chua (1998) have warned critical accounting researchers of the

dangers involved in oral history research in accounting involving a privileged researcher (s)

and a cultural or racial “other”. The end result of this research often is that the researcher ...

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The end of the “End of history”: The structural crisis of capitalism and the fate of humanity

M Li - Science & Society, 2010 - Guilford Press

THE GLOBAL CAPITALIST ECONOMY is now in its deepest crisis since the Great

Depression. Even the world's ruling elites no longer have any doubt that a significant

historical turning point has arrived. The neoliberal phase of capitalist development is ...

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[PDF][PDF] The Recent Crisis in Global Capitalism: Towards a Marxian Understanding

V Vakulabharanam - Economic and Political Weekly, 2009 - JSTOR

This paper analyses the current crisis through a Marxian framework. It focuses on the

creation of a new regime of accumulation (neoliberalism) since the 1970s as a response to

the profitability crisis of the late 1960s and 1970s in global capitalism. The regime, while ...

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World Turned Upside Down? Rise of the global South and the contemporary global financial turbulence

RA Palat - Third World Quarterly, 2010 - Taylor & Francis

Abstract By focusing on the consequences of the dismantling of regulations over the

financial sector, the current debate on the causes of the global economic meltdown

obscures the cyclical occurrence of speculation in capitalism, as the accumulation of more ...

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[HTML][HTML] Climate politics after Copenhagen

J Neale - International Socialism. A quarterly journal of socialist …, 2010 - .uk

First, the economic crisis has changed the nature of climate politics at the top. From 2005 to

2008 the most influential position on climate among world leaders was that greenhouse gas

emissions must be slowly reduced by 60 to 80 percent over the next 40 years. This was to ...

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China and the Struggle for Ecological Civilization

A Gare - Capitalism Nature Socialism, 2012 - Taylor & Francis

''Ecological civilization''has multiple resonances by virtue of both each word and their

conjunction.''Ecology''challenges the basic assumptions not only of mainstream science but

the basic assumptions on which capitalism is based.''Civilization,''a much older term, is a ...

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The 21st Century Crisis Climate Catastrophe or Socialism

M Li - Review of Radical Political Economics, 2011 - rrp.

Abstract Under the current trend, the world is on track towards an extreme greenhouse state

that threatens to destroy human civilization and nearly all forms of life on Earth. Without an

end to economic growth, it is virtually impossible for meaningful climate stabilization to be ...

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[PDF][PDF] Chinas neue Rolle im globalen Kapitalismus

S Schmalz - Prokla-Zeitschrift für Politische Okonomie und …, 2010 -

Es ist mittlerweile zum Allgemeinplatz geworden, dass China in den letzten drei

Jahrzehnten einen historisch schier einzigartigen Wachstumsschub erfahren hat und so zu

einer Weltmacht herangewachsen ist. Die jüngsten Zeitungsmeldungen, dass das Land ...

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China and the global apparel commodity chain

WK Choi, DA Smith - Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice, 2010 - Taylor & Francis

The global implications of China's market reform, which began in the late 1970s, have

attracted enormous attention from social scientists—and created much debate. According to

the late Giovanni Arrighi, China's current economic development exemplifies Adam ...

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Is the East still red? The contender state and class struggles in China

K van der Pijl - Globalizations, 2012 - Taylor & Francis

Contemporary China here is understood as a 'contender state'resisting subordination to the

liberal West. Previous contenders, from France, Germany, Japan, and the Soviet Union, all

have had to submit to the West in the end, but the Chinese state class, by allowing a ...

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[图书][B] Living and Learning Sustainability: Pedagogy and Praxis in Sustainability Education

TL Evans - 2011 - gradworks.

Abstract: In this dissertation, the author develops a critical pedagogy of sustainability and

promotes its application in higher education. This pedagogy is a form of praxis rooted in

Gramsci's theory of agency. It weaves together threads of related theory rooted in social ...

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[PDF][PDF] Rethinking the theory of primitive accumulation: Imperialism and the new scramble for land and natural resources

S Moyo, P Yeros, M Gerais, B Horizonte - 2nd IIPPE Conference, 2011 -

The global competition for Africa's land and natural resources is in full swing. It is a

'scramble'in the classic sense of the term, in that it involves monopolistic firms and major

states in a 'geopolitical'struggle. This scramble has systemic determinants, as well as ...

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[HTML][HTML] Explaining the crisis or heresy hunting? A response to Joseph Choonara

D McNally - International Socialism, 2012 - .uk

In opposition to ostensibly “pragmatic” politics, revolutionary Marxists have long insisted that

the practice of changing the world is inextricably tied to the ways in which we understand

and theorise it. Yet, while maintaining a resolute commitment to the indispensable role of ...

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Elements of novelty, known mechanisms, and the fundamental causes of the recent crisis

A Russo - 2012 -

We briefly describe the recent evolution of the crisis and, by reviewing some of its

explanations based on different theories, we proceed towards our own interpretation. The

deregulation wave of the last decades has created new profit opportunities in various ...

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Introduction: Discovering and Negotiating Socialist Educational Logics Under Post-socialist Conditions

TG Griffiths, Z Millei - Logics of Socialist Education, 2013 - Springer

Abstract Citing an ancient Chinese curse, Immanuel Wallerstein (1998) frequently notes, in

reference to our historical world-system and its structures of knowledge, that we are

condemned to live in interesting times. Our times are indeed interesting in multiple and ...

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[HTML][HTML] The growth paradigm: a critique

G Dale - International Socialism, 2012 - .uk

In respect of climate change, the hurricane that tore into New York was the game changer.

The floods it unleashed forced the authorities to organise a mass airlift evacuation of much

of the city's population, and to begin planning the relocation of the city's stock exchange to ...

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[图书][B] Chinas Kapitalismus: Entstehung, Verlauf, Paradoxien

T Ten Brink - 2013 - books.

Das chinesische Wirtschaftswachstum der letzten 30 Jahre stellt mittlerweile jeden anderen

langen Aufschwung der neueren Geschichte in den Schatten. Wie konnte sich diese

Entwicklung in einem Land vollziehen, in dem die uneingeschränkte Herrschaft der ...

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csi- 中的 [PDF]csi- [PDF]

[PDF][PDF] Tržište radne snage i sastav radničke klase1

R Močnik - KROZ TRANZICIJU, 2011 - csi-

∗ Ovaj članak je objavljen u časopisu Teorija in praksa let. 48, 1/2011., Fakulteta za

družbene vede Univerze v Ljubljani.(Fakultet društvenih nauka univerziteta iz Ljubljane) 1

Tako je izjavu predsjednika vlade rezimirao Dnevnik [Dnevnik je, pored Dela, vodeći ...

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Unintended Consequences: Climate Change Policy in a Globalizing World

Y Schreuder - Environment and Society: Advances in Research, 2012 -

Abstract: The cap-and-trade system introduced by the European Union (EU) in order to

comply with carbon emissions reduction targets under the United Nations Framework

Convention on Climate Change Kyoto Protocol (1997) has in some instances led to the ...

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The neoliberal rise of East Asia and social movements of labour: four moments and a challenge

DO Chang - Interface: a journal for and about social movements, 2012 -

The celebrated 'rise of East Asia'as a centre of global capitalism resulted from the increasing

integration of East Asia into the expanding circuit of capital that turned most of the East Asian

population into 'capitalist value-subjects'. This means that the vast majority of East Asian ...

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The Challenge of China: Contribution to a Transcultural Political Economy of Communication for the Twenty‐First Century

Y Zhao - The Handbook of Political Economy of …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library

Smythe went to China to study ideology and technology between December 1971 and

January 1972 on the eve of China's reinsertion into the global capitalist economy, a process

that started with the formal breakthrough in diplomatic relations with the US marked by ...

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The globalisation of China's financial capital: How China's growing financial clout is affecting the global political economy

F Schortgen - International Journal of Business and Emerging …, 2010 - Inderscience

This paper aims to critically evaluate the significance of the unfolding globalisation of

Chinese financial capital, for both China and the world. Specifically, it will juxtapose a

general assessment of Chinese motivations and objectives to preconceptions of and ...

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[PDF][PDF] New leadership approach for better public management

J Berce - Journal of US-China Public Administration, 2012 - jaro-

This research paper studies the use of a new approach to leadership with reasoning in

management in public institutions. Management is almost as old as the mankind, and has

been used in different parts of the world ranging from the Great Wall of China to the ...

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social- 中的 [PDF]social- [PDF]

[PDF][PDF] Die neue Landnahme an den Grenzen des fossilen Energieregimes

A Exner - Tendenzen, Akteure und Konflikte am Beispiel …, 2011 - social-

Dieser Artikel geht der Frage nach, in welche langfristige Dynamik der globalen

Kapitalakkumulation die neue Landnahme eingebettet ist und wie sie als Teil dieser

Dynamik in einem bestimmten afrikanischen Land konkret in Erscheinung tritt. Dies ...

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[PDF][PDF] Trg delovne sile in sestava delavskega razreda

R Močnik - Teorija in praksa, 2011 -

Povzetek. Besedilo dokazuje, da izraz» trg delovne sile «ni teoretski koncept, temveč

ideološki pojem, in predlaga koncept» družbene sestave delovne sile «. Ta ne zajema samo

domnevnega mehanizma ponudbe in povpraše vanja, temveč zapopade kapitalsko ...

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吉雅拉, 李民骐 - 当代经济研究, 2011 -

世界资本主义目前正接受着气候变化的挑战, 这主要是由与矿石燃料消耗相关的温室气体的排放

造成的. 为了预防这一灾难性环境后果威胁到人类的生存, 在资本主义内部必须对经济增长做出

根本性和即时性承诺. 从对在世界经济中中国和印度的崛起与气候危机之间的相互关系分析 ...

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Civilizing interventions? Race, war and international law

R Knox - Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 2013 - Taylor & Francis

Over the past decade there has been an explosion in literature on imperialism and

international law. This scholarship has focused on the use of force, especially humanitarian

intervention and the war on terror. These accounts foreground the issue of race, arguing ...

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[PDF][PDF] Rosa Luxemburg's 'Accumulation of Capital': New Perspectives on Capitalist Development and US Hegemony

I Schmidt -

Abstract The article begins with a critique of a variety of Marxist theories on capitalist

development and US hegemony. These theories either see capitalism in stagnation and US

hegemony in decline since the 1970s or understand neoliberalism as the American way to ...

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[引用][C] Towards an 'agricultural revolution in reverse'? Ecology, Neoliberalism, & the Agrarian Question

JW Moore

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[PDF][PDF] Postcolonialism, Globalization, and the 'Asia Question'

D Vukovich - Oxford Handbook of Postcolonial Studies, 2013 -

Beyond the problem of attributed common experience or shared history, Asia's relationship

to postcolonialism is complicated by what both of these deeply ambiguous terms, especially

the former, might possibly signify. Even as a cartographic designation,'Asia'only makes ...

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[PDF][PDF] World Turned Upside Down? Rise of the Global South and the Contemporary Global Financial Turmoil

RA Palat - 2009 - paperroom.

Signaling a sea-change in world politics, at the close of the Chinese National People's

Congress in March 2009, Premier Wen Jiabao implored the United States to remain a

“credible nation and ensure the safety” of the $1 trillion his country had invested in US ...

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Can Global Capitalism Be Saved?" Exit Strategies" for Capitalism or Humanity.

M Li - Alternate Routes, 2011 - search.

Abstract Global capitalism is currently recovering from the Great Recession of 2009. But the

basic contradiction of neoliberalism has not been resolved. The fiscal deficits in the western

countries and China's real estate bubble are setting up the world for a potentially more ...

Rosa Luxemburg's Accumulation of Capital.

I Schmidt - Socialist Studies, 2010 - search.

Abstract The article begins with a cri tique of a variety of Marxist theories on capitalist

development and the hegemony of the United States. These theories either see capitalism in

stagnation and American hegemony in decline since the 1970s or understand ...

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Decline and expansion: the contradictions of 21st century US imperialism in Latin America

DT Martin - 2011 -

The global dynamics faced by the US imperialism are the following: 1.) Hegemonic crisis, 2.)

Spatio-temporal fix, 3.) Peak oil, and 4.) New geopolitics. Neoliberalism destabilized US

hegemony in Latin America. In response, the US has increasingly militarized Latin ...

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Pride and Prejudice, Practices and Perceptions: A Comparative Case Study in North Atlantic Environmental History

S Chittick - 2011 -

Due to escalating carbon-based emissions, anthropogenic climate change is wreaking

havoc on the natural and built environment as higher near-surface temperatures cause

arctic ice-melt, rising sea levels and unpredictable turbulent weather patterns. The effects ...

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Critical Sustainability: Promoting Pedagogies of Placefulness in Outdoor Education.

J Rose, A Cachelin - Journal of Sustainability Education, 2013 - search.

Abstract The socioecological challenges we face have never been so complex, so

intractable, and so urgent. And while both justice-oriented education and education for

sustainability are growing in colleges and universities across the United States, normative ...

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China's Sovereign Wealth Fund Investments in overseas energy: The energy security perspective

X Sun, J Li, Y Wang, WW Clark - Energy Policy, 2014 - Elsevier

Abstract Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) are state-owned investment funds that invest in

real and financial assets. Since the global financial crisis in 2008, SWFs' investments have

resulted in national security concerns of host countries because SWFs continue to expand ...

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.au 中的 [HTML].au [HTML]

[HTML][HTML] John Bellamy Foster and Brett Clark: The planetary emergency, capitalism's ultimate crisis

JB Foster - .au

[Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal urges its readers to consider taking out a

subscription to Monthly Review, where this article first appeared. Click HERE to read more

from John Bellamy Foster. For more articles on Marxism and ecology, click HERE.]

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Accumulation with or without dispossession? A 'both/and'approach to China in Africa with reference to Angola

JS Ovadia - Review of African Political Economy, 2013 - Taylor & Francis

In the burgeoning field of research on China in Africa, analyses generally fall on a

continuum between two divergent positions. With reference to Angola, this paper reviews

perspectives on China in Africa as well as the main features of Chinese engagement with ...

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Myths, Puzzles, Paradoxes, and Challenge to Theory

JC Hsiung - World Scientific

Abramowitz, Morton and Stephen Bosworth (2006). “America Confronts the Asian Century,” Current

History 105, no. 690: April 147–152. AF (Asia Focus) (2010). “Rural Banking in China,” San

Francisco: Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. Allen, Franklin, et al. (2008) “China's ...

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The 21st Century: Is There An Alternative (to Socialism)?

M Li - Science & Society, 2013 - Guilford Press

In the light of the great capitalist failures over the past two decades, it is necessary to

reevaluate both the historical performance of, and historical justification for, socialism. Even

if one follows the logic of mainstream economic theory, there is no clear theoretical case ...

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[PDF][PDF] China Media Colloquium| For a Critical Study of Communication and China: Challenges and Opportunities

Y Zhao - International Journal of Communication, 2010 -

Armand Mattelart wrote that there are certain “privileged” moments of history that

“particularly favour critical analyses of reality”(1979, p. 25). For Mattelart, who wrote in 1979,

these included the “heated moments of the revolution,” the “cold moments of fascism and ...

The Financial Crisis as an Expression of Macrohistorical Trends: World Hegemony, Neoliberal Globalization, and Financialization in 21st Century Capitalism

SM Willson - 2011 -

Abstract Many studies try to understand the financial crisis that began in 2007 by utilizing

short-term perspectives, but few step back far enough to see how macrohistorical

transformations created the environment for a crisis of immense magnitude. In this work, I ...

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[HTML][HTML] Michael. H. Prosser

Z Shengyong -

According to the statistics of the China Scholarship Council in 2009, there are about 200

thousand foreign students from more than 180 countries of the world learning Chinese in

China. And in order to satisfy with the needs of learning Chinese around the world, 282 ...

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Colliding with Reality: Liquid Modernity and the Environment

APA Gare - A World After Climate Change and Culture-Shift, 2014 - Springer

Abstract The defining feature of (post) modern environmentalism environmentalism is its

focus on damage to ecosystems, including the global ecosystem or Gaia. Its proponents

argue that this damage now threatens the future of life itself. They have not succeeded in ...

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[HTML][HTML] Philosophers for Change

JB Foster, B Clark - philoforchange.

Capitalism today is caught in a seemingly endless crisis, with economic stagnation and

upheaval circling the globe. 1 But while the world has been fixated on the economic

problem, global environmental conditions have been rapidly worsening, confronting ...

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Overseas listing and accounting conservatism: evidence from Chinese H-share companies

FH Kung, K James, CL Cheng - Asian Review of Accounting, 2011 -

Purpose–The objective of this paper is to examine the incremental effects of overseas listing

on earnings conservatism. In particular, it investigates whether mainland Chinese

companies listed “overseas” in Hong Kong exhibit a higher degree of earnings ...

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[引用][C] Capitalism and Crisis in the 21st Century

M LI - Science & Society, 2010

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English as a Global Language in Chinese Context

S Zhang - Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2011 - ojs.

Abstract In the forthcoming global environment, just as there seem to be two dominant

economic global poles, China and the United States, so too it appears that two global

languages, Chinese and English, will remain as the most dominant languages among the ...

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[图书][B] Peak Oil, Climate Change, and the Limits to China's Economic Growth

M Li - 2014 - books.

This book studies the limits imposed by the depletion of fossil fuels and the requirements of

climate stabilization on economic growth with a focus on China. The book intends to

examine the potentials of various energy resources, including oil, natural gas, coal, ...

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[引用][C] TITLE: Ai Weiwei: On Not Being a Dissident

G Fenton - 2012 - McMaster University

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C Piovani, M Li - World Review of Political Economy, 2011 - search.

Abstract World capitalism is currently challenged by climate change, which is primarily

caused by the greenhouse gas emissions associated with fossil fuel consumption. To

prevent catastrophic environmental consequences threatening the survival of humanity, a ...

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[图书][B] Mass Education, Global Capital, and the World: The Theoretical Lenses of István Mészáros and Immanuel Wallerstein

TG Griffiths, R Imre - 2013 - books.

Immanuel Wallerstein and István Mészáros are prolific scholars whose analyses of global

capitalism in crisis offer distinctive insights for research across the social sciences. This book

engages readers with their main theses, encouraging their application in analysis of social ...

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.pk 中的 [PDF].pk [PDF]

[PDF][PDF] The rise of china and the 'four-china'nexus

L Xing - Strategic Studies (Islamabad) - .pk

The long and dramatic transformations that took place in China in the 20th century make it

an ideal “case study” for scientific research of political and economic development and

social change. Very few societies have been so radically transformed in such a short time ...

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[图书][B] Mr. Science and Chairman Mao's Cultural Revolution: Science and Technology in Modern China

CN Wei, DE Brock - 2013 - books.

China is emerging as a new superpower in science and technology, reflected in the success

of its spacecraft and high-velocity Maglev trains. While many seek to understand the rise of

China as a technologically-based power, the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s may seem ...

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Rosa Luxemburg's 'Accumulation of Capital': New Perspectives on Capitalist Development and American Hegemony

I Schmidt - Socialist Studies/Études socialistes, 2011 -

Abstract The article begins with a cri tique of a variety of Marxist theories on capitalist

development and the hegemony of the United States. These theories either see capitalism in

stagnation and American hegemony in decline since the 1970s or understand ...

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[引用][C] Is there risk of a cataclysm? Changing perceptions of the dollar

CT Foo - Journal of Risk Finance, The, 2010 -

During November of 2009, I was back in the financial capital of China, Shanghai. Along the

street, I found a sprouting of new schools. Enterprises set up to arm ordinary Chinese

investors with technical approaches to investing including techniques for profiting from ...

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[HTML][HTML] Philosophers for Change

M Harnecker - Monthly Review, 2013 - philoforchange.

When Hugo Chávez triumphed in the 1998 presidential elections, the neoliberal capitalist

model was already foundering. The choice then was none other than whether to re-establish

the neoliberal capitalist model—clearly with some changes including greater concern for ...

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Communication, Crisis, & Global Power Shifts: An Introduction

Y Zhao - International Journal of Communication, 2014 -

Abstract This paper brings contemporary theoretical discussions on the nature of the

evolving global order into dialogue with a set of transnationally, regionally, and nationally

oriented studies addressing communication, crisis, and global power shifts. First, it brings ...

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[PDF][PDF] Can Schools Help Create a Post-Capitalist World?

GA Smith -

We live in an era in which the educational system in the United States seems increasingly

removed from the drift of global events. Educational leaders from the Department of

Education and the Council of Chief State School Officers to district superintendents and ...

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Motor City Illusions, Driven Over the Sea

D WANG - Space (re) solutions: Intervention and Research in …, 2011 - books.

On a dewy May morning of 1876, the United States of America's centennial year, General

George Armstrong Custer led the Seventh Cavalry out of a garrison in the Dakota Territory

for what would be his last time. According to those who were there, as the column ...

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Climate Change and the Limits to the Growth-Oriented Model of Development The Case of China and India

C Piovani, M Li - Review of Radical Political Economics, 2013 - rrp.

Abstract This paper discusses the interplay between the rise of China and India in the world

economy and the global climate emergency. It considers alternative growth scenarios for

China and India. The results show that, to meet their respective global climate obligations, ...

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Understanding China's attitude toward international order: from general delegitimization to selective embeddedness

C Zhang - 2013 -

China is rising and playing an increasing important role in both regional and international

affairs. As for China's attitude toward international order, this thesis argues that since 1992

China has been gradually shifting its attitude towards international order from general ...

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[引用][C] Aktuelle Beiträge der Autorin/des Autors

S Schmalz

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S Schmalz - Theorien der Internationalen Politischen Ökonomie, 2014 - Springer

Zusammenfassung Das Erkenntnisinteresse von weltsystemtheoretischen Ansätzen

unterscheidet sich von jenem der meisten IPÖ-Theorien. Bei der Weltsystemtheorie handelt

es sich im engeren Sinne um keine politikwissenschaftliche Theorie. Sie bietet vielmehr ...

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中的 [PDF] [PDF]

Kapitalizm İçin Çalışmak: Çin'de İşgücü Piyasasının İnşası.

K GÖKTEN - Calisma ve Toplum, 2012 - search.

Özet: Çin'in çarpıcı yükselişi, küresel kapitalizmin içinde bulunduğu yeniden yapılanma

döneminin en önemli gelişmelerinden biridir.“Reform ve dışa açıklık” mottosuyla hayata

geçirilen tedrici dönüşüm genellikle ülkenin gösterdiği büyüme performansı, ekonomik ...

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中的 [HTML] [HTML]

[HTML][HTML] ¿ Déficits a largo plazo? No os dejéis amedrentar: no hay tal problema

JK Galbraith - New Republic, 2011 -

Standard & Poor's no degradó la calificación del sistema político de estadounidense. No

degradó la calificación del mercado de valores. Degradó la calificación de los bonos y de

las letras del Tesoro de los EEUU, y lo hizo luego de que el Congreso hubiera descartado ...

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K Gökten - Akdeniz University Faculty of Economics & …, 2011 - search.

ÖZET Çin'in çarpıcı yükselişi, içinde bulunduğumuz yeniden yapılanma döneminin en

önemli gelişmelerinden biridir. Çin'in küresel ekonominin atölyesi haline gelmesine bağlı

olarak eriştiği iktisadi güç büyük ilgi uyandırmaktadır. Ülkenin yükselişi sırf kendi ...

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[PDF][PDF] „Die Wahrheit ist dem Menschen zumutbar “(Ingeborg Bachmann)

B Kern - Energiewende zwischen infantilen …, 2010 -

Das Ende des fossilen Zeitalters ist inzwischen endgültig eingeläutet. Das hat sich heute bis

in die Chefetagen der Mineralölkonzerne herumgesprochen. Der „Peak “der Erdölförderung

dürfte inzwischen erreicht worden sein. Und auch die anderen wesentlichen fossilen ...

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S Sezen -

Özet Makale, Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti'nde sosyalizmden kapitalizme doğru radikal yön

değişikliğinin toprak rejimine yansımalarını incelemektedir. Toprağın günümüzdeki mülkiyet

ve yönetim rejiminin ana hatlarının verilmesinin ardından, sosyalist dönemdeki kırsal ...

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[PDF][PDF] Salarios bajos, finanzas altas: contornos del debate marxista sobre la crisis capitalista global

DT Martin -

Resumen. Este ensayo examina cuatro libros publicados recientemente sobre la actual

crisis capitalista desde la perspectiva de la economía política marxista. Estos libros resaltan

los contornos emergentes del debate marxista sobre el origen y la naturaleza de la crisis ...

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U uvodu za „Tibingenšku filozofiju “, Ernst Bloh (Ernst Bloch, 1996: 95) napravio je razliku

između „apstraktnih “utopija i „utopija koje postaju konkretne “. One ostaju apstraktne utoliko

što se „njihove šeme ne mogu povezati s raspoloživim društvenim tendencijama i ...

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[PDF][PDF] 传播与中国的批判研究: 机遇与挑战①

纪莉, 郭镇之 - 全球传媒学刊(XI), 2012 - tsinghua.

阿芒· 马特拉(Armand Mattelart) 曾写道: 历史上有些特定时刻,“特别青睐对现实的批判分析”(

1979, p. 25). 马特拉是在1979 年写下这段话的. 对于他来说, 这种特定时期包括“革命的热烈

时刻”,“法西斯主义和独裁的冷冽时刻”, 以及“经济危机时期”. 他接着写道, 30 年代的大萧条和 ...

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Chinas Engagement in Afrika im Bereich der Rohstoffförderung und Textilindustrie

N Ulbrich - Die großen Schwellenländer, 2014 - Springer

Zusammenfassung Das steigende Engagement chinesischer Akteure in Afrika führt nicht nur

zu einer wachsenden Bedeutung der chinesisch-afrikanischen Wirtschafts-und

Entwicklungsbeziehungen, sondern auch zu der Frage, ob sich innerhalb dieser ...

相关文章 引用 保存

[DOC][DOC] Climate change, limits to growth, and the imperative for socialism


The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)'s Fourth

Assessment Report confirms that it is virtually certain that human activities (mainly through

the use of fossil fuels and land development) have been responsible for global warming ...

Cited by:35

(Excluding self-citations, there were 33 citations during 2008-2012)

Ecosocialism or ecocatastrophe?

D Schwartzman - Capitalism Nature Socialism, 2009 - Taylor & Francis

The ''practical struggle''opening up a path to a socialist future is now compelled to confront

the looming threat of ecocatastrophe stemming from climate change. In what follows, other

interlinked features of the ecological crisis* for example, species loss, the crisis in potable ...

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From global justice to climate justice? Justice ecologism in an era of global warming

J Goodman - New political science, 2009 - Taylor & Francis

Justice globalism, as an ideological field, emerged to prominence from 2001 with the World

Social Forum. It has offered powerful responses to market globalism, grounding alternatives

as well as refusals. With the intensification of global warming, the question of climate ...

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[PDF][PDF] Some reflections on climate change, green growth illusions and development space

U Hoffmann - 2011 -

Abstract Many economists and policy makers advocate a fundamental shift towards “green

growth” as the new, qualitatively-different growth paradigm, based on enhanced

material/resource/energy efficiency and drastic changes in the energy mix.“Green growth” ...

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Climate change policy and economic recession

B Spies-Butcher, F Stilwell - Journal of Australian Political …, 2009 - .au

Recession has decreased emission, but it is not the answer to challenges posed by climate

change The article considers how to reduce environmental damage while also trying to

avoid deepening economic crisis and makes out a case for emissions trading scheme. Pro ...

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[图书][B] Where the dragon meets the Angry River: nature and power in the People's Republic of China

RE Grumbine - 2010 - books.

China's meteoric rise to economic powerhouse might be charted with dams. Every river in

the country has been tapped to power exploding cities and factories—every river but one.

Running through one of the richest natural areas in the world, the Nujiang's raging waters ...

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Responding To Climate Crisis: Modernisation, Limits, Socialism

J Goodman - 2010 -

This article first explores the resulting political stagnation in debates about how to address

climate change, drawing on local and international examples. Second it seeks to invigorate

those debates by drawing on the social theory of environmental change. It focuses on ...

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Overcoming accumulation: Is a capitalist steady-state economy possible?

FB Blauwhof - Ecological Economics, 2012 - Elsevier

Abstract This article critically reviews the case for a steady-state, zero growth economy

posing the question whether such an economy can be stable and socially just, given that in

the current global economy lack of growth is synonymous with crisis. The SSE thesis is ...

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中的 [PDF] [PDF]


J Gulick - Journal of World-Systems Research, 2011 - search.

Abstract Giovanni Arrighi's The Long Twentieth Century is an almost unfathomably

ambitious and complex work. Its monumentality derives from Arrighi's conviction that the best

way to handicap the possible futures of the world capitalist geo-economy is to analyze the ...

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Green collaring a capital crisis?

H Masterman-Smith - Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and …, 2010 - Taylor & Francis

The global economic crisis has delivered a boost to 'green collar'employment in wealthy

nations through sizeable injections of public stimulus funds. It is therefore timely to question

what this means for relations between labour, capital and the ecosystem. This article offers ...

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[图书][B] Global Capitalism and Climate Change: The Need for an Alternative World System

HA Baer - 2012 - books.

Many progressive scholars, particularly in the social sciences, have increasingly come to

acknowledge that anthropogenic climate change constitutes yet another contradiction of

global capitalism. This book constitutes an effort to develop a critical social science of ...

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[引用][C] Equity and social justice in a Finite Carbon World

N Adve, M Engineer - Economic and Political Weekly, 2010

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Obama's New New Deal and the Irreversible Crisis

G Meyerson, MJ Roberto - Socialism and Democracy, 2009 - Taylor & Francis

The fortunes of the American economy have grown so alarming and the pace of the decline

so swift that economists are now straining to describe where events are headed, dusting off

a word that has not been indulged since the 1940s: depression. New York Times, ...

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中的 [PDF] [PDF]

[引用][C] Global, transnational, regional, national: the need for nuance in theorizing global capitalism

WK Carroll - Critical Sociology, 2012 - crs.

In 'Global capitalism theory and the emergence of transnational elites'(in this issue), Bill

Robinson has delivered an impressive summary statement of the theory he has been

developing with colleagues over the past decade. The formulation takes us some distance ...

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.in 中的 [PDF].in [PDF]

[PDF][PDF] Economic growth and social cost: Need for institutional reforms

S Ray - Economic and Political Weekly, 2010 - .in

The socialisation of private costs under the private enterprise system causes a metabolic rift

between humans and nature. Over time this rift leads to economic inequality and

degradation of natural resources, though these social costs remain unaccounted for. ...

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[PDF][PDF] The Moment of Truth—An Introduction

JB Foster, B Clark, R York - Monthly Review, 2008 -

It is impossible to exaggerate the environmental problem facing humanity in the twenty-first

century. Nearly fifteen years ago one of us observed:“We have only four decades left in

which to gain control over our major environmental problems if we are to avoid irreversible ...

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Enough of that already: sufficiency-based challenges to high-carbon consumption in Canada

A Hayden - Environmental Politics, 2013 - Taylor & Francis

While dominant responses to climate change aim to decouple economic growth and

emissions, a sufficiency approach challenges infinitely growing production and

consumption. Sufficiency can target different levels. At the macro level, it questions ...

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4 Capitalism versus Nature: eco-socialist approaches to the climate crisis

D Soron - Routledge Handbook of Climate Change and Society, 2010 - books.

Although explicitly socialist perspectives have not gained a significant foothold within

international environmental debates over the past few decades, socialism itself has in many

ways become a spectre haunting contemporary discussions of global warming. Many ...

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中的 [PDF] [PDF]

[PDF][PDF] Considering (Economic and Ecological) Crisis from a Communist Perspective

G Liodakis - Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, 2013 -

Abstract Taking a Marxist methodological approach, this paper starts by arguing that the

currently exacerbating economic and ecological crisis indicates a failure of both

conventional approaches to sustainable development and all attempts (policies) aiming at ...

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[PDF][PDF] Confronting climate crisis: A framework for understanding the criteria for addressing dangerous climate change

R Makoff - 2011 -

Abstract. Despite wide acknowledgement of the threats from human-induced climate change

to human societies and the wider ecosystem, no comprehensive long-term global

agreement to tackle the problem has yet been reached to replace the Kyoto Protocol. In ...

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[引用][C] Greening the economy or economizing the green project? When environmental concerns are turned into a means to save the market

A Kenis, M Lievens - Review of Radical Political Economics, 2014 -

Abstract The 'Green Economy'is fast becoming the new alpha and omega to solve both the

environmental and economic crisis at the same time. Policy makers, corporations, political

actors, and NGO's are increasingly uniting behind the slogan of the Green Economy. Or ...

被引用次数:1 引用 保存

[PDF][PDF] Nothing New Under the Sun? The Old False Promise of New Technology

R York, B Clark - Review (Fernand Braudel Center), 2010 - JSTOR

To understand contemporary environmental problems—including food and energy crises—it

is necessary to employ a broad historical view. While existing problems have distinctive

features, the underlying causes, which stem from the structure of the world-system, are not ...

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Organising for power: solidarities and transformation

J Goodman - Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An …, 2009 -

Abstract Political and social movements are both empowering and power-seeking: they seek

both to mobilize civil society and overwhelm state institutions. As organisations they mobilize

collective power, generating solidarities and transforming social structures. As such, ...

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中的 [PDF] [PDF]

[PDF][PDF] Future on a Hotter Planet–would under-line the urgency of global warming and perhaps help prepare for the crises. Doing too little too late would be a matter of …

T Lovejoy, M Lynas, F Pearce, LGH Nature -

Salil Misra of mass culture. In the societies of Asia, Africa and Latin America, this

transformation was brought about by political conquest, domination, and economic

exploitation of these societies by the industrially developed countries of Europe. ...

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[PDF][PDF] Faculty of Humanities Curtin University Sustainability Policy Institute

DE Weston - 2012 -

Abstract The science is unequivocal: the Earth's biosphere is approaching global warming

tipping points which, if passed, will become irreversible, taking the planet on a trajectory to a

new geological era, unsuitable for human life. The scale and timing of irreversible tipping ...

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W Carton -

ABSTRACT THIS THESIS criticises the predominant conviction in contemporary

environmentalism that ecological sustainability can be achieved within the framework of the

capitalist order. Our argument is that the fundamental causes of the contemporary ...

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.in 中的 [PDF].in [PDF]

[PDF][PDF] The Unprecedented Crisis of Global Warming

N Jain - .in

Some scientists dispute the existence of global warming, others believe that while global

warming is taking place, it is occurring naturally, in other words, the contribution of human

beings to global warming is negligible. But the fourth assessment report of the United ...

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Greener healthcare using ICT based BPR

M Nizar Hussain… - Green Technologies (ICGT) …, 2012 - ieeexplore.

Abstract Information and communication technology (ICT) has the potential to improve the

environmental footprint of the healthcare industry. ICT driven Business process

Reengineering (BPR) can help hospitals “go green”. This strategy can mean that ...

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[PDF][PDF] Clima: los límites del cálculo mercantil

M Husson - Viento sur: por una izquierda alternativa, 2009 -

El primer obstáculo es la no sustituibilidad de los factores de producción. No se dispone en

todo momento de una gama infinita de métodos de producción que permitan producir las

mismas mercancías con una dosis de energía tan reducida como se quiera. Llevando al ...

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RESUMO O objetivo desta dissertação é apresentar e analisar criticamente algumas das

mais importantes formulações teóricas dentro da economia que se propõem a abordar a

questão ambiental. Nesta época, na qual a interação destrutiva entre humanidade e ...

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[PDF][PDF] Crise ambiental ea Ciência Econômica

ES Barreto -

RESUMO O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar e analisar criticamente algumas das mais

importantes formulações teóricas dentro da economia que se propõem a abordar a questão

ambiental. Nesta época, na qual a interação destrutiva entre humanidade e natureza se ...

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[PDF][PDF] Ecología: La hora de la verdad: Introducción

JB Foster, B Clark, R York -

REVISTA-MONTLHY-11-b: REVISTAMONTLHY-9 01/03/2011 19: 05 PÆgina 29 una crisis

alimentaria mundial de carácter crónico, apuntan todas ellas a que el planeta tal y como hoy

lo conocemos y sus ecosistemas están tensándose hasta el punto de rotura. A la Tierra ya ...

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[PDF][PDF] Marx eo Marxismo 2011: teoria e prática

ES Barreto -

A criação do Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudanças Climáticas (IPCC) marca o início

de uma era de crescente importância da questão ambiental no âmbito da política

energética. Um exame do conjunto de iniciativas dos principais países responsáveis ...

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中的 [DOC] [DOC]

[DOC][DOC] Algunas reflexiones sobre el cambio climático, Las ilusiones del crecimiento verde y El espacio de desarrollo

U Hoffmann -

RESUMEN Muchos economistas y responsables políticos abogan por un cambio

fundamental hacia un “crecimiento verde” como un nuevo paradigma de crecimiento

cualitativamente diferente que se basa en un mejor aprovechamiento de los materiales, ...

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刘元琪 - 马克思主义与现实, 2012 - 万方数据资源系统

摘要: 国际金融经济危机爆发到今天已经接近5 年, 但是仍然没有结束的迹象,

因此关于其性质和前景产生了大量争论. 本文概括地介绍了这些论述的主要观点和分歧,

比如短期金融危机论, 世界体系危机论, 生产过剩过度竞争危机论, 新自由主义积累结构危机论 ...

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長島誠一 - 2011 -

Modern men and women have lost their identities and have rushed into or are pushed into

the hard shell of individualist ideology. In the workplace, workers are under the commnand

and control of a top-down system enforced by an inhuman industrial bureaucracy, and are ...

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[PDF][PDF] The rise of China and the demise of the capitalist world-economy: exploring historical possibilities in the 21st century

M Li - Science & Society, 2005 - JSTOR

China's rising importance in the capitalist worldeconomy raises questions of world-historic

significance. How is China's internal social structure likely to evolve as China assumes

different positions in the existing world system? Will China's current regime of ...

Cited by:26

(Excluding self-citations, there were 17 citations during 2008-2012)

[图书][B] The Rise of China and the Demise of the Capitalist World-economy

M Li - 2008 -

2.1 Share of world GDP, 1820–2000 25 2.2 Index of per capita GDP, 1820–2000 25 2.3

China's crude death rate, 1936–80 41 2.4 China's natural disasters, 1950–80 43 3.1 World

economic growth, 1951–2006 74 3.2 Corporate profitability, US 1950–2006/China 1980– ...

被引用次数:82 相关文章 所有 3 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多

Social structures of accumulation theory: the state of the art

T McDonough - Review of Radical Political Economics, 2008 - rrp.

Abstract This article summarizes developments within the SSA perspective since the

publication of Social Structures of Accumulation: The Political Economy of Growth and Crisis

in 1994. The article first overviews the literature produced since 1994, defining the main ...

被引用次数:23 相关文章 所有 4 个版本 引用 保存

What is Chinese about Chinese businesses? Locating the 'rise of China'in global production networks

C Pan - Journal of contemporary China, 2009 - Taylor & Francis

There is an implicit but commonly held assumption that Chinese businesses are distinctively

Chinese. Casting them in unitary and national terms, this assumption has often provided the

underpinnings for the conception of the strength of Chinese businesses as signs of an ...

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China's ascent and Africa's environment

APJ Mol - Global Environmental Change, 2011 - Elsevier

China's unprecedented economic growth path over the last two decades has been

paralleled by an exponential growth in the consumption of natural resources and in

pollution. Initially, China mainly exploited domestic resources to fuel its rapid industrial ...

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[PDF][PDF] A alta recente dos preços das commodities

DM Prates - Revista de Economia Política, 2007 - SciELO Brasil

The recent rise of commodities prices. This article suggests some explanations for the

steady rise of the commodities prices since 2002. Firstly, it analyses the long and medium

term trends of these prices. Secondly, it explores the determinants of the recent rise, which ...

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[PDF][PDF] Ecology and the Accumulation of Capital

JW Moore - conference 'Food, Energy, and Environment', Fernand …, 2009 -

“We have mixed our labour with the earth, our forces with its forces too deeply to be able to

draw back and separate either out,” Raymond Williams first argued in 1971 (1980: 83). In an

extraordinary essay, Williams directs his critique towards those “singular abstractions”– ...

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[图书][B] China's Resource Diplomacy in Africa: Powering Development?

M Power, G Mohan, M Tan-Mullins - 2012 - books.

China's enhanced role within the global economy has profound political implications across

the world, but takes a particular form in Africa. Over the past few years China has given

much aid and technical support to Africa and for the first time since the end of the Cold ...

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中的 [PDF] [PDF]

Unequal exchange without a labor theory of prices: On the need for a global Marshall Plan and a solidarity trading regime

R Baiman - Review of radical political economics, 2006 - rrp.

Abstract A modified three-sector, two-good, Roemerian model, first developed by Hahnel

(1980), is used to analyze different international trading regimes.“Free trade” leads to

“unequal exchange,” which produces poverty in the South and unemployment in the North ...

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China challenges global capitalism

V Vivoda - Australian Journal of International Affairs, 2009 - Taylor & Francis

This paper establishes a novel understanding of the nature and implications of China's rise.

By borrowing Robert Gilpin's concept of sub-optimisation, it is argued that China is the most

prominent player in a non-Western subgroup's suboptimisation strategy, which ...

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李秀娟, 魏峰 - 南开管理评论, 2007 -

随着组织中越来越多独立工作团队的出现, 团队领导者的领导风格作为一种先验的情境因素,

会对组织管理的行为效果产生一定的影响: 然而过去的研究中很少将团队层次的领导行为作为情

号变量来考察. 本研究运用676 名员工样本对组织公正和交易型领导对组织承诺的影响方式 ...

被引用次数:5 相关文章 所有 4 个版本 引用 保存


VR Fernández, MB Alfaro - Revista Paranaense de …, 2011 -

RESUMEN Las transformaciones de las regiones como espacios de desarrollo y las

políticas de desarrollo regional, acaecidas desde hace más de dos décadas, adoptaron un

esquema global-local que, junto al descuido del peso jerarquizador de los actores que ...

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[引用][C] What is Chinese About Chinese Business? Implications for US Responses to China's Rise

C Pan - Asia Research Centre, CBS, Copenhagen Discussion …, 2007

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[PDF][PDF] Kolonizirana misao: periferija bez razvojne perspektive

V Katunarić - Socijalna ekologija, 2006 -

Sažetak Redukcija razvoja na liberalizaciju tržišta, zatim slom socijalističke hemisfere i,

napokon, reorijentacija razvojne misli na programe strukturne prilagodbe i na kulturalne

teme, okolnosti su koje su periferiju dovele u situaciju bez teorijske i praktične razvojne ...

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[PDF][PDF] World Systemic and Kondratieff Cycles1

K Plys - YALE JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY Volume 9, 2012, 2012 - Citeseer

Abstract Kondratieff cycles have recently regained popularity in the social sciences as a

methodological tool deployed in examining war and financial crisis. Kondratieff cycles were

developed by Nikolai Kondratieff between 1922-1928 and further popularized by Joseph ...

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[引用][C] Understanding China's Transformations: The Dialectical Nexus between Internalities and Externalities

X Li - The Rise of China and Its Impact on the Existing …

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Bound by Chains of Carbon: Ecological–Economic Geographies of Globalization

L Bergmann - Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2013 - Taylor & Francis

In an era of globalization, how are we to associate carbon emissions with particular places

or peoples? Contemporary environmental science and policy often debate between

assigning emissions to the territories where they are emitted and assigning emissions to ...

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What Is Chinese About Chinese Business?

C Pan -

Resume: There has been a commonly held belief, especially in the United States, that

Chinese business is distinctively Chinese. Understanding its Chineseness in unitary,

monolithic and national terms, this assumption has both underpinned a zero-sum ...

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.br 中的 [PDF].br [PDF]

Ideias e políticas do desenvolvimento regional sob variedades do capitalismo: contribuições da periferia

VR Fernández, MB Alfaro - Revista Paranaense de …, 2012 -

Resumo As transformações das regiões como espaços de desenvolvimento e as políticas

de desenvolvimento regional, ocorridas há mais de duas décadas, adotaram um esquema

global-local que, junto ao descuido do peso hierarquizador dos atores que controlam as ...

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[HTML][HTML] The recent rise of commodities prices

DM Prates - Revista de Economia Política, 2007 - SciELO Brasil

ABSTRACT This article suggests some explanations for the steady rise of the commodities

prices since 2002. Firstly, it analyses the long and medium term trends of these prices.

Secondly, it explores the determinants of the recent rise, which are the macroeconomic ...

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中的 [PDF] [PDF]

Kapitalizm İçin Çalışmak: Çin'de İşgücü Piyasasının İnşası.

K GÖKTEN - Calisma ve Toplum, 2012 - search.

Özet: Çin'in çarpıcı yükselişi, küresel kapitalizmin içinde bulunduğu yeniden yapılanma

döneminin en önemli gelişmelerinden biridir.“Reform ve dışa açıklık” mottosuyla hayata

geçirilen tedrici dönüşüm genellikle ülkenin gösterdiği büyüme performansı, ekonomik ...

相关文章 所有 2 个版本 引用 保存

[PDF][PDF] Ny handelspartner, gammalt handelsmönster?

N Ivarsson, K Milton -

Abstract Denna undersökning syftar till att studera Kinas allt tilltagande engagemang i

Afrika, genom att titta på utbytet med Zimbabwe som ett empiriskt fall. Kinas växande industri

har fått landet att söka förbindelser för att säkra det kontinuerliga flöde av råvaror som ...

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K Gökten - Akdeniz University Faculty of Economics & …, 2011 - search.

ÖZET Çin'in çarpıcı yükselişi, içinde bulunduğumuz yeniden yapılanma döneminin en

önemli gelişmelerinden biridir. Çin'in küresel ekonominin atölyesi haline gelmesine bağlı

olarak eriştiği iktisadi güç büyük ilgi uyandırmaktadır. Ülkenin yükselişi sırf kendi ...

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.br 中的 [PDF].br [PDF]

[PDF][PDF] Efeito-China sobre os termos de trocas globais ea recente alta nos preços de commodities

WG Schmiedecke - 2008 - .br

Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho é responder a seguinte questão: Como podemos explicar

a alta recente do preço dos commodities, face a entrada da China no mercado internacional

e quais as tendências para os próximos anos?

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RESUMO Este trabalho objetiva incitar discentes que participam do processo de formação

em engenharia a refletirem sobre a importância de se dedicarem às disciplinas que são

ofertadas para tratar de temas humanísticos, relacionados aos desafios do cidadão na ...

相关文章 所有 11 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 隐藏 中的 [PDF] [PDF]


V Katunarić - Socijalna ekologija: časopis za ekološku misao i …, 2006 -

Sažetak The reduction of development to the liberalisation of a market, then, the collapse of

a socialist hemisphere and, at last, the reorientation of a developmental thought to the

programmes of structural adaptation, and also to cultural topics, are the circumstances that ...

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RESUMEN La crisis iniciada a mediados de 2007 tiene un carácter multifacético. Puede ser

definida como crisis energética-ambiental, alimentaria, económica y financiera. A partir de

esta coyuntura se plantean desafíos abiertos antes de alcanzar un punto de no retorno en ...

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M Li, F Xiao, A Zhu - Journal of World-Systems Research, 2007 - search.

Abstract In this paper we study the long-term movement of the profit rate and related

variables in the UK, the US, Japan, and the Euro-zone. Since the mid-19th century there

have been four long waves in the movement of the average profit rate and rate of ...

cited by:25

(Excluding self-citations, there were 23 citations during 2008-2012)

Endogenizing technical change: Uncertainty, profits, entrepreneurship. A long-term view of sectoral dynamics

A Fusari, A Reati - Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2013 - Elsevier

Taking as reference the long-wave theory, in this paper we try to give a fully endogenous

explanation of the factors triggering the technological revolutions–one of the main causes of

a new long upswing. We extend the traditional macro and meso economic analysis by ...

被引用次数:6 相关文章 所有 5 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 隐藏 中的 [PDF] [PDF]

Capitalism with zero profit rate? Limits to growth and the law of the tendency for the fate of profit to fall

M Li - 2007 -

Zusammenfassung: The first part of this paper discusses the depletion of fossil fuels and the

likely effects of various renewable energies and the nuclear energy on the future energy

supply. The second part discusses the limits to improvement in energy efficiency. The third ...

被引用次数:4 相关文章 所有 6 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 隐藏

中的 [PDF] [PDF]

Statistical Evidence of Falling Profits as Cause of Recession A Short Note

JAT Granados - Review of Radical Political Economics, 2012 - rrp.

Abstract Data on 251 quarters of the US economy show that recessions are preceded by

declines in profits. Profits stop growing and start falling four or five quarters before a

recession. They strongly recover immediately after the recession. Since investment is to a ...

被引用次数:2 相关文章 所有 6 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 隐藏

[引用][C] Capital Resurgent? The Political Economy of Gérard Duménil and Dominque Lévy

M Nichter - Journal of World-Systems Research, 2008

被引用次数:2 相关文章 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 隐藏 中的 [PDF] [PDF]

Elements of novelty, known mechanisms, and the fundamental causes of the recent crisis

A Russo - 2012 -

We briefly describe the recent evolution of the crisis and, by reviewing some of its

explanations based on different theories, we proceed towards our own interpretation. The

deregulation wave of the last decades has created new profit opportunities in various ...

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[PDF][PDF] Alte Linke–Neue Linke? Die sozialen Kämpfe der 1968er Jahre in der Diskussion

P Birke, B Hüttner, G Oy - 2009 -

» Das wahre Bild der Vergangenheit huscht vorbei. Nur als Bild, das auf

Nimmerwiedersehen im Augenblick seiner Erkennbarkeit eben aufblitzt, ist die

Vergangenheit festzuhalten.› Die Wahrheit wird uns nicht davonlaufen‹–dieses Wort, das ...

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Marx, the falling rate of profit, financialization, and the current crisis

V Giacché - International Journal of Political Economy, 2011 - ME Sharpe

Marx claims that the moralistic search for the guilty parties of a crisis (the" speculators") is the

other side of the coin of the naïve belief that crises are avoidable. According to this

ideological illusion, a crisis always comes from outside; it is a pathology alien to the ...

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3 Globalisation as a crisis form

E Yıldızoğlu - Economic Transitions to Neoliberalism in Middle- …, 2009 - books.

We are going through an exceptionally interesting period in the history of the capitalist mode

of production. The financial crisis, which started in early 2007, ushered in a new zeitgeist

affecting the way the economy and society are generally understood among the politicians ...

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中的 [PDF] [PDF]

[PDF][PDF] The Coming Global Economic Turmoil: US, China, Global Financial Imbalances, and Peak Oil

M Li -

Since the 19th century capitalism has experienced several stages of development, each

characterized by a distinct institutional structure, such as competitive capitalism (from the

mid-19th century to the 1890s), private monopoly capitalism (from the beginning of the ...

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Can Global Capitalism Be Saved?" Exit Strategies" for Capitalism or Humanity.

M Li - Alternate Routes, 2011 - search.

Abstract Global capitalism is currently recovering from the Great Recession of 2009. But the

basic contradiction of neoliberalism has not been resolved. The fiscal deficits in the western

countries and China's real estate bubble are setting up the world for a potentially more ...

相关文章 所有 9 个版本 引用 保存


ALIR GÜNGEN - 2012 -

This dissertation analyses the restructuring of the state and financialisation in Turkey in the

post-1980 period with specific emphasis on public debt management. Turkey provides a

model case of state pioneering financial deepening and intervening into the market for the ...

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[PDF][PDF] The current crisis outbreak and development Interpretations and perspectives for the world economy


ABSTRACT The paper characterizes the current crisis and discusses the perspectives of the

world economy from an immediate and structural standpoint. Firstly, the analysis of the

structural tendencies of profitability and accumulation after the overaccumulation crisis of ...

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[PDF][PDF] Book Review Essay: Capital Resurgent? The Political Economy of Gérard Duménil and


Written from a broadly Marxist perspective, Capital Resurgent proposes a sweeping

interpretation of nearly one hundred and fifty years of capitalist development, illuminating the

'neoliberal revolution'of the past quarter century through comparisons with earlier periods. ...

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[HTML][HTML] The hallmarks of crisis. A new center-periphery perspective on long cycles

A Tausch - 2013 -

Our analysis, based on a variety of standard econometric techniques, aims to be a fairly

comprehensive test of the hypotheses about long cycles, associated with the name of

Kondratiev/Kondratieff. Our work tries to link the issue of long cycles with the issue of ...

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T Goda - 2013 -

Abstract: An increasing number of economists argue that income inequality was a root cause

behind the subprime crisis of 2007. The aim of this paper is to outline and contrast the

theoretical underpinnings of Marxian, Post Keynesian and mainstream crisis theories and ...

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[PDF][PDF] Profit rate, balance of payments, and economic growth: Three essays on the Thai economy from 1970 to 2010

N Phumma - 2013 -

ABSTRACT This dissertation is aimed at explaining the development of the Thai economy

from 1970 to 2010 from the Marxian and post-Keynesian perspectives: in particular, how the

nonfarm rate of profit in Thailand interacts with its balance-of-payments constraint. The ...

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The role of long and short–term dynamics of the US rate of profit in the current crisis

SC Izquierdo - International Journal of Management Concepts and …, 2014 - Inderscience

The paper analyses the long and short–term dynamics of the US rate of profit in the context

of the current crisis. In the long–term, the tendency in the rate of profit to fall is ruled out as

the main cause of the crisis. Nonetheless, it is characterised from the structural tendencies ...

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[引用][C] Dear Conference Participants

T McDonough

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The labor–value relation and its transformations: Revisiting Marx's value theory

P Paolucci - Current Perspectives in Social Theory, 2010 -

In theorizing the dynamics of social processes, dialectical thinking informs Marx's historical

materialist inquiries and both–dialectics and historical materialist principles–inform his

political–economic analysis. In conceptualizing empirical observations during this work, ...

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[PDF][PDF] An Exploration of Capitalism's Metabolism with Nature and its current Socio-Ecological Crisis

G Liodakis -

Abstract: Based on a dialectical-materialist methodology transcending the traditional

Cartesian dualism, this assay sets out to explore the metabolic relationship between society

and nature. Starting from an abstractive level concerning all societies, irrespective of the ...

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[PDF][PDF] Characterization and Perspectives of the Current Crisis. A Marxist Structural Approach


ABSTRACT The paper characterizes the current crisis and discusses the perspectives of the

world economy from an immediate and structural standpoint. Firstly, the analysis of the

structural tendencies of profitability and accumulation after the overaccumulation crisis of ...

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Economic Policy for Structural Change

A Reati - Review of Political Economy, 2014 - Taylor & Francis

Abstract Starting from a conceptualization of structural change as an uneven phenomenon

punctuated by technological revolutions that give rise to long-term movements of real and

monetary variables, ie long waves, this paper puts forth an explanation of radical technical ...

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[引用][C] 마르크스의세계시장공황론

정성진 - 마르크스주의연구, 2012

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On the expansion of finance and financialisation

A Russo, A Zanini - 2010 -

In this paper we explore the role of finance in the recent crisis noting that its expansion, in a

context of deregulation and globalisation, has boosted financial profits and capital

accumulation, but at the cost of a growing systemic instability both in the leading capitalist ...

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SC Izquierdo

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Peak oil, the rise of China and India, and the global energy crisis

M Li - Journal of Contemporary Asia, 2007 - Taylor & Francis

Abstract Should current trends continue, China and India are widely expected to play

leading roles in the world economy in the twenty-first century. However, the economic rise of

China and India coincides with the decline of fossil fuels. There is growing consensus that ...

Cited by:22

(There were 19 citations during 2008-2012)

Crisis events in tourism: subjects of crisis in tourism

CM Hall - Current Issues in Tourism, 2010 - Taylor & Francis

The global financial and economic downturn that affected tourism from 2007 through to 2010

and beyond has cast substantial attention on the role that crisis events play in tourism.

These concerns have only been exacerbated by natural disasters, such as the 2010 ...

被引用次数:69 相关文章 所有 2 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 隐藏

A critical evaluation of nuclear power and renewable electricity in Asia

BK Sovacool - Journal of Contemporary Asia, 2010 - Taylor & Francis

Abstract This article judges modern nuclear power and renewable electricity technologies

according to six criteria: cost; fuel availability; land degradation; water use; climate change;

and safety/security. It concludes that when these criteria are taken into consideration, ...

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Performance evaluation of energy management system in smart home using wireless sensor network

NH Maghsoodi, M Haghnegahdar… - Smart Grids (ICSG), …, 2012 - ieeexplore.

1Department of Mechanical Engineering 2Department of Electrical Engineering

3Department of Computer Engineering 4Department of Electrical Engineering

hajimaghsoodi@ gmail. com, Jahangir@ shari Keywords: Energy management system, ...

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Full View

[HTML][HTML] The furniture foothills and the spatial fix: Globalization in the furniture industry

SM Walcott - southeastern geographer, 2011 -

Abstract Spatial shifts in the location of manufacturing continue, but understanding why

particular regions prove attractive to particular industries and elements within those

industries lags. A sharp increase in fuel cost prompted considerations of a major ...

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Climate Change and Peak Oil: The Twin Challenges to Assess Cities' Sustainability.

B Miao, G Lang - … Journal of Climate Change: Impacts & …, 2011 - search.

Abstract The issues of climate change and peak oil are inextricably linked and have

profound implications for cities around the world. The realization of sustainable development

at city level cannot be achieved without effectively addressing these twin challenges. How ...

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A low carbon economy and society

J Urry - … Transactions of the Royal Society A: …, 2013 - rsta.

Abstract This paper examines various aspects of moving from high carbon economies and

societies to a cluster of low carbon systems. First, some historical material is considered from

the Second World War and the 1970s, periods with some lessons for the contemporary ' ...

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Comparison of four nickel-based electrodes for hydrogen evolution reaction

Z Xie, P He, L Du, F Dong, K Dai, T Zhang - Electrochimica Acta, 2013 - Elsevier

Hydrogen evolution reaction was investigated in 0.50 M Na2SO4+ 0.10 M H2SO4 solution at

room temperature on four types of nickel-based electrodes:(I) pure nickel electrode

electrodeposited in acid solution (pH 4.0),(II) pure nickel electrode electrodeposited in ...

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[HTML][HTML] Vers une gouvernance mondiale de l'énergie: comment compléter le puzzle

S De Jong - … Policy| Revue internationale de politique de …, 2011 - poldev.

Les relations énergétiques mondiales contemporaines se sont profondément transformées

en raison, notamment, de la diminution des réserves de gaz et de pétrole, de

l'accroissement de la demande en énergie provenant des économies émergentes, de la ...

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中的 [PDF] [PDF]

[PDF][PDF] 중국의대아프리카에너지외교전략

전가림 - 동서연구, 2008 - sloc.

중국은 개혁개방 이후 지속적인 고도성, 장을 진행하고 있다 이는 공업생산 및 민. 간소비에

대한 에너지 수요를 대폭 상승시켰고 에너지 수급의 안정적 확보와 지속의, 문제를 야기하였다

경제발전의 관건으로. 인식되고 있는 에너지 문제는 년에 이 1993 르러 중국을 석유순수입국 ...

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.au 中的 [PDF].au [PDF]

[PDF][PDF] Challenging Injustice through a Critical Approach to Energy Security: A Central Component of Environmental Security

A Simpson - .au

Abstract The search for energy security is one of the key dynamics that is re-shaping politics

and governance in the twenty-first century, particularly throughout Asia and the emerging

economies of the global South. With extraordinary growth rates of energy consumption ...

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[引用][C] LNG Importation Facilities and the American Policy Response

JP Gerrish - 2008 - repositories.

Since the beginning of this decade, importing natural gas through Liquefied Natural Gas to

fill demand with supplies has reemerged as a profitable venture. As the United States

imports more natural gas through LNG importation facilities, and demand trends forecast a ...

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J Bernens, W Febish

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[HTML][HTML] Evolution of Production and the Efficient Location of Renewable Energies. The Case of China

P Díaz, J Masó - Energy Procedia, 2013 - Elsevier

Abstract The twenty-first century has been a scenario for explosive investment in

renewables. This paper examines such investment as well as the policies that support it.

China represents a unique case in this regard due to its fast development. Whereas the ...

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Neoliberal Climate Policy in the United States: From Market Fetishism to the Developmental State

R MacNeil - 2012 -

Abstract: The research question animating this project is 'what is the nature of

neoliberalism's influence on recent and contemporary US climate change policy?'Situating

itself against several growing bodies of literature which have sought to underscore the ...

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[PDF][PDF] Performance Studies of a Multipurpose Solar Energy System for Remote Areas

A Saxena, G Srivastava - static1.wikia.

ABSTRACT Energy consumption for cooking, water heating, drying, heating and cooling of

buildings, and water distillation in this developing world is a major component of total energy

consumption in various households and commercial sectors. Demands and prices of fuels ...

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Viet Nam's Food Security: A Castle of Cards in the Winds of Climate Change

F Fortier - On the Frontiers of Climate and Environmental Change, 2013 - Springer

Abstract Since the 1980s, Viet Nam has achieved rapid economic growth and greatly

increased food production and security. These results are based, however, on a model of

industrial agriculture that has inherent social and environmental limitations and ...

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M Takei - Race, Gender & Class, 2012 - search.

Abstract Racism contributes to many people in richer countries not wishing to make

concessions on global warming to people of color in poor countries. Pierre Bourdieu's

concept of habitus (unconscious predispositions) helps to explain why racism might lead ...

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and beyond Connecting economic, resource and

CM Hall - Tourism and Crises, 2013 - books.

The ongoing series of national and international financial crises and economic downturns

since 2007 have affected tourism on a global scale. Although its effects were most

noticeable in 2009 when the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO 2011) estimated that ...

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[引用][C] Final Paper Proposal MMPA 6265-05

K Laguzza-Boosman - 2008

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[PDF][PDF] Unia Europejska w polityce zagranicznej Indii na początku XXI w.

J Zajączkowski - Studia Europejskie/Centrum Europejskie …, 2008 -

Po zakończeniu zimnej wojny Indie–dążąc do głównego celu swojej polityki zagranicznej,

jakim było uznanie ich przez inne państwa za mocarstwo regionalne, aw przyszłości

globalne–były aktywnym uczestnikiem stosunków międzynarodowych, zarówno w ...

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[引用][C] Bedrohung der (internationalen Sicherheit Der vierte Sachstandsbericht des Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) der Vereinten Nationen, eine …

K Sach - Weltverträgliche Energiesicherheitspolitik, 2008 - Oldenbourg Verlag

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[PDF][PDF] Master Europees Recht Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid–Universiteit Gent 2009-2010

J Denissen -

Mijn interesse voor geopolitieke conflicten en hun weerslag op het beleid van grootmachten

is ook steeds de rode draad geweest doorheen mijn voorbije studies, meer in het bijzonder

wanneer het een conflict over grondstoffen betrof. Mijn motivatie om over dit specifiek ...

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[PDF][PDF] China: hyper-development and environmental crisis

D Wen, M Li - Socialist Register, 2007 -

DALE WEN AND MINQI LI hina's spectacular economic growth has been one of the most

dramatic developments in the global economy over the past quarter century. Between 1978

and 2004 the Chinese economy expanded at an annual rate of 9.4 per cent. No other ...

cited by:19

(Excluding self-citations, there were 13 citations during 2008-2012)

[图书][B] The Making of Global Capitalism

S Gindin, L Panitch - 2012 - books.

Groundbreaking account of the development of capitalism. The all-encompassing embrace

of world capitalism at the beginning of the twenty-first century was generally attributed to the

superiority of competitive markets. Globalization had appeared to be the natural outcome ...

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Nature™ Inc.: Changes and Continuities in Neoliberal Conservation and Market‐based Environmental Policy

M Arsel, B Büscher - Development and Change, 2012 - Wiley Online Library

ABSTRACT Nature™ Inc. describes the increasingly dominant way of thinking about

environmental policy and biodiversity conservation in the early twenty-first century. Nature is,

and of course has long been,'big business', especially through the dynamics of extracting ...

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[引用][C] Stop Global Warming, Change the World

J Neale - 2008 - Bookmarks

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中的 [PDF] [PDF]

[PDF][PDF] Cheap food & bad money: Food, frontiers, and financialization in the rise and demise of neoliberalism

JW Moore - Review (Fernand Braudel Center), 2010 - JSTOR

It is now widely understood that the" end of cheap food" has arrived. It is much less clear

what this means for the ongoing crisis of neoliberalism, and for the future of the capitalist

world-ecology. Taking the accumulation of capital and the production of nature as a world- ...

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Marxist political economy and the environment

G Henderson - A companion to Environmental Geography, 2009 - books.

It is both easy and difficult to place Marxist thought (and politics) in relation to the

environment. Easy because from a Marxist perspective, we are never removed from the

environment; difficult because Marxism is not an environmentalism in any traditional ...

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中的 [PDF] [PDF]


J Gulick - Journal of World-Systems Research, 2011 - search.

Abstract Giovanni Arrighi's The Long Twentieth Century is an almost unfathomably

ambitious and complex work. Its monumentality derives from Arrighi's conviction that the best

way to handicap the possible futures of the world capitalist geo-economy is to analyze the ...

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Socioecological Instability in China

J Gulick - Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice, 2007 - Taylor & Francis

In January 2004, the International Energy Agency momentously announced that in 2003,

China passed Japan to become the second largest crude oil–using country in the world.

Buoyed by its rapidly accelerating overall consumption of energy resources, China's ...

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[PDF][PDF] Chinas neue Rolle im globalen Kapitalismus

S Schmalz - Prokla-Zeitschrift für Politische Okonomie und …, 2010 -

Es ist mittlerweile zum Allgemeinplatz geworden, dass China in den letzten drei

Jahrzehnten einen historisch schier einzigartigen Wachstumsschub erfahren hat und so zu

einer Weltmacht herangewachsen ist. Die jüngsten Zeitungsmeldungen, dass das Land ...

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[PDF][PDF] Cheap food & bad money

JW Moore - Review: Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center, 2010 -

The “end of cheap food” is more than a populist slogan. From the rosy dawn of capitalist

production in the “long” sixteenth century, cheap food has been pivotal to capitalism's

golden ages. Neoliberalism has been no exception. The cheapest food in world history ...

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[DOC][DOC] China and the Global Class Struggle: Journey of Revolutions

M Li -

There are three historical moments that have linked “China”(as an empire, a nation state, or

a geographical area) to the historical development of the capitalist world system. First, China

(and the East Asian trade system with China being the center) was not incorporated into ...

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D Byrne, H Goodall - cmsdata.

ABSTRACT A study of the way Arab and Vietnamese migrants engage with a national park

environment in southwest Sydney, Australia, has highlighted the agency of these people as

they not merely adapt to that environment but actively make places for themselves in it. ...

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The Integration of China into Global Capitalism

L Panitch, S Gindin - International Critical Thought, 2013 - Taylor & Francis

Although the current crisis has amply demonstrated the many challenges and contradictions

the American state faces, it has also demonstrated that it nevertheless remains critical to the

system's survival. Whereas it was still possible in the 1960s and 1970s to represent the ...

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[PDF][PDF] 5. Socialism: the twentieth century and the twenty-first century

M Li -

According to classical Marxism, capitalism is characterized by the basic contradiction

between the objective tendency towards socialization of production and the capitalistic

system of private appropriation. This contradiction would lead to increasingly ...

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Colliding with Reality: Liquid Modernity and the Environment

APA Gare - A World After Climate Change and Culture-Shift, 2014 - Springer

Abstract The defining feature of (post) modern environmentalism environmentalism is its

focus on damage to ecosystems, including the global ecosystem or Gaia. Its proponents

argue that this damage now threatens the future of life itself. They have not succeeded in ...

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M LI -

Abstract This paper argues that China's current model of development led by exports and

investment is not sustainable for economic, social, and environmental reasons. The

accumulation of economic, social, and environmental imbalances could potentially lead to ...

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[图书][B] Peak Oil, Climate Change, and the Limits to China's Economic Growth

M Li - 2014 - books.

This book studies the limits imposed by the depletion of fossil fuels and the requirements of

climate stabilization on economic growth with a focus on China. The book intends to

examine the potentials of various energy resources, including oil, natural gas, coal, ...

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[引用][C] Aktuelle Beiträge der Autorin/des Autors

S Schmalz

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M en Comercio, F Internacionales, JR Sebastian -

El descubrimiento de la agricultura permitió el desarrollo de sociedades sedentarias con

sistemas jurídicos complejos y por tanto de las primeras civilizaciones. De hecho, la primera

escuela económica que sistematizó con el método científico las investigaciones sobre ...

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[引用][C] An age of transition: The United States, China, peak oil, and the demise of neoliberalism

M Li - Monthly review, 2008 -

... An Age of Transition: The United States, China, Peak Oil, and the Demise of Neoliberalism.

Autores: Minqi Li; Localización: Monthly review, ISSN 0027-0520, Vol. 59, Nº. 11, 2008 ,

págs. 20-34. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de usuarios registrados. ...

Cited by:18

(Excluding self-citations, there were 15 citations during 2008-2012)

Breeding influenza: the political virology of offshore farming

RG Wallace - Antipode, 2009 - Wiley Online Library

Abstract: The geographic extent, xenospecificity, and clinical course of influenza A (H5N1),

the bird flu strain, suggest the virus is an excellent candidate for a pandemic infection. Much

attention has been paid to the virus's virology, pathogenesis and spread. In contrast, little ...

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Ecosocialism or ecocatastrophe?

D Schwartzman - Capitalism Nature Socialism, 2009 - Taylor & Francis

The ''practical struggle''opening up a path to a socialist future is now compelled to confront

the looming threat of ecocatastrophe stemming from climate change. In what follows, other

interlinked features of the ecological crisis* for example, species loss, the crisis in potable ...

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[图书][B] Sport, spectacle, and NASCAR Nation: Consumption and the cultural politics of neoliberalism

JI Newman, MD Giardina - 2011 - books.

Sport, Spectacle, and NASCAR Nation critically interrogates stockcar racing's ascendance

into the upper-echelon of the North American sporting popular. While most contributions to

the public discourse gloss over NASCAR's exclusively white racial identity politics, its ...

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[图书][B] Totalitarian capitalism and beyond

G Liodakis - 2013 - books.

Anchored in contemporary debates on capitalism and political economy, this study

reconsiders the major trends which are currently shaping a new stage of capitalism. With

chapters examining globalization, the role of technology and environmental degradation, ...

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[HTML][HTML] Misreadings and misconceptions

C Harman - International Socialism, 2008 - .uk

We cannot understand the system we live in or how to fight it simply by the repetition of

slogans. We need serious analysis and debate. For that reason, I welcome Jim Kincaid's

rejoinder to my articles in recent issues of International Socialism. But I think it is wrong in ...

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中的 [PDF] [PDF]


J Gulick - Journal of World-Systems Research, 2011 - search.

Abstract Giovanni Arrighi's The Long Twentieth Century is an almost unfathomably

ambitious and complex work. Its monumentality derives from Arrighi's conviction that the best

way to handicap the possible futures of the world capitalist geo-economy is to analyze the ...

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Enslaving temporary migrant women: Canada's shifting immigration policies

KM Eggerman - 2012 -

Abstract: Canada's adherence to the expansion of the neo-liberal ideology has been

accompanied by the federal government's implementation of an immigration policy shift from

a focus on permanent residents to a focus on temporary migrants. Not only has the ...

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Bound by Chains of Carbon: Ecological–Economic Geographies of Globalization

L Bergmann - Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2013 - Taylor & Francis

In an era of globalization, how are we to associate carbon emissions with particular places

or peoples? Contemporary environmental science and policy often debate between

assigning emissions to the territories where they are emitted and assigning emissions to ...

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M LI -

Abstract This paper argues that China's current model of development led by exports and

investment is not sustainable for economic, social, and environmental reasons. The

accumulation of economic, social, and environmental imbalances could potentially lead to ...

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[HTML][HTML] From Reactive to Proactive: The World Social Forum and the Anti-/Alter-Globalization Movement

M Pinsky -

Abstract Given the prevailing research interest on the transition from anti-to alter-

globalization, this paper examines where the World Social Forum is situated in the spectrum

of movements against neo-liberal globalization. I argue that the progression of the anti/ ...

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[图书][B] Measures of Environmental and Sustainable Socioeconomic Welfare and the Political Economy of Capitalism: Theoretical Reconstruction, Technical …

AJ Brennan - 2009 -

Abstract This study undertakes a critical analysis of measures of environmental and

sustainable socioeconomic welfare from the perspective of political economy. One of the

prime motivations for such an inquiry is that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) provides an ...

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[引用][C] 서브프라임붕괴와마르크스주의공황론의새로운지평

곽노완 - 마르크스주의연구, 2008

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장시복 - 민주사회와정책연구, 2009 -

이 논문은 2006 년 하반기 서브프라임 모기지 사태로 발발한 미국발 세계경제 위기의 성격을

자본주의 역사에서 발생한 위기와 비교· 분석한다. 이를 위해 이 논문은 이번 위기의 전개과정을

1990 년대 미국경제 호황의 역사적 성격, 투기의 전면화, 자산시장에서 발생한 자산가치의 ...

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Chinas Staatsfonds-Strategie. Klassenfraktionen und globale politische Ökonomie

H Overbeek - Die großen Schwellenländer, 2014 - Springer

Zusammenfassung Die Wirtschafts-und Finanzkrise führt zu einer fundamentalen

Transformation der heutigen globalen Ordnung. Chinas wirtschaftlicher und politischer

Aufstieg ist dabei nicht von unwesentlicher Bedeutung. Chinas Einfluss in der Global ...

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[PDF][PDF] Un sistema fallido. La crisis mundial de la globalización capitalista y su impacto en China

JB Foster - La debacle de Wall Street y la crisis del …, 2009 -

La economía mundial centrada en los Estados capitalistas avanzados está experimentando

con mucho su peor crisis económica desde la Gran Depresión. Una gran crisis financiera de

una escala nunca vista en los Estados Unidos y los demás Estados capitalistas ...

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K Gökten - Akdeniz University Faculty of Economics & …, 2011 - search.

ÖZET Çin'in çarpıcı yükselişi, içinde bulunduğumuz yeniden yapılanma döneminin en

önemli gelişmelerinden biridir. Çin'in küresel ekonominin atölyesi haline gelmesine bağlı

olarak eriştiği iktisadi güç büyük ilgi uyandırmaktadır. Ülkenin yükselişi sırf kendi ...

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Handelspolitik als Entwicklungsmotor in Südafrika

S Claar - Die großen Schwellenländer, 2014 - Springer

Zusammenfassung Seit dem Ende der Apartheid ist Südafrika auf der Suche nach einem

Entwicklungsmodell zur Überwindung der gravierenden sozio-ökonomischen

Herausforderungen. Nach einer langen Phase der Neoliberalisierung in den 1990er ...

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[引用][C] 미국엘리트언론과신자유주의

김동률 - 한국언론학보, 2009

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[PDF][PDF] China: six years after Tiananmen


Six years ago, immediately after the democratic movement was repressed in China, almost

all Chinese liberal intellectuals and Western observers predicted that, without" political

reform,"" economic reform" would fail in China. Despite their warnings, tens of billions of ...

Cited by:13

(There was 1 citation during 2008-2012)

[图书][B] Taking power: On the origins of third world revolutions

J Foran - 2005 - books.

Analyzing the causes behind thirty six revolutions in the Third World between 1910 and the

present, this text attempts to explain why so few revolutions have succeeded, while so many

have failed. The book is divided into chapters that treat particular sets of revolutions ...

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[引用][C] Alternative economic models of transition

J Marangos - 2004 - Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.

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The future of revolutions at the fin-de-siècle

J Foran - Third World Quarterly, 1997 - Taylor & Francis

Is the era of revolution over? Did it end in 1989? And was that such a long time ago, in any

case? It doesn't necessarily seem to be over in places like Mexico (Chiapas), Algeria, Peru

or Zaire, and may be just around the corner elsewhere (Egypt?). The discourse of ...

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Chinese welfare state regimes

S Philion - Journal of Contemporary Asia, 1998 - Taylor & Francis

That there has occurred a variegated yet sustained pattern of economic growth since the

opening up of the Chinese market to private investment, beginning roughly around 1979, is

widely confirmed by supporters and critics of China's post-1979 market policies (Selden ...

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[引用][C] Inequality, Power, and Development: Issues in Political Sociology

J Kloby - 2004 - Prometheus Books

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Were the Chinese reforms a feasible alternative for transition economies?

J Marangos - International Journal of Social Economics, 2006 -

Purpose–To examine China's reforms and successes could have been replicated to other

transition economies. Design/methodology/approach–The applicability of the Chinese

process as an alternative for transition economies involves an analysis of the necessary ...

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[图书][B] Workers Democracy in China's Transition from State Socialism

SE Philion - 2008 - books.

< p> This fascinating book is among the first to examine state workers protests against

privatization in China. Philion discusses how Chinese state enterprise workers have

engaged a discourse of workers democracy in the process of struggle with the new social ...

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[引用][C] Alternative Political Economy Models of Transition

J Marangos - 2007 - Transaction Publishers

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Crecimiento y cambios socioeconómicos en China: 1978-2000

I Rueda Peiro, ML GONZÁLEZ MARÍN - Problemas del Desarrollo -

Resumen En este trabajo se estudian los cambios ocurridos en la República Popular China

a partir de las reformas aprobadas por el Partido Comunista de este país en diciembre de

1978, que entre otras cuestiones implicaron el abandono de la planificación estatal para ...

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[PDF][PDF] US, China, and the Unraveling of Global Imbalances

M Li - 2007 -

During the 1950s and 1960s, the capitalist world economy experienced unprecedented

rapid growth, widely known as the “golden age.” However, by the late 1960s new

contradictions emerged. High levels of employment, welfare state institutions, and the ...

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[引用][C] Issues and Themes in the Civil Society Discourse

HK Adlakha - Fifty Years of India and China Crossing a Bridge of …, 2000

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[DOC][DOC] China and the Global Class Struggle: Journey of Revolutions

M Li -

There are three historical moments that have linked “China”(as an empire, a nation state, or

a geographical area) to the historical development of the capitalist world system. First, China

(and the East Asian trade system with China being the center) was not incorporated into ...

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[PDF][PDF] EN CHINA: 1978-2000


* Investigadoras del Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas de la UNAM. Correo

eléctronico:< peiro@ servidor. unam. mx> y< gmarin@ servidor. unam. mx>. this country in

December 1978 which, among other things, involved abolishing state planning in order to ...

[DOC][DOC] The rise of the working class and the future of the Chinese revolution

M Li - Monthly Review, 2011 -

In July 2009, workers at the state-owned Tonghua Steel Company in Jilin, China organized

a massive anti-privatization protest. Then, in the summer of 2010, a wave of strikes swept

through China's coastal provinces. These events may prove to be a historic turning point. ...

Cited by:12

(There were 9 citations during 2008-2012)

Is the East still red? The contender state and class struggles in China

K van der Pijl - Globalizations, 2012 - Taylor & Francis

Contemporary China here is understood as a 'contender state'resisting subordination to the

liberal West. Previous contenders, from France, Germany, Japan, and the Soviet Union, all

have had to submit to the West in the end, but the Chinese state class, by allowing a ...

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[PDF][PDF] Modernize Chinas Labor Share

H Qi - ICAPE conference in Amherst, Massachusetts, 2011 -

Abstract One of the stylized facts in China along with the fast economic growth is that the

labor's share in the national income has declined dramatically since mid-1990s. This fact

happens in a low-income country that experienced the transition from a socialist planning ...

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7 Theoretical possibilities of a socialist market economy and the Chinese road

M Itoh - Industrialization of China and India: Their Impacts on …, 2013 - books.

The capitalist market economy has intensified the global activity of multinational enterprises

on the basis of microelectronic information technologies during the period of prolonged

downswing and restructuring since 1973. In accordance with this trend, neo-liberalism has ...

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10. Outward bound: transnational capitalism in China

J Harris - Financial Elites and Transnational Business: Who …, 2012 - books.

Will China rule the world? Or more precisely will the class that rules China rule the world? It

is an important distinction. The class question turns our attention to transnational capitalism,

while posing the question in terms of “China” asserts the primacy of nation states in ...

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AL Yu - WorkingUSA, 2011 - Wiley Online Library

This essay first looks at “enterprise democracy,” as defined by law, in China, and examines

why it has never been genuinely implemented and how this relates to workers' failure to

resist the privatization of their enterprises at the turn of the century. It explores the crippling ...

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Yuanmingyuan Revisited: The Confrontation of China and the West

R Weil - Socialism and Democracy, 2013 - Taylor & Francis

In the northwest corner of Beijing lie the ruins of Yuanmingyuan, or Garden of Perfect

Splendor, the “other” or Old Summer Palace. Destroyed by a British and French

expeditionary force in 1860, with what little remained finished off by eight Great Powers in ...

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[HTML][HTML] Global Research

S Lendman - Energy, 2008 -

This program is a cutting-edge initiative of Global Research. It provides a global perspective

on what is really happening in America and around the World–vital information unavailable

in the mainstream, with noted guests sharing their expertise with listeners.

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Can the Socialist Market Economy in China Adhere to Socialism?

F Xie, A Li, Z Li - Review of Radical Political Economics, 2013 - rrp.

Abstract The recent round of debate over China's state and private economy has

fundamentally touched upon whether or not China should abandon or strengthen the

socialist elements within the market economy. In this paper, we argue that the debate is, in ...

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[图书][B] China, the West and the Myth of New Public Management: Neoliberalism and Its Discontents

P Urio - 2012 - books.

In the West, innovations in new public management (NPM) have been regarded as part of

the neoliberal project, whilst in China, these reforms have emerged from a very different

economic and social landscape. Despite these differences however, similar measures to ...

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中的 [PDF] [PDF]

Kapitalizm İçin Çalışmak: Çin'de İşgücü Piyasasının İnşası.

K GÖKTEN - Calisma ve Toplum, 2012 - search.

Özet: Çin'in çarpıcı yükselişi, küresel kapitalizmin içinde bulunduğu yeniden yapılanma

döneminin en önemli gelişmelerinden biridir.“Reform ve dışa açıklık” mottosuyla hayata

geçirilen tedrici dönüşüm genellikle ülkenin gösterdiği büyüme performansı, ekonomik ...

相关文章 所有 2 个版本 引用 保存


吴原元 - 济南大学学报: 社会科学版, 2013 -

在美华人学者, 由于其特殊成长经历以及无法割舍的母国情结, 加之接受过较为系统而全面的

西方学术训练, 深谙西方的话语体系. 故此, 他们对中国发展道路的理解和解读往往有着有别于

西方学者和国内学者的看法和观点. 美国华人学者对于中国发展道路的解读主要有“自由资本 ...

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[PDF][PDF] Bajan las rentas salariales

H Qi -

En las dos últimas décadas, el crecimiento económico de China ha dependido cada vez

más de las inversiones/1. Para mantener el crecimiento de las inversiones, el país tiene que

asegurar una tasa de beneficio bastante alta, y en este sentido se considera que el ...

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Capitalism, climate change and the transition to sustainability: alternative scenarios for the US, China and the World

M Li - Development and Change, 2009 - Wiley Online Library

ABSTRACT This contribution evaluates the geopolitical and technical issues involved in

climate stabilization and discusses alternative technical paths towards the required emission

reductions in the US, China and the world. There are no plausible scenarios in which ...

Cited by:12

(There were 10 citations during 2008-2012)

Capitalism and climate change: Can the invisible hand adjust the natural thermostat?

S Storm - Development and Change, 2009 - Wiley Online Library

ABSTRACT Can climate change be stopped while fossil fuel capitalism remains the

dominant system? What has to be done and what has to change to avoid the worst-case

consequences of global warming? These questions are debated in the six contributions ...

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ask- 中的 [PDF]ask- [PDF]

Climate leviathan

J Wainwright, G Mann - Antipode, 2013 - Wiley Online Library

Abstract: While there is much justifiable attention to the ecological implications of global

climate change, the political implications are just as important for human well-being and

social justice. We posit a basic framework by which to understand the range of political ...

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Stumbling towards collapse: coming to terms with the climate crisis

T Leahy, V Bowden, S Threadgold - Environmental politics, 2010 - Taylor & Francis

Leading sociologists have approached the climate crisis by emphasising a way forward and

identifying hopeful directions. What sense is to be made of suggestions that we are instead

on the brink of a 'collapse'in which the crisis is not resolved but leads to the end of existing ...

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[HTML][HTML] Ethical response to climate change

DP O'Hara, A Abelsohn - Ethics & the Environment, 2011 -

Abstract The attitudes that have contributed to climate change are the same attitudes that are

retarding an adequate ethical response to that crisis. With a growing understanding of the

planet as a self-contained and evolving ecosystem, we realize that we are derivative from ...

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[图书][B] Global Capitalism and Climate Change: The Need for an Alternative World System

HA Baer - 2012 - books.

Many progressive scholars, particularly in the social sciences, have increasingly come to

acknowledge that anthropogenic climate change constitutes yet another contradiction of

global capitalism. This book constitutes an effort to develop a critical social science of ...

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Tackling Climate Change Through Social Change: A Comparative Analysis

M Dorigo - Transition Studies Review, 2013 - Springer

Abstract In recent years there has been a widespread perception of climate change as a

growing threat to security, both at the individual level and at the international level. This

increased attention is mainly due to scientific research, which indicates that climate ...

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A New Programme to Combat Poverty and Inequality?

A Dasgupta - Development and Change, 2011 - Wiley Online Library

The report under review raises a lot of expectations at the outset. Combating Poverty and

Inequality has been publicized widely as the flagship report from the United Nations

Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) and is the culmination of years of ...

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KL Hurst - 2011 -

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Reviewing the evolution of this dissertation I realize that its

completion derives not only from the support of the few people one traditionally thanks, but

also from them many who indirectly and, perhaps, unintentionally contributed to my ...

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[引用][C] Green and social? Social and green? Exploring the links of the welfare state/green state debate in the non-‐OECD world

M Lederer

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[引用][C] 资本主义与气候变化

斯托姆塞维斯 - 国外理论动态, 2013 -

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2013年第2期。 该刊暂未被《中文科技期刊数据库》收录,故无法提供全文下载。 ...

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A través de la historia de la humanidad, la naturaleza ha estado sujeta a interpretaciones

que han culminado en diferentes percepciones del entorno natural. Desde una perspectiva

histórica, se reconocen distintos significados de lo natural, que a su vez han dado pie a la ...

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Este libro no sería posible sin la colaboración de muchas personas, por ello agradecemos

el trabajo y la paciencia de todos ustedes. Gracias a Esli Suárez Zurita por su ayuda

durante la compilación de los textos que integran este libro, a Vladimir Rivera Jiménez ya ...

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Workers' participation in management and firm performance: Evidence from large and medium-sized Chinese industrial enterprises

M Li - Review of Radical Political Economics, 2004 - rrp.

Abstract The relationship between workers' participation in management and firm

performance is open todebate in economic theory. There has not yet been any empirical

study on this subject regarding China. Theauthor uses panel data of large and medium- ...

被引用次数:11 相关文章 引用 保存

(There were 8 citations during 2008-2012)

A universalistic perspective for explaining the relationship between HRM practices and firm performance at different points in time

SS Tzafrir - Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2006 -

Purpose–According to the universalistic perspective, organizations from different sectors,

across industries, and through different time periods should use a series of select human

resource management practices (HRMP). The main purpose of this paper is to ...

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[HTML][HTML] Participatory management: an opportunity for human resources in education

R Shagholi, S Hussin - Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2009 - Elsevier

The present paper refines the participatory management (PM) concept in educational

organization by adopting a multidimensional approach. The author examined

simultaneously fifteen components of Participatory management namely: 1-Trust 2- ...

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[HTML][HTML] Participatory management opportunity for optimizing in agricultural extension education

AA Moayedi, M Azizi - Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011 - Elsevier

This study refines the participatory management (PM) in agricultural extension education

(AEE) by adopting a multidimensional approach. PM is a process where extension agent

(EA) tries to provide a good situation for AEE and share significant degree of power with ...

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[HTML][HTML] Current thinking and future view: participatory management a dynamic system for developing organizational commitment

R Shagholi, S Hussin, S Siraj, Z Naimie… - Procedia-Social and …, 2010 - Elsevier

The purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between participatory

management (PM) and organizational commitment (OC) as multi dimensional phenomena

among female government high schools in Mashhad, Iran. The authors examined fifteen ...

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[HTML][HTML] Investigation on participatory management and identify the constraints

R Shagholi, S Hussin, S Siraj, Z Naimie… - Procedia-Social and …, 2010 - Elsevier

The present paper reports the study which aimed to refine the participatory management

(PM) concept in high schools by adopting a multidimensional approach. The authors

examined simultaneously fifteen components of PM. Data for the study was obtained from ...

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[HTML][HTML] New Approach in Participatory Management, Concepts and Applications

R Abdolmalki, AA Moayedi - Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011 - Elsevier

Participatory Management (PM) is a process where subordinates share significant degree of

decision making power with their superiors. The author examined the differences between

PM and teacher's demography. A total of 903 teachers in high schools in Mashhad, Iran ...

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Investigation on Effectiveness of Suggestion System Settlement in Yazd Gas Company and Method Offered for Developing Improvement.

MH Abooie… - Australian Journal of …, 2010 - search.

Abstract In this research, the effectiveness of suggestion system in Gas Company located in

Yazd province has been evaluated. The applied statistical methods in analysis the data, the

descriptive statistic and deduction statistic were used, applying SPSS software. Analyzing ...

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[PDF][PDF] Effective Participative Management: Does It Affect Trust Levels of Stakeholders in Schools?

S Mokoena - J Soc Sci, 2012 -

ABSTRACT This paper reports the findings of the small-scale study on the effectiveness of

participative management (PM) as perceived by parents, learners, teachers, community

leaders, members of the school governing body and the principal in one school in the ...

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The Anti-Solidarity Machine?

CKL andYuan Shen - From Iron Rice Bowl to Informalization: …, 2011 - books.

The increase in insecurity and informalization of the Chinese workforce described in this

volume has not happened without opposition from workers acting independently (see the

May 2010 wildcat strikes in Honda plants), unions (as Mingwei Liu, chap. 8 in this volume, ...

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戴维, 向红 - 教学与研究, 2006 -

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《中文科技期刊数据库》 > 人文社科 > 政治 > 马列主义/毛泽东思想/邓小平理论 > 摘要. ...

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[PDF][PDF] La crítica democrática a crítica democrática de Marx al capitalismo y la estrategia china de desarr de desarrollo

D Schweickart -

Como se sabe, la poderosa y convincente crítica de Marx al capitalismo no brindó un

modelo explícito para una alternativa viable a este, nada de «recetas para la cocina del

porvenir» en su desdeñosa frase. 1 No debe criticarse a Marx por esta omisión. Era un ...

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Neoliberalism, Global Imbalances, and Stages of Capitalist Development

M Li, A Zhu - 2005 -

Abstract This paper examines certain structural macroeconomic relations in the neoliberal

global economy. The current global economy rests upon three unsustainable trends: the

debt-driven US consumption expansion; China's excessive investment expansion; and the ...


(There were 8 citations during 2008-2012)


M Li, F Xiao, A Zhu - Journal of World-Systems Research, 2007 - search.

Abstract In this paper we study the long-term movement of the profit rate and related

variables in the UK, the US, Japan, and the Euro-zone. Since the mid-19th century there

have been four long waves in the movement of the average profit rate and rate of ...

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B Lucarelli - Journal of Australian Political Economy, 2008 - search.

Abstract The emergence of quite severe global balances of payments disequilibria over the

past two decades threatens the very foundations of the international monetary and financial

system. The epicentre of this widening chasm can be readily identified in the burgeoning ...

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[图书][B] The Economics of Financial Turbulence: Alternative Theories of Money and Finance

B Lucarelli - 2011 - books.

This challenging book examines the origins and dynamics of financialeconomic crises. Its

wide theoretical scope incorporates the theories of Marx, Keynes and various other Post

Keynesian scholars of endogenous money, and provides a grand synthesis of these ...

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Strukturmerkmale des chinesischen Kapitalismus

T Ten Brink - 2010 -

Zusammenfassung: Für ein Verständnis der chinesischen Wirtschaft ist es hilfreich, das

theoretische Instrumentarium der Kapitalismusforschung nutzbar zu machen. Es ermöglicht

eine fundierte Charakterisierung des chinesischen Systems als einer eigentümlichen ...

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[引用][C] Geopolitik: Geschichte und Gegenwart kapitalistischer Staatenkonkurrenz

T Ten Brink - 2008 - Westfälisches Dampfboot

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Financialization and Global Imbalances Prelude to Crisis

B Lucarelli - Review of Radical Political Economics, 2012 - rrp.

Abstract The concept of “financialization” has informed recent analyses of the contemporary

dynamics of monopoly capitalism. In the wake of the global financial crisis in 2007-08, the

strategic role of finance and its capacity to destabilize the real economy and push it to the ...

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[PDF][PDF] US, China, and the Unraveling of Global Imbalances

M Li - 2007 -

During the 1950s and 1960s, the capitalist world economy experienced unprecedented

rapid growth, widely known as the “golden age.” However, by the late 1960s new

contradictions emerged. High levels of employment, welfare state institutions, and the ...

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[PDF][PDF] Imperialistische Phänomene: Struktur und Geschichte kapitalistischer Staatenkonkurrenz

T ten Brink - 2007 -

2 Bislang galt die Definition eines Imperiums für den Bereich, in dem der Hegemon über

Befehlsgewalt verfügt und das Recht für sich in Anspruch nahm, das Gesetz zu setzen. 3 In

der vorliegenden Arbeit werden vor allem die Schüler dieses Sozialphilosophen in den ...

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Ö Çetiner - Ekonomik Yaklaşım Gazi Üniversitesi, İİBF İktisat …, 2009 -

ÖZET Piyasanın, iktisat politikalarının merkezinde olduğu 1980 sonrası süreçte, kalkınmacı

perspektiflerini büyük ölçüde yitiren devletler, toplumların gözünde ciddi bir meşruiyet kaybı

yaşamaktadır. Bunun yanında mevcut sermaye birikim sürecindeki ilişkileri deşifre ...

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АЮ Апокин -

Роль проблемы глобальных дисбалансов в формировании динамики мировой

финансовой системы. В последние годы в мировой научной и аналитической

литературе по международным финансам, макроэкономике и политологии уделяется ...

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[PDF][PDF] Постановка проблеми

СБ Кримський, ЕС Ледніков, ІВ Попович -

З розвитком продуктивних сил і виробничих відносин економіка активно генерує нові

наукові проблеми, під якими слід розуміти сукупність діалектично складних теоретичних

або практичних питань, що суперечать існуючим знанням або прикладним методам у ...

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[DOC][DOC] China's public services privatization and poverty reduction: Health care and education reform (privatization) in China and the impact on poverty

M Li, A Zhu - United Nations Development Programme Policy …, 2004 -

During the first three decades after the Chinese Revolution, despite low levels of economic

development and limited amount of financial and technical resources, socialist planning was

able to provide basic, but relatively comprehensive, social security and welfare to the ...


(There were 3 citations during 2008-2012)

[图书][B] Providing public goods in transitional China

A Saich, T Saich - 2008 - books.

China's leaders faced a major challenge to provide citizens with acceptable social welfare

during the economic transition. They are confronted with building a new support system in

the countryside, shifting the burden in urban China from the factory to the local state, and ...

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[PDF][PDF] China copes with globalization

D Wen - The International Forum on Globalization Report. …, 2005 -

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY China entered the World Trade Organization (WTO) in December

2001 after more than two decades of reforms aimed at gradually shifting the country toward

a free market economy that is more open to foreign investment and trade. These reforms ...

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Peak oil, the rise of China and India, and the global energy crisis

M Li - Journal of Contemporary Asia, 2007 - Taylor & Francis

Abstract Should current trends continue, China and India are widely expected to play

leading roles in the world economy in the twenty-first century. However, the economic rise of

China and India coincides with the decline of fossil fuels. There is growing consensus that ...

被引用次数:22 相关文章 所有 8 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 隐藏

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[PDF][PDF] China's Rural Reform: Crisis and Ongoing Debate

DJ Wen - Economic and Political Weekly, 2008 - JSTOR

Despite China's dramatic transformation in the last three decades, its countryside is in a

state of crisis. This study examines the dark side of the country's economic" miracle", looking

into the various adverse effects that have followed the break-up of communes in rural ...

被引用次数:4 相关文章 所有 6 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 隐藏

[图书][B] Securities markets and corporate governance: a Chinese experience

Y Wei - 2009 - books.

This book explores the rationalities and functions of securities markets and takeover

activities. Focusing on the Chinese experience of utilizing the securities market as an

effective mechanism of corporate control, this volume analyses the future development of ...

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[DOC][DOC] China: Capitalist Development and Environmental Crisis

D Wen, M Li - The Socialist Register 2006, 2006 -

China's spectacular economic growth has been one of the most dramatic developments in

the global economy over the past quarter of century. Between 1978 and 2004, the Chinese

economy expanded at an annual rate of 9.4 percent. No other large economy has ever ...

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[PDF][PDF] The Coming Global Economic Turmoil: US, China, Global Financial Imbalances, and Peak Oil

M Li -

Since the 19th century capitalism has experienced several stages of development, each

characterized by a distinct institutional structure, such as competitive capitalism (from the

mid-19th century to the 1890s), private monopoly capitalism (from the beginning of the ...

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[PDF][PDF] chapter 2 Social Policy Development in the Era of Economic Reform

T Saich - AIDS and Social Policy in China, 2020 - Citeseer

The outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in winter/spring 2002–2003

provided a salutary warning to China's new leadership about how disease can have a

severe economic impact. It also brought to public and government attention the ...

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M LI -

Abstract This paper argues that China's current model of development led by exports and

investment is not sustainable for economic, social, and environmental reasons. The

accumulation of economic, social, and environmental imbalances could potentially lead to ...

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[引用][C] HIV/AIDS and Poverty in China: Perspectives on the HIV/AIDS epidemic through the eyes of the Fuyang AIDS Orphan Salvation Association, a grassroots Non- …

A Ren - 2007

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[引用][C] After neoliberalism: empire, social democracy, or socialism?

M Li - Monthly Review, 2004 -

... After Neoliberalism: Empire, Social Democracy, or Socialism? Autores: Minqi Li; Localización:

Monthly review, ISSN 0027-0520, Vol. 55, Nº. 8, 2004 , págs. 21-36. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso

de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados. Usuario. Contraseña. Entrar. ...

Cited by:30

(Excluding self-citations, there were 21 citations during 2008-2012)

[图书][B] Self-examination: the present and future of librarianship

J Budd - 2008 - books.

A STATEMENT BY PIERCE BUTLER of the Graduate Library School at the University of

Chicago may be the most frequently quoted in librarianship, but people turn to it because it

seems always to apply. More than seventy years ago he (1961 [1933]) wrote,“The librarian ...

被引用次数:27 相关文章 所有 2 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 图书馆搜索 隐藏

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[PDF][PDF] The rise of China and the demise of the capitalist world-economy: exploring historical possibilities in the 21st century

M Li - Science & Society, 2005 - JSTOR

China's rising importance in the capitalist worldeconomy raises questions of world-historic

significance. How is China's internal social structure likely to evolve as China assumes

different positions in the existing world system? Will China's current regime of ...

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M Li, F Xiao, A Zhu - Journal of World-Systems Research, 2007 - search.

Abstract In this paper we study the long-term movement of the profit rate and related

variables in the UK, the US, Japan, and the Euro-zone. Since the mid-19th century there

have been four long waves in the movement of the average profit rate and rate of ...

被引用次数:25 相关文章 所有 8 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 隐藏

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Social structures of accumulation theory: the state of the art

T McDonough - Review of Radical Political Economics, 2008 - rrp.

Abstract This article summarizes developments within the SSA perspective since the

publication of Social Structures of Accumulation: The Political Economy of Growth and Crisis

in 1994. The article first overviews the literature produced since 1994, defining the main ...

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[图书][B] Repudiating feminism: Young women in a neoliberal world

C Scharff - 2012 - books.

Grounded in rich empirical research and providing a timely contribution to debates on

engagements with feminism, Repudiating Feminism explores how young German and

British women think, talk and feel about feminism. Drawing on in-depth interviews with ...

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Argentina: no lesson learned

C Iriart, H Waitzkin - International Journal of Health Services, 2006 - Baywood

This article examines the political, ideological, social, and economic processes by which the

Argentinean economy was transformed, the structural consequences, and the policies

responsible for dismantling the welfare state. The health care system reform during the ...

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[HTML][HTML] The emerging authoritarianism in the United States: Political culture under the Bush/Cheney administration

HA Giroux - symploke, 2007 -

How can we explain the reelection of George W. Bush in 2004 despite the flagrant lies about

why the United States invaded Iraq, the passing of tax reform policies that reward the ultra

rich at the expense of the middle and lower classes, and the grandstanding over foreign ...

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[图书][B] The social economy: working alternatives in a globalizing era

HM Uluorta - 2008 - books.

< p> Critically examining economic developments within the last sixty years, this book

argues that a crisis in global social reproduction is altering existing understandings of work,

labour and the economy.< p> The author of this original volume, Hasmet M. Uluorta, ...

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[引用][C] Tectonic shifts and systemic faultlines: A global perspective to understand the 2008–2009 World Economic Crisis

B Gökay - Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations, 2009

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Leave No Oil Reserves Behind, Including Iraq's

EF Byrne - Radical Philosophy Today, 2006 -

Philosophy Against Empire 40 inflicting devastating consequences on the environment, the

economy, and the unconscionably profligate American way of life. This has been

understood, with varying degrees of alarm, at least since the days of Jimmy Carter and the ...

被引用次数:4 相关文章 所有 3 个版本 引用 保存

[PDF][PDF] Secular Trends, Long Waves, and the Cost of the State: Evidence from the Long-Term Movement of the Profit Rate in the US Economy

M Li, A Hanieh - Review (Fernand Braudel Center), 2006 - JSTOR

This article presents a new measurement of the profit rate and its determinants in the US

economy over the period 1869-2000 that takes into account the effect of taxation costs. The

text identifies four long waves in the movement of the profit rate, each lasting about 40 ...

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Conflict between liberal economic ideology and citizenship at work

G Murray - Relations industrielles/Industrial Relations, 2005 - JSTOR

Citizenship in work is a continuous process of sustaining and fighting for just social rights.

The argument here is that currently a major impediment to this democratic process at work is

the practical and ideological imposition of economic liberal policy, conceived for and by ...

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Lineages of the 2008–10 global economic crisis: exposing shifts in the world economic order

B Gökay, D Whitman - Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 2010 - Taylor & Francis

On 15 September 2008, the supposedly safe, perpetually prosperous world of the post-

industrial global economic system blew itself up when Lehman Brothers filed for Chapter 11

bankruptcy. The 158-year-old iconic investment bank was forced into this extreme act ...

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[PDF][PDF] La gobernanza mundial

RA Rosales - Espacios Públicos, 2008 -

RESUMEN El objetivo principal de este artículo es analizar las reformas a la gobernanza

económica mundial en instituciones financieras. Las propuestas de reforma hechas en este

estudio están dirigidas a fortalecer y mejorar las principales instituciones financieras ...

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[引用][C] Communication for Life in Cyberspace: A Christian Ethical Quest in Reference to the Korean Situation

YC Cheon - 2011 -

Page 1. VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT Communication for Life in Cyberspace A Christian

Ethical Quest in Reference to the Korean Situation ACADEMISCH PROEFSCHRIFT

ter verkrijging van de graad Doctor aan de Vrije Universiteit ...

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[PDF][PDF] Young women's dis-identification with feminism: negotiating heteronormativity, neoliberalism and difference

CM Scharff - 2009 -

Abstract This thesis explores young women's relationship with feminism, contributing to an

enhanced understanding of feminist dis-identification. Feminist research offers various

explanations for young women's repudiation of feminism; this study adds a further ...

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[PDF][PDF] We hereby approve the Dissertation of

BU Eke -

Page 1. MIAMI UNIVERSITY The Graduate School Certificate for Approving

the Dissertation We hereby approve the Dissertation of Bede U. Eke

Candidate for the Degree: Doctor of Philosophy _____ ...

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[HTML][HTML] Global Research

P Phillips -

The Barack Obama administration is continuing the neo-conservative agenda of US military

domination of the world—albeit with perhaps a kinder-gentler face. While overt torture is now

forbidden for the CIA and Pentagon, and symbolic gestures like the closing of the ...

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[PDF][PDF] Communication for Life in Cyberspace

LM Bouter, YC Cheon -

Page 1. VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT Communication for Life in Cyberspace A Christian

Ethical Quest in Reference to the Korean Situation ACADEMISCH PROEFSCHRIFT

ter verkrijging van de graad Doctor aan de Vrije Universiteit ...

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friendfeed- 中的 [PDF]friendfeed- [PDF]

[PDF][PDF] Continuing the Struggle in Hard Times

J Toynbee - What is Radical Politics Today?, 2009 - m.friendfeed-

I take a grey October walk through a slice of the city near my home. There are Edwardian

brick terraces and, further out, semis from between the wars. On the footprint of a factory I

see a clump of freshly built, toy town houses. Strangely, a few engineering workshops ...

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The 21st Century: Is There An Alternative (to Socialism)?

M Li - Science & Society, 2013 - Guilford Press

In the light of the great capitalist failures over the past two decades, it is necessary to

reevaluate both the historical performance of, and historical justification for, socialism. Even

if one follows the logic of mainstream economic theory, there is no clear theoretical case ...

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[HTML][HTML] Global Research

S Cooke -

The stage is set, and the main actors in Congress and in the corporate establishment are

ready to perform, having rehearsed behind closed doors for the coming assault on

organized labor's most powerful sector, public workers.

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The Class Character of Macroeconomic Policies in Brazil of the Real

D Bin - Critical Sociology, 2012 - crs.

Abstract In this paper, I discuss ways in which several important fiscal and monetary policies

implemented in Brazil after the Real Plan interfered with class relations and how they reveal

the financial class character of the state. The fiscal policies analyzed are the release of ...

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[HTML][HTML] Global Research

N Georgia Offers -

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[HTML][HTML] Global Research

CIAPS from Pakistan -

With the Obama administration preparing a major military escalation across South Asia, the

corrupt ruling elites perched in their palaces in Lahore, Islamabad and Karachi have

demonstrated their contempt for the Pakistani people. Unable, and unwilling, to solve the ...

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De-Nationalization and Re-Nationalization of Culture: The Globalization of K-Pop

GT Lee - 2013 -

K-Pop-contemporary Korean dance music-is currently becoming one of the noticeable

popular music genres in the world. It was firstly globalized in East Asian region, and recently

it is being globalized in the rest of the world including US and the West. This dissertation ...

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State, Market, and Postsocialist Film Industry under Neoliberal Globalization

Y Xiao - Routledge Advances in Film Studies, 2011 - books.

Since the late 1970s, mainland China has undergone a sea change with a decisive turn

from socialist governance and centralization to postsocialist marketization and privatization.

Market as a new cultural logic and a dynamic integration oftransnational capital fostered ...

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[PDF][PDF] Crise, expansão financeira da economia e endividamento público

D Bin -

RESUMO Partindo do cenário mundial de substituição da ideologia liberal keynesiana pela

neoliberal monetarista, abordo fenômenos de crise e reconstrução capitalistas que

conduziram à expansão financeira da economia brasileira. Liberalização dos mercados e ...

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RESUMEN La crisis iniciada a mediados de 2007 tiene un carácter multifacético. Puede ser

definida como crisis energética-ambiental, alimentaria, económica y financiera. A partir de

esta coyuntura se plantean desafíos abiertos antes de alcanzar un punto de no retorno en ...

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D Bin - 2010 -

A tese versa sobre exploração de classe e democracia econômica no Brasil pós-real, tendo

como objeto analítico a sua dívida pública. Partindo da conjuntura mundial de substituição

da ideologia liberal keynesiana pela neoliberal monetarista, aborda fenômenos de crise e ...

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[引用][C] The Rise of China and the Demise of the Capitalist World-economy

L Minqi - 2008 - Pluto


(There were 4 citations during 2008-2012)

Imperialism and primitive accumulation: Notes on the new scramble for Africa

S Moyo, P Yeros, P Jha - Agrarian South: Journal of Political …, 2012 - ags.

Abstract This article recuperates the links between imperialism and primitive accumulation,

arguing that the two are inherently connected. It undertakes a review of the literature to show

that the links are deeper than is often recognized, as in the work of David Harvey. It also ...

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中的 [PDF] [PDF]

The Long Roots of the Present Crisis: Keynesians, Austerians, and Marx's Law

G Carchedi, M Roberts - World Review of Political Economy, 2013 - JSTOR

The ultimate cause of crises in capitalism is lack of profitability. The Keynesian and

Austerians (the supporters of austerity measures), deny this. So their solutions to crises do

not work. Keynesian state-induced stimulus programs (redistributive, monetary, and fiscal) ...

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Following the Money: WikiLeaks and the Political Economy of Disclosure

B Brevini, G Murdock - … WikiLeaks: Implications for the Future of …, 2013 - books.

In a pivotal scene in All the President's Men, the Oscar-winning film about the Watergate

scandal, Bob Woodward, an ambitious young reporter on the Washington Post, goes to meet

his anonymous, shadowy, informant,“Deep Throat,” in an underground car park. ...

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[图书][B] Can China Lead?: Reaching the Limits of Power and Growth

RM Abrami, WC Kirby, FW McFarlan - 2014 - books.

It's time to rethink the way we think about China. In this thought-provoking book, noted China

experts from Harvard Business School and the Wharton School assert that while China has

experienced remarkable economic growth in recent decades (nearly 10 percent for more ...

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[PDF][PDF] Socialism in the 21st century: more than an utopia

F Deppe - 2010 -

rosaluxemburg F oundat io n se in turn combine with the Great Crisis since 2007, which

brought the social formation of global financial-market capitalism to the edge of the abyss

and fundamentally delegitimized the ideology and policies of «neoliberalism.» The main ...

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China frente a la crisis económica. Debilidades y fortalezas de su sistema financiero.

A Girón - Problemas del Desarrollo. Revista …, 2009 - search.

Resumen En la década de 1980, China realizó una reforma financiera que le permitió al/O

Banco del Pueblo pasar de un sistema bancario centralizado a un sistema de insti-^

tuciones financieras definidas y así impulsar el crecimiento y desarrollo económico/^ a ...

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China frente a la crisis económica. Debilidades y fortalezas de su sistema financiero

A Girón González - Problemas del Desarrollo -

Resumen En la década de 1980, China realizó una reforma financiera que le permitió al

Banco del Pueblo pasar de un sistema bancario centralizado a un sistema de instituciones

financieras definidas y así impulsar el crecimiento y desarrollo económico a través de ...

相关文章 所有 3 个版本 引用 保存

[引用][C] A Dialogue on the Future of China

W Chaohua, W Dan, L Minqi - New Left Review, 1999 - MIT Press

被引用次数:7 相关文章 引用 保存

(1 citation during 2008-2012)

[引用][C] Alternative economic models of transition

J Marangos - 2004 - Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.

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arlt- 中的 [PDF]arlt- [PDF]

The post-Mao gazes: Chinese backpackers in Macau

CE Ong, H du Cros - Annals of Tourism Research, 2012 - Elsevier

This paper offers insights into backpacker tourism from the People's Republic of China.

Chinese backpackers are a distinctively post-Mao reform generation growing up at a time

when China shifts from Mao Zedong's socialist policies to Deng Xiaoping's policy ...

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[图书][B] Democratic Development in East Asia

B Shelley - 2004 - books.

At the end of the twentieth century, democracy appeared the dominant trend in western and

east-central Europe, in the Americas and increasingly in the Asia Pacific region. 1 Interest in

the causes and patterns associated with this trend led several scholars to reconsider the ...

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Swimming against the tide: Tracing and locating Chinese leftism online

AY Hu - 2006 -

Abstract: This thesis explores the resurgence of Chinese leftism online, its historical

rationale, characteristics, scopes of influence, space for survival, contributions and

limitations, and prospective implications. Through documentary analysis, participant ...

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Socialism and the end of the perpetual reform state in China

H Williams - Journal of Contemporary Asia, 2001 - Taylor & Francis

Abstract This article examines the future of socialism in China. China is not socialist today,

nor are its reforms likely to bring about socialism. Indeed, China has been “reforming” for

over two decades, and the author argues that reform is no longer the appropriate ...

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Were the Chinese reforms a feasible alternative for transition economies?

J Marangos - International Journal of Social Economics, 2006 -

Purpose–To examine China's reforms and successes could have been replicated to other

transition economies. Design/methodology/approach–The applicability of the Chinese

process as an alternative for transition economies involves an analysis of the necessary ...

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[引用][C] Alternative Political Economy Models of Transition

J Marangos - 2007 - Transaction Publishers

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Peak energy and the limits to China's economic growth: Prospect of energy supply and economic growth from now to 2050

M Li - 2008 -

Abstract This paper evaluates the prospect of China's energy supply and its impact on

economic growth from now to 2050. After considering China's domestic potential of coal, oil,

and gas production, potential of energy imports from the rest of the world, as well as ...

Cited by:6

(There were 4 citations during 2008-2012)

Climate change mitigation strategies in fast-growing countries: the benefits of early action

V Bosetti, C Carraro, M Tavoni - Energy Economics, 2009 - Elsevier

This paper builds on the assumption that OECD countries are (or will soon be) taking actions

to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. These actions, however, will not be sufficient to

control global warming, unless developing countries also get involved in the cooperative ...

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Carbon tax scenarios for China and India: exploring politically feasible mitigation goals

E Massetti - International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law …, 2011 - Springer

Abstract China and India are two Asian giants and global players. They both have large

populations and booming economies hungry for energy. China and India will therefore play

a major role in shaping future global emissions of greenhouse gases. This paper ...

被引用次数:7 相关文章 所有 10 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 隐藏

中的 [PDF] [PDF]


J Gulick - Journal of World-Systems Research, 2011 - search.

Abstract Giovanni Arrighi's The Long Twentieth Century is an almost unfathomably

ambitious and complex work. Its monumentality derives from Arrighi's conviction that the best

way to handicap the possible futures of the world capitalist geo-economy is to analyze the ...

被引用次数:5 相关文章 所有 3 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 隐藏 中的 [PDF] [PDF]

A tale of two countries: emissions scenarios for China and India

E Massetti - 2011 - services.

Abstract The aim of the paper is to present evidence that China and India are, and will

remain, two very different actors in international negotiations to control global warming. We

base our conclusions on historical data and on scenarios until 2050. The Business-as- ...

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cup. 中的 [PDF]cup. [PDF]

An analysis of China's coal supply and its impact on China's future economic growth

J Wang, L Feng, GE Tverberg - Energy Policy, 2013 - Elsevier

Many people believe that China's economic growth can continue almost indefinitely. For a

manufacturing-based economy such as China's to continue to grow, it needs an adequate

supply of inexpensive energy. To date, this energy growth has primarily come from coal, ...

被引用次数:2 相关文章 所有 13 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 隐藏

diva- 中的 [PDF]diva- [PDF]

Chinese coal supply and future production outlooks

J Wang, L Feng, S Davidsson, M Höök - Energy, 2013 - Elsevier

Abstract China's energy supply is dominated by coal, making projections of future coal

production in China important. Recent forecasts suggest that Chinese coal production may

reach a peak in 2010–2039 but with widely differing peak production levels. The ...

相关文章 所有 7 个版本 引用 保存

[PDF][PDF] Socialism, Capitalism, and Class Struggle: The Political Economy of Modern China

M Li - Economic and Political Weekly, 2008 - JSTOR

This essay traces the evolution of the political economy of China from the 1949 revolution up

to the triumph of Chinese capitalism in 1992. It first describes and discusses the tremendous

achievements in the first quarter century after the revolution, and also the struggles during ...

被引用次数:6 相关文章 所有 4 个版本 引用 保存

(6 citations during 2008-2012)

[引用][C] India and China: A Comparison of the Role of Sociopolitical Factors in Inclusive Growth

CHH Rao - Economic and Political Weekly, 2011

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Living with the revolutionary legacy: Communication, culture and workers' radicalism in Post-Mao China

G Xing - 2011 -

Abstract: China in the reform era has seen its expanded industrial labour force fragmented

along cleavages such as localities, industrial sectors, ownership patterns, gender and

generational gap, and above all, a hukou system that creates a deep fissure between ...

被引用次数:1 相关文章 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 隐藏 中的 [PDF] [PDF]

The market odyssey: why and how was 'the market'discourse incorporated in the party program of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) during the days of the …

I Chakraborty - 2011 -

Abstract: As one of the world's largest Communist parties, the Communist Party of India

(Marxist)[CPI (M)] considered Deng Xiaoping's 'socialist'engineering as an experiment to

circumvent the purely 'statist'model of socialism that was failing to manage peoples' ...

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[引用][C] Examining Committee: Chair: Prof. Rick Gruneau


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[PDF][PDF] Understanding an aspect of China's governance and economic growth

Y April - Africa Insight, 2012 -

The People's Republic of China is the world's fastest-growing major economy, with growth

rates averaging 10 per cent over the past 30 years, a phenomenon ascribed to China's

industrial development strategies through special economic zones (SEZ). This industrial ...

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[引用][C] June 27, 2011_


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One Hundred Million Jobs for the Chinese Workers! Why China's Current Model of Development Is Unsustainable and How a Progressive Economic Program Can …

C Piovani, M Li - Review of Radical Political Economics, 2011 - rrp.

Abstract This paper argues that China's current model of development led by exports and

investment is not sustainable for economic, social, and environmental reasons. The

accumulation of economic, social, and environmental imbalances could potentially lead to ...

被引用次数:6 相关文章 所有 5 个版本 引用 保存

(4 citations during 2008-2012)

[图书][B] Income inequality as a cause of the Great Recession?: A survey of current debates

T Van Treeck, S Sturn - 2012 -

Abstract The recent debates about the role of income inequality in causing the “Great

Recession” are surveyed along different dimensions. First, we review the controversy about

the “Rajan hypothesis” for the United States. In his widely discussed book “Fault Lines”( ...

被引用次数:22 相关文章 所有 15 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 图书馆搜索 HTML 版 隐藏

中的 [PDF] [PDF]

[PDF][PDF] China and the WTO

J Scott, R Wilkinson - Research Center for Chinese Politics and …, 2011 -

Abstract The “rise” of China stands as one of the most significant developments in global

politics in the post-cold war era. Yet, it has not been uniformly welcomed. For some, China's

rise will inevitably be “system challenging;” for others it has been largely “status quo ...

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ruc. 中的 [PDF]ruc. [PDF]

[PDF][PDF] 生存工资, 超时劳动与中国经济的可持续发展①

李钟瑾 - 2012 - crpe.ruc.

内容提要本文首次估计了中国的生存工资水平. 通过生存工资和实际工资的比较,

本文发现长期以来中国私有企业工人工资远低于生存工资水平, 劳动力再生产的成本在相当程度

上由劳动者自身承担. 因此, 工资过低和劳动超时成为私有经济发展模式的双生儿, 不仅导致 ...

被引用次数:3 相关文章 所有 5 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 HTML 版 隐藏

.tr 中的 [PDF].tr [PDF]

From Engagement to Contention: China in the Global Political Economy.

S ÜNAY - Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs, 2013 - search.

Abstract China's re-engagement with the global political economy and its unprecedented

ascendance as a major economic powerhouse since the mid-1990s has shaken the global

community and triggered a radical re-evaluation concerning China's importance for the ...

相关文章 所有 5 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 隐藏

中的 [PDF] [PDF]

Kapitalizm İçin Çalışmak: Çin'de İşgücü Piyasasının İnşası.

K GÖKTEN - Calisma ve Toplum, 2012 - search.

Özet: Çin'in çarpıcı yükselişi, küresel kapitalizmin içinde bulunduğu yeniden yapılanma

döneminin en önemli gelişmelerinden biridir.“Reform ve dışa açıklık” mottosuyla hayata

geçirilen tedrici dönüşüm genellikle ülkenin gösterdiği büyüme performansı, ekonomik ...

相关文章 所有 2 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 隐藏

“唱空” 中国解析

张新宁 - 毛泽东邓小平理论研究, 2013 -

[摘要] 屡屡“唱空” 中国的“中国崩溃论” 从经济, 政治等方面认为中国将走向崩溃,

其鼓吹者包括新自由主义卫道士, 国际流动资本的投机者, 霸权主义的捍卫者,

敌视社会主义国家的资产阶级代言人和投机钻营分子等五种类型. 我们应当破除干扰, 坚持走 ...

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The end of the “End of history”: The structural crisis of capitalism and the fate of humanity

M Li - Science & Society, 2010 - Guilford Press

THE GLOBAL CAPITALIST ECONOMY is now in its deepest crisis since the Great

Depression. Even the world's ruling elites no longer have any doubt that a significant

historical turning point has arrived. The neoliberal phase of capitalist development is ...

被引用次数:6 相关文章 所有 6 个版本 引用 保存

(4 citations during 2008-2012)

[PDF][PDF] Part I Introduction

F Escalona, M Vieira, JM De Waele, A Pelinka, P Delwit… -

In this introductory chapter we first present the rationale for systematically culling the latest

data available on contemporary social democratic parties. We then review at length the

historical trajectory of social democracy and its constituent principles. Thereby, our ...

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.au 中的 [PDF].au [PDF]

[PDF][PDF] Academic Teachings vs 'Real Life'Experience: A Journey of Understanding Academia's Usefulness Within Society

S Sifandos - Australian Community Psychologist, 2011 -

This article is a personal journey of self-reflection and exposure to working with

disadvantaged people within the broader community of Perth. This took place as part of my

work placement within my final year internship unit in Behavioural Science conducted at ...

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中的 [PDF] [PDF]

Critical Sustainability: Promoting Pedagogies of Placefulness in Outdoor Education.

J Rose, A Cachelin - Journal of Sustainability Education, 2013 - search.

Abstract The socioecological challenges we face have never been so complex, so

intractable, and so urgent. And while both justice-oriented education and education for

sustainability are growing in colleges and universities across the United States, normative ...

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The Unfinished History of the Social Democratic Family

F Escalona, M Vieira, JM De Waele - The Palgrave Handbook of …, 2013 - books.

In this introductory chapter we first present the rationale for systematically culling the latest

data available on contemporary social democratic parties. We then review at length the

historical trajectory of social democracy and its constituent principles. Thereby, our ...

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MM Alcazar - 2012

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[PDF][PDF] Der Wandel des Energieregimes und die weltwirtschaftliche Entwicklung

E Altvater, M Geiger -

Auf ähnliche Widersprüche in Zukunftsfragen wird man gestoßen, wenn es um die

Energieversorgung, also um die Energieerzeugung und den Energieverbrauch geht.

Weitgehend unbestritten ist, dass das fossile Energiemodell an Grenzen gestoßen ist. ...

相关文章 所有 2 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多

Socialization of risks without socialization of investment: The Minsky paradox and the structural contradiction of big government capitalism

M Li - 2009 -

Abstract A big government sector is indispensable for the normal operations of modern

capitalist economy. However, the very success of the big government institutions

encourages private investors to engage in excessive risk-taking activities, leading to ...

被引用次数:6 相关文章 所有 10 个版本 引用 保存

(Excluding self-citations, 2 citations during 2008-2012)

Marx, Minsky, and the Great Recession

MN Ivanova - Review of Radical Political Economics, 2013 - rrp.

Abstract This paper challenges prevailing accounts of the financial origins of the Great

Recession by engaging two distinct theoretical perspectives originating in Karl Marx and

Hyman Minsky. The paper argues that the domestic and global, financial and “real” origins ...

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[PDF][PDF] 5. Socialism: the twentieth century and the twenty-first century

M Li -

According to classical Marxism, capitalism is characterized by the basic contradiction

between the objective tendency towards socialization of production and the capitalistic

system of private appropriation. This contradiction would lead to increasingly ...

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[PDF][PDF] The Socialization of Financial Risk in Neoliberal Mexico

T Marois - 2011 -

ABSTRACT Mexico has experienced several financial crises since the 1980s, notably in

1982, 1994-95, and 2008-09. In each case of crisis, the stability of capitalist development

and its evolving neoliberal form has depended on the socialization of financial risks. I ...

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[图书][B] Peak Oil, Climate Change, and the Limits to China's Economic Growth

M Li - 2014 - books.

This book studies the limits imposed by the depletion of fossil fuels and the requirements of

climate stabilization on economic growth with a focus on China. The book intends to

examine the potentials of various energy resources, including oil, natural gas, coal, ...

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中的 [PDF] [PDF]

[PDF][PDF] Socialism: the 20th Century and the 21st Century

M Li - 2012 -

This working paper is one of a collection of papers, most of which were prepared for and

presented at a festschrift conference to honor the life's work of Professor Thomas Weisskopf

of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. The conference took place on September 30- ...

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—APSTRAKT: Globalna kriza kapitalizma rezultat je kretanja koje je u zemljama naprednog

kapitalizma započelo početkom osamdesetih godina. To je kretanje obilježeno istodobnim

slabljenjem kapitalističke akumulacije i usponom financija. Dosadašnja marksistička ...

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[引用][C] Peak energy and the limits to economic growth: China and the world

M Li - The rise of China and the capitalist world order. …, 2010

被引用次数:5 相关文章 引用 保存

(3 citations during 2008-2012)

[图书][B] Global Energy Innovation: Why America Must Lead: Why America Must Lead

WW Clark II, G Cooke - 2011 - books.

America is trailing other parts of the developed world in terms of its development of—and

commitment to—renewable energy. In Europe and Asia, sustainable communities, smart

green grids, and emerging environmentally sound technologies are becoming common. ...

被引用次数:7 相关文章 所有 5 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 图书馆搜索 隐藏 中的 [PDF] [PDF]

[PDF][PDF] Energy Concern in China's Policy-Making Calculation: From Self-reliance, Market-dependence to Green Energy Li Xing and Woodrow W. Clark

L Xing - 2010 -

The paper intends to provide a framework of delineating the transformation of China's

development policy from a socialist self-reliance approach (1949-1970s) to a market-

oriented dependency (1970s-2008), then to an alternative sustainable path of socialism ...

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Social Capitalism: China's Economic Raise

WW Clark II, L Xing - The Next Economics, 2013 - Springer

Abstract Social capitalism has emerged as a new form of economics, historically rooted in

the Nordic countries, Germany, and more recently China. Due to the growth of China's

population, the nation has needed more infrastructures for its growing cities and regions. ...

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“Same Bed, Different Dreams” and “Riding Tiger” Dilemmas: China's Rise and International Relations/Political Economy

X Li, TM Shaw - Journal of Chinese Political Science, 2014 - Springer

Abstract This paper seeks to present a framework for understanding the impact of China's

rise on the established international order with a special focus on the contradictions and

dilemmas facing both China and the order around it. It suggests heuristic insights from two ...

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[引用][C] 오늘날중국의저항운동

쟁점, 오늘의, 위기와

相关文章 引用 保存

[PDF][PDF] Secular Trends, Long Waves, and the Cost of the State: Evidence from the Long-Term Movement of the Profit Rate in the US Economy

M Li, A Hanieh - Review (Fernand Braudel Center), 2006 - JSTOR

This article presents a new measurement of the profit rate and its determinants in the US

economy over the period 1869-2000 that takes into account the effect of taxation costs. The

text identifies four long waves in the movement of the profit rate, each lasting about 40 ...

被引用次数:4 相关文章 所有 3 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 隐藏

(2 citations during 2008-2012)



M Li, F Xiao, A Zhu - Journal of World-Systems Research, 2007 - search.

Abstract In this paper we study the long-term movement of the profit rate and related

variables in the UK, the US, Japan, and the Euro-zone. Since the mid-19th century there

have been four long waves in the movement of the average profit rate and rate of ...

被引用次数:25 相关文章 所有 8 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 隐藏 中的 [PDF] [PDF]

Neoliberalism, Global Imbalances, and Stages of Capitalist Development

M Li, A Zhu - 2005 -

Abstract This paper examines certain structural macroeconomic relations in the neoliberal

global economy. The current global economy rests upon three unsustainable trends: the

debt-driven US consumption expansion; China's excessive investment expansion; and the ...

被引用次数:11 相关文章 所有 4 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 隐藏

中的 [PDF] [PDF]

[PDF][PDF] Long Waves in the US Economy: The Dating of Long Waves in Terms of the Rate of Capital Accumulation

K Watanabe - Review (Fernand Braudel Center), 2008 - JSTOR

If the chronology of the long waves in the US economy is determined in terms of the rate of

accumulation of real capital stocks, supplemented by the growth rate of real GDP and GNP,

the following dating is given:(1) 1815-1837 (P)-1864 (T)(50 years),(2) 1865-1903 (P)-1933 ...

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[PDF][PDF] El largo declive y la crisis estructural de la economía-mundo capitalista, 1967/73-2010 The long decline and structural crisis of the capitalist world-economy …

LG Soto -

Resumen Nos interrogamos por las causalidades estructurales a largo plazo como el

detonante de la actual turbulencia global. Localizamos en la fase B (del ciclo Kondratiev)

comenzada, entre 1967-1973, el trasfondo de la actual “crisis estructural” del capitalismo. ...

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Peak Energy, Climate Change, and Limits to China's Economic Growth

M Li - Chinese Economy, 2012 - ME Sharpe

This article evaluates the prospects of energy supply and its impact on economic growth in

China from now to 2100. After considering the prospects for coal, oil, and gas production, as

well as the development potentials of nuclear energy, renewable energies, and energy ...

被引用次数:4 相关文章 所有 8 个版本 引用 保存

An analysis of China's coal supply and its impact on China's future economic growth

J Wang, L Feng, GE Tverberg - Energy Policy, 2013 - Elsevier

Many people believe that China's economic growth can continue almost indefinitely. For a

manufacturing-based economy such as China's to continue to grow, it needs an adequate

supply of inexpensive energy. To date, this energy growth has primarily come from coal, ...

被引用次数:2 相关文章 所有 13 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 隐藏

diva- 中的 [PDF]diva- [PDF]

Chinese coal supply and future production outlooks

J Wang, L Feng, S Davidsson, M Höök - Energy, 2013 - Elsevier

Abstract China's energy supply is dominated by coal, making projections of future coal

production in China important. Recent forecasts suggest that Chinese coal production may

reach a peak in 2010–2039 but with widely differing peak production levels. The ...

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The Relationship between Economic Growth and Energy in China: Medium‐and Long‐Term Challenges

JG García - Latin American Policy, 2013 - Wiley Online Library

Este artículo está estructurado en cinco partes. Inicia con una breve descripción de la nueva

relación establecida entre China y Latinoamérica, región que es fuente importante de

recursos naturales para la economía china. En la segunda parte, se describe la ...

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ruc. 中的 [PDF]ruc. [PDF]

[PDF][PDF] 国家能力与中国经济增长的可持续性

朱安东, 李民骐, 韩野 - 政治经济学评论, 2012 - crpe.ruc.

内容提要经济经过30 多年快速的增长, 中国经济发展的可持续问题受到越来越多的关注.

即便不考虑资源和环境的问题, 中国经济发展对投资和出口的过多依赖已经变得越发不可持续.

导致中国经济对投资和出口的过度依赖的主要原因是家庭消费不足, 而这要归咎于收入不平等 ...

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[引用][C] Capitalism with Zero Profit Rate

M Li - Limits to Growth and the Law of the Tendency for the …, 2010

被引用次数:4 相关文章 引用 保存

(4 citations during 2008-2012)

Overcoming accumulation: Is a capitalist steady-state economy possible?

FB Blauwhof - Ecological Economics, 2012 - Elsevier

Abstract This article critically reviews the case for a steady-state, zero growth economy

posing the question whether such an economy can be stable and socially just, given that in

the current global economy lack of growth is synonymous with crisis. The SSE thesis is ...

被引用次数:6 相关文章 所有 7 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 隐藏 中的 [PDF] [PDF]

Global Energy Modelling: A Biophysical Approach (GEMBA)

MAJ Dale - 2010 -

The aim of this thesis is to take a broad conceptual overview of the global energy system

and investigate what the aims of sustainability might entail for such a system. The work

presented uses a biophysical economic approach in that the dynamics of the global ...

被引用次数:1 相关文章 所有 2 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 隐藏

中的 [PDF] [PDF]

[PDF][PDF] The limits to capital accumulation-Radical analysis and strategy

F Blauwhof - Article présenté à la 2ème Conférence sur « …, 2010 - barcelona.

Abstract Infinite economic growth on a finite planet is not possible. But economic history

shows that capitalist economies periodically lapse into crisis and recessions. This paper

argues that social sustainability and environmental sustainability are necessarily ...

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[PDF][PDF] 对马克思剩余价值理论的实证检验

吴欣望, 高劲, 梁爱云 - 统计与决策, 2010 -

摘要: 文章借助中国数据对马克思剩余价值理论进行了实证检验. 结果支撑了马克思关于资本

有机构成会提高剩余价值率的判断, 并发现现阶段实际工资的上升并不能扭转劳动收入份额下降

态势, 有必要采取其他提高劳动者收入的政策措施. 关键词: 马克思; 剩余价值; 资本有机构成; ...

相关文章 所有 5 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 HTML 版 隐藏


Response to Lau's 'China: Labour Reform and the Challenge Facing the Working Class'

L Minqi - Capital & Class, 1998 - cnc.

Abstract In Capital & Class, no. 61 (Spring 1997) we published an article 'China: Labour

Reform and the Challenge Facing the Working Class', by Raymond Lau which discussed

workers' and students' struggles in and around the 1989 democratic movement. In the ...

被引用次数:3 相关文章 所有 2 个版本 引用 保存

(1 citation in 2012)

[图书][B] Against the law: labor protests in China's rustbelt and sunbelt

CK Lee - 2007 - books.

This study opens a critical perspective on the slow death of socialism and the rebirth of

capitalism in the world's most dynamic and populous country. Based on remarkable

fieldwork and extensive interviews in Chinese textile, apparel, machinery, and household ...

被引用次数:448 相关文章 所有 3 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 图书馆搜索 隐藏

Socialism and the end of the perpetual reform state in China

H Williams - Journal of Contemporary Asia, 2001 - Taylor & Francis

Abstract This article examines the future of socialism in China. China is not socialist today,

nor are its reforms likely to bring about socialism. Indeed, China has been “reforming” for

over two decades, and the author argues that reform is no longer the appropriate ...

被引用次数:4 相关文章 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 隐藏

中的 [PDF] [PDF]

Kapitalizm İçin Çalışmak: Çin'de İşgücü Piyasasının İnşası.

K GÖKTEN - Calisma ve Toplum, 2012 - search.

Özet: Çin'in çarpıcı yükselişi, küresel kapitalizmin içinde bulunduğu yeniden yapılanma

döneminin en önemli gelişmelerinden biridir.“Reform ve dışa açıklık” mottosuyla hayata

geçirilen tedrici dönüşüm genellikle ülkenin gösterdiği büyüme performansı, ekonomik ...

相关文章 所有 2 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 隐藏


The 21st Century Crisis Climate Catastrophe or Socialism

M Li - Review of Radical Political Economics, 2011 - rrp.

Abstract Under the current trend, the world is on track towards an extreme greenhouse state

that threatens to destroy human civilization and nearly all forms of life on Earth. Without an

end to economic growth, it is virtually impossible for meaningful climate stabilization to be ...

被引用次数:3 相关文章 所有 4 个版本 引用 保存

[PDF][PDF] 5. Socialism: the twentieth century and the twenty-first century

M Li -

According to classical Marxism, capitalism is characterized by the basic contradiction

between the objective tendency towards socialization of production and the capitalistic

system of private appropriation. This contradiction would lead to increasingly ...

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After the green gold rush: the construction of climate change as a market transition

V Janković, A Bowman - Economy and Society, 2013 - Taylor & Francis

Abstract This paper examines the emergence of a representation of climate change amongst

business and political elites as an axiomatic frame of long-term economic strategy. In this

representation, the rationale for action on climate change is liberated from the premise of ...

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中的 [PDF] [PDF]

[PDF][PDF] Socialism: the 20th Century and the 21st Century

M Li - 2012 -

This working paper is one of a collection of papers, most of which were prepared for and

presented at a festschrift conference to honor the life's work of Professor Thomas Weisskopf

of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. The conference took place on September 30- ...

相关文章 所有 4 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 HTML 版 隐藏


[PDF][PDF] Three Essays on China's State Owned Enterprises: Towards an Alternative to Privatization

M Li - 2002 -

Abstract A common theme in the analysis of the contemporary Chinese economy is that the

Chinese state owned enterprises fail to operate efficiently because of ambiguous property

rights, soft budget constraints, and government intervention. These authors advocate an ...

被引用次数:2 相关文章 所有 3 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多

(2 citations during 2009-2012)

Public investment, industrial policy and US economic renewal

R Pollin, D Baker - 2009 -

Abstract The US economy faces enormous questions and challenges as it attempts to

recover from the col-lapse of 2008-09. Some of the most pressing questions are a series of

longer-term, structural chal-lenges: Can we establish a growth engine driven by ...

被引用次数:9 相关文章 所有 9 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多 隐藏 中的 [PDF] [PDF]

Why China grew: Understanding the financial structure of late development

AS Hersh - 2011 -

Abstract This dissertation explores how economic institutions governing finance and

investment have con-tributed to growth in reform-era China. Economic and political reforms

greatly transformed China's prior centrally-planned economy. Although reforms ...

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[引用][C] US, China and the Unraveling of Global Imbalances

L Minqi - PERI WP, 2007

被引用次数:2 相关文章 引用 保存

(1 citation in 2011)

[图书][B] Diversity and transformations of Asian Capitalisms

R Boyer, H Uemura, A Isogai - 2013 - books.

Among a vast literature on the Asian economies, the book proposes a distinctive approach,

inspired by Régulation Theory, in order to understand the current transformations of the

Asian economies. The book follows their transformations after the 1997 Asian crisis until ...

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2 A new epoch but still diversity within and between capitalisms

R Boyer - Capitalist Diversity and Diversity Within Capitalism, 2011 - books.

For the last two decades, the hegemony of the concept of 'market economy'has been

challenged by an increasing number of researchers, who have focused on its specific

characteristics and limitations, rather than examining capitalism as such. The first concept, ...

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[引用][C] Arbeits-und Umweltkampfe-Der Aufstieg Chinas und das Zeitalter des Ubergangs

M Li - Das Argument, 2006

被引用次数:6 相关文章 引用 保存

(2 citations during 2008-2012)

[引用][C] Internationale Politische Ökonomie: Eine Einführung

HJ Bieling - 2011 - Springer DE

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Internationale Politische Ökonomie

HJ Bieling - 2003): Theorien der Internationalen Beziehungen. …, 2003 - Springer

Im Verlauf der vergangenen Jahrzehnte hat sich im angloamerikanischen Sprachraum die

Internationale Politische Ökonomie (IPÖ) zu einem vielbeachteten Forschungs-und

Lehrgebiet entwickelt. Veranstaltungen aus dem Themengebiet der IPÖ haben dort in den ...

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[PDF][PDF] Chinas Planwirtschaft als dialektische Aufhebung der sowjetischen

W Adolphi - Das Argument, 2010 -

Die erstaunliche Entwicklung der VR China seit dem Dezemberplenum des ZK der KPCh im

Jahre 1978, mit dem Deng Xiaoping den Reformkurs einleitete, vollzieht sich nicht trotz,

sondern wegen gesamtgesellschaftlicher Planung. Verwundern kann das nur den, der ...

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[引用][C] Internationale Politische Ökonomie: Eine Einführung

Hans-Jürgen Bieling - 2007 - Springer

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[PDF][PDF] Herr-Knecht-Dialektik in Chimerika1

WF Haug -

Diejenigen, für die der Kapitalismus etwas Natürliches ist, sehen allenfalls Gegensätze,

Spannungen und Konflikte aller Art in und mit China. Für marxistische Augen ist es spontan

ein verstörender Widerspruch, dass eine Kommunistische Partei unterm Banner eines in ...

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[PDF][PDF] Nagelprobe China

W Adolphi -

[Sun Fo-li] wohnte bei der Familie Balke auf den dritten Hof hinaus.[Mit ihm] war eine Flut

chinesischer Bücher und Zeitungen über die Familie hereingebrochen, die ihre Betten, ihre

Tische und Stühle und ihr Plüschsofa überflutete. Am Fenster gegenüber hing das Bild ...

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[PDF][PDF] China's Urban Unemployement: Exposed" Disguised Unemployment" or Insufficient Aggregate Demand?

M Li - PERI Working Papers, 2001 -

Abstract China's enterprise reform has resulted in large-scale layoff of workers from state

and collective owned enterprises. Mainstream Chinese economists argue that many of the

workers in these enterprises are “disguisedly unemployed” and have to be laid off to ...

被引用次数:1 相关文章 所有 8 个版本 引用 保存

Bargaining power and foreign direct investment in China: Can 1.3 billion consumers tame the multinationals?

E Braunstein, G Epstein - 2002 -

Abstract Foreign direct investment (FDI) has become a much desired commodity by nations,

regions and cities throughout the world. Indeed, governments bid for FDI because it is

commonly thought to be an important engine of economic growth, job creation, and ...

被引用次数:96 相关文章 所有 10 个版本 引用 保存

[PDF][PDF] US, China, and the Unraveling of Global Imbalances

M Li - 2007 -

During the 1950s and 1960s, the capitalist world economy experienced unprecedented

rapid growth, widely known as the “golden age.” However, by the late 1960s new

contradictions emerged. High levels of employment, welfare state institutions, and the ...

被引用次数:1 相关文章 所有 12 个版本 引用 保存

(1 citation in 2008)

[PDF][PDF] How the specificity of Chinese capitalism explains its position in the world economy

R Boyer -

2 lines of analysis. The core idea is simple enough: the very highly specific sociopolitical

compromise observed in China simultaneously explains the success of its development

strategy and its growing influence in the evolution of the world economy. One has to ...

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[PDF][PDF] Peak Energy and the Limits to Global Economic Growth

M Li - 2011 -

Abstract World oil production will peak before 2020; world coal production will peak before

2030; and world natural gas production will peak around 2040. World total energy supply

will peak in the mid-2030s. As rising energy efficiency fails to offset declining energy ...

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[图书][B] Only one earth: the long road via Rio to sustainable development

F Dodds, M Strauss - 2012 - books.

Forty years after the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm,

the goal of sustainable development continues via the Rio+ 20 conference in 2012. This

book will enable a broad readership to understand what has been achieved in the past ...

被引用次数:9 相关文章 所有 6 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多

[DOC][DOC] China: Capitalist Development and Environmental Crisis

D Wen, M Li - The Socialist Register 2006, 2006 -

China's spectacular economic growth has been one of the most dramatic developments in

the global economy over the past quarter of century. Between 1978 and 2004, the Chinese

economy expanded at an annual rate of 9.4 percent. No other large economy has ever ...

被引用次数:1 相关文章 所有 2 个版本 引用 保存正在保存...已保存保存时出错。 要重试吗? 更多

[PDF][PDF] The Coming Global Economic Turmoil: US, China, Global Financial Imbalances, and Peak Oil

M Li -

Since the 19th century capitalism has experienced several stages of development, each

characterized by a distinct institutional structure, such as competitive capitalism (from the

mid-19th century to the 1890s), private monopoly capitalism (from the beginning of the ...

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